the DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! and whatever came after or whatever
        anything it's based on is property of AIC and Pioneer.
        Metal Gear Solid is property of SCEA, Konami, etc.

Format: The continuation of the Metal Gear Solid and TM/Universe 

Summary: After Sasami was rescued, the enterrouge headed back for 
     Earth.  With no time left to lose, everybody that's going back
     to the Galaxy Police Station must prepare for a nasty battle.
     Otherwise, those that aren't will stay at the shrine.

            METAL GEAR: TENCHI
        Episode 5: The Final Preparations On Earth

Scene: The Masaki Shrine where preparations had started...

(Washu and Otacon are doing maintenance work on the Yagami.  Washu is 
quite active as usual, but Otacon is a bit silent.)
Washu: Hey, you OK?  You look like crap...
Otacon: I'm alright...I just hadn't slept since the withdrawl...
Washu: Two days, huh?  Go ahead and get some sleep while I work on this!
Otacon: Are you sure about that?  Yagami is a rather large ship...
Washu: HEY!  Who d'ya think you're talkin' to, huh?
Otacon: Lemme guess..."The greatest scientific genius in the universe."
Washu: YUP!!  Say it without enthusiasm, and kiss your ass good-bye!
Otacon: ...  Well, I'll go ahead and rest now...
Washu: Sweet dreams!
(Mei Ling comes in carrying some refreshments with her.)
Mei Ling: Thirsty, anyone?
Otacon: (headed off to the house) No, thank you...
Washu: Yeah...I'll have sumthin'!
Mei Ling: (hands the glass of lemonade) Here...
Washu: (downs the glass in seconds) >>BUUUURRRRP!<<  Thanks! (Continues
    working on the Yagami)
Mei Ling: (in a low tone) Dirty little elf!
Washu: What was that?!
Mei Ling: Nothing!

(Meanwhile, Tenchi is helping Dr. Naomi Hunter in the kitchen making
some food similar to C-Rations.  Somehow, the atmosphere seems to be
Naomi: Wow, Tenchi!  You're pretty good at cooking!
Tenchi: I learned a little from Sasami.
Naomi: For a...what was her age?  Six?
Tenchi: 708.
Naomi: (Shocked)...Seven...hundred...eight?
Tenchi: Yeah.
Naomi: ...Anyway, for a little girl, she can cook very well.  She 
       already helped doing half of what is probably needed on this
Tenchi: (sniffs the air for a second) Hey, what's that perfume you're
Naomi: Perfume?
Tenchi: Yeah...Smells pretty good.  I'm just wondering what it is...
Naomi: I'm not wearing perfume...!
Tenchi: !
(Suddenly, Ryoko phases thorugh the wall in front of Tenchi and almost
tackles him.)
Ryoko: Oh, Tenchi!  Don't tell me you're leaving me for Naomi!!
(Suddenly, Ayeka enters from another room...Y'all know what to expect!)
Ayeka: Ryoko!  What do you think you're doing?!!!  We're supposed to
       help the Colonel make tranquilizer darts!
Ryoko: Is that so?  Why are YOU wearing that perfume Tenchi was smelling
Naomi: ?  (Starts getting pissed) Would you two cut it out?!  We're 
       trying to WORK!!
(While this goes on, Kiyone is about to pass Col. Roy Campbell before she
stops to greet him.)
Kiyone: What's up, Colonel?
Campbell: Those two left and there's still a lot of darts to make!
Kiyone: I'm not doing anything right now, so I'll help!
Campbell: Bless your heart!
(As the two start working on the darts, Mihoshi drops by...With a cold.)
Mihoshi: Is there any medicine here?  (Spots the darts) Ah!  Here it is?
Campbell: What?
Kiyone: No, don't!! (Mihoshi has already injected herself with one dart)
    ...Too late.
Mihoshi: (dizzy, and moves around like a drunk) I'm feeling a little
     sleepy...(drops down on the ground) zzzZZZzzzZZZ
Campbell: Well, at least we know the darts will have an effect on the 
Kiyone: Until she wakes up, we don't have to worry about her breaking
(Meanwhile, Snake and Grandpa Katsuhito are in the shrine meditating.)
Snake: Are the things that those people are doing normal?
Grandpa: Yes.
Snake: ...damn.
(Nobuyuki stops by with a few snacks for Snake and Grandpa)
Nobuyuki: Hey, guys!
Grandpa: Ah...Brought a few snacks, have you?  OK, Snake...Let's eat.
Snake: OK.

Scene: The Yagami's cockpit in Space

(Night has fallen, and the preparations are complete.  The Yagami is 
full, carrying the Masaki house, the group, and a hell of a lot of other
things...  Soon, the Galaxy Police Station is in view.)
Minagi:'s come down to this, has it?
Nagi: I slept very well yesterday, yourself?
Minagi: Yeah...
Campbell: OK, here's the basic plan: Minagi, you'll take the first 15
      floors; Nagi, you'll take the second 15 floors; Snake will...
Tenchi: (interrrupts) I'll take the third 15...
Campbell: Are you up to it?
Tenchi: (transforms into his Jurai battle armor while activating the
    Tenchi Master Key) I'm pretty sure...
Campbell: Don't do anything stupid...And stay alive.  I don't want to
      have your death on my conscience...
Tenchi: Got it!
Campbell: Then it's final...Snake has the last 15 floors.  There's only
      one codec left, so each floor that you've passed through, 
      contact me at frequency 141.12.  I want you all to meet back
      alive to figure this little riddle of a mission out!
Tenchi: Wait!  I thought Nagi or Minagi knew of what was going on!
Minagi: I dunno why the Chief betrayed the GP!
Nagi: I'm clueless as to why everyone here is being hunted...
Tenchi: Oh.
(The door slides open, and Solid Snake enters, wearing his Sneaking 
Suit, and armed with a SOCOM that's loaded with the tranquilizer darts.)
Snake: So the plans are final...Any objections to them? (all is silent)
       None, huh?  Get ready, then.  We're about to enter enemy 
       territory...There's no turning back.

                                    TO BE CONTINUED...