PETRAS (Prologue-part 2) "Memories" Disclaimer: I don't own most of the characters here, nor am I able to pay for them. They're mostly owned by the companies they came from, but the story is mine. C&C (some comments and criticisms) to (Wise Crystal) Spoiler: Evangelion fans really should keep their eyes off this if they haven't watched the End of Evangelion. Well, if they want to see it, anyway. Wouldn't wanna ruin the ending, though I only make some references to it. **************************************************************** **************************************************** Washuu stared at her scrapped invention warily. All that time, which was a whole span of one week, working on the failed project. Plenty of universes that could've been created from it before THEY came into her lab. It wasn't just Mihoshi, it was mainly Ayeka and Ryoko that messed with the machine. A week after she thought she fixed it was the week where she had to take it apart again. "Don't talk much, do you?" Washuu let a shadow fall over her as she was overcome with sarcasm, "So far, they seem very normal." Setsuna peered over Washuu's shoulder, "Besides the 'Jusenkyo' incidents, yes," as she watched the viewscreen. Washuu sighed. Setsuna always had a problem with interpreting lives as normal or weird. On the viewscreen was a boy who soon formed into a girl of a different haircolor. Beside her was another boy who was long-since attached to an over- starched bandanna. Overall, the scene, including several other odd people appeared weird. Very. "Apparently, their universe was very remote from the effects of your wonderful machine," even Setsuna could attempt sarcasm, "Their characteristics and background should make the children, stronger." "Either that or very weird." They paused as a short-tempered girl with a mallet came onto the viewscreen. With unkind eyes set upon the red-haired female, her mallet soon came in contact with her. As if Washuu was motioning "I told you so", she waited for Setsuna to reply. "Believe me, Washuu. All of them are." As Washuu's viewscreen skipped to a scene years ahead into their world, a portal for Setsuna opened. Without any additional words, Setsuna stepped in, while a reflection appeared from Washuu's eyes, of a portal opening with a green-haired woman stepping out. The portal closed as Touji stared up to the green-haired woman. Just a few minutes ago, he was staring in horror at what looked like his former classmate, Rei, in ghost form, and the next, he was looking up to a green-haired woman with a staff. Touji sputtered some water from his lungs as he took notice of where she brought him. Already, Touji was thinking of his sister, who lost grip of him during the whole ordeal. Weren't they running together, away from his Rei? Wasn't he running with her only a moment ago? Where was she? "You made it," Setsuna held no expression, only a patience that was wearing thin, "Now won't you please follow me?" Not like he held a choice, for it was at the same moment, a flying discus whirled in the air, refusing to stray from its path. He finally felt a cold rush over him, as his knee bent. Even with the will to keep him conscious, Touji finally closed his eyes, and collapsed. "Eeek, are you alright?" Serena loomed over the fallen boy, I'm sorry, it's just I didn't see you there, and I was just tossing the Frisbee and." Setsuna could've let Serena go on forever, but gave her a chilling stare instead, "What'd I tell you about throwing that Frisbee?" "I'm sorry, I didn't see you two until after I threw the Frisbee and I'm sorry aunt Setsuna, I really didn't think you and him would be in the way and I know you told me not to throw that thing so hard, but I was just." "Never mind, then," Setsuna sighed at both Serena's babbling and the fortunate timing. Washuu's calculations worked after all. His unconsciousness gave her a quick second to use her staff on him. Touji would come out of his unconsciousness with a large bruise, but most of all, he'd come out with a forgotten past. Touji came around before they had a chance to attempt lifting him. There he was, lying and opening his eyes to not only the green-haired woman, but also some kawaii blonde with two twisted ponytails on her head. Touji quickly chose to get up. "Who, who am I?" he blurted some trite phrase used by most amnesiacs, "Uh, who are you?" "Doesn't he remember anything?" Serena referred to Touji with growing interest, waiting for Setsuna's reply. "I am Setsuna and this is my niece, Serena," Setsuna attempted a kind voice, "Welcome to Nerima, Touji." "Nerima?" Touji never heard of such a place. Though, he began to wonder if he was able to recall anything. His memories of his sister, Shinji, Kensuke, and the local shelter seemed to fade from his mind as he tried harder to remember where he was beforehand. "You erased his memories?" Akane's brow furrowed, "Poor boy, if he can't remember anything of his past, how can he possibly go on?" but then Akane stopped herself, thinking of Serena. "You know how Serena is. She's perfectly content with who she is," Setsuna sighed, "It'll be the same for Touji." Setsuna thought back to when Serena's Frisbee made contact with his head. She already foresaw it beforehand, and had her staff set to take his main memories away. All Touji would recall would be his age, most of his education, besides the history of the world he came from. Everything went accordingly in Setsuna's mind, and in Washuu's viewscreen. "So we'll also take him in, right?" Ranma didn't sound too unwilling, "You said he's fit for the Anything Goes training?" "Not from you," Setsuna paused a moment, "but what of Ukyou and Ryoga?" If it'd been fifteen years earlier, Ranma would've shouted in protest, but it wasn't. Awhile after both their weddings, Ryoga and Ukyou became Ranma and Akane's best friends. When she arrived, they wasted no time accepting the role of being her alternative guardians. Even if Ranma pondered the chance to have a son, he'd have to consider the childless relationship Ryoga and Ukyou were in. "Why not?" Ranma began to remember when Ryoga and Ukyou constantly spoiled Serena. They acted like the true kind of aunt and uncle, passing the job of discipline off to Ranma and Akane. "They could use the experience in real parenting." There was little protest, if any, from Touji's new guardians. Ryoga suffered the problem of not having a child, as a result of his curse. Since Ranma and Ryoga both fell into Jusenkyo springs, the curse of not having a child was what disheartened both friends. While Ranma turned to a girl in the use of cold water, Ryoga was plagued with the pig form. They both longed for a child, plus an endless supply of hot water nearby to aid them in turning back to human form. While Ryoga thought of raising a martial artist better than even the formidable Ranma, Ukyou thought of the spatulas she could hand to her new son. Her dream was to have an heir to her thriving restaurant chains. Ukyou's recipes, restaurants, and business were well-off, especially with the aid of Akane's sister. There was no doubt she was a thriving saleperson, but as much as Ukyou liked her marketing skills, Ukyou still wished to pass on the family name. "We'll name him Mamoru Habiki!" Ukyou blurted with a smile. "Uh, no," Setsuna shuddered at the thought, "No, he already has a first name." "Oh," Ukyou sighed as she waited to hear some dreaded name. "Touji." Ukyou sighed, "Okay, Touji Habiki." Ryoga exhaled as he realized they'd probably banter with some female form of talk. Just when did Ukyou tell him of the name for their new son? Women, he sighed, as Ranma once would. One of the main points in their friendship was their total lack of knowledge of them. Ryoga slid open the door of the Tendo-Saotome-Habiki home. It'd been years since Setsuna rapped his head with her odd staff. Somehow, he lost his curse of being constantly misguided afterwards. Confidently heading over to the backyard pond, he eyed a teenage boy. Touji cracked his knuckles in thought as a figure appeared in his view. Appearing as at least thirty, he let his eyes fix on the approaching man. In some tan garb, his yellow bandanna signaled Touji that he was some sort of martial artist, like in the history texts. The figure caught his attention. "And you are?" he tried to mask his curiosity with disdain. How was he to react to his new "son"? Ryoga slightly felt regretful for all those times he spoiled Serena. Touji seemed like the obstreperous type, slightly like Ranma in his younger years. Ryoga took a deep sigh as he closed his eyes. As Touji raised a brow to the man, he let the man's first words sink into him. "Touji, I'm your new father." **************************************************************** **************************************************************** ******** ********************************************* Washuu was sure it'd be months before their memories would fully resurface, though only minutes of fast-forwarding in her viewscreen. "Serena!" Touji ran across the fencetops, "wait up!" Still pretending to ignore him, Serena waved her nose in the air, "humph!" Touji sighed. It was always in that mock-irate manner of hers he knew he did something wrong, even though it probably meant nothing. Quickly catching up to her, Touji walked besides her, merely waiting for her to speak. "That was a rude thing to do, Touji." Keeping himself from sighing out loud, Touji tried to look regretful to Serena. "I'm sorry." Her face lifted right afterwards, "Well, at least you're sorry. Now do you promise to never do it again?" Touji couldn't help but smile at her cute foolishness, "Yes, meatball-head." A dark cloud formed over Serena as she took a mallet from her backpack, "That's what you were supposed to be sorry for!" "Whaaaa?" The force of the mallet immediately propelled Touji all the way across the street. "Don't call me meatball-head!" Back in the home of Akane and Ranma's was an old panda and his old companion. Sipping tea, they paused a moment as the sound of Touji's ramming into the street resonated. The panda held a sign "They're definitely on their way to school.". The companion, known as Soun Tendo, nodded in accordance. Another man stepped into the room where the panda and Soun were sitting. With a gracefully aged face, the man adjusted his glasses as he sat down to the side of the panda and Soun. "Good day, father." Mr. Tofu greeted Soun, then turned to the panda, "and father Saotome, it is good to see you." "Growf," was the Panda's kind reply to his guest. Ranma's father sighed through his panda exterior. It'd been years since he fell into the Jusenkyo Springs like Ranma, turning into a panda as to a girl. Genma Saotome remembered the many cases in which zookeepers would struggle for him, and the many cases he'd search for hot water to be turned back to human form. He still wasn't used to it. "So Serena and Touji will be visiting my office today, no?" Soun and the Panda nodded. It was at the same time that Kasumi stepped into the room. Mr. Tofu immediately perked up to greet his wife. If it'd been fifteen years ago, Tofu would've been pressed to stammer a syllable out of his mouth. Years ago, Tofu would lose all his composure around her. It wasn't until she finally understood his feelings that his stammering stopped, or at least died down. "How uncute," Touji checked himself for broken bones. Serena wasn't hard to catch up to, with her constant trips over Nerima's sidewalks. As if she was originally meant to be a klutz, she'd find herself crying over the many scrapes from the cement. Only that morning, the trip wasn't her fault. Slightly brooding over the previous encounter that left Touji somewhere with his new wounds, she had kept to a straight path in her walk. For Touji, it was relatively easy to track her path to school, only even he hadn't predicted the fast-moving bicycle behind her. Almost driven off the sidewalk, Serena immediately crashed into the road. "Serena!" her falling figure flashed through his eyes. There wasn't much time before Touji ran to Serena and checked if she was all right. Apparently, some biker nearly ran into her. "Waaaaaaaahhhhh!" Serena wasted no time to cry. She wasn't injured, but whoever caused her fall would be. Touji turned to the boy who stopped his bike. Obviously worried of Serena's condition, Touji saw the boy adjusted his thick glasses as he stooped to Serena's sitting position. "Ah, okay you are?" the boy's nasal voice struck Touji's mind. "How could she?" Touji lifted the boy by his collar, "You nearly killed her, you jerk." "So sorry!" the boy tried to speak, "She no sees there! I so sorry!" Touji was crossed between bewilderment of the boy's speech and the odd familiarity of his voice, even with the fake accent behind it. With the odd recollection of another face closely resembling that of the boy's, he shook his head. The accent was so false, different from the memory of the boy that was flashing through his mind. "Say that again!" Touji opened his eyes in a flash of anger. "Touji," Serena's crying stopped long before, "It's all right. It was just an accident." The boy couldn't help but nod in agreement. At first in malice, the fist Touji made immediately wavered. The scene was too familiar, as if he'd done something like this before, with that boy nearby. Touji was still wondering what to do of the boy, to either pound him, or ask if he knew him. His instinct won the conflict, "You should've watched where you were going!" The boy was hurled a few feet away. Again, Touji was recalling something, as if he had done this before. Cracking his knuckles, Touji could've continued the punitive experience, but looked to Serena instead. She wasn't pleased with what was going on. She seemed to hint the biker was obviously sorry from the start. "Get outta here!" Touji knew he had to let him go. The boy wasted no time, even with his newly broken glasses. Without looking back, the boy amazingly recovered and hopped onto his bike. "Why'd you do that?" Serena's eyes were tinged with an odd glow of anger. "I, Serena," Touji's voice was immediately small before he was cut off. "He was already sorry, you idiot! You could've injured him!" "I, I'm sorry," Touji then peered into her eyes, "I just wanted to protect you, meatball-head." Both turned silent until Serena let herself sigh. "Don't call me meatball-head." "Yes, love," Touji paused at his outburst, looking to the ground. Serena was silenced also, pondering the meaning of the word. She heard it plenty of times, from parents and family, but from another guy? All that time, he called her meatball-head, she knew he'd eventually use the L-word. Somehow, it was reminding her of someone else, some other memory that was bottled inside of her. It took her a few more seconds before she realized her mind was delving into the matter too far. Out of her quandary, Serena walked on to smile, "That's better." She motioned for him to follow. Touji hesitated a moment before walking to her. Every day to school, he used the term, "meat-ball head". Was "love" any different, or was it just a safer substitute? Still, it was one word that wouldn't cause him to bruise later. With an arm wrapped around her shoulder, Touji proceeded with Serena for the rest of the way to school. **************************************************************** *********** (Later that day) **************************************************************** ************ Every month, Serena went to her uncle's medical office for examination. All he'd do is show her some stained papers, and she'd give her answers. She never received anything from them, just the queer feeling of something she forgot. "Okay, I want you to tell me what you see from this picture," Mr. Tofu took out an inkblot. "A banana," Serena sighed at the inkblot she saw many times beforehand. "Are you sure you see nothing else?" Tofu smiled in encouragement. "Yeah, love," Touji leaned in to whisper, "Besides, you'll get a lollipop if you're more descriptive." Forgetting Tofu's later-used retort, Serena focused on the word "love" once more again. Why was it becoming so hard for her to focus when she heard the word? Blurry images were dwelling in her mind, waiting to be resurfaced. As she turned to look back to her inkblot, she sighed once again. Serena began to stare at the crescent-shaped inkblot in wonder. The harder she stared, the harder it became to say it looked like only one thing. There were multiple images forming in her mind, though she wasn't quite sure what they meant. The look of a masked tuxedo, the moon, images of people she couldn't yet identify in her conscious state. /Serena/ was the call of some foreign, male voice. "Serena," Touji looked at the dazed girl for a moment, "Serena!" Suddenly jerked from what she was recalling, Serena looked back up at Mr. Tofu. "a moon." Tofu couldn't believe it himself. Every month, he tried the technique since the anniversary of Serena's arrival to their world. Only then was she remembering. It was as if the "banana" Serena usually saw was becoming something more. It was time for her to regain her past. Immediately, he wondered if Touji would have the same effect. Serena and Touji often experienced the same events, with their closeness. Even if he arrived two years after Serena, there was a slight chance he'd recall something. After at least ten more "basic" inkblots, Tofu shifted his test onto Touji. Outside the doctor's building was the fake-accented-boy. Only a few minutes ago, he was supposed to arrive at the Habiki Restaurant Headquarters. Once again, he was rushing on his bicycle, and forgot to spot something in front of him. "Aaaaah!" his voice resonated around the area as he was hurled into the garbage truck. He could've sworn he heard a familiar voice. Slightly distracted from the testing, his mind was flooded with dark images. He knew he forgot something, but it wasn't yet clear to him what it was. Touji turned to the butterfly-shaped inkblot with wonder. A strange word formed in his mind, which loosened other images from his subconscious. Somehow, he recalled clearer images, of a fourteen-year-old boy from his past, an unkempt, childish woman, a blue-haired girl, and plenty others that made no sense. It was then he finally realized the word he was thinking. "An angel." Touji wasn't as distraught as Serena, though something in both of them appeared awry. The fact that he was put into a trance-like state meant he was remembering. "Nothing." It was a lie. Tofu worked with the boy too many times with that same inkblot, receiving the same description, "a butterfly". Why would it be different that time? "I think that should be all for today," Tofu led Touji and Serena outside his office. "Let's head home." In Ranma and Akane's home lived numerous individuals. There was the panda (Ranma's dad), Soun Tendo, Ryoga, Ukyou, Kasumi, and finally Mr. Tofu, who took residence there after his marriage to Kasumi. Touji stepped in the house, only to see a flying umbrella hurtle towards him. Immediately ducking, he shouted, "Dad!" The umbrella swung back towards its owner, a man of at least thirty years. "You could've caught it." "Uh huh!" The flying object that passed through Tofu's hair seemed to have styled it like a weedwhacker would. "I think I'll go check on Kasumi," his voice faded as he swiftly headed towards the kitchen. "And if I couldn't?" even through the calm of his tone, the words were tinged with ice. "You couldn't have trained enough then," Ryoga walked back towards the room of his origin. "Come." "More 'practice," Touji sighed, then looked to Serena more lightly, "Seeya at dinner." The echoes of his father and a sparring partner immediately replaced Touji's presence in the room. As he trudged towards the room, the sounds of splashing materials, a squealing pig, and a high-pitched female voice filled his ears. Mihoshi knew it was time to visit Washuu. How long had it been since Washuu went into her lab? Ten, no Fifteen minutes? Deciding it was her time to step in, she swayed through the basement door, unnoticing the warning signs before her. "Oh, Washuu!" She could've sworn she heard Mihoshi. Washuu wasted no time to secure her materials. Every time Washuu appeared in her lab was the times when Washuu considered "life insurance". Even the "greatest scientist in the universe" couldn't combat the unluckiness of having that clumsy blonde around. "I'll be right out!" Washuu decided to take a break from her viewscreen, "Don't come in!" She sighed immediately as she realized it was too late. "Okay, I'll just wait out there and," Mihoshi's path out the lab was interrupted by her stare at what looked like a "bright, shiny crystal", "What's this?" Unfortunately, Mihoshi hadn't seen the staff that belonged to the crystal, nor the person holding it. "Huh?" was the last word Mihoshi muttered before being pulled into it. "What'd you do to her?" Washuu wasn't sure if it was from shocked curiosity, or from anger. "Don't worry. She's alive," Setsuna appeared from a shadow, "But she won't be any help here for awhile." In less than a second, Washuu contemplated "awhile" with no Mihoshi. No more unwanted intrusions into her lab, messed-up experiments, no more time spent to conjure the failed measures to block Mihoshi from the lab completely. "Awhile" quickly became a calming word. "How long?" Washuu looked up to Setsuna. She could've said the typical "that's for me to know and you to find out" phrase, but refrained. She said nothing at all for a moment as another figure emerged from what seemed like a never-ending shadow. "Long enough to keep you safe." Washuu gazed at the other woman. Her red eyes were just as peculiar as the blue hair she presented. In a glance, one could've mistaken her for a teenager, but Washuu observed her intently. "Another ol' friend of yours?" Washuu still stared at the female as she waited for an answer. "Washuu, meet Rei." Washuu felt herself being absorbed somehow by Rei. She couldn't help but stare into the red eyes with wonder. It felt like an hour before she was diverted from the unblinking eyes. Rei blinked. The "young" woman before her would not relent. She just stared at her, as if she knew everything within her through the eyes. "Another one of the 'saved'," Rei felt flooded with her memories. "From what?" Washuu knew one of them would answer. Setsuna let Rei see herself or at least the embodiment of her when she supposedly "died". Her form, taken by "Lilith" to bring together the unfortunate individuals in her world. When she saw the first human turned to the liquid, she was suddenly disgusted with the process. It was only a few minutes ago she arrived at the Masaki Shrine and a few minutes before that when she died in the other universe. "So there's more to these disruptions," Washuu turned back to her viewscreen, which showed a group of martial artists. "With more people," Setsuna gripped her staff a little tighter, "And more to do." Touji was beyond groaning over his sore muscles. Even in the memories he couldn't quite recall, he knew he was more enduring. Unlike the "Shinji" that was surfacing in his mind, he could take a few sessions with the martial artists. In a reverie of the past, Touji eyed the Tendo-Saotome- Habiki backyard. Before that day, he could only recall the glimmer of Serena's aunt, "Setsuna" as his earliest memory. He never understood how Setsuna was related to her, nor seemed to care until he met that accented-boy. So many memories of familiar people flowed into him, he wondered where Setsuna was related in it. Was she just the first person he met when he arrived in that world, or was there more to her? "Mamoru." Serena whispered to the sky. Only a few weeks ago, she remembered everything. She was once a SailorScout. Mamoru was once Tuxedo Mask, the love who constantly worked to save her from perilous situations, only he was brainwashed, working for the malevolent Queen Beryl. As she stared at the memories in her mind, Serena wished them to go away. She was in another world, annexed for the sake of the guizhinshou, since she was Princess Serenity. She remembered the green-haired "guardian of time" that told of worse things to come. Serena still couldn't understand how her use of some "guizhinshou" would wipe out the other SailorScouts, and especially, her Mamoru. It was only from looking into the woman's despaired eyes that she knew she had to leave the world she was in, to prevent whatever tragedies ahead in time. A cold wind brushed against her as she heard the crackling of numerous leaves, "Serena, aren't you coming in?" Turning around, she only confirmed the voice she guessed would speak to her. Touji was the type who'd care the most at the crucial times, but he was never a Sailor Scout, so he had no idea how to help. "Touji, it's cold," Serena continued quickly, "I mean, for you. Shouldn't you head inside?" If he'd been hurt, he didn't let it show, "You must come inside. C'mon, love, Akane's worried about you." Serena noted Akane for a brief moment. She was twice her age, only slightly younger than her own mom, but Akane still wore the youthful face that kept her content. She was a doting motherly figure, but she still wasn't a real mother. Shaking the thought away, Serena let Touji lead her back to their home. She knew her life with the SailorScouts had to be forgotten again, if she was ever to go on in life. "What's with Serena?" Ranma scarfed down the last of his chicken before continuing, "she seems kinda down today..." "Just like last week, last month," Nabiki cut in, "Even Touji's baffled." "You don't think her memory's returning," Ranma stated the obvious. "Of course, she had another life in Setsuna's world," Kasumi lifted Ranma's empty dishes from the table, "Once she's remembered fully, it'll be hard for her to forget." "Poor Serena, poor Touji," Akane looked out the window, "and he has no idea." "NiHao!" Akane's head jerked violently in response to the nearby shout. The roughly accented female voice seemed too familiar, Akane knew it belonged to only one person. "Shampoo!" The others around Akane got up from the table to greet her, especially Nabiki. "Shampoo!" Nabiki grinned, "How's it going?" "Ah, so years many!" Shampoo smiled, "Place same as left." Same as left. To Ranma, everything changed over those thirteen years. So many times, he had to go through skits of being run over by Shampoo's bicycle or hit by Akane's mallet. Whenever she was around, she reminded him of the Amazon law's "engagement" he had to her. His marriage with Akane began to settle only when Shampoo supposedly gave up on Ranma, and finally found someone else. "But bring someone different!" Shampoo stepped outside the house only to bring in Mousse, who was slowly followed by a teenage boy. "Meet son, Kensuke!" In a tongue other than Chinese or Japanese, Shampoo whispered to Kensuke, "Relax, they're old pals." Hesitating a moment, Kensuke took a breath before speaking what his parents 7taught him in Japanese. "Hello." While Kensuke quickly quieted, the others around him could only wonder if he was truly Shampoo's son. He spoke perfect Japanese, almost more fluently than the Tendos and Tofus, Habikis, and Saotomes in the room. Unlike Shampoo, whose heavy accent butchered their language, Kensuke spoke like a scholar. Nabiki took the chance to break the silence around him. "So, you were her son all along," She thought of first meeting him before that day. Apparently, when he first arrived to intern at her office, he was the first to fix most of the newly arrived computers. Glancing into his eyes, she quickly knew Shampoo was lying. "So all that time," Nabiki noticed Kensuke sweat slightly as she continued, "That you were after Ranma, you had another child." "Pardon?" Shampoo's rough accent dissipated. Nabiki already knew Shampoo was speaking in English. Years in the university gave her the chance to freshen her foreign language skills. In the English she remembered from before, Nabiki turned to Shampoo. "He's not your son, is he?" Shampoo shook her head, "Of course not. He would've been born while Ranma was marrying Akane." At the mention of his name Ranma perked up, "Mind telling us what's going on?" "Sure," Mousse sighed. In a more fluent speech, he continued, "Nabiki just told us Kensuke isn't our real son." Instinctively, Kasumi led Kensuke out of the room. Pointing out the window, Kasumi smiled, "Would you be a dear and have Serena and Touji come in?" Meaning the two dim figures in the backyard, she stepped back into the house. While Kasumi headed back to the living room where the others were, Kensuke chose to see whom she meant. As Touji was leading Serena back inside, he noticed a familiar figure approaching him. "Aaah!" Kensuke felt off guard as he eyed the dim figure before him. Only a few feet away from the irated boyfriend from earlier that day, his only instinct was to run. "Come back here, you worm!" Touji was ready to cream the trespasser, "Just what the . are you doing here?" Tenchi eyed his new residence warily. Washuu told him the world would be different, but never so small. In the instant he realized the house was quickly increasing in size. "Huh?" Tenchi took the chance to look directly beneath him. As he realized the ground was quite far below him, he couldn't help but breath, "Oh, no." "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.." Was what suddenly caught the attention of Serena and Kensuke, but mostly Touji. The voice seemed to come closer and closer to him. There was no chance to look up to the person to whom it belonged before he felt something extremely heavy on his back. "Get. Off. Me!" Touji felt his temper rise as he was overcome with dizziness. Tenchi knew the Touji he was currently on was supposed to be strong, but even he couldn't endure a rapidly descended person on him. Anyone would at least. "I think he's passed out." Kensuke stared down to Touji. "Touji!" Serena hastened to his side. "Um." Tenchi got off him immediately. "I think we should bring him inside." Seeing the two strangers pick up Touji, Serena couldn't help but wonder what was goin' on. "Who...who are you?" She was expecting an answer from both of them. "Tenchi Masaki," he strained to lift Touji's legs, "But let's first get inside." **************************************************************** ******************* Whenever new characters are brought in, it takes a lotta time to establish who they are, where they came from, and what they're like. Since this is ONLY one part of the prologue, reading through them will hopefully establish some kinda characterization. If the characters seem Out O Character, email me, cuz the feedback would be great encouragement enough for continuing. Characters: This time, I've decided to refrain from writing "Cliff-Note" stuff for the story. So many acknowledgements could be made for the owners of the anime in this story... C&C to (Wise Crystal)