Akebono "Basho Benihanna" Takanahanna groundzero523@bolt.com DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY INVOLVED OR ON THE PAYROLL OF PIONEER OR FUNIMATION. I'M NOT GETTING PAID OR ANYTHING. THIS IS UNDER MY OWN FREE WILL. Episode 2: No Need for Being Intelligent! Mihoshi looked around and the house was back to normal. She pinched herself just to make sure it wasn't a dream, squealed in pain and then heard something coming from the pool. She turned around to the pool and it was rippling for no reason. She cocked her head in confusion and just then two green horn-looking things came up, then a green and black spotted head came after, then a horrible face of something that was out of a nightmare looked her dead in the eye. "Who are you?" asked a raspy computer-like voice. Mihoshi covered her mouth, whimpered and quietly said, "M- Mi- Mihoshi Kuramitsu. Are- are you," she gulped, "Cell?" "Ohhhhh yes. And it feels goooooooood to be back. Now me being wished back begs the question, why did you bring me back?" As he emerged from the pool, his tail hung low beside him. "I- I thought you ju- just needed someone- someone to love and give you a...hug?" "You thought I needed a hug?" She nodded. "You? WHERE IS YOUR TRAINER WITH YOUR LEASH? YOU'RE ABOUT AS STUPID AS A CIRCUS MONKEY!" He laughed maniacally, shook his head and proceeded to walk up to her. "Wha-" she shuttered,"what do you want?" "To give you a hug." His tail belled out at the end and covered Mihoshi's head and half of her upper body. She started to scream and kick her feet. Cell breathed deep as she was finally absorbed. His eyes popped open and his mouth opened and Mihoshi's last voice screamed, "KIIIIIIIIIYONEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Everyone in the house heard this and ran downstairs. Even Tenchi found the strength to get out of bed and stumble downstairs. Tenchi, Ryoko, Kiyone, Ayeka, Nobuyuki, Katsuhito, Washu and her two puppets and even Rio-Ohki. Upon everyone arriving, they saw the tall figure and they could hear him say under his breath, "Oops, that one slipped out." Kneeled down on one knee and his head barely raised, Tenchi asked, "Uh...what are you doing here and what do you want?" "I'm glad you asked."Cell looked over to Ryoko, smirked and thought to himself, "Out of this whole bunch of pathetic people, she looks like the only worthy adversary, for Ryoko was staring a hole through Cell's head, and not looking away. "You, I've heard of you. The famous space pirate...Ryoko, I think it is." "Yes it is. Now where's Mihoshi, slimebucket. Ohhh yes, I know who you are too...Cell." Cell patted his stomach. "She was a full meal. No power, but I had to shut her up," he raised his head and laughed very loudly,"Her hairspray had more fight in it than she did!" During his laughing fest, Ryoko jumped and landed a swing kick straight to Cell's stomach, causing him to double over and began to cough. Cell's tail came around and skewered Ryoko's stomach, through and through. She looked over to Tenchi and puckered her lips and gave him a goodbye air-kiss, then she fell over backwards. Cell coughed one more time before a hand came out of his mouth. He quickly poked it back down and cleared his through. Tenchi crawled over to Ryoko's limp body and tried to revive her. But to no avail, she was gone. Cell laughed at the sight of such wasted energy on something as useless as emotions. "Why?" Tenchi asked through his tears. Cell didn't answer. "WHY?" Tenchi fought his tears back. Still, silence. "WHY YOU RAT BASTARD?!" Cell smirked, scoffed under his breath, and started to walk over to Tenchi, who had managed to stumble to his feet and pull himself into a snake fighting position. Cell giggled to himself and thought, "Does this worm really think he can even touch me? Let's see what he's got." And then cell charged up, got over to Tenchi, put his hand on his left shoulder and released a simple one energy beam attack, but at that range, it punctured his shoulder and threw him backwards 50 feet. This all happened before anybody even got the chance to blink, or try to defend the wounded Tenchi. When he landed, and the smoke had cleared, a stench of scorched flesh and burned cotton filled the air. Cell was gone in a cloud of dust. The whole family rushed over to Tenchi. "Oh Tenchi, my Tenchi. How are you my dearest?" Ayeka asked senselessly. "I'M SHOT IN THE SHOULDER, HOW DO YOU THINK I'M DOING? Ryoko...where is Ryoko?" Everybody just looked at each other. "RYOKO!" Kiyone and Ayeka lifted him up to his feet and took him over to the body of Ryoko who was starting to phase out. "Oh, Ryoko." Tenchi sobbed, "Why? Being brave is one thing...but this...this is a waste." He bent down, grunted in pain, and whispered into her ear, "And do you know what the sad thing was? Do you? Even through you and Ayeka's fighting, I have always loved you. I mean, you did try to blow me up but...now,..." he sobbed uncontrollably. A shining gleam of light appeared in the sky. Everyone saw this and turned their attention to that. A dark shadowed figure was coming towards them at a very, very fast pace. What ever it was, it was short. The figure walked towards them. Then the light shined on his face. He was a young man with a few wounds to the face, and was favoring his left arm in a makeshift sling. "Which one of you in Mihoshi Kuramitsu?" They just looked at him. "WHERE IS SHE? IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" Kiyone spoke up, "Well...she. She was eaten by...I forgot his name. A big green-bean looking guy with a bad attitude." The figure said underneath his breath in horror, "Cell............Buddha help us." "Umm, excuse me but. Where exactly did you come from?" Asked Katsuhito. "I am Gohan. And Mihoshi wished back a nightmare that I thought I had sent back to hell. Did anybody see where he went?" "No. We turned our attention to you and then he was gone." Ayeka said. Washu's puppets came out. "That guy was really mean. I ought to...." "Yeah I would have kicked his...." "Now you two...cut it out. There's a bigger problem to deal with here!" Washu commanded. They both apologized simultaneously, "We're sorry. You're the woman Washu!" Then they started a chant, "WASHU! WASHU! WASHU! WOO HOO!" and disappeared. Gohan looked through all of that and saw Ryoko's body, and blood covering the ground around her. "Who is that?" "That was Ryoko." Answered Tenchi with another grunt of pain. "Ryoko? The Space Pirate? I thought she was still on Jurai." "Well she's dead now!" Tenchi said through his tears. "Do you care that much for her?" asked Gohan. Tenchi nodded and started to clear his eyes. "Well I know of one way to get her back. The Dragon Balls." "You mean those orange things I saw fly over the house?" asked Kiyone. "They were here??" "Well we can't get them for another 187 days. They'll just be big spheres of stone. It seems she'll stay dead for a while." Meanwhile, Dende sensed something coming towards him. A very large power and a familiar feeling about the power. He felt a sense of relief come over him. "Mr. Popo, where is Korin?" "I'm not sure Dende. Shall I call for him?" "If you would please." The force got stonger and closer. Dende now knew who it was. It was Piccolo. He arrived and walked up to Dende. "Dende. I thought I'd pay a visit. How have you been?" Dende was a little surprised to see this attitude from Piccolo from all people. "I've- I've been fine. And you?" "Alright. Just here lately I've been busy." Dende found himself at ease now. "Doing what?" He propped up on his staff. "Managing a new set of Dragon Balls." "A NEW SET? What do you mean?" "Well, when Kame fused with me, in all actuality, Kamiccolo is alive again. But the Black Star Balls are far from here. Do you remember hearing stories about when the first Kamiccolo split? Well the evil version of myself got killed in battle and I was the result, the moral Piccolo. But when I fused with Kame, a new set was created. They're clear blue with white stars." "Interesting. What are the rules for yours?" "One wish and the person who makes the wish gets cloned. The person coming back fuses with the clone and earns those unique abilities of that person. One year of stone after the wish is made." "Oh really. That's bizarre. But that could also be useful." Korin came up the stairs. "You called Lord Dende?" "Yes, I would appreciate it if you sent Yajirobi down to Earth and check up on my friend Tenchi Muyo at the Masaki House." "Verywell." He turned around and screamed as he was going down the stairs, "YAJIROBIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" He appeared with food in his hand and crumbs on his face, "I didn't do it. I swear!" "No, but you will. I need you to go down to the Masaki House and Check on a man named Tenchi Muyo. Lord Dende wants to hear about him." He finished his food, burped and started to whine, "But I don't wannaaa!!! I'm still hungry!" Korin smacked him upside the head with his staff and pointed to his hovercraft. "Go before I put you on a fiber and low-fat diet." Yajirobi left. ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF MY FAN FICTION...No Need for Saiyan Wishers Yajirobi finds out what happens and is shocked, and hungry. Then everyone puts 2 and 2 together and figure they can wish Ryoko back...but there is still something Piccolo(really that's Kamiccolo) didn't tell Dende about the new set of balls.