"Every Need for a Masquerade" Tenchi Muyo in the World of Darkness by Magus the Dark e-mail: magus_the_dark@hotmail.com, magus@big-brains.com C & C welcome Of course, I came up with neither Tenchi Muyo nor the World of Darkness. All appropiate copyrights apply. Chapter 1 - Awakenings and Dreamings Dark. Very dark. I tried to moved, but found my movement restricted, as though I was in a box. "I can't believe that they locked me in a coffin. Those bastards," I thought as I began to hit the top. I could've knocked the lid clear off, but I didn't want to be caught in any sunlight. They would love such irony. I slowly forced the door open, feeling the lid's locks as they resisted every movement upward. I was relieved to see the Apollo did not shine down on me. I continued to slowly open it, and when I had opened it, I snuck out. Then it hit me. Hunger. Ravenous hunger. Unfortunately, I was in a crypt of sorts. I was the only inhabitant, living or dead. "Surely they must have guards outside," I thought as I snuck up to the door. It was airtight, so I had no way of knowing if the sun was waiting for me or not. I cracked the door just a little, and when I was satisfied that the light was from unnatural lighting, I charged out, and met what was to be my first meal in a long time. The guard could never have reacted quikcly enough to stop me. I feasted upon his mortal blood. "Hmmmm...you'd figure that they'd guard me themselves." No longer ravenous, I turned, striking with all of my might. The fool who thought that he had the drop on an Elder was knocked clear across my 'crypt.' It was then that I knew it was nighttime, no Kindred , especially one as weak as him, could stay awake during the day. I wasted no time, and drank of him completely. The taste was watery in my mouth. The Sabbat must be desperate to create Kindred so weak. This one must have been 12 places removed from Caine. Having finished, I licked my lips. I had not tasted such vital stuff for quite some time. I tried to remember what had happened to bring me to where I was. * * * "Good night, Tenchi!" Aeka said as she went to bed herself. She went into her room. Ryoko still clung a bit to Tenchi, "Thank you for leaving him all to me, princess!" Aeka quickly flung the door back open, "Ryoko! You are shameless! Can't you see that Tenchi is tired? Of course, a person who is as insensitive as you could never spot such things." This infuriated Ryoko, and she stormed over to Aeka. "At least I'm not so prudish that I won't give a hug to the one I love!" Ryoko shouted. Tenchi decided to count his blessings that he wasn't between them at the moment and bolted for his door. He slipped in and undressed, the two girls still bitching outside. Suddenly, the voice of Sasami can be heard, followed by Aeka, then by Ryoko. Aeka, then Ryoko, then Aeka, then Ryoko. Then a crash is heard. Tenchi shuddered a little, but he knew that there was no force that could have propelled him out the door. Except one, but she only tried that when she got Tenchi alone in her lab. "Certainly she must be down there, right?" Tenchi thought to himself. "God, most guys would kill for my life. I would kill to get out. Most of my colleagues would consider me a fool, but they don't realize the complications involved. The grass is always greener on the other side of fence, I guess." With that, Tenchi went to sleep, unknowing that his life was about to be complicated by one more factor. * * * The year was 1878. Japan had opened its ports for a generation to the Americans. My clan, deciding to set up truly permanent business enterprises, asked me to start a business venture. Never one to pass up opportunity, I went. Soon after I arrived, I was ambushed by the villianous Sabbat and their native friends. Even as powerful as I am, I succumbed to their powerful Kindred. I had not known yet that I was asleep for 120 years, resting off the damage. I figured that I was asleep for much longer, especially considering how that gun looked. I was used to muskets, not guns like that. I took the gun anyway, thinking that it might come in handy. I opened the door to the world outside my crypt and guardroom and walked out. * * * I walked out into the evening air, and realized that I was about as far as one could get from civilization. Although I am a powerful Elder, running into a pack of Werewolves didn't sound like my idea of an enjoyable evening. I had to find some kind of civilization quickly, lest I end up kibble. I found a road and followed it, until I came to a roadsign. It was then that I knew exactly where I was. Turns out that those Sabbat fools kept me here in Japan. I could only make out a few words, although it was better than when I missed Hastings. Imagine my surprise when I visited some fellow clansmen in England and found a bit of French in their vocabulary. However, now I saw that this language had undergone a pretty good overhaul. I knew Japanese fluently, but I figured that I would appear to be a total outsider. It would not make things easier. I continued along down the road, when a pair of lights pointed at me. I stared for a moment, completely unsure of what I was looking at. Then I activated my infravision. My eyes glowed red as I saw what looked to be a vehicle heading my way at a high rate. Granted, if they had hit me, I would've barely felt it, and they would've been destroyed in the crash. My own kind, however, would've forced me to answer for that. I wisely jumped out of the way, cursing in Japanese towards the vehicle. When the vehicle stopped after it had passed me, I realized that some things about a language just don't change. Two young Japanese teenage males got out, with females staring after them in the vehicle. I told them to lay off and just go. They chuckled, "Oh, is the poor pale man scared? Hmm, white boy?" It took all of my self-control to keep from ripping them limb from limb right then. However, I kept my cool and continued, "Listen, just get in your car and forget that you ever met me." If I could've gotten eye contact, they would have been putty in my hands. The trouble was getting that eye contact. Or if the girls weren't there, I'd use my natural ability to sway emotion to make them respect. But that would be too odd to those girls, and I never take any chances with circumstances. The two "tough" Japanese boys were acting for their girlfriends, I assumed. Being the kind of person I am, I knew that if I acted scared, they'd only hit me a time or two and go. The times had changed indeed. One of the boys pulled an advanced pistol of sorts, and pointed it at me. In return, I pulled out my weapon and pointed it at them. Fortunately for me, the gun had not changed basically in the past 120 years. However, the two boys' eyes became suddenly wide as saucers. The boy with the gun whispered, "He's packin' an Uzi!" His friend nodded. The first boy dropped his pistol and raised his hands. The other boy dropped a knife that he was palming and raised his hands in turn. They both quickly ran to their vehicle and sped away. I had no idea what an Uzi was, but it certainly scared them away. Figuring that this gun was the mystical Uzi, I tossed it aside. I would rather trust my body or a melee weapon than a gun. I continued down the road, wondering what I'd see next. I didn't have long to wonder. Soon enough, I was standing in front of a mailbox that read "Masaki residence and family shrine." "Shrine," I thought, "That means a lot of people coming and going, meaning that I would have plenty to eat while trying to figure things out." I headed toward the house, not knowing what awaited me. * * * Ryoko's eyes flashed open. She looked around, and tried to go back to sleep. She had this awful feeling that something evil approached. She made up her mind: she would go investigate. She got a very bad feeling about going, though. She phased into Tenchi's room, looking at him for a few moments, then phased out to meet the intruder. * * * I was walking toawrds the house when I heard a voice behind me say, "One move and you're toast!" Granted, I am immortal, but fire can kill me. That was my exact thought at the time. I turned to face my assailant, my night vision on. What I saw surprised me. A cyan-haired girl, no more than 17, wearing clothing that didn't look anything like what everyone else was wearing. I smiled, knowing that one else was around. I began to work my stuff. "Hello, young lady. May I ask you a few questions?" I began, bending her emtions to respect and adore me instantly. Tonight I would enjoy myself. * * * Everyone sat around the table, taking in breakfast, except for Ryoko and the new arrival. No one knew of their new guest, and Ryoko was still in bed. When Ryoko finally came downstairs, everyone wondered what she had done. She was incredibly pale, her hair was disheveled, and she stumbled when she walked. Aeka laughed inside, "Finally awake, Ryoko? You must get more sleep and quit your wild ways!" To everyone's surprise, Ryoko just nodded a little. "What's wrong with me? I should insult her back, no, I'm just too tired. What _did_ I do last night?" Ryoko thought as she feebly sat down at the table. Breakfast continued, and Ryoko was offered some rice. She ate only a little when she collapsed. Everyone, even Aeka, was worried at this point, as it was at this point that Aeka realized what was bothering her: something in this house stunk of pure evil. Aeka looked at Katsuhito for verification; his look affirmed Aeka's worries. Everyone assisted Ryoko to the couch and covered her up. Washu took a blood sample and carried it to her lab, noting how difficult it was to get the blood. Aeka, Tenchi, Katsuhito, Mihoshi, and Sasami returned to the table. There was no point in trying to get to the bottom of a mystery on an empty stomach, but the mood was sombre indeed. * * * In her lab, Washu performed tests on Ryoko's blood. "Hmm. That's odd. Ryoko's blood cell count is down by fifty percent. I wonder what - hold on. Who's here?" Washu spun around to see the new guest, asleep on the floor. Washu approached him. "Hmmm. This might just be the culprit. I think I need to run a few tests. First, to restrain him," Washu thought as she tapped on her keyboard. The sleeping, pale body floated out of a corner of the room and onto a table, where straps bind themselves. "A simple DNA test ought to do the trick," she said to herself, pulling out a syringe. "He looks so noble, but I have to do this," Washu said, drawing a syringe-full of blood. "Odd, he didn't wake up. Oh, well, all the easier for me." A little bit of pain. "Someone stuck me and drew a little blood. Is it worth waking up for? They might draw more. Then again, maybe not. Hold on, I'm bound up! Like hell I'm staying asleep!" my eyes flashed open after the debate in my head. I saw a very young, red-haired girl work on something. I assumed she was a lab assistant. I soon found otherwise. "Little girl? Excuse me, but where is the person who runs this lab?" The little girl suddenly stopped. I saw that her aura was both surprised and enraged. I began to doubt the wisdom in that move. Back in my day, technomancers were beginning to have frustrations with one another. I wouldn't have been surprised that they managed to work omething out. However, I apparently had missed a lot in the last 120 years. I had a feeling that I would pay for it. She turned to me and said, "Are you talking to me?" I thought fast. I had to go back to sleep soon, so I needed her completely pacified. I bent her emotions to me. She then prostrated herself to me. "Washu, don't do that! Pull yourself together!" Washu's rational mind looked at her emotions, which were completely subservient to this creature. Whoever this was, he could make her kneel with a passing thought. Suddenly, her rational mind screamed. Her emotional state was such that she wanted to unbind him, and unbind she did! He then looked her directly in the eyes, and her rational mind had to struggle to avoid being turned into a puppet. She couldn't turn away, though. Within moments, she was a full puppet of the creature. The next thing she knew, he was gone. The clock read 6:00 PM. She had missed the entire day, somehow. She looked at the test results; it was just a touch of aniema. "Thank goodness that it's not what I thought it was," Washu thought as she walked out. I had decided that if I was to be properly introduced, that I had to sneak out at evening and sneak back in. Fortunately, every one was so busy that when the sun set at 5:30, I was out and knocking on the door. I was greeted at the door by another young woman, with purple hair. If this was natural or not was beyond me. All I knew was that she too looked young, and that I would feast on her eventually. Instead of bending her to my will, I simply forced her to treat me with a great deal of respect. When I asked if the man of the house was in, the young lady told me that he was still at work. Imagine my luck spotting the young man by the cyan-haired girl that I had feasted upon the night before! I asked to speak with that young man. At first she respectfully denied my request, but I bent her will to mine. She then got the young man. The young man was very odd. He was simultaneously weak of will and strong of will. Either way, he was a mere mortal. I was soon invited to dinner without any questions asked. Inside, I saw the technomancer, last night's meal, a blonde lady, the purple-haired girl, and the young man. He began to introduce them all. The technomancer demanded to be called "Little Washu." The purple-haired girl was named "Aeka," the delicious young lady was named "Ryoko," and the blonde was called "Mihoshi." The young man introduced himself as "Tenchi." Even though everyone had Japanese names, I saw only one Japanese person, that being the Tenchi fellow. When asked my name, I thought fast, and spewed out the first name that came to my mind. They called me "Tokugawa." Fitting, a ruler taking another ruler's name. It was then that Tenchi decided to introduce me to a man he called "Grandpa." When I asked his name, he responded with "Katsuhito." However, I could tell that Aeka, Ryoko, Tenchi, and Washu all distrusted me. I was beginning to wonder if this wasn't a meeting ground for witch-hunters. "I certainly must be on my guard," I thought as we approached the shrine. Katsuhito was an odd one. He smelled coming as only a Werewolf could. Why else would he be waiting for me. However, I put on a very noble essence about me. No one would even dare slight me, much less kill me. Instantly, he distrusted me. I greeted him as "Tokugawa," he used his name of "Katsuhito." Everyone here distrusted me, it would seem. I didn't blame them. I talked to Katsuhito, talking to him about his shrine. He revealed very little to me. What I did gather proved useful later on. Soon, it was time for dinner. That was when I met the last extraordinary person, one Sasami. When at dinner, I saw the little girl, and asked her name. When told "Sasami," I knew that she would be a fine meal. Such youth, such energy. Fortunately for all Kindred, mortals take an almost sexual pleasure from our feedings. I chuckled inwardly, for Sasami's first orgasm was to be with me. I wasn't going to rob her of her virginity, but I was going to show her the greatest bliss she will know for a long time. Of course, I wasn't in a rush. There would still be plenty of time. Later on, I met Tenchi's father, Noboyuki. He welcomed me on his own, without any prodding from me. He began to explain that all of the females were extraterrestrials, which I found to explain everything I wanted or needed to know. He had too much lust in his aura; he would make an interesting snack if frightened to the point that his bowels loosened. The rest of the evening was spent exchanging pleasantries. The young Tenchi needed to rise early, and so he went to bed. By this time, Ryoko had completely recovered, which was a shock to me, as I drained half of her blood. Then I reminded myself of her origins, and brushed it aside. My memory wiping seemed to have been effective on both Ryoko and Washu, but only time would tell. Sasami went to bed at the same time as Tenchi, which truly made me wonder. I could see the rivalries and politics in the girls' auras. I knew then that I had arrived. If there's one thing an Elder is good at, it is the art of politics. I saw that Ryoko's lust burned the strongest. I then saw the complex web of intrigue and deception stemming from her and binding them all. However, it was little Sasami that scared me the most. She seemed the most innocent, yet her aura was full of politics, scheming, and secret rivalries that I knew would prove a challenge. Then it occurred. Ryoko mentioned something about Aeka driving Tenchi away, to which Aeka counter-struck on the same vein. Before long, they were striking and counter-striking with their fists! I sat back and enjoyed the show. Noboyuki was obviously enjoying the show, as well. I saw a part of Noboyuki's aura that seemed ripped out. I only assume that he had a true love, but lost her. It explains Tenchi's existance. Mihoshi attempted to end the argument between Ryoko and Aeka, failing miserably. Eventually, they simply turned their backs to one another. It was then that Noboyuki had decided to retire. Obviously, they weren't gonig to catfight any more that night. I went outside for a moment, mostly to reflect a little bit. I was down at the lake, looking into my reflection. I felt the wind blow, and quickly hopped out of the way of a wooden sword coming at my head. I still had not turned around, and asked quite simply if the old man wished to spar with me. Wooden blade in hand, I refrained from using my "talents" and fought fairly. Katsuhito had become skilled with age. I had becomed skilled and powerful. Shouting an ancient Germanic war-cry, I fought the old man to a stand-still. He simply grinned, broke the stand-still, and attacked fluidly. I tried my best, but could not win without the use of my "talents." So, I allowed him to win. He nodded, mentioned that I was holding back, and eyed me. I asked if I could talk to him on the next evening. He nodded knowingly, said, "7 o'clock at the shrine," and left. I when back inside, and saw only Ryoko sulking on the couch. Everyone else had gone to bed. I sat down next to her, and she just gave a passing glance. I knew that she wouldn't dare attack me. However, she wouldn't talk to me, either. I gave up on her, completely ignoring something that I should've paid attention to. I soon stood up and went off to Washu's lab, where I found a place for me to sleep without being disturbed. Then, I went back out to the main room. Dawn wasn't until 7 AM, and there wasn't much point in getting more sleep. When I went back out, it was 4 AM. Ryoko had gone to sleep, but another one of the group was there after an hour. I talked with her, and went to bed at dawn. End Chapter 1