Jusenkyo Productions Proudly Presents A Bubblegum Crisis, Ah My Goddess!, and Tenchi Muyo cross over Knights. Part 2 If Wishes Were Ice-cream-cones. (Normal legal stuff here, BGC is owned by, AMG is owned by, Tenchi is owned by, you know, that sort of thing.) Her older sisters had gone, returned back to the temple. Belldandy was worried about Keichi, and wanted to start dinner. While Urd was simply bored. Once they had fixed the time loop, there was no need for any of the three Norns to hang around in Heaven. But Skuld stayed and watched the last moments of the Knight Saber Nene. Beside her was her father, Him, The Lord, God, Kami-sama. He has had many names over time, but Skuld knew Him as her father, and the one who had introduced her to ice-cream. There had been a bug in Yggdrasil, and Kami-sama had called the Norns back to Heaven to fix the problem. Originally, it was Nene who was supposed to die, not the rest of the Knight Sabers. On the monitor in front of them, Nene pushed Syila out of the way, and got hit by the beam of the BU-75. Kami-sama turned to his daughter, "The death of this one saddens you Skuld, why is that?" Skuld threw a quick glance at her father, "She was a friend Lord." She said. Kami-sama frowned a bit, "I thought that you and your sisters lived in the 1990's. Nene's time was in the 2030's. How then did you know her?" Skuld blushed a bit, "She and I chatted over the net Lord. I used an uplink to Yggdrasil to breach the time barrier." The corners of Kami-sama's mouth turned up slightly. "You used the computer that runs to universe to chat on the Internet?" He asked. Skuld tried her ultra sweet and innocent routine on Him. "I'm sorry Father. I just wanted to chat with someone who knew computers as well as I did," She said with big innocent eyes. Kami-sama was not fooled. After all, He had made the cat. "Skuld, are you that lonely?" Skuld dropped her act, "Lord, I love my sister Belldandy, and I can put up with Keichi, anddon'ttellanyone'cuseI'lldenieditbutIevenlikeUrdabit, buuuuuuuuut," She left it hanging. "But what my child?" He asked. "Some times I wish that I could have had a friend that liked many of the things that I do. Nene was sort of like that. She couldn't really tell me all that she knew, but we still enjoyed many of the same things. I was thinking of asking for a chance to go visit her." Skuld said. "But now you had to cut her life line, locking her in time." Kami-sama said. "You may rejoin your sisters Skuld, you have earned your ice-cream for the week." Skuld got up and bowed, "Yes Father." and walked out of the room. After Skuld left, Kami-sama sat thinking for a bit. The problem was, he decided, that Skuld was right. She was still a child, and had been removed from any and all friends that she might have had...... That stopped Him cold. Did Skuld have any friends? He couldn't remember any close ones. "If wishes were ice-cream-cones, even Skuld could eat her fill." He murmured to Himself. "Yggdrasil, open file Skuld, Goddess of the Future, class 2, category 2, limited." Yggdrasil brought up the requested file. Kami-sama read it. "Hmmmm, it looks like Skuld will be full this day." He said, "Yggdrasil, create new file, Goddess of the Internet, trainee......" After dinner at the temple, Keichi was passing down the hallway when the phone rang." "Hello?" Keichi said. "Hello Keichi, how are you and Belldandy?" A male voice asked. "Just fine, excuse me, but who is this?" he asked. "Belldandy's Father." Came the reply. Keichi almost dropped the phone. "Lord, I....." He stuttered. "Peace Keichi, know that I am well pleased with thee, thou hast made my daughter most happy." Kami-sama said. Then he asked something that sent Keichi blushing to his roots. It was while Kenchi was trying to come up with a reply that Belldandy, naturally, came in. "Keichi-san, who is it on the phone?" she asked in that sweet voice of hers. When Keichi saw her he started blushing even more. "I, uhhhhh, it's, ......." "Yes Keichi-san?" Belldandy said. Keichi just held the phone out to her. Belldandy took it and asked, "Hello?" "Hello my daughter," Kami-sama said. "Lord! Why are you calling?" Belldandy asked. "I need to speak with Skuld," He said. Belldandy called down the hall, "Skuld, Kami-sama wants to speak with you." Then she noticed Kenchi's blushing. "Father, what did you say to Keichi?" Kami-sama told her. By the time that Skuld got there, having gone through the door, and skidded to a stop in front of the phone, both Belldandy and Keichi were bright red. "What's wrong with you oneechan?" Skuld asked. Belldandy and Keichi blushed even brighter. Skuld picked up the phone, "Yes Father?" "Skuld, due to how big the Internet has gotten, I had to create a new Goddess. I want you to train her. She should arrive tomorrow morning." Kami-sama said. "But" Skuld started. "No but's Skuld, I have spoken." And with that He hung up. Urd chose that time to make her presence felt. She came into the hall to find a still blushing Keichi and Belldandy, and a furious Skuld. "Man, every time I go out, something happens." she complained, then a smile crossed her lips, "But on the other hand, Thor is definitely worth it." The next morning showed up, bring with it a new visitor. Skuld was the one who answered the door. Standing on the door step was a red head about 18 years old. Skuld recognized her. "Hello, my name is Nene. Are you Skuld?" she asked. Skuld nodded. Nene smiled, "I've always wanted to met you in person!" The red head exclaimed. "We have so much to talk about." "Nene, what are you doing here?" Skuld asked in a small voice. "Kami-sama said that you're the one who is supposed to train me." Nene said, "I'm now the Goddess of the Internet." Skuld took the logical course of action that most people would do if someone you knew is dead just showed up to tell you that she is now a Goddess, or in other words, Skuld screamed and fainted. **************** In another part of the world, another red head sat at her computer and glared at the screen. On it were the words: 'Welcome to Yggdrasil, Please enter your password.' But that was not the trouble, the trouble that was causing the red head so much anger was the blinking words underneath it. 'Access Denied.' *************** It was later, and the young goddess Skuld had been revived by feeding her some ice-cream. Nene was sitting in the living room explaining just how she had gotten here. "The last thing that I remembered was me shouting for Syila to get out of the way and leaping at her. I felt my armor give, pain, then the next thing I know I was on the back of a winged horse. This woman in a horned helmet was taking me somewhere," she said. The Goddess known as Belldandy nodded, "That was a Valkire, they are the chooses of the slain. You must have earned a place in Valhalla," she said. "Well I didn't get a chance to see it. The horse stopped and I found myself in front of the biggest computer I had ever seen. There was a young man there." Nene remembered with a small grin her meeting with God. ************* Nene stared at the largest computer she had ever seen. It was taking all of her will not to go try and use it. 'I wonder how much memory and RAM it has' she wondered with a dreamy sigh. "Do you like Yggdrasil?" a voice said. "Uh huh," Nene said absently, still thinking about how a game of Wing Commander XX would run on a computer like that. It finally got through to her that there was a young man who was grinning at her. She stopped drooling on Yggdrasil and focused on the young man before her. "Uh hi," she said. The young man smiled gently at her, "Hello Nene." "How do you know my name, and where am I anyway?" Nene asked. "You are in the control room of Yggrdrasil, and as for how I know your name, well I know everyone's name Nene," He said. Nene got her mind off of Yggdrasil and looked at Him, really looked at Him. He was young, maybe not much older than Priss, but there was something about Him, some wisdom, or experience beyond what anyone could ever know. A bit afraid she asked, "Who are you?" He smiled again, "I, Nene, am Kami-sama." Nene quietly fainted. When she came to, Kami-sama was looking at her with concern, "Are you all right my child?" He asked. Nene nodded, "I'm sorry, but for some reason I thought you said you were God." "I did say that," He said. "That's what I thought you said," she said, and fainted again. ********* Skuld looked at Nene, "So how does your being the Goddess of the Internet come into this?" she asked. "He said that the net had gotten so big that it needed a goddess, He said He decided that I would be perfect for the job," Nene said. Urd was frowning a bit, "So how come the squirt has to train you?" she asked. Skuld reached for her hammer, only to be stopped by a look from Belldandy. "Well, He said that because I already knew Skuld, and as Skuld is the Goddess who knows the most about computers, she should be the one to train me," Nene said. "Wait a minuet, how to you know Skuld?" Urd demanded. "We used to chat over the net," Nene replied. Belldandy turned to Keichi, "Is it all right if Nene stays here while she trains with Skuld?" Keichi, who would probably put his foot in a garbage disposal if Belldandy asked him to, had no problem with yet another Goddess staying. "We can have you sleep in Skuld's room Nene," Belldandy said. The days past by quickly. Nene, as it turned out, was a quick student. Not to say that she didn't have problems. For some reason, she never could master any kind of spell casting. She seemed to be more like Skuld, trusting more to mechanical devises than a spell. Another problem that Belldandy and Urd had to deal with was Nene's and Skuld's sense of humor. Ever since she had arrived at the Temple, no computer anywhere was safe from the two Goddesses. Overnight, some of the most secure computers in the world where hacked into, and some of the pranks pulled where just a bit out of line. Belldandy put her foot down when Nene and Skuld managed to get the President of the United States to read the lyrics of their favorite song when they hacked into his TelePrompTer. The incident made international news, and Belldandy knew who was responsible as Konya Wa Hurricane would not be written for many years yet. The pair were disconnected from the net for a month, and their ice-cream supply was cut. "Now Nene, this is one thing that you cannot skip out on," Belldandy was saying. "Even Skuld can call upon her uniform and weapon at anytime. I want you to concentrate." Belldandy had been trying to teach Nene how to call her weapon and uniform without much success. The red head had closed her eyes, this was harder than any of the training programs that Syila had put her though. Belldandy sighed, "Nene, just let it flow, don't think about what Skuld or I wear. Just let it come to you." Nene thought to herself, 'I wish I could just use my hardsuit, it would be so much easier.' Then she felt it, he clothes were shifting and the familiar weight of her suit closed around her. She opened her eyes and looked at the tracking target on her HUD. She turned to the startled Goddess, "How's this?" she asked. Belldandy just shook her head, Skuld however was ecstatic. "That is so cool Nene, how did you build it?" she asked. Nene raised her visor, "I didn't Syila did." she said. "Belldandy, can I change back?" Belldandy nodded and walked off muttering something about techno Goddess. That night Skuld went to find her friend. She had not had this much fun in a long time. When Skuld was growing up, there was never anyone to play with really. Most of the other young gods and goddesses could not hope to keep up with Skuld, and after a while, Skuld stopped trying. Then she had to help her sisters with Yggdrasil so she never had anytime. But now, here was a friend who could keep up with her, and liked many of the same things she did. Skuld had never been so happy, it was like gaining another sister. A muffled sob reached the young goddess ears. Curious, she followed the sound into the grove of trees on the temple grounds. Nene stood there crying. In her hands she held the helmet to her hardsuit. "Nene-chan, what's wrong?" Skuld asked. "I m-m-miss t-them s-s-so much," Nene cried. "Who?" Nene choked back a bit, "My friends, Syila, Linna, Priss, and Mackie. I even miss Leon and Dailey." Skuld was a bit confused, "Don't you like it here?" she asked. Nene nodded, "I love it hear, I don't want to leave, but I miss Mega Tokyo, going to Hot Legs to hear Priss sing. I miss talking to Linna about her new boy friend and I even miss Syila's training sessions. I wish I could see them again, just for a bit." Skuld bit her lip, she was thinking fast, "I think I can help you. But we'll need to use Yggdrasil." Nene hugged the younger girl, "Skuld, thank you, you don't know what that means to me." Then she frowned, "But won't we get into trouble with Kami-sama?" she asked. Skuld grinned impishly at her, "I think I can handle my father." she said confidently. ************** It filled screen after screen. 'Access Denied' Washu was almost pulling her hair out with frustration. 'This could not be happening' she thought. 'I am the greatest genius in the universe, there shouldn't be any computer I can't crack.' Washu had first become aware of this huge system about 7,000 years ago. She hadn't given it much thought at the time because she was so busy working on her newest projects, Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki. Then when Kagato had frozen her for 5,000 years, she had forgotten about it. But now she had the time to crack it. Anything that was so big must contain something good, she reasoned. Washu had been at it for many months now and still all she had gotten was 'Access Denied.' 'There has got to be some way.......' she thought. Washu's thoughts were interrupted by a blond woman entering her lab. "Washu-chan, Sasami says it's time for dinner." Mihoshi said. Washu grounded her teeth together, she had put a force field on her door, not even Tenchiken should have been able to cut through it. She spun around, "Mihoshi, how many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my lab?" she demanded. Mihoshi gave her a smile, one that was devoid of anything remotely resembling thought, "Sorry Washu-chan, but Sasami wanted me to tell you..." "Yes, I know, dinner's ready." Washu said with a sigh, 'somedays you just can't win' she thought. "OK Mihoshi, tell Sasami I'll be there." she said. Mihoshi smiled and backed up into one of Washu's computer counsels. "Ano... What's this Washu?" she asked. Washu shrieked and leaped at Mihoshi, "Don't touch anything!!!!!" she screamed. She pushed Mihoshi out of the way and looked at the screen to see what was broken now. What she saw on the screen made her laugh. "Mihoshi, I could kiss you!" Washu exclaimed. Mihoshi started backing away nervously, "That's OK Washu, but I don't want to play doctor just now." Mihoshi turned and ran out of the lab. Washu looked at the retreating Galaxy Police detective, 'so that's how I can get rid of her.' she thought. Then she turned back to the computer. On the screen where the words: Welcome to Yggdrasil, please enter your password. Password accepted. Yggdrasil 97 System Administrator: Urd, Goddess of the Past System Maintainer: Belldandy, Goddess of the Present System Designer: Skuld, Goddess of the Future Click here to enter. Washu started laughing. Sasami woke with a start. A gentle, rhythmic, breathing told her that her sister, Ayeka, was still deeply asleep. Whatever woken her up had not disturbed her or Ryo-Ohki. Sasami frowned a bit. Why had she woken up, it wasn't another dream.... Then in came to her, a deep sense of danger. Something terrible was happening. Quickly, but quietly, Sasami got up and ran out of the house. She ran up the steps to the temple, but instead of going to it, she turned down a side path. Ahead the grove and small pond that held the Holy tree of the Masaki shrine, Funaho, was awash with light. Sasami came into the clearing to see the surface of the pond glowing as streams of energy that the Jurai trees used to talk bounced off of it. Funaho was screaming it's head off, in the manner of trees. Beside the pond, with a look of concern on his face stood Yosho. For a second, just a second, Sasami thought that Yosho looked as he did before he left Jurai to chase after Ryoko. 'I must still be asleep,' she thought, for when he turned to her, he looked the same as he always did. "Yosho-nichan, what's happening?" Sasami asked. "I'm not sure Sasami-chan," Yosho said, "Funaho is telling me of great danger, and is calling for Tsunami." He looked meaningfully at Sasami. The trunk of Funaho opened, and a great light was seen. Without thinking of it, Sasami walked into that light. The porthole closed after her. And Funaho stopped 'screaming'. Yosho looked at his tree with affection, "The next time you want to talk with Sasami or Tsunami, don't wake me up, just tell her. I am after all, an old man." With that, Yosho turned and walked back to the temple. Behind him, he thought he heard female laughter as Funaho chuckled. ********* The problem with any conspiracy Nene decided, was the more it was thought about, the more complicated it would get, and the more likely it would get out. Take for instance Skuld's and her idea to visit Mega Tokyo. It started out with just a simple idea to go see Nene's friends. Then Skuld said that she would like to see some of the city. Now they were going to go see one of Priss's concerts at the Hot Legs Club, go shopping with Linna in Chinatown, and to top off the deal, Nene knew of a great place to get ice-cream not to far from the AD Police building. Skuld really liked the idea of ice-cream, and Nene was enjoying the fact that as a Goddess, she could eat whatever she wanted and not gain weight. The problem that the pair faced right now was not how to get to there, for Skuld would have no problem using Yggdrasil, but how to avoid the other two Goddesses. Belldandy and Urd knew that Skuld and Nene were up to something. Urd didn't care to much, while it might be fun to annoy her younger sister, Belldandy became annoyed when she did. Urd had discovered it was not a good idea to get Belldandy mad. Belldandy on the other hand was not going to let Skuld get away with whatever it was she and Nene were planing. Trying to keep Belldandy from finding out about the trip was harder than keeping Genom from finding out who the Knight Sabers where Nene decided. Belldandy had a divine sense on when would be the worse time to show up. Skuld and Nene would be talking about when to leave, Belldandy would appear and ask if they wanted some lunch. They would be surfing the Mega Tokyo net to see when Priss would sing, and Belldandy would come in to Skuld's room with some ice-cream. Finally after two weeks of sneaking about, they were ready. Nene had discovered that she could travel through computers. Belldandy had told her it was her travel medium. The plan was for her and Skuld to go through the computer in Skuld's room to Yggdrasil itself. Once there, Skuld would open a porthole to the computer in Nene's apartment. Their target time would be an hour after Nene was killed by the BU-75. "All set?" Skuld asked her friend. "Let's go for it," Nene said, then she grinned, "Goddess, sanjo!" Giggling, the pair leaped into the screen and were gone. A second later, Belldandy came into the room, carrying a try with ice-cream on it. She too was giggling softly. She set down the tray by the computer and went to the phone in the hall. Belldandy dialed the number by heart and waited until it was answered. "Father, they're on their way," she said. *********** Washu was in shock, what she saw on her computer screen just could not be possible. The computer system, Yggdrasil, was the one that ran the universe, according to the design page. Washu became aware of something else then. "You know Tsunami, it would be nicer if you just knocked instead of appearing in my lab," she said without turning away from her computer. Tsunami approached Washu, her face serious. "Washu, it is imperative that you not access Yggdrasil any further." Washu turned and looked at Tsunami. "And why would that be Tsunami? Don't tell me that I have managed to hack into God's computer system," she said. "You have, that is why it is important that you stop." Tsunami said. "God's computer system," Washu mused, "Now I would love to met the system designer for that." Yggdrasil took that as a command. Light started spilling out of the computer screen. Washu backed up as two shapes emerged out of the screen. Nene turned to Skuld and said, "I don't think this is Yggdrasil." "It's not." Skuld frowned, "I don't know where we are." Then Skuld say Tsunami. "Tsunami? What in the name of Kami-sama are you doing here?" *********** In Yggdrasil there lived a bug. Like all bugs, it happily hopped around chewing on this and that, and rearranging the order of reality. This bug had found the hole that Washu had dug into the command path ways of Yggdrasil. In its simple thoughts, it thought it would be fun to change a few things. So it gave full access to Yggdrasil to a few people. In Mega Tokyo, at the top of Genom towers, two computer screens winked. The familiar Genom Network logo was replaced by a new one. One of the computers read, 'Welcome to Yggdrasil Chairman Quincy.' The other read like it, only it had, 'Welcome to Yggdrasil Mr. Mason.' End Part two.