The Simpsons Meet Tenchi Summary: After the town goes on strike because the town is such bad shape, everyone is scattered throughout the country. Sence there is no state that will allow the Simpsons in because of the spring break thing, The Simpsons Are Sent to live with the Tenchi Family For A Week. Untill everything is all in tip-top shape. I also would like to add that non of these charators belong to me. Lisa, Bart, Homer, Maggie, Marge, Sideshow Bob Belong to Matt Growning. Tenchi, Ayeka, Ryoko, Kiyone, Sasami, Mihoshi, Washu and Other anime Charators belong to Pioneer AIC. Homer is at work sleeping. "Hey Homer wake up!" Lenny said. "It's time for our break." Homer woke up and yawned and popped his back and his neck and his arms. "Whoo! That's the last time I ever sleep on a rock and thought it would be different." Lenny, Homer and Carl went into the lounge and the food there was old and had mold all over it. "Ew! What is this crap!" Homer said squning at the site of the food. "Looks like Burns forgot to get some more food." Carl said. Then Mr Burns came on the speeker asking for everyone to come into his office. Everyone reports to the office. "My fellow empolyees. I have seen all over you at work and I've seen no effort what so ever that's why I will not give yummy delious food until I see some impovment. Now get out of my office you lousy bums!" "Aw great there goes our food." Homer said. Then all of a sudden the plant starts to shake. "What's going on?" Mr. Smithers said. The plant started to shake and the alarms started to go off. Then a man came into the lobby running. "The plant is falling apart! Run for your lives!" Everyone ran the opposite direction of the flowing acid comming out of the doors. Mr. Smithers screamed like a girl and ran into Mr. Burns' office closing the door as the acid was eatting through the door and burning his hands. Mr. Burns was sitting in his chair at the time. "Smithers! What are you doing?" He said cracking in back standing up. Smithers couldn't hold the door any longer and all the acid flowed through the door as Smither's jumped on Mr' Burns to block the acid. Meanwhile, Homer and the empolyees started to run outside as the whole Powerplant fell down. "Aw man and I had a Burrito in the microwave." Homer said crying. ******************************************************** Later on the bus on with Bart talking to Millhouse. " "Hey Millhouse gusse what I got from the comicbook store?" Bart said with a smile on his face. "What?" He said looking at Bart with an excited face. Bart pulled out a spray bottle and sprayed it in Milhouses face. "Ah! Bart! I'm blind!" Milhouse screamed rolling on the floor. Bart laughed. "Milhouse it's not even pepperspray it's water with pepper in it. It should be harmless." Milhouse was lying on the floor. "He stood up and looked around and took off his glasses. "Hey! I can see without my glasses! Wow Bart you are a true friend!" Then the bus hit a huge bump and throwing all the kids across the opposite sides of the bus. Otto, the bus driver had hit a pothole and got a flat as the bus started to spin and everyone on the bus was screaming. Sherry and Terry was holding on to each other. Rahlf was hidding under a seat Bart and Milhouse was holding on to the seat they were sitting on. The bus turned upside down and everyone was rolling all over the bus. The windows started to break and a piece of glass flew into Milhouse's eye. "AH! MY EYE!" Milhouse screamed. Then Milhouse was gonna be thrown into the back of the bus but Bart caught him on time. "Hold on Milhouse!" Bart said. Lisa was holding on the her friend Janie's hand. "Hold on Lisa!" Janie said. "Pull me up the the seat." Janie pulled with all her might to the seat with her Sherry And Terry. The bus then flipped back over and crashed into the police station. All the kids sat up rubbing their heads and backs. Bart was trying to get the piece of glass launched in Milhouse's eye. As Bart yanked it out Milhouse yelled. "OW! MY EYE! I'M BLIND AGAIN! WHERE'S MY GLASSES?" Milhouse franticly looked for his glasses. Bart held them up and put them on Milhouse. The glasses was broken and Mlhouse still couldn't see anything. Otto the bus driver was still in the drivers seat. He unbuckled his seat belt and feel to the ground. "Is everybody ok?" Everyone was fine except for Milhouse. "Ok kids. You wll be hoofing it home cause this bus ain't going nowhere." All the childrens on the bus got off and started for home. "Man! This bites!" Nelson Muntz said. "Yeah! If we didn't have such a cheap city we would all be home by now." Marten said. As the kids were walking home they saw millions of potholes everywhere. ****************************************************** When Homer, Bart, and Lisa got home they were all dirty and tired. They all ploped into the living room. Marge came into the living room and was in shock. "Oh my Lord! What happened to you guys?" Marge said running to Bart and Lisa. "Our stupid bus tipped over after it hit a pothole." Lisa said "Yeah and a piece of glass flew into Milhouse's eye." Bart said "Oh my. Homer what happened to you?" Marge said sitting on the couch. "The nucler powerplant feel down today and I lost my burrito. OH WHY MY BURRITO?! WHY?!" Homer said sobbing again. "It's ok Homy. I have a nice burrito in the oven for you." Marge said. Homer got up imediately and ran into the kitchen. Marge sighed. "This town is in such bad shape." Marge said. "I went to the grocery store today and the shelves were creaking. They almost feel on top of me." Then there was a sudden knock at the door. It was Mayor Quimby. "We have a town meeting tonight about how bad of shape this town is." Quimby said handing Marge an invatation. "The meeting is tonight. All of Springfield will be seperate all around the country cause even the state is in bad shape. We will give you your assinmets tonight. Please don't miss it. PS: Vote for me." The Mayor left in his limo and zoomed to the Flanders house. Marge closed the door and called everyone into the living room telling them we have a meeting and we have to hurry. The camera zooms to Springfield City Hall. The Mayor was baning the gavel to the desk. "Quiet everyone!" The Mayor said standing on the post. "This town and this state is in bad shape. So we must all scatter everyone to a different state because it's cheaper. Now here are your assinments." The Mayor started to read everyones their assiment. The Flanders was assined to Florida. "Aw man! Why does Flanders get Florida! Why don't you just give him Hawaii or France Hell why don't you give him Asia! Yeah! Give him Asia!" Homer said standing up. Lisa tuged on Homer's shirt. "Dad! Asia and France isn't a state." Homer patted on Lisa's head. "Lisa the grown-ups are talking right now." The Mayor banged his gavel on the stand. "Sir! Please sit down or I'll send you to Alaska!" Homer immedeately sat down. After the Mayor assined everyone a state, The Simpsons was the last one left. The Mayor had a worried look on his face. "Simpsons, It seemed that you have been banned by every state, even Alaska and you haven't been their yet. There's only one place to send you to. Japan. The Simpson gasped. "Man we already been to Japan." Bart said. "Yeah, and we were misserable." Lisa said. The Mayor crossed his arms. "Well you just have to go there again." Everyone was dissmissed and went home to pack for their plane. "Man I can't belive we have to go to Japan again." Bart said to Lisa while dragging his suitcase down the stairs. "Well, we'll be down there for just a week then we can come back home." Lisa said down stairs waiting by the door. Bart was dragging his suitcase and let go of it for a second. Homer was walking downstairs and tripped over Bart's suitcase and fell all the way downstairs all most crashing into Lisa. "OW! MY BACK!" Homer said standing up. Marge ran out of the bedroom. "Homer!" She yelled "Are you ok?" "Yeah. The boy left his suitecase in the middle of the floor." Homer said glaring at Bart. "We don't have time for this!" Marge said helping Homer up. "We have to catch the plane to Japan or we're gonna be living on the streets. Move move move." Marge hurried everyone out the door. Homer drove to the airport when there was traffic. "Oh no!" Marge said. "We're gonna miss our plane." "The Hell we are!" Homer said pushing on the pedle and drove on the grass and there was traffic there. "D'OH!" Homer said. "Look!" Lisa said pointing to the open space leading to the airport. Homer turned to the space Lisa was pointing at and it leaded into the airport parking. The Simpsons grabbed their suitcase and ran to the airport entrance. The plane to Japan was departing. The Simpsons got their seats and was off to Japan. "Hey mom!" Lisa said "Tell Bart to stop poking me!" "Bart stop poking Lisa!" Marge said "Hey! What family are we staying with." Bart said "We're staying with the Ma- Masikyasdfd family." Homer said Lisa glanced at the invation. "We're staying with the Masaki family." Lisa took the Brocher from Homer to read the letter from a boy named Tenchi. "This says that they own a shrine and they live in the woods. Tenchi lives with his father. His mother died a long time ago. He also lives with his grandpa and- Holy Moly! 6 singel women!" Bart yanked the Brocher from Lisa. "Aye Carumba!" He said Lisa snatched the brocher from Bart. "They are all to old for you except for Sasami. She's 8. Like me!" Lisa said. "So, Younger women are my thing." Bart grabbed the brocher from Lisa. "Hey! there's pictures in the back." Lisa grabbed it from Bart and they started to fight over it. Then finnaly they both ripped it. "Look what you did!" Lisa said. "What I did?" Bart said. "Look what you did." "Will you 2 please shut up." Homer said. "You aren't the only one on the plane you know." Homer then grabbed a meal someone else was eatting. "Hey! That's my plate." The man said sitting next to Homer. "Well, I don't see your name on it." Homer said countieusly eatting. Marge sighed and prayed that they will be there soon and her family will behave. Finnaly the plane hit Japan and the Simpsons were driving on their way to the Masaki house. A Local taxi cab was taking the Simpsons to Japan. Maggie started getting restless and started squrming. Finally they arrived at the Masaki shrine. Homer and the cab driver argued about the bill from the airport to the Masaki household. "60,000 yen! Are you nuts! I don't have that kind of money!" Homer said. "Then you shall give me 1 American doller!" the cab driver said. Homer gave the $1 to the cab driver and mutterd some swears. "Ah! Here we are. The beutiful likings of Japan and wonderful sceanery." Lisa said with eyes sparkling. Then in frount of them was a whole flight of stairs. "AH!" Homer screamed. "No one said there would be walking! I hate walking!"After the Simpsons finaly made it to the to the top of the stairs they were all out of breath. Maggie pulled out a hanky wiped her face and sucked on her bottle. "Aw man!" Homer said holding his heart. "I haven't seen some many steps since the white house." "Hello." a young boy said while the Simpson was on the ground gasping for air. "My name is Tenchi and this is the home you will be living in." The boy pointed to the house. It was just like the Simpsons house but a little bit bigger. "We sort of have a lot of guest so it might be a little crowded." Tenchi said with his hand behind his head. "It's ok man." Bart said with a charming look on his face. "I can handle anything." Then all of a sudden a giant bomb came from the house Tenchi was pointing at. Then a pail blue haircame flying out of the window that was blown away. "Whoa! I think I'm gonna like it here." Bart said rubbing his hands together. Then a purple haired woman jumped out of the window screaming something but it was fuzzy cause it was far away. Then they started to come closer when they were fighting. Then the blue-haired woman threw a big glowing ball towards the other woman but missed and it was heading towards Bart who wanted to get a closer look at the action. Then Tenchi saw the ball was heading right towards him and then he pushed Bart out of the way of the huge blast pushing Tenchi and Bart away from the deadly ball of death. Bart and Tenchi coughed of the smoke and ash from the blast. Marge came running towards Bart and Tenchi. "Oh my God! Bart are you ok?" Marge said hugging Bart to death. "Mom! Mom I'm ok." Bart said dusting hiself off. "Tenchi! Oh Thank you very much for saving my special little guy." Tenchi then ran flashbacks in his mind from him and his mother. Then he shook them out of his head. "Thank you Mr. Tenchi sir." Lisa said bowing. "My brother may be an idiot but he's a good kid." "No problem uh...what's your name?" Tenchi said scratching his head. "My name is Lisa." Lisa said bowing once again. Then pointing to Bart. "That's my brother Bart. (Then pointing to Homer) My father Homer Pointing to Marge.) and my Mother Marge." "Nice to meet you all." Tenchi said. "Yeah Yeah!" Homer said becoming bored and Magie getting worse. "Can we go inside now?" The blue haired woman and the purple haired woman ran over to the group and stopped right over in Tenchi's face. "Oh Tenchi I'm so sorry!" They both said. "It was her fault. Was not! Was too!" "Enough of this!" Tenchi said. "This is the family who's gonna live with us and I don't want any trouble from you 2." Tenchi said. Ayeka and Ryoko looked at the family then looked at Bart. "AW! HE'S SO CUTE!" Ryoko said picking up Bart and pinching his cheek. Ayeka pushed Ryoko away and grabbed Bart. "Why aren't you the cuteiest little thing!" Tenchi grabbed Bart from Ayeka and put him on the ground. "I'm sorry. Let me show you to your rooms." "FINALY!" Homer yelled. "Geez...I thought we were gonna stay out here forever." "Homer!" Marge said glaring at Homer. "What?!" Homer said "But I'm tired and I miss my burrito." "Oh Homer!" Marge said rolling her eyes. "Will you just forget about the burrito." Tenchi lead the family into the house and showed them to there room. Lisa and Bart had to share a room with Mihoshi and Kiyone. Ryoko had to move in with Ayeka which wasn't easy to do. So Homer and Marge will have a room to themselves. "Hey Bart! Keep your stuff on your side of the room." Lisa said throwing Barts Krusty the clown doll at him. "Hey! Then keep your crap on your side!" Bart said throwing her Malabu Stacy Doll at her and it hit Lisa in the face. "Ow! Mom! Bart's throwing things at me!" Lisa yelled out the door. "Stop It Bart!" Marge said from downstairs reading a book. "She started it!" Bart said pushing Lisa out the door. "Stop It Lisa!" Marge said still reading her book. "Hey Marge!" Homer said from the upstairs. "Have you seen my walky- talkie!?" "It's in your pocket Homer!" Marge said still stuck in the book. "Thank You!" Homer said. Ayeka walked over to Marge. "Do you deal with that everyday?" Ayeka said sitting next to Marge giving her a cup of tea. "Yes." Marge said "It's part of having a family." Marge picked up the tea and sipped some. "Mom!" Lisa yelled coming downstairs holding her eye. "Bart squrted dad's colougin in my eye!" "Did not!" Bart said coming downstairs. "She threw pepper in my eye." Bart was also covering his eye. "Did not!" Lisa said pushing Bart "Did to!" Bart said pushing Lisa. "Did not!" "Did too!" Marge slammed her book on the table. "Both of you go outside and fight." Lisa and Bart ran outside after seeing the anger in Marge's eyes. Marge sighed and picked her book back up. "I'm so sorry about my family." Marge told Ayeka. "Oh no! It's ok we go through this everyday." Ayeka said "Hey Ayeka! Keep your crap on your side of the room!" Ryoko said. "Shut up!" Homer said from the other room. "I'm trying to hear Lenny on the Walkie-Talkie!" "Get them yourself!" Ayeka yelled Then all of a sudden a huge exposene came from the basement and caused the house to shake. "What's going on!?" Marge asked holding onto the couch. "I dunno." Ayeka said. Suddenly another expolsion which made the house tip on the right. "Ah! Marge!" Homer said hanning by his foot off the stair banester. Lisa and Bart ran into the house. "What's going on?" Lisa said. Then the house tipped once again and everything went back to normal and Homer broke the banester and his leg. Sasami ran from downstairs "What's going on?" Then the front door busted open and an ugly man walked into the house. "Where Is B. Simpson!?" Everyone gasped. "It's Sideshow Bob!" Lisa said Sideshow Bob stepped into the house. "Yes! It's me little Lisa and I've come for little Bart." Bart ran behind Ryoko. "Hey leave the kid alone you overgrowed mop!" Ryoko said floating in the air. "He's a killer!" Bart said from behind the couch. Homer stood up and saw sideshow Bob. "Hey! What are you doing here!" Homer said. "I thought you were dead!" Sideshow Bob pulled out a gun and had Washu tied up and tape over her mouth. "Step back because this is no ordenary gun." He said stepping even closer to Ryoko and Bart. Sideshow Bob took off the tape of Washu. "Don't move!" She said breathing hard. "That gun can kill you in an instant Ryoko!" Ryoko smerked and flew at Sideshow Bob and then she was gonna thow a powerball at him when he shoot the gun as everyone ducked. Sasami was about to be crushed by a big piece of cement when Bart pushed her out of the way in time having the cement piece crash to the floor. Lisa was holding Maggie with Ayeka and Washu. Marge and Homer was under the staircase. As the dust cleared. Everyone gasped at the site. ***************************************************** TO BE COUTINUED HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You wanna know what happend? Do you wanna know if Sideshow Bob parished or Ryoko? Do ya? Huh? Well you just have to wait. Tell me what you think of the story. I'm also the one who wrote the Powerpuff Girls one. If you have any Qs I'll have the A's. Drop me a line at... and if your lucky I might give you a clue. Cheak Back for the second half. ~(8(1)-----------------<<<<<<<<<<