* Aeka was born on a small farm on the planet Jurai. She had many hobbies, riding horses, S&M, but most of all she lived to torment the farm girl who worked for her family. The girl's name was Ryoko, but Aeka never called her that. "Farm girl!" Aeka ordered forcefully, "Fetch me a pitcher of water." "As you wish," Ryoko replied, her remarkable golden eyes looking deep within Aeka's. However, Ryoko never took kindly to being ordered around. After fetching the pitcher, she dumped the icy cold water over Aeka's head. These retaliatory actions did not discourage Aeka from trying to make Ryoko's life miserable. "Farm girl," she demanded, as she walked into the kitchen for breakfast, "I wish to have two eggs sunny side up!" "As you wish," the farm girl replied, cracking two eggs and dripping the raw yolk into Aeka's long purple hair. However, as time went on, something remarkable happened. Aeka realized that when Ryoko said "As you wish," what she meant was, "I love you." Aeka also realized that when Ryoko did such things as purposely tearing off her mistress's bathing towel at the onsen, what she meant was, "I want you." Even more remarkable, was the day Aeka realized she truly loved and wanted Ryoko too. "Farm girl!" She commanded blushing and pointing directly over her head, "fetch me that whip, please." "As you wish," Ryoko whispered, reaching for the whip. " Then, as the sun slowly slipped into the darkness of night, Aeka and Ryoko kissed. * "Hold it! Hold it! What is this? Where's the sports? They can't kiss they're women! Is this a kissing book?" the grandson asked. "Wait just, wait. Keep your shirt on," his grandfather told him. The boy reluctantly sat back and continued to listen to the story. * Ryoko had no money for marriage, and one of the few places in the galaxy that would allow a marriage between two women was a country called the Netherlands on planet Earth. So Ryoko packed her few belongings and went to seek her fortune in space. It was a very emotional time for Aeka. "I fear I will never see you again," she sobbed. "Hear this now," Ryoko said, "I will always come for you." "But how can you be sure?" Aeka questioned. "We have great sex. Do you think that happens every day?" Sadly, Ryoko never reached her destination. Her ship was attacked by the Dread Space Pirate Roberts, who never left prisoners alive. When Aeka got the news that Ryoko had been murdered, she locked herself in her room and did not sleep or eat. She vowed that she would never love again. Five years later, the great Prince Kagato announced to the people of Jurai that he intended to marry a commoner. The Princess Aeka was presented to the people as Kagato's future bride. However, she was filled with emptiness, as she did not love her fiancée. The only joy she found was riding her horse. One day when she had ridden further than usual, she stumbled upon three strangers in the woods. They stood in a row. The leader was a woman with long blue hair. She was accompanied by a dark-haired boy, with a sword at his side, and a small girl with two long blue pigtails. A creature that appeared to be a cross between a cat and a rabbit rested on her head. "Excuse me Lady," the leader began, "but is there a town near here?" "No, not for miles." Aeka replied. "Then no one will hear you scream," the leader said. The small girl, who was surprisingly strong, pulled Aeka to the ground, knocking her unconscious. While Aeka lay unconscious, Kiyone tore a piece of fabric from her kimono and attached it to the saddle of a horse bearing the emblem of Earth, the planet that was the sworn enemy of Jurai. "What are you doing?" Sasami asked her. Kiyone slapped the horse and sent it running in the direction of Kagato's castle. She slipped through the hatch of her space ship, "Once this horse reaches Kagato's castle, the prince will suspect that soldiers from Earth have abducted his love. When he finds her dead on Earth, his suspicions will be confirmed." "Hey, you never said anything about killing anybody?" Sasami objected as Kiyone closed the door of the ship. Kiyone sighed, "I hired you to help me start a war." "I just don't think it's right to kill an innocent person," Sasami pouted. "Am I going mad," shouted Kiyone, "or did the word 'think' escape your lips? I didn't hire you for your brains. You haven't even graduated from the second grade yet!" "Gee Kiyone, I agree with Sasami," Tenchi said scratching his head. "Meow," Ryo Ohki chimed in. She was seated on Sasami's head. "Oh, the lush has spoken!" Kiyone screamed. "When I found you, you were so drunk you couldn't buy sake!" She turned to Sasami, "And you, friendless, clueless, hopeless, do you want me to send you back to where you were, working at a sweatshop for Disney?! And you," Kiyone turned to the cabbit, "When I found you, you were living in a pet store and nobody would buy you because they didn't know what the hell you were! Do you want me to send you to the pound?!" "Meow," Ryo Ohki cried sadly. Tenchi and Sasami watched as Kiyone stalked off to the cockpit of the ship. "That Kiyone, she sure can bitch," Tenchi said, emphasizing the last word. "Bitch…bitch…" Sasami repeated. "She really is a witch!" she rhymed. "She must have a stick up her butt," Tenchi continued. "She really is a slut!" Sasami giggled. Tenchi smiled, "You have a great gift for rhyme," he told her. "Thank you," Sasami said blushing. "Hey!" Kiyone shouted from the cockpit, "Are there any asteroid fields ahead?" "If there are, we'll all be dead," Sasami replied. "No more rhyming! I mean it now!" Kiyone snapped. "Meow!" Ryo Ohki sang as the ship left the planet Jurai's atmosphere. Hours later, Aeka awoke. Her kidnappers were lounging around the spaceship, all except for the young man with the dark hair who was looking nervously out the back window. "Why are you doing that?" the leader asked impatiently? "I want to be sure nobody's following us, Kiyone," he answered her. "That would be inconceivable, Tenchi," she replied. "Nobody on Earth knows what we've done and nobody from Jurai could have gotten here so fast. It's absolutely inconceivable, but out of curiosity, why do you ask?" "Because there's a ship behind us," Tenchi told her. "What?" Kiyone leapt up, turning her back to Aeka. "It's probably just some local space fisherman out in eel infested space." At that moment, they heard the emergency door slam shut as Aeka, wearing a space suit, jumped out of the ship. Kiyone turned to Tenchi, "Go after her!" she screamed. "Uh, we only have one space suit," Tenchi said. "God damn it!" Kiyone swore. "Veer left!" she ordered. Outside the ship, a strange, high-pitched crying could be heard. "Do you know what that sound is, princess?" Kiyone spoke into the ship's intercom system, so that Aeka could hear her, "Those are the shrieking space eels!" The sound of the crying was increasing in volume. Kiyone continued, "They always grow louder when they're about to consume human flesh!" By now, Aeka could see the eels, swimming toward her in the blackness of space, barring their white, sharp fangs. She gasped.