aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Little Natalie ( X-over Tenchi Muyo Private Eye: The Case Of The Maffia Scuffle Tenchi encounters the mob, bootleggers, and some interesting other things while "just doing his job." Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters- I just love them so obsessively that my thoughts center around altering their lives. Tenchi Muyo and it's characters are owned by Pioneer. Good old fashioned American anime (kind of an oxymoron there don't you think?) Anyway don't sue me I have absolutely no money at all. The dust rays of light poured through my blinds, into my dusty office, and bounced off my whisky. I looked at my mug shots and took a shot from my mug as I twirled my .5mm around my finger. It was 1929 and as fast as the stocks were falling, the gangs were rising like bread on a hot summer day. That's where I come in. My name is Tenchi Masaki. I'm a private eye. It was an ordinary Tuesday, as most Tuesdays are, when a client barged through my door. At once I recognized her as the pushy type, though her outward demeanor was more the prim and proper sort. I could tell the dame wasn't from around here. Those big pink eyes and long purple tresses just couldn't be found in the local area. She marched over to my desk and with a decisive air she slammed down a photo. "This is my sister Sasami," her voice was was high pitched and seemed to echo throughout my office, "She was kidnapped. I want her back." "Whoa, whoa missie. Let's start with introductions first," I waited for a reply, but as there was none I continued, "I'm Tenchi Masaki." She seemed flustered for a minute before calming down and answering, "I'm Ayeka of Jurai. It's a pleasure." "Ayeka Ofjurai? Pleasure's all mine sweetheart." Ayeka flashed me a quick glare before replying, "Well, Mr. Masaki, about my sister. She's been kidnapped, stolen off by some mob in the middle of the night." "Mob you say? Happen to know which one?" "Not for certain, but I know the name 'Okie' is involved." "Okie you say? Well I'll be on the case right away." "Oh thank you Mr. Masaki," the girl's eyes gave me a pleading look, "I love my sister very much and and if anything happened to her...." Ayeka trailed off. As soon as she finished talking she turned away and headed for the door. But not before I saw the pleading look vanish and become replaced by a smirk. Or maybe I was imagining things. But imagining or not didn't stop me from calling when the girl was at the door, "And Miss?" "Yes, Mr. Masaki?" "This case'll cost $250." I smiled as she turned and walked out the door. Yet still, something about that woman seemed kind of peculiar. About an hour later I was on the case. My slugs loaded and my shots slugged I got into my late sedan and was on the road to Father Yosho's. Father Yosho runs a small chapel down on the east side of Brooklyn. He's also in on his fair share of bootlegging and work on the black market. If you ever need to find someone, Father Yosho's got all the answers. I slowed my car down in the lot and stepped out into the chill November air. The smell of liquor around the lot was evident as I walked into the chapel. "Good morning Tenchi," Father Yosho said in his usual calm manner, "How may I help you today?" "I need info Yosh. Tell me all you know about 'Okie.'" "Hmmmm. Doesnt' sound familiar to me." "Goddammit, enough with the games Yosho!" I reached into my coat and pulled my pistol. "Now, now, Tenchi. No need to be so violent," Father Yosho still kept his serene, tranquil, expression, "Let's see... Okie. Oh yes. I remember doing business with a young lady who mentioned that name." "Business?" "Yes. Quite odd. Asked for sake." I raised my eybrows, "Sake? All right. Where is she now?" "She works over at Noboyuki's joint, over in Manhattan. My eyebrows went up again, "There huh?" "Just ask for Ryoko." I made my way down the dark Manhattan streets, reminding myself to tip the police off in the other direction next time they're looking for Yosho. It took me a few minutes but I finally made my way to Noboyuki's. I stepped out of the car and felt the city buzz around me. Nothin' like downtown Manhattan. The crime's high and the beer's cheap. Dusk had fallen on the city and the the lamps were aglow, illuminating the darkest corners of the street. Yet that warm, sunny light somehow missed the alleyways, and left them to their dark and eerie ways. Cold and lonely as they would always be, day after day. Spanning through time. But no matter. I liked the dark. I turned down the fifth alley from where I parked, joining the quiet darkness that held my shadow close. At the end of the ally, where the trash piled up and the cats could be stacked into a three-story building, I turned toward the door, and with three quick rapps, knocked on it. Two more followed and soon after the door opened. I was in to Noboyuki's Noboyuki runs a strip joint right outside Manhattan. It's not a place I often visit, but a case or two has led me here before. I strode over to the bar and sat down. "Scotch," I told the bartender, "And make it snappy." "Coming right up sir," deep green hair flashed around an orange headband as she turned to get my drink. I did a double-take and looked at the bartender, "Kiyone! What are you doing her?" Kiyone was a top agent on the police force. With a beautiful face, and even prettier shot accuracy, she wasn't an agent to mess with. "Me?" asked Kiyone, then she lowered her voice, "Undercover case. I only took it 'cause I could split from Mihoshi," a very calm and happy look came over Kiyone's face. "Where's Mihoshi then?" I asked. "Oh," her face split into a grin, "She's working as a stripper," Kiyone started to laugh, "Our boss thought we'd look more realistic this way. "Hey there! Pretty quick with the girls here aren't you Tenchi!" a voice called out. All of a sudden I had this overwhelming urge to run and hide. And I tell you it didn't stop when I turned to see Noboyuki striding towards me. "Hey there Tenchi!" Noboyuki called out in his usual goofy voice, "What can I get for you today?" Not wanting to spent more time talking I got to the point, "I'm looking for Ryoko." "Ryoko? Looking for some fun, huh Tenchi," Noboyuki's voice rose to a suggestive tone as he slapped me on the back. Kiyone raised her eyebrows and went to wait on another customer. "Well hold on Tenchi, I'll go get her for you," with that Noboyuki walked off. "He must be the biggest pervert I've ever met," I said to myself. A few minutes later, after Mihoshi came over to say 'hi', and Kiyone screamed at her to go away or they'd blow their cover, I got my scotch. Kiyone had left for me for other customers, and I was sipping my drink mildly when I heard a low whistle behind me. "Hey Tenchi," the voice was soft, like the wind breathing through the trees on a spring morning, yet warm and catlike, making every nerve in my body tingle on end. I turned around and gazed upon my caller. Beautiful was an understatement. She was around medium height and wore a playful look that toyed with the corners of her mouth. She cocked her head to the side and her bright cyan hair shifted, changing the lighing on her soft peach face, and making her catlike eyes sparkle. "Well come on then," she cooed, "Tennnnchi." For some odd reason I felt my face go undeniably red, but I followed the woman to a back room. She slid in, with me following, and shut the door behind us. Ryoko turned around and I gazed, hypnotized, into her eyes. Suddenly, like in a flash, she was right there beside me, and I could feel my body pressing close to hers. She leaned her face up to my ear and POW! My lights were out before I hit the ground. I woke up strapped to a table in nothing but my boxer shorts. "Well hey there! Looks like our patient finally woke up!" I lifted my head to see a short red haired woman studying a petri dish. "Huh? What?" my head throbbed in a painful rhythem as I studied my surroundings. "You like it here?" she looked up, "You sure were having quite some fun a few minutes ago." "What? What the hell'd you do to me you little psycho?" Her face split into a devious grin, "Oh, I just took a few samples, that's all." I eyed her suspiciously and asked, "Just what is this place anyway?" "You, my friend, are at the very center of the Okie mob." "Okie huh?" I tried to sound nonchalant, "Who's your leader?" "Leader? I don't have one Tenchi-pie." My ears reddened but I kept going, "Surely there must be someone around here that calls himself boss." "Well no one around here seems to do that." I looked at her inquizitively. "But three do," The woman smiled and went back to her petri dish. "What do you mean three do?" "Well, Tenchi, this mob is run by a triumverate." "A what?" The woman looked extremely irritated as she explained, "You know, a triumverate, as in run by three people." "Mmmhmm. I see. So where are those people?" I was going to get to the bottom of this. "Well, after they collect their monthley 'income' they split up to spent it. One of them, Tokimi, is down in India, working the black market. The other one," the woman rolled her eyes, "Tsunami, is funding a mercenary in Canada. And the third one used her money to stay here and work in her lab." I suddenly realized who I'd been talking to and reached for my gun. Unfortunatly I was still strapped to the table. *Think Tenchi, think.*