An Xover story by Sakuya Kumashiro; as told to Thomas Holmes Summary: A Sakuya's POV Nintenchi fic. Sakuya loses her powers? And The Illusionator strikes again? Can Sakuya survive this new attack? And do you think I'm using too many question marks? Copyright stuff: All Tenchi Muyo is copyright AIC/Pioneer, as if you didn't know. Everything else is copyright Nintendo, except for Maelin, which I don't know. Table of Contents: Prologue (or: No Need for Arguing) Chapter 1: Power Shutdown! (or: No Need for Illusion Poke Ball Creation) Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home (or: No Need for a Diagnosis) Chapter 3: Back With A Vengeance! (or: No Need for The Illusionator) Chapter 4: Creator Confronted (or: No Need for a Mother) Last time on Nintenchi! Our runaway torpedopod crash-landed next to Sakura of the Cardcaptors. To capture the Rift Card we needed the World's Wand, which Sakuya had picked up in Hyrule. So Sakuya captured the card and rifted us back to Nintendia. Nintenchi! (or: No Need for a Power Switch) Sakuya's Episode Fade Out (or: No Need for Powers) Prologue (or: No Need for Arguing) Ryo-ohki pulled open the curtain. And Azaka and Kamadake were there, as usual. But they didn't notice. "Why didn't Tom let US be in this series?" "We are very important characters." "And further... oops! We're on!" "Yikes! Azaka, we're going yto be in trouble now!" "Just do the intro, Kamadake." "Oh. OK. Hello, Nintenchi fans. This episode starts a new innovation in Nintenchi!" "Even though people have done it before!" "Yes... Anyway, this is the first in a series of stories told by people OTHER than Tom." "Isn't that amazing? Anyway, our first character will be the loveable Sakuya!" "Loveable? I thought WE were supposed to be loveable." "Yes, but... um... it's hard to explain..." "Ooh! I think Azaka has a crush on Sakuya!" "I do not! We are the Guardians of Jurai. We do not get crushes on people." "Stop arguing already!" yelled Sakuya from offstage. "It's my turn!" And so it was... Chapter 1 Power Shutdown (or: No Need for Illusion Poke Ball Creation) We were in the Mushroom Kingdom, when a totally unexpected sound came from a totally unexpected direction. The sound was: "I want to go back to Japan!" And it was coming from... me. As Azaka and Kamadake said, I'm Sakuya. And this is MY side of the story. So you heard it here first, folks. A 1day in the life of Sakuya Kumashiro. But one that, as you may have already figured out, had many totally unexpected events. Anyway, I had just blurted out that totally unexpected comment when Tom made a totally unexpected answer: "OK." Yes! He had agreed to leave his... er... Grand Overseer-dom. (It just doesn't seem right to call him a king. He calls himself Grand Overseer, so there.) We were going back to Okayama! I'm sure the others were relieved to hear this. But Maelin said: "I want to stay here. Or go back to my world!" "We could use you." said Ryoko. "Stay with us." "For once, Ryoko's right." said Ayeka. "We could use her to keep Sakuya out of our way." I, of course, was a bit annoyed by this. So annoyed, in fact, that I decided to put their tempers on ice, Sakuya-style! "ILLUSION..." "Oh, no, not on Ayeka!" shouted Tenchi. Ryoko immediately commented, "Hey, Sakuya's got the right idea!" "POKE..." "What? A Pokemon?" "BALL... CREATIO rN!" I expected an Articuno to pop out and use Ice Beam on Ayeka. Yes, I was THAT annoyed. But, for some strange reason, it didn't work. No Poke Ball. "OK, let's try that again. ILLUSION... POKE... BALL... CREATION!" Again, nothing. "What's... happening to me?" I said. "Hmm..." Washu looked like she was coming up with an idea. Of course. "Well, I'm sure I'll be able to run a few tests and find out what's wrong with you." "You don't NEED to run tests. EVERYTHING is wrong with her." said Ryoko. "That's our Ryoko." said Tom, apparently expecting that kind of response. He pulled out a small metal device with "Nintendia" and "Silph Co." emblazoned on it and pressed the button. (Silph Co. makes most of the products used in Nintenchi.) A large, 3-D "N" appeared. "The N64 logo." he explained. "We KNOW, it's not like we haven't played N64." said Tenchi. "OK, then, let's go." said Tom. As I squeezed into the "N" I thought, "What if I've pe —rmanently lost my powers? Can any good possibly come out of that? Not unless Tenchi liked me better because of it, which is unlikely, but still possible." Quite a long thought, don't you... ZZZAAAPPP! Chapter 2 Home Sweet Home (or: No Need for a Diagnosis) (Okayama) ..think? We stepped out of the "N" (Tom later called it a "Warp Zone.") and into Tenchi's house. Then Washu took me down to her lab, where she put me onto a special platform. Then, red beams shot out of projectors and scanned me. I was not quite comfortable with the idea of being scanned. But then Washu said, "It seems the effects of the model S despectralizer triangle I made worked..." "YOU made that thing?" I said. I was astonished! I remembered the triangle with an S on it Tenchi had used to save my lifeforce before he went off to Yugi (he told me all about it. The Illusionator must not have been there, as she thought Yugi was dead when she wasn't.) but I had no clue Washu made it! "Yep, I made it, and someone came in and took it. And , as unbelievable as it seems, I think it was Tom!" said Washu, before I said, even more astonished than before, "It was TOM who went in with the triangle? HE was the one who saved me?" "What, you didn't see him when the monkey showed up? He was sneaking away with it." Obviously she didn't know Tom didn't walk straight up to me and say "Hey, Sakuya, here's a model S despectralizer triangle with a built-in anti- umbradisintegrating phantasmal stabilizer! You can give this to Tenchi and it'll save you from being destroyed by Yugi. Thanks!" I just found it on the ground, along with a note explaining the magic words signed: "A secret admirer (in the look-up-to-you sort of way)". But since at the time I was under the control of Yugi, she thought Tenchi would never see it. How was I supposed to know I would meet the writer of the note and go through several adventures? "Anyway, it appears going through all those interdimensional rifts inhibited your powers, eventually blocking them entirely." said Washu. "Oh... so I D guess that means I'm just a normal girl again." I said, disappointed that Washu hadn't found a cure. "I guess so." Chapter 3 Back With A Vengeance! (or: No Need for The Illusionator) (In front of Tenchi's house) "Tom?" I asked later on. "Yeah, Sakuya?" he said. "Why did you do it?" "Why did I do what?" "Bring me back." "Well, the reason I did that was because I knew you wanted to be with Tenchi. I also thought it was very nice of you to sacrifice yourself just to save Tenchi's friends, even if they didn't like you much." "It wasn't much of a sacrifice, now was it?" "Now, I couldn't just leave someone like you in the gap between dimensions, now could I?" Ryoko zipped right through the wall at this moment. "Hey, Tom, what are you doing out here?" she said. "No, no, it's not what you think!!!" said Tom, knowing what Ryoko was going to say. "Go ahead, Sakuya! Apparently Tom cares enough about you to take you to Nintendia, you know he's the one for you..." "Ryoko , what's going on here?" It was Tenchi. "Oh, I just caught your ex-... uh, girlfriend out here with Tom!" "Tenchi, we were just talking about why I brought her back!" said Tom. "What?" said Tenchi. "WHAAAAAAAAAT?" yelled Ryoko. "YOU brought back Sakuya? Why did you have to unleash that... that FREAK back onto the earth? How could you conspire to keep Tenchi away from the one he is meant to be with? It's not fair! I should destroy you!" But before Ryoko could do anything, the ground started to shake. "It's an earthquake!" yelled Tenchi. "Hold it! I feel a strange presence... No! It can't be!" I said. ZEEuuZEEEuuuuuZEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... "That sound, it's... It's The Illusionator!" I said in disbelief. The first time I had heard that sound was when I learned about The Illusionator in my dissipated state. Then I heard it in Tokyo when I first discovered my new hidden powers. And she was back! "Yes, very observant, Sakuya. So, you've lost your powers, eh? I guess that will make it so much easier to destroy you!" And The Illusionator went on the attack. Washu, Kiyone, and Mihoshi ran out. "Everybody, give me the gems!" yelled Tenchi. Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, Kiyone, and Mihoshi complied. "Wait! Tenchi, here! Take mine, too!" It was Tom! He threw another gem towards Tenchi. The gems combined and Tenchi transformed into full battle costume with a big sword! "The added gem must have unlocked the full power of the sword." said Washu. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT SAKUYA!!!" yelled Tenchi as he rushed into battle. He sliced through the fake Illusionators The Illusionator created, then headed for the real one. Then... "Don't try resisting, Tenchi." The Illusionator encased Tenchi in a crystal! "NO! TENCHI!" I shouted. "Sakuya... only one hope left... get Y..." But then Tenchi was frozen in place. "Who's here that begins with a Y?" I said, puzzled. "So, Sakuya, I guess it's time to MEET YOUR MAKER!" shouted The Illusionator... "THAT'S IT!!!" I said. "Thanks, Illusionator." And I rushed off to where I knew the only hope was... C hapter 4 Creator Confronted (or: No Need for a Mother) (Yugi's cave) "Yugi! Please help us. Please..." I said. I was in a cold place, where a young girl I knew was Yugi slept in a glass coffin. At my voice her eyes slowly opened. Then the top of her enclosure did the same. "Sakuya? But I..." "I'll tell you the details later. The Illusionator is attacking, you have to help us!" I hoped for the best. I got it. "All right! Let's do it!" Just then, she transformed into an older girl with hair that stood up. We exited the cave and went back to the battlefield. (In front of Tenchi's house. Tenchi is still frozen.) "You're like a bad tire, Illusionator..." I said. "You're about to get a factory recall!" "Yugi!" everyone shouted. "Now this battle is getting interesting. HYA!" The Illusionator sent huge blocks crashing down on Yugi. They all missed. Then The Illusionator split and attacked Yugi from all sides. I thought Yugi couldn't dodge it, but then... "Ta da! Wow, our moment in the spotlight!" "Yes, and savi ng a former bad guy, no less!" It was Azaka and Kamadake with a force field! "WHAT?" shouted the Illusionator. "Now to finish you off!" said Yugi, and sent an energy blast! "Looks like The Illusionator's blasting off again!" shouted The Illusionator as she was thrown into the sky. (Entrance to Yugi's cave) "So that's how you got back!" said Yugi that night after she had unfrozen Tenchi. "Hmm, Sakuya, I guess you aren't as useless as I thought. But there is the matter of your powers... I guess there's only one way for them to be restored. Sakuya, you are going to have to assimilate me." "What? No, Yugi, I couldn't do that! You created me, I can't put you inside myself that way!" I said, astonished. "Please do it, Sakuya. It's for your own good. And I really ¯want to do what's best for my... no, not my shadow... my daughter." That word triggered something in my mind. I remembered my tortured past, one where I couldn't remember anything before Tenchi... my home... is Tenchi's now... my family... is Tenchi's now... I felt like I had to listen to Yugi... for Tenchi. "I'll do it... Mom." I held out my hand to Yugi's. I felt my power returning! "Oh... Sakuya. That was so... touching." said Sasami. "Yeah, I'm moved. OK, can we go back now?" said Ryoko. "All right." said Tom. He brought out his device and created the Warp Zone. And that is the end of my story. Hope you enjoyed it! To Be Continued Preview of Next Episode (Ryoko over scenes from Episode 4) It's-a me, Ryoko! We're back in Nintendia, and this time we're going to try to save the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser. The next episode of the new Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction Series is: "Mushroom Muyo!" (or: No Need for Plumbers) It's super! Mario even!