This is an X-over with Dragon Ball (Z,GT) and Tenchi Muyo. This story was originally meant for Ranma ½, but I liked this site better. In all probability, I will add Ranma into the mix somewhere along the way, so watch out for him. Disclaimer: I do not own DB, DBZ, or DBGT in case you didn't know. So only two of these characters right now are mine. The rest belong to Funimation (or whoever else owns them, I don't know), the main idea is they are not mine. And for you Tenchi Muyo fans out there, be patient. I have to work up the story a little bit, but I will get to Tenchi and the rest soon enough. Give me at least two more sections, then I'll be in that universe good and tight. Oh yeah, I don't swear. So don't flame me about what you think should be in here. Once I get more comfortable writing this, I might swear a little. But only when I think it's necessary. Cussing is something easily over-used. For those of you wondering why Piccolo and Dende are still alive, Dende=Kami=immortality. As for Piccolo, his "father" once wished for eternal youth for those of you who don't know. So with the unusual way of reproduction for Namekians, I figured that would work for Piccolo as well. Anyway, feel free to drop me an e-mail telling me how I did. If you are going to criticize my fic, don't write it too long or I will get bored and trash all of that hard work you did typing it up. By the way, AN stands for author's note. I will add one of these in once in a while when I don't feel like typing a long and ultimately boring series of events. Here you go, enjoy! Ash Lambert (yes, my pen name is taken from a certain video game, from Konami I think, so if any of you Konami people see this, I gave you credit for coming up with a great character and a cool RPG) Pride of a Sai-jin Part 1- The Birth of Kai In the1000 years after the Z warriors were barred from using the Dragon Balls, the Sai-jin people had fallen. After only a few generations, the old Sai-jin attitude towards life in general had returned. In other words, people were dying. After achieving Super Sai-jin, they were arguably the most powerful race in the universe. This caused a lack of respect for the true inhabitants of earth. In other words, people were dying. Further and further, the Sai-jin people fell into corruption. They enslaved the people of earth, who prayed to Kami to save them. But Kami was not strong enough to defeat the Sai-jins. Just yet. The afore mentioned god did have a plan though. That plan consisted of the humans themselves. Every generation, they bred with their human slaves. As was their custom (few people know of the actual reason for this now). And with each generation the Sai-jins became weaker. Eventually, they lost the power to transform to Super Sai-jin. But no one noticed, the Sai-jin are always the most powerful. At the Sanctuary: Two Namekians stood together, the shorter one in bright garments was looking down at the earth, while the taller one in rugged training clothes sat near the edge in apparent meditation. "Dang it!" The younger Namekian almost-cursed. Another one of his protectorates had died at the hands of a Sai-jin noble. Another sharp, poisoned blade into his pure heart. "Careful Kami, you just came very close to swearing." Using a term he knew the young god hated. "You know what will happen if Earth's god does that." Apparently the fighter was not meditating, which annoyed Dende to no end. "Be quiet Piccolo, do you know why I called you here?" "Oh, is it that time already? I thought you were going to de-evolve the Sai-jins into monkeys. My power is past that of a SS level 2, and I don't see any of those among the Sai-jin." "I had to be patient," Dende sighed, "their population is huge. Eventually one would get through to kill even you. I cannot allow my best -servant- to be injured." He savored the word "servant" as payback for Piccolo's earlier comment. But the veteran fighter was not as flustered by it as Dende was. He just stood up and gathered his guts for the large job ahead. "If anyone's gonna die, it's going to be them." "Are you sure you're alright, these are the descendents of our friends. Can we forget that easily." "Stop thinking like that!" Piccolo barked. "Stop trying to excuse them for their crimes. Those people deserve to die and I'm going to be the one to kill them." With that Piccolo flew down to earth, leaving unshed tears inside him. AN: I am not going to describe the killing in detail. I am not skilled enough. Lets just say it was long, bloody, and made a whole lot of humans very happy. But I am going to tell of one incident, which is very important to this story. About halfway through to purge, Piccolo stopped to rest by one of the buildings. While meditating, he sensed a ki slowly walking towards him. Check that, it was two kis, and both of them Sai-jin. Ready to kill the two for trying to kill him while he slept, Piccolo was very surprised when his eyes opened. One of the kis belonged to a woman with black, shoulder-length hair, black eyes, and a fearful yet determined expression on her cute face. As for the other one… The woman was pregnant. Amazed that an unborn child could have such a large ki, Piccolo avoided blasting them for the moment. Relieved, the woman came closer and began to speak. "You are Piccolo, am I right? Surprised that someone still remembered of his existence, Piccolo could only respond with a nod. "Thought so, if my families legends are right then you are the one who fought with the survivors of the last purge." "Do you mean Freezer destroying the planet Vegeta?" There hasn't been any purges since then." "Then what's this?" "Oh yeah, right." After an uncomfortable silence, the Sai-jin spoke again. "I have come to ask you a favor." "And that would be?" Surprisingly, Piccolo seemed willing to listen to this woman. "I know that you cared for our race back then, and that you still care now. What I ask is to let me live to give birth to this baby. I will stay at the isolated mountaintop about 45 miles to the east for one month. That should be enough time. Then, you will come and take the baby to Kami to live. You will kill me and leave no other trace of a Sai-jin except him. This is the best I can do to atone for my inability to stop my people." Nervous after such a long speech, she awaited Piccolo's decision. "Fine, go now I have work to do." And some of Piccolo's guilt was lifted off of his broad shoulders. But he was not finished with her yet. As she was flying clumsily towards her soon-to-be grave, Piccolo called to her. "What is your name?" "Huh?" "I said, what is your name?" "Oh, it's Chi-Chi." Go figure A month passed, after destroying the Sai-jins and having gotten permission from Dende (as well as much joy), Piccolo went down to the mountain to collect on the bargain. There was Chi-Chi, putting the baby to sleep as she sensed Piccolo's approach. With the bravery that went well with the name that put Sai-jins and Namekians alike to shame, she came willingly to her death. "What were their names?" Now it was her turn to ask a question. "Whose names?" "The names of the Sai-jins back then. We remembered yours, but unfortunately our family was not able to recover theirs from memory." "That is fortunate, or you would be dead by now." Piccolo now paused to dredge up barricaded memories, sealed up to keep him focused on training. Then he told the entire (summarized) story to her. She nodded, then named her child. "His name is Kai Gohan." She told his palm. "Take good care of him." In a flash of ki, she was dead and gone.