Hey, I don't own any Tenchi chars, so don't sue me thinkin ya will get money outta me, cause I don't have any Chapter Two No Need for Goodbyes Two months have passed; Sasami went on Iron Chef, and won, beating her competitor by a mile and a half, and taking over the spot for the best dish ever. Washu, efficient as ever in perfecting the identity Tenchi would be using, completed her task by the next morning, and spent the next few weeks teaching Tenchi the background details he would need if someone asked. All in all it was a seemingly foolproof plan. (Yeah, right, you believe that I have a few springs in Jusenedo to sell ya, ^_^) * * * Tenchi stood outside his house, looking at Yagami as it rested in the lake, its gleaming red surface almost blended in with the waning sunlight reflecting off the mirror smooth surface of the lake. Turning to face the rest of the group, he noted that almost all the faces were flowing with tears, as was his own."Lord Tenchi," Ayeka said in between sobs, "I wish you the best of luck in your trip, and hope that you return safely to me." Not to be outdone Ryoko teleported up to him and wrapped her arms around him, "Tenchi don't go, stay here with me, if you want to see the galaxy me and you could take Ryo-ohki out and we can spend some quality time together, just you and me." This of course infuriated the purple haired princess and she rushed up to Ryoko and threw her off him, "Miss Ryoko, you will do nothing of the sort with my Tenchi." "Your Tenchi huh?" Ryoko shot back, "Since when." "Why since the time we were born we were destined to be together." Ayeka stated matter of factly. This of course started the usual bout of energy blasts and cheek pulling between the two. And of course, in the meantime Sasami had moved in and was hugging a kneeling Tenchi tightly. "Tenchi I'm going to miss you so much while your away." The kwaii little princess cried into his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you too Sasami," Tenchi soothed patting her head, "who is going to make sure I eat right." Pulling back to stare at him with tear filled eyes, "The people at the Galaxy Police academy silly, surely they have good food at the cafeteria." At this Mihoshi and Kiyone snorted and looked at each other. "I'm sure they will Sasami." Tenchi said proudly, ignoring the two detectives. However at this time the two brawling ladies had stopped and were currently glaring at Sasami. "I'm so proud of you son," Nobuyuki cried, mussing his hair. "To think, our son, protecting the innocent, your mother would be so proud." "I'm sure she would dad," Tenchi said standing up, to look at his father. "You will remember what I have taught you Tenchi." Katsuhito said, calmly as ever. "Of course Grandfather." Tenchi calmly replied, nodding to his grandfather. "Who else is there?" Tenchi wondered aloud. "Why you haven't said goodbye to the greatest scientific genius in the universe." Washu scolded. "Much less the main reason you can even do this little trip." "Yay, Washu you're the greatest." A piped up cheerily. "Washu is number one," Cried out B. "Of course, how could I forget you Little Washu," Tenchi said, "And yes without your help this could not be possible." Tenchi looked around the group, to all the faces that he had become so fond of, and finally it occurred to him that he would not see any of them for a while. "Bye everybody, see you at Graduation." Tenchi said waving, then turned and headed towards Yagami before the tears could well up. * * * "Passing L4 orbit," Kiyone informed, now seated at the helm of Yagami, glancing around the cockpit at all the controls, "Ten Minutes until we engage the FTL drive, Mihoshi, does the FTL drive system check out?" Silence followed, broken by only a loud snore. "How many hours of sleep does she need each day?" Kiyone asked the empty cockpit, and then buried her face in her hands. Reaching out she shook the ditzy blonde awake, "Mihoshi. Mihoshi, wake up." "Mmmph, Ki. Kiyone, what's wrong," the sleeping detective asked. "Does the FTL drive system check out?" Kiyone asked again. "Huh,?" Mihoshi asked, "Oh yeah. Engaging FTL drive now." "No WAIT."Kiyone cried, but it was too late, the absent minded blonde had already engaged the FTL drive, sending the little red patrol craft hurtling on an uncontrolled course. Kiyone fortunately hit the disengage switch almost instantaneously, so they were not too far off course, just a few light-years. "Hey Kiyone, how bout a little warning next time," Tenchi's voice scolded from the intercom. "Sorry Tenchi, that wasn't intentional," Kiyone responded, "Sleeping beauty up here hit the switch too soon." "Gosh I'm sorry Kiyone," Mihoshi apologized. Sighing Kiyone merely looked at her partner and said, "That's okay Mihoshi, just make sure that the course is plotted in next time." "Okay, Gee I'm glad you're not mad at me Kiyone." Mihoshi bubbled. Sighing again Kiyone wondered for the umpteen millionth time "Why did I have to get stuck with her." * * * The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful, Kiyone explained to him, what he should expect during the training and offered some helpful advice, like what to expect from the instructors, and most importantly, to try to not draw attention to yourself. Mihoshi of course broke something on the way, prompting Kiyone to just about blow a blood vessel in her head, like usual. But, soon enough, the diligent little red patrol craft disengaged its FTL drive, somewhere outside an L4 orbit around Mengami "Tenchi," Kiyone called over the intercom, "were here." "Okay Kiyone I'll be right up." Tenchi replied. Only a few moments later the door whooshed open behind the two detectives. "Good morning Mihoshi, good morning Kiyone." Tenchi said, waving cheerily. "Good morning Tenchi." The two ladies said in unison, Mihoshi in her usual bubbly voice, and Kiyone in her cool collected voice. "Wow, So this is Mengami." Tenchi said, staring out the front view port at the blue and jade planet as it slowly rotated below. "Its beautiful, so much different than earth, its surprising." "I know," Kiyone said smiling, "remember I grew up here." "Of course," Tenchi said smiling, "I see the planet rubs off on its inhabitants." Kiyone blushed and turned back to her controls, "We are locked into our course, the ship can take the docking procedures from here." Turning her chair to face him she calmly asked, "Should I break out the wig?" Now it was Tenchi's turn to blush, recalling that embarrassing incident attempting to gain entrance to Jurai space. This prompted a laugh from Kiyone, and Mihoshi glared, "Kiyone, its not becoming of a Galaxy Police officer to poke fun at others." "Relax Mihoshi, Tenchi knows I was just joking." Kiyone defended. "Say. um, Kiyone?" Mihoshi stammered. "Yes, Mihoshi?" Kiyone asked. "Do you suppose that SHE. is still at the academy." Mihoshi asked in a serious tone of voice. In all the time he knew her, there were maybe one or two times he had ever seen Kiyone go completely pale. This was one of them. "I hope not." Kiyone replied, giving a slight shudder. "Do I even want to know who SHE. is." Tenchi asked behind a grimace. "A drill instructor that could have Kagato quaking in his boots in mere seconds." She replied simply. Just the mere thought of that gave Tenchi a headache; "Ouch." was all he could think to say. "Yeah, lets just hope she retired." Kiyone mumbled. The rest of the trip Tenchi sat back as the two detectives expertly piloted the diligent red spacecraft into its assigned docking port, once there it was time to say goodbye, for they had to file their weekly report at GH headquarters, and Tenchi had a shuttle to the surface to catch. Mihoshi of course cried in her usual fountains of tears, while Kiyone had only a small tear what she wiped away with a gloved hand. "Goodbye Tenchi, or is it Tendo now?" Kiyone said quietly. "Tendo, Tendo Masugi(What you think that maybe the name Tenchi Masaki would just go unnoticed as a coincidence, after all, this takes place after the TV series, so his real name is probably well known as the boy who brought down a corrupt empire)." Tenchi/Tendo said, holding up the airtight credentials that Washu had provided. "TENCHI I'M GONNA MISS YOU!" Mihoshi bawled crushing Tenchi/Tendo, in a bone crushing hug. As black spots began to appear in front of his eyes Tenchi/Tendo tried his best to pry himself away. "Mihoshi relax, you will all see me again in 10 Galactic standard weeks. (Bout 4 months earth time, which if the Standard Galactic day is 25 hours, again earth time, that works out to about a little over 117 days or almost 12 days to the week. oh well I, can always update this if I ever figure out a better time scale. still that ought to be enough for a good basic) Almost immediately the pressure let up and Tenchi/Tendo sagged gasping for air. "Oh yeah," Mihoshi bubbled, her usual happy go lucky self again. This time it was Tenchi/Tendo's turn to get Misty eyed "I'm really going to miss you two, the only two who didn't fight over me like I was a piece of meat." Kiyone put on a poker face and tried hard not to giggle*, and jabbed Mihoshi in the ribs to quiet the bumbling blonde. "Now don't start crying Tendo, you're just going to make Mihoshi and me start to cry again." Missing Kiyone's reaction, Tenchi/Tendo nodded "You're right." Checking his wrist Chrono he saw that his shuttle was due to leave in a few minutes. "I'd better go, my shuttle is about to leave." "Good luck Tendo." Kiyone waved as the youth threw his duffel bag over his shoulder and hurried off. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Mihoshi called after him. When he was out of earshot Kiyone leaned over and mumbled to Mihoshi, "Do you suppose she retired yet?" "I'd doubt it" Mihoshi replied through a smile. ********************End Chapter 2************* Well that one took me a while to complete, I dislike being away from my computer like this, but hey, that's college life for ya *this sorta implies that in private Kiyone and Mihoshi fight over Tenchi like he is a piece of meat, but always control themselves when they are around him Now then, you are probably wondering who this "she" is that they are continuously referring to... That will be Tendo's drill instructor, to be revealed in the next chapter