DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are owned by Pioneer and AIC. Resident Evil and its characters are owned by Capcom. So don't sue me because I just got enough for college. Plus I couldn't afford a lawyer anyways. I'm including all of the main characters of Resident Evil. Even though I've only played Resident Evil 2, 3, and Survivor. Plus i'm including some things from Tenchi In Tokyo. Like when Ryo-Ohki transforms into that pink bunny mobile suit. Warning: there are explicit scenes of violence and gore in this fanfic. If you are offended by this or is too young to read this material. Please don't read it then. Mainly because I don't want you to have nightmares. Masaki household 6:30 AM It was a quiet and not so peaceful day at the Masaki house. As usual Ayeka and Ryoko are fighting over Tenchi again. Tenchi is sleeping, Ryo-Ohki is eating, Sasami is cooking breakfast, Kiyone and Mihoshi are patrolling outer space, and of course Washu is her lab. Sasami: Ok everybody breakfast is ready! Tenchi finally wakes up. He sits on the edge of his bed and stretches. He walks out of his bedroom and bumps into Ryoko. Ryoko: Good morning Tenchi. Ryoko wraps her arms around Tenchi tightly. Tenchi could barely breathe. Tenchi: Ryoko let go... you're crushing me. Ryoko let's go of her tight grip. Tenchi walks down stairs. Sasami : Good morning Tenchi. Tenchi: Good morning Sasami. (smells the food) That sure smells good Sasami. Sasami: thanks Tenchi. Tenchi: I'll go get grandpa Meanwhile Washu is in her lab. Finishing up some work. Washu: (thinking to herself) hmmm this is odd according to my readouts there is something wrong here i've never seen anything like this What is this that's showing up on my computer. Whatever it is it's not going to be pretty. Umbrella Corporation 6:40 AM Inside the laboratory of the Umbrella Corp. scientists are hard at work developing new biological weapons. All over the lab there are giant glass tubes filled with liquids containing decaying human bodies. Plus there are also weird looking creatures in some of them. A scientist is waling past them to another room. He looks like he is in his late fifties, he has a brown hair with a little gray hair and a goatee. He wears a white lab coat , a white shirt, tie, and brown loafer shoes. He walks into another room. Inside are more Scientists and another glass tube with human like creature. on a the tube it says "Nemesis". Scientist 1: good morning Professor Cain Cain: good morning. how is our subject today. Scientist 2: good professor. It seems we have done it. Cain: good, a new biological weapon better than the original Nemesis. As the scientists are working. One of the zombies wakes up and breaks the glass container it's in. A alarm sounds as everybody runs around screaming. More monsters break free and attack the scientists. Cain: (yells over a intercom) What the heck is happening? Scientist on the other end: the zombies, hunters, lickers, and other monsters have broke free. We can't... AHHHHHHHHHH A zombie bites the scientist's neck tearing a chunk of flesh off. blood gushes out and the scientist falls to the ground and dies. Cain: call the umbrella strike force. tell them what's happening. Scientist 1: already tried professor. the lines are dead Cain: CRAP, we're done for. Nemesis finally wakes up and breaks free. Nemesis kills all the scientists including Dr. Cain. Meanwhile in the main office. An man is watching the whole thing on security cameras. The man is in his late forties he has blonde hair and is wearing a business suit. ????: HA HA HA HA HA it's all going according to plan. Soon Tokyo will regret ever defying me. Dr. Vincent DeMarco. Hours later all of Tokyo is next victim of the dreade T-virus and the G-virus. Washu is in her lab watching the events unfold from a satellite that she rigged years ago. the satellite is filming the entire incident as more information comes up on her holotop screen. Washu is typing frantically trying figure out what is going on. Washu: it is just as i feared. Tokyo is being invaded by a virus. Looks like the same two viruses as the that overcame Raccoon City. a few years ago. Washington, D.C. 2:30 PM five days later A man is standing in front of the White House. He is wearing a black business suit. Next to him is woman that looks like she in her early twenties. She is also wearing a business suit. They both look like their related Their names are Claire and Chris Redfield. They stand there waiting for someone. Chris looks at his watch. Chris: i thought you said Leon would be here. It's almost time to meet the president. Claire: I talked to him on the phone and he said he will be here. he wouldn't miss this for the world. As soon as she finished saying that two men with a little girl appeared. The men were we're a suit and tie. The girl was wearing a nice black dress. young girl: Claire! Chris and Claire turn around to face them. Claire: Sherry! Sherry runs over and hugs Claire. Sherry Birkins survived the Raccoon City incident with Leon and Claire. Leon: hey Claire! Claire: hey Leon! Chris: (shaking Leon's hand) you must be Leon Kennedy. I'm Chris. Claire's brother. Chris turns to the other man. You must be Ark Thompson. Nice to meet you. Ark: Pleasure is all mine. You must be the one fought Umbrella during Spencer Mansion incident. Chirs: The one and the same, but I didn't do it alone. Jill Valentine helped me. oh by the way where is Jill? Claire: She said she went with Carlos and Barry. They went to the airport to our plane ready. In case we were needed to fight Umbrella. Chris: We first have to get approved by the President and the Secretery of Denfense. Which why we are here. Leon: Well let's go then. The group of five made their way to the White House. They entered and went straight to the Oval Office. Next Chapter: Will the President of the United States approve of this new S.T.A.R.S Team? Will Tenchi and the gang go to Tokyo to find what is going on? Plus what's with that Vincent guy? Is he just crazy or something? Find what happens in Chapter Two of Resident Evil Muyo! Well this is my first fanfic. I hope you all like it. Send Commits and Criticisms to SPTL1234@juno.com. I've always wanted to do a fanfic involving Resident Evil. I may write more crossover fanfics in the future. So I hope you enjoyed this fanfic as much as I had fun writing it.