I did not create these characters (Tenchi Muyo! is the property of AIC, the New Mutants is Marvel Comics, Inc.). If this story captures any similarities with other fanfictions or stories, it is purely coincidental and accidental. Please don't sue me! Except for the prologue and epilogues, the time of the major story is based just after events of the the first OVA series of TENCHI MUYO: RYO-OHKI and events after NEW MUTANTS # 21. As the light snow traveled upon the forest hills of Japan, its whiteness not yet overwhelming the natural woodland color, one could see a lone man wandering. He was a man of slender build. Although a young man, his grim, experienced features made him look much older. Whiskers decorated his chin with stubbles. For protection from the elements, he wore a long drab coat and a hat. The latter almost disguised the fact that he was bald. But the man paid no attention to his present appearance, his thoughts devoted to his sorry plight. The traveler knew things could have been different; He was going to be married to a beautiful woman. However, before these plans were realized, he was drafted into the United States Army. His unit installed in Korea, the new soldier went into combat, hating every moment of it. He was later wounded, but this injury was nothing as compared to the wound he got from a letter: His fiancee never wanted to see him again. Afterwards, the heartbroken soldier considered returning home, but just saw no real ambition to do so. There was nothing for him to go home to. No family, no friends, and certainly not a lover. He was alone. Alone. The wanderer knew that fact all so well. He was different from other people. Not in the same way most people would define as different, like skin color or language. It was something else. Something rather unusual. For this person had a special gift: He could listen and see into another person's thoughts! This was the traveler's gift since childhood. It was very special, but also a curse. From what he knew, no one else possessed such powers. He was unique, but also alone. So for weeks, the wanderer traveled place to place. After Korea, his journeys took him to Japan, where he was now walking through some forest. Throughout this trip, nothing was found worthwhile. He was a man with no dreams, no ambitions, no- A beautiful woman... The traveler stopped. An image had appeared in his thoughts. Not his own, but belonging to someone else. His moping had caused his thoughts to wander around. The hardest thing to being a telepath is not reading minds, but trying not to read them. Sometimes it was so difficult to think about his own thoughts without picking up another's. At any rate, the traveler decided to discover the identity of the thinker. Turning his head, he saw no one nearby. The time called for him to remove all conflicting interests, and concentrate on this visiting figment of thinking. In his mind he saw- ...A beautiful Japanese woman, holding an umbrella. Then he felt- ...A sense of lonlieness. By concentrating, the man tried to locate the source. Leaving the road, he passed through several bushes covered with snow, then traveled up a short hill. As he hiked, the thoughts became more solid. Getting closer to the source, the wanderer could hear sounds. Sounds of crying. After parting some branches, the wanderer paused. His search was over. He had found the source. From that tree, the person could see a large cave, and before that cave laid the figure of a small boy. The boy was probably no more than four years old, the stranger perceived. Although the child had his back to the wanderer's view, it did not take much to deduce that he was Asian. His wardrobe was familiar with boys of his age and nationality. His hair was sprouting what would become a ponytail. The boy was weeping. Why, the stranger did not know. Concentrating, his mind picked up a jumble of memories:...the boy playing in the snow...the boy being visited by a man with a sad face...an embrace by the child and the man, all interlapping with a fixed picture of the beautiful woman and that lonely feeling. With that the wanderer found out the reason. Poor boy, he thought. Suddenly, shame appeared to him. All his selfish grumblings looked trivial compared to this boy's plight. Compassion now became the traveler's major interest. This would not be easy, he thought. The boy was in the emotional shape to reject anyone. So the stranger gently projected his mental abilities into the boy. This was directed into a feeling of intimacy, of friendliness. It was wrong to manipulate the boy's feelings in such a way, but the situation called for it. The stranger walked out of his hiding place towards the boy, sitting beside him on a rock. "Boy, why are you crying?" he asked. The boy lifted his head and looked at the stranger, his eyes soaked with tears. At this moment, the child would have been resentful to this new visitor, but somehow he felt comfortable with the presence. Slowly, he turned over and sat on the rock, his hands clutching an umbrella with devotion. His face presented a mask of misery. In a choked voice, the lad answered: "My mom is..." The sentence stopped midway. Tears came out of the lad's eyes. "I understand," the figure calmly spoke, "I lost my mother when I was very young. I felt so alone." "Why did my mom go away?" the boy sadly asked. "I wish I knew," the stranger responded. "It's not fair." "No, it isn't fair. It's horrible, but we must learn to accept these things. It's the only way to survive." The stranger sadly responded, placing his arm around the boy's shoulders. The two sat at the cave for awhile. Except for the child's sobbing, no other sound was heard from the two. Minutes passed without a word. Soon the boy's crying turned softer, and shortly afterwards he was sleeping on the traveler's side. The stranger didn't care. He shared the boy's grief and plight with his own. They were so terribly alone. Or were they? The stranger noticed something. The child's unconscious state caused his own mind to wander again, and this concentration detected something. It was an essence of some sort. Hard to identify, like catching smoke, but somehow it came from inside the cave. Thinking further, the stranger felt the essence right next to him... "Tenchi!" The cry broke his concentration. The wanderer turned his face upward. He saw a man approaching from the snow. It was the sad man from the boy's memories. He was about a few years older then the stranger. Like the boy, he possessed a face that looked as if his whole world had collapsed before him. The man spotted his son and the stranger. With a tense expression, he came closer. "STAY AWAY FROM MY SON!" he shouted in a voice drained of all warmth. Dramatically, he swept the boy into his arms in a protective embrace. "I'm sorry if if my appearance showed the contrary," apoligized the wanderer, taking off his hat, which revealed his bald head, "...but I meant no harm to your child. In fact, I tried to comfort him in his grief." The father's tense face shrank to a more tolerable resolve. "I'm sorry for my behavior," he said. "He..I..are going through a hard time. We lost someone...very special." "I understand." said the stranger. The father studied the stranger's appearance, then said, 'You must have traveled far. Do you want to have dinner with us?' 'Thanks for asking,' kindly responded the wanderer, 'but I must be going on my way.' "All right, mister..." "Charles," spoke the stranger, "Charles Xavier." "I am Nobiyuki Masaki. This is my son Tenchi." "Well it was a pleasure to meet you." Xavier said. "Well... Goodbye." Nobiyuki spoke in a sad tone, moving away with Tenchi in his arms. Xavier turned toward the cave. The essence he detected earlier was gone. Turning his head, he looked back at the departing acquaintances. He took one last glimpse of the boy, whose face lied upon his father's shoulder. Within seconds, the two vanished in the snow. ===================================================================================================== ===================================================================================================== 13 years later Why me? Such thoughts loomed in Tenchi Masaki's mind. Today, for possibly the umpteenth time this month, he was being a "guinea pig" for Washu. As always, Tenchi was grabbed by metal tentacles, stripped to his boxer shorts, then held in a rigorous display as Washu probed, picked, shocked, pulled, and examined him with all sorts of gadgets, all for the name of science...or Washu. "For somone who considers herself the greatest scientific mind in the galaxy," said Tenchi, "you could probably think of a BETTER way to examine me." Washu looked like she was in another world, her eyes forever grafted to the transparent computer she dialed on. However, she responded to this reply. "All in favor of another way, raise your hand!" she cried out. There was only one other person to respond to this vote. Unfortunately, Tenchi's arms were manacled by the tentacles. "All opposed?" Washu shouted, raising her hand, "So its unanimous; this method stays." Tenchi was taken aback by this unfair ruling. Still, if he himself had played by the rules originally, he wouldn't have been in this position. As apprentice to his shrinekeeper Grandfather, Tenchi disobeyed orders to stay away from a certain cave, accidentally releasing a 700 year-old demon named Ryoko. From that time forward, the most unusual things had happened from space princesses, space pirates, spaced out space police officers, and scientific geniuses living at his house, as well as the revelation that his grandfather is a space prince, making Tenchi a crown prince of some space empire. Although these events happened a month ago, it appeared to be a century, thought Tenchi. Sometimes he wished he never released Ryoko, thus continuing to lead a quiet life working at his Grandpa's shrine. No catfights, no space operas, no signs of violence. However, deep down, Tenchi knew he could never forsake Ryoko and the others. His previous lifestyle was quiet, but also lonely, shy from classmates, his grandfather and father his only companions. Suddenly, the arrival and co-existence with Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, Mihoshi, and Ryo-ohki filled that uncomplete void in his life. He could never turn his back on them, no matter how many times they drove him crazy! "All done!" Washu yelled with glee, her computer vanishing. Washu was the latest visitor in Tenchi's life. She was a scientific genius, the creator of Ryoko. Tenchi met her after defeating Kagato, an evil pirate who held Washu prisoner, and enslaved Ryoko centuries ago. In fighting Kagato, Tenchi found that he possessed great powers he never knew he had. It was his heritage from the Jurai royal family, descending from his grandfather Yosho to his mother to him. It was this ability that made Tenchi a victim of Washu's experiments. Unfortunately, so far she had found no physical evidence of this power, nor could Tenchi create it by will, though he could use a lightsaber called Tenchi. The tentacles released its captive, and Tenchi got dressed. It was his usual garb of jeans, red shirt, and gray coat. Rolling up his sleeves, Tenchi heard a familiar voice calling his name. Instantly his collar started to crumble. Tenchi froze. Not her again. Suddenly Ryoko materialized behind his back. "Will you stop doing that!" Tenchi cried, knowing full well this would not be the last. Ryoko had this crush for him ever since she was released from the cave. She was always at his side, from sleeping to bathing to eating dinner. Tenchi was a little irritated at this display. It wasn't because he hated her. Ryoko was his friend despite everything, but couldn't she just leave him alone for a day! "Sasami's got breakfast ready!" Ryoko spoke seductively. "Want to sit next to me?" Tenchi cringed. Although he felt Ryoko was a very attractive woman, the mysteries of love and sex were things Tenchi was not yet ready for. Just then, a dozen logs materialized around the pair. It's her again, thought Ryoko, that woman. Knowing what the logs would do, Ryoko faded away, rematerializing somewhere else in Washu's laboratory, which was located in another dimension. "DEMON! Tenchi promised to sit next to me at breakfast!" said a lady at the door. Despite her royal beauty, she looked grim. "Yeah right," shouted Ryoko, "You probably forced him to agree with those logs of yours." "Tenchi and I are of noble blood," snapped the lady, "I would never sink to YOUR level." Not again, bemoaned Tenchi. It appeared that Ryoko and Princess Ayeka were going to start another one of their battles. They certainly have been doing since the day Ryoko crashed Ayeka's ship, stranding the princess and her sister Sasami on Earth. By coincidence, Ayeka and Sasami were half-sisters of his Grandfather, which made them family. Nevertheless, Ayeka, like Ryoko, possessed an attraction for him as well. "You've been a royal alright," joked Ryoko, "a royal pain!" "You never learn, demon!" shouted Ayeka with a fury most unbecoming to a princess. Ryoko instantly fired an energy bolt from her hands. Waving her arms, Ayeka formed a barrier that ricocheted the blast, causing it to hit a machine. It exploded. "Stop it!" Washu called out, "Don't fight in my lab!" It was to no avail. Ryoko projected more blasts and Ayeka blocked them. Tenchi thought this a good time to escape. As Ayeka got closer to Ryoko, the path to the door was open. The boy ran for it. He was about to reach the opening until his foot hit some wires. With the speed he was going, Tenchi lost his balance. He fell into one of Washu's devices, the impact lighting it up. "Tenchi, get away!" yelled Washu. It was too late. A greenish glow spread from the device, forming into a circle. Before Tenchi realized what was happening, his arm were engulfed by the glowing disc. "Help!" Tenchi's cry broke the attention Ayeka and Ryoko had for each other. Simultaneously, they both cried the name of the man they love. "Hang in there!" cried Ryoko, speeding to the rescue. But by the time she reached Tenchi, he was all the way through the disc. When traces of him were no longer apparent, the glowing circle vanished. "TENCHI!" hollered Ryoko, her eyes seeing the revelation. He was gone. Instantly, she flew to Washu. "Where's Tenchi, Mom?! Bring him back!" Washu stood with a stoic posture. "For the first question," she coldly remarked, "That was a dimensional simulator. It creates portals to other places. Lord Tenchi's fall activated it. He could have been transported to some different part of this world, or beyond. As for the second, your "lovers' spat" damaged most of my machines, complicating any attempts to locate him." Ryoko stood dazed. Ayeka also took the news badly. "Now if you want to continue your war with each other, by all means go ahead. But if you want to get Tenchi back, then leave me alone." === It was Illyana Rasputin's turn now. The door marked DANGER ROOM swung open to reveal a large metal plated room inside. The walls were solid and smooth, giving the conviction that nothing dangerous would happen here. The blandness of the room, however, was offset by a huge window on a side wall. Even with the room lights shining brightly, one could see two figures through the window. Illyana recognized them as her comrade Sam Guthrie and her instructor Professor Charles Xavier. "Illyana," a call blurting out of the speaker, "although your powers are of a less offensive nature then the rest of my pupils, I believe your training can cope with what this session will bring." Yeah, whatever, Illyana thought to herself, I've never seen you go through any sessions here. It was a good thing the Professor couldn't read her thoughts, because some of it wasn't very nice. Much of her life wasn't nice either. Although it normally has been a year since Illyana first entered Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, seven years had actually passed in her life between then and now. At the age of six, she was kidnapped from her home in Siberia by the villain Arcade. Illyana was rescued and lived for a while at the school with her brother Peter and his friends the X-Men. However, she was kidnapped yet again by the demon lord Belasco. She was transported to a dimensional Limbo, where she lived as a disciple under that demon sorcerer. Eventually she returned to Earth, but due to anamolies in time, she was now an adolescent version of the little girl she was before. "On my word," said the speaker, "you will use your abilities to pass the session." Illyana was a mutant, a person born with powers a normal human being would not possess. In her case, it was an ability to conjure up transdimensional 'stepping discs' that can be used for transportation. That wasn't all she could do. Her years in Limbo had granted her the magical powers of a sorceress. Unfortunately, although this gift granted her the nickname Magik, that ability was of little use against the physical surprises the room had for her. "Sequence activated!" roared the speaker. Instantly, the normal surroundings shifted abnormally. Metal bars sprouted from the floor beneath Illyana, surrounding her in a cage. It's showtime, she thought. Suddenly, a glowing bright disc spread from under her feet. The disc elevated itself, engulfing Illyana. By the time the disc passed above her head, it vanished into thin air. Nearby, the disc reappeared. When it elevated again, Illyana's form was seen again. She was now in a different part of the room. A good thing too, for the encaged platform she previously stood on opened a trapdoor with spikes below it. From the wall facing Illyana, a box-shape device appeared. In seconds, as the device hit the girl's direction, metal spears popped out from it. With skill, Illyana jumped and somersaulted away from the target. However, this new position caught the device's attention and it turned to face her again. Seeing this, the girl called upon another disc to teleport her again. She was once again transported to another part of the room. But the machine was clever. Once Illyana had materialized, the device once again turned to her direction, spraying its deadly weaponry. Like before, the girl darted away from the target's source. All this was being reviewed by the Professor, standing safe in the control room. Sam Guthrie stood beside his instructor. Sam, code named Cannonball, was deputy leader of the New Mutants, a group of teenager mutants that Illyana had a membership in. Although not quite as professional a team as the Professor's older students the X-Men, that did not save the next generation from meeting threats themselves. As a result, they were trained on how to best protect themselves. "Though only a new member," Sam related in a southern accent, "Illyana learns things purdy fast." "She has the experience," the Professor replied, "Though how bad that experience was I can't discover." For some reason, Illyana was immune to the professor's ability to read minds, no doubt a product from her time in Limbo. "Still, Sam. Though some of the weaponry used here are 3-dimensional holograms, it is pretty formidable to-" Just then, an unusual thing occurred in the Danger Room. When Illyana conjured up another stepping disc, it was therefore normal for the girl to transport by herself. This time, when Illyana ended teleportation, she wasn't alone. With her was an unknown teenager of Asian descent. This meeting had caused both persons to get tangled and fall to the floor. Above them was the spear machine. "Sam! shut off the session!" cried the Professor telepathically. With lightning speed, Sam ran and triggered the button marked PANIC. Within the Danger Room, the spear machine went dead. === Oh my head, thought Illyana as she touched her cranium. This never had happened before. When she had passed through this stepping disc, something big rammed smack into her. As she started to rise, she found out what that someone was. On her was a boy about her age, his head on Illyana's breasts! "Get off!" roared Illyana. The boy, realizing where he was, freaked and backed away from the girl's cleavage. Then he started speaking in a language Illyana couldn't comprehend. "Who are you? What are you saying?" asked Illyana. Just then, a sword hilt came flying out of the boy's pocket into his hand. A white beam grew from it. With a furious speed, the sword darted toward Illyana. By reflex, the girl moved her left arm to block the attack. The blade struck it. The girl screamed, but in rage rather than pain. For the arm that blocked the sword was now encased in glistening armor. This was yet another product of her magic abilities. Illyana wondered about the armor's meaning, especially the day she would be fully garbed with it. Still, this fact was far from her mind today; seething with anger, she wanted blood. "All right, Buster! Illyana shouted, "Now it's your turn!" From her armored hand, a white sword conjured up from thin air. It was her Soulsword, the ultimate physical manifestation of her magical powers, created from her dark soul. No magic could escape its deadly touch. With a warrior's speed, Illyana swung her blade at the opponent. The boy backed away. Then, his sword went toward the girl's throat, only to be blocked by her weapon. "Not bad, bigshot!" cried Illyana. She sensed some mystical phenonemon on her opponent. However, the boy also possessed properties of a nonmagical aura as well. Her sword, vulnerable to nonmagical anomalies, might not fully do the job in decapitating her adversary. But at that moment, she didn't care; a part of her loved the violence of it all. That part of her wanted the boy's heart as a trophy. === Tenchi couldn't comprehend what was happening. First he was in Washu's Lab, then in some sort of vortex. Now he was in full combat with this girl. He couldn't accurately control his sword's movements; like his first fight with Ryoko, the blade Tenchi, as it was called, attacked with a mind of its own. He was fighting with great exertion, putting all his Grandfather's training into avoiding this opponent's attacks. Suddenly, his opponent's eyes turned wary. Underneath her feet shined a circular glow that rose up and swallowed the girl as if she had never existed. At first confused, Tenchi realized she had seen something behind him. He suddenly heard a loud noise. Turning his head around, he saw the head and fists of a boy flying right at him... ...And the next thing Tenchi saw was black. === Consciousness returned to Tenchi abruptly. All he could remember last was that flying boy. Opening his eyes, he examined his new surroundings. He was in bed, placed in some sort of infirmary. Where he did not know. He also noticed that someone was right beside him. On a chair by his bed, this person sat with a calm yet stern expression on his face. In a way he resembled Grandpa, Tenchi thought, except that this stranger was bald. As Tenchi started to raise his head, a small pain flashed into him. Putting his hands to his head- the pain's source- he felt a bandage wrapped around it. This action caught the attention of his new companion, as he suddenly started talking. What, Tenchi couldn't understand, although it did sound like English. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't particularly good at languages, though he passed his introduction exams on vernacular. Then something happened. The man's words suddenly became understandable! It sounded like "-never thought of seeing you again, Mr Masaki." Tenchi sat transfixed. What did he mean by that line? More to the point, how did he know his name? The best reaction he felt was to say something, never mind if the man didn't know Japanese. "What do you--" Tenchi paused his voice. Confusion and bewilderment instantly followed. He was now speaking in this person's language! It wasn't as if he lost his Japanese. Far from it. It was just that he could speak English as if it was a native tongue. "What...how...why am I saying this?!" Tenchi exclaimed. "It is a gift of mine," spoke the man. "My name is Professor Charles Xavier. Like you, I am a mutant." That last revelation was unknown to Tenchi, but at least the person had given his name to him. However, that didn't solve the question on how the Professor knew his name. "That question will be easily answered." said the Professor, as if he had read Tenchi's mind. Just then, thoughts and memories instantly erupted into Tenchi's mind. First of these images was that of Tenchi's mother. How did he know her? Then another, more somber vision followed: Tenchi as a boy weeping over her death. In an instant, all the sorrow and pain he felt back then had returned. Finally, a third apparation appeared in his mind: a stranger giving comfort to his grief. That stranger looked just like-- "It was you!" Tenchi shouted in his discovery. "Yes," replied the Professor, "Long ago, I saw a young boy in need of consoling, which I tried to provide. That boy was you." "But how-" "I'll answer that question and more," spoke the Professor, rising from his chair, "if you get dressed and come with me. Your injuries are mild at best." === It was a long hallway that the two walked through, but Tenchi didn't mind. The conversation he was having with the Professor took up his full attention with its fascinating story. "Now, Mr Masaki." spoke the Professor. "You can call me Tenchi," corrected the boy. "Very well. Now Tenchi, the answers to your questions needs some explanation, which I'll gladly be able to give. These days, the human race is evolving. A new breed of human beings has been created, possessing a special advantage. We are that new breed. We are mutants." "Mutants?" "Yes, Tenchi. We are born with a genetic mutation that gives us a special gift that a normal human would not possess. These gifts vary from flying, greater strength, or other unusual abilities. My gift is the power of telepathy." "You mean you can read minds?" asked Tenchi. "Precisely. It was with this gift that I made contact with you years ago. It was also how I was able to recognize you when you came here today." This gave Tenchi some concern. "Professor," he asked, "are you reading my thoughts now?" "No, Tenchi," Xavier reassured, "Unless it was an emergency, I would never use my powers on another person. Your thoughts are safe." "Professor," said Tenchi, "You say I am a mutant?" "Correct. I am able to detect a mutant presence at a close vicinity, and your appearance confirmed it. Besides, you were able to generate a sword from thin air that you seem able to control." I wish, thought Tenchi, but what the Professor said gave him some ideas to think about. First he learned he was a Crown prince, now he was a mutant. Perhaps his Juraian powers was his gift. By this time, the two had entered an elevator, which transported them to a higher level. On leaving, Tenchi found another hallway, which looked more elaborate then the drab one before. He started to wonder who that lady with the sword was. "Who were those people I met?" "My pupils," replied the Professor. "Your PUPILS?! You mean this is a school? "Yes. A School for Gifted Youngsters. You see Tenchi, having possession of such a gift requires responsibility to handle it well. My School teaches mutants that responsibility. As you've noticed, the students you met were about your age." "I see," replied Tenchi. They then entered a room, bearing a desk and chairs. Possibly the office, Tenchi deduced. Sitting down, he looked around. His attention was taken by a picture on the wall. It portrayed the Professor and possibly the most bizarre graduating class Tenchi had ever seen. Most of the graduates wore blue and yellow outfits over their black caps, and one wore a visor, another had wings, while yet another was covered completely in snow. "Now I believe I've said enough about myself and the school that has answered your questions." said the Professor as he sat at his desk. "Speaking of which, you've probably noticed that your sword is back in your coat pocket. It was difficult to touch it, let alone pick it up, forcing me to use a pair of tongs. Perhaps you can explain its properties as well as a little bit of yourself." So Tenchi told the Professor about the sword, and his adventures with it. From Ryoko's cave to his Juraian heritage to the defeat of Kagato to his weird journey to the school, he related with confidence. He had never told this to another person, but like that dark day of long ago, the Professor was someone he could really trust with his secrets. "Somehow, Tenchi," the Professor broke his silence, "This Washu's device must have placed you in some sort of dimensional vortex. One of my pupils has the ability to transport through dimensions. It is reasonable to believe that when she was practicing this power, she had accidentally linked into the vortex you were in, thus resulting in your collision." Whoa, thought Tenchi. "Your story intrigues me. I have heard much about this Juraian Empire, but I never thought I could actually meet one on earth." "I'm still trying to believe it myself." replied Tenchi. "I understand that it was by accident that you came here," questioned Xavier, "I no doubt think you wish to return to your native Japan?" "It is, Professor." "I would be too happy to comply, but transportation at the moment is limited." "I understand," Tenchi sadly remarked. "However, you can stay here until such transportation comes. I am going to be gone most of tonight, but I'm sure my pupils will be hospitable to your stay. In fact, I think I have such a person to help you." === While Tenchi was telling the Professor his story, Illyana Rasputin was working on a rather formidable opponent: algebra. It was a doomed battle. Her only hope, mathematical whiz and best friend Kitty Pride was off in Japan with the X-Man Wolverine. Still, she couldn't concentrate on this work if she wanted to. Her mind was on different matters. For the last hour or so, Illyana was troubled over her experience with the boy she fought in the Danger Room. True, it was the boy who started it by attacking her, but that wasn't the point. It was like someone activating a bomb. Which was more dangerous: the activator or the bomb? What occurred frightened her. In her fight, she was without restraint, but full of aggression. She had wanted to kill him. After Cannonball knocked the boy senseless, she would have cleaved off his head if the Professor hadn't stopped her with a loud mind-cry to stop. This action returned some sanity to her head, for which she was both grateful and shocked. Realizing what she had almost done, Illyana agreed to transport the boy to the infirmary then ran to her room to be alone. Illyana closed her notebook. There was no point of continuing her studies. Putting it aside, her attention was then directed to a gold medallion. Illyana picked it up. Clicking open its crucifix embedded case, the locket revealed a pentagram that had three bloodstones on three of its sides. This was a special possession to the girl, given by someone who loved her. Viewing it made the Illyana remember the promise Belasco made to her seven years ago. "When you are grown into a woman, and have learned in full measure the arts arcane, when at last the bloodstones are in their proper places...you, Illyana, will ascend to the most glorious of destinies."* Illyana thought hard about this 'glorious destiny'. Through sorcery the demon lord Belasco had corrupted her soul. His plan was for her to become a devil like himself, as a means to conquer Earth. Even though Illyana had defeated the monster, taking over his domain Limbo, and returning to her native dimension, the girl wondered if she wasn't delaying the inevitable: that one day she would fulfill Belasco's promise and become the Darkchylde, a sort of evil messiah and conquerer. Suddenly, Illyana's mind caught something alien. It was the Professor, summoning her to his study. Although her mind was mystically protected from telepathy, it was still sensitive enough to at least get a message, assuming Xavier knew where she was. Well, thought Illyana, she was now in for it. The Professor was going to talk to her about her behavior, as well as ditching dance lessons. It was time to take her medicine. === "Tenchi," said Xavier, "I am summoning one of my students, Illyana Rasputin, to be your guide." "All right." spoke the boy. He was amazed at how the Professor was contacting somebody through telepathy. And he thought his houseguests were weird! Tenchi heard the door open behind him. He turned around and freaked. It was that girl with the sword! "Professor," said Illyana politely as she opening the door, "what is--You!" The girl paused. It was that boy with the sword! Her eyes blazed as she roared, "So, you want a rematch, eh?" She was about to conjure up her soulsword when the Professor shouted: "That's enough, Illyana! There really is no need for your behavior." With that, Illyana controlled herself. "Now," spoke the Professor in a more softer voice, "This is Tenchi Masaki. He is staying with us temporarily. I wish for YOU and the rest of my students to treat him with hospitality. YOU will be a guide for him while I am away at a lecture. He can be trusted. >From what I've heard, he knows how to keep a secret." "Pleased to meet you." said Tenchi rather nervously. "Charmed." spoke Illyana sarcastically. The two shaked hands. ============================================================================================ To be continued. * The quote is by Chris Claremont from UNCANNY X-MEN #160. This is my first fanfic, I hope readers will look at this and e-mail me their opinion.