Pokemon Muyo This is a crossover of my Pokemon series and Tenchi Muyo TV. This story is #3 in the Adventures and Battles collection, but became too long, so I’ve given it its own link. You can find the rest of my pokemon fanfic series at http://members.xoom.com/weepinbell . I hope to start a Tenchi series off this fic as well. There’s some foreshadowing of events to come in my pokemon series. Chapter One Washu was hard at work one rainy evening at the Masaki residence, when she heard a knock on the door. " Come in, come in," she said, irritatedly. " Why, Miss Washu, how are you today. You know, you missed dinner, so I thought I'd bring some to you," Yosho said. " Thank you, lord Katsuhito," Washu said. " What are you working on?" he asked. " Another dimensional portal," she said. " Unlike my other portals, this one links directly to an entirely separate dimension. My portals usually link to dimensions similar to our own, or different parts of this dimension. But this new portal, links to an entirely different world." " Is that so?" Yosho said. Washu then explained the rest of the story to Yosho. The next morning, it was still overcast as Washu continued to work. Finally, she was finished. Overjoyed, she ran into the dining room and interrupted breakfast. " It's finally finished!" Washu said. " What's finished?" Tenchi asked. " Who cares, I'm trying to eat here," Ryoko snarled. " My new portal!" Washu yelled excitedly. " Oh, boy, another portal, wonderful," Aeka said, ignoring Washu as she went back to her breakfast. " Wonderful," Sasami said. " Where does it go?" " A completely different world, unlike any I've seen before." " Let me see!" Sasami followed. Evidently, Yosho, Sasami, Ryo-ohki, and Tenchi were the only ones interested in the portal. Aeka had gone out to tend to her garden while Ryoko was lazily resting on the roof. Washu tried to turn the portal on, but it would not work. " Drat, what did I do wrong?" Washu said angrily, tossing blueprints and disks around the room. " Listen, Miss Washu, maybe the problem is you've been in here too long," Tenchi suggested. " You work for days at a time without rest. It's about 75 degrees outside, come out and relax." " Yea, you should come out to my PICNIC," Sasami said, dragging Washu out of the lab. " In the rain?" Washu asked sarcastically as she was pulled out. Yosho examined the room. " This looks to be an interesting day," he said mysteriously. " I'll be up at the shrine, as usual, if there is any trouble. " Tenchi sighed. Whenver his grandfather said that, there was ALWAYS trouble. Meanwhile, Ash was throwing a birthday party for Misty at his house. Brock and Flint came down from Pewter City. Erika and Laronda showed up fashionably late, and as for Misty's sisters, well, unfortunately they were too busy at their gym ( losing, of course ) to make the trip. ( Too bad they didn't just close for a week like Flint did ). " Wow, 21 years old," Flint said to Misty. " Are you gonna get drunk tonight?" he asked, a sly smirk on his face. " Father," Brock said irritatedly. " Hey, Ash, it was so SWEET of you to do this for Misty. What exactly does this mean? Are you two together now?" Laronda asked mischieviously. Everyone giggled while Ash and Misty both blushed. " A daughter-in-law after my own heart," Flint said. " Daughter-in-law?" everyone shouted. " Long story," Brock said, calming everyone down. " Where's the ring?" Erika asked Laronda sarcastically. " I'll explain later," Laronda answered. " This sounds like it's gonna be interesting." Later that afternoon, a particularly bad summer thunderstorm hit Pallet Town. But inside, Misty and her friends continued celebrating her birthday. " Come on, I want to get a picture of the gang," Flint said, aiming an expensive camera at Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Brock, Erika, and Laronda. " Let's get Ash and Misty in the center, yes, just right," Flint said. Ash and Misty were hugging each other in the pose. " I'm very uncomfortable with this," Misty said. " Can we just get it over?" Ash asked. " Ah, come on, this will make an excellent picture," Laronda said, smiling. Brock noticed her smile, and struggled to maintain his composure. " She's so beautiful," he thought. " I have to find out when her birthday is. Then, I'll outdo this party, and win Laronda's heart." Meanwhile ... " Sasami, it looks pretty bad out here," Washu said. " This storm doesn't look quite right. " " Oh, we'll be fine," Sasami said as she spread out the blanket onto the meadow. " Sister, I think Miss Washu is right. That looks like a bad storm," Aeka said. " Let's just enjoy ourselves for now," Tenchi said. " If it rains, we'll just move our picnic inside." " Well, I for one won't be stuck in the rain," Ryoko said as she showed off her teleportation skills. Suddenly, a lightning bolt hit the house. At the same time, a lightning bolt hit Ash's house in Pallet Town, at the same time Flint snapped the picture. After the flash, Flint noticed that Misty, Ash, and the others had disappeared. " Where did they go?" he asked Ash's parents. " I ... don't know," Ash's father said. " Very weird. Listen, you two check the house. I'll check outside. " " Shouldn't someone tell Professor Oak?" Ash's mother said. " Never mind. I'll do it." Meanwhile, Ash and his friends materialized in Washu's lab. " Where are we?" he asked. " Very weird. Very weird," Brock said. " Look here," Laronda said. She pointed to a large tube. Inside was a small baby in suspended animation. " What's going on here?" Erika, Misty, and Pikachu explored other parts of the lab. " We're in some sort of lab," Brock said. Erika pushed a button on a panel, and large tentacles poured out of the ceiling, almost grabbing Erika. Erika screamed as she dove for cover. Erika's scream caused Misty to accidently bump into a lever, causing several of the monitors ( which at this point were all flashing gray ) to shut off. " We'd better not push any more buttons in here," Laronda said. " Let's find a way out and figure out where we are." Meanwhile, outside, Washu suddenly thought of something. She pulled up her portable computer and began pushing buttons. " What's happening?" Tenchi asked, leaning over Washu's shoulder. Suddenly the clouds disappeared, and suddenly it was a bright sunny day. " Guys, we have a problem. It seems that storm was emitting strange waves, causing a rift through time and space, adversely affecting my portal." " What's the good news?" Tenchi said, almost mischievously. " There's worse news. My portal briefly opened, and something came through." " Something came through? Oh, my!" Aeka said. " Calm down," Washu said, busily typing into her console. " ... OK, don't be calm. Whatever came through the portal, shut down my scanning system. I don't know what we're dealing with here." " I think I'd better get Grandpa," Tenchi said. " Whatever came through might be dangerous. Ryoko, Aeka, Sasami, make sure no one goes in or out the house, until we come back. Then, we'll move in in force," Tenchi said as he set out for the shrine. Meanwhile, back in Pallet Town, Professor Oak rushed down to Ash's house. " I came as fast as I could. I had to put my experiment on hold, but this, this ... " " Professor," Ash's father said," do you know what's going on? What could have happened?" " Well," he said," I'm getting all kinds of weird energy readings. Whatever happened is way beyond my expertise and understanding. I'm 99% sure it was not done by a pokemon. And I'm 100% sure it had nothing to do with that camera. It was the storm. You see, I downloaded a doppler radar, and the storm that hit when Ash and the others disappeared, well, it didn't show up on radar. Whatever we're dealing with, it's big." " I hope they're alright," Ash's mother said. " In the meantime, we can develop those photos," Professor Oak said, pointing to the camera. " Maybe the pictures can give us some clues." Flint opened the camera, and to everyone's shock, smoke emerged from it. " We're really in trouble here," he said. Chapter Two Back at the Masaki residence, Washu, Sasami, Ryoko, and Aeka waited impatiently for Tenchi to return with Yosho. " I can't wait any longer, I'm going in," Ryoko said angrily. " Wait, lord Tenchi said ... " Aeka stammered. " Listen, I can't wait for them to come back. Whatever's in there might be dangerous. We've got to at least find out what we're up against." " Be careful, Ryoko," Sasami said. Ryoko teleported into the lab. " What's this? Who are you people?" Ryoko asked. " Who are you?" Ash asked. " Are you the owner of this lab?" Laronda followed. " Hey, look, I'll ask the questions, sweetie. How did you get here?" Ryoko asked. Brock then got the silly look he always gets on his face. " You're lovely," he said before Laronda angrily backslapped him. " Sorry, dear," he said pathetically. " I just can't take you anywhere, can I?" Laronda said sarcastically, sweetly smiling. " I've had enough!" Ryoko yelled as she hurled an energy ball at the group. They scattered. " Pikachu, thundershock!" Ash commanded. " Pika CHUUUU!" Pikachu said, shocking Ryoko. " Arrrgh!" Ryoko screamed out in pain. " Vileplume, go!" Erika yelled. " Vileplume!" " What ... what are these creatures?" Ryoko asked painfully. " Vileplume, mega drain!" Vileplume began sucking away Ryoko's energy. Ryoko glowed red as the plant pokemon continued to drain her energy. " Alright, we beat her!" Ash said. " OK, now talk," Misty said. " Who are you, and why are we here?" Ryoko ignored her. With the last amount of energy she had, she teleported back outside. She reappeared directly above Aeka, and, completely tattered and beaten up, fell out of the sky, landing on top of the Juraian princess. " Ow, Ryoko, you didn't have to ... " Aeka complained, struggling uselessly to get Ryoko off of her. " Ryoko!" Sasami yelled. " What happened? Are you alright?" " Uhhh powerful creatures. Too powerful. Got to warn ... Tenchi," she said before collapsing. Meanwhile ... " Look, I found a way out," Brock said, opening the door cautiously. Everyone piled out into the empty house. " This is a nice house," Ash observed. " Wonderful," Misty followed. Laronda found her way to a bookcase. " Well, until we find out where we are, I might as well enjoy a good book," she said. Erika and Misty jumped onto the couch and turned on the television set. Suddenly, one of Laronda's pokeballs opened up, and Flareon jumped out. " Oh, you want to watch TV too?" Laronda stated more than asked as she returned to her book. Brock found his way into the kitchen, and soon was dressed in his housemaid outfit. When he returned, Laronda fell over, laughing. " You've never seen me cook before?" Brock asked, not amused. Laronda laughed for a bit before regaining her composure. " I'm sorry, Brock," she said, playfully touching him. " Really, I am. " " Well, time for me to whip something up. There's a lot of food here. But for some odd reason there are three big baskets of carrots. Hmm. Care to help me?" he asked. " Well, really I would, but ... " " No problem, you know what they say about too many cooks," he said. " Vulpix will help me out, won't you?" " Vuuulll!" " Have fun," Laronda said sweetly. She leaned over in the chair that she was sitting in, both hands under her chin, and smiled at Brock. Her beauty caused him to almost fall over. She giggled again, and he nervously slinked back into the kitchen as she went back to her book. Meanwhile, Tenchi and Yosho returned from the shrine. " Ryoko!" Tenchi exclaimed. " Tell me you didn't go in." " Tenchi ..." Ryoko moaned, grabbing him. " Strange monsters, powerful, too powerful ... " " Relax," Washu said, now dressed in her nurse's outfit, as she injected a serum into Ryoko. " This will help you recover quickly." Ryoko flinched, then screamed. " [expletive deleted] you, Washu!" " See, it's already starting to work." " Well, right now the only thing we can do is wait for the monsters to make a move," Yosho said. While the others were enjoying themselves downstairs, Ash was upstairs, checking out the house. " Pikachu," Ash said. " I can't believe the others are just relaxing down there. That woman attacked us earlier. Who knows whether she might return, or whether there are others ... " " Pika pika pikachu pi KA pikachu." " You're right. We can handle whatever they throw at us. But still ... " Pikachu was now on Ash's head as he walked back down the steps. Erika, Misty, and Flareon were completely into the show. " Find anything interesting?" Laronda asked, looking up from her book. " Nope. I'm going outside," Ash said, going out the back door. " Be careful," Laronda said. Meanwhile, Noboyuki walked up to the house, completely oblivious to the encampment outside the house. " I'm so glad to finally get an afternoon off. I can't wait to just relax ... " He sniffed the air. " Wow. Sasami has really outdone herself this afternoon," he mused as he entered the house through a side door. As he entered, Tenchi and the others noticed in shock. " Dad, don't go in!" Tenchi yelled uselessly. " We've got to go in," Tenchi said. " Wait," Yosho said to everyone's shock. " Listen, let's see what happens. It's very odd that he could walk right up to the house. This could be our opportunity to move in. " Inside, Noboyuki took in the sound of the television, and the smell of food from the kitchen. " Well, all's usual," he sighed. Suddenly everyone on the living room sofa jumped up in shock. " Who are you?" everyone said at once. " I'm Noboyuki Masaki. I own this house. Are you more alien women?" he asked, not really scared. His lack of fear shocked them. " I'm Erika, and this is Misty, Flareon, and Laronda, she's the one over there with the book," Erika said, motioning over to Laronda, who had fallen asleep. " The guy in the kitchen is Brock. Ash and Pikachu left for a walk. We suddenly appeared in a lab a while ago. We're from all over." " I see," Noboyuki said. There was only one thing on his mind. He noticed Laronda, sleeping innocently on a chair, the book laying on the ground. " This is without a doubt the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," he thought. " I'm sorry, Achika, but she might even be as pretty as you." Noboyuki walked over to her, and pretended to slip, landing on Laronda's ample bosom. " Why, hello, I'm Noboyuki, your host. I'm so clumsy ... slipping on this book ... please dear, stay as long as you like. I have a double bed in my room ... " Laronda took a second to regain her senses, then angrily flipped him into the bookcase. " Laronda, you have such a way with men," Erika snickered as she and Misty went back to watching television. " Do you think this fool knows how we got here?" Laronda asked. " Nope," Misty said as she went back to the television. " He's pretty useless." Laronda nodded, then picked up her book and started reading again. A while later, Ash walked to the front of the house, and ran into the encampment. " It's him!" Ryoko yelled. " Him and that ferocious monster!" " Pikachu?" Pikachu said. " Oh, how cute!" Sasami exclaimed. " Tell me, why have you taken over our house?" Tenchi asked calmly. " Well, we just sort of appeared in the lab earlier this afternoon. How did we get here anyway?" " I see," Washu said. " You came through my portal. What's your name, young man?" " Ash Ketchum, from the town of Pallet. And this is Pikachu, my best friend." " Pikachu!" " Myia!" Ryo-ohki said, as it came up and sniffed Pikachu. " Myia! Myiaaaa!" " Those two really get along. I've never seen a pokemon like that before," Ash said. " What is it?" " Pokemon? This is Ryo-ohki," Sasami said. After introductions, Washu interrupted. " I need to get in and analyze the portal and the storm so I can get you guys back." " Sure, Brock's cooking dinner, so after we eat ... " " Who's Brock? I was going to cook dinner," Sasami said. " Uh - oh," Ash said. Chapter Three Soon everyone was in the house, and after introductions, Aeka and Ryoko joined Erika and Misty on the couch, Sasami headed for the kitchen to help out with dinner, while Yosho, Washu, Tenchi, Ash, Laronda, and Pikachu went into the lab to figure out what was going on. " What's that?" Sasami said to Brock as she and Ryo-ohki entered the kitchen. " That's Vulpix," Brock said. " Vulpix," the pokemon said as it yawned. " Oh, how cute. It's cute, isn't it Ryo-ohki," Sasami said as she played with its tails. " I wouldn't ... " " Vuuuullll!" Vulpix yelled, as it roasted Sasami before going back to sleep. " ... touch her. She's doesn't like strangers." " I seeeee," Sasami said, charred, as she and Ryo-ohki collapsed, swirls in their eyes. " Well, care to help me with dinner?" Suddenly Sasami was well again. " Sure!" Meanwhile, the others were in the lab, nervously watching Washu at work. " She's way better than Professor Oak," Ash muttered a bit loudly to Laronda. " That's because I'm the greatest scientific mind in the universe!" " Oh, really, then can you tell us how we got here?" Laronda asked sarcastically. " You're lovely and you're funny. Lethal combination," Yosho said. " Tenchi, you'd better watch this one." " Yea, Miss Laronda, you are quite a beautiful woman." " Thank you," Laronda said, smiling. " Huh?" Ash thought. " Laronda doesn't usually like people to comment on her looks. Hmmm." " OK, I found it," Washu said. " Someone turned off the sensors. Let's see ... an undefined energy source amplified my portal, causing it to localize in your dimension, pulling you into our dimension. I've got good news and bad news." " What's the good news?" Ash asked, excitedly. " Well, by duplicating the energy signature of the storm and funneling it into the portal, I can send you home, right away, almost to the exact point in time you disappeared." " What's the bad news?" Tenchi asked flatly. " That the energy signature originated outside of this dimension. I'm afraid I can't duplicate it. Until I find out where it came from, you're stuck here. It could take years before we find the signature." " Oh, dear," Laronda sighed. " I ... I'll never be pokemon league champ!" Ash exclaimed. " Pokemon league champ, interesting. Tell me about pokemon," Yosho said, putting his hand on Ash as he led our hyperactive hero out of the lab. " Do you need ... any help?" Laronda asked. " No, you've helped enough. Enjoy dinner," she said, pushing the others out of the lab. " Good," she mused after the others left. " Now, let's see what our visitors are REALLY up to. DNA samples, check, RNA, check. OK, Ash is it? You're first." The dinner table was quite large that evening. Everyone sat around the table, enjoying all the food that Brock and Sasami cooked. " I must say, this is excellent," Yosho said. " Sasami, it appears that you have a new rival in the kitchen." " Yea," Tenchi said between bites. " Really delicious. " " Are you enjoying the food?" Noboyuki asked as she shoved a morsel into Laronda's mouth. " Eat eat!" Laronda swallowed quickly, then yelled," Noboyuki I can feed myself!" Everyone laughed. Soon everyone was exchanging stories, and soon they felt pretty comfortable about each other. Washu was listening in from her lab. " Well, we'll see if all this is true. OK, done all the `pokemon.' Laronda, you're next, then Misty ... " " You lie, Ryoko, that's not how it happened at all!" Aeka suddenly yelled, interrupting all the conversation. " Listen, Erika, I'm telling the truth. That's exactly how it happened." " Oh, no, look, you two went months without fighting. Can't you just ... keep your streak going?" Tenchi asked. " Oh, alright, for our guests," Ryoko said. " Yes, I can maintain my dignity in the face of lies to remain a proper hostess," Aeka followed. " Hey, since when were you the hostess here?" Ryoko asked in disgust. " Does this ... happen often?" Brock asked Tenchi. " More than I'd like," he muttered as Aeka and Ryoko argued in the background. " Well, Ash and Misty are the same, except they're really in love with each other," Erika said. " Misty/Ash AND I ARE BARELY FRIENDS!" both yelled before looking at each other in embarassment. " See? " Erika said. " Yea, guess where we were before we came through the portal? At a birthday party Ash threw for Misty!" Laronda added. " Wow, how romantic," Sasami said. " Hey, since it's your birthday, I'm going to bake a cake!" " I'll help," Brock offered as he followed her into the kitchen. " I see, I see," Washu said. She then left the lab. She grabbed a huge plate of food as she beckoned to Yosho. " Can I grab you for just a sec?" " Sure," he said. Later that evening, most everyone was gathered around the television. Ash and Misty were upstairs playing videogames, while Laronda was outside reading a book. Noboyuki walked outside with his briefcase, headed to work. " You love to read, don't you?" he asked. " Yea. Hey listen, why do you act the way you do?" Laronda asked back. " Well, you're incredibly beautiful, and ... " " Well, thanks, but listen, I don't like the way you're feeling and fawning all over me." " Sorry, dear. But, still, well, we'll talk about it later. A client just called. Got to go back to work. Never can get a break," he muttered as he stauntered off. Laronda smirked before she went back to reading. Later, most of the house's inhabitants had fallen asleep. But in Washu's lab, she and Yosho were discussing something very serious. " So you see, this girl Laronda has dimensional signatures not like any of the rest of them." " Is that so?" " Yea, in fact, her energy signatures ... are a null. It's like dividing by zero. It's impossible. She's a walking contradiction, and her very existence defies all known quantum and time/spatial physics." " How would such a thing occur? Maybe it's the pokemon." " I thought about that, but even these pokemon monsters share similar signatures to Ash and the others. But Laronda, there's only one explanation. I've been doing some research, and ... " " I see," Yosho said as Washu explained. " But ... she seems too sweet and innocent a girl to be ... " " I understand your reservations, and I don't know why this is so, but big trouble is certainly ahead. Should I warn Tenchi and the others?" " Not yet. Something certainly will happen, and until whoever it is behind this makes their move, we can only wait," Yosho said. Three days passed without much fanfare. Ash and his friends helped around the house and the shrine, while Washu was trying to figure out how to send them home AND was constantly monitoring Laronda. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon, and Laronda was peacefully sitting under Ryo-oh's tree, reading a book. " Hmm. Maybe Yosho's right. This girl is just too innocent to really be ... hmm. What's that?" Suddenly sensors went off inside of Washu's lab. Simultaneously, several ships decloaked above the Masaki shrine, and about 30 soldiers materialized. These soldiers were crocidilian in nature, except that they were bipedal, and wore a loose-fitting metallic armor. A larger reptilian then beamed down, but its head had horns, and he carried a scepter. " Listen, fan out, and capture them all!" he commanded. Yosho, Aeka, Sasami, Misty, and Erika were all at the shrine. They immediately went out to battle the soldiers. " Ah, if it isn't ex-Emperor Yosho," the reptilian said. " I am Torax of the Plecenine Empire. You will surrender. " " On what charges?" Yosho asked. " Since when do we Plecenine's respect the rights of Juraians? Troops, attack!" Yosho tried to summon his Jurai power, but an energy beam from the mother ship hovering above the shrine neutralized his power, stunning him. " I won't let you win," Aeka said, summoning her mini-guardians. " Lothar, tend to her," Torax commanded. Lothar pulled out a glowing black sword which shredded Aeka's mini-guardians, sending her flying backward. Meanwhile, other soldiers burst into the Masaki house, where Brock was combing Vulpix's tails. " I am Jaxer of the Plecenine Empire," the soldier said. " You will surrender. " " OK, freeze, scuzzballs!" Washu said as she bounded out of her lab with an incredibly huge ray gun. " What's that?" Jaxer and his contigent of about 5 soldiers asked in fear. " It's my latest invention - a inverse gravititational sub-atomic space minimizer!" " What?" everyone asked, including Brock. " If this beam hits you, then you'll turn into a miniature black hole and be sucked inside yourself!" " But, Little Washu, won't that ... also suck up everyone else, including you and me, and never stop, until it sucks the whole Earth up, like all black holes?" Brock asked. " Uh, drat, I didn't think of that," Washu sighed. " Surrender now," Jaxer said. " No way,Vulpix, fire spin!" " Vuullllll!" Vulpix yelled. Jaxer and his soldiers were roasted to a crisp. " So that's the power of pokemon," Washu thought loudly. " OK, Onix, bind them!" Onix gathered all of the soldiers together. But suddenly Jaxer and his soldiers recovered, and they sent energy disks into Onix, stunning the rock snake. " Onix!" Brock cried out. " So, these are the monsters High Commander warned us of. But they have been neutralized. Nebu-nebu, beam these prisoners aboard. " Suddenly a beam came out of the sky and took Brock and Washu away. Meanwhile, at the shrine, another huge battle was raging. " Ryo-ohki, transform!" Sasami yelled. " Myiaa!" the cabbit screamed as it jumped into the air, transforming into her spaceship form. She then fired on Nebu-nebu, before a green beam hit her in the center of her pink crystal, changing her back into a cabbit as she careened into the pavement. " Ryo-ohki!" Sasami cried out as she tended to her cabbit. " I'm not going down without a fight," Misty said as Torax, Lothar and the other Plecenine shock troops advanced. " Starmie, Staryu, go!" " Vileplume, Tangela, Weepinbell, stun spores, spray them!" Starmie and Staryu knocked down all of the soldiers before Erika's three pokemon coated them with stun spores, paralyzing the entire battalion. " Amazing," Yosho said calmly. " Wow, that was great!" Sasami said. Aeka slowly started coming to. " Wha ... what happened?" " We beat them, sis!" Suddenly a green beam emerged from Nebu-nebu, healing the Plecenines on the ground. Another beam beamed our heroes aboard the ship. On the ship, all of the group were placed in holding cells, and Nebu-nebu set off for the Plecenine Empire. Chapter Four Later that afternoon, Tenchi arrived home from school, but noticed that there was no dinner. Ryoko soon materialized in front of him. " Ryoko, where are Sasami and the others? I'm getting hungry." Ryoko sniffed the air. " This is weird, Tenchi; Sasami's not usually late with dinner. I tell you, you go off to relax in the mountains one afternoon, and then ... oh, hi Ash." " Hey, I just came back from walking around town," Ash said, Pikachu resting on his head. " Where's the others?" " That's what we're trying to figure out," Ryoko said. " Tenchi, I can't contact Ryo-ohki. " " Look here," Tenchi said, looking at burn marks in the walls and other evidence of mayhem in the living room. " There was a fight here. Ryoko, did you and Aeka ... " " Honest, Tenchi," Ryoko protested," I haven't seen her since lunch. " " Hmm, Pikachu, what do you think?" Ash asked. " Pika pi pikachu." " You think there was a battle?" Ash asked. " Definitely weird," Tenchi said as he opened the lab door. " Even Washu's not here." " And that's a bad thing?" Ryoko asked sarcastically. " It is if something mysterious is going on," Tenchi scolded. Just as they were talking, Laronda entered the house. " Hi, guys. Hmm. Listen, aren't we a little short here? I went up to the shrine, and no one was there, so I figured everyone was down here. " " You mean Grandpa's not at the shrine?" Tenchi asked, shocked. " Where is everyone?" " Let's find out," Laronda said as she entered the lab. " Huh?" everyone gasped as they followed her in. Laronda wasted no time punching several buttons on Washu's console. Several monitors went up, and everyone gaped in awe as Laronda's fingers ran back and forth across Washu's equipment. " OK, this isn't good. Ash, Tenchi, Ryoko ... our friends are no longer on this planet. I've found an energy trail from a large ship, so we should be able to follow." " Washu you are the best!" Washu puppet A said as it appeared on Laronda's shoulder. " Washu you are the greatest!" Washu puppet B said as it appeared on her other shoulder. " Wait a minute!" both yelled. " You aren't Washu!" " How ... how do you know how to work this equipment?" Ryoko asked. " Well, not to brag, but I'm smarter than Washu thinks I am. I know that for some reason she's been secretly watching me the past few days. By watching her, I've been able to figure out some of her little toys. " " I see what Brock sees in you," Ash said. " You're really good. " " Yea, Laronda, you're quite handy to have around," Tenchi said uneasily. " Tenchi!" Ryoko said jealously. " Hmm," Laronda said as she continued typing," since you and Tenchi aren't really Earthlings, I take it you have a spaceship?" Laronda asked. " Nope," Ryoko said. " I can't contact Ryo-ohki, so she's probably gone. " " Ryo-ohki's a girl?" Ash asked, shocked. Everyone else fell backward. " I swear, he's almost as dense as Mihoshi," Ryoko said disgustedly. " That's it!" Tenchi said. " We'll follow the trail in Yagami!" " Tenchi, we need to talk, alone, on the way to Kiyone and Mihoshi's apartment," Ryoko said as she dragged Tenchi out of the lab, leaving Ash and Laronda behind. But, Pikachu was crafty. The little pokemon followed Tenchi and Ryoko, curious as to what Ryoko suddenly needed to tell Tenchi alone. A few minutes later, the two were walking toward town, Pikachu sneaking in the bushes nearby, when they began to talk. " Ryoko, what was it that you needed to tell me?" Tenchi asked. " Look, it's that girl Laronda. Listen, I see how you look at her. Come on, Tenchi, what's the deal with her anyway?" " Look, Ryoko, I don't like her or anything. But she's a nice girl, and she's VERY pretty to look at." " Ah, Tenchi, come on, I'm pretty too, right?" Ryoko teased. " I take it this isn't what you wanted to talk about," Tenchi said, staring at her. " Nope, not at all. Tenchi, I ... I've been feeling all kinds of weird vibes ever since those pokemon trainers came through the portal. Now I know for sure. Tenchi, Laronda ... she isn't right. Something about her is very, very wrong. I think we're in more danger with her than our friends are wherever they may be. " " What do you mean, other than the fact that all she does is read?" " Well, like just now. If Washu is the greatest scientific yada yada, how did Laronda need only FIVE MINUTES to figure out how to use some of Washu's most complex gadgets? It's impossible." " That's a good point. " " Pika pika," Pikachu agreed as he overheard. " Look, Tenchi, I feel a presence with her, something beyond anything we've ever faced. " " Considering Nagi, Kagato, Kain, Yuzuha, and some of the other wackos we've battled, that's quite a statement, Ryoko. Maybe it's the pokemon, or the fact that they're from another ... " " Listen to me, Tenchi! She's the only one I get this vibe from. Not from Ash, or Misty, or Pikachu, her best friend Erika, her boyfriend Brock ... " " Well, Ryoko, not to quibble, but Brock is technically just her friend ... " " Come on, this is serious!" Ryoko said, grabbing him. " She even said that she knew Washu was watching her secretly. Why would Washu do this?" " You know Washu," Tenchi said condescendingly. " Yea, well why just her?" " Well, what can we do? Fight her? She's been nothing but nice to all of us, except Dad. I guess ... we can watch her closely. Listen, Ryoko, right know all I care about is getting my family and friends back. Until then, this Laronda business has to go on the back burner. " " OK, Tenchi, just ... be careful," Ryoko said. Pikachu took all of this in as he followed them to Kiyone and Mihoshi's apartment. Chapter Five " What, what do you mean everyone's vanished?" Kiyone yelled. " Well, that's what happened," Tenchi explained. " They were obviously kidnapped by someone. Listen, can you give us a ride in Yagami?" " Sure," Kiyone said. " I can't wait to go on an adventure," Mihoshi said as Ryoko sighed ominously. Suddenly Kiyone and Mihoshi's armbands flashed. " Incoming message," Kiyone said. " Galaxy Police Detectives First Class, this is your commanding officer. We are aware of your ties to the Jurai royal family. Therefore, we must insist that you stay out of the coming conflict between the Jurai and Plecenine Empire, as the Galaxy Police are remaining neutral. Command out. " " Well, we're stuck now," Ryoko said. " At least we know who took them," Tenchi suggested. " Don't you understand? The Plecenines are a vicious race of reptilians, dangerous and unpredictable. Even if we could use Yagami, we'd never make it to their home world," Ryoko said dejectedly. " Wait. Now we can't go. But, Ryoko, you're a space pirate. Suppose you were to ..." Kiyone said slyly. " I get it," Ryoko said as Tenchi nodded. " Get what? What are you talking about?" Mihoshi said. " Let's just say we're going to be taking some time off, Mihoshi," Kiyone said condescendingly. " All right, I could use a vacation! We can take Yagami to ..." Tenchi, Ryoko, and Kiyone fell backward. " I'll handle this," Kiyone said. " You all just go. " Tenchi and Ryoko "stole" Yagami and beamed Ash, Pikachu, and Laronda aboard, and began their trip. It didn't take too long before Laronda had figured out how to pilot the ship, so she, Tenchi, and Ryoko took turns piloting. Eventually, Yagami ran low on fuel, and being short on money, they landed on a planet called Gaora, in an attempt to raise money. Chapter 6 " Beep beep beep," an alarm clock blared before the woman asleep in the bed smashed it to pieces. " I'm up, I'm up," Nagi said as she awoke. This was her life, waking up in strange beds in run-down hotels and hovels, always on the hunt. " Chaaa, Chaaaa!" Ken-ohki greeted her. " Alright, let's see what's going on today," she moaned. " In our latest news, tensions are mounting between the Empires of Jurai and Plecenine." " More political trouble?" Nagi mused. " In their boldest move yet, the Plecenine Empire is rumored to be holding several members of the Jurai royal family, including First Princess Aeka and Second Princess Sasami, hostage. " " Those two can't stay out of trouble, can they?" Nagi said as Ken-ohki nodded. " The GP and other empires have staked out a neutral course. In related news, the notorious space pirate Ryoko is the most wanted criminal of the Galaxy Police again, this time for stealing a Police spaceship. It is rumored that she is involved in the kidnapping of the Jurai Royals. Joining her is a renegade Juraian noble and two unknown mercenaries," the news report said as it flashed Tenchi, Laronda, and Ash's pictures. " Ryoko!" Nagi yelled as she spilled her drink. " But I wonder why she just simply didn't use Ryo-ohki. Maybe Ryo-ohki was kidnapped too ... " " Choooow, chaaa!" Ken-ohki snarled [ We have to save Ryo-ohki! ] " Hmm, right. Maybe. But first things first. We find Ryoko!" " Ryoko," Nagi thought," now it will finally end between us. And neither Tenchi nor these pathetic-looking new thugs of yours will stand in my way." On Gaora, the five split up in an attempt to make money to fix the Yagami. Ash and Pikachu found jobs at a fast food restaurant, Tenchi followed Laronda to a bookstore to work, and Ryoko ... what was Ryoko doing? " Ah, this is the life," Ryoko said as she relaxed at a health spa. " No work, no worries, no Aeka, no ... " " Ryoko," Tenchi said sternly. Ryoko jumped up in shock. " Tenchi?" " Ryoko, what are you doing?" Tenchi was on a lunch break. Somehow, he found her in the spa. " How did you ... hey, Tenchi, now that we're rid of that irritating princess, you and I can ... " " Ryoko, you're supposed to be earning money so we can get the Yagami fixed, remember?" Tenchi said scoldingly. " Tenchi, I ... " " I'm sorry, Ryoko. It's just ... now that we're on the run again ... " " I understand. Listen, relax. Set your mind at ease. " " I would, but I have to get back to the bookstore. See you later," Tenchi said. Meanwhile, Nagi was walking up the street, holding photos of her quarry. " Hmm. I need to get Ryoko's attention, Ken-ohki." Ken-ohki nodded. Later that afternoon, Tenchi and Laronda were hard at work at the bookstore. Laronda was busily typing into the computer while Tenchi was staring into space. " What's wrong, Tenchi?" Laronda asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. " I was a little hard on Ryoko at lunch today. She just needs to realize ... " " Tenchi, what is it between you and Ryoko? Or should I say, you and Aeka? There's a little love triangle going on there, I think." Tenchi tried to evade Laronda's questions, but she gazed at him with her beautiful brown eyes, and soon he melted. " Well, Laronda, I mean, I love them all. They're like family to me, all of them. " " That's interesting. I guess that's the same way I feel about Brock, Erika, Ash, and Misty. They're like the only family I've got. I'm not all that close to my father, because he's always working, and my mother, well, she died when I was little," Laronda explained, looking down. " You, too?" Tenchi asked. " My mother died when I was young, too, and my father's always at work. And after I found out about my powers, well, life's been complicated ever since. " Soon the two were deep in conversation. " Laronda, so what is it between you and Brock? He seems to be quite fond of you." " A little too fond sometimes. But, he means well. We're good friends. But sometimes, he fawns over me too much. I'd like him to just take it easy sometimes. Him and every other guy I meet. " " Sounds like what I have to deal with with Ryoko and Aeka. " Meanwhile, Nagi and Ken-ohki were hungry, so they went into the fast food restaurant where Ash and Pikachu happened to be working. " May I help you?" Ash said. " Yea, I'd like a quarter pounder special, some bourbon ... " " Bourbon?" " Bourbon! And 10 carrots for Ken-ohki here. " Nagi then looked up and recognized him. She was visibly shocked, but Ash did not notice. " What would you like on your quarter pounder, miss?" Ash asked. " Oh, lettuce, tomato, ketchup ... " " Pikachu! Pikachu! Pikachu!" Pikachu yelled as he drowned Nagi's hamburger in ketchup. Ash sighed as he went over to attempt to remedy the situation. " Ken-ohki, looks like a couple of world-class schmucks to me. Ryoko really must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to be forced to hook up with a guy like this." She jumped over the counter and confronted Ash in the kitchen. " Oh, I'm sorry ... what's your name?" " Nagi." " I'm sorry, Nagi, as soon as I straighten out Pikachu ... " " Where's Ryoko, dipstick?" Nagi yelled as she jacked Ash against the wall. " What's it to you?" " Listen, tell me where Ryoko is or I swear I will ... " " No way! Pikachu, thunderbolt attack!" " Pikachuuuuu!" Nagi dodged Pikachu's blast and returned Pikachu's attack with her electric sword, knocking Pikachu back into the wall. " Pikaaaa," Pikachu said, slightly wounded. " Ken-ohki, take Pikachu out!" Nagi ordered. After she said this, she threw Ash across the room. He landed on the stove, and then jumped up in pain as he was burned. While he was in the air, Nagi answered with a swift kick that knocked him into a table, causing the pans on the table to hit him in the head. " Owww," Ash said. He was not used to this kind of combat. " Pathetic," Nagi muttered. " Uhh, I'm going to take you down. Drowzee, I choose you!" " Drowzee!" the pokemon said as it appeared out of its pokeball. However, Nagi was not impressed. " I see. So you train these animals to fight for you. How cowardly." " I'll show you! Drowzee, hypnosis attack!" Drowzee shot its waves at Nagi, bringing the bounty hunter to her feet. Meanwhile, Ken-ohki lunged at Pikachu, but a quick attack from Pikachu left Ken-ohki looking rather ragged. " Ken ... ohki ... " Nagi moaned. Suddenly she stood up, as energized as ever. She kicked Drowzee into the wall. " Nice try. But my mind's stronger than that. You got any more tricks?" " Charizard, I choose ... " But before Ash could summon another pokemon, Nagi lunged at him and hit him in the ribs with her electric sword, shocking him. Ash fainted. " Pikapi pika pika!" Pikachu yelled at Nagi. [ Leave Ash alone ]. Somehow, Nagi understood what Pikachu was saying. " I'll leave you alone if you tell me where Ryoko is," Nagi responded. " Pika, pika chuuuu!" Pikachu said, releasing another thunderbolt. " If you wish to be that way," Nagi said as she dodged Pikachu's thunderbolt. She then punched Pikachu in the face and knocked him out. " Always has to be the messy way," Nagi said sarcastically as she picked up Ash and Pikachu. " Ken-ohki, let's go. " Later that afternoon, Tenchi and Laronda were closing the bookstore for the afternoon. " Listen, Tenchi, why don't you leave early and spend some time with Ryoko?" Laronda asked mischieviously. " I can lock up here. " " But, but ... " " Go, on, have fun," Laronda said, pushing him out of the shop. Tenchi left the shop and met up with Ryoko at their apartment. " Why, Tenchi, you're back early," Ryoko said excitedly. " Laronda said ... I mean, why don't we go to dinner together?" " I'd love to," Ryoko said. Suddenly the phone rang. " Is Ryoko there?" the voice on the other end said. " Ryoko, it's for you," Tenchi said. " Hello, Ryoko, it's been a while. I hunted you for months, but I eventually thought you were dead. I'm happy to know that I'll be able to finally take your life myself." " Nagi!" " How nice to see you remember me. I have your friend Ash and his little pet. " " Nagi, release him!" " Oh, you know I will, once I get what I want. 73rd block, you'll know the place. Oh, and by the way, if I see your precious prince or that other girl, well, you know. Ciao. " Ryoko slammed her hands onto the table. " 73rd block. Nagi, I'm gonna end this once and for all. " " We'd better go," Tenchi said. " No, this is something I have to do alone, Tenchi." " But ... " " Please, Tenchi. I promise I'll come back safe, with Ash and Pikachu." " Alright, but be careful," Tenchi said. Ryoko teleported out of the wretched hotel room they were staying in. Meanwhile, Tenchi grabbed a map of Gaora and found the 73rd block, and, grabbing his Tenchi sword, took off after Ryoko. Not too long afterward, Laronda entered the apartment with her Flareon, licking a strawberry ice cream cone. " Well, Flareon ... I'm bored," Laronda said as she collapsed onto the bed. She looked for something to read, but the only thing she could find was the map. She noticed that someone had circled the 73rd block. " Flareon, do you think Tenchi and Ryoko went to this 73rd block?" Flareon nodded. " Well, I don't want to intrude on their date, but I'm so bored, I'll go down there anyway." Flareon jumped up and followed its master out of the door. Meanwhile, Ryoko arrived at the 73rd block, not noticing Tenchi watching from an alley. " Aha," she thought as there was only one bar on the whole block. She entered, her energy sword readied for combat. " Well, well, well, Ryoko," Nagi said as Ryoko entered. " Where's Ash and Pikachu?" Ryoko demanded loudly. " Oh, I'll release them after our fight, whether you're dead or alive," Nagi said. " Ok, then, let's get it on," Ryoko said as she and Nagi began their fight. Tenchi looked on helplessly as bright lights flashed in the bar, and the patrons fled in fright. Suddenly, someone behind him called his name. Tenchi pulled his sword on the voice and came very close to ... " Hey, watch it!" Laronda said playfully. " I'm rather attached to my head. " " Sorry, Laronda ... hey, how did you find us?" " You circled the 73rd block on the map. Hey, what's happening?" " It's Nagi." " Nagi?" Laronda asked in wonder. Tenchi explained EVERYTHING about Nagi, from the very beginning to this point. " This isn't good, Tenchi," Laronda said. " We have to rescue them. This Nagi sounds like a complete psycho. " " Yea, but I can't move in, or she'll kill Ash and Pikachu." " How can she do that if she's battling Ryoko? She must have them stashed somewhere," Laronda reasoned. " Yea, but where could she stash them?" Tenchi asked. " Easy," Laronda said, smiling but serious. " Somewhere where we can't get to them, but she can. " " Ken-ohki, her ship!" Tenchi said. " That's a thought," Laronda said. " Listen, I'll get Yagami. You make sure Ryoko doesn't get hurt in there." Laronda knew that she had to find a way to fix the ship in a hurry. If a bounty hunter could find them,so could the Galaxy Police or worse. She passed by a ship parts shop. " I'm going to hate myself in the morning for this," she thought. She entered the shop innocently, and picked up the parts she needed. Of course, she had nowhere near enough money to pay for it all. She merely tried to sneak the parts out of the shop discreetly, but being as lovely as she was, every eye in the shop was eyeing her every move, and she was caught. " Freeze, miss! Where do you think you're going with those parts?" one of the guards said. " Well, I'm kind of short on cash, and I need these parts to fix my ship," Laronda said. She did her patented curtsey. " Can I just borrow these parts pleeease?" " Well, I don't see why not," the security guard said. " Wait a minute, she can't do that!" the other guard said. " Listen, sweetie, we'd hate to have to send you to prison. So just put the parts back and leave, and we'll forget all about it." Laronda grinned. " Sorry, but I don't plan on going to prison anytime soon. Cloyster, aurora beam!" Cloyster's aurora beam froze the two security guards. More guards came streaming out as Laronda pushed a shopping cart full of parts out of the store. " Freeze. We don't want to have to hurt a beautiful woman like yourself, but we will do it," several more guards said as they followed and surrounded her, laser rifles trained on her. She noticed that to her left was a steep downward slope. " OK, I give up, don't hurt me," Laronda said innocently as she pushed her cart toward the slope. Her beautiful smile was disarming to the guards. Then, suddenly, she shoved the cart as hard as she could, and somehow ( remember this is a woman that wears ankle-length dresses ) leaped onto the cart as it careened at high speed down the hill. " Gang way!" the guards yelled as they jumped out of the way of her cart. Laronda sped down the hill, enjoying her ride until she noticed another steep edge. But this one was a cliff. She then lifted up a red ball and called for the ship. No answer. She called again, and no answer. She screamed as she drew near the edge, just before the ship beamed her aboard. She quickly made the repairs to the ship and hoped they worked. " I'm no mechanic, but I guess we'll see whether you can trust the backs of these plastic packages," she mused. She noticed Ken-ohki in orbit. She pulled Yagami in close and beamed Ash and Pikachu over. Both were still in bad shape, but a good night's rest was apparently all they would need. " Thanks, Laronda," Ash said. " Don't mention it," she replied as she tended to them. " Listen, you're pretty handy with these spaceships," Ash mused. " I guess I just have a natural talent," Laronda answered. " Are you gonna be OK while me and Tenchi get Ryoko?" Laronda asked. Ash nodded as Laronda beamed herself back into the alley. " Laronda!" Tenchi exclaimed. " No change?" Laronda asked. " They've been going at it for hours," Tenchi said. " They're really gonna ... kill each other." " Well, I've got Yagami running and I found Ash and Pikachu. Thank GOD for small miracles. Let's get Ryoko." Inside, Nagi was starting to gain the upper hand. Ryoko tried to summon an energy ball, but the only thing that appeared in her hands were sparkles of light. " Ryoko, you've finally run out of energy," Nagi said. " Me, I'm just getting WARMED UP!" she shouted as she lunged at Ryoko with her electric sword, giving her a good shock. " Arrrgh!" Ryoko yelled as she collapsed to the ground. " You win, Nagi." She was coughing up blood. " Just ... finish it now." " YOU'D BETTER NOT HURT HER!" Tenchi yelled as he entered the bar with Laronda. " Tenchi ... " Ryoko moaned before she collapsed. " Ryoko!" Laronda yelled as she ran over to the fallen pirate. " Are you OK? Speak to me!" Laronda then became extremely angry. " Nagi, I'm taking you down!" Nagi laughed. " You're too pretty to get involved in a fight with me. I'll mess you up." " Laronda, stand back!" Tenchi yelled. " So, that's your name," Nagi said. " How do you like our dimension?" " You know ... " Laronda droned. " I'm a thorough interrogator," Nagi bragged before she was broadsided by Tenchi's elbow. She lunged back with her electric sword, but she was too slow and tired from her fight with Ryoko. Tenchi dodged her easily, and hit her with a roundhouse kick, knocking her out. " Come on, Tenchi, we need to get out of here!" Laronda said as he picked up Ryoko. " Are you gonna be alright, Ryoko?" Tenchi asked as he held her. Suddenly the three beamed away. Nagi woke up a few minutes later. " You won't get away from me, Ryoko! I won't lose your trail, not ever again! Ken-ohki!" she yelled as she was beamed back aboard her ship. Chapter 7 " Is she gonna be alright?" Ash asked. " I don't know," Laronda said," but she still hasn't come to, yet. There's a lot of internal bleeding." " How can you tell?" Tenchi asked. " Because her skin's a deep purplish-red," Laronda said nonchalantly. " Look, we need to find a hospital." " Pikapi Pikachu pika kapichu!" Pikachu yelled, pointing at a monitor. Laronda and Ash burst into the cockpit while Tenchi tended to Ryoko. " Oh, no, TENCHI!" Laronda yelled. " It's Ken-ohki! Nagi's following us!" Ken-ohki opened fire, shaking the ship. " Return fire," Laronda yelled. " Weapons systems, offline," the computer answered back. " We don't have weapons?" Ash asked. " We're just gonna have to try and outrun her," Laronda said, trying to dodge Ken-ohki's attacks. " Ash, take the controls, we need to find ... " Laronda busily typed into the computer as Ash tried to pilot the ship. However, he was unsuccessful, as Ken-ohki scored about 3 more direct hits. " Ash, be careful! Ryoko's bleeding back here!" Tenchi yelled into the microphone. " I found it," Laronda said. " There's a Galaxy Police station ahead!" " That's bad," Tenchi said over the intercom. " We've got Nagi behind us and the police ahead of us." " Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place," Ash said. " Look, we have to save Ryoko," Laronda said. " And our best bet is the infirmary on that station." Ken-ohki scored more hits, and disgusted, Pikachu took the controls from Ash. With Pikachu at the helm, Yagami skillfully dodged all of Ken-ohki's attacks. " Listen," Laronda said. " We're gonna get Ryoko onto that station and get her fixed up. And I know how to do it," she said slyly. " And we're gonna evade Nagi and all the hundreds of police in that station, too, with no weapons on our ship," Tenchi said sarcastically. " And sit around long enough for them to operate on Ryoko. All this with a ship that's barely functional and a pilot," he said, pointing to Ash," that's not 100% himself. The three of us." " Trust me," Laronda said. Chapter 8 While Nagi chased Yagami toward the Galaxy Police station, our prisoners ( remember them? ) were languishing in a cell on Plecenine Prime. " Why are you holding us here?" Erika shouted toward a speaker. " Well, it isn't the first time we've been stuck like this," Misty said as she relaxed in the corner of the cell. " Erika, calm down, we need to relax until they make a move." " Hmm, you may be right," Yosho said. " Washu, any luck?" " Nope. They've got some kind of containment field on us. I can't even summon my portable computer. " Just then Torax arrived at their cell with Jaxer and opened the cell. " Torax, why are we being held here? I am the First Princess of ... " " Please, Aeka, we know. Please be dressed, our king awaits you. " The Plecenine royal court, although comprised of an alien reptilian race, preferred to wear Japanese clothing, so all of the women were dressed in kimonos ( yes, even Washu ) and Yosho and Brock wore samurai-type clothes. " Wow," Brock said as the ladies left their separate dressing rooms. " Erika, Aeka, has anyone ever told you that you two look alike in your kimonos?" Erika and Aeka studied each other for a bit. " We look nothing alike," they both exclaimed. " Well, Aeka has purple hair, and you have black hair, but, I can kind of see a resemblance," Misty said. " Me, too," Sasami added. Two big guards were impatiently waiting for the group. " King Unhabe wishes to see you now," one bellowed. The group followed the guards to the main throne room. Erika discreetly called Misty and Brock over to her. Unknown to them, Yosho was listening in on every word. " Listen, we have an advantage here. They don't know about our pokemon. The best thing to do is ... " " ... a full power assault!" Brock said. " We need to handle the King first," Misty said. " That may not be so easy," Yosho said, surprising them. " Look!" The warrior pointed to the main room, which was the size of a football field. Half of the room was taken up by a huge reptilian creature with a 17 foot tongue which it used to move things around; it had no arms or legs. " King Unhabe, here are your prisoners. " Unhabe glared at them for awhile. " I see, I see, most of them are here." " Most?" Torax and Jaxer asked as they entered the room. " Honorable King, these were all the people we found at the Jurai residence. " " How could you miss the four most important ones?" Unhabe demanded. " Look, you two are my most trusted servants. Please, go intercept them at once." " Right, benevolent king," the two soldiers said as they left the room. " So I see you tolerate failure," Yosho said sarcastically. " Yosho, always the cut-up," the king responded. " You two know each other?" Washu asked. " Of course. The king of the Plecenine Empire is immortal," Unhabe replied. " So when my subjects say,' Long Live the King,' it's quite literal. As for tolerating `failure', I don't. Unlike your typical Juraian tyrants, we fail to see the need for all that. There is never a reason for a Plecenine to take the life of a fellow member of our race. If I were to destroy them, how could they improve themselves and their work?" " Noble villian, isn't he?" Brock sneered to Misty. " Now!" Erika yelled as she released Vileplume. Vileplume's pollen filled a good portion of the room. When the haze cleared, all of the group was gone. " Troops! Intercept the prisoners! They must not escape!" the king bellowed. " They'd better not for your sake," an insane sounding voice said from above the king. " I'm not bound by your Plecenine rules." Suddenly a man appeared before the king. He was dressed in red and white Juraian robes, with the typical Juraian bangs of hair parallel to his face and long reddish-brown hair down to his waist tied near the bottom. " Yoshiyori, I presume," the king said. " Yes. Me. Intercept them. Once the empire is thrown into chaos, they will see that Aeka and her family are unfit to rule Jurai. And then, I'll be able to ascend to the throne by my `mediation' of the war. And you, friend, will be restored to your former glory." Yoshiyori gave an insane laugh before radioing his ship. " Nagamasa?" " Nagamasa here. Awaiting your orders, lord Yoshiyori." " Ah, Unhabe, this is Nagamasa. A weird scientist, to be sure, but loyal to me in every way. Stand by for further instructions. " " As you wish. Nagamasa out. " Meanwhile, " We've got to lose them!" Brock said as the group was being chased by about 40 troops. " Jurai power won't work on this world," Yosho said. " It's too unpredictable here." " But pokepower will work fine anywhere," Misty said. " Starmie, Staryu, go!" Golduck appeared. " Oh, no, not now, not now!" " Who cares which one, just do something!" Aeka yelled. " But Golduck's worthless! The only thing it can do is mess things up!" " Kind of like a certain Galaxy Police Detective, huh?" Washu said snidely. " Onix, go!" Brock yelled. " Knock the roof down!" The huge rock snake appeared and followed Brock's orders, causing enough debris to temporarily block the troops' advance. However, their laser rifles were blasting through. " That's quite a monster you have there," Yosho observed. " No time to ponder, let's just find somewhere to hide," Misty said. Sasami tried to use Ryo-ohki, but the cabbit merely crashed into the ceiling. " Just as I thought," Washu said. " The same containment that's shut off the Jurai power and my powers won't allow Ryo-ohki to transform. The only reason why you guys can use your pokemon is because the Plecenine's aren't familiar with them ... yet. As soon as they figure them out, they'll neutralize them too. Which means we don't have much time to figure out a way out of here." Soon the group was out of the main headquarters and in a swamp. In fact, the entire planet was a nasty, dingy swamp. The trees were very different from Jurai; they were more like large, ugly vines. They completely blocked the sunlight; that is, if there was any - it was very, very rainy. The group, still in their formal clothes, made their way through the swamp to a cave, where they paused to collect their thoughts and rest. " So, Yosho, you know this guy. Mind telling us what's going on?" Washu said. " His name is King Unhabe." " We know that already," Misty said impatiently. " He was the first of the Plecenines. This race originated about 500 years ago." " No wonder I'd never heard of them or their king," Washu interrupted. " He is the source of the empire's power. Without him, none of them exist. Legend has it he was the result of an experiment gone wrong." " What happened?" Erika asked. " A scientist on Jurai was angry with the royal family for not commissioning his genetic research, so he came to this planet and attempted to breed a race resistant to Jurai power, a race capable of defeating the Royal Family of Jurai. He succeeded in every respect, except the source became sentient. It became King Unhabe. Unhabe rebelled against the scientist and formed his own empire. However, the hatred of the Jurai is still embedded in the Plecenines, and they have been at war with the Jurai Empire off and on ever since." " Who was this scientist? What happened to him?" Sasami asked. " He has gone by many names through the years. Back then, he was called Nakamura. He even once went by the name Kagato, although as far as I know he bore no relation to my childhood rival. There are all sorts of stories, of demons and such, surrounding him, especially since, like his creation King Unhabe, he is immortal." " Nakamura, hmm, I once knew a Nakamura. Student of mine. In fact, he was brilliant." " What happened to him, Miss Washu?" Aeka asked. " Well, don't know. Never heard from him, after I was imprisoned in the shrine for 700 years." " Do you think that he's the same Nakamura?" Brock asked. " Probably. Genetic research was his favorite game." " Then wherever Nakamura is today, we must find him," Misty said. Chapter 9 Meanwhile, the Yagami arrived within 100 light years of the space station, being hotly pursued by Nagi and Ken-ohki. Pikachu was doing a good job piloting the ship, and Ash was actually making a halfway decent co-pilot, while Tenchi was still tending to Ryoko. " Hang in there, Ryoko," Tenchi said, holding her head in his lap. " It'll be alright." There was no response. Ryoko was comatose. And the internal bleeding surely was not getting any better. Then, Laronda emerged from the cargo bay. " Laronda, what were you doing in the cargo bay? We're close to the station." " Praying to God," Laronda said. " We need it." " I'm sure," Tenchi said. Laronda helped Tenchi carry Ryoko into the cargo bay. Pikachu piloted Yagami solo while Ash joined the group in the cargo bay. " OK, Laronda, so how exactly are we gonna pull this off?" Tenchi asked. " Well, we've already discussed our disadvantages." " Yea, like the fact that our ship isn't exactly a battleship, isn't exactly even 100%, we only have two 100% healthy people, and only one weapon," Tenchi said as he brought out his Tenchi sword. " This is Galaxy Police Station #2 to Yagami. You are all under arrest. Stand down and prepare to be boarded," a voice said. " OK, here's the plan," Laronda said. " Tenchi, leave your sword with Ryoko." " What???" Tenchi and Ash exclaimed. " Look, don't argue. We're about to be boarded." " Look, Ash, hide Ryoko's body behind the bulkheads. The two of us will hide back there as well. When they board, Tenchi, you surrender. I hope Pikachu can hide out in the cockpit, we're going to need him to stay on this ship." " What do I do, then?" Tenchi asked. " You'll know when to make your move," Laronda said, smiling. " You're making this up as you go along, aren't you?" Tenchi said sarcastically. Laronda face-faulted. " Well, what choice do we have?" she asked. They followed her plan. Almost within seconds, several Galaxy Police troopers beamed aboard. " Tenchi Masaki! You are under arrest!" several officers shouted. " On what charge?" he asked. " Theft of Galaxy Police property, wanton mayhem, evading capture, and other violations of interplanetary law." " Do I get a lawyer?" he asked as Ash and Laronda snickered. " Now!" Laronda whispered. " Cloyster, aurora beam!" Cloyster's aurora beam froze the Galaxy Police officers. " Mitsuki to Team A. Mitsuki to Team A, over," a radio blared. " Listen, Ash, fill Pikachu on our plan, you have two minutes," Tenchi said. " He's supposed to stay in the cockpit, right Laronda. Laronda?" Laronda picked up the radio. " Over, this is Team A. We have the prisoner Tenchi Masaki." " Very good. Prepare to transport. " " Oh, no, what are we gonna do now?" Tenchi asked. " We let them have Ryoko," Laronda said. " And then once the operation's over, we trace your sword, and we find her. " " Clever," Tenchi said. " But they're still gonna get us. " " So we're gonna have to shut down their station. " " And just what about Nagi?" " I suppose she's hiding nearby, waiting to make her move. " Suddenly Team A vanished and rematerialized on the station. " What? What's going on?" Mitsuki yelled. " It appears that they're all frozen. And this is the space pirate Ryoko!" a man yelled. " But ... she's hurt!" a woman said. " Look, get them all to the infirmary!" Mitsuki yelled. " Yagami, you have three seconds to surrender, or ... " " We surrender," Tenchi said. A tractor beam pulled the Yagami inside the station. About 200 armed troops surrounded the vessel, ready to board. " This is Detective Captain Yasumoto. Come out with your hands up," a man shouted. " We're busted," Ash said. " We might have been able to pull this off if we had Washu with us," Tenchi said. " Pikapi, chu pika pikachu!" Pikachu said to Ash. " That's it!" Ash said. " Brilliant, Pikachu!" Pikachu rested on Ash's head as the three walked off of the ship with their hands up. " That's far enough!" Yasumoto yelled. " Men, search the ship!" About 20 men invaded Yagami. " So much for Yagami," Tenchi mused. " Pikapi!" Pikachu whispered. " Alright, now!" Ash shouted. " Pidgeotto, whirlwind attack!" Ash quickly tossed a pokeball. Pidgeotto appeared. " Pidgeoooo!" Pidgeotto yelled, blowing several guards away and clearing a path to the door. " Open fire!" Yasumoto yelled. " Exeggutor, stun spore!" Laronda commanded. " Exeggutorrr!" the giant plant pokemon yelled as it sprayed stun spores across the room, stunning many of the guards. Ash and Laronda recalled their pokemon as the three escaped through a doorway. " Going exactly according to plan," Laronda mused as they ran down the hallway. " What?" Tenchi yelled. " Laronda, uh, begging your pardon, but we barely escaped, " Ash said. " Furthermore, we lost the ship, and ... " " Exactly. At a space station like this, we ought to be able to find a new ship, and then Nagi won't be able to follow us anymore." " Nice idea, but right now, we're stuck," Tenchi said. " Well, the first thing we have to do is find the infirmary," Laronda said. " Pi!!!!" Pikachu yelled as he looked behind. Behind them was a troop of Galaxy Police officers. And in front of them as well. " Look," Tenchi said as they neared a big intersection. " If we can get past those troops in front of us, my sword isn't too much further. I can ... feel it close by." " OK, then you and Ash go get it," Laronda said. " Get in and out of there by any means necessary. I'm going for a ship," she said. " Aerodactyl, clear out those guards, wing attack!" Laronda said as she summoned her Aerodactyl. It flew through the police officers, evading blasts as it knocked them out, one by one, almost faster than the eye could see. Laronda recalled her pokemon as she split off from Ash and Tenchi. " There's just one problem," she thought. " I have no idea where I'm going. " Meanwhile, Ash, Tenchi, and Pikachu were being chased by yet another group of guards. " Ash, isn't there a pokemon you can use?" " I only have four left," Ash said. " We need to save them for an emergency." " I think *this qualifies* as an emergency, Ash," Tenchi said. " OK, Bulbasaur, razor leaf!" Ash shouted. " Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur yelled as it fired at the officers. " Ouch! Arrgh! It hurts! Someone stop it!" various officers yelled as they were cut down by the leaves. Bulbasaur dodged their attacks as he was now picking them off if they tried to stand up. " In here," Tenchi yelled. Ash recalled Bulbasaur and ducked into the side room with him. " Alright, just what we need," Ash said. They found their way into a Galaxy Police supply closet. Inside were laser rifles, pulse grenades, any kind of weapon they could use. " OK, Ash, Pikachu, arm up," Tenchi said. " We've got a long way to go yet." While all this was going on, Nagi approached the station slowly within Ken-ohki, monitoring the police frequencies. " So that's their plan," Nagi said. " Do they actually think they can take out a whole police station? Let's just sit back and enjoy the show, Ken-ohki." " Chowuuuu!" Meanwhile, Laronda entered a room where several police officers were looking in on a bunch of monitors. " Freeze!" an alert guard said. " You're under arrest!" " You're a very beautiful woman," another guard said. " We don't want to shoot you, so please surrender. " " Hmm. I'll surrender, but I don't know about Dragonite. Dragonite, what about you?" Laronda summoned her Dragonite, which sent a deafening, intimidating roar which frightened the guards. " Well, my friend here doesn't want to surrender," Laronda said. The guards fled the room as fast as they could. Afterward, Laronda recalled her Dragonite. " At least you didn't battle. Which means I can use you again," Laronda said. It took the bookworm about a minute to figure out how to operate the monitors. She even managed to download a map of the place. She found Tenchi, Ash, and Pikachu, racing toward the infirmary. " Tenchi, Ash, Pikachu, this is Laronda," she said into a microphone. " Laronda ... how?" Ash said. " Listen, I bet you're wondering where all the police have gone. Well, they've got a big trap set for you up ahead. I'd say about ... 300 soldiers are waiting for you. They've got orders to shoot first and ask questions later. " " Oh, boy," Tenchi said. " Look, I have an idea. Two floors below is one of the main power generators. If you can take them out, you can distract the force above long enough to enter the infirmary. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Well, I'm off, bye bye," Laronda said as she left the room. " We can't split up any more," Tenchi said. " Not with 300 soldiers ahead. What are we gonna do?" he moaned. " Pikachu, I can't think. Give me a charge." Pikachu zapped Ash in the head. " Does that hurt?" Tenchi asked. He recieved no answer. " That did it!" Ash shouted. " Here's the plan. Pikachu, you're armed. You and Charizard go downstairs and take out that generator. I'm counting on you two," Ash said as he released Charizard. Pikachu then complained to Ash. " Don't worry, I still have Squirtle. Go, and hurry," Ash said. Pikachu and Charizard left for the basement. " Uh, Ash, are you sure those two animals can ... " " They're not animals, they're pokemon, and I've trained them to be ... " " OK, OK!" Tenchi said. " I guess when they blow the generators, we make our move?" " Right!" Meanwhile, Laronda was about to make a desperate move. She sneaked around the place until she reached a room marked," office of the Detective Captain." " Perfect," she said. She casually opened the door. " Hi, Yasumoto," Laronda said as she smiled and curtseyed. " How are you today?" " Why, hello, young lady, so nice to see you," Yasumoto droned as he gazed at Laronda. He was mesmerized by her pretty face and her absolutely perfect body. " Sir, isn't that one of the mercenaries?" his aide said to him. " [Expletive deleted]," he said, coming to his senses. " She's so cute, too bad she's a mercenary." Laronda shrugged. " Just when we were getting close. OK, listen up," she said as she released Flareon. " Everyone stay calm, and you won't be hurt." " Listen, miss, you're unarmed. Surrender. This kind of lifestyle doesn't suit someone as beautiful as yourself," the aide said. " You're right," Laronda said. " But sometimes we have no choice, and I have no choice. Flareon?" " Flaaaaare!" Flareon said as he sent flames at the aide's gun, melting it. " OOOWWWWW!" the aide yelled, his hand burned to a crisp. " I suppose you have a gun, too, Yasumoto. Please, hand it over," Laronda said, now in an angry tone. " OK, what do you want?" he asked. " Oh, simple, I need a new ship. Some weapons, money, food, you know." " Go on," Yasumoto said. Just then seven Police Officers burst into the room, three on the ground, two kneeling, and two standing, their guns trained on Laronda, who was laying pn her side on top of Yasumoto's desk. Laronda calmly picked up one of Yasumoto's classified files. " Oh, by the way," she said without looking up. " Drop your weapons and move over against that wall. " Flareon then torched the ones on the ground. The others complied, moving against the wall, joining Yasumoto and his aide. " Well," Yasumoto said to his aide," at least we can enjoy the view," he said, pointing to Laronda. " But right now, it's her move." Meanwhile, down in the main power generator, business was going along as usual, except for the yellow alert. Suddenly a set of doors in the bottom burst open. " Pi-ka-chuuuu." Pikachu said threateningly. Pikachu was dressed like Rambo, with a red headband and wearing bullet rounds across his body. He was carrying two laser rifles, and had a belt made of pulse grenades. " You've got to be kidding me," one of the men said as he went back to work. " Chaaaaaar!" Charizard yelled, flying into the room as he attacked several guards with flame attacks. " It's not kidding!" other police officers said as they ducked for cover and started firing at Pikachu and Charizard. Pikachu then ducked behind a desk and returned fire. Up above, Charizard was making short work of the guards. Eventually, Pikachu tossed a pulse grenade behind the police encampment. " Bomb!!!!" several of the officers shouted as they scrambled away from the grenade. Now that they were in the open, Pikachu hit them with a thunderwave attack, paralyzing them. Then, he overloaded the generator with a thunderbolt, knocking it out. After this, the whole station shook. " Alright Pikachu," Ash said as he and Tenchi looked on at the infirmary. The violent shake and the temporary loss of power gave them a window of opportunity. Before the backup generators came on, Ash released Squirtle. " Squirtle, hydro pump attack! Give it everything you've got!" Ash commanded. " Squirrtle!" Squirtle yelled as his hydropump attack wiped out a good portion of the guards. Meanwhile, Tenchi and Ash set to the others with their laser rifles, and somehow made it into the infirmary. They walked straight up to Ryoko's operating room, and after seeing that the operation was just about finished, burst in the room. " OK, we're taking you all hostage. We want safe passage out of here," Tenchi said, grabbing his Tenchi sword as he applied it to the surgeon's neck. Meanwhile, the station had given in to Laronda's request for a spaceship. " Your spaceship is called Sendai," Mitsuki said over the microphone, " and it is waiting for you in the shuttle bay. We will not harm you on your way. " Laronda then said," OK, here's what we're gonna do, folks. " A bit later, Flareon came out first as all nine left the room. Mitsuki's laser rifle was trained on Laronda, who was holding a Galaxy Police blaster pointed straight into Yasumoto's back. " Fire!" Mitsuki commanded. The other seven fled as they shot Laronda, or what they thought was Laronda. When they examined the figure wearing the long blue dress, they discovered that it was Yasumoto's aide. Meanwhile, Laronda, dressed in Galaxy Police gear, was fleeing toward the ship. Flareon fled with another Police officer, who Mitsuki thought was Laronda. " After the criminal and her monster! Shoot to kill!" Mitsuki ordered as her squadron followed the decoy. Mitsuki then turned around and noticed ... " Aha, so that's her. " Mitsuki remembered that there was a basic height requirement to join the Galaxy Police, and Laronda was a bit too short. So she followed the real Laronda. Meanwhile, the officers left from the infirmary area blocked all the exits from the infirmary. " We have you surrounded. Come out peacefully or we'll be forced to storm in. " " If you come in, we'll ... there'll be trouble," Tenchi said, his sword glowing. " Ash, how are we gonna get Ryoko out of here?" " Uhhh," Ryoko said as she began to awaken. Her vision was blurred, but she could make out Tenchi. " Tenchi," she said. " I'm ... I'm alive. Where are we, Tenchi?" " It's OK, Ryoko," Tenchi said. " Just take it easy. " " I could take her now, or take her whole group at once. Yea, I'll do that, and then I'll be the big hero," Mitsuki thought to herself as she discreetly followed Laronda to Sendai. Laronda boarded the ship, and with the knowledge she stole from the GP systems and Yasumoto's office, entered the correct access codes to open the hangar. Mitsuki boarded the ship and concealed herself, waiting for the right opportunity to ambush her. The ship left the hangar. Meanwhile, the tide of battle was turning against Pikachu and Charizard, as about 50 police officers had the two cornered. They were about to be obliterated when ... " Are you alright?" Laronda asked the two as they materialized into the cargo hold. " Pikachu?" " Char?" " Oh, this is our new ship. I ... never mind, let's get the others. " Laronda beamed Ash, Tenchi, and Ryoko onto her ship. " What happened?" Tenchi said. " Couldn't you get a bigger ship?" Ash asked as he squeezed into the small cockpit. " Well, I had the GP computers soup it up a bit," Laronda said. " It's not big, but it's quick, and it's DEADLY," she explained. Suddenly about 20 Yagami-class ships appeared behind the Sendai and opened fire. With Pikachu piloting and Laronda handling the weapons systems, they dodged the fire deftly as they returned fire, destroying 8 of the ships. Then, they took off. " They're escaping," Nagi said as she shut off her police tranciever. " Ken-ohki, follow them. " Ken-ohki was having a hard time following Sendai, as it was the quickest ship the GP had at the station. Somehow, the cabbit managed to stay close, but the strain was a bit much on it. " Chaaaaaaa!" he cried. " Come on, you can do it," Nagi said. Meanwhile, Mitsuki made her move. " OK, everybody, freeze. The game is over," she said as she pointed her gun at Laronda. " Oh, it's just getting started," a voice said behind Mitsuki. She turned around to be greeted by Ryoko's fist. Mitsuki crumpled onto the floor. " Glad to see you're alright," Tenchi said as he and Ash tied Mitsuki up. " Hmm. I take it you've been having quite an adventure without me," Ryoko said jokingly. " Well," Tenchi said, blushing. " Hmm. So just what is it between you two?" Laronda asked mischievously. " Laronda, can't you see? The two of us are lovers. We're meant for one another," Ryoko said, to Tenchi's dismay. " I see," Laronda said. " Ryokooooo," Tenchi complained as she hugged him. " All of you, thanks," she said. " Ryoko, I think you owe somebody an apology," Tenchi said sternly. " Who?" " You knowww," Tenchi said, tilting his head toward Laronda. " OH, Laronda, I apologize. I thought that you were evil, and that you were just trying to kill Tenchi or something. I picked up a bad vibe or something from you. I apologize. " Tenchi and Ryoko were shocked that neither Ash, Pikachu, or Laronda thought that it was strange. " Guys, let me tell you a story," Laronda said as she told them about the end of their Mythologies quest. Later, Ash and Laronda were asleep as Tenchi and Ryoko had a moment to themselves. " What a story. All that stuff Laronda had to go through ... " Tenchi mused. " So what? I've been through much worse," Ryoko said. " Listen, Tenchi, all that stuff may be true, but why do I STILL pick up these vibes from her? If she was telling us the full truth, I shouldn't feel anything from her at all. Tenchi, something's still not right about her." " Well, Ryoko, she helped save your life. What more does she have to do?" Tenchi asked sternly. " I'm ... I don't know. Never mind," Ryoko said as she teleported to the cockpit. She watched Laronda as she slept peacefully in the copilot's chair. " Pikachu?" Pikachu said to Ryoko. " I know. Am I crazy for having my doubts about her, Pikachu? I mean, she's so peaceful right now. What am I doing, I'm talking to an electric rat. " " Pi?" " Sorry, no offense. " Ryoko gazed at Laronda a bit before teleporting back into the back. Chapter 10 " We've been stuck here for a day. We need to make a move, now," Brock said as he pounded his fist into his hand. " Patience," Yosho said. " We can't make a move when we don't know where we are." " But we know what we're up against, sir," Brock countered. " Right?" " Yes. And against it, my Jurai powers and Washu's science are worthless." " And my powers probably won't be enough, either," Aeka mourned. " Ryo-ohki still can't transform," Sasami added. " Listen," Misty said. " Me, Brock and Erika ... we still have our pokemon. We have a chance!" " Yea, lots of good they did in our last battle," Washu said. " Why are we just sitting around here? Let's get to Jurai and find this Nakamura!" Misty screamed. " It's not that easy," Brock said. " Who knows where he could be by now." " It's hopeless. I only hope Tenchi finds a way here," Sasami said. " Erika, you've been awfully quiet," Misty said. " Well, I'm thinking. Why would Unhabe pick a war with Jurai? Why of all the Juraians would he capture Aeka?" " Well, I am the First Princess," Aeka said haughtily. " Well, I don't know, but from what you tell me, wouldn't Tenchi be the one they'd want?" " Interesting point. It's very interesting that they would not bother to wait on Earth for Tenchi. And they know that Tenchi will try to rescue us," Yosho mused. " Someone's playing games with us. Someone powerful," Washu said. " We may know who," two familiar voices said at the front of the cave. " Azaka, Kamidake!" Aeka shouted. " You've come to rescue us!" Sasami said. " Yes, we were able to sneak into Plecenine territory on a merchant cruiser," Kamidake explained. " We don't care about military protocol or Yoshiyori's political games," Azaka said. " The security of Jurai Royal Family is a Juraian knight's first and only concern." " Yoshiyori?" Yosho asked curiously. " Yoshiyori!" Aeka said. " I can't believe he's mixed up in all this." " Who is Yoshiyori?" Misty asked. " Yoshiyori is next in line for the Juraian throne after Sasami, a member of another branch of Jurai's royal family. He is more a politician than a warrior, and seeks to expand his power. He fought with the resistance when Kagato took over, only because having Kagato on the throne was an impediment to his own ascension to power. However, he's stonewalling at this latest provocation, merely suggesting sanctions," Azaka explained. " His latest policies are going to put Jurai at a real disadvantage if we go to a full scale war," Kamidake explained. " But Yoshiyori has incredible influence. The council will go along with whatever he says. " " Almost as if he wants the Plecenines to win," Brock said. " Indeed," Yosho said. " So, who is definitely on his team?" Erika asked. " Well, he only really trusts two people. One is his knight, Fuara. The other is his mad scientist, Nagamasa. " " Hmm," Yosho said. His tone of voice implied that he knew something. " Sir, we think our best bet is to take out the source," Kamidake said. " Destroy Unhabe," Washu said. " But I thought he was immortal." " The imposter thought he was, too," Azaka said. " We'll show this Unhabe, though." They began drawing up a plan. Chapter 11 " Where are we?" Ryoko asked. " Hmm. According to this, we're near Jurai," Laronda said. " Oh, no, we're near the checkpoints," Ryoko said. " Without Washu's tricks, we'll never make it through this time. " " You might as well give up now," Mitsuki said, still tied up. " Well, what do we do now?" Ash said, turning to Laronda. " I don't know," she said. " I have an idea," Tenchi said. " We do nothing. " " What? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?" Ryoko asked, towering over Tenchi. " Ryoko, think about it. We're going to rescue the rightful princesses of Jurai. Even if we're kidnapped, it is in Jurai's best interests to let us go. Even if they can't do it themselves ... letting a group of mercenaries do the job they need done without it reflecting on the empire as an act of war ... it's to their advantage." " Now that's an idea," Laronda said. Also, Tenchi forgot that Sasami's uncle was in charge of this particular checkpoint. Recognizing Tenchi, he allowed the ship, and its personnel, to pass through. Ash had Drowzee put Mitsuki to sleep and they placed her in a bag and carried her through the station. Only by the uncle's help were they able to sneak through undetected. He contacted the high command and basically gave them the same argument Tenchi gave his friends, and without Yoshiyori around, it was decided that they would allow the Sendai to pass through unmolested. " What's the plan, Tenchi?" " The plan is to go right through to the Plecenine Empire. Once there, we make it to their home world and rescue our friends." " I have a better idea," a familiar voice said. " Nagi!" Ryoko said. " I'm glad to see you survived," Nagi said, as Ken-ohki stood next to her. " Your passing through this checkpoint allowed me to catch up. I admire your skill in raiding that police station, but now, Ryoko, now it's time to give up. " " Why are you after Ryoko?" Laronda asked. " STAY OUT OF THIS, THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" they both yelled. " Listen, Ash, we can't afford a fight in these cramped quarters," Laronda whispered. " Right!" Ash said. " Drowzee, hypnosis!" The surprise attack from Drowzee placed both Nagi and Ryoko to sleep. " Chowww," Ken-ohki half sighed. " Well, what now?" Tenchi asked. " Looks like we have another prisoner," Laronda said as she and Ash tied Nagi up, disarmed her and placed her next to Mitsuki. Soon, Pikachu and Laronda piloted the ship into Plecenine territory. Surprisingly, they were able to get to the surface of the planet without encountering ANY resistance. " You all are so stupid," Nagi said as they landed Sendai. " Can't you see the reason no one attacked you is because somebody WANTS you here? Do you think a nation as powerful as the Plecenine Empire would just let someone waltz onto their homeworld uninvited?" " She's got a point," Tenchi said as the group manuevered through the swamps. " Just shut up and keep moving," Ryoko said as she gave Nagi a rough shove forward into the swamp. Chapter 12 Now, there were two different teams on the Plecenine planet surface heading for the source; the `captives' from the east and Tenchi, Ryoko, Ash, and Laronda from the north. And, above the planet in a spaceship, a black haired, bearded man with a tan complexion, wearing a blue robe, looked on intently, smiling as the two forces moved closer to their goal. Suddenly he was disturbed when two other men entered the room. " Ah, lord Yoshiyori, sir, what may I do for you?" then man said, the monitors quickly switching off. Yoshiyori entered the room, accompanied by his loyal night, Fuara. " How close are we to reactivating the source?" Yoshiyori asked. " Twenty hours. In that time, Unhabe will rise again." " Good. And I will still maintain control?" " Of course," Nagamasa said. " Sir, incoming message," Fuara said, looking down at a machine in his hand. " Very good. Patch it in. " " This is King Unhabe. We have detected a group moving in from the northern plains. " " Describe them," Yoshiyori said. " Identified as the space pirate, Ryoko ... " Yoshiyori and Fuara looked on pensively while Nagamasa grinned. " ... three earthlings, a 5'9" Asian male, a 6'3" white male, and a 5'2" Black female. There is also a 1' yellow creature with them. " " Let the games begin," Nagamasa muttered. " What was that?" Yoshiyori asked. " Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. Sir, may I deal with both groups personally?" " You may have our original captives. But listen, let the Plecenines deal with the others. This is all going according to my plan." "Sir?" both Nagamasa and Fuara asked. " Listen, I've been in contact with some of my friends on the council. I personally allowed this group of renegades to pass through to this territory. When Torax, Jaxer, and Lothar defeat them, we will then pretend that they were under direct Jurai orders. Several of my ... friends on the council will testify to such. This will be just the event to destabilize the government further. The Plecenines will then attack Jurai, and then I will emerge and negotiate a peace settlement, making myself more than ruler of Jurai. I'll be their savior!" Yoshiyori explained. " Brilliantly twisted plan," Nagamasa said. " Just leave Aeka and Sasami alive. I may need them later. I'll be in my study. Fuara, I am not to be disturbed, " Yoshiyori said. Yoshiyori and Fuara left the room. Nagamasa knew where the other group was because, like Tenchi and his group, he allowed Azaka and Kamidake to sneak onto the surface, knowing that they would find the lost prisoners immediately. He beamed the entire group of captives aboard Nebu-nebu, into his laboratory. " Nagamasa!" Yosho said. " Ah, it's so good to see you again. How is my little prince," he said. " Are you keeping up with your studies?" " You haven't aged a bit," Yosho mused. " Well, my research ... has granted me eternal youth." " Nice to see you're doing well ... Nakamura, my student," Washu said. " Really, after 700 years you could have least changed your appearance. " " Why, when I'm so ... good looking?" Nagamasa/Nakamura said. Tentacles immediately spiraled from the ceiling, binding and capturing everyone in the room. Mechanical robots quickly took the pokeballs away from the pokemon trainers. " You ... know about pokemon," Brock said. " What do you want from us?" Erika asked. " Just who are you?" Misty demanded. " Let me explain. Yes, I am Nagamasa, the humble servant of lord Yoshiyori. But once, I was Nakamura, the student ... of little Washu here. " " Well, at least one of my students did learn something," Washu mused. " Yes. Well, after you were imprisoned, I furthered your research, and met powerful ... friends. Yes, the legends about me and the Plecenines are true, they are my inventions, though not my proudest genetic achievement, though. " " Why would you work for a man like Yoshiyori?" Aeka asked. " Yoshiyori is a fool. I manipulate him to exert my will on the council. But my life's goal ... is to tame the Jurai power. The Plecenines were my first attempt. Kain was my second attempt ... to contain the Jurai power. How he was defeated remains a mystery." " Kain ... was your creation?" Sasami asked. " Yes. " " Washu, I think your title as the greatest scientific mind in the world may be in jeopardy," Yosho said nonchalantly. " Hey, he's had 700 extra years of work, plus all my work to start off with," Washu mused. " Well, Kain didn't work, but what I learned ... I put into practice just over 20 years ago. I created the ultimate being. One capable of controlling both the Jurai power and the source, by using these three gems. However, before I could use this being, I had to start playing the political games, and soon I lost control of her. But now ... now she's back. " " What are you talking about?" Misty asked. " Wait," Nagamasa said, laughing. Meanwhile, on the surface, Tenchi and his group drew closer to the source, when they were greeted by Jaxer and his shock troops. " I am Jaxer of the Plecenine empire. Tenchi, Ryoko, you all will surrender now. We have disabled the Sendai and your Ken-ohki, so there is no escape." " I think not," Ryoko said as she flew in to attack. Suddenly, she screamed in pain as a green beam from the sky hit her. Everyone flew back in shock. " Ryoko!" Laronda yelled. " Ryoko, are you OK?" Tenchi asked. " I'll be .... " Suddenly she disappeared as Nebu-nebu flew overhead. " She was beamed aboard that ship," Laronda said. Tenchi, Ash, Laronda, and Pikachu looked around to see how bad the odds were. " You'd better surrender. I doubt you can take out a whole army twice in one lifetime," Nagi sneered. " Oh, yea?" Ash yelled. " Pikachu, thundershock!" " Pikachuuuuuuu!" The Plecenines seemed to be extremely vulnerable to Pikachu's thundershock, as many of them were knocked out. " Jurai wave!" Tenchi yelled as he swung his sword at Jaxer and the troops next to him, a wave of energy emanating from his swing. The energy wave then rammed into Jaxer and his troops, vaporizing them. " It's the Tenchi sword!" Jaxer cried as he vanished. " The one source of Jurai power we can't neutralize!" Laronda then freed Nagi and Mitsuki. " What do you think you're doing?" Nagi asked. Mitsuki was VERY quiet and scared, visibly shaking. " Look, you two. We can't have you tied up, moving slowly. Plus, you either fight with us, or these creatures will destroy you, too," Tenchi explained. Agreeing, the group ran into the source, awaiting the next stage of battle. Chapter 13 " What? Where am I?" " Aha. The key to possessing total power in this dimension," Nagamasa said. " Father?" Ryoko said. " Father?" everyone said in shock. " That's right. Ryoko is the key to controlling the Jurai and the Plecenine power," Nagamasa said as he waved his hand, causing Ryoko to fall asleep. " How?" Aeka asked. " Oh, very simple. These three gems are capable of chanelling the three great powers in this universe. The Jurai, Plecenine, and the ... well, you don't need to know about that. I spent years playing with the DNA code until I came up with Ryoko, my ... daughter, more or less, since I started with half of my own DNA, before I started altering it. " " And just who is Ryoko's `mother'?" Washu asked curiously. " You have to ask?" Nagamasa said. " I knew that 700 year old DNA sample I had would come in handy someday." " You mean Washu is Ryoko's mother?" Sasami asked. " What little there is of her DNA left, yes." " You're awful," Erika said. " You're insane," Misty added. " Why thank you," Nagamasa said as he put the three gems around Ryoko's neck. Ryoko screamed as power surged into her body. " I love your compliments, but if you think I'm awful, then obviously you haven't met my other brothers and sisters. They're even worse ... Now, Ryoko, do you know what you must do?" " Yes, father," she said. " Good. Be a good girl and get me the Plecenine power." Ryoko teleported back onto the surface. " Hmm," Yosho said as he studied the scene. " I understand now." Chapter 14 Tenchi and the group entered the source. Suddenly Tenchi's sword flashed off. " It's my power ... it doesn't work here," Tenchi moaned. " No time to worry about that now," Laronda yelled as the group moved into the main chamber of Unhabe. " I am King Unhabe," he said as the group collapsed in front of him ( except for Nagi ), out of breath. " You all really need to exercize more," Nagi said. " Where are my friends?" Tenchi demanded. " We have them in our custody," Nagamasa's voice said. But it was not Nagamasa, it was ... " Ryoko?" Tenchi asked. Ryoko did not return Tenchi's comments. Instead, she attacked. But her attacks were so much more powerful. Her energy blast sent a crack through the room. An energy surge from Unhabe himself fed her as she glowed. She then hurled another charge at them. " Why is Ryoko attacking us?" Ash asked as he and Pikachu dove for cover. " Ryoko, get ahold of yourself!" Tenchi yelled as he ducked for cover. " It's no good," Laronda said, observing the three gems. " It's those three glowing gems she's wearing - we have to get rid of them." " The gems ... but they're not glowing," Tenchi said. " Dragonite, dragon rage attack!" Laronda commanded. " Ash, use one of your flying pokemon!" " Right! Charizard, I choose you!" " Charizard!" " Charizard, Fire spin attack!" Dragonite and Charizard's attacks knocked Ryoko into the back wall. Nagi then lept up and ripped the three jewels from Ryoko's neck. Ryoko instantly came to. " It was ... my father," she said. " Tenchi, he's so evil. I remember now, why I escaped as a little girl ... " " It's OK," Tenchi said as he held her. But they still had to deal with Unhabe. Nagi and Ash immediately went to battle with the beast. " Alright, Bulbasaur, leech seed!" Bulbasaur's leech seed attack did not affect Unhabe. He struck back with a psychic attack, knocking Nagi, Ash, and Bulbasaur across the room. " It's no good," Ryoko said. " It's the Plecenine power!" " I have an idea," Laronda said. " Pokeball, go!" " What's that?" Ash asked. " I've never seen a pokemon like that before." " Mew, transform!" Laronda commanded. Mew transformed itself into a replica of Unhabe. Unhabe then groaned. " That's it! Now we can defeat this monster!" Tenchi said. " No!" Nagi yelled. " Look!" " No!" Nagamasa yelled from his ship. " Not now ... it's too much energy at one time!" " It's the source," Ryoko said. " It's going to ... " First the ground rumbled, before explosions littered the room. Ryoko teleported out, while everyone else scrambled for their lives. Mitsuki screamed as she sprinted ahead of the others out of the building. But they were too late. The resulting explosion expanded, consuming everything in its path. Just before our group was to be destroyed ... They materialized in Nagamasa's lab. Chapter 15 " Oh, a pity. They won't be happy about that," Nagamasa said as he turned to Tenchi and the group. " But if I had let you die down there, then they REALLY would have been upset." " Who are you?" Tenchi asked. " He's the one! He's my ... he's the one that took me over!" Ryoko yelled as she lunged toward Nagamasa. " Grandpa! Aeka! ..." Tenchi yelled as he noticed his family. " Brock! Erika! Misty! Are you alright?" Ash asked. " I love family reunions," Nagamasa said sarcastically as he put an arm around Laronda. " But, I have work to do ... " " This looks like it could be interesting," Nagi said to Mitsuki. Tentacles from the ceiling restrained Ryoko, but Tenchi immediately freed her with his Tenchi sword. He then jumped in the air, freeing the others. " Ah, now that my computer's back, let me see," Washu said as her portable computer rematerialized and she began typing again. " Well, you'd better do whatever you will quickly," Nagamasa said. " Because this ship is about to self-destruct. Nebu-nebu is tied to the source, after all. " Nagamasa vanished from their sight. " Ken-ohki!" Nagi yelled. " Ryo-ohki!" Ryoko yelled. The two glared at each other for a bit. " Now's not a good time, Ryoko," Nagi said. " We'll finish this another time. " Soon Ken-ohki sped out of sight. Everyone else boarded Ryo-ohki and escaped just as the Nebu-nebu exploded. A while later, everyone was busy chatting about the adventure as they approached Jurai. " Incoming message from Jurai," Ryoko said as the message was displayed on the screen. " Greetings, Princess Aeka," a voice said. " Why, hello," she said. " What do you want, Yoshiyori?" Azaka and Kamidake said in unison. " Well, I'd just like to welcome you back to Jurai. You know, you could thank me." " You, for what?" Washu asked. " Well, it was my fleet that helped rescue you from King Unhabe." " What fleet?" Tenchi asked. " Let's not quibble. The important thing is all of you are safe, and I'm the hero of the hour. Wonderful, isn't it? Now, Azaka, Kamidake, please, take your posts back here on Jurai. Ryoko, you and your group have been cleared of any charges from this incident and are free to return to Earth. And, oh yes, the Galaxy Police have returned the Yagami to Earth already." " So we almost lose our lives, and this sleaze is the only one who profits?" Ryoko said. Chapter 16 Soon, the gang was back on Earth. Mitsuki was returned to Galaxy Police headquarters, and Nagi was off on another bounty hunting mission. " So we lose this battle," Yoshiyori said as he entered his summer villa. " No, not really," Nagamasa said as he typed into a computer. " They won't be happy we weren't able to completely control the source or its power, allowing it to be destroyed. " " And what makes you think that that was their objective?" Nagamasa asked. Yoshiyori pulled out a blue, hand-shaped pin. " Our order is secretive, but I like to think I know what's going on. " Nagamasa sneered. " Maybe that's why they've never let you in on their most arcane secrets. " " Well, I'd still have liked to have that power, whether it was the main goal or not. Look, Nagamasa, the society has its arcane goals, whatever they may be. Me, I don't know everything, but I fail to see how anything could have been more important than controlling the Plecenine power." " Listen, Yoshiyori. The Plecenine power can not be defeated so easily. The source will regenerate, and quickly too. I did a little ... manuevering during the battle. When Unhabe and Nebu-nebu regenerate, we will be its masters." " We?" Yoshiyori asked. " I'm sorry, you of course," Nagamasa said. " Just the way I like it. I'm not sure what the society our order was after, but as long as I get what I want, who cares?" Yoshiyori said as he walked off. Nagamasa cradled his blue society pin, then laughed. " Yoshiyori, you fool," he thought. " We, the unknown superiors of the order, always play for higher stakes. " Meanwhile, back on Earth, after a day or two, things returned to normal. Noboyuki was at Achika's grave, praying as he alway did. " You really loved her, didn't you?" a voice said behind him. " She was the love of my life. Ever since she died ... " " You died that day, too. And that's why you act the way you do. I understand now, it's a shield, to keep everyone away ... " " Laronda?" Noboyuki said as he turned around. Laronda was wearing a long white silk dress with a white blouse with blue armbands. ( Since her old dress was lost at the GP station, this would be her new attire ). She wore blue dress shoes instead of her tennis shoes ( also lost ), but still had her silver barrettes. " Laronda, you look lovely tonight," Noboyuki said. " But how did you ... " " Listen," she said as she smiled," you can't go on like this forever. I never met your wife, but I know that she would want you to let go. Never forget her, of course, but to live and enjoy life, for the both of you." " I'm just ... so tired, Laronda. So tired. " " It'll be OK," Laronda said as she wrapped her arm around him. " Take it one day at a time. Come on back to the house," she said. Meanwhile ... " You wished to see me?" Yosho asked Washu inside her lab. " Look at this," she said as she showed some long pieces of paper to him. " This can't be coincidence. " " It most certainly is not," Yosho said. " I picked up on that, too." " So what's it all mean?" " I'm not sure. This much we know: Nakamura Nagamasa is using Yoshiyori, manipulating him for his evil ends." " How can you know this? Wouldn't Yoshiyori be able to ... " " Washu, have I ever told you just WHY I left Jurai after my duel with Kagato?" " No, why?" Yosho began to tell the strange, twisted story. Meanwhile ... " Pikachu! Pikachu! Pikachu!" " Pikachu, come back here with that ketchup! I need it!" Sasami yelled as she chased Pikachu around the house. " Here we go again," Tenchi moaned. " Again, and again, and ... " Misty droned. Erika was asleep on the couch. Aeka and Ryoko were in the background, telling Sasami and Pikachu to quiet down. Brock was in the kitchen, having a bit of a better time than Sasami was having. " You know, there are just TOO many people in this house, Aeka," Ryoko said. " You're absolutely right, Ryoko," Aeka concurred as Pikachu and Sasami ran by. Meanwhile ... " So this society is actively controlling Jurai from behind the scenes?" Washu asked inside her lab. " Not just Jurai," Yosho added," but perhaps the entire universe. " " Oh," Washu said. " Hey, wait a minute," she said as a beeping noise filled the laboratory. " It's the energy signature! I can send our guests back to their home dimension!" In another part of the universe ... " Here's a little gift, my former teacher. Enjoy it. Well," Nagamasa said as he relaxed in a chair," my part in this little game is done. " Later, " I'm going to miss you all," Tenchi said as the pokemon gang was standing in front of the portal. " Goodbye! Take care!" all of the gang said as they reentered the portal. " It's been fun," Laronda said, waving as she passed back through the portal. " Well, it's been an interesting time," Tenchi said. " But it's not going to be the same with them gone. " " I'm glad they're gone," Ryoko said. " I ... I just didn't know ... " " You had your doubts about Laronda," Washu said as she was busy typing into the computer. " Well, guys, let me tell you about Laronda." " You'd better sit down for this, Tenchi," Yosho said, greeted by a surprised look on Tenchi's face. As Washu told the story, everyone, from Aeka, Sasami, Ryoko, even Noboyuki, gaped in awe. Meanwhile, the pokemon gang rematerialized back at the birthday party. " I was so concerned," Ash's mother said as she gave him a big hug. " You disappeared for a whole half-hour." " Half-hour?" Brock asked. " But we've been gone for days." " You'd better explain," Professor Oak said. After their explanation, they resumed Misty's birthday(?) party. In the other dimension ... " I see," Tenchi said. " I still can't believe all this," Sasami said. " Laronda seemed like such a nice person." " So pretty," Tenchi and Noboyuki said in unison. Tenchi then spontaneously recieved glares from Ryoko and Aeka. " What does this mean?" Tenchi asked. " For once, even I don't know," Yosho said ominously as he left the lab. * EPILOGUE * " Are you as confused as I am?" the narrator said. " What is going on? Who's the .. where are the ... well, we don't know where the story's taking us. But there's only one thing we can be sure of ... for Ash and his friends, especially Laronda, things are about to get EVEN WEIRDER ... " Note: This is my first attempt at a crossover. It'll be awhile before I try another one.