I do not own the Tenchi Muyo characters portrayed in this fanfic. They are 
owned by AIC and Pioneer, and this is an unofficial story, any resemblance 
to any other character, living or dead, is a mere coincidence, and you might 
consider therapy until the feeling
passes.  That being said, you should not be able to sue me, so please do 
not, as you will not get any money from me.

As for why I chose to write this, my first Tenchi fic, It occurred to me 
that one reason he was unwilling to become the emperor of Jurai was that he 
did not know much about the galaxy he would rule, and I thought that his 
choice in this would help him see what the galaxy was like, and in the end, 
make him fit to rule.

No Need to See the Galaxy

Chapter 1
No need for a good idea

The summer flowers were in bloom along the quiet country road high up in the 
trees birds whistled and chattered happily amongst themselves.  However 
walking up the road that cut a meandering path through the forest walked a 
young boy, still in his teens.  Tenchi Masaki paused to inhale the sweet 
aroma as he trudged up the road.

"Why can't those two ever get there own sake?" he wondered aloud.  His house 
was almost in sight now, and he shifted the grocery sack carrying two 
bottles of the expensive rice wine to the other shoulder. "I wonder what 
they would do if I wasn't around?" he grumbled again.  This was an almost 
daily occurrence for him, ever since Ayeka had returned from Jurai to live 
with him again, both her and Ryoko had taken to drinking contests as a 
method of fighting over Tenchi.  Each girl would try to consume a full 
bottle first, the winner would get to flirt with him.  While he prefered 
this to the alternative of nearly destroying the house, in between drunken 
stupors they still fought over him the old fashoned way. Once again he 
thanked Tsunami that Washu had already returned, so the house was still 

	Mihoshi and Kiyone were still stationed in the Sol system, and still spent 
their free time visiting the Masaki house.  The fight with Kagato had 
apparently impressed there supervisors, as both had received permanent 
promotions to Detective Captains.

	Mihoshi almost immediately caused her supervisors to regret giving them.  
But at least Kiyone was somewhat happier with her higher rank.

	Sasami still cooked food for the clan, and was starting to learn other 
styles of cooking.  Tenchi smiled as he recalled last night's pasta meal.  
As much as he loved the beef bowls, she made, a change was good from time to 
time.  Tenchi cringed as a sudden
explosion tore through the silence as Ryoko and Ayeka apparently decided to 
do it the old way again.

	"I had better hurry up and get this to them." Tenchi stated, indicating the 
two bottles of sake.  Walking up to the house he looked around, noticing 
that the two detectives were apparently over for a visit, the though cheered 
him, while he agreed with Kiyone that Mihoshi could be a bit much at times, 
he always liked her innocence, he also
liked Kiyone's work habits, never caring for a half done job. Tenchi thought 
about it, but quickly decided that while he was good friends with both, they 
were more likely to be sisters than lovers.  For that matter, he felt the 
same about all the girls.

	He apparently was so caught up in his thinking that he didn't hear the 
sound of fighting stop.  "Something on your mind lover boy?" a husky voice 
behind him purred, and Tenchi almost jumped as he felt a pair of firm 
breasts pressed into his back, and strong arms wrap around his chest.

	"Miss Ryoko!" Ayeka exploded, "leave Lord Tenchi alone, he does not want a 
harlot like you."

	"I would be better for him than you your worshipfulness." The cyan haired 
pirate shot back.  Almost immediately Tenchi was forgotten as the two 
started another fight.

	"Both of you cut it out." Tenchi cried and held out the bag to the two 
sparring women.  Their fight forgotten they grabbed the bag and retreated 
indoors.  Sighing, Tenchi sat on the front porch, thinking about a subject 
that occupied a lot of his mind recently.  Namely the Jurai throne, he felt 
at the time that his decision not to take it was a good one, after all, he 
still had school to finish.  But now, a month after he completed school, he 
still felt no urge to reconsider his decision, the galaxy was too big of a 
place, and he had only seen a small portion of it.

	"One of these days those two are going to seriously hurt each other." A 
teal haired detective said dropping to the porch next to Tenchi.

	"The Fighting getting to be too much for you?" Tenchi asked rhetorically.

	"Just the constant fighting, and I think you have the right idea, staying 
out of the way," Kiyone stated, looking at him.

	"Kiyone?" Tenchi asked.

	"Yes, Tenchi?" Kiyone responded.

	"What does the rest of the galaxy look like."

	A look of puzzlement crosses her face momentarily, "That's a tough question 
Tenchi, the galaxy is an awfully big place, and to tell you the truth it 
would be tough to decide where to begin."

	"Have you seen a lot of it during your time with the Galaxy Police?" Tenchi 

	She laughed, "Tenchi, there is a lot more to this galaxy then a person 
could see in a dozen lifetimes, but I have seen my fair share." Looking at 
him quizzically "By chance why do you ask?"

	"Well, the main reason I did not take the Jurai throne was because I was 
still in school." Tenchi stated.

	"Understandable, school is important, go on." She replied.

	"Now that I'm done, I still don't want to do it, and do you know why?" 
Tenchi asked her.

	She shrugged, "you don't understand enough about the galaxy you would 

	"Exactly," he confirmed, "which is why I think I'm going to join the Galaxy 

	Kiyone's grin grew, "Excelent Idea Tenchi, you could make captain in a 
year, but one problem, the rest of earth has never heard of the Galaxy 
Police, and most of the galaxy has never heard of earth.  Those that have 
know about the first problem."

	Shrugging Tenchi asked her, "when was the last time you went through that 
door under the stairs?"

	This brought another laugh. "Point taken, you never know, maybe you can be 
the one who figures out why the Veridan's come to this planet to harass 
farmers in various parts of the world, and why they keep running... certain 
medical tests on said farmers." (Yeah, little green aliens ^_^)

	This time it was Tenchi's turn to laugh, "A noble cause in itself."  
Unfortunately the laughter had by this time aroused the suspicions of the 
Ryoko and Ayeka, staggering out of the house the two looked at the 
conversing couple.

	"Hey you," Ryoko barked, "Get away from Tenchi, I know him, and he would 
never want a cop."

	Both Tenchi and Kiyone resisted the urge to look at each other and giggle.

	"And, I have the power to strip you of that rank Kiyone, if you do not 
leave Lord Tenchi alone."

	Placing a hand on Kiyone's shoulder to hold her back Tenchi glared at the 
other two, "would you two relax, we were just visiting, that's what friends 

	"So you admit it, Kiyone is your girlfriend." Ryoko said flatly.

	"Oh knock it off Ryoko, if anything Kiyone is like a sister to me." Tenchi 

	"And, your Jurai royalty, you know how royalty likes to marry kin." Ryoko 
shot back.

	Tenchi stormed off, not even wishing to see the battle that would ensue 
from that comment, "Kiyone, good talking with you, stay out of their way."

	"Will do Tenchi," she said, already backing away.

	At the very least, Tenchi had another motive to leave; it was almost time 
for his daily sword practice at the Masaki shrine, Grandfather usually 
frowned upon his being late for practice so he had to hurry up the stone 

*				*				*
	Tenchi Misaki, stood in the center of a clearing Bokoden in hand, eyes 
closed, listening for the slightest sound of movement.  Smelling the air for 
the slightest smell of sweat, besides his own.  Somewhere out there his 
grandfather was stalking him, waiting for the slightest lapse in 
concentration, the right moment.  Tenchi almost smiled as a sudden idea came 
to him, he opened his mouth and pretended to yawn.

	There, high and to the right behind him, the familiar sound of wood 
whistling through the air. Sidestepping he brought his own bokoden up, and 
angled it down sharply, the two clacked together and the elder's slid down 
and off.  Suddenly with his opponent overbalanced, Tenchi spun, bringing his 
own sword around in an arc, stopping
mere centimeters from the old mans throat.  Katsuhito, just now bringing his 
own sword around, was unable to block it.

	"Very good Tenchi, using a deception to lure me out was a clever idea, 
however it will not work for long." The old man nodded.  "Remember, a Wise 
man learns by other men's mistakes a fool by his own."

	"Thank you grandpa." Tenchi smiled, it was rare that he actually beat his 
grandpa, usually the elder man routinely beat him.

	"One more thing before you go Tenchi." Grandfather stated passively.

	"What's that." Tenchi did not have the chance to finish the question, in a 
blur, he was on his back, the elders sword pressed to his neck.

	"You must never let yourself grow overconfident, it clouds your judgment."

	"I understand." Prying himself from under his grandfather's shoe and sword, 
Tenchi looked up at him.  "Grandpa, let me ask you something."

	The old man nodded and indicated for him to continue.

	It was now or never, "Would you support my decision to join the Galaxy 

	The question rocked the elder Masaki back on his heels, his glasses flashed 
in the sunlight, "Do you have a specific reason, Tenchi?"

	Nodding Tenchi replied. "I have been thinking that the best way to prepare 
myself to become the emperor of Jurai is to find out how the galaxy works, 
and that is something that I cannot do here on earth."

	Nodding again the Katsuhito nodded, "I agree, it could provide you with 
excellent experience in the laws and cultures of many planets, and the 
training regimen would not let your skills deteriorate completely,"

	"So I have your permission?" Tenchi asked hopefully.

	"Have you thought of a way to conceal the fact that you are from a planet 
that has very little contact with the outside universe."  Katsuhito asked 

	"Of course, I'll Just ask Washu." Tenchi replied.

	Passively the elder Masaki stared at Tenchi, "If you think of that as the 
best decision, I cannot stop you."

*				*				*

	Tenchi looked around the table at the two members of his family and the 
seven members of his extended family, all were quietly eating Sasami's 
latest dish, of pasta under a creamy alfredo sauce, with occasional 
complements to the master chef.

	"Everyone, I have good news," Nobuyuki Misaki chimed up. "Sasami here has 
been selected to compete in an episode of Iron Chef!" ((Okay, I was just 
watching that earlier and it sounded like a good idea))

	"Really?" inquired Ayeka.
		"Yep," replied the kwaii little girl with blue pigtails and red eyes.

	"Congratulations, Sasami," Tenchi said, "I'm sure you will make the best 
dish ever."

	"Hey Tenchi, what's Iron Chef." Ryoko slurred, still half drunk from all 
the Sake earlier.

	"It's a TV show where two chefs compete to make the best dishes possible in 
60 minutes," Sasami said happily, "I sent in an application a few weeks ago, 
apparently they accepted it."

	"Who are you going to compete against Sasami." Ayeka asked.

	"Ummm... I dunno, I'll decide that when I get there." she replied.

	"If you cook half as good as usual Sasami." Nobuyuki, said patting her on 
the head, "He won't stand a chance."

	"Tenchi has something to tell us as well." Put in Katsuhito.

	"Whats that Tenchi," Mihoshi asked.

	"Yeah tell us Tenchi, have you finally decided to marry me." Ryoko said, 
wrapping her arms around him.

	"He most certainly has not," screamed Ayeka, pushing the cyan haired woman 
off Tenchi.

	Tenchi merely hung his head as the attacks started to fly between the two.

	"Go on and tell us Tenchi." Sasami said cheerily.

	Looking up he stated simply, "I have decided to join the Galaxy Police."

	The effect was immediate, and the silence was deafening.  The two 
combatants had paused; both in mid swing, both stared at him, jaws on the 

	The eyes of the rest of the room were on him as well, and all but Katsuhito 
and Kiyone had there jaws planted on the floor."

	"Tenchi!" Ryoko wailed, wrapping her arms around him, "say it isn't so, and 
tell me you aren't going to become a cop.  I'd just die if that were true."

	"Lord Tenchi, are you sure you want to do this, after all the life of a 
police officer can be very difficult, if not dangerous."

	"I'm very sure Ayeka, after all, if eventually I become the emperor of 
Jurai, I will need to know about the galaxy over which I rule."

	"I see your point Lord Tenchi, but your face and name are rather well 
known, plus the fact that you are from this planet, which is not even a part 
of the Galaxy Federation yet."

	"I have an Idea... however it would take a genius to pull it off," Tenchi 
said calmly, mentally counting back from three.

	No sooner did he get to one than Washu cleared her throat, once everyone 
looked in her direction she calmly stated, "Why that would be no problem 
for," she stated pausing only to stand and raise
one hand into the air, "the greatest scientific genius in the universe."

	"You're the greatest Washu." the Mecca puppet A cheers.

	"Washu you're the best." Mecca puppet B states.

	Turning the pint sized scientist ducked into her lab to begin her work.

	"Wow Tenchi, so your really going to become a Galaxy Policeperson like me 
and Kiyone?" asks Mihoshi.

	"Well that was the idea." Replied Tenchi.

	"But Tenchi, if you do that, then you won't get to see me compete." 
Sniffles Sasami.

	"Oh don't worry Sasami, I'll wait until after your show until I leave." 
Tenchi soothes.

	"Ya mean it Tenchi." Sasami asks in between sniffles.

	"Sure, anything for my favorite little princess." Tenchi says patting her 
on her head.

	Behind him Ayeka fumes and Ryoko laughs.


Well that's all for this episode, come back again when the next chapter 
comes out, which may be a while.

Negative C&C can be sent to my email addy rando_san7@hotmail.com

Try not to be to harsh, this is my first Tenchi fic.