Andrew "Claudius" McCormick ( The Prince and the Sorceress- Part 3: "No need for first impressions" Multi-part X-over A continuation of the Tenchi Muyo/ New Mutants X-over I do not own the copyright to either Tenchi Muyo or New Mutants. "Hello?" "G-grandpa?!" "Tenchi? What is the meaning of this call?" "Well, everything all right there?" "From where I am standing, everything seems fine. Why do you ask?" "Well...I've been transported somewhere by Washu. But don't worry. Can you please tell Ryoko and the others that I'm all right, and will be back soon." "All right, I will inform them." "...and Grandpa?" "Yes?" "Please take care." === The School for Gifted Youngsters was located at Manchester County near Manhattan. It was a woodland area isolated from the rest of the town. This was because Professor Xavier wanted to protect his mutant students from a community that may fear and hate them. That is not to say all normal human beings were prejudiced to mutants. One good exception was Stevie Hunter, a former ballet dancer turned teacher. For awhile she had been physically conditioning Xavier's students, with the knowledge that they were mutants. At this moment she had already finished a class with them, offering the students a ride back to the school. Sam Guthrie was among this particular carpool. He sat in the front of Stevie's mini-van while his classmates were in the back. Sam hadn't seen them before Stevie's class, they being either at the mall or some other place. On their return home, Sam was now telling them his encounter with an asian visitor. "Anyway, this kid hadda lightsaber out of a Star Wars movie. See'in there was trouble, ah rocketed myself to the Danger room, where ah saw Illyana fight'in with the boy. See'in that the kid had his back to me, I flew toward him and knocked him cold. The boy saw it comin', but did nothin in time." "Wish I had my hands on him." said a friend in the back. "Yuh probably still can." said Sam. "With the kid down, Illyana ported us down to the infirmary, though this meant going through Limbo first. Finally, we reached the place, where Illyana suddenly ran off, like she was scared or somethin'. This recieved a silence from everyone in the car. Although the gang was beginning to accept Illyana, some were still wary of her. "No wonder she wasn't at class today." spoke Stevie. "Anyway, the Professor came walkin' in..." Everyone smirked at this. The idea of the Professor walking after years of being in a wheelchair was still a strange one to think of. "He came walkin in an' treated the boy. Ah can tell ya that the Professor reacted to the boy's appearance as if he knew him before. When ah asked what's up, he sent me away, tellin' me that ah was gonna be late for dancing lessons." "Wonder what bothered him." said the friend. "Probably met the boy a long time ago." said the darkhaired girl at back, "What did he look like?" "As ah told ya before, he looked Japanese or Chinese. About my age, with a black pony-tail. Ah think he could be a mutant." "What became of his weapon?" "When I picked the hilt up, it near burned my hand. The Professor scooped it up with some tongs and placed it into the kid's coat pocket. He said it's the boy's possession." "Interesting." said the blonde. By this time, the car had passed through the gates that led to the mansion. "Here's our stop!" cried Stevie. Of the five who got out, the blackhaired moved with the most concern. Slowly standing up, she took out from inside the car a cane, which she set as support. "Is anybody at home?" asked Stevie. "The Professor's at a lecture." said Sam, "and the X-Men are on a mission, but Illyana and Doug are inside." "Well, tell them I said hi." declared the teacher. With that, she drove away from the mansion. "Come on, gang," shouted the friend, "Let's see this kid!" The five of them walked to the front door. Miraculously, the darkhair was able to catch up with the others. To her delight, her condition was improving. Entering the door revealed the grand staircase in the main hall. On the steps were Doug, Warlock, and Illyana, the latter looking grave. "We've got a tragedy to prevent, guys." she said. === Tenchi couldn't sleep. He was in the living room, lying on a couch with a blanket. It was quiet and dark, but he just couldn't rest. He deserved it considering what he had just been through, but it just couldn't happen. And it certainly didn't help Tenchi that Warlock stopped by. Having one's closed eyes open to find a very weird face staring at you is not a little shocking. Nor did it help matters that Warlock shaped its face to look just like him. That was a freaky moment. Tenchi understood the creature meant well, calling him a "selffriend" after all, but it's appearance really bothered him. Luckily Doug came in and asked him/it to give him peace. What a nice kid, Tenchi thought. Afterwards, Tenchi decided to gaze about the room. On the ceiling he could see flickering lights, reflections of moonlight from the pool outside. This caused him to think about what had happened. The accidental trip to the future both relieved and bothered him. Could the tragedy he saw be somehow prevented from happening? He dearly hoped so. At least he had proof that the gang was alive. The sound of his grandfather's voice brought him great rejoice. His home phone was destroyed by Mihoshi's crash, causing him to call the shrine. He was glad, but soon a horrible thought came into his mind: if his friends and family were alive now, and if the tragedy happened at that moment, there was nothing Tenchi could do to stop it. This made him restless. He couldn't trust the fact that today was not the death date. What he could trust, however, was Illyana. The girl had done so much for him. In gratitude, Tenchi lashed out his grief and struck her. He felt sorry for that, but even then Illyana consoled him when his world fell apart, offering him a new home, and on top of that, revealing a way to save his family. This did not make Tenchi forget about the incident in Limbo, but he chose to ignore it. After all, Ryoko looked scary at first. There was one other thing Tenchi pondered about. Illyana believed that the disaster might have been caused by someone. Of course, she didn't know about the weird incidents that occurred in his household, like catfights or spaceship crashes. However, Tenchi realized those ideas were probably not the cause. He had already heard a door open, followed by voices. These were probably the help, Tenchi concluded. Illyana told him they needed assistance, and she said that this was in the form of a group by which she, Warlock, and Doug were members of: The New Mutants. Why they were called 'new' he didn't know. What he did know was that if the threat was capable of taking out Ryoko (presuming her body was in one of the unmarked graves, a thought that gave Tenchi special worry) then he probably needed as much help as he could get. Tenchi decided he couldn't just lay down any longer. Silently, he walked out into the hall. As before in Illyana's tour, the boy couldn't help but be amazed by the spacious architecture. Though not a professional himself, Tenchi was enough of the architect's son to know the styles the rooms were built from. The front staircase was especially grand, larger than the ones at his house. The voices appeared closer. Tenchi tracked them down to a half open door. He sneaked towards it. To his advantage, the door swung inwards, so he could get a view of the room- it was a kitchen- as well as the source of the voices. On a table were a bunch of kids his age. From closest to farthest, there was Doug and Warlock, standing side-by-side as if they were buddies. Next to that pair, Tenchi recognized the flying kid. He was a tall, slender person with a long neck and a flattop of blond hair. Next to him was another girl with a blond hair, this time curly. She was beautiful, with a proud expression of strength. This posture, however, was overshadowed by the girl next to her. She was of a darker skin, with ravenblack hair pulled back into two pony-tails by leather straps. Tenchi knew she was probably an American Indian. He had watched many western movies in his youth to know that. She possessed a stern vigilance that almost resembled Ryoko. The redhead beside her was definitely the opposite. She was shorter, meeker, and had very little hair on top. This lady sat closely by the indian. That was all who had sat at the table. Illyana was standing at the head, telling them all the story, while on a corner leaned another boy who rivaled the indian in stern expressions. They were supposedly the help Illyana was talking about. She had told Tenchi earlier that each of them was a mutant like him, possessed of great powers. This included changing form, flying, making molten lava, and superstrength. And yet, Tenchi noticed, they were kids his age. Of course, this was not really a big deal. Tenchi had learned from his experiences that the most normal looking could be the most bizarre. === "...that's a pretty incredible story, blondie." said the flattop. "Is it true?" said the kid in the corner. "I believe it." spoke the indian sincerely. Although the gang dismissed her answer as one of trust, none of them knew that Dani had actually witnessed such a situation before. A while ago, Dani and Illyana had time-slipped to a future where their classmates had become become pupils of the X-Men's foe, the Hellfire Club. Whether those were really shadows of yet-to-come or just a warning that can be averted could not be truly realized. "So there's a chance we can save Tenchi's family," declared Illyana. "The question is, what are we going to do about it?" "Illyana," said Dani, "suppose the cause of this tragedy was too powerful for us? This problem seems to be more in the Avengers' league. "And tis na right t' go against the Professor's knowledge." said the redhead. "Well, the Professor's out for the moment," addressed Illyana, "and if we wait until he or any of the X-Men return, it may be too late to save Tenchi's family." "Look, Illyana," pointed out Dani, "I haven't said no, yet. The X-Men are on a mission, which means the situation is forcibly in our hands. Also, the Professor seems to trust this kid with our secrets, which forgoes the chances of a trap. I'm just stating facts we should consider before we walk into this adventure. I wanna help, but since we are a team, I feel it's important to see where each of us stands." "I'll go, Dani." said the boy in the corner. "This looks exciting." "I will also assist Tenchi in his trial." said the curly-haired blond. "Count me in!" said Doug. "I don't know about that, Doug." said Dani cautiously, "your powers are mental, not physical, and the danger seems VERY physical." "Hey, I'm part of the team now, remember?" explained Doug, "Besides, can any of you speak Japanese?" "Kid has a point, Dani." said the flattop. Dani complied. "AND- self- SHALL- join- SELFRIENDS- in- SELFFRIEND'S- aid!" said Warlock. "Since most a ya are goin'," remarked the flattop, "as deputy leader, ah shall join ya." "Don't forget that I outrank you, Sam," added Dani, "I'll lead the tribe." "Do you think that is wise?" said the blond girl. "Amara's right," said Sam, "You've just survived that attack from the Demon Bear. Heck, you've just begun walking again!" "There's a first time for everything." said Dani. "If yuir then goin' my friend," said the redhead, "I will follow." "Thanks, Rahne." said Dani, "Then I guess it's settled!" "So how do we get there?" asked Sam. "I think we have no choice," said Dani, "but to use Illyana's method of transportation. Hopefully you've been able to track the destination to avoid any time paradoxes." "I hope so." said Illyana. Watching this from the door, Tenchi turned away, closing his eyes. Help was on the way. Opening up his eyes, he saw Warlock standing right in front of him! "Query: WHY- is- SELFFRIEND- behind- DOOR?" The weird nature of Warlock's face suprised Tenchi greatly. Backing away, he lost his balance, pressing upon the half opened door, opening it further, leading to a bodily crash. Tenchi grabbed his head. He had banged it again! Opening his eyes, he saw the New Mutants standing above him. "Uh...Hi?" "Guess we have a spy here." smiled Dani. "My people knew of slow, painful punishments to implement on such like you. But I guess the worst thing we'll do is go with you to Japan." === The silence was unbearable, thought Ryoko. For hours, the space pirate, Ayeka, Sasami, and Ryo-ohki sat in the living room waiting for Tenchi's return. Mihoshi was on some secret mission in space, and Washu was still in the lab. The situation was so intense that Sasami couldn't fix any lunch. "What's taking him so long!?" screamed Ryoko. "You're the one to talk, demon!" snapped Ayeka. "We wouldn't be waiting like this if you hadn't decided to work your way into Tenchi and me!" "Yeah, right!" remarked Ryoko. "That's enough!" cried Sasami, "This won't bring us back Tenchi." Sasami did the impossible; her words had stopped an upcoming battle. Both sides leaned back on the couch. Ryoko was still angry, presumbably at Ayeka, but actually on herself. She was partially at fault for Tenchi's disappearance, a responsiblity that gnawed at her. Originally, such feelings were unheard of from a character like Ryoko. Created by Washu as a slave for Kagato, Ryoko was a force of death and destruction; any who messed with her paid dearly. She was ready to pay Yosho for imprisoning her in that cave, until her warlike resolve was conquered by an unseen anamoly named Tenchi. Stuck in a cave for seven centuries, Ryoko recieved some relief from her internment as Yosho's young descendant visited her cage. The boy charmed the space pirate's heart, an affection that eventually transformed into love. True, Ryoko had a funny way of showing it, throwing energy blasts at the boy after her release. But she was only letting out some long supressed anger. She wouldn't really hurt him. Things did take a wrong turn when Yosho's snobby half-sister arrived, setting in motion the arrival of a bunch of alien girls who vied for her love's attention, including her mother! Now, thanks to her, he was transported someplace. To her relief, Katsuhito had just received word from Tenchi of his return. But when that would be Ryoko had no knowledge. The suspense was aggravating, taking its toll on the pirate. She was feeling tired and worn out, a very unusual occurence considering her psychology. The door from the front entrance sounded out with its opening. The girls and cabbit all got up and headed for hall. In entering, Ayeka, Ryoko, and Sasami and Ryo-ohki all froze, their faces a mixture of suprise, confusion, and wonderment. At the opening of the doorway stood somebody well known to all of them. "Tenchi?" said Ryoko with disbelief. It was him. Standing erect but somehow tired. His face was a little haggard, no doubt because of bad experience. This expression started to lift away once the boy's eyes caught sight of his friends. For a second, no movements were made, no sound. It was too bizarre for words or actions. It appeared to be all a dream. The girls, however, didn't want it to be. With tear-streaking faces, gasping with happiness, they ran to their target, hopeful that the illusion was real. The four embraced. It wasn't a dream. Ryo-ohki pressed her face on the boy's leg. Tenchi squeezed Ryoko and Ayeka with both his arms, with a hand pressed to the head of a hugging Sasami. Tenchi was afraid he would never see any of them again. However, once he saw Azaka and Kamaidake at the gates, all reservations were shattered. The boy who often winced whenever Ryoko pounced on him now was too overwhelmed with emotion to care. He accepted her embraces full heartedly, exchanging them with his own. They were all together again. Sasami was the first to break the embrace. Rubbing her eyes from her tears of joy, her glance was caught by something outside. Moving closer to the door, she said "Tenchi, who are those people?" Ayeka and Ryoko also heard this. Opening their tear-wet eyes, they too saw this group. Five of them were women. === Illyana looked on forlornly. Her time slip had worked. It appeared that they had arrived in the right time. The sunny day played no cause for doubt. She knew of the continental time zones that would make night on one part of the world while it was day in another. And Tenchi's reunion was the topper of her success. Still, she wasn't too happy about her achievements. Seeing Tenchi's emotional embrace with the 'boarders' made Illyana feel a little down, as if something was now lost to her. She failed to keep this disappointment private. Amara spotted the glum look on her teammate's face, as well as the other expressions Illyana made during the trek whenever the boy was around. She had an idea for these expressions. At any rate, the trip was a success, considering the unpredictable nature of Illyana's time slips. Now was the time to be as inconspicous as possible. They originally thought to wear some Oriental dresses that the X-Men had attained in their many trips, but Tenchi advised them that it wasn't necessary, that wearing normal clothes was just as good. Their uniforms were contained in two bookbags worn by their leaders. Warlock at first proved a problem, considering his/its physical condition. Luckily, the techno-being miraculously managed to take the height, form, and appearance of a pretty girl...except for one detail that Doug managed to mention to Warlock before getting to the house. "Drop the beard, 'Lock." Ryoko turned to Tenchi, repeating Sasami's question. "Yeah, who are THESE people?" Tenchi paused at this. He was told by Dani and Illyana not to disclose any information about the New Mutants, nor, for some reason, the cause of their arrival. "Well....They're friends of mine." Ryoko's eye was mainly directed toward the female part of the group. Two blonds, two brunettes, and a redhead. I see, she thought suspiciously. Suddenly she vanished, rematerializing in front of the mutants. Although Tenchi had explained to them the real nature of his houseguests, this display of superpowers suprised them greatly. "Now, tell me," asked Ryoko sternly, "just what are doing with MY Tenchi?!" Tenchi moved toward his friend (Ayeka having already broken her hold). "Ryoko, these are foreigners. I don't think they know what you're talking about!" "Save it Tenchi," sternly remarked Illyana, "I know exactly what your friend is talking about." She then looked Ryoko in the eye. The glance gave the space pirate some pause. There was something scary about this blonde. "You do?!" answered Tenchi to Illyana's question. "But how?" "By the greatest mind in the universe!" answered a voice. Tenchi knew who that catchphrase belonged to. He turned around. "Washu! it's you!" "Nice to see you return from your trip." squeaked the scientist in her child voice. "My sensors, what's left of them, spotted your arrival, as well as these several others. It took me little time to take out an old device of mine, a universal tounge-box, for this occasion. This invention creates a large field that makes any conflictional language sound decipherable." Everyone stood marveled at this discovery, including a disappointed Doug. There goes my use, he thought. "Now can anyone please answer my sister's question," pointed out Ayeka, "Like how did Lord Tenchi managed to meet these people?" "We're on a school trip to Japan." answered Dani. "While exploring the landscape, we saw Tenchi lying unconscious on a tree. After applying some first aid, we brought him to his house." "Oh." replied Ayeka. She didn't believe a single word. Suddenly another person approached the small crowd. "New guests, eh?" he asked in a cool voice. "Grandfather!" said Tenchi with a sense of respect and love to his relation. "Grandson," the old man replied, "I see you have time for our session." Tenchi facefaulted at this unusual reply. How could he be thinking of training at a time like this?! Still, Grandpa was Grandpa. Illyana walked close to Tenchi. "It's all right. We'll all pitch in." "Good!" exclaimed the grandfather, who was giving a studied view on the new visitors, especially Illyana. "The shrine sidewalk needs some dusting. You can find brooms in the storage room." The old man than turned away, ignorant of the bomb he just dropped. The gang just stood breathless at this. This was not their idea of 'pitching in.' "You know, I love to," apoligized Dani, "but we need to contact our guide. But don't worry, I'll only take Doug, 'Pam', and Roberto. The rest can do the chores for you." "What!?" exclaimed those of names unmentioned. Dani moved to them. "Look, team," whispered the indian tot he gang, "we don't really know the true situation here. It's best that some of you remain to watch for trouble, while the rest of us keep a distance." Sam knew Dani also wanted to skip the chores, but he decided to comply. "OK. Some a' us will remain." Dani turned to Rahne. "My friend, you know what to do." "Yes, Dani." answered the redhead. Roberto then walked over to Ryoko. "It is a shame to depart from such lovely ladies." With a charming disposition, he touched Ryoko's hand and lifted it, his lips making contact. Now Ryoko would have normally pounded the guy for putting the moves on her. However, she knew Tenchi wouldn't like that. So Ryoko decided not to pound Roberto. She kicked him in the jewels instead. The boy gasped as he crashed to the ground. His best friend Sam walked over for consolment. "Are ya alright?" "That'll teach you not to put your hands on me!" cried Ryoko. Roberto got angry. "Why you--" "That's enough." whispered a cautious Sam. "One black spark an the games up." Roberto attempted to calm down. He got up, looking at Ryoko warily. Meanwhile, Tenchi moved to Ryoko, "You shouldn't do things like that." The pirate turned her head away defiantly. With that, the crowd separated, with one faction leaving and the other remaining. Tenchi decided some introductions were in order. Turning to the mutants, he said: "I'd like you to meet Ryoko." "Hi" spoke the space pirate with daggers in her eyes. "Princess Ayeka." "Charmed." Ayeka spoke stoicly. "Her sister Sasami." "Please to meet you!" enthusiastically raptured the youth in a tone quite different from the others. "And Little Washu." "Its a pleasure to meet such like you." shouted the genius in a childish tone of curiousity. Recieving this, the remaining guests offered their names. Illyana Rasputin, Sam Guthrie, Rahne Sinclair, and Amara Aquilla. "I hope then we can show you our hospitality in the same vein Lord Tenchi has given to us." said Ayeka in a mannered tone. "Let me show you the storage room." offered Tenchi. The four new guests followed him. Ryoko watched them leave with flashy eyes. It looked like a war had started. === From a tree near the shrine, Ryoko decided to take an insightful study on these new visitors. Both Illyana and that Casanova convinced her to be wary of their presence. Field trip my eye, she gathered to herself. At any rate this would prove to be just the therapy for the haze she was in. Strangely, it had not vanished once her beloved had returned. === At the shrine sidewalk, Illyana, Amara, and Rahne were sweeping dust. Their hearts were not in it. Illyana's demon side felt antsy toward the hallowed grounds nearby. "I thought we were to aid Tenchi as allies," snapped Amara, "not as servants." "Well, I'm not too happy about this either," answered Illyana, "but I agree with Dani that we must keep as much an inconspicous appearance as possible." "Illyana! Have you seen the eyes of those girls? It appeared like they wanted to kill us. I fear our plan is not working." "I dunno." said Rahne, "Sasami seems a nice girl." "So we made a bad impression. No big deal." "Still," smugly replied Amara to Illyana, "I can understand why you are helping the boy." Illyana stared at her comrade with apprehension. "What do you mean by that?" "It looks as if divine Venus has found your heart." Illyana's face reddened. "I am not...!" "Forgive me for not believing you!" spoke Amara. "You seem to brighten up whenever Tenchi is around." "Ya shouldna think such improper thoughts, Amara." started Rahne Amara ignored this. "Admit it, Illyana!" Illyana didn't know what to think of this accusation. She didn't want to say 'yes', but saying 'no' seemed untrue as well. Instead, she turned to Rahne. "I think it's time we contacted the others." === Ryoko heard all this. To say she was angered would be an understatement. Her tense hand clawed the tree of its bark. She was right all along about Illyana. Well, though Ryoko, there was going to be a reckoning. The gem of her left wrist glowed brightly. === "Ya wouldn't!" Sam asked this question with himself pinned at two threats. One was the cliff to the hill he was balancing at. The other was a boa stick raised pointed to his chest by Tenchi. "You're right." smiled Tenchi, lowering his stick. But just as this action gave Sam some relax, Tenchi continued with "However, remember last we met?" With that, Tenchi re-pointed his stick at Sam, causing the latter to lean back as much as he was able. With speed, Tenchi threw his foot around his opponent's left leg, pushing it off balance. Instantly, Sam fell off the cliff, rolling down the small hill beneath it, splashing into the mud puddle at the hill's end. His descent stopped, albiet messily, Sam started to remember what caused this. He was watching Tenchi getting trained by his Grandfather. After awhile, Sam started to doubt the necessity of the training methods. Jumping on a bunch of wood stumps while hitting a swinging rock had nothing on a runthrough in the Danger Room. The old man must have seen this doubt, because afterwards he invited Sam to engage Tenchi in a duel. Sam enthusiastically obliged to this. What a mistake that was, he realized now. Using wooden sticks, Sam found his opponent to be the better one. Tenchi was practically playing with him, slapping Sam's sides with his sword while avoiding any attacking shots. He couldn't blast off: that wouldn't be fair. Eventually the duel took its end at the cliff, with Tenchi disarming Sam, making him rue his comments. As Sam was getting up from the mud, his victor descended down the hill to reach him. Tenchi felt a little guilty about his action, but only a little. Standing tall, he offered his hand to Sam. "Ah woulda' beat ya if ah used muh powers." warned Sam as he clapsed Tenchi's hand. "Sure you would." sarcastically smiled Tenchi. Sam decided to ignore this. Words didn't hurt anybody. Besides, he felt some retribution was needed. From what he'd seen, Tenchi was a good kid, definitely undeserving of that slam he took. Checking his wet clothing, Sam asked, "Do ya know where ah can get cleaned up?" "I know the place." answered Tenchi. "C'mon!" The two young men walked down the woods, avoiding the steps by taking a shortcut to the house. Along the way, Sam decided to to ask Tenchi about his life. "So ya live with your Granddaddy?" "No, I live with my father." spoke Tenchi. "Divorced?" "No." Tenchi answered sadly. Sam realized the meaning of this answer. He felt ashamed for prying into such a personal issue. To ease things, Sam said: "Ah know how ya feel," he said, smiling, "Ah lost muh daddy a while ago." Tenchi turned his head to Sam. Then he smiled. Sam was becoming a friend. === At the shrine, Rahne Sinclair triggered her powers. Brown hair started sprouting from all over her face and hands. Her nose shrank and blackened into a snout. Her head elongnated, its teeth becoming more sharp and canine. This did not end with her head; her arms became longer, furrier, with claws. The change scared her, and yet it felt natural. At first, she thought it was a curse, but after joining Xavier's school, she came to accept her gift, feeling that it helped her escape from a reality her humanity was vulnerable against. This power gave her the code-name Wolfsbane. Wolfsbane would have gone all the way and change into an actual wolf, but she stopped midway through, giving her the odd appearance of a half-wolf, half-human being. In her mind, she called out, receiving another's voice in reply. "I've made contact wi' Dani!" growled the wolfgirl. In this lupine form, Wolfsbane was able to establish a mind-link with her friend. This made her the means of communication between the two groups. "What does she say?" asked Amara. "She na' had luck on locatin' the chaosbringer." answered Rahne. "Warlock has scanned the vacility, but he hadn't found any disturbances, save for the alien detection of Tenchi's friends." This was taken with reluctant acceptance. It was so hard to believe that Ryoko and the others were beings from outer space. And they thought the X-Men had the license to make such contacts! "Someone's comin'." growled Rahne. At that, she reversed her appearance. Her mouth, hands, and face shortened, her furry hair shrinking into skin. "Ladies," said the approaching Grandfather, "May I remind you that your chores are not finished?" "Where's Tenchi?" asked Illyana. "With Mr Guthrie." Finished the old man as he entered the temple. His appearance astounded the trio quite a bit. Rahne sensed a noble dignity in him, while Illyana detected great power. Otherwise, his advice disappointed them. "What are we going to do with this mess?" asked Amara. Illyana was going to think about it, but something else knocked her thinking. She was detecting an anamoly nearby. Something magical. She turned her face toward her friends, only to see them looking at her in shock. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Behind you!" Amara spoke. Illyana turned her face around, learning the reason. ================================================================================================= To be continued. PART FOUR: The identity of this unseen force revealed! 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