Andrew "Claudius" McCormick ( The Prince and the Sorceress- Part IV: "No need for revelations" (Revision) Multi-Part X-Over The Tenchi/New mutants X-over continues. I do not own the copyright to either Tenchi Muyo or the New Mutants. ================================================================================ I understand that future chapters to this story will feature the code- names of the New Mutants. As a result, some confusion may be created for the uninformed reader. Thus it is important that I list the characters' real names with their more colorful titles. Dani (Psyche), Roberto (Sunspot), Sam (Cannonball), Rahne (Wolfsbane), Illyana (Magik), Doug (Cypher), Amara (Magma), and Warlock. ================================================================================ Inside the Temple, Lord Katsuhito was fixing some tea for his guests. >From the window he saw the abomination coming toward the girls. He then... quietly sipped his tea. He could probably intervene, the old man thought to himself. But his talents would probably be wasted. He had sensed great abilities in these visitors. They seem perfectly competent to solve this trouble on their own. === Princess Ayeka walked up the stairs to the shrine. Although she could think of a reason for her excursion, the Princess knew the truth was to spy on the new visitors. She felt ashamed stooping to such a level, something Ryoko might do. But she couldn't help feeling a little suspicious of those girls' presence. There was something about them that bothered her, that blond girl especially. Were they new rivals for Tenchi's heart? She hoped not, but if they were, Ayeka was not willing to let Tenchi go without a fight. She had already suffered so much. Her trials started when her beloved half-brother and fiancee Yosho left Jurai to combat the demon Ryoko, never to return. Ayeka searched the galaxies for him, her journeys reaching the planet Earth, birth place of Yosho's mother, the Empress Funaho. But tragedy intervened yet again when Ryoko crashed her ship, stranding both the Princess and her sister on this primitive world. However, that was nothing compared to the news she recieved about her brother: Yosho had died long ago. It nearly destroyed her. And yet, throughout that ordeal of loss, something good happened. Ayeka had met Yosho's descendant Tenchi. Throughout her trial, the boy stood by her, no matter how badly she treated him. Soon, she grew feelings for Tenchi, feelings that she never felt for her beloved Yosho. Then it was revealed that her half-brother was alive, living as Tenchi's grandfather. Ayeka took this news hard, but it wasn't as bad as her previous ordeals, and Yosho gave his blessing to her feelings for Tenchi. As she was remembering her past, Ayeka heard a roar. Walking up the last steps, she grew still at the sight before her. It was some sort of monstrosity, covered entirely in dust. It was similar to the creature Ryoko created at the springs. Looking away, the Princess saw the monster coming toward the three girls. It took little for Ayeka to predict the outcome. Rivals or not, she couldn't just stand there and watch innocents die. "Azaka!" cried Ayeka. "Kamidake!" Suddenly, two large logs materialized at her sides, bearing red and blue tattoos. "Yes, Princess?" the two called in synch. "I order you to protect those three girls!" The Guardians complied. In seconds they vanished, rematerializing onto the shrine. As they hovered around the girls, Ayeka channeled her energies into the Guardians, who projected a protective shield around the girls. The logs then floated back, carrying its dazzled cargo away. Ayeka then saw a new strange thing. A shining glow appeared within the Guardians' bubble. With a flash, its cargo vanished into thin air. The glow reappeared at another part of the shrine. When it vanished, the girls presented themselves on the spot! Even weirder scenes occurred before the Princess' eyes. The one named Rahne transformed into a growling wolf. Amara's entire body glistened in a bright golden emission. Her hair burned with fire as red veins spread all over her flesh. This fiery person then turned to the Guardians. With a wave of her hand, the ground underneath the logs shook, erupting with a lava burst that grabbed the two, encasing them in cooled rock. Ayeka also saw Illyana make a minimal but no less profound change. Her left arm and chest were now covered in armor, with a sword in her hand. When the dust monster faced them, the wolf jumped into it, getting swallowed up in the process. Illyana then charged toward the abomination, her sword held in a killing position. The weapon dug into the heart of the leviathan, making it scream. Its dusty skin exploded, scattering its remains all over the shrine. === Magik and Magma ran to a large pile of the remains. Questions about the appearances of the beast and the gate pedestals, not to mention the new addition of armor on Magik, had to wait. Wolfsbane's rash action had endangered her life. Though immune to the effects of the soulsword, Rahne could still suffocate from the amount of dust. With great hurry the two girls dug into the dirt to save their comrade. The effort bore some fruit with the discovery of a paw, then a torso, then a head. Its mouth freed, the wolf coughed for air. Amara cradled the creature as it reverted back to Rahne. "Are you okay?" Illyana asked, kneeling before them. Rahne's dusty face turned to Amara. "I dunno," she coughed. "I think so." "Was that creature one of yours, Illyana?" asked Amara. "I've forbidden all of my servants from entering this dimension," Magik related seriously. "Whatever it was, it didn't come from Limbo." Illyana offered a hand to help Rahne up, but the girl deliberately ignored it. Rahne still didn't trust her. Hiding her hurt feelings, Illyana turned around, making a gasp of suprise. Her comrades took notice as well. Before them stood Princess Ayeka. "I believe," she voiced sternly, "the time has come for revelations on who you really are!" The trio sat paralyzed and silent at this moment. Illyana broke the stillness with a question. "Can we get cleaned up first?" "I know the place." replied a smirking Ayeka. === Meanwhile, a black jet zoomed through the air. The reason for this appearance began when Dani's psi-link with Rahne broke. When the rapport they shared was restored, Dani got thoughts of some monster, perhaps the 'chaosbringer', as Warlock called the threat. Then she sensed suffocation and panic. Immediately, Dani called on Warlock to transport her, Roberto, and Doug to the scene. Without hesitance, the techno-being surrounded them, morphed into what looked like a black jet, and zoomed in the air. At this point Dani got a message of safety and recovery. "That's enough, Locke!" she spoke in relief. "Illyana's stopped the monster. Turn to something smaller." As commanded, the jet broke in half. Before Doug could yell that this wasn't what she had in mind, the gang were grabbed by tentacles. The source of these tentacles enlarged to a giant glider complete with a rocket in back. "QUERY: acceptable?" said the glider. "It will do," sighed Dani. "So Illyana stopped the monster?" said Doug, to which Dani nodded. "JOB- concluded?" said the glider "I doubt it," Dani seriously concluded. "This defeat was too easy. Our guy should be a lot harder. 'Cept for some changes, our plan stays the same." "Turn around 'Locke." cried Doug. === Ryoko fell upon her bed. She wanted to stay at the shrine and watch her demon attack and scare those girls away. However, her ailments were getting sharper in pain. She really needed to lay down for awhile. === In the Onsen, Tenchi got dressed. He had just relaxed with Sam in the baths. After talking for awhile, the boy saw his friend had fallen asleep. It was probably to be expected, he thought. After all, what was still day in Japan was probably past midnight in America. Wishing not to disturb him, Tenchi got out of the pool and picked up his clothes. He had a very interesting talk with Sam, learning more about his family's would-be saviors. Considering the sex and age of his family, it was nice to actually talk to a boy his age. He learned a lot about the New Mutants: Sam was a miner's son, Amara came from some secret Roman civilization, and Warlock was an alien running away from a father who wanted to kill him/it. Although Tenchi was still antsy about Warlock, sympathy for the techno-being was beginning to appear in his feelings. Then there was Illyana. Tenchi pondered about the info he was given- or better the lack thereof. Sam had little to say about the girl that Tenchi didn't already know, but was serious about it. According to him, some of the team were afraid of her. Details like that made it all the more harder for Tenchi to ignore the evidence he had seen. His mind pieced together everything he knew about her. This included the duel, where his sword reacted negatively to the girl. Then there was that spooky Limbo she claimed to rule, the demon who attacked him, as well as that creepy sight of Illyana scaring the beast away. Finally, there was the fact that the girl was something of a witch. And yet, Tenchi reconsidered, he saw a different side as well: there was the Illyana who showed him around the school, who introduced him to some of the Mutants, and who offered to take him home. Most memorable of all this was that trip to the future; the Illyana that was a witch was also the same girl who gave Tenchi comfort when he needed it, who offered salvation to his family. These two different perspectives conflicted within Tenchi's mind. Was there only one side of her that was the true version, or was there a mixture of the good and the bad? Tenchi didn't know the answer, but he was willing to find out. But for right now, he decided, it was time to spend quality time with the girls. Without meaning to, he was ignoring those he swore to protect. === Sam slept peacefully, his head lying on the edge of the bath. He dreamed of his friend Amara. If only she could really notice him the way he noticed her. The dream seemed so real that Sam thought he could hear Amara's voice. A splash noise awoke the boy from his sleep state. Eyes and mind blurry, Sam tried to register at what he had been doing. His ears heard Amara's voice again. Said something like, "This place reminds me of the bathhouses of my home." Now he was hearing the voices of Illyana, Rahne, and that Ayeka girl. With that, Sam instantly realized what was now happening. If those girls were in this Onsen, there was only one thing they could be doing... Sam now knew he was in hot water. The girls had not seen him sleeping, due to the fact that he was on a separate bath balconied above theirs. Their discovery of him would definitely be a problem. Escape? No good. Using his power would be noticeable, as would sneaking out in his birthday suit. Sam saw he had no choice but to stay hidden. He will remain this way until the girls leave. That was a good idea, he thought. No problem at- "What are you doing here?!" said the giant gate pedestal to the mutant. === Tenchi felt nostalgic when he entered the house. Everything looked so normal and calm; not the possible foreshadow of the disaster site he saw in the future. It was hard trying not to think that all this tranquility might take a turn for the worse. Fortunately, Tenchi persevered his way into the kitchen. He saw Sasami at the table, fixing dinner. "Smells good." the boy nicely said to the girl. Even though she was working hard on the cutting, stirring, and adding, Sasami's voice replied with utter cheerfulness. "With the new guests around, I have to make something special." "Can I help?" "Sure, you can move this pot to the stove." Tenchi grabbed and picked up the large pot and carried it towards the direction given. He then asked a question: "Sasami, what do you think of the new guests?" "They're nice," Sasami sweetly replied. "And they helped you return home." Tenchi paused at this. Sasami almost sounded as if she knew the truth about the guests. But she was only referring to the story Dani had told them, the one that they were on a school trip from abroad. Still, he was glad at least ONE of his family seemed to accept the appearance of their future saviors. Speaking of family... "Where's your sister and Ryoko?" "Ayeka went to the shrine. I saw Ryoko a few minutes ago going into her room. I think she's not feeling well." Tenchi was suprised at this. From what he knew, Ryoko wasn't ill before. Once again, grim ideas came into his mind: was Ryoko feeling this way when the disaster occurred? The boy decided it was better to have some of the New Mutants close by. He got up and moved away. "I'm going back to Sam." "Dinner's going to be ready soon," said Sasami. "Please don't be late." === "OK Sam, what do you have to say for yourself?" Illyana demanded an answer from Sam. To prove she meant business, the sorceress teleported herself and Sam to Limbo. "Ah was asleep." pleaded Sam, covering himself with a towel. He felt shivers, not because of his lack of clothes; being in this Limbo longer than usual scared him. "A likely story." roared Illyana. "We've almost succeeded in getting Ayeka's trust. You probably botched things up!" Sam apoligized, feeling awful. His sleeping was clumsy of him. As co- leader he should have known better. "Just watch out next time." she warned, conjuring a disc. === Tenchi was outside when he heard screams from the Onsen. That can't be good. Then he saw a stepping disc hover over the pond. Out from this disc dunked Sam into the water. Though he made an impact, Tenchi saw the boy appeared unhurt. "Are you all right?" Tenchi cried. Sam reached the port, his face red. Tenchi helped him out, taking off his coat to clothe his naked friend. "DON'T go in there," was Sam's answer. === Illyana returned to the Onsen. Getting cleaned up after the dust demon attack, the girls had finally revealed secrets about their certain gifts to Ayeka. Hopefully this satisfied the Princess' suspicions. There was some disorder when Sam was discovered, but this was restored when Illyana ported him away. Comfort was in the atmosphere, although Rahne felt a little nervous about showing so much skin. The fact that everyone was wearing towels did not console her. "Your powers must come in handy." complimented Ayeka. "Guess we're blessed." she replied. "As you have told me. I had no idea this planet had such interesting people like the mutants you say you are." "What about Tenchi?" asked Amara. "That's different. Tenchi's power comes from Jurai's royal family." "But he was born with powers," said Illyana. "And he received them after puberty. He's a mutant, like the rest of us." "You have a point." said Ayeka. "In that case, I am probably a mutant as well." "Is tha' so?" said Rahne. "What is yuir gift?" "As you've no doubt noticed, I projected the defense shield that protected you." "I thought those logs did it." "Through me my Guardians were able to do it." Amara turned to the logs. "I apologize for attacking you." "You are forgiven." spoke Azaka. Illyana thought this explained a great deal. "What about the monster?" she asked. "That would be Ryoko's doing," remarked Ayeka in an icy tone. "She can summon forth demons. She is a pirate of the most demonic character." I doubt it, Illyana remarked to herself. Ayeka noticed a silence after her remark, especially the expression on Illyana. It made her decide to ask a more personal question. "What exactly are your interests in Tenchi?" "I do not really care for Tenchi except as a friend," smiled Amara. "But Illyana is-" "-HE'S JUST A FRIEND!!!" shouted the accused. This showcase of emotion had a great effect on the Princess. "I hope not," she declared. "For despite rumors to the contrary, Tenchi and I are destined to be together." Everyone took note of this, especially Rahne. "Are ye' not related?" "By noble blood. His grandfather is my brother." "That old man is your brother?!" said Illyana in suprise. Tenchi hadn't told them THAT! "Ye' canna love him!" gasped Rahne. "Tis incest wi' ye grand-nephew! Tis na' right!" This ethical debate would have probably gotten ugly. Just before it did, Sasami came into the room. "Dinner will be ready in a half hour!" she cried out. "Well," Ayeka politely said to the guests, despite their insult to her ambitions. "I feel it is time we should get ready for supper." === Sam and Tenchi sat at the dining table in the living room. Because the former's clothes were still in the Onsen (a place he would think twice about entering), Tenchi had to lend him some of his own wardrobe. Unfortunately, due to Sam's tall figure, his ankles burst out of the jeans. At least the black haori coat fit. "Why do gals take so much time to dress?" whispered Sam. "I wish I knew." Tenchi sadly replied. He had received news of Illyana, Ayeka and the others fighting a monster. And fingers were being pointed on a certain pirate. Tenchi couldn't believe it. True, Ryoko did create a monster before, and she seemed hostile to Illyana and the mutants, and she did kick Roberto, but... Tenchi couldn't think of a defense. Ryoko WAS guilty. However, she was presently sick in bed, and this situation took precedence over any past acts. He had to protect her. Ryoko was his friend. From up the stairs, the girls made their appearance. Both boys stared in wonder: all four girls were garbed in the royal robes worn by the Juraian royalty. They all looked stunning in their attire. Sam found Amara beautiful. Of course, that's what he always thought about her. Looking at Rahne, however, made him wary. "Tenchi," he whispered, "watch out what you say to Rahne."* It must be said that the boy didn't understand his friend's advice. "Thank Ayeka for letting us borrow her clothes." said Amara. She had worn silk before, but nothing with this finery! "Well, you all look nice." said Tenchi. "Really?" blushed Rahne with wonder. Ayeka was flattered. Illyana too. === As night fell, the other mutants spied on the Masaki residence from afar. Warlock's arm was shaped like a satellite dish searching for any anamolies. Nothing was found as yet. Both Roberto and Doug were impatient with this 'nothing.' Dani had her own share of problems. She got a shocker from Rahne: Ayeka knew about them being mutants! Dani was going to have a little talk with the team. At least there was a clue. The info she got on Ryoko's powers helped develop an idea Dani had been toying with since their arrival. Could there have been an inside job? "I'm starving." cried Doug. Nobody had eaten in awhile. Cypher's power worked in translating languages, not translating currency for food. "What else is new?" grumbled Roberto, his stomach growling. "Can't we reunite with our friends?" Dani sighed. but she too was giving in to her appetite. "Why not?" They all stood up and walked. Warlock morphed to his/its 'Pam' form. "When is this disaster suppose to happen?" asked Roberto. "Well, according to those tombstones," said Doug. "Tenchi's family died tomorrow, or tonight." "According to the supposed future Illyana and 'prince' went to," Roberto added (When Tenchi mentioned he was supposedly some prince, Roberto decided to call him that). "But how do we know that's the real future?" "I dunno." Dani remarked sadly. "If it is-" "Who says so?" he replied. "Illyana is part demon." "She's also your teammate, Bobby!" snapped Dani. "Besides," added Doug. "Tenchi was there too, unless you doubt-" "I don't doubt 'prince's' word!" roared Bobby, his furious reaction revealing to his comrades a certain characteristic: jealousy. "Quiet you two!" cried Dani. Both were silent...for a minute. Then Doug sincerely called Dani's name. "What now?" "Suppose our role in stopping this 'chaosbringer' doesn't change a thing? What if we make things worse?" Dani didn't answer Doug's question. She couldn't find an answer. It was like the Hellion incident. Could the known future be changed? "ALARM- ALARM- ALARM! interrupted 'Pam'. "LIFEGLOW- detection!" A person approached to their suprise. It was too late to hide. === The plan was working. Little did these people know what was going to befall them. Ryoko was the first, but not the last, to fall. They would all pay with revenge. Especially Tenchi. The Prince was going to pay for the wrongs he had done; for the unforgivable sin he committed. === Dinner was served, with all the participants dining on the meals Sasami had cooked. Only Tenchi, Ayeka, and Sasami were the only house members at the table. Grandpa was not present, Washu was still in her lab, Ryoko was in bed, and Nobiyuki was not home. Still, most of the guests were content. Illyana was an exception. She wished Tenchi would stop being so nice to her. It was making her feel so stupid. She liked the boy, but that was out of pity for his plight. That was it and nothing more. Besides, didn't Tenchi already have his share of women? Also not to be forgotten was the fact that Illyana was a demon sorceress, unable to be that close with anyone. All of these were good reasons, Illyana kept telling herself over and over. Why can't she believe in them? Meanwhile, Sam was having trouble using the chopsticks. He wanted to ask for the use of a fork, but realized that would probably offend Tenchi and his family. Still the food was good. "Ye' 're a good cook, Sasami." complimented Rahne. "Thank you." answered the Princess. Suddenly, the basket of carrots started to jiggle. Cautiously, the four mutants stood up, ready for action. Tenchi, however, put his hand inside the bowl. "I knew we were missing someone." he cheerfully said. The mutants looked to see Tenchi pull out a rabbit. Rahne mellowed out to admire the pet. "How cute." When she held it in her hands, the rabbit meowed. "Since when does a rabbit say that?" asked Sam. "It's not a rabbit," Sasami giggled, "She's a cabbit named Ryo-ohki." "You mean that's the animal who can turn into a spaceship?" questioned Illyana, remembering what Tenchi had told them about his family. "You bet." answered Tenchi. Sam thought it was cool. Suddenly, they heard the hall door open. Then a voice. "Anybody at home?" Tenchi stood up. He knew that voice anywhere. The boy ran into the hall to meet his father. His heart stilled at seeing him, alive and well. Nobiyuki noticed his son's emotional appearance. He asked if anything was the matter. Tenchi answered no, but he was mouthing the word. It was all so overwhelming; He was happy to see his friends and family again, but he knew something horrible was going to happen to them after tonight. It was up to him and the New Mutants to stop that disaster...or die trying. "I've met some people who seem to know you." said Nobiyuki. From behind him popped out Dani, Roberto, Doug, and Warlock! The boy and the newcomers greeted each other, though Tenchi didn't like Roberto nicknaming him 'prince'. The arrivals' questions on supper led them to the huge dinner table, where Doug and Roberto became speechless at the girls' dresses. Nobiyuki was very intrigued at how his son was meeting all these girls. Except for their inexperience with the wooden utensils, the new guests ate a lot- except for 'Pam'. "Why aren't you eating, my dear?" said Nobiyuki tenderly. With precise timing, Doug, Tenchi, Illyana, Sam, and Dani's chopsticks all fell with a thud. Each of them answered with 'uh' and 'well'. "She's on a diet!" Doug yelled out. The mutants joined in with 'yes'. "Really?" realized Nobiyuki. Turning to the 'girl' he asked if this was true. Tenchi cringed. If dad only knew! Luckily, Dani threw her hands on the table, getting everyone's attention. "It's time we left!" "Yes!" cried Sam with enthusiasm. "Look at the time!" added Illyana in the same tone. Amara joined in: "It was good." "'Pam', we gotta get going!" shouted Doug as he pulled his friend along. "What- DID- person- MEAN- in- COMMENTS- to- SELF?" asked 'Pam', safely away from Masaki's ears. "I'll tell you later," Doug embarrassingly smiled. "Trust me." Tenchi facefaulted at this sudden departure. Running to Dani, he cried, "But what-" "Tenchi!" shouted the indian, hugging Tenchi with both arms. Once in this embrace, she whispered in his ear: "We're trying to throw off suspicion. We'll be in the woods for the time being." The boy understood. Changing moods, he returned the hug. "Goodbye!" the boy said aloud. "You're overdoing it." whispered Dani. She let go and limped away. Ayeka was greatly shocked at this tender moment, but she quickly recovered. They were all leaving. She was in such a good mood that she allowed Amara, Illyana, and Rahne to keep the clothes they were wearing. "Come back soon!" cried Sasami. === Interesting, thought the scientist. Perhaps it was a good idea for Ryoko and Ayeka to trash her lab and send Tenchi through the simulator, Washu reconsidered. It resulted in the appearance of some new visitors to study: New guinea pigs. Of course, Tenchi would have a fit if she put any of his new friends through her preferred method of study. So, Washu had to use the boring old method of scanning their physiology from afar. Still, the visitors threw off her disappointments. According to her machines' readouts (those that weren't wrecked by the catfight), the new people possessed mutations in their DNA, showing potentials for displaying power. More incredible was the fact that one of them was an alien being from the technarchy! How and why they were here would prove interesting. For awhile, Washu was fascinated that this planet, despite its primitive technology, seemed to have the potential of creating beings of awesome power. How else, Washu concluded, could it be able to divert the machinations of the planet-devourer Galactus? Just then, Washu heard someone enter her lab. === In a wooded area between the Masaki House and the Masaki Shrine, the New Mutants met and talked. They surrounded a fire courtesy of Magma, putting together the facts they had received. As leader, Dani disciplined them about Ayeka's knowledge of their powers. "It's not as bad a problem as you might think," apoligized Illyana. "Illyana," declared Dani, "D'you ever consider the fact that Princess Ayeka could have been the one responsible for their deaths?" 'I do not believe that Ayeka could do such a thing," said Amara. "She loves her sister deeply, as well as Tenchi." "Never mind if she wants t' c'mmit incest." remarked Rahne. "Rahne," said Amara. "Such unions could be accepted on her planet." "I don't know what those girls see in that wimp anyway," said Roberto. "If you ask me-" "-NOBODY did, Bobby." interrupted Illyana. "At any rate, it's very possible that the menace could be one of the girls living with the Masakis'." said Dani. "That's why Tenchi can't warn his family." "Right," said Sam. "Don't want the killer to know we're on to 'im." "Well, the Princesses can be crossed off our list," said Illyana. "What about that Ryoko person?" "Could be," Roberto seconded. "You said she is a space pirate." "And she did belt you one," added Doug. Roberto sneered at this. "Besides, she did create that demon that attacked us," said Illyana. "I don't believe you!" a voice called out from the shadows. Everyone saw it was Tenchi coming into the light with a bunch of futons around his arms. "Tenchi," Sam walked to his friend. "Please understand-" But Tenchi was steadfast. "Ryoko may be a little...OK, she's a lot violent, but that doesn't mean she could have killed Ayeka and the others." "So what are you basing your defense on, 'prince'?" accused Roberto. "That's enough Bobby!" commanded Dani. "We have till tomorrow b'fore the massacre happens; Getting on each other's nerves won't get us anywhere!" Roberto retreated and sat down. Tenchi then started handing out futons. "I'm sorry Tenchi," said Illyana. "It's just we're trying to find out the threat's identity." "I know," understood Tenchi, handing a futon to her. "What about Washu?" asked Sam. "Lay off my friends, OK?" demanded Tenchi. It was Doug who asked the next question. "Tenchi, does the townspeople know about your guests being aliens? "Only me, my Dad, and Grandpa know," Tenchi remarked. "Why?" "What are you getting at, Doug?" asked Dani. "Could the 'chaosbringer' be a bigoted mob?" Tenchi faced Doug with astonishment. "How can you say that!" he seriously remarked. "That makes no sense." "It does make sense, Tenchi." corrected Sam. "Some folks don't like us mutants." Tenchi stood puzzled. "Tenchi, take it from an Indian whose ancestors have suffered much," Dani sadly spoke. "Mankind is afraid of us; Afraid of our powers. Afraid of our potential. As a result, some people take a view that mutants are some kind of demons." "But none of us are like that." "Try telling a mutant-hater that!" added Roberto. "My brother's team saved the world many times," said Illyana. "But even you heard them called outlaws." Tenchi sat down. This revelation was a lot to think about. He looked at Warlock, still in his/ its human disguise. He thought of him/it as some kind of monster. He originally thought of Ryoko as a demon. Tenchi never once considered that normal people could really think of himself as one. Before he could say anything, a scream was heard. A satellite dish grew from Warlock's ear. "Alarm! "SONIC- vibrations- APPEARING- at- SELF- FRIEND'S- habitat!" Tenchi didn't need Warlock's answer to realize that. That was Sasami! "Hold still, everybody!" barked Dani as she pulled herself up with her cane. "Illyana, you 'port Tenchi and me to the residence to see what's the trouble. The rest of you stand by. Rahne, turn into lupine for a mind-link!" "Got it!" answered Rahne. "Here we go, chief!" said Illyana. With a wave of her hands, a disc appeared under Dani, Tenchi, and herself, engulfing them quickly. For a brief instant, Limbo could be seen. Then, with another flash of light, the three found themselves in Tenchi's living room. As they went up the stairs, Tenchi noticed that Illyana was wearing her uniform, this time with yellow gloves and boots. He suddenly remembered her wearing this complete suit on their first encounter. Dani wore almost the same thing, except for a belt of stones, and brown boots with tassles. "Hey Tenchi! Wait up!" cried Dani as she made her steps slowly. But Tenchi didn't listen. "Sasami's room is this way!" he cried, disappearing up the stairs. Only Illyana stayed with her friend. "Sure you up to this, chief?" she asked Dani. "Nope," answered the indian. "But as leader, I have to do this." Illyana helped Dani up the stairs. The two catched up with Tenchi, who they saw talking to his father about the scream. "It was nothing, dad." said Tenchi (He hoped). He, Illyana, and Dani went into a room at the other side. Inside, they saw Ayeka embracing a very scared Sasami. Ryo-ohki sat beside her feet. No one else was in the room. "What's the matter?" cried Tenchi frantically. "Why did you scream?" "My sister just had a nightmare." spoke Ayeka, gently hushing her troubled sibling. False alarm, thought Dani (Rahne received the message). Good thing Illyana brought only her. Tenchi kneeled to comfort Sasami. "Oh Tenchi..." the girl said in a choked voice. "It was horrible, I saw-" Before she could finish, her eyes caught sight of Illyana. In shock, Sasami returned her head back to her sister's bosom. Illyana didn't know what to make of this, or if she wanted to. Ayeka continued her gentle caress. "You're all right now. It was only a dream." "But it wasn't, sister!" Sasami cried frantically. "Recently, I have been dreaming of things that will actually happen. I had a dream of Kagato just before he came!" Both Illyana and Dani became intrigued. This could be a clue! "Are you sure of this, Sasami?" said Tenchi. "Believe it Tenchi," spoke Dani with a string of sincerity. "My people know about the importance of dreams." Using her cane as support, Dani slowly kneeled beside the two Princesses. "This calls for my assistance." She turned to Sasami. "Princess, can you try to think of your dream? It's very important." Dani's sincerity convinced the frightened girl. She complied with a nod. Tenchi moved to Dani. "Can you read minds like the Professor?" Dani's answer was a no. "But I can conjure up spirit forms of what a person fears. Since nightmares are usually that, I think I can work it." After that was said, Psyche concentrated on her powers. It was hard, but she persevered. At first there was nothing, but then a blurry image appeared before the group. It solidified into a clearer, 3-dimensional form. The image was of the Masaki residence, calm and peaceful. Suddenly, the tone changed as the house became a burning ruin. Then a silhoutted figure appeared, shaped with bumps and curves, with spikes on its head. Both Tenchi and Ayeka recognized the image. "Why, it's-" Tenchi's declaration was cut off as the form changed, growing wider and taller. On the shadow's head, a pair of spherical lights shined. "I'm picking up another image!" cried Psyche. The flames of the house engulfed the whole mirage, shining bright enough to blind the watchers' eyes. Everybody save Psyche covered their eyes from this brilliant glow. Everyone heard her cry: "By my Ancestors!" Their eyes opened, all saw the new vision. The fire had died to reveal a rocky platform. Scattered around it were the bodies of the New Mutants! Doug, Roberto, Rahne, Amara, Warlock, Sam, and Dani were all included in this body count. "What does this mean?!" cried Tenchi. Illyana couldn't answer. She couldn't see herself among the casualties. In the middle of this platform, a pillar of fire rose from the ground. It got closer and closer, until one could see a shadow from the flames. There were horns and glowing red eyes from this new outline, and a hole that resembled a mouth. It quivered as if to laugh. With fear, Illyana recognized the likeness. She once called it master! "Whoever you are," Ayeka cried to Psyche, "stop creating this wicked image now!" It was to no avail. The shadow started to take colored form, its shape shifting somewhat. This time everybody recognized it. Tenchi's blood chilled. "Is that you, Illyana?!?" It was her- sort of. It was the same hair, the same features, but it looked fierce, scary. She had horns, her eyes glowed red like the previous image, her mouth laughing wildly. All wanted to turn away, but found themselves all become numb in doing anything but watch in shock and horror. Illyana had an idea of the visions' meaning, though she wished she hadn't. Tenchi couldn't understand this. He thought the New Mutants would save his family, not become more victims to the slaughter. And what exactly was Illyana's job in this? Before an answer could be found from his mind, the image changed for the third time. Flames engulfed the figure, then died down to show a new one. Once again, the face had the horns and the evil eyes, and the mouth gaped in fowl laughter. But the recognition was more devastating. Ayeka, Sasami, Psyche, Illyana, and Tenchi thought they had already seen the worse. They were wrong. The new face was Tenchi. ================================================================================ What does this vision mean? What are the complications? NEXT IN PART FIVE: It happens! The mysterious 'chaosbringer' makes its appearance while Tenchi meets the X-Men (sorta). I'm sorry for the constant revisions. This chapter was full of mistakes that I felt responsible to fix. Anyway, I hope this chapter causes a stir in you readers: Please e-mail me your comments! * Sam's apprehension on Rahne's looks is based in New Mutants #21. Sam failed to recognize a beautifully made-up Rahne, resulting in that girl's decision to transform and hit him in the stomach!