* "She doesn't get eaten by the eels," the grandfather said. "What?" the grandson asked confused. "I was explaining to you because you pissed all over yourself and wet the bed," the grandfather said. The boy looked down and realized that his sheets were soaking wet. "OK, so maybe I was a little, concerned," the boy admitted as he slipped out of his bed and went to his closet to get a clean pair of pajamas, "but that's not the same thing." The grandfather looked at him doubtfully as he stripped the bed and tossed the wet sheets into a corner of the room. The boy put clean sheets on his bed and snuggled under the covers. The grandfather began to read again. * As the eels closed in on Aeka, Sasami picked up a large, space laser and blasted the eels, killing them all in a matter of seconds. Tenchi grabbed the collar of Aeka's space suit and pulled her back into the ship. "I suppose you think you're brave," Kiyone sneered. "Only compared to some," Aeka answered. A short time later, the ship entered Earth's atmosphere. "Hey," Tenchi said, "you remember that ship that was following us? Well, he's right on top of us." "Whoever he is, he's too late!" Kiyone laughed viciously. "Seeeee," she pointed out the front window of the ship, "the Cliffs of Insanity! Move that thing! And that other thing!" Kiyone ordered. Aeka looked and saw the cliffs rising at a sharp vertical angle toward the sky. She wondered how they would possibly make it to the top. Tenchi landed the ship and the five of them filed out. Tenchi pulled a harness down over Aeka and attached it to Sasami. As he did this, he casually let his hands stray and pinched Aeka's butt. "What do you think you're doing?" Aeka demanded indignantly. "Un, nothing," Tenchi turned away, wiping the blood from his nose. "You've been a naughty boy," Sasami told him. "Yes, I have. I'll stop being naughty," Tenchi replied, his face flushed red. Ryo Ohki, once again, took her place on the small girl's head. Tenchi and Kiyone both grabbed on to one of Sasami's long pigtails as the girl reached for a rope and began climbing up the face of the cliffs. Tenchi glanced down and saw that the other ship had landed. A mysterious stranger, dressed entirely in black, was climbing the rope. "He's climbing the rope, and he's gaining on us," Tenchi said. "Inconceivable!" Kiyone declared. "Faster!" she shouted at Sasami. "You were supposed to be this great thing, a little girl with the strength of ten men, and yet he gains!" "Well," Sasami explained, "I'm carrying three people and a cabbit, he has only himself." "I don't accept excuses," Kiyone snapped. The man in black continued to climb the rope. At last Sasami reached the top of the cliff. Kiyone grabbed a knife and began cutting the rope. She severed the strings that kept the stranger from falling down into the sea below the cliffs. They peered over the edge of the cliff. The stranger's masked face looked up at them. "He didn't fall! Inconceivable!" Kiyone yelled. "Are you sure that word means what you think it means?" Tenchi questioned. They watched as the stranger slowly began to climb up the steep face of the cliffs. "Whoever he is," Kiyone began, "he's seen us with the princess and must die. Sasami, carry the princess. Tenchi, if he makes it to the top, kill him." "I'll have to do him left handed," Tenchi said. "We're in a hurry, we don't have time for that kind of thing," Kiyone said impatiently. "It's the only way I can be satisfied," Tenchi explained, "if I use my right hand, it's over too quickly." "Well, you'll have to do it on your own time!" Tenchi's face turned a deep red. "No," he protested, "that wasn't what I meant. I meant I'll have to fight him left handed." "Whatever," Kiyone said as she stormed off, motioning for Sasami to follow with Aeka. Tenchi looked over the side of the cliff at the stranger. "Hello," he called. The stranger looked up at him. "Do you suppose you could hurry up a little?" "Look," the stranger replied, "this isn't as easy as it looks, so shut up!" "I would offer to help you, but I'm supposed to kill you when you reach the top," Tenchi said. "That does put a damper on our relationship," the stranger admitted. "I promise I won't kill you until you reach the top. I give you my word as a man." "No good," the stranger answered, "I've known too many men." "Isn't there any way you trust me?" "Let me thinkā€¦No." Tenchi said solemnly, "I swear on the soul of my grandfather, Yosho Masaki, you will reach the top alive." "Throw me the rope," the stranger agreed. When the man in black had reached the top, while he rested, Tenchi asked him, "I don't mean to pry, but you don't happen to have a pi symbol anywhere on you?" The stranger slowly shook his head. "Is this how you always begin conversations?" he asked. "My grandfather was slaughtered by a man with a pi symbol on his hat. He was a great sword maker, my grandfather. When the pi man appeared and requested a special sword, my grandfather took the job. He spent a year before it was done." Tenchi handed the sword to the man in black. "Its name is Tenchiken," he said. The stranger admired the weapon and asked, "Do all men name their swords?" "No, but I do," Tenchi replied. Then he continued, "The pi man returned and demanded it, but at one tenth its promised price. My grandfather refused. Without a word, the pi man slashed him through the heart. I love my grandfather, so naturally I challenged his murderer to a dual. I failed. The pi man left me alive, but he gave me this." Tenchi turned his face first to the right and then to the left, revealing a long, white scar on either side of his face. "How old were you?" the man in black asked. "I was eleven years old. When I was strong enough, I dedicated my life to the study of fencing, so the next time we meet, I will not fail. I will go up to the pi man and say, 'Hello. My name is Tenchi Masaki. You killed my grandfather. Prepare to die." The stranger stood up. "Are you ready to fight now?" Tenchi asked. "Well, what the fuck, you've been more than fair," the stranger answered. He brought forth a light sword from his hand. The two began to dual fiercely. Both were expert swordsmen, both fought with their left hands. At length, Tenchi began to smile. "Why the hell are you so happy?" the stranger asked him. "Because I know something you don't know," Tenchi said. "I'm not left handed." He switched the sword to his right hand and instantly gained an advantage over his opponent. When it looked as though Tenchi had won, the stranger began to smile. "I have to tell you something," he said, "I'm not left handed either." The man in black retracted the light sword in his left hand and brought forth another one in his right. "Who are you?" Tenchi asked, "I want to know." "It's good to want things," the man in black replied tauntingly. The dual continued, until the stranger had brought Tenchi to his knees. "Kill me quickly," Tenchi said. "Well," the man in black considered this request, "I would sooner destroy a fine bottle of sake than an artist like yourself. But I can't have you following me, so I'll just knock you out instead." He struck Tenchi over the head with his light sword and dashed off in pursuit of the princess. In the distance, Kiyone, Sasami, Ryo Ohki and Aeka saw that the man in black had won the dual. "He didn't die! Inconceivable!" Kiyone yelled. She turned to Sasami, "Finish him," she ordered. "How?" Sasami questioned. "Meow," Ryo Ohki chimed in. Kiyone sighed beginning to lose patience, "Your way! Pick up that stone and hide behind a rock. In a minute, the man in black will come running around the corner, when his head appears, hit it with the rock!" Kiyone grabbed Aeka by the hand a stormed off with the princess. "My way doesn't sound very nice," Sasami said. "Meow," Ryo Ohki agreed. A few minutes later, the stranger appeared. From behind a rock, Sasami threw a large stone just barely missing the stranger's head. The man in black turned and brought forth a light sword. Sasami appeared from behind the rock, holding another stone in her hand, with Ryo Ohki on her head. "I didn't have to miss," Sasami said. "You threw that rock? You're just a kid! You're not big enough to throw like that. And what the hell is that thing on your head?" the man in black asked. Ryo Ohki hissed. "That's my cabbit, Ryo Ohki," Sasami answered, "and you know, it's not the size that matters, but what you do with it." "Are you even old enough to know what that means?" the stranger questioned caustically. Sasami ignored that question and said, "Anyway, I didn't kill you back there because I didn't think that was a fair fight. I think we should fight each other as God intended." "You mean," the man in black asked, "I put down my sword and you put down your rock and we try to kill each other like civilized people?" Sasami nodded. The stranger retracted his sword and Sasami dropped her rock. Ryo Ohki jumped off Sasami's head and perched on a nearby rock to watch. The two circled each other, both of them ready to pounce at any moment. Finally, Sasami lunged at the man in black, pinning him to the ground. The stranger attempted to toss Sasami aside, but the small girl put her hands around the stranger's neck, slowly choking his life away. With his strength fading, the man in black placed his hands on Sasami's waist began to tickle her. Sasami burst out laughing, her hands falling away from the stranger's neck. The stranger dropped the girl onto the ground, tore off one of her shoes and tickled her foot. Sasami screamed with laughter pounding her fists against the ground. Tears streamed down her face. Finally, she could not laugh anymore and passed out. "Meow!" Ryo Ohki cried. She leapt off the rock and curled up beside her unconscious mistress. "Don't worry," the stranger reassured the cabbit, "she'll regain consciousness very soon." The man in black dashed off, once again tracking the princess. At last he came face to face with Kiyone. In a clearing, Kiyone sat on a rock with Aeka, blindfolded, beside her. She held the point of a knife against the princess's neck. In front of them, two goblets had been placed on another rock. The stranger slowly approached them.