IMPORTANT!!!!!!! If this is the first time you're reading this fic, you must read Chapter 1 completely first! This story will seem very ridiculous and out of place if you don't. This fic is a crossover with Ranma and Tenchi Universe. Tenchi and the gang will finally be introduced in this chapter, and it should be much more interesting. Hopefully you readers know some basic knowledge about both Ranma and Tenchi:) Compared to movies, I would rate this as a "R" fanfic, because of some of the harsh language used. This ain't a lemon though, I don't plan on having any sex scenes at all. Here are a few things you must know while reading this: -For all you people who read this, PLEASE read the notes at the end before you flame me, maybe the answer to your questions or complaints may be answered that way. If not, feel free to e-mail me. -The Ranma aspect of the story takes place after manga 38 and the Tenchi aspect takes place after the TV show/OVA. -At the end of manga 38 Ranma was at the end of his sophomore year in Furinken High School and the year is set to 1992. Don't ask why, I chose that particular date out of convenience. -The Japanese school system is the same as the American system, with new semesters beginning in fall and ending in summer. This is to punctuate the times that Akane and Ranma met during their lives. I KNOW it's different in Japan, but I made it that way just for this story. -Also Ranma still has his curse, but his female form has black hair (like the manga) and is now just as tall as his male form. -As far as the LAPD is concerned, the infamous Rampart scandal never happened. -For now in this universe Ranma's curse is accepted just about everywhere with a quick explanation by Ranma. Don't ask why, it just makes the story easier to understand. -Ranma will seem very out of character, but you have to completely read chapter one first to understand why. -SgtRanma Please visit my website at! New fics will always appear there first! And I update often! ------------------------ Chapter 2: First Encounter April 11, 2001 Okayama Luxury Condos - Okayama, Japan Apt#420. 6:50 AM [The scene opens up to Ranma waking up from a futon in a very plush and luxurious cozy bedroom. There is a small stand next him with various rifles and handguns loaded up. He gets up, tries to shake himself from sleep, and walks into a large bathroom with a huge furo and all the amenities of a bathroom. Ranma:[Strips down and starts washing himself, thinks]Damn, this agency sure does treat their employees good. A top quality condo, top quality moving service, and enough money to buy a crap load of furniture. Can't believe they moved all this stuff in one day.[Gets up and soaks in the furo] Ahh...this is nice... [The scene changes with Ranma going to his kitchen to fix something to eat. The camera shows that Ranma's condo is very big with a lot of electronics and comfy furniture] Ranma:[Sits down at a table with some rice, fish, and some various other Japanese side dishes]Hmm...I wonder what I'll be doin' today?[Pulls out and reads a thick folder full of documents showing Ranma different things he is responsible of doing]I basically just respond to any cases that show up. Strange how they can vary to be anything... [The camera focuses on a particular document that talks about the questionable acts of the Okayama city police precinct. It shows how several acts of questionable corruption have been brought up, and that Ranma should investigate the matter to confirm possible corruption.] Ranma:[Shrugs at document]A possible corrupt police precinct? What am I, a fucking Internal Affairs rat?[Cleans plates of food and dresses out to the genkan]Oh well, a job's a job. This is gonna be easy as hell. [Ranma gets up and starts clearing his living room, pushing the furniture so that he can make some room. He starts doing a very hard kata and does it quick and gracefully. Scene fades] * * * April 11, 2001 9:45 AM Okayama Police Department, Detectives Bureau [The camera moves through a crowded police precinct and goes upstairs to a large door that says "Detectives Bureau". Inside there is a mess of people with desks scurrying around or working on paperwork. Everyone is dressed in dark blue police uniforms with badges, but strangely no one is carrying a gun. Instead they have small collapsible batons on their belts. The camera focuses and zooms in on one particular girl who has a frustrated look on her face. She is stunningly beautiful and has long teal hair, with an orange bandanna on her forehead.] Girl:[Sighs, and busily fills out paperwork]Damn that Lieutenant, having me fill out all this crap.[Puts pen down] At least I'm good at this job, and I don't get fired. Man:[Walks up to girl and hands her a folder, he blushes a little when he sees her face]Here's some more stuff to fill out from your last case Detective Kiyone. Kiyone:[Grabs folder in annoyance]Great, more work. Man:[Thinks]My god, she's so beautiful, her friend too. I wish had the guts to ask them out.[Speaks]Don't be too discouraged. It'll be done before you know it. Kiyone:[Raises an eyebrow]If my commander in charge ever stays out of trouble.[Gets back to work] [Kiyone has been a police officer for the past six months with the help of some fake credentials by Washu. She still has her job with the Galaxy Police, but with peace reigning across the galaxy after defeating Kagato, there was nothing to do during patrol. Only a few perps who speed, or smuggle illegal things, and she patrols it all only once a week. She was upset that the Japanese National Police prohibited the use of any firearms for police officers, but was happy that the precinct accepted her as a good police officer and quickly promoted her to Sergeant Detective. There was plenty of action with this job, sometimes maybe more than she can handle at once. At least she didn't get fired, but not everything was perfect.] Kiyone:[Speaks to herself]I wonder if I should go to Tenchi's this weekend? It would be fun to kick back for a while. RandomOfficer:[Walks up to Kiyone]The Lieutenant would like to speak to you Detective. Kiyone:[Look of displeasure on her face]Ah god...What does she want this time?[Gets up] [Kiyone walks to the corner of the large room where there is a large office with "Lieutenant" inscribed on the door. Kiyone looks irritated as she enters. Inside there is a gorgeous dark tanned blonde girl leaning back on a luxurious chair fiddling with a puzzle cube. The large wood desk has a computer on it and there is a mess of junk food and candy.] Girl:[Smiles]Hi Kiyone! Good thing you came here! Kiyone:[Exasperated]What do you want this time Mihoshi? [While Kiyone was working as hard as she could in the police force, Mihoshi was still a bubbleheaded ditz with an incredible stroke of good luck. For every case they were partnered together Mihoshi somehow always solved the case, even though she didn't know what she was doing. Because she was the commander of the detectives, both Kiyone and Mihoshi had a very comfortable schedule to work around with, and frequent breaks and vacations.] Mihoshi:[Clueless]Huh? What is it Kiyone? I didn't bother you did I? Kiyone:[Glares]I was filling out a mountain of paperwork from what you did last week. Mihoshi:[Pouts]Come on, I didn't do much, just a little damage. Kiyone:[Gritting Teeth]You destroyed an entire parking garage! And the worst part is you don't even know how the hell it happened! How is it possible that there was fuel all over the floor? Mihoshi:[Looking around for an answer]Uh...It was already there? The fuel fairy? Kiyone:[Confused]The fuel fairy? Where the heck did you think of that? Mihoshi:[Thinking hard with eyes looking up and hand stroking chin]I don't know. Kiyone:[Rolls eyes]Don't pretend like you're pondering something. [Changes tone]Anyway, what did you call me for Mihoshi? Mihoshi:[Pays attention]Oh. I just got a fax from the chief of the National Police HQ. I have no idea what it's talking about. So, uh, can you help me Kiyone?[Hands Kiyone a packet of info] Kiyone:[Shakes head]How is it someone as airheaded as you becomes a police lieutenant?[Takes packet and reads] Mihoshi:[Smiles]Thanks Kiyone! Kiyone[Reads, and frowns]Mihoshi...This document says "Eyes Only" on it. I'm not even supposed to see this. Mihoshi:[Munching on pocky]What does that mean? Kiyone:[Continues reading]This is supposed to be top secret. It seems it was sent to only high rankers.[Eyes narrow]It saying the there is a high ranking government agent moving here to Okayama.[Eyes widen]From the JNSA too. It says his identity is classified.[Looks up to Mihoshi]This is a confidential document Mihoshi. You should be more responsible than to let me see this. Mihoshi:[Shrugs]Uh...really? But I thought you could handle this better? Kiyone[Grumbles]If I was a lieutenant...Anyway, you are right though, it's a good thing you showed me this.[Scans through various papers]It's saying that the local police precinct will be under secret review, as standard procedure. Mihoshi:[Still eating]So what does that all mean? Kiyone[Annoyed]It means you should watch yourself for crooked cops. The thing mentioned that the agent is armed and very powerful. Mihoshi:[Understands]Oh. Ok. Hey Kiyone, let's go out, I'm bored. Kiyone: I still need to finish some paperwork. Mihoshi:[Realizes]Oh yeah! Washu dropped off some sort of Thingamijiggy for us to use. She said it would help out a lot.[Pulls out what looks like a portable printer] Kiyone:[Remembers]Right! I remember I told Washu I needed something to make my paperwork easier to handle. [Kiyone walks out the office and comes back in with her stack of paper work. She loads the papers into the little printer and pushes a green button. The printer neatly and quickly spews through all the papers and lands them on a tray.] Kiyone:[Smiles]Yes! This thing is some sort of scanner that automatically prints out whatever is needed when you stick something inside of it. Now I won't have anything more to do. Mihoshi: Can we go somewhere then? Kiyone: I guess.[Heads out]Lets change out of our uniforms though. [Both head out and go downstairs to their lockers. The scene fades as Kiyone yells at Mihoshi for clumsily tripping and knocking some criminal against a wall.] * * * April 11, 2001. Okayama Shopping District, Red Robin Restaurant. 12:20 PM [Ranma is walking into a busy and popular restaurant called Red Robin. Ranma stops at a sign that instructs patrons to wait to be seated. Ranma doesn't realize that many of the young girls are staring at the handsome man who just came in.] Waitress:[Walks up to Ranma]Irrashaimase! Where would you like to sit sir? Ranma:[Notices the bar is quieter than the rest of the restaurant]I think I'll eat at the bar please. Waitress:[Walks over to bar with a menu]Right this way. Ranma:[Takes a seat, looks over menu]Thank you. Waitress:[Walks off]I'll be back to take your order. Ranma:[Looks at bartender]Excuse me. Bartender:[Friendly]What would you like sir? Ranma:[Looks at selection of booze]I think I'll just have a beer. Give me a Michelob. Bartender:[Fills up a large mug]No problem.[Hands it to Ranma]Here you go. Ranma: Arigatou.[Takes a large swig]Not bad. [Ranma just sits at the bar looking at the menu while peacefully drinking his beer. Girls are still looking in his direction although he doesn't notice them.] <Scene switches to the entrance of the restaurant> * * * April 11, 2001 12:25 PM [Kiyone and Mihoshi park their brand new Toyota Avalon in a space and get out. The back seat is filled with some shopping bags. With their combined paychecks they make enough money to live very luxuriously by themselves. They are walking into the restaurant.] Kiyone: That was fun. We should do that a little more often. Mihoshi:[Sucking on a lollipop]Yeah! And we can afford it all too with our big paychecks combined together! Kiyone: Whatever.[Stomach grumbles]I'm hungry.[Walks in and waits at the sign] Waitress:[Walks over to them]Irrashaimase! Where would you like to be seated? Kiyone:[Looks around]This place is pretty crowded...I think we'll sit at the bar please. Waitress:[Takes them]Right this way! Mihoshi:[Spots a small arcade in the restaurant]Oooh! Kiyone! I'm gonna play some games and then be with you, ok? Kiyone:[Shakes head]God Mihoshi, you'll look like an idiot playing with those kids. Mihoshi: I'll be with you soon![Runs over to the change machine and gets a bunch] [Meanwhile Kiyone has sat down at the bar next to a man with a pigtail.] Kiyone:[Looks at him while getting to seat, thinks]This guy is pretty well built, he has an odd pigtail for a young man. [Ranma notices Kiyone walking over to sit by him. He only takes a glance at her and notices that she's a knockout. Her unusual and vibrant teal hair and her gorgeous body could give his female form a run for his(or her)money. He looks at her face for a moment and quickly turns away blushing. His heartbeat quickens.] Waitress:[Comes up to Ranma with a notepad]Are you ready to order yet? Ranma:[Hands menu]Yeah, I'll have a caesar chicken wrap with a side of oriental chicken salad.[To bartender]And another Michelob. Waitress:[Takes menu]I'll be back shortly with your order. [Walks over to Kiyone]Would you like anything miss? Kiyone: I think I'll have a double cheeseburger and my friend wanted a teriyaki burger.[To bartender]Could I have a Shirley Temple with a shot of vodka in it? Bartender:[Starts mixing drinks]Comin' up. Waitress:[Takes Kiyone's menu]I'll be back with your order. [Kiyone takes a short glance at Ranma. She notices something very unusual about him, and takes a close look at his waist. Ranma is just staring off into space thinking of nothing in particular.] Kiyone:[Sly voice]You know, 99.9% of people wouldn't have notice that tiny bulge at your waistline. It's hard to recognize the outlines of a handgun concealed by clothing. [Pulls out badge and police ID]Did you know guns are illegal in Japan?[Gestures to Ranma with a large knife from her purse]Go ahead, make my day. You're under arrest. Ranma:[Takes a drink of beer and looks at Kiyone with his eyebrow raised]Really? [Pulls out his Beretta lightning fast on the bar along with his own ID]I didn't know that. I came from America, a land full of gaijin cowboys so I wouldn't know what's right or wrong around here. Kiyone:[Eyes open very wide at the ID]Uh...uh...are you the JNSA agent who just moved in to Okayama? Ranma:[Reholsters weapon, eyebrow raised]How did you know that? I thought my identity was kept confidential to only high rankers. Kiyone:[Looks Ranma in the eye]Well, my friend is a lieutenant at the Okayama precinct. She sort of told me. [Sheepishly]Are we in trouble? Ranma:[Shakes his head in a friendly manner, examines her eyes]No. I'm not an asshole, and I could tell by your aura signature that you're an honest person. I only dislike crooked cops who think they're above the law. Kiyone:[Relieved and interested]Oh. Ranma:[Sticks out hand]By the way, my name is Ranma Saotome. Captain Saotome, at your service. Kiyone:[Shakes his hand. Kiyone notices Ranma's face up close and realizes how handsome he is. She tries to hide a blush as her heartbeat quickens]Detective Sergeant Kiyone Makibi, Okayama Robbery-Homicide.[Turns slightly red] Ranma:[Interested]A cop eh? You know, I used to be in robbery-homicide. It's a dirty job at times, but it's interesting. I used to be cop in LA, I just moved over here recently.[Examines Kiyone]You know, I used to be a bit of a sexist[Kiyone frowns at him], but after being a cop, I don't care what people say, but women make the best detectives in the police business.[Thinks]I'd know. It's gotten me out of a lot of shit in the past. Kiyone:[Chuckles]That's cool. How long you been a cop? Ranma:[Drinks]About 4 years. Kiyone: Is that so?[Thinks]I've been a cop for nearly 8 years now. Ranma:[Curious]Really? How old are you? Kiyone:[Lifts eyebrow]You shouldn't ask a girl about her age.[Smiles]I'm 26, I've worked in the police business since I was 18.[Thinks to self]But not on this planet. Ranma:[Understands]Oh yeah, I guess you don't have to be 21 to be a cop here. The US has different rules. Kiyone:[Shy]If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you? Ranma:[Lifts eyebrow, thinks to self]She has a very weird aura surrounding her. It's not of a powerful nature, but it's different from other people and she seems honest enough. [Speaks]Do you promise not to tell anyone? Kiyone:[Shrugs] Sure. Ranma:[Shows ID to Kiyone directly so she can read it]I work in a sector called the Maximum Enforcement Division. They are supposed to be a discreet unit of operatives who take care of hardcore and uncontrollable criminals on the street. We're also given command power over all armed forces and law enforcement groups in the nation. The only people we can't screw over are generals and above. Kiyone:[Curious]You guys are just a special arrest squad? That doesn't sound like much fun. Ranma:[Face darkens]It was a job given to me because of my prerequisite experience with the LAPD. It's supposed to be a brutal job. I basically try to kill off criminals regular citizens just don't want to deal with. Kiyone: What exactly did you do in the LAPD, besides basic patrol work and all that other crap. Ranma:[Silent]Have you ever heard of a group called he SIS? Kiyone: No. Ranma: They are a group of cops who intentionally execute criminals to get rid of them. A legalized death squad perfectly describes what they are. Kiyone:[Face darkens, looks at Ranma shrewdly]Why did you do that? A cop serves and protect the people. Ranma:[Ignores looks, looks thoughtful]If you think very carefully about it, what we did saved the lives of other people, people who could've been victims of serious crime. Justice has to be served. Kiyone:[Changes expression to one that is incredulous]Did all the killing convince you to move to Japan? Ranma:[Frowns]You forgot that I told you that my job here is to do the same thing. Kiyone:......[Slightly confused]Um...I'm just curious but why did you just tell me all that anyway? That you're a killer? [Ranma tries to explain that it is necessary to know his past to understand why he has his current job, but he is interrupted by a shout from inside the restaurant] Guy1:[Shouts]You fucker! You've been pissing me off since I've got here! What is it with you? Can't you do anything right? Guy2:[Whoops]Yea, yea, yea! You show him Jay, you show him! Guy3:[Leaning black on his chair with his shades lifted up] Kick his ass man, kick his ass. Show him what you got. Jay:[Turns to friends]Shaddup. Waiter:[Narrows eyes]Sir, I don't think I did anything wrong. Jay:[Shakes head in disbelief]You faggit! There you go again! You's talkin' like an asshole! I want some fuckin' fries, and you give my a bucket of fried shrimp! I hate shrimp! [Reaches into pocket for a handful of pennies]Here's a tip for you! [Jay chucks the pennies at the waiter as hard as he can. The waiter gets a face full of pennies and cries out in pain.] Ranma:[Watches Jay and his friends run out the restaurant] ......That's something you don't see everyday. Kiyone:[Gets up to chase the 3]I'll get them.[Stops] Ranma:[Grabs Kiyone's shoulders]Don't go after them. I don't blame em'. If I got bad service like that, I might've done the same. Kiyone:[Stares at Ranma]Your just gonna let them get away? Ranma:[Stares right back]Is what they did that bad? Kiyone:[Sits back down]......[Thinks to herself]What kind of cop is he? [Kiyone takes a sip of her drink as she shakes her head at what happened. Mihoshi comes up to her and sits down next to them.] Mihoshi:[Sits down]Hey Kiyone![To bartender]I want a vodka martini, shaken, not stirred. Bartender:[Starts shaking drinks]Coming right up. Kiyone:[Shakes head in disapproval]Mihoshi! You can't drink Something that strong during a lunch break! We have to go back to work soon! Mihoshi:[Whines]But Kiyone, I'm a lieutenant, I don't think anyone will notice, will they? Kiyone: Whatever. It's your job, not mine. Maybe I can have your spot when you get fired. Mihoshi:[Smiles]Um...Okay! Ranma:[Laughs]Ha ha! So this is your friend huh? Kiyone:[Smirks]Yes it is.[To Mihoshi]Mihoshi, this is Captain Ranma Saotome.[To Ranma]Ranma, this is Lieutenant Mihoshi Kuramitsu. Mihoshi:[Waves cheerfully]Hi there! Ranma:[Shakes Mihoshi's hand]Pleasure to meet you. Kiyone:[Sticks thumb at Ranma]He's the JNSA agent who's supposed to live here. Mihoshi:[Drinks a gulp of alcohol]What's that? Kiyone:[Slumps]Nothing, just forget it. He's a cop like us. Mihoshi: Ok. Waitress:[Carries food for all three people]Here are your orders![Places food in front of them]Call me if you need anything else![Walks off] Mihoshi:[Looks at teriyaki burger]Whoa! You ordered exactly what I wanted Kiyone! Thanks! Kiyone:[Bites into burger]Whatever. Ranma:[Grabs food]Well, let's dig in. [Time passes, and all three share stories about what happened to them during their police work. Ranma finds himself enjoying talking to the two lively girls and seems to be making friends with them. Kiyone carefully leaves out that she and Mihoshi are Galaxy Police officers from outer space. She carefully makes sure Mihoshi doesn't accidentally blurt it out.] Ranma:[Laughs]Wow, so Mihoshi pushed you into some furnace and you somehow survived? Kiyone:[Frowns]Yeah, it was a month before anyone ever saw me again. Mihoshi:[Scratches back of head, sweatdrops]It was an accident, I didn't mean it! We had to stop that mad scientist![Slightly drunk]Come on Kiyone, at least we solved the case! Kiyone:[Looks at Mihoshi incredulously]I was about to get her myself! You just had to be an airhead and bump me! Ranma:[Gets up]Well, I better get going. I gotta go to the DA's office and get acquainted with him.[To Kiyone and Mihoshi]It was fun talking to you two. Kiyone: Maybe we'll bump into each other in the future. Ranma: Maybe. Mihoshi[Gets up, clumsily loses balance and accidentally flings a cup of water at Ranma's face. He gets hit directly and changes]Whoops! I didn't mean to......Excuse me? Who are you? Ranma-chan:...... [The two women are staring at a beautiful tall woman who looks like Ranma except she has some very feminine curves under the masculine clothing.] Kiyone:[Stares in disbelief]Wha...wha...[Shakes head]What the hell just happened? It must be the alcohol, because I swear I just saw Ranma morph into a girl. Mihoshi:[Eyes wide]I think so too.[To bartender]Hey, you gotta teach me how to make that drink at home. Ranma-chan:[Nervous]You two aren't drunk, it's me, the guy you just saw. Kiyone: What? Ranma-chan: It's a long story... Mihoshi:[Confused]Uh...where did you come from? Who are you? Ranma-chan: It's the same person you've been talking to for the past hour. It's me, Ranma. Mihoshi:[Looks at Kiyone]Kiyone, are you making fun of me? This is really weird. Kiyone:[Shakes head slowly]I didn't do anything Mihoshi... Ranma-chan:[Gestures to sit down again]I think I better start from the beginning. [The two women sit down and silently listen.] Ranma-chan:[Sighs]It all began when I was 16, me and my pop was going to an ancient training ground in China called Jusenkyo... [After a half hour of explanations, Ranma-chan left both Kiyone and Mihoshi boggled with various different thoughts in their heads. Ranma carefully tries to leave out some of his other unusual adventures and his four fiancées] Kiyone:[Frowns]Let me get this straight. You're a girl right now. But with hot water you change back to a guy. With cold water you change into a girl. And this is all some magical curse? Ranma-chan: That's right. Mihoshi:[Smiles]Wow! That's neat! Kiyone:[Sighs]You idiot... Ranma-chan: It's not as bad as you think, I thought it was a nightmare when this first happened, but now I find it as a part of who I am.[To Kiyone]Remember I told you that women are the best cops?[Points to self]Here's a great example. Kiyone:[Silent]...... Ranma-chan:[Sighs sadly]I'm sorry. I guess you think I'm some sort of freak. Kiyone:[Sudden, stands up]No![Blushes and sits down]I mean, no. I don't think at all that you're a freak. I think it's cool what you can do. It may not be a curse at all. Mihoshi: Yeah. That's so neat! You can do magic! Can you do a magic trick for me? Kiyone: You're such a little kid Mihoshi, act your age. Ranma-chan:[Smiles]Sure. Watch this.[Opens hand up and produces several bright blue balls of ki that pop into a harmless lightshow.] Kiyone:[Eyes wide]What the hell was that? Mihoshi:[Claps]Yeah! That was neat! More! Ranma-chan:[Smiles]Actually, I should really get going.[Gets a cup of warm water and splashes in his face] Kiyone:[Stares at Ranma with an open mouth]Amazing... Ranma: Maybe we can meet again in the future.[Kiyone's face blushes]I might drop by the precinct once in a while. Mihoshi:[Smiles]Sure! That'd be great! Kiyone:[Heart beats faster]Yeah.[Mentally sighs, thinks to self]This guy is really weird...I haven't felt this way around a guy in a while... Except for maybe Tenchi...But he's just a kid...[Tries to sneak a look at Ranma's face] Ranma:[Catches Kiyone's look, both blush furiously. Thinks to self]I haven't felt this way around any woman since Akane![Heartbeat quickens]What is it with this girl? She's so unusual. I wish I could somehow meet with her again somewhere, just to get more familiar with her. [The three walk out of the restaurant. Mihoshi walks along to the car first and waves bye to Ranma, who waves back. Ranma and Kiyone are alone together for a moment in the parking lot.] Kiyone:[Thinks]What should I say? Ranma:[Thinks]I guess it couldn't hurt to ask, I gotta have a backbone for this kind of stuff once in my life.[Gulps, and nervously speaks]You know, Kiyone, I was wondering maybe if you'd like to do something over the weekend?[Tapping index fingers against each other shyly]I got nothing to do, I was thinking maybe we can get to know each other better? I don't know, have some fun maybe? Kiyone:[Trying to hide her joy, thinks]Is he really asking me out?[Look of calm on her face]Sure, I see why not.[Thinks of something]I know, why don't we go to my friends place in the mountains for the weekend? There's a lot of stuff to do there. You said you were a martial artist right? There's a Shinto Shrine up there, and my friends are martial artists too. Maybe you can train with them. Ranma:[Joyful]Really? You mean it?[Realizes what he's saying, regains composure]I mean, yeah. That would be cool.[Thinks to self]I can't believe it, I actually asked a girl out! [Sobers]It's strange how I've changed like that, never could do that with Akane until Jusendo. Kiyone:[Smiles]I'm pretty sure you'll have fun there. It's beautiful in the countryside and mountains. How will I contact you? Ranma:[Pulls out a pen and some paper and writes his cell phone number]Here.[Hands paper to Kiyone]This is my phone number. Call me anytime. Kiyone:[Takes number]Thanks. I'll call you this weekend. Ranma:[Smiles]I'll be looking forward to it. Bye! Kiyone:[Walks to car]Bye! * * * [Mihoshi and Kiyone are in their Toyota driving home. Mihoshi is at the driver's seat and is driving remarkably well for being a ditz. Kiyone is just staring out the window happily, listening to Mihoshi rant. It seems both have decided to just go home instead of going back to the station. Fortunately Kiyone made a clever call to the station saying they were working on a case that just came up.] Mihoshi: Wow Kiyone! You're so lucky to have met that guy! He gave you his number too! So, are you gonna go out with him or something? I haven't seen you date anyone since we were regular GP patrol officers fresh out of the academy. Kiyone:[Frowns]Has it been that long since I've had a liking to someone? Mihoshi:[Thinks, car runs a red light]I think so, except you like Tenchi a little, don't you? Kiyone:[Screams]Jeez Mihoshi! Watch where you're driving! Mihoshi:[Looks at speedometer and slows down]Whoops! I guess I was driving too fast! Kiyone:[Shakes head in disgust]You baka. Mihoshi:[Whines]Don't make fun of me...that's mean. Kiyone:[Thinks]What is it with her these days? Whining about me making fun of her. She's a ditz who changes her method of idiocy every so often. [Mihoshi turns on the radio to a pop station and blares up the music. She starts dancing to herself, and sings to the music.] Kiyone:[Stares]...... [Kiyone just looks at her, smiles slightly and sighs, and joins Mihoshi in impromptu karaoke. The car drives off the view of the camera and switches back to Ranma. He's in his car, driving off to someplace.] Ranma:[Thinks]I wonder what'll happen this weekend?[Shakes head]Jeez, I wonder what I would've done if I was a teenager again? I actually asked a girl out.[Smiles]A pretty and honest one too. I can feel it in her aura. [Frowns]What's with her aura anyway? I've never felt anything like it. Her friend too. It's almost like they're from another planet... [Ranma's cell phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket. The caller id shows a familiar number that brings a smile to his face.] Ranma:[Answers]Moshi-moshi? John: Get your head out of you fuckin' ass and speak English girly boy. Ranma:[Laughs, in English]Hey fuckhead. John:[Sarcastic]You really are a bastard, you know. You're gone for nearly two fucking weeks and you don't even call. Now what kind of friend is that? Ranma:[Scratching back of head nervously]Heh, uh...I got backtracked a little...yeah, that's it. John:[Chuckles]I'm just fucking with you, you fucking nip. Ranma:[Laughs]I wouldn't be talking you white-ass redneck motherfucker. John:[Laughs out loud]How've you been? How's the JNSA treating you? Ranma:[Nods]Pretty good. It's all top quality. It's a dream job. Never thought this much good stuff can happen. John: Stop bragging. Hey. You promised we can have fun at your place when we get a chance. My vacation is coming up soon, as well as the other guys. How about some fun huh? Ranma:[Thinks]Shit...he still remembers that.[Speaks]I guess you can come over during the summertime. That'll be about right. John: That's great! I guess I'll see you in a month then. Ranma: Whatever.[Changes subject]How's it going over there? John:[Rants]Oh, nothing much.. just that... [The conversation just keeps going and going. Eventually it comes to an end.] John: Ah, so you asked a girl out on a date huh? It's about time, I've only seen you going out with a girl once and even then that was pretty pathetic. Ranma:[Stutters]Shut up! It's not a date! Besides, there's something special about this girl, she's not like my old girlfriend...or my ex fiancée. Besides, she's a cop too. John:[Smirks]Just remember to use a rubber when you get the chance. Ranma:[Blushes]Shut the fuck up! John:[Laughs]Whatever. I gotta go now. Keep in touch, I'll talk to you later. Ranma: All right, bye John.[Clicks off phone] [Ranma just continues driving all the way to his condo, and the scene fades as he enters a garage for his complex. Meanwhile, Kiyone and Mihoshi are at their dingy little apartment, opening the door each with an armful of bags. Apparently the two still live in the same old place, buying a good car in Okayama was easy, finding a good place to live was hard. There were just too many people in the city with not enough spaces, and building a home in the countryside cost way too much.] Kiyone:[Opening door, fumbling with keys]Goddamn bags, I wish we had a caddy to carry all this. Mihoshi: Yeah, this stuff is heavy. [They both set the bags down in the room and start sorting out all their new clothes in drawers. Mihoshi is unusually silent, glancing at Kiyone every once in a while. Kiyone is mindlessly sorting her stuff, thinking of something with a small smile on her face.] Mihoshi:[Breaks silence]Kiyone, what are grinning about? Kiyone:[Blushes]Wha, what? What do you mean? Mihoshi: It's just that I've noticed that you're smiling about something. Is it Ranma? Kiyone:[Stammers]No, no! It's not that.[Thinks]Yeah right, I can't keep him out of my mind right now. Mihoshi:[Hands at hips]You can't fool me! I know what you're thinking![Teases Kiyone, points finger at her]You've got the hots for Ranma-kun! Kiyone: Shut up! Mihoshi:[Cheers]I knew it! You're so lucky Kiyone, he's such a handsome guy, charming too! He can even do magic tricks! And best of all, he's even a cop. Kiyone:[Glares]Quiet you! He's mine![Stops short, puts hand to her mouth]Oh crap, did I just say that? Mihoshi:[Laughs]Uh huh! Kiyone: Damn you, you bubbleheaded airhead! Mihoshi:[Sings]You love him, you think he's gorgeous, you're gonna kiss him, you're gonna marry him! Kiyone:[Yells]Arrgh! Why can't you shut up!? Mihoshi: I'm just teasing you Kiyone. I'm happy for you. [Thinks to self, feels a tinge of sadness]Although I'd be happy too if I could have a guy like that. He's so gorgeous and charming! Kiyone: All right, all right.[Frowns]It's strange though. He has a weird curse in a practical place like this, and he said that everyone he worked with accepted it and didn't treat him like a freak. I wonder how his life must have been. Mihoshi: You should get to know him better when we go with him to Tenchi's this weekend. Kiyone: Sure thing.[Smiles, quietly to self]I can't wait! [The scene fades as Mihoshi breaks out some beer and sake along with some karaoke equipment. Kiyone just shakes her head at Mihoshi as she grabs a can and starts drinking. They start singing and have fun for the rest of the evening. Meanwhile, Ranma is meditating in his room, focusing on his martial arts training. He falls asleep eventually, and the last thing he thinks of is Kiyone's face.] <End of Chapter 2> Ranma is owned by Viz, Rumiko Takahashi, other big people. Tenchi is owned by Pioneer, copyright stuff, etc, etc. Don't sue me motherfuckers, I don't have shit. Author's Notes: This chapter is a lot shorter than the last one, I simply wanted to introduce my favorite Tenchi characters, Kiyone and Mihoshi. I'm pretty sure a lot of you readers saw this coming, since this is the entire reason I made Ranma a cop. I like the idea of Kiyone and Ranma. Both are nice, honest, strong and honorable, they both believe in good causes, and both have had a life of bad things happening to them. I came up with the idea of Ranma falling in love with one of the Tenchi girls after reading Hearts Healing by D.F. Roeder. That awkward scene in the middle of the restaurant where "Jay" gets into an argument with a waiter is actually just a joke. Jay is a self insertion character of me, it's something that really happened to me once in a Red Robin once, and I got so mad that I just got a pocketful of change and chucked it at some waiter's face. That's sort of my personality. Also, for the next chapter I think I'll try a different writing style,maybe novel style instead of script. Maybe I can portray feelings and surroundings better that way. Anyways, next chapter Ranma meets Tenchi and the rest of the characters, he gives Katsuhito a rude surprise in fighting skills, and Washu becomes interested with the prospect of a new guinea pig. Oh, and in case any of you are interested, I could make some sidestories focusing on Ranma getting into shootouts and stuff in his new job in Okayama. Tell me if you're interested. Other things: As I was writing this, I realized how much I enjoyed writing about a Ranma+Tenchi character fic. I also started wondering a little about the life of Mihoshi. Even though she is an airhead and does stupid things, in all of the Tenchi animes she doesn't seem to attract or go after anyone, except for in the OVA's. I was thinking of making another series of fics in an altered version of THIS universe, so that she can be paired with Ranma instead. I think they would make an interesting and happy couple. E-mail to tell me what you readers think about this idea. P.S. Forgive me for having such a potty mouth throughout these stories, but "Fuck" is the most versatile word in the English language, and I like how it sounds with everything:) Please tell me how I'm doing with this story. Comments and Criticism to Once again, please visit my website at