Light Hawk, Dark Knight *Batman and any associated characters are trademark and copyright DC Comics, part of Warner Bros., part of Time Warner, now part of AOL or something (sigh). **Tenchi Universe and all associated characters are trademark and copyright AIC * Pioneer LDC. I know I did not create these characters, I'm simply not that brilliant. This work was not done for profit, only for fun, a cheap thrill, and to see whether or not I possess any writing talent at all. Note: Two slashes will surround a character's thoughts, a solid line indicates a scene or setting change. "Part 1 - Encounter" Batman ran and jumped through the woods, navigating his way with a skill and coordination that only he could manage. Though basically a human being, most would be shocked to see how fast he was making his way, considering he was moving not on the ground but through the trees. \\I'm closing in on the source of that reading//, he thought, \\less than 200 meters now.// Little did the Batman know that he was not alone in those woods. Katsuhito Masaki had been on his way to the Masaki house from the family shrine and had decided to take a rather roundabout route, when he sensed him coming. Using centuries of training, Katsuhito was able to keep himself concealed as the Batman passed him within fifty feet of his position. He only caught a brief glimpse of Batman, but what he saw immediately put him on guard. \\Some sort of demon, from the looks of it//, he thought. Due to the lack of light and Batman's cape, he was unable to see the part of the Dark Knight's face that is visible below his cowl. He did not think any human could move in such a way anyway. And then there was the fact that it was headed in the direction of his family's house. Katsuhito quickly set off himself, travelling on the ground at as fast a pace as he could. He was very familiar with these woods, and knew, or at least hoped, he could cut off this being before it got to the house, assuming it would divert its path around the lake. If it could fly, it probably would have just flown over the woods. The Batman would no doubt have been impressed with Katsuhito's quick thinking and reasoning. Soon, however, he would find himself impressed by the man's fighting skill as well. Presently, Batman was only 80 or so meters from the house, and only 30 from the edge of the woods. He soon began to make out the lake at the woods' edge, and the large tree growing out of it. \\Have to divert course a bit, shorter around to the left.// This was exactly the direction Katsuhito knew he would take. Having gone on a steeply diagonal path and detouring around the lake, Batman came to a stop in a tree about 5 meters before the woods gave way to the open field. He could clearly see the house from here, and thought he could hear shouting voices drifting out from it. \\Interesting,// he thought, checking the device he had been using to track the energy reading,\\unless my instrument is malfunctioning, that house is very close to the source of the energy disturbance I detected.// Mere seconds after Batman had stopped in the tree close to the edge of the woods, Katsuhito had come racing up on his own path. He just spotted the irregular shape in the trees about thirty feet in front of him and came to a sudden stop. \\That was close, if I'd have kept going I no doubt would have lost the element of surprise.// From his angle, the elderly-looking warrior could not see what Batman was doing. \\I almost cannot believe it got here before me, if it had not stopped it would have gotten to the house before I could warn anyone. Whatever it is, it must be incredibly fast.// Soon he would learn just how fast the Batman was. That did not, however, halt his resolve to confront the creature before it reached the house. Slowly, and as quietly as he could manage, he advanced towards the creature in the tree ahead of him. It was good for Katsuhito that he did not take his eyes off of the Batman even once, for Batman had sensed his approach and would have used that opportunity to get the drop on him. As skilled a fighter as he was, Katsuhito would not have lasted very long had Batman been able to attack from an unseen quarter. \\Whoever it is, they're good,// thought the Batman as he feigned not noticing Katsuhito's approach, \\almost didn't pick up their approach.// The Batman remained hunched in the tree, but every muscle was poised for when it would be the right moment to strike. \\Almost.,// thought both of them, nearly simultaneously, as the horizontal distance between them closed to twelve feet. Batman was perched on branch about nine feet off of the ground. Katsuhito drew his wooden practice-sword as silently as possible, preparing to make a leaping strike. When he had closed to within 10 feet he tensed for the attack, assuming (or hoping) that the creature in the tree had not yet detected. Katsuhito stealthily sprinted forward, deciding against a battle cry. When he was just six feet away he sprang forwards and upwards, bringing his weapon around for a strike. Strangely, the creature had stilled not moved. Then, suddenly, it did, and his foe moved so quickly that he temporarily left Katsuhito's field of vision. \\I see serious problems ahead,// he thought while still in midair. Regaining his composure, the Juraian warrior landed and quickly whirled to face his opponent. When the Batman sensed the time was right, he had sprung upwards and backwards off of the branch, flipping over in midair and landing on his feet deftly. He had managed to arc up over his attacker's weapon-strike. It had been close, however. \\I could be in for a battle,// he thought to himself. Though it appeared his enemy was a man of approximately sixty, the Batman was wise enough not to let appearances be deceiving. He had no idea who this man was or why he had attacked him. \\From the look in his eyes, I can tell he's determined to stop me from getting to that house.// \\It may be his home, in which case I could forgive his aggressiveness; or it could be that he's trying to keep me from investigating whatever is going on out here.// For his part, Katsuhito could still not make out the part of Batman's face visible under his mask due to the relative lack of light, shadows from the trees, and Batman's cape. A demon could easily disguise itself and pass for human, so it may not have mattered anyway. What he could not be expected to take into account was a man who disguised himself as a demon. There were no questions, no words at all passed between the two as they stared each other down. The eerie white slits of the Batman's face and the steel-like gaze of Katsuhito Masaki from behind the frames of his spectacles. For several seconds, neither moved. Then, almost simultaneously, both moved with lightning speed channeled into vicious offense against the other. _______________________________________________________________________ Tenchi Masaki suddenly sat bolt upright in his chair. He seemed sure of what he had just sensed, somehow, in his mind. \\Grampa? Is he in trouble?// "What's wrong Tenchi?" asked a small girl with blue hair who looked to be about seven years old. "Sasami, I. I think my grandfather may be in danger!" he replied. "Huh? How?" she asked, slightly puzzled. "I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's nearby, and he's in some sort of struggle! Quick, we have to try and round up the others and help him!" "O-Okay, Tenchi," she replied, and took off, yelling out different people's names. Tenchi looked down for a moment at the game they had been playing, then his head snapped up and he thought fiercely, \\don't worry Grampa; we're coming to help.// \\If you've been hurt then whoever is responsible is going to pay!// ________________________________________________________________________ Their battle had carried them very close to the edge of the woods. Batman, slightly winded after just the first three minutes, thought, \\he's good all right.// \\I've never seen this style of fighting before.// Katsuhito was significantly winded, and was thinking much the same thing. He knew he was not going to win, but was determined to try his best to prevent this intruder from hurting his family. He rushed forward with his stick, feinted, then quickly hopped to the left and swung low. The Batman, however, was ready, and leapt over the strike while simultaneously sending a kick at his opponent. Katsuhito got his other arm up, but was still hit hard and knocked back slightly. He came forward again, this time appearing to go low again, then suddenly thrusting his weapon upwards towards his enemy's chin. Batman moved back slightly and started to bring his arm down, intending to deliver a chop to his foe's neck in an attempt to hit the pressure point. Just before impact, though, Katsuhito swiftly shifted his wooden sword and thrust forward, bring the heavier side into the Dark Knight's mid-section as hard as he could. Unfortunately for Katsuhito, while this prevented Batman's chop from landing, he quickly recovered and took the opportunity to grab the stick and pull Katsuhito forward. Before he could let go of the stick, Batman used his opponent's own momentum against him and drove his elbow and forearm into the side of Katsuhito's head. The older man crumpled to the ground. \\I'm sorry, old-timer,// thought the Batman as he knelt next to the man, \\but somehow I think you'll recover alright, you proved yourself to be tougher than that.// He checked the man's pulse and breathing and was relieved to find them normal - for an unconscious person at least - and stood. Suddenly, Batman noticed that he was standing just outside the tree line, at the edge of the field that led up to the house he had seen earlier. Before he turn to look at the house, though, he heard a young voice call out. "Whoever or whatever you are, you'd better hope my Grandfather is okay, or we'll be glad to do worse harm to you!" When Batman had fully turned, he found himself looking at one of the strangest groups of people he had ever seen in his life. End Part One Coming up in Part Two: The inevitable, generic throw down between the crossover characters. Does Batman have a chance against Tenchi and crew (well he did beat 5 of those aliens who were as powerful as Superman that one time, but I digress), or will he go down for the count and end up stuck in a lab or something (hint, hint)? More importantly, what the heck is he doing there anyway? These questions will be (hopefully) answered in Part Two: Explanations. I have a feeling that it will be significantly longer than Part One. Feel free to send comments to Please DO NOT send angry letters or viruses if Katsuhito is your favorite character. He's one of my favorite characters on the show, but if he had KO'd Batman then what the hell would've happened after that? Anyway, if I screwed anything up with the Tenchi side of things, then tell me since not as familiar with that group as I am with Bats.