The Juari Witch Project: Part 2 Later, after the interview, they were walking towards somewhere that they don't know. Ayeka: Do any of you guys have the map? Tenchi and Francisco start singing Tenchi and Francisco:(singing) You must know something. Even though you have nothing. Get that f**king camera out of my face you annoying pig. Later... Ayeka: Where are we? Francisco: We're lost. OK. Later they found an abandoned house. Ayeka: This must be it. Who's got the map? Francisco starts laughing. Francisco: You know what. There's nothing in the star map about the Juari Witch. so forget about the map. Shut up about the map. Tenchi: How did you know? We didn't look at it. Just give us the map. Francisco: You know what did with the map? I kicked in the moat. OK. Ayeka and Tenchi: WHAT? Francisco: What? Ayeka: YOU THREW AWAY THE MAP? Francisco: It was f**king stupid, Ayeka. I want to go home. Tenchi: Give me the map. Francisco: No, f**k you. I don't have the map. Tenchi punches Francisco. Tenchi: Throw me the map and I throw you the whip. Francisco: I want my mom. Ayeka: But it's not going to happen now. Is it? They continued to argue forever until night fall, they set up camp. During the night, Tenchi heard a noise. Tenchi: What's that noise? Turns on the flash light and sees Francisco on top of Ayeka kissing. Tenchi: Oh my god. You guys are gross. Tenchi gets out of the tent and runs out of sight. Francisco and Ayeka went right after him. Francisco ran faster and spotted a house. Ayeka went downstairs and saw Francisco standing in a corner. She screams. Franciso: Can't I take a leak? Tenchi appears. Tenchi: How about a little privacy. Dude. The end.