DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are owned by Pioneer and AIC. Resident Evil and its characters are owned by Capcom. So don’t sue me because I just got enough for college. Plus I couldn’t afford a lawyer anyways. I’m including all of the main characters of Resident Evil. Even though I’ve only played Resident Evil 2, 3, and Survivor. Plus i'm including some things from Tenchi In Tokyo. Like when Ryo-Ohki transforms into that pink bunny mobile suit. Warning: there are explicit scenes of violence and gore in this fanfic. If you are offended by this or is too young to read this material. Please don’t read it then. Mainly because I don’t want you to have nightmares. a nearby airport 5:30 PM the new S.T.A.R.S. Team are at a nerby airport. they're getting their equipment ready for their mission. Sherry is watching them. Sherry: (thinking to herself) I wish I could go with them. while the others was loading their stuff into a helicopter. Ark walks over to Sherry. Ark: hey Sherry I want to give you something. (pulls out a watch and puts it on her wrist) you can have it. Ark walks away and Sherry looks at the watch. Chris puts the last container in the helicopter. Chris: ok we'll leave in a half an hour. Let's get something to eat first. Everyone including Sherry walks into the airport to get something to eat. After they're done eating. they head back to the copter. Sherry hides herself under a blanket and can't be seen. Chris: you watch after Sherry and we'll keep you posted. ok Barry Barry: no sweat you just do your business Chris. Me and Rebecca has everything under control here. Chris: ok we're going now Everyone except Barry and Rebecca enters the copter. the copter finally takes off and heads to Tokyo. Barry turns around and relizes something. Barry: where's Sherry? Rebecca shrugs her shoulders. Tokyo, Japan 5:40 PM Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Kiyone, Mihoshi and Sasami have been searching throughout a nearby building in Tokyo. they are looking for the person or thing that fired the mini missle. They have searched every floor so far and has killed a bunch of zombies and other monsters. Kiyone: anything so far Ryoko: no Tenchi: no Sasami and Ayeka: no Mihoshi: no Tenchi: let's continue Four floors above them a man is also looking for the same people. He is Carlos an ex-member of the Umbrella Merceneries. He is kneeling behind a desk listening in on some conversation by a couple of soldiers and a man on a communicater. man: I thought I told you eliminate anyone who shows up in Tokyo? Soldier 1: I'm sorry Dr. DeMarco but it was some unknown ship. It looked like a spaceship. Vincent: so a spaceship is it. AH what foolishness. who ever heard of a spaceship. I want you to find out what it was and kill the people that were on it. There is no to stop us. We have the ultimate weapon on our side. Soldier 1: yes sir Vincent: Good now dont't fail me or will you wish you have never been born. Soldier 1 & 2: yes sir the message ends and the two soldiers stand there. Solider 2: well we should do what we were ordered to do. Soldier 1: yeah let's go. Carlos pops out and aims his shotgun at them two soldiers. Carlos: hold it right there. Soldier 1: what are you going to do kill us. Carlos: I guess I am. Carlos fires two shots at the soldiers. Both shots hits the two soldiers in head. Killing them instantly. Carlos: Great it's the clean up squad. I guess there is not much time before they launch the bombs. In Vincent DeMarco's office. Vincent is pulling out a envolope. Inside the envolope is a series of numbers. He then turns on his computer and punches a few keys. On the screen it says "MISSILE LAUNCH PROGRAM". Computer voice: Enter your username and password please. Vincent enters his username and password Computer voice: Welcome Dr. DeMarco. please enter the launch code and coordinates please. Vincent types in the codes and coordinates. Computer voice: Please type in time of launch. Vincent: tell me Mr. Secretary of Denfense uh I mean Wesker what shall the time be. The Secretary pulls of a phony face and under it is a man with pail skin. Wesker: I think I would let them play for a little bit. set it for midnight. Vincent sets the launch time. Vincent: Wesker did you do as I ordered you too? Wesker: yes I did sir. I killed the real Secetary of Denfense and destroyed all the evidence. Vincent: good A alarm goes off and a voice is heard. Computer voice: Warning Warning a helicopter is approaching city limits. Vincent: they're here. shall we get started. Wesker: yes we can Both men start laughing evily. Tenchi: I think I heard shots fired Kiyone: me to. Let's go. Washu over communicater: be very careful everyone. Tenchi: ok The helicopter has landed on a rooftop. The same rooftop that Tenchi and the others landed on. Everyone gets off including Sherry. Who hides from everyone so she can't be seen. Chris: Carlos said he was here. Claire: let's go then Chris: alright Everyone follows Chris including Sherry The Airport 6:00 PM Barry runs into a room with alot of computers. Barry: Rebecca I can't find Sherry anywhere Rebecca: well she couldn't have gotten far Barry: you know what I think? Rebecca: what? Barry: I think she may of sneaked on that helicopter. Rebecca: you think? Barry: no doubt about. if she can't be found here then she must've gotten away. Rebecca: are you going to tell them? Barry: not yet. I still have a few more places to search. so I'll check them out. Rebecca: do it. Barry runs out of the room Rebecca: this is just great. Back in Tokyo Sherry is following the S.T.A.R.S. team. She then takes a wrong turn and ends up in a alley. She continues walking until she sees a zombie. she stops and starts to back up. The zombie limps slowly towards her. Sherry: AHHHHHHHHHH Sherry runs away and continues running around every turn. She finally reaches a semi truck trailer door open she goes in and closes the door. She sits in the dark alone and afraid. Sherry: maybe I should've have done this after all. Tenchi and the others are finished with their search in the building. except for two dead soldiers who became zombies. Tenchi had cut one of them in half with his sword. Ayeka blasted the other one with her blaster that Washu gave her. Tenchi: well that was easy Ayeka: I agree. these zombies are quiet slow than I expected. Kiyone: Let's keep going. Tenchi: ok Mihoshi: I'm scared Kiyone. Kiyone: don't worry Mihoshi. I am too. Tenchi and the others walk out of the building and onto the streets. Sasami get a little behind. Sasami then stops and sees a dog standing there. The dog looks as if it had a chunck taken out of it's stomach. it is missing an ear and it's eyes are glowing bright red. The dog looks at Sasami and growls at her. Then other dogs come up to it. Sasami looks a bit scared, drops her blaster and runs away screaming. Next Chapter: Sasami meets up with Sherry and Tenchi and the gang meet the new S.T.A.R.S. Team. Well this is my first fanfic. I hope you all like it. Send Commits and Criticisms to SPTL1234@juno.com. I've always wanted to do a fanfic involving Resident Evil. I may write more crossover fanfics in the future.