Disclaimer: In no way do I own, nor did I create the following characters. Tenchi Muyo is the property of AIC/Pioneer. Evil Dead and, Evil Dead II: “Dead by dawn” are both owned (Im guessing) by Renaissance Pictures. Army of Darkness is owned by Universal Pictures And all three movies were created and directed by the great Sam Raimi. Evil Dead: “Hail to the King” is owned by Renaissance Pictures and is exclusively licensed to THQ inc. Please don’t sue me for I have no income to speak of anyway. :) Author’s notes: In this chapter things get close and personal between the undead monster Kagato, and our friends in the Masaki household. Sorry for the delay, I will have the 4th chapter done soon(I hope lol). Stay tuned for more, and I hope you like this installment of the story which is, im glad to say is much bigger than the first two chapters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenchi, Ayeka, Ryoko, Mihoshi, Washu(Well Washu isn’t asleep) , Yosho, and Nobuyuki are all awakened by the screams of Ash and Sasami. Tenchi runs to the girls room while Ryoko, Ayeka and Mihoshi are already trying to calm Sasami down. Washu, Yosho and Nobuyuki go to check on Ash who is in a cold sweat. “Eh? What’s going on?” Says Nobuyuki “Ash?, Ash what happened? What’s with all the screaming are you alright? Washu said as she sat down beside him on the couch. “I-I had a dream, Sasami was there too. Some kind of city was being destroyed by someone who had the Necronomicon.” “Hmm, I’ll bet you and Sasami were having the same dream...” Washu speculated. “It could have been a vision of a possible near future.” Yosho said. Just then a faint beeping sound came from Washu’s lab. “Eh? What could that be?” Washu wonders and goes to check on the source of the sound. *Upstairs* Sasami is crying and her face is burred into Tenchi’s chest. “What happened Sasami?” Asked Tenchi. “Did you have a bad dream?” asked Ayeka. “I saw a city.....Tokyo *sniff sniff*, it was being destroyed....” “By who?” asked Ryoko. “Who? It was....it was Kagato!” Sasami replied “There’s nothing to be afraid of Sasami! Thanks to Tenchi, Kagato is long gone!” Mihoshi said in a reassuring tone. ~Hmm, Kagato.........~ Ryoko thought to herself. “What else happened Sasami?” asked Ayeka. “Well.....I don’t remember much...only that...(an image of the book flashes in her mind) He had the book Ash has been talking about!” Now everyone starts to get a little scared. Not so much at the possibility that Kagato could some how come back, for noone believes he really could. But just the fact that Sasami had such a dream....was quite creepy to everyone. “I want to go see Ash.” Sasami said rubbing hers eyes “Are you sure Sasami? Maybe you should try to go back to sleep.” Tenchi said. “No, I’ve gotta talk to him, he was in my dream too. I’ve got to find out if he had the same dream.” Sasami said. “Well, alright...” Tenchi said and started downstairs with Sasami, saying to the other girls before he left that they should go back to sleep. Of course none of them wanted to go back to sleep, they were more interested in Sasami’s dream. So everyone headed downstairs, to hear about Ash’s dream.... *In Washu’s Lab* Sounds of clutter and various items being thrown around is heard from within the lab. Washu stands up from looking under a desk and yells in frustration “Where is it! I’ve got to find out for sure this is what I think it is!” Washu turns to look at the holoprojection from earlier. The red energy that had earlier been expelled when something crossed over from it’s world to ours has now wrapped itself over the entire earth like a red shell. Washu’s computer also seems to be tracking some kind of life form, heading towards earth’s atmosphere. “Its gotta be here somewhere!” she griped as she continued to rummage, through piles of record books and dozens of gadgets and gizmos. The door to the lab opens and then closes as Yosho and Ash enter. “What is going on Washu?” Yosho asked “Is it the Necronomicon?” Ash asked. To busy trying to find something, Washu replies without looking back at them. “Im almost certain of it, I just need to test something to make sure, errrrr! If only I could...Ah! Found it!” Washu pulls a small black rectangle shaped object from the pile. “I just hope this isn’t what I think it is....” Washu said as she walked over to her main computer and inserted the cartage like object into the consol. “What do you think it is?” both Yosho and Ash said. “We’ll find out shortly...” Washu replied. Just then the door to Washu’s lab once again opens and Tenchi, Sasami, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Mihoshi enter “Oh here you are Ash we were looking for you.” Tenchi says Ash turns and walks over to Tenchi and the group of girls, trying to pay attention to both them and Washu’s computer. “Oh hey Tenchi, what do you need?” He looks down at Sasami. “Sasami! I wanted to talk to you!” Ash said a little excited/scared. “About the dream?” Asks Sasami. “So you had the dream too? Ash said a little more scared now. “Yes, it was horrible...all those people...” Sasami said and lowered her head. “Aw, its ok! It was only a dream Sasami....thought I do wonder what it meant....” Ash said and smiled. “Everyone quite!!!” Yelled Washu. “What’s going on Washu?” Asked Ryoko. “It just as I feared....” Washu said in a woeful tone. “What is it?” Tenchi asked. “What have you found out Washu?” asked Yosho. Washu looks at everyone, a stare of pure seriousness in her eyes “.....Kagato has returned....and Im willing to bet that he has the Necronomicon....” Everyone gasps in shock/surprise. “WHAT? But, but Kagato is DEAD!” Ryoko yelled and stamped her foot. “Who is Kagato?” Ash wondered. “He is the man from our dream, the one who had the book.” Sasami said. “So the dream that Ash and Sasami had may become reality?” Asked Ayeka “Hmm it is quite possible...” Yosho said. Mihoshi starts to wine “This is too creepy! The Galaxy Police think I took him out, what will they think of me now that he’s back?!” “How do you know its him Washu?” asked Tenchi. Washu points to the little black device she had inserted into the computer. “This is a record of DNA strands it contains over 3 million different strands of DNA from different people, including Kagato, I had gotten his from him when he was still my student... According to the dream both Ash and Sasami had, Kagato was terrorizing downtown Tokyo. So when I saw this life form heading straight for us I decided to find out if it was Kagato. So I tested and compared his DNA with the life form now heading towards earth, and sure enough it is him....” “NO! He cant be alive!” Ryoko yelled “Well...he probably isn’t alive, from what Ash has told us about the nature of the book, he is probably undead. Which would mean he is far more powerful now than he ever was....” Washu says. “Hmmmm...” Yosho scratched his chin. “More powerful that before.....he almost killed us last time we fought him...I had to use nearly all my power just to defeat him...” Tenchi said a little worried. “But, you are stronger now Tenchi, surely you can defeat him again....” Ayeka said and smiled ~No, no, no! He cant be back! He almost killed Tenchi for good....and~ Ryoko thought to her self. “DAMN!! I’LL DESTROY HIM MYSELF THIS TIME!” She yelled and teleported else where. “Huh? Ryoko?... I better go find her....” Tenchi said and left the lab “Oh she will be fine you should stay here.....oh.....” Tenchi had already gone when Ayeka started to speak. “So wha, wha, what should we do?” Mihoshi said biting her finger nails. “Well....” Washu types on her computer for a few seconds. “We have until some time tomorrow until Kagato becomes earth bound. Projected landing area is anywhere between Japan and the West coast of America “So what should we do until then?” asked Ayeka “There is not much we can do except be ready and try to get some sleep.” Said Yosho. “Sleep? Now? Yeah right there is no way I’ll be able to sleep!” Ash said and noticed Sasami who seemed quite depressed. “Hey, it’ll be ok Sasami, don get yourself all worked up over it.” he said “Its not that...its just....” Sasami started “Don’t worry Sasami, I’ll protect you, Tenchi, everyone! This evil has got its butt kicked by me more than once so don’t worry, your old Uncle Ash is gonna kick some Kaga....what’s his name?” Ash smiles and nudges at Sasami. A small smile cracks across Sasami’s face and she giggles “His name is Kagato.....thank you Ash...” Yosho smiles and laughs Ayeka looks at Ash and nods with a smile as if to say thank you for cheering up Sasami “You just tell us when Ash and were are right behind you!” she says. “Yes It doesn’t hurt to have a little help.” Ash smiles. “Cool, Im ready too!...I think..” Mihoshi laughs. “Well lets not get all excited now, its just a waiting game until tomorrow.” Washu reminds everyone. “Since noone is going to sleep I gonna go make a snack for everyone.” Sasami said and left the lab. “Wait up Sasami I wana help!” yells Mihoshi and runs out of the lab. “Well...I think I am going to try and get some sleep...until tomorrow everyone...” Ayeka says and leaves “Im going to try to get some sleep too..I suggest you do the same Ash, we’ve a big ay ahead of us tomorrow...” Yosho says and leaves. Ash nods at Washu and heads for the door when Washu stops him. “Ash?” she says. “Eh? What is it little Washu?” Ash asked. “I’ve got something for you, come over here and take a look.” Washu smiled “For...me?....okay.” Ash said quite interested though a little afraid. As Ash walks over to Washu, she pulls out two large and very fancy looking weapons that look very familiar. A large chainsaw that has obviously been modified with all kinds of features. Washu pushes a button on the chainsaw and it transforms into a large robotic hand! The other weapon seems to be a large shotgun of some kind, also modified by Washu, it has three large barrels , and many buttons and other switches on it. Ash’s jaw drops and his eyes grow wide with amazement. “W, w, w, w, w, WOW!!!! THESE ARE GREAT!” “These are the weapons you arrived with, I just...spiced em up a little for you.” She smiles. “So I take it from your reaction you like your new toys?” “How did you, what does this button do?, oh wow a cup holder!” Ash says very excited. Washu laughs “Good, glad you like them. You probably want to know what your new weapons can do so let me explain.” She points to the Chainsaw. “This chainsaw is far superior to the one you had before. It is powered by my own special cocktail of elements for a everlasting power source. No more having to refill it like with gasoline. The blade can extend from its current length of 2 ½ feet to 4 ½ feet. The chain has four different settings, light, med, high, and laser. In light mode the chain saw is nonlethal used only for cutting rope and other fragile materials. Med will do more damage than light. High is the second most powerful setting, and is definitely lethal this will probably be your most used setting...until you find the laser setting (She giggles). The laser setting is an added bonus, its used for cutting through...well just about anything you want! The chain actually becomes a laser chain. Finally, as you have already seen, at the push of a button the chain saw transforms into a robotic hand. This hand is very powerful, its like having a wrecking ball for a hand. It can also shoot lasers from the finger tips of the hand. As for your Shotgun it to is far better than the one you had before. It is a triple barrel 10 gauge semi automatic shotgun. If it was fully automatic, the recoil would send you to the moon. It creates its own ammo which it stores into this case that is attached to the base of the gun. The ammo is part laser weapon and part combustion weapon, basically laser titanium slugs. Usually this type of weapon could only create a certain amount of ammo for it self before it would start to over heat, but thanks to the cooling systems I have installed it should last much longer, maybe even everlasting...providing the cooling systems don’t get damaged... In the event the gun does over heat conventional shotgun ammo can be manually loaded, for use like your old gun. All these little switches here are different types of ammo you can use. There is, fire ammo, explosive ammo, acid ammo, freezing ammo, and shock ammo. !Phew! That’s about it!” “Wow this is like Christmas or something!” Ash takes the shotgun and chainsaw. “Thanks Washu!, oh Little Washu, heheheh.” Ash attaches the chainsaw/robotic hand to his arm. It automatically fits itself onto his arm firmly. He readies the gun and twirls it in his hand. “Groovy.” Ash says and smiles. *Outside somewhere* The wind blows an eerie cold breeze as if the woods know something is coming. The night sky seems darker than usual as the light from the moon appears to be fading into a darkness of its own. Tenchi finds Ryoko up in a tree and calls her down to talk. “Ryoko...are you ok?” Tenchi says. “Tenchi...I cant believe he’s back, I cant go though this again.” Ryoko lowered her head. “Its ok Ryoko, we beat him before, we can beat him again!” Tenchi said in a confident tone. “You beat him, and that’s after he killed you once....now with all this extra power...what if he kills you again?” Ryoko says and a small tear runs down her cheek. Tenchi quickly wipes the tear with his finger and says. “Don’t worry Ryoko, remember we have Ash on our side too, Kagato will have his hands full. I’ll be fine...we’ll all be fine, you’ll see...” Tenchi said and smiled. “Tenchi....I know it’s not Ash’s fault that Kagato is back, and I no he had no choice in coming here, but for some reason I feel angry with him. If he had never come here this wouldn’t be happening....” Ryoko looked at Tenchi with discouragement in her eyes. “I know how you feel Ryoko, Ash didn’t mean to bring the evil with him when he showed up here. At first I felt much like you do now, but then I remember all he has been through...we have to remember Ash has lost more than we can imagine.” Tenchi said and put his hand on Ryoko’s shoulder. Ryoko just sighed in silent anger. “You look tired Ryoko, why don’t you try to get some sleep.” Tenchi said. “Only if you come with me.” Ryoko slightly smiled “Uh...!?” Tenchi’s eyes got quite wide as Ryoko put her arms around him. “Oh come on Tenchi aren’t you tired too?” “Uh, n-no, ah...actually Im gonna go see what Sasami is cooking.” Tenchi said awkwardly as he released himself from her grip. Sigh....”Oh well, have it your way Tenchi......good night...” Ryoko said a bit disappointed. “Good night Ryoko.” Tenchi says as Ryoko teleports elsewhere to get some sleep. *In the kitchen* Sasami has just finished making a batch of cinnamon buns only to find everyone is now asleep. Except Tenchi who enters the room. “Oh Tenchi (Sasami yawns) would you like a bun? There cinnamon!” “Sure...where is everyone else, asleep?” Tenchi asked and took a bite of the pastry. “Yeah (yawn) they all went to sleep, even Nobuyuki...” She said quite tired herself. In the Living room Mihoshi lay on her side on the couch, she had flour all over her from trying to help Sasami cook. Ash was on the floor next to the couch. Mihoshi had a puddle of drool that was slowly making its way towards Ash’s direction. Ryo-ohki lay on Ash’s chest trying to sleep as both Ash and Mihoshi were loud snorers. Finally Ryo-ohki had enough of the snoring duo and hopped into the kitchen as Mihoshi’s drool dripped of the edge of the couch and hit Ashes forehead, all the while Ash still snoring loudly. Back in the kitchen Ryo-ohki is curious as to what Tenchi is eating so she looks up at him. “Myia!” “Huh? Oh Ryo-ohki, this? You wont like this.” Tenchi said “Myia, Myiaaa!” Ryo-ohki insisted. “Oh ok but there is no carrots in it...” He rips off a piece of the bun and places it on the floor. Ryo-ohki approaches the cinnamon bun piece and sniffs it. With a disgusted sneer she backs away from it and hops over to Sasami who has fallen asleep while standing. “I told you, you wouldn’t like it....oh...Sasami?...she’s fallen asleep...poor thing.” Tenchi carries Sasami up to her room and tucks her in. Ryo-ohki hops in and finds a comfy spot next to Sasami. Tenchi then goes downstairs to clean up the kitchen, and then goes to bed. *Up on the roof* Ryoko lies, gazing up at the ever fading moon, as the night slowly darkened even more. She never went to sleep. She is still thinking about what Tenchi had said. Suddenly she gets a strong feeling of fear as the great evil draws near. “We will stop him....this time for good.” Ryoko said. *The next day. Los Angeles California.* It’s 9:00 am, the sun has yet to shine in the pitch black sky. This however is the least of anyone’s problems. The chaos started long before the sun refused to come up. Worldwide panic turned every country into a raging pit of discord over night after all the computer systems shut down. Looting, riots, and mass hysteria plague the streets, but amid all the confusion and murder one thing is noticed bye everyone....a bright red light shines in the sky, and it is getting closer. Churches, monasteries, shrines, and other houses of religion are filled with believers and nonbelievers alike as many think the end of the world is coming......they couldn’t be more right..... The red light impacts into a inner city street somewhere in Los Angeles, all the while people are frantically running in all directions. A few people actually stop to see what had crashed. From the smoking pit emerges the damned one, Kagato. He holds the Necronomicon close to his chest as he slowly walks away from the pit. The people who had stayed to witness the arrival of Kagato are now his deadite slaves as Kagato is a walking plague of arcane death. He need only take the slightest glance or gesture towards any normal human and they become part of his undead army. Suddenly the pit from which Kagato emerged spews lava and the surrounding ground cracks. A hellish roar is heard and out from the pit comes a large demon, with razor teeth and fire for hair. This demon is the first of many overseers that will aid Kagato in his quest for slaughter. “I will be back shortly.” Kagato says to the demon. “Yes sir!” the demon replies and starts what he was sent to do, kill, slaughter and resurrect the dead for Kagato’s army. Kagato reverts back into the red light and starts to cross the Pacific Ocean to Japan. “Soon Tenchi, I will make you suffer!” He says *Washu’s Lab* “Ah! He has landed......and he is headed this way!” Washu yells and runs to tell everyone. In the kitchen everyone is eating breakfast, silently waiting for the news of Kagato. Noone is really depressed about it.....just ready for it. Washu enters and everyone already knows what she is going to say. “Kagato landed in Los Angeles, he is now crossing the Pacific and is on his way here. We have, 4 hours until he reaches Japan.” “Ok...Thank you Washu. Alright everyone, we have 4 hours to get prepared!” Tenchi says. *outside the house, 3 hours to go* There is still no light outside, not even the moon or starts can be seen. The Evil has already started to corrupt the forest, and the ghastly fog has started to spread throughout the land. Everyone is sitting in a group, inside the house, talking about various things, mainly about the upcoming battle and battles past. “You all remember what I told you right?” Ash looks around at everyone. “Yeah...” Everyone says. “So....What should I do?” Nobuyuki said “Well...you got any “special” powers or skills?” Asks Ash. “Well.....im good with the ladies!” Nobuyuki smiles. “I don’t think that will help us...” Ash says. “Father, if things start to get dangerous, just find a safe place to hide.” Said Tenchi. “That’s another thing im good at.” Nobuyuki says and laughs. All the girls just frown in disgust. “Anyway.....from what you’ve told me about this Kagato character he was a jerk to begin with, so that doesn’t make our fight any easier.” Ash says. “Well, we’ve had our share of tough battles...just none like this before....” Tenchi says. Tenchi notices Ash’s new weapons. ~Hmmm...why didn’t I notice those earlier?~ He thinks to himself “Did Washu make those for you?” He asks. “Huh?.....oh My spiffy new shotgun, and chainsaw? Heh yup there great aren’t they?” Ash says proudly. “Of course they are I made them! They are nothing short of perfection!” Washu boasts with a smile. “The weapons you had when you arrived were pretty primitive, how did you survive with such weapons?” Ryoko asks. “Hey they may have been primitive to you but that shotgun and chainsaw were all I had, and they were damn good for kickin evil’s butt at the time.” Ash smiles “But these new and improved weapons will do fine and dandy against Kaga-dork and his deadite army.” “We sure don’t have anything like this on the Galaxy Police force.” Mihoshi looks at Ash’s weapons. Ryoko smiles “I like your attitude Ash.” “Indeed, you are valiant, in a crass and reckless sort of way.” said Ayeka. “Thanks...I think.” Ash says Sasami laughs”I don’t think my sister meant to insult you Ash but she is right!” “Oh really?”Ash laughs. Ash notices everyone has their attention so set upon him for guidance in this upcoming battle he starts to feel the pressure of it all. “Now listen, I know you guys aren’t amateurs when it comes to fighting evil, and I know your not weak. But if I get possessed....confine me, trap me, do what ever you can to keep me from attacking you...if it comes down to it, you may have to kill me.” Ash says. “It wont come to that, but if it ever did.....I would do what I had to....” Ryoko says “Ryoko you cant kill him!” Sasami yells “Sasami....its alright it wont come to that surely we could just confine him.” Ayeka says “In any case we are as ready as we ever will be.” Washu says “So....I take it you ladies aren’t from around here, so now that you’ve heard my story...how did you all end up here?” Ash asks and looks around at all the girls. “Well, I am from the royal family of Jurai and I was searching for my brother when...” Ayeka is suddenly interrupted “Ah you don’t want to hear her story, it’s BORING! My story however is quite exciting right Tenchi?” Ryoko grins widely. “Ryoko, what do you think you’re doing? Im trying to tell MY story, how rude! And just what are you insinuating about Lord Tenchi?” Ayeka demands. “Tenchi knows what im talking about....right Tenchi?” Ryoko snuggles up to Tenchi. “What are you talking about?” Tenchi says. “Rubbish!, I’ve had enough of your lies Ryoko!” Ayeka’s face starts to turn red. Ryoko and Ayeka continue to argue but eventually everyone gets to tell their story. *Washington D.C. 1 hour to go* “Mr. President, the hubble captured some photos of a strange anomaly shortly before the world went to hell in a handbasket.” Says a general The President holds the photos in his hands and looks them over.“What is it?” said the President. “We’re not sure sir, but we do think it has something to do with an object said to have crashed in LA. Details are fuzzy, seeing how we only have Morris Code to communicate...” The general said. “You still think China or Japan has something to do with this?” The President looks at the general. “Unlikely sir, the damage is global, it doesn’t make sense for the enemy to destroy itself as well.” The general says. “The question is what do we do about it?” The President looks around the room. “Where is everyone else anyway? Said the President. “Well sir, most of your cabinet was on a plane that crashed when everything shutdown. The Secretary of Defense died when his pacemaker malfunctioned. The Vice President is missing, and the other ranking officers such as myself are AWOL......(clears throat). I’ve gotten word that whatever it was that crashed in LA seems to be heading across the Pacific, so for now we seem to be safe.” “Safe?...noone is safe....this is madness........” The President says. *Tokyo, Japan 0 hours to go* The red light impacts into Tokyo Tower, and the tower comes crashing down. It starts to snow as Kagato emerges from the twisted mass of metal that was once Tokyo Tower. Most of the Civilians crowd the streets in riot, torches and candles to light their way. The police, along with the Japanese military try to settle the crowd, with tear gas and rubber bullets, but this only seems to anger the crazy mob further. Kagato appears in between the rioters and the police/military and all goes silent. Rioters and police alike back off a little and stare and this strange looking man who had just appeared out of thin air. Finally after a few moments a rioter runs up and strikes Kagato with a bat. The bat spontaneously combusts as does the man. His blackened skeleton flops to the ground and everyone within view of the horrific scene is petrified with fear. Kagato merely smiles and suddenly flies high above the crowd. The ground starts to shake and buildings start to topple over. Now both rioters and police scramble in panic to get clear of the falling buildings. The Military however is a little bolder and holds their ground. A pit forms in the street and yet another demon emerges from the brimstone. This one is larger than the previous one and it has green fire for hair. The white snow, quickly turns into crimson red rain, and streets fill with blood. The blood and snow mix, making a disgusting red slush. “Im comming Tenchi!” Kagato yells. *The Masaki house* Sasami is in the kitchen washing the dishes from lunch, everyone else is in Washu’s lab getting ready for the fight. “Well, this is it, he has landed in Tokyo...” Said Washu. “So far its like in the dream you and Sasami had.....” Ayeka says and looks at Ash. “Yeah, but no worries we didn’t see how it ended....Im pretty sure well come out on top.” Ash says confidently. “Of course well will!” Mihoshi says with a smile. “We had better...the whole world is depending on us...” Ryoko said. “Yes, the whole world is depending on us...” Tenchi said. “Oh come on! When you say it like that it doesn’t sound very fun!” Ash says jokingly. “It’s amazing how you can be so easy going at a time like this Ash.” Yosho says. “Hey, the undead, the fog, hacking killer zombies to pieces with an axe, being terrorized by demons...in my line of work you kinda get used to this kinda thing. Its just another day at work for me.” Ash smiles. “Well im glad you’re here to help us Ash...we probably couldn’t get through this without you...” Tenchi says and shakes Ash’s hand. A scream is heard from the kitchen and Sasami comes running into the lab with blood all over her apron. “B,B, BLOOD!” She cries. Everyone runs over to her to see if she is hurt. “Are you alright Sasami?!” Said Tenchi who inspects the apron “What happened?” Mihoshi said. “Is she hurt?! Let me see!” Ayeka “N, no its not my blood *sniff sniff* I was washing the dishes and all of a sudden, the water turned into blood...and, and it got all over me!!!” She starts to cry. “Bastard book....lets get that apron off of her....” Said Ash. “Yes and I’d like to see that apron, I need to run a few tests on it.” “Alright, it’ll be ok Sasami, just let me get this off of you...” Tenchi says. He takes off her apron and hands it to Yosho who then hands it to Washu. “Thank you, I’ll take that!” Wahsu grabs the apron and takes it over to table to analyze the blood. “I’ll be right back...” Ash says and leaves the lab. Ash walks into the kitchen and slowly approaches the sink. Hesitantly he turns on the faucet....nothing, no water or blood. ~Well at least I didn’t get soaked with blood~ Ash thinks to himself. Suddenly the sink starts to shake and the drain spews blood all over the ceiling and all over Ash. “.....I spoke too soon” He says. Ash then gets an odd feeling and something tells him to peer out the window above the sink. He sees the fog, so thick only the first row of trees that begin the forest can be seen. The feeling grows stronger and Ash can sense the Book nearby. “Hey....you guys.....Tenchi, everyone...come here!” he yells and everyone runs to the kitchen. “What is it Ash?.....Whoa! What happened? Did you turn on the faucet?” “Yes but that’s not important right now.” Ash takes a deep breath. “He’s here....Kagato is nearby...” “Did you seen him?!” Ryoko asks. “No...no I can feel the Necronomicon’s power, it is close...very close.” Ash says. Tenchi looks back at his father “Father stay close, if a fight breaks out find somewhere to hide, and keep Sasami safe.” “Okay Tenchi whatever you say.” Nobuyuki says feeling kinda useless. “No Tenchi I want to help you!” Sasami says. “Sasami...this is going to be very dangerous....you should stay where its safe.” Tenchi says “But, but I can help! I want to fight!” “Please Sasami we don’t want you getting hurt.” Ayeka says. “Myia!” Ryo-ohki said and hopped up to Sasami. Tenchi bends down and smiles. “You can keep Sasami company too ok Ryo-ohki?” “Myiaaa!” She replies. “Ok Tenchi.....I’ll stay where it’s safe....” Sasami says obviously bummed out. “Eww! Look at all this blood everywhere! What a mess!” Mihoshi says “How close do you think he is Ash?” Yosho says. “Pretty close.....somewhere outside the house...” Ash replies. “Hmmm that’s strange...what is he waiting for? Why Doesn’t he just attack?” Says Washu. “Shh! Did you heard that?” Ash says and listens closely......Strange sounds start to fill the house. “He is attacking us.....no he’s playing with us...” Suddenly the sink start to erupt a geyser of blood, and various objects start to fly around the room. “Look out!” Tenchi yells as several knifes fly in different directions. “Yaaaa!!!” Mihoshi screams as the oven blows fire Ryoko puts up her force field as various kitchen utensils bounce off of it. “Stay behind me!” she yells to Sasami and Nobuyuki. Ash gets hit in the head by a toaster and falls to the ground. “Oh! Lord Ash? Are you alright?” Ayeka says and bends down and shakes his shoulder. “Uh....yeah...im fine Ayeka, but for some reason im not in much of a mood for toast..” Ash says and rubs his head. Suddenly everything drops to the floor and all goes quite. “Sasami, father, maybe you should go to Washu’s lab. It’s probably safer there....Grandpa, maybe you should go too...” Tenchi says. “I think I will, I haven’t had a nice chat with Washu in awhile....you be carful.....all of you...” Yosho says. “Alright then.....come on Sasami im sure there are plenty of things to do in Washu’s lab.” Nobuyuki says. “Alright....” Sasami said still wanting to stay and help. Moments later nothing has happened for awhile Tenchi, Ash and Ryoko are in the living room while Mihoshi and Ayeka remain in the kitchen. In the livingroom strange noises start to come from every corner of the room......”eraaaakkk!......squeeeeee!!!.......BLAM!!” “What was that!?” Tenchi says a little pale faced. “Its that damn book....” Ash said. “And Kagato....oh Why does he play these games.....COME ON YOU COWARD ATTACK!!!!” Ryoko yells. “Uh Ryoko I wouldn’t do...” Before Ash can finish the sentence a scream comes from the kitchen. “Ahhhh!!!!” Mihoshi screams. Ash, Ryoko, and Tenchi run in to see a very strange sight. The oven has sprouted arms and legs and his chasing Ayeka. The oven door opens and blows fire, slighty catching Ayeka’s back side. “Yeeeeeow!!! HELP!” she yells. “Oh what can I do what can I do!?!” Mihoshi says. The oven hearing Mihoshi’s voice, starts to chase her. The oven runs over the kitchen table smashing is to bits. ‘Ahhhhh! It’s gonna get me!” She yells. “We’ve gotta do something!!” Tenchi yells. “Alright! I’ll handle this!” Ash says “Now lets see...hmmmm lets try one of these....(Ash pushes a button on his shotgun !Freeze ammo engaged! A voice says) Hey! Hot head! (The oven looks at him) Yeah you! You couldn’t cook a decent casserole if your burners depended on it!” (The oven obviously angered by Ash’s words starts to run towards Ash. Ash pulls the trigger and the oven is instantly frozen in its tracks. “Gottcha!!!” Ash yells. “Yay!!!! my hero!!!” Mihoshi overwhelmed with excitement hugs Ash and squeezes him a little too tightly “Oh sorry Ash, I cant help getting so excited...but you saved me!” She smiles. “Yes you saved both of us.” Ayeka smiles. “Yeah...heh...so I did.” Ash walks up to the frozen oven and taps it ever so gently and it shatters into a million pieces. “Nicely done Ash.....but now we don’t have an oven.” Tenchi says with an awkward smile. “Having an oven attack us isn’t what I had in mind....” Ryoko says “Why wont he just show his ugly face!” She continues. “You fools!!!” a voice echos throughout the livingroom. “If you really wish to see me that badly her I am.....Ryoko!!!” Kagato appears in the living room across from Tenchi, Ash and the others. Ryoko’s face twists with anger. “What’s wrong? I though you’d look happier to see me Ryoko!” “Shut up!” Ryoko yells and forms her energy sword. “I’ll stop you for good this time!!!” Ryoko says and charges Kagato. “Ryoko wait!” Tenchi yells “This is gonna get ugly.... ” Ash says and starts up his chain saw. “Yes come at me Ryoko, if you think you can hurt me!” Kagato sneers and takes the full force of Ryoko’s attack as she runs him threw. “What?! It, it didn’t even weaken him!?” Ryoko says a little shocked. “Stupid girl!” Kagato motions his hand and Ryoko is thrown across the room and threw the wall. “You cant hurt me! I am a GOD now!” Kagato sneers. “Ryoko!” Tenchi yells and runs over to check on Ryoko who is bleeding a little from her mouth. “You, you beast!” Ayeka yells “Your not a god you’re a monster! Azaka, Kamidake!” The two guardians appear in front of her. “What is it you wish us to do Princess?” Azaka says. “Destroy this intruder!” Ayeka yells. “Yes ma’am” says Kamidake. “What the hell are those?” Ash says. “You two again? Come now princess this is pathetic!” Kagato puts his fist through the floor in front of him and a pit appears under the advancing guardians. “Bye bye!” Kagato waves as the two guardians are blown through the roof as a pillar of lava spews out from the pit. “And now its your turn princess!” Kagato is about to attack Ayeka when he feels the blast of a gun strike his back. He turns to see Mihoshi shaking with fear but ready to fire again. “Y,you better leave her alone!” She says in a quivering voice. “Or you’ll do what little miss Galaxy Police?” Kagato snickers. “Or I’ll do this!” Three shots hit Kagato from the side and he yells in aggravation. “What’s this?...Acid?” Kagato turns to see Ash with his shotgun still pointed at him. “And who are you?” Kagato asks. While Kagato is talking to Ash Tenchi helps Ryoko up. “Come on Ryoko...easy now.” Ryoko gets to her feet. “Its not that bad...he just caught me of guard.....” She looks down. “Tenchi I know it was stupid of me to just charge at him like that....I..” “It’s ok Ryoko..we all lose control sometimes..” He smiles “Thanks Tenchi.....now lets help Ash!” She smiles back. “So you’re the enemy I have been told of..” Kagato says. “Told of? What do I have my own fan club or something?” Ash says. “This is no time for jokes you foolish mortal! You have caused us enough trouble!!!” Kagato’s eyes glow red and the floor starts to shake. Five deadites rise from the ground and stand ready. “Tear this mortal to pieces!” Kagato commands and the zombies run towards Ash. “All right you puss bags, come get some!” Ash slices the first deadite in half and it’s upper body falls to the ground while the legs still attempt to attack. The legs are blasted to pieces by laser fire. “Yeah got one!” Mihoshi yells. Another deadite jumps on Ash’s back. “Get off me, you walking worm buffet!” Ash aims his shotgun over his shoulder and right into the zombies mouth !BLAM! Pieces of the zombies head fly through the air and the rotted body flops to the ground. Another deadite gets surrounded by what looks like tiny logs who seem to be charging up. The zombie looks around at the objects in confusion and is then suddenly fried as they attack with burning lightning. “Ahhhhhhgghh!” the zombie screams. “That’s what you get!” Ayeka yells. Ash cuts the next zombie in half but the two halves take Ash down with them and Ash is now fighting on the floor with the halved zombie. The last zombie comes up behind the distracted Ash and is about to stab him with a spear when it is suddenly blasted by an energy ball. “Undead bastards!” Ryoko says. The zombie gets blown to bits. Ash fights off the halved zombie and blasts it a few times. Everyone is now in a group and stand ready for what ever Kagato may throw at them “Come on four eyes!” Ash yells “Four eyes?!? YOU shall die for such....” “That’s enough!” A bright light fills the room “Ahhhh the light!!” Two voices yell from Kagato’s body “You will leave now and never return!” Says the voice Kagato obviously in pain starts to back away. “Argh!!!.....So....its you....Tsunami!” Everyone turns to see Sasami engulfed in the image of Tsumani. The blinding light radiating throughout the house. “It’s Tsunami!” Ayeka yells. “You cant protect them Tsunami! I shall destroy you as well!” Kagato says and quickly starts to charge a powerful attack. “I don’t think so pasty.” Ash says and smiles. “What!?” Kagato looks at Ash and is hit by three explosive shells. “Everyone get back!” Ash yells as the shells explode, blowing Kagato out of the house through a nearby window. Inside the house everyone is coughing from the dust of the explosion. “Where did he go?” Ryoko asks. “Kagato?...I think Ash blew him out of that window over there...” Suddenly a bright green shield covers the house. Outside the house Kagato quickly rises in anger, his clothes smoking from the blast. “You little-ahhhhgh!!!” Kagato yells in pain when he tries to enter the house. “What’s this?!....a shield?.....but how!?!” Kagato demands. Washu enters the living room. “You like my little shield Kagato?” Washu sneers. “You? How could you create a shield so fast?!” Kagato yells in a rage. “Well I had help...” Washu looks over at Tsunami. “You cannot pass through this shield. It specifically repels the evil of that book you posses.” Tsunami says. “Well then....(Kagato smiles) I’ll be in Tokyo Tenchi! If you wish to stop me from turning this world into a dead rock floating in space come and face me! And bring Ash with you!” Kagato snickers and disappears. “That seemed too easy...” Ayeka said “It’s simple....he wants us to come to him.” Ryoko replied. Tsunami disappears and Sasami falls to the ground. Everyone runs over to her. “Sasami, Sasami are you alright?” Ayeka says and holds Sasami in her arms. “I hope she is ok...” Ash says. Sasami slowly opens her eyes “Yes....im fine just weak. It took a lot of power for Tsunami to help Washu with that shield.” She goes unconscious. “Lets get her to a bed.” Says Tenchi Mihoshi and Ayeka go with Tenchi to put Sasami to bed. Ryoko stays behind to help Ash clean up the livingroom a little. “Ash?” She says. “Huh?, what is it Ryoko?” Ash says. “What do you think Kagato meant when he said {You have caused us enough trouble}?” “Hmmmm...I don’t know..but I guess we’ll find out when we go to Tokyo...” He says. End of chap3