Name: Akebono "Basho Benihanna" Takahana DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY ON THE PAYROLL OF PIONEER, THE CREATOR OF THE TENCHI MUYO SERIES OR THE DRAGON BALL Z SERIES (CREATED BY FUNIMATION) AND MY STORY IS IN NO WAY INVOLVED WITH THE ACTUAL SERIES ITSELF. THIS IS A FAN FICTION PIECE AND LOTS OF MY IMAGINATION!!! ABBT X-OVER Episode 1: No Need for more Headaches The birds are chirping in the orchid trees just out side of the Masaki house. It is early, around 8:30 or so. Tenchi stirs to the sound of the birds. Sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning very loudly. Smacking his lips, scratching his head, he looks outside the window and listens to the angelic melody or mornings serenity. He smiles, then looks over to the clock. "WHAAAA! It's 8:30!? I overslept! Must get up, Must get up!" However when he tried to get up, he found his body to be somewhat paralyzed, from the shoulders down to the very tips of his toes. After numerous tries, he slams back down into the bed and moans lowly at his new found predicament. Then the reflections in his mind poured out, reminding him of the incredible strain he had gone through yesterday, breaking up another fight between Aeka and Ryoko over the last spring roll that Sasami had graciously prepared for them. Smirking at the humor found in a fight over a morsel of food, he then threw himself out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud and a groan of pain. Meanwhile Ryoko was in her room, watching the latest news report when she heard this loud noise. Looking up, shrugging it off, she continued scarfing down her morning bowl of Jasmine and Green Tea rice, which was the only thing she new how to prepare without Sasami's helping her. In addition, while this is going on, the various other house tenets are doing other things as well. Washu was working on her latest invention of sorts to make house cleaning a thing of the past, Aeka was folding her laundry in nice, neat squared piles of colors, whites, reds and towels, Tenchi's father and grandfather were both tending the garden on the other side of the house. It is a grand garden in that it has a little bit of everything in it: roses, orchids, pansies, carnations, ivies, tulips and even a few bird's of paradise. Moreover, even little Sasami was busy at work, cleaning the kitchen and preparing the food items for lunch al at the same time. As Tenchi got over the pain now caused to the left side of his face, he began to crawl and slither his way downstairs. Passed Ryoko's room, who was still eating and glued to the TV, passed Aeka's room, passed Sasami's empty room and then to the last room with Mihoshi and Kiyone arguing on whether or not to have a free day (Mihoshi's idea) or try to do some more tactical training (Kiyone's idea). And the ironic thing about all of these activities is that not one person noticed Tenchi crawling and straining to get to the stairs. Finally getting to the staircase, he put one hand on the banister and one on the next step and tried his best to slide down, but that didn't work because the handrails weren't cleaned up, like they were supposed to be last night by Mihoshi before she went to bed, but instead, she sang songs through the night. The hand rails were slick enough to cause Tenchi to, very quickly, make his way down stairs by way of a series of bumps and knocks to the head and an even worse headache. Reaching the bottom step, to make matters worse, Ryo-Oki greeted him with a series of kisses to the face, and boy did she have carrot breath in the morning! Sasami heard the excited meows coming from Ryo-Oki and rushed over to see what was up. Upon getting there. She saw Tenchi in a contorted position that no human (or anyone for that matter) should ever be in. Legs curled up over his head and twisted into something unimaginable. And if that wasn't enough pain for Tenchi to endure, Sasami screamed at the top of her lungs, "TENCHI'S HURT, HELP!" And the race ensued. Ryoko and Aeka both burst out of their rooms only to sideswiped each other, Kiyone and Mihoshi scream and try to get out of the doorway at the same time, only to cause them to get stuck. Both Katsuhito and Nobuyuki heard the deafening scream and rose their heads, looked at each other but then shrugged it off, figuring it was another fight, probably over food or something. Meanwhile... "Oh sweet are you feeling?" Ryoko asked of the mangled heap. "HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?! FINE AND DANDY!?" Tenchi groaned. "Oh stop it's obvious to me that in some way, this is probably your fault. Oh Tenchi, let me help you." Ayeka said calmly. "MY FAULT? Why you little assuming princess BRAT! I was watching TV when I heard...hey who yelled anyway?" "It was me," Sasami said, "and if you two want to fight...DO IT SOMEPLACE ELSE!" Both Ryoko and Ayeka looked at each other, then back at Sasami and down to Tenchi, then stepped back, started scratching their heads and were trying to apologize nervously. "Oh stop it and just help me." Demanded Sasami. Then she ordered Rio-Ohki to get the jasmine tea that had been boiling for Tenchi as the girls slowly and carefully took Tenchi up to his room, which is where he should have stayed in the first place. Between two fights on the way up the stairs and the spilled tea on Tenchi's foot...this rescue project wasn't going very well. Getting to the top and setting Tenchi back in his bed, Sasami was now manually caring for Tenchi's wounds. Besides Rio-Ohki, she would have to work alone for Ayeka and Ryoko were both in a massive catfight in the hallway. Tooth, nail, hairpulling, the works. Doors were ripped off, walls were was a brawl. When it was finally over, Ryoko's shirt was ripped into two pieces and one of them was on the floor, her cheek had been scratched and was bleeding a little. Ayeka had a black eye starting to turn purple and her hair, which she spent hours upon hours on, was in a rat's nest and her dress was mangled and with her red bow ripped off and by her feet. Both women were seething in their breaths and now angrier than ever. Without even thinking about it, Ryoko had to have the last word in the fight and she concentrated energy into a pink ball and before she could contain it into an energy attack, it exploded and so did that half of the house. When the smoke cleared, Tenchi had rolled out of bed and hit his head again and Sasami and Rio-Ohki both were underneath the bed. Katsuhito and Nobuyuki looked at each other, sighed heavily and said together "Ryoko and Ayeka." Both ladies' clothes were charred and their hair now covered in soot and dust from the explosion. They could hear Tenchi groaning in the background and they both stood up, brushed off and hurried into the room as quick as possible, only to get stuck in the doorway. Kiyone and Mihoshi finally got free and went down the hall to see the house was in utter disarray and half gone. Mihoshi had a blank look on her face...not her normal ditzy look, but one of disbelief. Kiyone thought to herself, "This has got to be, in some way or another, Ayeka's and Ryoko's fault. And if it is...where's Tenchi?" But her train of thought was shattered by the giddy schoolgirl shrill of Mihoshi, "OH LOOK KIYONE...Now we have something to work on and spend more time together! Won't that be FUN?!" She jumped up and down in delight and started her very very long thinking process of what to do with the remolding. Kiyone headed for Tenchi's room but Mihoshi noticed something shiny on the outside...well I guess that would make it the inside of the house now. She ran down stairs, through the back door and out to the pool. Whatever she saw, it had seemed to multiply 7 times. There were seven shimmering objects on the backside of the pool, behind the bonsai tree garden. She rushed over there and found them. Seven yellow balls, a little bigger than a basketball. And each one of them had a certain number of red stars in the center of them. Picking up the two-stared one, she marveled in it's simplistic beauty. The TV turned on in the living room(it was one of the few rooms that did survive) and the news was talking about a battle,in the middle of nowhere, had just ended and the announcer started talking to a very large man in a gee, "So, Hercule, now that the Cell Games are over and the monster is finally destroyed, even though you didn't get your chance, what will you do now?" "Well, what can I do? I could not show off my talents to that green freak of a phony, so I will go back to my practices. I'm still the World's Greatest Martial Arts Champion, you know." "Oh yes, Hercule, you are. And how is that stomach ache you had?" The announcer asked with a hint of fear in his voice. "Well, I...It's...I'm...I'm fine now. I'm FINE! I have a quick healing ability. Cell was lucky I had that stomach ache or I would have..." "WE'LL I'M AFRAID THAT'S ALL THE TIME WE HAVE! One quick note before we go, I am dying to know what is the delivery boy's name." He took off with a furry, "You there! What is your name young man?" "I'm Gohan, son of Goku." He replied. "Goku? Wasn't he the one who faced Friza and the Ginyu Force? And Vegeta and Nappa so many years ago?" Gohan nodded and smiled. The Announcer turned to the camera, "WELL folks, it seems that this young boy isn't a delivery boy for the monster's pizza order, he is in fact Gohan, the son of Goku!" Mihoshi watched as this young man stood in front of the camera and had, not a lifeless stare as most fighters do, but he had wonderfully beautiful blue eyes and he was smiling...injured and his clothes torn...but smiling nonetheless. The TV went blank and shut off. Mihoshi cocked her head to the side, thought about it and shrugged it off. Then she stopped herself and REALLY thought about it. "I've heard of the Dragon Balls...and I know what they do. But why was there a person killed. No person deserves to die. Everyone has a good heart basically...This guy Cell probably just needed someone to talk to and to love..." She slowly slipped back into the backyard and grabbed the remaining six balls and hid them in the very back of the garden behind the pool. And then covered them up. She patted the leaves and kissed the top of them and whispered, "Don't worry Mr.'ll be back very soon. I can't wait to meet you." And with that, she pranced back up to the house and walked over to the phone. Picking up the receiver, she dialed 0 for the operator. "Hello," The operators voice was low and droll, "Can I help you?" "Yes, could you connect me to the Oxford residence, please." "Please hold." The operator put her on hold and some elevator muzak began to play. Oddly enough, Mihoshi began to tap her foot and snap her fingers as if she new the beat. "This is the Oxford residence, who is this?" A woman asked. "Yes, my name is Mihoshi Kuramitsu. I'm a First Class Detective of the Galaxy Police." "Have I done something wrong?" "No no...I know your name is Chi-Chi, if I'm not mistaken. You're the wife to Goku and the mother to Gohan, right?" "Yes, that's correct." "May I speak to your son, please?" "Well, you could, if he were here. He's fighting that dreadful...," there was a pause, "AHHHHHH!!! MY LITTLE GOHAN!!!" Then a loud thump came over the phone. Mihoshi didn't know what to think." "Hello? Ma'am? Ma'am?" "Hello?,"a deep and commanding voice came over the phone, "Hello? Hello?" "Hello, sir? What just happened?" " daughter just fainted, again. Can she have you call her back?" "Actually...oh fainted. Is she OK?" Mihoshi started to rant and rave and jump all over when Kiyone came downstairs and passed her. "What's wrong with you? Eat something that didn't agree with you? Probably Ryoko's'll be the death of us all, that is if she doesn't blow us up first." "NO NO NO! A LADY ON THE PHONE JUST FAINTED!" "Fainted?" she whispered, "it's probably your fault she fainted." Kiyone started to rummage the fridge. "Hello? Yes. Ok, umm... may I speak with him?" Mihoshi asked. Kiyone didn't catch any of the conversation so she was beginning to think that the blast earlier did even more damage to her brain. "Uh yes. Hello? This is Gohan. Who is this?" The young warrior asked. "My name is Mihoshi Kuramitsu. I'm a First Class Detective of the Galaxy Police. I need to know what you know about the Dragon Balls, young man." Mihoshi asked in a soothing tone. "Well I know that there are seven of them and they are used to call upon the Eternal Dragon for the granting of one wish and that..." "I know all of that stuff but what I want to know is how exactly do you call the Dragon for making that one wish?" Gohan paused, "Well, as far as I know you say...of course this is when all seven balls are together in a circle, and what are the chances of all seven balls being found together?" He laughed, "You say 'SHENRON, COME OUT!' Or something to that effect. Then duck...because the Dragon is very large and very scary." "Oh, really? Well...thank you." "Why do you ask?" "Well I've been watching this 'Cell' guy on TV and now that he's dead...Well I think that Cell just needed someone to love...he couldn't be evil enough to kill." Mihoshi said with glee. "WHAT!? ARE YOU CRAZY?!," then he stopped himself, "and how can you wish him back don't have the Dragon Balls." Gohan said proudly. "Big orange balls with red stars in them. Seven of them." "UHHHHH LADY. STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. I'LL BE RIGHT OVER!" "Sorry...gotta go wish someone back! Bye!" And with that last joyful note, she hung up the phone. Gohan bolted out of the door again and headed towards the Masaki house. He knew where this was because when he volunteered in the community (between when Friza died and Cell came), he was assigned to help rebuild the Masaki house after it had exploded from the inside due to mixed up chemicals. In addition, oddly enough...there was blonde hair found at the scene of the explosion. Mihoshi gathered up the balls, took them out into the open and backed up about 10 feet away from them...looked and remembered Gohan's words and backed up 30 feet from them. Raised her arms and shouted, "SHENRON, COME OUT! I CALL UPON YOU, THE ETERNAL DRAGON!" Nothing happened. Mihoshi scratched her head and started cautiously approaching the balls...when an explosion happened and for once...she didn't do it! The sky turned dark and the Eternal Dragon appeared. His eyes glowing and breathing hard, he slowly said, "WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?" Mihoshi whimpered and said, "Umm...I...I did, Mr. Dragon, sir. I called upon you to make a," she gulped loudly, "a wish." "WHAT IS YOUR WISH, AND I SHALL GRANT IT?" "Well if you're not too busy...I mean if it's all possible..could you possibly wish back..." Dende got a bad feeling all of the sudden. Worse than the feeling he had for Frieza being around. And this feeling was so unsettling, he fainted. Mr. Popo rushed to his side. "Dende...are you alright? Speak to me. Oh no..." He looked down and saw that a wish was being made. The Dragon's eyes gleamed a bright blood red and he answered, "YOUR WISH...IS MY COMMAND!" "Ohhh goody! Now I can tell Kiyone what a good thing I've done. And hey...before you go. I have to tell you something." "WHAT? I'M VERY BUSY!" The Dragon boomed. "You're kinda cute!" She winked. He growled and boomed again, "WHAT IS YOUR SECOND WISH?" She thought long and hard and came up with the solution to a new-found problem for the entire household. "I wish that the house was restored!" "YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!" And before her eyes, the house lit up in a yellow light and then a bright flash made her shade her face and when she un-cupped her hands, the house was as good as new. She hopped up and down because she now knew that she didn't have to do any house work for a while. Then just as soon as she found the balls, they rose up into the air, circled once and then jetted off in seven different directions. Meanwhile, Gohan, with a feverish pace, made his way to the house and he thought to himself, "How stupid and ignorant can she be? Wishing Cell back? I'm tired, dirty and my mom is gonna kill me when she wakes back up and find out I'm gone AGAIN! I might just go live with Master Roshi until she cools down. And besides, I'm tired of studying all of those books about meaningless information." But then he slapped himself back into reality and kept his mind on his task of stopping this insane woman. On the next episode: No need for being Intelligent Mihoshi gets what she wants. The house is back to normal but then a mysterious figure appears out of the pool. What is this man and what was he doing in the pool, it was just cleaned the other day.