The Simpsons Meet Tenchi Day 2 Summary: Bart, Lisa, Tenchi, Kiyone and Homer go on a camping trip to get away from it all. Lisa and Kiyone join a group of girls for a Jazz trip across the lake. As Bart and Tenchi suffer though Homer's attempt to entertain them with "The Great Outdoors" and the Sachimo. Quotes and Previwes: Tenchi: You want me to take crap behind the bushes?! Homer: Yeah! By the wombat and the bear. Tenchi: EEEEWWW! "Ryoohki! Shoo Shoo! Off the carrots." Marge said taking the glove and shooing Ryooki off the table. "Ryoohki! Shame on you!" Sasami said picking Ryoohki up and setting her in the living room. "You know the rules. Not untill dinner." Sasami said with her hands on her hip and shaking the wooden spoon at Ryoohki. Ryoohki sighed and went upstairs. "I'm sorry Mrs. Simpson. She's always doing that. She should know better." Sasami said returning to the kitchen. "It's ok. I have a cat named Snowball who is always trying to eat the fish." Marge said helping Sasami cut up the carrots and cleaning them. "Bart! That's my Krusty the Clown special edition doll that I made with Washu!" Lisa was arguing with Bart in the living trying to get the doll back she made with Washu a few hours ago. "But you said I could have it!" Bart said standing on the couch out of reach of Lisa. "I'll take that little Ompalupa." Kiyone said taking the doll away from Bart and giving it to Lisa. "Hey! I'm not short!" Bart said jumping off the couch. Kiyone ruffled Bart's hair and sat down on the chair exsosted. "Yes you are." Kiyone said. Bart fixed his hair and pouted. "Thank you Kiyone." Lisa said putting the doll in her backpack. Kiyone was all covered in oil and dirt. "Geez what happened to you?" Bart said. Kiyone groaned and sunk deeper in the chair. "Our ship crashed and I had to fix it. Mihoshi forgot to cheak the engine. AGAIN!" She yelled. Lisa and Bart fell off the couch startled by Kiyone's yell. "Whoa! You have problems lady." Bart said. "Let's make a prank-call to Moe's." Bart said with a mischivous look. "Bart. No one is in springfield." Lisa said sitting next to him. "Yeah but I have the Molble Moe's number. Hehehe." Bart picks up the phone and dials the number. "Hello! Moe's Moble Taveren." Moe said picking up the phone while he was in Texas and all the drunk jumping off the chairs. "Hi! I'm lookin for a Ivona. Last name Takashit." Bart said snickering as Lisa was listening. "Ivona Takashit! Anyone here Ivona Takashit!? Ivona Takashit!" Moe yelled that name about 2mins then relized what he was saying. "HEY! IT'S YOU ISN'T IT! HOW DID YOU GET THIS NUMBER!? WHEN I FIND YOU YOU LITTLE SON OF A JACKASS I'M GONNA CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD AND USE YOUR SKULL AS A CANDY DISH!" Bart hung up the phone and he and Lisa started laughing. "Bart! How many times have I told you not to do that?" Marge said comming out of the kitchen. "But Mom! I'm bored!" Bart said putting the phone on the ground. "Why don't you go outside and watch Ryoko and Ayeka fight?" Marge said looking at the ball of smoke. "Their almost done." Kiyone said. "Where's your father?" Marge said. "He's at the shrine." Lisa said. "Here they come." she said pointing at the window. "HOMER!" Marge said when she saw he had pins stuck to his face. "Hum mrge" Homer said not moving his lips. "He asked me to do it." Yosho said "He sugested I put the pins in his face. I tried to tell him that wasn't our religon." Marge sat Homer down and started taking the pins from his face. "D'oh! D'oh! D'oooh." Homer yelled as Marge took all the pins from his face. "Homer why don't you take the kids camping?" Marge said taking the last pin out. "Camping! Aww!" Homer said with an anoyied look. "Homer! You need to spend more time with the kids." Marge said wiping Homer's face. Homer stared at the kids as they smiled. All of a sudden Tenchi ran into the house when Ayeka and Ryoko was walking toward the door tired and sleepy. "TENCHI!" Homer yelled raising from his seat. "How would you like to go camping with me and my kids. Take a friend with you like that teal headed chick." Homer said standing up. "We can leave in a few minites. Hehehehe." Homer raced upstairs to get ready. "NO HOLD ON ON SECOND!" Everyone said. Marge sighed and shook her head. "Ok. Tenchi, Bart pack some clean underwear and Bart make sure your father doesn't get mixed up with the dirty clothes basket again. Lisa, Kiyone watch out for the boys especialy Homer and Bart you know how quickly he spreds. Sasami, help me pack so nice sandwitches for them. Ryoko, Ayeka I don't want to hear a word out of you and I don't want you leaving the house until they get back. I'm gonna ask Washu to invent a securty system. Yosho, I am sorry about Homer, and if you need anything just ask. Everyone go. Shoo!" Everyone left the living room and did everything Marge said. Sasami started to make some sandwitches. PPJ's, Ham and Cheese, BLTs. Kiyone and Lisa packed all the stuff they needed as Bart helped Homer find his clean underwear. "Everyone ready!?" Homer said running in place. "But dad I thought you said you hated camping." Lisa said standing next to Kiyone. "Yeah! I though yo-" Homer grabbed Bart and Lisa and ran out the door. Kiyone and Tenchi had a sweat drop and followed Homer and the kids. "TENCHI!" Ryoko said clinging to his feet and pushing Kiyone out the door. "Please don't leave! We can stay here and have a romantic evening together." Ryoko said getting close to Tenchi. Ayeka then pushed Ryoko away and sat next to Tenchi. "Oh Tenchi please don't leave. I'll miss you so much." She said fluttering her eyes. Ryoko grabbed Ayeka. "Leave Tenchi alone." Ayeka slapped Ryoko's hand. "You can't tell me what to do!" Ayeka said. Kiyone grabbed Tenchi fast and hey both ran for the car. "STEP ON IT MR. SIMPSON." Kiyone said as Ryoko and Ayeka were coming for the car. Homer wasn't lisening. He was listening to the radio singing "Built this city on RocknRoll" Bart stepped on Homer's feet and the car jerked forward and Ayeka and Ryoko missed the car by and inch. The car went down the road but then hit the stairs where Tenchi walks up everyday. "AAAAAHHH!" Homer and the kids were screaming as Tenchi tried to stear the car off the stairs as they all were being trown across the car like crazy. "Were all gonna die!" Homer yelled. The car countinued to go dow the stairs and until finnaly the kids steired the car into the trees and it crashed into a huge oak tree. "AH! WE CRASHED INTO FUNAHO!" Tenchi yelled as the steem came from the car and the tree sat on fire. Tenchi ran to the lake and grabed the bucket in the car and started to put the fire out. Half the tree was burnt but it was healing itself shaking it's branch at Tenchi. "The tree moves!?" Lisa said. Homer crawled out of the car and planting a hocky stick in the ground. "We will make camp here!" "Awww!" They all said. All the kids unpacked all the equipment and set up camp. "Uh? Tenchi where are we?" Bart said whispering. "I've only been here once and I never notice that big lake over there. And Funaho wasn't this far in the woods." Tenchi turned around and Bart was asking Kiyone where they were. "I dunno." Kiyone said. "How about a hike?" Lisa said coming out if the tent. "Ok why not?" Kiyone said. Lisa and Kiyone both went into the woods to go exploring. "Well that leaves us just men." Homer said. "Let's go hunting for....The Sachamo." He said rubbing his hands together. "Uh, dad the Sachamo lives in America." Bart said. "I heard he has a twin living in Japan!" Homer said. "He stole my wallet and I'd have prof....In my wallet. Let's go." Bart and Tenchi shruged and followed Homer. Meanwhile: Lisa and Kiyone are in the woods taking pictures. "Oh this forest is so beutiful plus it's clean." Lisa said going up to the flowers and sniffing them. "ACHOO!" Lisa snized. "You must be alergic to the flowers." Kiyone said. "I guess so." Lisa said sniffing and snizing. Then all of a sudden they heard a sound. "What's that?" Kiyone said looking around. Lisa and Kiyone looked at a pack of wolves gathering together. "Hello." Lisa said. The wolves immedatly turned around and growled at them. "Lisa, don't move." Kiyone said holding Lisa's sholder. These wolves didn't look ordanary. They looked like thay had rabies and infected with a diesses. The wolves began to walk closer and closer. "Kiyone, I'm scared." Lisa said shaking "It's ok." Kiyone said slowly crouching down next to Lisa to get the pack of meat that she had. Quickly, Kiyone threw it and the wolves tore it to shreds. Kiyone and Lisa ran away but some of the wolves were behind them Then Kiyone leaped for the tree climbed up. Lisa was running for it with the wolves behind her but Kiyone grabed her arm and pulled her up be for the wolves could get her. The wolves were trying like crazy to climb up the tree. "HELP!!!" They both yelled. MEANWHILE Bart and Tenchi are anoyied by Homer's continus quest for Bigfoot's twin seen in Japan. "We are getting closer to it." Homer said. "Dad! I'm tired and this is boring." Bart said. "AH HA!" Homer said pointing at a set of tracks. The tracks were huge. They really did look like Bigfoot's feet. "Bart! He's right! Here's proof!" Tenchi said. He took out his camera and took a picture. "The hunt is on!" Homer said picking up a stick. "Come on Bart! This is cool!" Tenchi said taking 5 out of 25 pictures of the footprints. "You haven't spend much time with my dad. There's good days and bad." Bart said grabbing his hat and following his dad and Tenchi. TO BE COUNTINUED. Did you like? Did You hate It? Tell me.