Name: Akebono "Basho Benihanna" Takahanna DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY ON THE PAYROLL OF PIONEER OR FUNIMATION. I AM NOT GETTING PAID TO DO THIS AND I DO NOT WRITE FOR THEM...I PROMISE! ABBT X-OVER Episode 3: No Need for Saiyan Wishers "I hope that this guy Tenchi is a good cook because I'm still starving. I haven't eaten in a couple of hours." Thought Yajirobi. Getting to a landing space in the forest, close to the Masaki house, he grunted his disapproval, shook his hand up towards Dende's floating island and murmured under his breath. Getting through the forest, and coming up to the house, he saw a group of people standing around something, and then he saw a familiar figure. His back was turned, but Yajirobi knew he'd seen him somewhere before. So, like a good little overweight coward that he was, he casually strolled over to the group, whistling his favorite tune. "HEY GUYS! What's shakin'?" Everyone gasped and turned around. "What are you doing here Yajirobi?" Asked Gohan. "Ohhh. It's you, Gohan. I thought I recognized that hair cut from somewhere. Well- what are you doing here?" "I've got bad news. A woman named Mihoshi Kuramitsu wished upon the Dragon Balls." "Yeah, so what?" Asked Yajirobi inquisitively. "Yeah but she wished Cell back." "SHE WHAT?!" He flew into a rage. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WISHED HIM BACK? HE'S ALREADY DEAD! AND THAT MEANS I HAVE TO GO SOMEPLACE AND HIDE AGAIN BEFORE HE FINDS ME AND BRUISES MY FRAIL LITTLE BODY AND BREAKS MY BONES. OHHH JUST THE SOUND OF HIS NAME MAKES ME TREMBLE. 'CELL'...SEE, I EVEN CAN SCARE MYSELF!!!" "YAJIROBI, WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY!?" Gohan yelled and cringed in pain from his arm. "There is a bigger problem at hand. Cell absorbed this Mihoshi person and killed a space pirate named Ryoko. And injured this man, Tenchi...Tenchi..." Gohan scratched his head. "MASAKI!" Everyone answered in unison. "Masaki, that's it, Masaki. Now what we need to do is find the dragon balls and...I don't know. Mabey throw them into the Hyperbolic chamber, or something." "Why don't we just use Piccolo's Dragon Ball set?" He licked his fingers and tasted the cookie crumbs again. "Piccolo's set? What are you talking about?" "Yeah. When Piccolo and Kame fused here recently, a new set was created. So in reality Kamiccolo is still around. But he's actually a nice guy now. We could use his set to wish back this 'Ryoko' person. Or better yet, wish for some more of those oatmeal and raisin cookies that Mr. Popo makes. Mmmm. Those are soooo...." "YAJIROBI! CUT IT OUT! Alright. Tell Dende what happened here and get Piccolo down here with his set. Just hurry up about it. And if you stop off on the way to get food, I'll rip your hair out strand-by-strand." Yajirobi felt his head and quickly went back to his hovercraft. "So uh...what happened to you?" Dende asked of the much more polite Piccolo. "When Kame and I fused, in a sense, Kamiccolo was born again. Only instead of creating the Black Star Balls, my set as I said has White Stars to show the compassion in my hearth, rather than the evil." "So what are the rules for yours, Lord Piccolo?" "One wish, the wisher is split and fused with the person coming back, 730 days before they turn back to normal after a wish-" Piccolo was cut off. "730 DAYS? Why so long? And what of this splitting of the wisher, what are you talking about?" "Whoever makes the wish, and no Saiyan can wish upon the balls. Whoever makes the wish, they are cloned and the essences of that person is saved in the metaphysical plane until the person wished back is back. Then the spirit is fused with that person, giving them all of the same powers as the wisher has. That is the reason I made the balls stay in stone form for 2 earth's too powerful of a premise to let anybody just have every year. What is somebody like Cell got wished back and the wisher was somebody who had a power level like Goku's? See what I'm saying?" Dende lowered his head and sighed. "You don't know how right you are Lord Piccolo. Somebody I fear has made a wish upon my set and it gave me a premonition. It was evil...pure evil. The kind of 'Cell' evil I felt before." "MASTER DENDEEE! MASTER DENDE!" Yajirobi came running up the stairs and tripped over himself and fell face first. He got up and proceeded forward slower and more cautiously. "Yes, Yajirobi, what is it?" "Master Dende, your friend Tenchi Masaki has been injured in battle and a woman was killed. A space pirate by the name of Ryoko.-" "RYOKO?" Piccolo boomed. "Yes Lord Piccolo, skewered through-and-through." "Who was wished back?" Dende asked with urgency. Yajirobi hung his head. "W H O W A S W I S H E D B A C K ?" Dende asked again. Still, nothing. Yajirobi was too afraid to say anything. "WHO DAMNIT!!!" "Cell, Master Dende. Cell was wished back. By a woman named Mihoshi Kuramitsu." He ducked and held his hands over his head, expecting a crack to the skull with the staff. "Cell..." Dende whispered. "Cell, again. Let the Eternal Dragon save our souls." "CELL!? You've got to be kidding me!" Piccolo went off and began to scream. "Right after he appeared, he absorbed Mihoshi." Yajirobi said, still ducked down. Dende knew that the Z-Fighters were not anywhere near up to another battle with the Green Nightmare. He also thought to himself, 'Now that he is back on Earth, where is his next stop?'. "I've heard of Ryoko. The Space Pirate. Eluded many-a capture. And I know I've heard that name 'Mihoshi Kuramitsu' before. Class- Class 1...That's it. Class 1 Detective in the Galaxy Police. Cell absorbed her?" Piccolo puzzled over the thought that Cell would absorb her. "When Cell comes back, as all electronics need battery power, he needed someone immediately to absorb." Dende explained. Yajirobi came out from hiding. "But now that Cell's on the loose again, and the Z-Fighters can't be trained by me anymore-" "Away with you, Yajirobi!" Piccolo demanded before he hurt the little 'all talk/no action' coward. Yajirobi left back downstairs for more of Mr. Popo's cookies. "How powerful is this 'Ryoko', Lord Piccolo?" Dende asked hopefully. "Well. She's a demon. And can use energy balls to her advantage...but nothing like what we'd need to defeat Cell...wait. Can you imagine if she was wished back and she was fused with someone like...Well who is non-Saiyan that has great power?" A silence followed. "Krillin! He's human. He could wish her back." Answered Dende in a roar. "That's right. Old 'wax-head' is human, isn't he? Alright. Inform Krillian that he is needed for something and bring him to the place where Ryoko perished. I'll be there shortly. Go Master Dende." Dende nodded and called for Korin. "Yes, Master Dende?" "I need you personally to go down to Earth and summon Krillin to the Masaki House. Tell him to wait for Lord Piccolo to arrive. There is danger brewing in the Earth's cauldron that is ready to explode like a powder keg. Go, and be swift." Korin nodded and left the high rise platform down to the garden and open window area. "NIIIIIIIIIMBUUUUUUUUUUS!!!" The cloud appeared out of nowhere and Korin jumped on. "Take me to where Krillin is to be found." And Nimbus headed for downtown Nagasaki. "Well...what are we going to do? I mean, we just can't leave her here." Ayeka referred to Ryoko. "Well, we can at least get here into-" But before Tenchi could finish his sentence, Ryoko began to fade into the other dimension. He dove for her body but grasped nothing but the earth, soaked in her blood. He wept. Kiyone and Sasami got him carried in and set him up on the extra long counter and began to tend to his wounds. Ayeka and Gohan began to talk. "So who was she?" "She was a space pirate demon who was the-" Ayeka began to cry. "She was the most valorous and brave woman I've even known." But her tears proved to be more powerful that her will was so she ran back inside, crying her eyes out. Gohan looked at the place where she had been lying and he felt the ground. "She was powerful. About as powerful as Krillin is." Gohan began to head for his home but he saw something in the distance and it was getting closer. "What tha-?" Faster and faster it came. It came into view and it revealed to be Korin on top of Nimbus and he was carrying a kicking and screaming Krillin. Nimbus landed and Krillian was yelling at Korin. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DRAGGING ME OUT OF THAT NIGHTCLUB AND BRINING ME TO NOWHERESVILLE?1 I OUGHTA THROW A BUCKET OF WATER ON YOU AND GIVE YOU A FLEA BATH YOU LITTLE-" Krillin was cut off by Korin's staff imbedded in his skull. "OW YOU CRAZY CAT! That hurt!" "What is lesson 22, Krillin?" Asked Korin with a big smile on his face. "I don't know!" He answered, rubbing his sore head. "Lesson 22: Blessed Silence. NOW SHUT UP!" "What is this place?" Asked Krillin, looking around. "This is the Masaki House...I am Nobiyuki. How may I be of service?" "I have learned that a certain 'Ryoko' has been killed recently, correct?" Korin asked and Nobiyuki nodded. "I have also learned that the only an Earth person can make the wish. Not a Saiyan, not Namekian, but earth-born human. And this mortal will have something happen to him." "What?" Tenchi asked, now standing on his two feet. "Well-" He was cut off in his explanation by Piccolo arriving with the new set of Dragon Balls circling and hovering around him. "Ah! Right on time. Lord Piccolo. I implore you to release the secrets of your Dragon Balls." Korin asked. He nodded. The Dragon Balls set themselves down on the ground, forming a perfect circle. "Krillin, if you would please." Piccolo pointed towards them. He stepped forward, took a deep breath and begin to say, "SHENRO-" "NO YOU FOOL!" Piccolo stopped him. "This is a different set with a different Dragon. Say-" he whispered, "lord chau, I call upon thee!" "Ohhhhh. Ok," he cleared his throat, "LORD CHAU, I CALL UPON THEE!" The set began to circle on the ground, faster and faster they went until a vortex opened up in the middle and he came out. 4,000 feet tall, 50,000 feet long, dark blue, spiked from head to tail and glowing silver eyes.[A cross between the Namek/Earth/and Black Star Ball's Dragons]. "WHAT IS THY WISH, AND I SHALL GRANT IT?!" He boomed. Krillin gulped loudly, looked over to Piccolo, and then spoke. "Um...I wish for you to bring back Ryoko, please." His eyes glowed brightly. "YOUR WISH...IS GRANTED!" The Krillin began to feel weird. He felt warm and cold, high and low, happy and sad, mean and nice, and all of this at the same time. Just then, before everyone's eyes, a flash of light came out of Krillin's chest and lit up the backyard. After the light had cleared off, Krillin was cloned into 2 identical men. Same height, weight, looks, distinguishing features...the works. As the clones stared at each other, so did everyone else. Another flash of light occurred but this one was blue. The clone disappeared. And with a puff of smoke, someone had appeared where the clone was standing. On the Next Episode- No Need for the Element of Chance Krillin's clone is gone, and someone else has showed up. Dende and Lord Piccolo are pleased with the first test of the Kamiccolo Balls, but this happiness is quickly turning to sorrow, for Cell is headed back to the Masaki House, because he knows that Gohan is there. And you know how badly he hates anyone from Goku's family.