DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are owned by Pioneer and AIC. Resident Evil and its characters are owned by Capcom. So don’t sue me because I just got enough for college. Plus I couldn’t afford a lawyer anyways. I’m including all of the main characters of Resident Evil. Even though I’ve only played Resident Evil 2, 3, and Survivor. Plus i'm including some things from Tenchi In Tokyo. Like when Ryo-Ohki transforms into that pink bunny mobile suit. Warning: there are explicit scenes of violence and gore in this fanfic. If you are offended by this or is too young to read this material. Please don’t read it then. Mainly because I don’t want you to have nightmares. Washington, D.C. 2:40 PM Inside the Oval Office Chris, Claire, Leon, Sherry, and Ark are explaining their situation about The Umbrella Corporation to the President of the United States. Chris: well that's about it Mr. President. President: ok I could understand this. You're upset about this company building biological weapons and covering up their tracks. Claire: It's more than building biological weapons. These people killed so many citizens for their experiments. President: I see Secretary of Defense: can I speak to you in private Mr. President? President: sure The President and the Secretary of Defense walk out of the room. Ark: so what do you guys think? Leon: I don't know. It looks like we may get our request granted. Sherry: we'll soon find out. Outside the Oval Office the President and the Secretary of Defense are talking. Secretary of Denfense: I don't think it is wise to grant their request to start the new S.T.A.R.S. team. President: why don't you like it. it is a great idea to stop those types of weapons from being built. Secretary of Defense: we could use these virues. they could help us to gain victory in wars. we need Umbrella's techology. President: What are you crazy! we are not using their evil techology! why can't you see that your becoming greedy! I will not tolerate it! Secretary of Defense: but Mr. President... President: get out of my face because you're FIRED. The president walks back in his office. while the Secretary of Defense goes to his office to pack his things. Secretary of Defense: I'll show them. they will soon know the wrath of the Umbrella Corporation. The Secretary pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and dials a number. Secretary of Defense: get me Dr. DeMarco on the line. Masaki Household 4:00 PM Sasami is cooking dinner. Out of Nowhere a huge ship crashes in the lake sending a tidal wave through the Masaki Houshold. After the water clears out of house. The entire gang is soaked. Except for Washu who has been in the lab for five days now. Mihoshi and Kiyone walk through the door totally soaked. Kiyone: Mihoshi you idiot! why can't you do any thing right! Mihoshi: I'm sorry Kiyone. (begins crying) I'm totally sorry. Ryoko: well at least we know when your coming. Next time we should take higher ground when you enter Earth's atmosphere. Sasami: dinner is almost ready. Tenchi: ok Sasami Yosho walks in the house. Yosho: ah Sasami dinner smells good. Noboyuki: hello everybody Everyone is silent. Noboyuki: don't everyone say hi at once. Noboyuki sits down on the couch. Washu comes running out of her lab. Washu: I need all of you to come to my lab quick. Tenchi: what's wrong Washu? Washu: i'll explain it all in my lab. Inside Washu's lab everybody gathers for the big news that Washu wants to tell everyone to know about. Ryoko: well Washu this better be darn important. Washu: i'll show you. Washu pulls up her holotop and types something in. On the screen is a strand of a virus. Ayeka: what is this Washu? Washu: it's a virus. Washu types types something else in and another virus strand appears next to the other one. Washu: these are what i've been looking at for the past five days. it seems these two viruses have overtaken Tokyo. Tenchi: What!? Washu: yes i'm afraid so but there is more to it than that. Kiyone: like what? Washu shows everyone the security footage of the accident at the Umbrella lab. Everyone gasps at the site of the scientists getting killed. Ayeka: oh my gosh. Mihoshi: why would something like that happen. Kiyone: what was the company that owns that lab? Washu: it's owned by The Umbrella Corporation. Everyone: WHAT? Washu: yes it's true. Noboyuki: i've heard of them. they were the ones responsible for that incident in the United States a few years ago. Washu: yes the Raccoon City incident Ryoko: why don't we go there and stop those monsters Washu: it may be dangerous. Tenchi: we don't care let's do this. Mihoshi: can we go after we eat. Kiyone: (thinking) Is that all she cares about is eating? Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 4:30 PM the New S.T.A.R.S team are now heading to Tokyo for their first mission. Sherry: I wanna go too. Claire: but it is too dangerous. Sherry: but I can fight also. Leon: your too young for this mission. Claire: look maybe someday you could join us, but right now you can't. Just stay here. Barry and Rebecca will look after you ok. Sherry: ok Claire: good In the plane's cockpit Rebecca, Barry, Chris and Jill are talking about the old days. Chris: it's sure good to see you alive Rebecca. Rebecca: you too Chris Barry: it's beginning to fell like old times again. I just wish the others were here. Jill: don't worry we'll avenge their deaths. Ark walks in. Ark: how far are we from Tokyo? Rebecca: another hour. why don't you get some rest you've been puking for a while now. Ark: ok Ark vomits all over the cockpit floor. Jill: that is gross Ark. Masaki Household 5:20 Washu: ok is everybody ready? Everyone: yes Noboyuki: good luck Tenchi. Yosho: you take of yourselves now. Washu: I gave you all a communicator so you keep track of each other. The communicator will also transmit information back to my lab. All you have to do is get me a sample of those viruses and any documents that may help. Ryoko: ok what do you want us to do about the zombies and other monsters? Washu: destroy any that get in the way. Ryoko: oh this is too perfect. Ayeka: um Miss Washu do you think it is wise to let Sasami to come along? Washu: of course as long as she stays close to you and use those blasters that I gave you two. Ayeka: ok are ready Sasami? Sasami: yep Ryo-Ohki meows with agreement. Ryoko: well let's get going. Everybody leaves the house. Ryoko grabs Ryo-Ohki and throws her in the air. Ryo-Ohki transforms into a ship and teleports everyone aboard. Ryo-Ohki flies to Tokyo. As Ryo-Ohki reaches Tokyo. Ryoko tries to find a place to land. Ryoko: where shall we land? Tenchi: Let's just find a rooftop and teleport off Ryo-Ohki. Kiyone: hey there's a spot right there. As Ryo-Ohki is about to land a mini missle flies out of nowhere and hits Ryo-Ohki. Ryo-Ohki meows in pain. Ryoko: what the...? Kiyone: where did that shot come from? Ryoko: I don't know, but let's land somewhere. Ryo-Ohki finally lands on a rooftop. Everyone is teleported off and Ryo-Ohki transforms into a cabbit again. Tenchi: ok everyone let's go. Tenchi pulls out Sword Tenchi and activates it. Next Chapter: Tenchi and the gang search Tokyo. Meanwhile the Resident Evil cast arrive at Tokyo. Plus Sherry runs away and is lost. Sasami also gets lost. Will Tenchi and the gang find Sasami? What will happen to Sherry since she don't have any weapons to fight with? Well this is my first fanfic. I hope you all like it. Send Commits and Criticisms to SPTL1234@juno.com. I've always wanted to do a fanfic involving Resident Evil. I may write more crossover fanfics in the future.