Inside the castle, Tenchi, Ryoko and Sasami with Ryo Ohki atop her head, wandered through the hallways. Suddenly, they found their path blocked by Dr. Clay and several of his soldiers. "Kill the boy and the child and whatever that thing is on her head, but leave the woman for questioning," he ordered. The soldiers raised their swords, but Tenchi easily fought them off with Tenchiken. Tenchi faced Dr. Clay. "Hello," he said. "My name is Tenchi Masaki. You killed my grandfather. Prepare to die." Dr. Clay turned and ran. Tenchi followed, but he was not fast enough and Dr. Clay slipped into a room, locking the door behind him. Tenchi threw himself against the door yelling, "Sasami! Sasami I need you! Sasami!" Sasami, who had been supporting Ryoko, eased her down into a corner. "I'll be right back," she smiled. "Meow," Ryo Ohki agreed. Sasami followed the sound of Tenchi's wailing. She hit the door with her fist, tearing it from its hinges. "Thank you," Tenchi said as he dashed into the room. As he did so, Dr. Clay hurled a knife at him. Tenchi fell back against the door, the sharp blade lodged in his stomach. "Sorry, grandfather," he mumbled, "I tried." "You must be that little brat I taught a lesson to all those years ago. Have you been chasing me your whole life only to fail now? I think that's the worst thing I've ever heard," Dr. Clay taunted. Tenchi slowly pulled the blade out and sunk to the floor. In the honeymoon suite, Aeka reached for a small, wooden box. She opened it and removed an elegant dagger. She laid the point of the dagger against her chest, preparing to kill herself. "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in the galaxy," she heard a voice say. "I'm referring to mine, of course, but it would still be a pity to ruin yours." Aeka turned around in disbelief. Ryoko lay on the bed. "Ryoko, darling!" she flew to the bed. "Call me princess!" she cried throwing her arms around Ryoko. Meanwhile, Tenchi struggled to rise to his feat. "Are you still trying to win?" Dr. Clay smirked. He stabbed Tenchi with his sword two times, first in the shoulder and then in the arm. He drew his sword back to strike again, but Tenchi deflected the blow with Tenchiken. "Hello," Tenchi whispered, "my name is Tenchi Masaki. You killed my grandfather. Prepare to die." He advanced toward Dr. Clay. Dr. Clay struck at Tenchi, but the boy once again fended off the blows. "Hello!" he shouted. "My name is Tenchi Masaki. You killed my grandfather. Prepare to die." "Stop saying that!" Dr. Clay demanded. Tenchi stabbed him in the shoulder. "Hello," he yelled, charging at Clay, "my name is Tenchi Masaki. You killed my grandfather. Prepare to die." He struck Dr. Clay's sword from his hand and stabbed him in the arm. "Offer me money!" Tenchi said. "Yes," Clay said. Tenchi cut Dr. Clay's face, leaving a long, thin scar on either side. "Offer me everything I want!" Tenchi demanded. "Everything I have and more! Anything you want!" Clay replied lunging at Tenchi with a knife. The boy ran Tenchiken through Dr. Clay's heart. "I want my grandfather back you son of a bitch!" he cried. Back in the honeymoon suite Aeka asked Ryoko, "Do you think you could ever forgive me?" "Probably not, but what have you done?" Ryoko teased. "I got married. I didn't want to, but it all happened so fast." "It never happened," Ryoko told her. "But I was there. Yes it did, Ryoko, don't argue with me. This flaming, gay man said, 'Man and wife'!" "Did you say, 'I do'?" Aeka considered this, "No, we sort of skipped that part. "Then you're not married," Ryoko explained. "Wouldn't you agree, your highness?" she asked. Kagato entered the room and sat down in front of his organ. He so loved the instrument he kept one in almost every room of the castle. This organ, however, was smaller than the one in his study. "Welcome to my chapel, ladies," he said menacingly. He placed his fingers on the keys and began to play, poorly, hitting many wrong notes. "Who taught you how to play the organ and why didn't they tell you that you suck?" Ryoko taunted. Kagato stopped playing and turned to face her. "That may be the first time anyone has dared insult my organ," he said unbelieving. "It won't be the last," Ryoko jeered. Aeka giggled. Kagato stood up and reached for his laser sword. "To the death!" he proclaimed. "No, I don't think so. To the pain," Ryoko threatened. "I don't believe I'm familiar with that one," Kagato said. "I'll explain it, that is, if you think you can stop playing with your little organ long enough to listen," Ryoko smiled. "To the pain means the first thing you'll lose will be your feet below your ankles, then your hands at the wrist and next your nose." Kagato shook his head and growled, "I killed you too quickly last time, a mistake I will not make again." Ryoko cut him off, "I wasn't finished!" she declared, "The next thing you'll lose will be your left eye, followed by your right." "And then my ears, I suppose," Kagato sneered. "Wrong!" Ryoko shouted. "You keep your dirty ears and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your ugliness, every baby that weeps at your approach, every woman that calls out, 'Dear God, what the fuck is that?' will be yours to cherish in your perfect ears. That's what to the pain means. It means I leave you wallowing in agony, forever." "Tsk, tsk, girl. I think you're bluffing. You can barely move," Kagato smiled. "Maybe, you dickless bastard, but then again, perhaps I have the strength after all." Ryoko slowly stood up and brought forth her light sword. She pointed it at Kagato's head. "Drop your sword," she ordered. Kagato's laser sword fell to the ground. "Have a seat," Ryoko told him. Kagato sat down in a chair. "Hey, princess, tie him up," Ryoko ordered, "and make it as tight as you want." Aeka began tying Kagato to the chair. At that moment, Tenchi burst into the room. "Have you seen Sasami and Ryo Ohki?" he asked. "No," Ryoko replied. "You want me to do away with this one?" Tenchi pointed Tenchiken at Kagato. "No," Ryoko answered, "whatever happens I want him to live a long life, alone with his cowardice." She stopped and reconsidered what she had just said, "Wait, what was I thinking? Go ahead. Kill him." Tenchi plunged Tenchiken into Kagato's heart delivering a fatal blow. "Well, I feel better," Ryoko said, "How about you, princess?" "Oh, yes, I feel much better," Aeka said happily. >From outside, they heard Sasami call, "Tenchi, where are you?" The three ran to the window. They saw Sasami standing below them with Ryo Ohki beside her. "Guess what I discovered?" the little girl asked. "Ryo Ohki can turn into a space ship." "Meow!" Ryo Ohki agreed. With that, cabbit morphed into a mighty spaceship. "After all this, that thing turns into a space ship," Ryoko shook her head disbelieving. The three leapt from the window and boarded the ship. "You know," Tenchi said, "now that I've killed Dr. Clay, I don't know what to do with my life." "You'd make a wonderful Dread Space Pirate Roberts," Ryoko told him. They flew to freedom. And as they left the atmosphere of planet Jurai behind them a wave of love swept over Ryoko and Aeka and as they reached for each other- * "What?" the grandson asked anxiously as his grandfather closed the manga. "It's kissing between two women again, you don't want to hear that." "Well, I don't mind so much," the boy said eagerly. "Is there a picture in that book?" His grandfather eyed him and continued reading. * Since the kiss was invented, there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate and the most pure. This one left them all behind. * "The end," the grandfather said. "Now, I think you ought to go to sleep," he told the boy. "All right," the grandson agreed, lying back against his pillows. "Grandpa," he said, "Maybe you could back tomorrow and read it to me again?" "As you wish," the grandfather said smiling as he closed the bedroom door behind him.