Well here's part 3 of No need to be Wild again I have to thank my pre-readers for without them this chapter would have been alot more deficient. Once again Tenchi Muyo belongs to Pioneer and Ranma 1/2 to VIZ also I have to give credit to Peter Suzuki whose loving dare launched this response. kappa- a water demon that resembles a cross between duck billed platapus with a turtle shell Nani- what? what the? Sumimasen- I'm sorry -san - honorific meaning Mister or Miss < > thought " " talk * * sound A myriad of emotions played ranged across the Tendo sister's faces as they looked at the young man that called himself Ranma Saotome. Kasumi looked on with a worried and skeptical expression. Nabiki kept her poker face on only raising an eyebrow at the annoucement. Ranma look saddened as he caught sight of the youngest Tendo. Akane glared angerly at Ranma and scowled to show her displeasure at his true gender holding her cup of water with a grip that threatened to break it. "Okay nice joke but what is this all about?" was all Nabiki could say to sum up the confusion of the situation. No need to be Wild: Tenchi Muyo-Ranma 1/2 crossover Part 3: Much ado about Washu "Are you really her?" Kasumi started looked directly at Ranma, "That same young girl we saw before?" Genma pushed his glasses up slightly his eyes closed in contemplation. "Hmm...how do I best explain all this?" He then looked toward his son. Ranma gave Genma the 'do it and die by Washucide' look and any thought of using his son as a demonstration quickly faded from his mind. Genma sighed then upended a bucket of water from nowhere over himself. Suddenly where there once was a sligtly overweight bespectled man now stood a huge black and white giant panda. A gi bluging out in areas that were now too much flesh to contain and a pair of rim eyeglasses barely hanging on one ear of the animal. Nabiki's face registared shock for a moment before returning to normal, Soun simply nodded, and Akane's mouth dropped open her anger momentarily forgotten. "Oh my!" Kasumi's exclamation broke the silence as she placed her hand on her cheek. "So that means Ranma also..." Nabiki stated as all attention turned to the 16 year old boy. "Well there's only one way to find out." Akane stated with a grin as she clutched her glass of water and was about throw it in Ranma's direction. However before Akane could do anything the panda quickly knocked the glass out of her hands. The panda then produced a wooden sign [Are you mad girl, do you have any idea what horror you'll unleash if you douse my son!] Soun looked at his old friend skeptically. "Oh come now Genma she can't be that bad." he was promptly grabbed by the front of his gi as the panda looked at him in terror. [You don't understand Tendo!] the panda started shaking Soun, [that little red head is a demon from hell. She's worse then the Master, we must get rid of her or suffer in eternal torment and what suffering she can inflict on you just by a wave of her fingers, oh the Humanity!] "Ahem." a voice coughed causing the four people to refocus their attention on the figure still sitting behind them. There sat a long red haired girl with green eyes in Ranma's chinese shirt and pants at her feet was the glass that Genma carelessly tossed away it's contents now covering the girl. The girl smiled toward Genma "Well, Genma," Washu stood up and suddenly her holographic computer was at her side as the panda started shaking uncontrollably. "It seems your tact matches that stuff in your skull you dare call grey matter." Genma looked around frantically for an exit. Seeing none the giant panda glared knives at the pint-size genius for a moment, crouching itself low and then, before Washu could do a thing, he sprang into action... and started kowtowing while holding a sign saying [I'm sorry] over and over again. The Tendo's merely fell face first to the floor while Washu stood there eyes half shut as a small drop of sweat traveled down the side of her head. Washu recovered quickly and began typing commands onto her computer "Now, Now furball take your punishment like the _man_ you are." Abruptly the air around Genma-panda shimmered for a moment then as the light died down he was gone. *ribit* The sound caused the Tendo's to look down. There at about an inch or two high was a kappa-panda. "Oh my!" Kasumi started as she walked up to the small animal, "Saotome-san your--" Everyone held there breath waiting for Kasumi's response. "So cute!" Kasumi beamed as she picked up the panda-kappa and hugged it. The rest of the Tendo clan sweated nervously while Washu smiled triumphantly. "Yup, got to love my patented kappification process," Washu nodded with closed eyes her arms crossed over one another, "all you have to do is rewrite the subject's DNA code then speed up the metabolism, and presto." "Bwhahahaha am I the greatest scientific genius in the universe or what?" Suddenly Washu produced a Japanese fan and waved it around as two small hand puppets that resembled Washu appeared on the girls shoulders. "Washu you are the greatest!" puppet A said, "All bow before the great Washu!" B added. The Tendos stood rooted to the spot until the puppets disappeared and Washu sat back down. "I guess you're all wondering how all of this occurred." Washu looked down with a small grin at Genma. "And since Genma here won't be able to talk for awhile, I might as well inform you." Washu again called up here holographic computer as she enlarged the screen so all could see. "You see it all started here at the base of Mount Quanjing in the Qinghai province of China..." ***Flashback*** Ranma smirked as he landed on the bamboo pole with ease. He had just knocked his father into one of the springs. That selfish old goat had it coming to him. Dragging his own son across the country, forcing him to learn ancient sometimes even forbidden techniques, forcing HIM to work off their bills by taking odd jobs. Well no more. As of today, his pop would have to live with the fact that he was again beaten by his own son. Of course, Ranma soon realized that his father seemed to be down there a long time. "Pop? What’s up?" asked Ranma, not hinting his slight worry about the well being of the only family he knew about. "We done already?" All of a sudden, with a loud *BLOOOSH!!* something he did not expect, took his father’s place. What now stood on an opposite pole, while resembling Ranma’s father in some ways, was not Genma Saotome. The guide should have known that something like this would happen. All he could do now was explain what had happened, and hope that those two would not continue to fight. "Oh, too bad. Mr. customer fall in ‘Spring of Drowned Panda’. Very tragic story of panda, who drown there two thousand year ago. Now who ever fall in same spring, take body of panda." Explained the guide. "You never said anything about that, to us!" yelled the boy. "Me Japanese is not so good, no? Me speak English fine, but me no speak Japanese well." Just then, tragedy struck. It did not exactly seem that way at first, when the panda knocked the boy from the pole. So the boy would fall in one of the springs, so what. Worse had happened before. But the panda had gotten in a very good hit, and combine that with its improved strength, it knocked the boy very far indeed. In fact, the hit caused the boy to fly directly towards the only COVERED spring in Jusenkyo. Covered because of what was in it. The guide was so terrified that he did not even respond when the panda tried to get his attention. Ranma was hit, and he knew that it was his fault. He had been distracted by the guides words, and that panda, no wait, his FATHER had gotten in a good shot. Ranma realized that when, not IF, he fell into one of the springs, he would take the form of whatever drowned there many years ago. What would he be? A duck? A pig? A girl? A c-c-cat? Perhaps a yeti, riding a bull, carrying a crane and an eel? The worst that could happen, would be that he would create a ‘Spring of Drowned Ranma’. Then he realized where he was heading. He thought. As he smashed into the boards, he realized probably why the spring was boarded up. *CRACK!* To keep whatever drowned there from coming back. *SPLOOOSH!* The guide tried to run, but he was stopped by a furry paw. The man that was transformed into a panda, held up a piece of wood, that had some writing on it. [What spring was that?] The guide starred nervously at the spring as he spoke. "That is ‘Spring of Drowned Goblin’. Very tragic story of goblin that drown in that spring, seven hundred year ago. No one want dangerous goblin to come back, so people try to keep all from falling in spring." The panda scribbled something else down on the wood. [If the goblin was so dangerous, then what’s so tragic of it drowning?] "No, no, no. Mr. customer no understand. Story no is tragic because goblin drown in spring." Just then, *FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!* a bright column of pale green light shot from the spring, and while thankfully drying up the spring itself, there was something still in the now dry pit. "Story is tragic because goblin may one day come back." Said the guide nervously. The creature that WAS Ranma, seemed to be considering the situation. It then slipped out of Ranma’s Gi pants, and slung them over its shoulder. Seemingly making one final adjustment on its belt, it then turned around, and approached the slightly frightened person and panda. When it finally reached the two, they seemed to lose their fear to curiosity. Ranma didn’t look anything at all like Ranma. Standing three feet in height, with sparkling green eyes, and with spiky crab-red hair, Ranma did not resemble anything like he used to. The panda furiously scribbled something down on a piece of wood, and showed it to the guide. "Yes, sir. Me think that goblin, that legend talk about." Said the guide, with a trace of uncertainty in his voice. "You’re probably both wanting an explanation, aren’t you?" asked Ranma, who now sounded somewhat like a twelve year old girl. Both the guide and the former human nodded in affirmation, so she continued. "First of all, that wasn’t a goblin that fell there all of those years ago. I was a great scientist. In fact I was," dramatic pose. " ‘The Greatest Scientific Genus In The Universe!!!’ BWA-HA-HA-HA!!!" As she spoke two mini replicas of herself appeared on her shoulders chanting "Washu, Washu, she’s the best! Yay, WASHU!!" "Washu?!?" asked the guide and panda. . . Okay, the panda grunted it out the best it could. "Yes, my name was Washu. Don’t worry, I’m Ranma as well. Our personalities kind of merged when I, er, he fell into the spring." As if to prove what she was saying, she launched a flying spin kick on a nearby wooden post, the top half of which imbedded itself in the nearby cliff. Genma knew that if this wasn’t Ranma, then this Washu was imitating Ranma’s moves exactly. Washu approached the panda. "Call me Washu-chan, when I am in this form, and Ranma when I am in my other form. And don’t worry pop. You haven’t lost a son. You’ve gained a brilliant, and very cute, scientist." Genma was not believing a word of this. Somehow this goblin had taken control of his son. He needed to get his son back to normal. He wrote this down on a piece of cardboard, and showed it to the guide. The guide nodded in affirmation and took out a kettle of hot water that he had been preparing. The guide then dumped its contents on top of Washu, changing her back to the pigtailed boy, that was Ranma. "Ranma, my boy! Now you’re back to normal. Now we can go about finding a cure for you!" Genma would have said, if he wasn’t still a panda. Ranma glared at the guide, steam coming off of his head from the boiling hot water that was just dumped over him. Ranma then materialized a twelve-by-eight rectangular shadow, and typed on a couple of buttons that made their existence known when he pressed them. Suddenly the guide was strapped to an invisible rack, arms and legs stretched out and held down by energy bands. "WHAT!?! No is possible! Spring that change mind, supposed to change back with hot water!" "I already told you, I ‘merged’ with Washu. My mind stays the same in either form." Genma backed away from his son. "Now, what would be a suitable punishment for trying to take away my genius, not to mention the crime of keeping a cute widdle scientist like Washu-chan from living again? Hmmmmmm. . . Ah-Ha!" Ranma typed some buttons. "Now this will be fun." The air above the helpless Jusenkyo guide started shimmering, and then he transformed. The guide dropped to the ground, and now was a Kappa (Water sprite). "Ribbit! Ribbit!" complained the Kappa. "Just accelerate their metabolism, and VIOLA! One Kappa! HA-HA-HA!!" Ranma was enjoying this a bit too much. Genma tried to knock his son out, in order to stop the ‘mad scientist’. Ranma anticipated the attack, and used the panda’s momentum to toss him on to the ground. "Now, that wasn’t a very nice thing to do to your Super-Genius son. Was it." Ranma pressed a couple more buttons, and a stream of boiling hot water poured on to the panda, changing it back to a human. "Yow! Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Genma ran around in circles, to afraid to jump into any of the springs because of what they might do, and in too much pain to do anything else. Ranma pulled a mirror seemingly out of nowhere, and checked his face. "So I’m now handsome, instead of cute. I’m still," dramatic pose. " ‘The Greatest Scientific Genus In The Universe!!!’ BWA-HA-HA-HA!!!" On cue, two mini RANMA’S appeared on his shoulders cheering, "You’re the best! You’re the coolest! Yay, RANMA!!" ***End of Flashback*** The room was silent as Washu finished her story only the soft ringing of the wind chime could be heard. "Fortunately for both Ranma-dono and myself the merging of our two personalities was temporary. Although our personalites tend to overlap from time to time, they have diverged back into two separate entities." Washu finished waiting for some reaction from her audience. "Sort of like oil and water Washu-chan." Nabiki stated breaking the silence. "In a way yes Nabiki-dono," Washu praised as she smiled at the middle Tendo. "It's so refreshing to meet someone who uses their brain for a change." Washu then glared at Genma who tried to hide somewhere. "The legendary ground of the accursed springs," Soun began sweating profusely a look of horror on his face. "It's true horror has always been a mystery until now..." "Wait a minute." Akane said as she gave the small scientist an appraising look. "If your so powerful how come you drowned at Jusenkyo and for that matter how come you can't separate your personalities?" "It's rather complicated story." Washu stated cryptically as she started scratching her chin slowly in contemplation. Ranma thought. Washu replied warily Washu amended. Ranma hesitated before an idea struck him. Ranma stated. Washu grinned for a moment "Well lets just say I was imprisoned in a unique cage and sent adrift by my captor." Washu started looking intently at Akane. "After a long time my prison drifted into this solar system and my trajectory coincided with that of Planet Earth." "My 'prison' crash landed on a village not too far from Jusenkyo." Washu sighed, "Unfortunately the natives saw me inside my prison and mistook me for a malevolent being falling from the heavens." "At first they thought of constructing a shrine around me to contain my 'demonic' presense." Washu giggled momentarily, "But someone suggested taking me and locking me up in a cave near Jusenkyo 'Lest someone frees her from the prison'." Washu proceeded to reach her hand into a subspace pocket and produced a cup of green tea which she drank before continuing. "The men who were assigned to carry me to Jusenkyo probably were clumsy with my handling and they dropped me at some point causing my prison to fall into a spring." "I don't recall much after that moment." Washu finished taking a sip of her tea again as the Tendo's absorbed the petite genius's tale. Akane was about to ask her last question again but Washu interrupted "As for why I can't cure the curse, it's the results that bother me." The Tendo's looked at Washu with blank stares causing the small red head to laugh nervously. "Oh, don't get me wrong," The Tendo's could only watch and sweat nervously as numerous-some very sharp, gruesome, or otherwise wierd looking-instruments appeared in Washu's hands. "As the greatest scientist in the universe I have an unlimited choice of facilites to employ in curing Ranma-dono and myself of Jusenkyo's unique anatomical and physiological conditioning." "The only problem is I don't know how the curse will react with the methods I employ," Washu then produced a pointer in her hand as a project appeared in front of her and each of the Tendo's found themselves sitting in school desks. "For example I could clone Ranma using a small sample of DNA and then download his personality into the clone. But if the curse is genetic in nature I could wind up giving the boy a cursed clone body. On the plus side at least we'll have two separate bodies for each personality." Washu then looked at her 'students' with a grin, "Any questions?" "Umm...not at the moment" Akane said quietly confusion still apparant in the girls tone. "Very informative." Nabiki stated her professional face showing no hint of emotion save curiosity. "Definately." Kasumi agreed nodding her head. Genma raised a flipper. "Yes, Genma-chan?" The kappa-panda brought out a large wooden sign. [Oh great scientist Washu-sama, I humbly beg you please change me back.] Washu scratched her chin for a moment then grinned mischievously. "Sure." As before a light around Genma shimmered turning him back into a panda just in time to recieve a stream of boiling water from a kettle that Soun Tendo held up with a heavy cloth on the bottom. The panda flayed in agony as Soun finished pourring half of the kettles content's on it. "So when doused with hot water you return to your human form." Soun stated looking the now human, and mysteriously dressed, Genma in the eyes. "It needn't be quite that hot Tendo." Genma exclaimed his skin now scolded a bright red. "And you turn into a girl with cold water and back to a boy with warm water." Soun turned toward Washu ready to douse the small girl. "75 to 80 degrees not 150 to be precise." Washu said in a calm voice as she tapped her holographic keyboard. "Well then," Soun patted Washu's back hard kettle placed on the floor, "Your problem's not so bad at all." "Nani?" was all Washu could say as Soun pointed toward his daughters. "My eldest Kasumi age nineteen," Kasumi smiled and bowed slightly. "Pleased to meet you." "My middle daughter Nabiki age seventeen," to which Nabiki showed no reaction to whatsoever. "And finally my youngest daughter, Akane, age sixteen." Soun pointed as Akane glared again in Washu's direction. "Pick the one you want and she's your fiancee." Soun stated as he finished the re-introduction. Just as the three sisters were about to comment Washu spoke, "Hold it," She put her hand up and looked Soun Tendo straight in the eyes. "Soun-dono can we talk for a moment." Washu then looked toward Genma, "Without any idiotic interruptions." "Now hold on a second, this was a pact between Soun and myself," Genma shouted, "You have no--" Suddenly Genma was frozen, unmoving, his lips still open. "Much better." Washu grinned wickedly. "Where was I?" "You wanted to talk to me about something." Soun said cautiously stealing a glance at Genma. "Right," Washu kneeled down and looked seriously at the Tendo's for a moment Ranma asked worry evident in his thought. She replied then began bowing before Soun. "Sumimasen, Soun-dono." "Nani?" Soun looked puzzled for a moment. "I need a huge favor and I can't offer much in return." Washu said looking straight at the Tendo clan head. "I need you to take Ranma into your home--" To this Soun smiled, "Well of course, as one of my daughter's fiancee Ranma would be more then welcome here." "Without the engagement." Washu finished. "Without the engagement?" Soun repeated curiously. Washu looked sadly at Soun her eye's blurred by moisture. "Ranma-dono already has enough problems in his life Soun-dono. Because of Genma's constant wanderings to teach him the art Ranma has had no place to call home till now. He never had the time to make too many friends, and just when he does make a friend Genma takes off toward another training ground with the boy shattering whatever bonds he forms. Then there's the fact that he was torn away from his mother at age six and will probably never see her again because of a pact Genma stupidly agreed to. And now with what has occurred at Jusenkyo I think Ranma is at an emotional breaking point. While the curse means nothing to me as I can easily circumvent it's unusual effects. Ranma-dono doesn't have that ability and I know first hand that he wants to find a cure." Washu then procedded to turn her head toward the verandah. "I'm also concerned about the way Genma has raised Ranma-dono." Soun quirked an eyebrow up at this, "I mean no offense to your old friend but the man would often sell his son into servitude just to get a good meal, or use him to pay off a debt that he couldn't pay himself." As Washu glanced at the Tendo sisters. Kasumi showed concern and saddness in her eyes, Nabiki's mask slipped for a moment as she frowned then returned to her cold calculating look, Akane simply was struck by the intensity of Washu's plea. Washu pressed her argument on, "Some of his training methods are also very careless and have caused Ranma alot of harm, too much in my opinion to justify the need to make him into a better martial artist." "So I ask--beg you again Soun-dono can you take Ranma into your home without thrusting the engagement onto his shoulders?" Washu wrapped up looking expectantly at Soun Tendo. The man was deep in thought, his eyes were closed, and he repeatedly scratched his chin. "I'm not so sure..." When Soun opened his eyes to look at Washu the small girl was almost crying. Her eye large and moist with tears. "Please?" she asking in a very pitiable voice. "eh alright," Soun blurted out which caused the others, Washu included to smile. "But on one condition." the elder Tendo stated. "That being..." Washu asked in a calm detached voice. "That when Ranma comes of age he will consider marrying one of my girls." Soun stated authoritatively. "Daddy." the three sisters said in unison annoyance common in their tones. Washu thought looking the group over. Ranma thought back with a concern in his voice. "We accept." Washu stated gleefully shaking Soun's hand. "Alright then with that settled let's all get some rest." Soun stated in a fatherly manner, "I think we all deserve it." Soun then patted Washu on the shoulder and headed out of the living room. The Tendo sister's started to follow when Kasumi pointed to Genma, "Washu-chan aren't you going to unfreeze Saotome-san?" Washu glanced at the slightly overweight man and shook her head. "Nah the affects of the beam will wear off in ten hours or so." With that Washu headed toward the guest room and setup the futon. But just as she was about to get to sleep, Ranma slowly said causing Washu to stop what she was doing. she asked. the boy asked quickly his curiosity about the cute genius peaked by the emotional plea on his behalf. Washu started Washu laughed aloud and with that settled to sleep under a roof for a change. END Like I said before any comments and ideas are welcome so send them to mansouri@wam.umd.edu and if you want previous chapters go to www.wam.umd.edu/~mansouri/fanfiction.html.