Soon after the Professor's departure, Illyana gave Tenchi a guided tour around the west wing of the mansion. Obviously, it was an awkward job for the both of them, but the ice that was made between them had started to melt, though Illyana still kept a distance. Critiques were being made that wiped away the earlier perceptions one had originally made about the other. Tenchi felt that Illyana, with her blond hair and graceful features, looked angelic- except for her eyes: they had a maturity that lacked the innocence integral to a teenager of her age. Illyana too saw some new revelations toward her former opponent. He possessed an awkward sensitivity, and yet this didn't make him look wimpy. Rather, this was of a gentle characteristic that appeared almost noble. It reminded Illyana of her brother Peter. Another thing she noticed was that the boy was rather cute. Throughout this, silence was mostly dominant, save for the few explanations Illyana gave about the rooms they passed. Tenchi decided more should be said. "Illyana, I'm sorry for hitting your arm with my sword." he apologized, "Sometimes that thing has a mind of its own." Yeah, I'm sorry too, thought Illyana to herself. I'm sorry for letting my dark side get the better of myself, causing me to almost decapitate you. Of course, Illyana knew she couldn't possibly say that. So instead: "So the Professor gave you an English lesson with his powers." "Uh...yes, he did." Spoke Tenchi nervously. "He did the same for me," revealed Illyana, then approaching a tone that fully exploited her accent, "Do you know, com-rade, that I am Russian?" "Know I did not, com-mie!" joked Tenchi in a tone that showed his Japanese dialect. Both smiled at this witty exchange. The ice was broken. "I must say this day has been getting weird for me, replied Tenchi, who obviously knew what weird was, "One moment I was at home one morning in Japan, now I'm in the USA at night; from one place to another totally different one." "Story of my life." replied Illyana. Tenchi took this as mere sarcasm, so he continued, "Well, at least things can't get any strange-" Suddenly, something approached Tenchi and Illyana from a corner. Something that proved Tenchi wrong. === Despite all his encounters, Tenchi never saw anything like the creature facing him. It had the outline of a person yet very tall and elongnated. It looked blackish gold with a glowing web of circuitry enshrouded all over it. It possessed no permanent shape or form in that it kept shifting and reforming into something different. Obviously stunned at this, Tenchi's instant response was to protect Illyana, who stood paused before this monstrosity. "Get behind me, Illyana!" he shouted as he positioned himself toward her, retrieving his sword from his pocket. "Tenchi, what are you doing?" "Protecting you from this monster!" Tenchi was about to turn on his sword when he suddenly heard giggles. He turned his puzzled face around, to find the damsel in distress laughing! "Illyana?" "Tenchi," Illyana said cheerfully," This 'monster' is a friend of mine. His name is Warlock." "What?!?" While Tenchi was taken aback by this discovery, the creature stretched its head to the pair. It then started speaking, in a voice that sounded as if each word was made under a different sound. "WHO- is- THIs, SELFfriend? "A...friend of mine," softly replied Illyana, walking past her stunned 'protector'. "His name is Tenchi." The creature then moved its head toward Tenchi, its eyes stretching like telescopes. "ARE- you- ILLYANA'S- friend?" it spoke. "I-I-I guess." Tenchi stuttered, his eyes wide, his face breaking into sweat. The creatures eyes retracted. "ARE- you- a- SelfFRIEND?" Tenchi didn't know what to say. Illyana nudged him in the back, stating, "Say Yes". Hearing this, Tenchi said "Uh-h...Sure!" Suddenly, the creature's arm stretched its long black hand to Tenchi. "SELFfriend- REPLY- TO- self's- TOKEN- of- RELATIONS?" Tenchi slowly summoned up all his courage to move his shaking hand. The two hand's joined. It felt like touching metal. "HOORAY!" yelled the creature in a joyous sound, its arms winding around the terrified boy. "SELF- has- a- NEW- selffriend! Self- WILL- tell- SELFFRIENDS!" With that, the creature released its embrace on Tenchi. Its legs then shrunk and flattened. into the shape of a box. Wheels sprouted on the four points of that flat bottom. Once transformation was complete, the creature moved away like a rocket. Tenchi stood motionless, then crashed to the floor. Illyana, giggling, grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him back standing. "Wh-h-ho is that?" Tenchi stuttered, his eyes affixed to where the creature was. "A new arrival," replied Illyana, His/its name is Warlock. He/its an alien from outer space." "Outer space?" questioned Tenchi with interest. "Yes," said Illyana, "Despite the appearance, Warlock is a pretty good guy or whatever it is. This must be your first meeting with an extra-terrestrial." Not really, thought Tenchi. As she was helping Tenchi up, Illyana noticed his weapon. "That's your sword, huh?" "Why, yes." "Nice detail." remarked the girl. She was picking up mystical signs from the wood-carved hilt. At the end of it were two red gems. They were giving off energies that contrasted with the overall magical energies she detected. This signified the nonmystical anamoly she sensed earlier. "Can I hold it?" she asked. "I don't think so." said Tenchi, instantly putting it back in is pocket. He felt it would burn her hand, since it was patterned for those of Juraian blood. Illyana thought this was rude of an otherwise nice person, but she decided to forget it...for the moment. Walking along, the pair saw another person coming from a corner. Tenchi was relieved that this time, it was a normal looking boy with blond hair. "Hey, Illyana, was 'lock just here?" the boy said. "Yes, Doug," replied Illyana, turning her face to Tenchi, "He/it scared the daylights out of our new arrival. At this, Doug noticed Tenchi. "Hello, my name is Doug Ramsey." "Tenchi Masaki." Doug's eyes widened at the sound of that name. He then replied, but in a different language. Tenchi smiled at this, and spoke words in his native tounge. Illyana appeared lost in this exchange. She decided to break into the conversation. "Say, Doug, why aren't you with the gang at Stevie's?" "I'm here to show Warlock the ropes. So, has he passed by here?" Illyana nodded, pointing her hand at her opposite direction. "Then I'm off," said Doug, "See ya." As soon as he left, Illyana decided to question Tenchi about Doug. "What did he say?" she asked Tenchi. "He asked me if I was Japanese, in Japanese," Tenchi joked, "Did he go to my country recently?" "Nope, but it's hard to see why not. You see, Doug is also a mutant. He can read languages." "Whoa," Tenchi gathered. This was a time for such an exclamation. "You have a pretty colorful class here." "You don't know the half of it, brother," corrected Illyana. For a moment she hesitated on the next word, but remembering what the Professor said about secrets, she decided to chance it. "Tenchi, have you heard of the X-Men?" Tenchi stood still at this question. He had heard of them. A while ago at school, he overheard his classmates talk about this group. These X-Men were rumored to be a band of outlaws. It was said that they fought a dragon in Tokyo. Slowly, he said "I think so." "Well, they live here." Tenchi somehow knew that was going to be the reply. "Really?" "Sure. The Professor founded the group. My brother's on the team." Instantly, Illyana took out a wallet from her pocket. She took a picture out of it, which she showed Tenchi. In the picture was a dark-skinned woman, a dark, hairy, and short man, a blue-skinned elf, a teenage girl, and a tall, muscular person. "My brother's the tall one," directed Illyana with her finger, "The girl's my best friend." "Well..." Tenchi said with amazement, "You're school has some pretty weird students." "Look who's talking, 'sword boy'." Illyana remarked. "Touche!" Tenchi replied at this. He had no right to make remarks about Illyana's friends and classmates, especially since his own life wasn't normal either. "Speaking of which," said Illyana, "You can join the school if you like. Being a mutant is your admission." "Well...thank you," Tenchi said in a somber tone. "But as soon I can find some transportation, I have to get back home." Illyana's face slumped. She felt like an idiot. Tenchi saw this. "It's not your fault," he apoligized, "its just that my family must be worried sick about my disappearance." "Oh." Illyana somberly spoke. She knew it was her fault Tenchi got here, so she wanted to help in some way. Suddenly, she got a brainstorm. "Perhaps I can help." "What do you mean?" "My mutant power is teleportation. I can probably take you home." "Well, I don't think..." "It's my fault you got here, so I want to atone." "But my home's in Okayama in Japan!" "No problem. We'll go to Limbo first." "Limbo?" "It's a dimension I rule." "What?!" Tenchi exclaimed, "Now wait-" "Here we go," shouted Illyana. Suddenly, a glowing disc spread beneath the duo's feet. It then elevated, engulfing Illyana and her reluctant friend, until there was nothing left. === They were in a cave, Tenchi deduced. Even though there was light, it was all but overwhelmed by the dark shadows decked all around. The whole spooky environment resembled Ryoko's cave in the Masaki Shrine, he thought. This of course made him remember that eventful day when Ryoko was released, starting all these strange events... Not as if today wasn't devoid of peculiar incidents. Tenchi gathered all the things that happened: First a machine by Washu sent him in a vortex, then brought him to a duel with Illyana. This was followed by a meeting with a person from his past, a Professor who not only gave him the english language in ten seconds, but said that he was a mutant. Next he was reaquainted with Illyana in friendlier terms, then meets yet another alien and a mutant who knew how to speak languages. And now Illyana has taken him to this weird Limbo where he was now following her to get back home. It was another one of those days, Tenchi sorrowed. "Where are we going?" asked Tenchi. In order for me to send you home, replied Illyana, We must go to a place where the dimensional barrier between Earth and Limbo is thinnest. It is where I can best pinpoint the best way to your home." "But can't you just teleport me home from the school?" "Since I haven't been at the place before," reassured Illyana, "I can't teleport blind. The appointed place in this dimension will give me the path." For a minute there was silence, then Tenchi broke out: "Illyana, you said that you rule Limbo. Does that mean you're some sort of a Queen?" "You can say that." answered Illyana. "That's funny," smiled Tenchi, then speaking louder as he lost sight of Illyana in a corner, "Recently, I learned that I was--" Suddenly, the wall exploded next to Tenchi. Coming through it was some large beast. Despite the shadows, Tenchi could accurately describe the monster. It had purple skin, a face resembling a boar, with a horn protruding from its head. Ryoko may have been called a demon, but here was the real definition of that name. The definition looked at Tenchi with glowing eyes. Instinctively, Tenchi reacted with defense. Instantly, his hand went to his pocket. However, as quickly as Tenchi could move, the demon moved quicker. Its large hand rammed Tenchi to the wall. The hand then increased pressure on the boy. "You'll make a nice snack," spoke the demon in a harsh voice. At this, more pressure was applied to crush Tenchi. It was geting hard to breathe, he thought. Worse, the force of the blow had taken the sword from his grasp, and his present position kept him from retrieving it. He was about to lose consciousness... Suddenly, a green mark appeared upon the boy's forehead, ripping through the bandage. However, just before this was noticed by the creature, a bright light appeared that catched its view. This caused the demon to retreat back a few feet, causing it to release its grip. Falling to the ground, Tenchi gasped a few breaths in gratitude of his sudden release. Then he looked toward the apparition. Was it the Juraian goddess Tsunami coming to his rescue again? Tenchi found that the source was certainly not Tsunami. It was Illyana! She stood erect clutching that sword again, the blade emitting some sort of white fiery mist around it. Illyana also looked a bit different: her sword arm was once again covered in armor. Her face once again achieved the stern expression Tenchi had seen before, this time with glowing, pupiless eyes. In a way it looked like Ryoko when he first met her- very scary. "Sym!" exclaimed Illyana, "you know my word is law here. How dare you attack my friend!" The beast, starting to move back in fear (from her?!? Tenchi questioned) spoke, "Look toots, I didn't know this human was your boyfriend." "Now you know!" declared Illyana with a warrior's courage, "Begone from my sight!" With that, the demon turned away. Vapor appeared around the creature, vanishing it into thin air. Now Tenchi was lying on the ground while this was happening. The sight of Illyana transfixed him from standing up. Getting up, he saw Illyana walking toward him. She looked normal again, no sword, no armor, no glowing eyes. "Who was that?" Tenchi exclaimed. "One of my servants," Illyana spoke seriously, "are you all right?" "A bit winded, that's all," said Tenchi. As Tenchi got back to his feet, Illyana noticed a green mark on his forehead. Then it vanished. She was probably seeing things, the girl decided. "Now stay close behind me this time." she said. === To prove her warning, she grabbed Tenchi's hand. The boy took this with some apprehension. He was trying to comprehend what just happened. Illyana looked frightening, and the demon appeared to be scared of her. Was she some sort of monster herself? He then remembered their first meeting, and how the Tenchi blade automatically attacked her as if she was an evil opponent. Looks like you done it again, Tenchi, he thought to himself. Once again you've met a person who was more then meets the eye. Will you meet a normal person ever again? Illyana also had a lot to think about. It was stupid of her to leave Tenchi unprotected. It was also dumb of her to let him see that side of her. Of course, she knew this incompetence all came down to one stupid action: taking Tenchi to Limbo in the first place! What was she thinking of doing? Taking her boyfriend to meet her satanic folks?!? That joke didn't seem all that funny at that moment, especially that label on Tenchi. What did she mean HER BOYFRIEND?!? Was she falling in love with Tenchi? True he was cute, she thought, but that didn't mean anything, did it? Perhaps that was why she was acting so stupid. Well, that's going to stop, Illyana decided. Once she gets Tenchi home, she'll mystically erase his memories about what happened. At this point, Tenchi and Illyana were well out of the cavern. They were now in this huge place full of mist and glittering light. The two viewed this place from a star shaped balcony. "We're here." said Illyana. She let go of Tenchi's hand, and walked toward the middle of the balcony. Turning toward Tenchi, she said "What do you think?" Tenchi looked dumbfounded at this place. It was bright compared to the dark cave they previously walked in. Compared to the narrow passage, this new place was immense, stretching possibly miles of space. The clouds from above ran as if someone had placed them in fast forward. It was all so spectacular. "Amazed?" Illyana asked. Tenchi slowly moved his head up and down. "Now hold on a moment," said Illyana as she raised her hands, "I will mystically locate the coordinates to your home." "Mystically?" questioned Tenchi. "I'm...a Sorceress." Illyana reluctantly said, smiling nervously. "Is there anything else you haven't told me about you?" Tenchi seriously asked. "N-no..." Illyana smiled. Tenchi had reasons to doubt this. At any rate, he resolved that the best solution was to get in the act. Looking down on himself, Tenchi noticed how beat up and dirty his socks had gotten. He had been teleported to the school without any pair of shoes. He didn't bother to talk to Xavier about it because he was still inside a house, and thus following the custom. Now being in this dimension called for the matter to be settled. "Illyana, can you magically conjure up for me a pair of shoes?" Illyana waved her hand to Tenchi's feet. Instantly, the boy saw himself wearing footwear: black leather boots, the type a punk would wear. "Thank you." replied Tenchi rather sarcastically. Meanwhile, Illyana sat with her knees crossed on the floor. Suddenly, a silver flame glowed around the girl. As it shined, it flowed and shifted around her like waves of water. In seconds, this apparation swirled about her, flying around a very dazzled Tenchi. These misty rays then touched the ground beneath them, filling up marks that formed into a pentagram. Tenchi had read about this sign. It stood for the conjuring of white well as black. "I'm taking you home, Tenchi," Illyana victoriously declared, "Here we go!" The glowing pentagram then exploded into a blinding white flash, engulfing the two persons until both vanished without any sign. === The next sight was scant of glittering lights and mist. The sky was blue with white clouds. From aside, greenish woods and forests studded the background. For a moment, Tenchi and Illyana felt they were above the world. IN FACT, they actually WERE above it all, elevated above a pond. But gravity must make its presence known, and its law caused the boy and girl to fall into the waters below. As their bodies became one with the water, for a brief moment any trace of them was unknown to see. But just as the law of gravity must apply, so to the natural law of breathing, so instantly Tenchi and Illyana arose from the water, gasping for air. "What...are we doing here?!?" coughed Tenchi. "I guess I wasn't as sure of the coordinates as I thought." breathed Illyana, "I'm not in complete control of my powers." With effort, the two swam toward the shore. The sudden crash took much out of them, but they eventually made it. Dragging themselves on the ground, they both sat on muddy grass. They were both exhausted, not to mention wet. After a few breaths, Tenchi took off his drenched gray coat and started to twist it free from water. Illyana started to blush at Tenchi's soaked shirt. It clung to his body, revealing a well rounded physique. Enough of this, she thought. She got up and started to strip. Tenchi's cheeks turned red at this sight, but it disappeared when he saw that the girl was wearing something underneath her sweater and jeans. It appeared that almost her entire body was covered in a black leotard suit, save for a yellow tunic that covered her torso. Around her waist was a red belt with an "X" in the middle. Tenchi suddenly realized it was the same outfit Illyana wore when they first met. "What are you wearing?" "It's my school uniform," Illyana stated, wrapping her sweater around her belt, "It possesses an insulation that's warming me up." "Some school," Tenchi remarked, lamenting his lack of such an outfit. He then started to look around. Tenchi recognized the place. His home was just about a mile away. Wrapping his coat around his waist he started to walk to a road. Illyana threw her pants over her shoulder and followed. Their wet shoes squeaked as they walked. Illyana looked around the countryside and farmlands. She had never been to Japan before, though her brother had visited the place three times. Her friend Kitty was in this country at present, though she didn't know where. "You live around here?" she asked Tenchi. "Yes, I live near my Grandfather's shrine, working as an apprentice, training, farming. "You're a farmer?!? Illyana lightened to this, "Why, I was born in a farm, and my brother has a garden near the School." "Really?" Tenchi replied, "From what I've seen, I wouldn't have thought it." "Well, I'm not as good with a green thumb as my brother is. I guess magic is my only vocation." Illyana joked. Her powers were definitely NOT a laughing matter, but Illyana marveled at how she was suddenly treating it as if it was. "It must be fun to have a brother or sister," Tenchi lamented, "I don't." "You're an only child?" "I'm afraid yes." "Must be lonely," Illyana seriously intoned. She knew the feeling. "Not any more. My house has recently acquired some 'boarders'." "From out of town." "You can say that." By now Tenchi and Illyana were about to pass the clearing that blocked the house from their view. Moving away from it, they were able to fully see the disaster. Tenchi paused for a moment. The Masaki residence was a wreck. The front of the house was practically blown apart. Concerned, he ran toward the ruins, with Illyana in pursuit. Finally, he approached the inside. The roof was caved in, with support beams, broken plaster, and wrecked furniture beneath it. Getting closer, he could smell a pungent scent. There were signs of ash, showing the evidence of a fire. "RYOKO!" he screamed. "AYEKA! SASAMI!" What had happened? Tenchi thought to himself. Did those girls have another fight? Did Mishoshi crash her ship again? One of Washu's experiments gone wrong? He hoped these were the cases, for it appeared that a more serious conclusion was the answer. But he was gone for only a few hours, hardly enough time for all thi- Tenchi froze when his sight caught something. === Illyana was standing next to Tenchi as he explored the ruins. A grim foreboding approached her. The place had obviously seen a battle, with perhaps some casualties. Turning to Tenchi, she found him standing still toward a messy corner. Slowly, she watched as the boy kneeled down, sweeping away the debris. His head then lowered. Illyana walked a little closer and moving past Tenchi, saw the grim sight. On the floor laid what was left of some furry animal, probably a rabbit. Illyana backed away. Suddenly, the whole place was looking like a morgue. She remembered a hallway in Limbo where the corpse of her brother was laid out like a large piece of meat. It was ghoulish standing here, but Illyana persevered. Her experiences had toughened her. Suddenly, Tenchi stood right up and walked passed by her, revealing the face of a person ready to snap. He started yelling in Japanese, though Illyana could understand the tone of the words, if not the meaning. Then he ran to a small door under the staircase. Illyana ran to his side, but before then the boy had turned away from it. The girl looked inside that doorway. It was nothing but a ruined broom closet. Turning way at this, Illyana saw Tenchi darting away from the ruins. As usual, she followed, screaming for Tenchi to stop. He was now going up a long stone stairway on the hill. Before Illyana could reach the first step, Tenchi was just about on the last one. She could easily have teleported on the top, but unless she knew what the top looked like she couldn't do it. So she continued on her trek. She was halfway through it when she suddenly heard a loud cry. This stopped her. It sounded like an animal in pain. Illyana had heard such painful cries before, in Limbo. With determination, the girl darted up the remaining steps. The top revealed yet another destroyed building. "Tenchi!" she cried out. Looking around, she spotted the boy. He was groveling over a hill before a bunch of tombstones. Illyana now knew what the cry was about. === Tenchi remembered that on that day it was snowing. He was probably four or five, playing joyously at his Grandfather's house. The snow flittered down upon him, his small hands grabbing the flakes. He was building a snowman when his father appeared. Happily, he ran to him so he can see his creation. But his father had a sad face. As if to make the gloom spread, Dad said: "'re mother is..." With that last word, Tenchi's world collapsed, his life shattered beyond repair. He never wanted to think about that horrible day so long ago, but the present situation opened the wounds to bleed afresh. Standing before him were five freshly dug graves. Two of them bore inscriptions of his father and grandfather, but the others were unmarked. One of them was smaller then the rest, and somehow Tenchi knew it wasn't Washu. They were gone. Perhaps not all were dead, but it looked like those missing won't come back. At any rate it was both real and unbelieveable. He was not gone long. How could this have happened? The faces of the departed flashed in Tenchi's mind. He tried not to, but memories of Dad, Grandfather, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, and Washu were all so hard to blot out. They all grouped together to spread the pain he felt. No, not pain, Tenchi corrected himself, sheer agony. His world was destroyed; not since his mother's death did he feel so hurt and alone. A hand came upon Tenchi's shoulder. It was Illyana. "I'm sorry." she said. Sorry she said. What a hollow consolation that was, Tenchi thought. It didn't bring back his father and grandfather, the two closest figures in his entire life. Nor did it return the aliens who were perhaps the first real friends he ever had. The sweet Sasami, the arrogant but friendly Ryoko, the graceful Ayeka, and the others. He wished with all his heart for them to come back, even if it meant another fight, and thus stop the grief he felt. Saying sorry would not do that. 'Please...," Tenchi coldly exclaimed, "leave me alone." "I know what you must be-" "NO YOU DON'T!" interrupted Tenchi, his body raising from the ground, his face full of rage. "You have absolutely no idea what I'm feeling right now! My family is dead! They're dead, and there was nothing I could do to stop it!" "It wasn't your fault!" "Like hell it wasn't!" Tenchi snapped at Illyana's face. "I have this great power, and it did nothing to save them. I made a promise to protect them, and now look at what happened? I should have been here!" "And WHAT?!?" hollered Illyana, her patience thining, "So you can die with them?!? Oh! That's really smart-" "SHUT UP!" interrupted Tenchi. Without a moment's hesitance, he slapped Illyana in the face. The girl recoiled at this harm, her hands clasped into her face. She had had enough of him. All she had to do was conjure up her soulsword and... No. Illyana controlled herself. No. Don't do this. Just go away. Don't look at him, don't- Illyana looked back. Instead of an angry opponent, she saw the poor distraught figure of a boy looking down in misery. His knees suddenly bent out of shape, shrinking him to the point of kneeling. He raised his head, now full of tears, looking around for someone for comfort. This sorry disposition moved Illyana. The urge of aggression has been overwhelmed. She wanted to help him. Like Tenchi, she kneeled down, in front of him. With a face of understanding, she embraced him, her head beside his. "It's not fair." mumbled Tenchi. "I know...I know," hushed Illyana calmly. "Believe me, I know how you feel. I've lost some people very close to me. I don't want to remember, but I do. I have to." Tenchi said nothing at first, then asked a sad question: "What am I going to do now?" "If it makes things easier..."Illyana said, "You can live with me at the school. The Professor would be too happy to accept you. You can start a new life with my 'family'." "Thank you." Tenchi choked. His arms returned the embrace. It was probably a few minutes by which the two held each other, but as far as they were concerned, it was hours. Tenchi needed someone, and Illyana was happy to oblige. He wanted to thank her with all his heart. Illyana felt sad for Tenchi's plight as though it was her own. A sharing made bearable by her ability to comfort him. Something was happening to her feelings for this boy. It was Tenchi who finally broke the embrace. With a face of forced acceptance he said. "I wish to be alone for a while." "All right." understood Illyana. They both got up and separated. She watched him go back to the graves, where he sat down and made some sort of prayer. Then she turned and walked toward the steps, trying to make meaning out of the tragedy that happened. A catastrophe that she believed was her fault. She was partially responsible for teleporting Tenchi to the School. He helped Tenchi get back home, only for him to see his family dead. It was if she was proving Belasco right, all she could do is bring misery and destruction. If only she and Tenchi had arrived earlier to- Wait a minute. Illyana thought of something. It was probably a long shot, but... "Tenchi!" the girl screamed, charging back to the praying boy. "What?" Tenchi turned around. "You can read Japanese, right?" Illyana excitedly gasped, "Then what does the inscription say about the day of death? Is it the day you left or afterwards?" Tenchi looked closely at his father's tombstone. His eyes widened. "After the day...but-." Illyana's face brightened up. Tenchi appeared confused. "It happened again!" Putting her hands on the boy's arms, she said, "Tenchi, I think we traveled into the future." "What?" "As I said before, I am not in complete control of my powers in time and space. I believe that because of this inexperience, we've arrived not on the day you left, but a few days later." Tenchi's face turned rash with overreaction. Grasping Illyana's arms, he shouted, "Are you sure!?" "I hope so, which means if I can teleport us back to the correct day of departure..." Tenchi cried with ecstasy. He threw himself on Illyana, lifting her up in the air. "There's no time for that," the girl giggled in excitement, "There are more important matters to attend to." "R-right." Tenchi excitingly said, putting Illyana back down. Illyana then waved her arms. A stepping disc appeared beneath the two. "Whatever happened to your family must have been caused by something big, perhaps bigger than the two of us." said Illyana with caution, "We need help, and I know where to find it." ============================================================================================= To be continued Next time on Part Three: The Tenchi gang meets the New Mutants!