The last thing that Nene remembered was the Lord of Chaos telling them that he would send them apart so that they could never find their way back to defeat him. Then all the systems on her hardsuit had overloaded. New rule she thought, when traveling through dimensions, always, always, always, make sure that your hardsuit can take it. She sat up slowly as the world hadn’t quite made up it’s mind on which way it wanted to spin. The feed on her suits HUD finally kicked back in. Looking around Nene found out that she was not the only one here, where ever here was. Nabiki, Mihoshi, Keiichi, C-ko, and Genma were also trying to get up. Someone behind her cleared their throat. Nene turned to stair into the barrow of a tank. “Excuse me,” Said a woman from on top of the tank, “Do you think you can get out of the way?” Nene sighed, here we go again she thought. It was still spring in Nerima. And a few feet above the Tendo Dojo, a group of people came out of nowhere. Being that this was the Tendo Dojo, the laws of water came into effect as the group fell into the pond in the garden. Lin Chi struggled out of the pond. It figures I would have to land in water. Oh well, at least it isn’t hot. She thought. Lin Chi turned to help Sasami pull Soun out of the pond while Kassumi went inside to make some tea. It would also figure that Kassumi would not get wet at all. Lin Chi thought, then she smiled to herself, but at least B-ko wasn’t so lucky. B-ko also was pulling herself out of the water, and was not to happy about it at all. “At least now we can get to Jusenkyo.” Lin Chi said. What B-ko said back doesn’t need to be repeated. Ataru was on his way to school, and was looking for away to slip out of the rope that Lum had tied around him to keep him from going off on a girl hunt. How am I suppose to grab all those cute girls with Lum here? He thought, girls just don’t appear out of nowhere and fall on you. Ataru really should have thought about that more carefully, or at least been paying more attention to his surroundings. So he could be excused to being a bit shaken up as Shampoo, Ukyo, and Washu fell right on top of him. A few feet back Tenchi and Mousse were trying to explain and apologies for landing on Lum. In the AD Police HQ, Dailey Wong was proving that he to had a temper. Two weeks ago, he and his partner had gone to investigate a small riot where all these people had just shown up out of nowhere. The Knight Sabers had tried to help, but the next thing that he and the rest of the ADP knew, the whole group was gone, including the Knight Sabers, and his partner, Leon. Sense that time, Dailey had been taking Mega Tokyo apart in looking for him. He owed Leon to much to give up. But now the chief was saying that he was going to call off the search, and that he was declaring Leon missing in action. Dailey wasn’t about to give up looking for him, and he told the chief so, in language that could have made a drill sergeant turn green with envy. “Look Wong, I know you want to find him, but the ADP needs to be doing other things. not just looking for one person.” Dailey spun towards the door, “I’m not giving up! I’ll keep on looking for Leon until I run into him!” He shouted as he went out of the door. Not looking where he was going, Dailey ran into someone. He looked up and started to chew the person out, until the fact that the person was Leon made it’s way into his brain. Leon looked at his partner, “Dailey, I’m impressed, I didn’t think you knew how to swear.” Behind Leon, Sylia, Ayeka, and Kiyone looked around the room. Dailey back up a few steps and asked, “Leon?” Leon smiled and nodded. Then Dailey showed him how well he could swear. It was a dim office at the top of Genom towers that the lost boy found himself. Leave it to me to get lost. Ryoga thought. Looking around, he noticed a name card on the desk. Chairman Quincy it read. People in the scrapyard tend to be less than friendly. Most of them were loners of one sort or another. But none more so than the Angel of Death. Gully sat looking out at the city, her thoughts traveled to those whom she had touched, or killed. A small sigh escaped her lips. So many people, and most of them gone. A small flash of light alerted her. In a flash she was battle ready. Looking around she spotted the source of it. She went off to investigate. At the bottom of a trash heap, Ranma, Ryoko, Priss, A-ko, and Ryo-Ohki woke up. Ranma was the first to hear a whistling sound. Looking up he saw a sight that was the last of a number of people, the Angel of Death descending upon them. Akane woke up to her worse nightmare. It was dark around her, but she recognized the place, Mt. Phonix, a place that she had hoped never to see again. But it was different. It was darker, and filled with an old evil. Behind her, a soft weeping came. Akane Tendo turned around to find the huddled form of the Goddess Skuld who was hugging herself as she wept. “Skuld chan, what’s wrong?” She asked. Skuld raised a tear stained face to Akane. “He took my sisters, and he said that he would kill them if I did not become his mate.” Skuld said haltingly. Akane enclosed the young Goddess in her arms. “Don’t worry Skuld,” she said soothingly, “Ranma and the others will come and save us.” Skuld looked at Akane, “You must really love him to believe in him that much.” Akane almost answered back in the old way, saying that she didn’t, saying that she hated that jerk. But in looking into Skuld’s eyes, Akane spoke the truth. “Yes, I do, there is no one I trust, or love, more.” She winced as a scream was heard. Please come soon Ranma. She thought. Linna at that point was finding out that the hardsuits of the Knight Sabers was not water tight. She had appeared in the middle of the air, over a valley of springs. She splashed down into one of them. The suit, thinking that the operator was in trouble when she shrank, sent out an automatic call telling that there was a Knight Saber in distress. The Jusenkyo Guide heard the splash and sighed. He went to Maoniichuan and picked up the small cat out of Linna’s helmet. “I tell people it very bad to fall in spring, but no one listen, why they no do that?” He asked. Linna meowed that she was listening now. The streets of the City of Newport rumbled as its special police division made its way back to their HQ, trying not to break any more of the city in the process. People dodged out of the way as the blue tanks of the Tank Police came down the street. In her beloved tank Bonaparte, Leona was wondering what she was going to say to the leader of the Tank Police, Lieutenant Britain, about the people she had picked up. Leona was just out on a normal patrol when four girls, one in some sort of armor, a boy, and a panda had almost crashed into Bonaparte. Thankfully the tank was not hurt in anyway, but Leona planed to spend some of her off hours reading it a bed time story so its feelings won’t be hurt. The question was, now what was to be done with them? Two of them were claiming to be police officers, but she had never heard of the A.D. Police, let alone the Galaxy Police. The small blonde one was just plain annoying, she had tried to hug her Bonaparte, she almost scratched the paint! The brown haired girl had already picked up on Tank Police procedure by trying to bribe one of the other officers, and that panda had asked for some hot water, although why a panda would want some hot water was beyond her, maybe it wanted some tea. Leona sighed, well soon enough they would figure out what they were going to do with all of them. Now if only Al would stop chatting with that boy they had found with that group. They had been going on about all sorts of mechanical things for hours now. Leona turned Bonaparte and started into the bay that was the headquarters for Newport City’s Tank Police. Somehow Ataru had slipped his rope when the three girls fell onto him. This meant that he was up in a flash trying to grope that one girl with the giant spatula on her back. “Hey babe, how about just one date?” He snickered. Ukyo was not happy, it was bad enough when Happosai did this, but to have this, this PERVERT do it was just to much. “Get off me!” She screamed and ripped the spatula off her back and applied it to Ataru’s face. Somehow Ataru rolled with the blow and used to propel himself to the purple haired beauty. “What’s your address and phone number?” He asked. Shampoo slammed him face down into the ground. Ataru popped up without a mark on his body and ran over to Washu who was sitting down at her computer, trying to figure out where they were now, and what had happened to her daughter. “One kiss?” Ataru suggested as he ran towards her. Washu looked up in annoyance. Well she thought as Ataru bounced off of the force field that she had created, at least I have Tenchi all to myself. Then she grinned, maybe now I can get that last sample. Tenchi heard a chuckle form Washu, it mean that she was up to something, something that he probably wouldn’t like. He turned back to the girl wearing a tiger striped bikini. “I am very sorry for landing on you.” He said. Mousse also apologized, but he was talking to a small bald man in monks robes. Lum was talking to the nice young man when she heard a familiar chuckle, her Darling was chasing girls again. Her temper started to rise. “Daaaaarrrrrrrrrrllllling!” She yelled. Ataru stopped from trying to get to Ukyo through her spatula, he knew what was going to happen next. “L..L..Lum, it isn’t, I can.....” He started. “Divine Retribution!” Lum yelled and sent 50,000 volts into Ataru. Ataru collapsed onto the sidewalk. “Darling, when will you learn to stop chasing girls when you have me?” She demanded. Ataru groaned and looked up, into the face of Cherry. “This is an ill omen indeed, you will have your worse day ever.” The monk intoned. As the yelling started as the rest of Tomobiki High’s demented student body, Benten, Ten, Rei, Ran, and Oyuki showed up, Ataru realized that Cherry for once could be right. Still siting on the ground, Washu picked up a echo of her daughter, Ryoko. She was alive, but she too was lost among places that she did not understand. The super genius of the universe figured that there was only one way to get her back, and to do that, she needed to get to the one place that could breach the walls of the Aniverse. The Training Grounds of Accursed Springs, Jusenkyo. Quietly Washu began to plan. At the Tendo Dojo, Kassumi was trying some creative financing to come up with the money to get them all to China. Lin Chi has said that it was very important that they go to Jusenkyo. It was the only way she had said to get back the others from what ever world they had been sent into. The problem was there just was not enough money to do it. If only Nabiki were here she thought. While Kassumi did not like some of Nabiki’s ways of getting money, she always came through when her family was involved. Kassumi heard a sobbing behind her, she sighed, Father had been crying off and on for a while now. She put down the sheet of paper she had been working on and went to go see if she could find Soun. She eventually found him at the Go board. Kassumi knelt down to comfort him. “Now Father, why are you crying?” She asked? With the tears still streaming down his face, Soun held up a wooden sign that Genma had used just before they were dumped into a world that was not their own. “Oh Father, don’t worry, we’ll see them again. Ranma has always come through before right? And Sasami has said the same thing about the boy Tenchi.” Kassumi paused, she had been sensitive to the moods of this household the day she had taken over when her mother had died. What she felt was strange and alien, but not harmful. In fact it radiated peace like nothing else. Kassumi had felt this once before, when she was cooking with the Goddess Belldandy. Tuning she looked at the pond in the garden. Standing on the surface of the water was a very beautiful lady. Her face was calm and wise. She had hair that was tied back like Ayeka, and looked like Sasami. Kassumi wondered if this was her mother. Quickly she stepped to her. “Hello, I am Kassumi Tendo, are you Sasami’s mother?” The lady smiled, “No Kassumi, my name is Tsunami, or if you want, Sasami as we are one and the same.” Kassumi did not know what she was talking about until she caught the reflection of her in the water of the pond. In a mirror image of Tsunami’s pose was Sasami. She was as calm as Tsunami, but was still a little girl. “But how.....?” Kassumi asked. “I will let Sasami tell you that if she wants to, I am afraid it still causes her some pain.” Tsunami said in a musical voice, “The reason I have come here is that the evil that you face is vast, and you must go to Jusenkyo if there will be any hope of defeating it. And you must hurry, for the Lord of Chaos plans to use the Goddess Skuld as a away to stay here forever. She is the Goddess of the Future, and he hopes to use her as a way to control it, setting himself up as Lord of this universe. If he does that, not even Kami-sama could force him to leave.” “He would rule here forever?” Kassumi asked. “Yes, but what is more, he would invade other universes, Kami-sama will not permit that to happen, he would have to destroy the whole of the Aniverse to prevent it. That is why you must hurry to Jusenkyo. Sasami called me in hopes that I could provide a ride, and I shall, but you need to gather your forces. There are four who are needed for this fight.” Tsunami said. “Who are they?” Kassumi asked. A loud crash, a thump of a stick, and insane laughter announced that someone else had arrived. Tsunami smiled, “It appears that they are already here. When the time is right, I shall come again to transport you to Jusenkyo. Good luck Kassumi.” And with that she vanished and Kassumi was left standing beside Sasami. Already in the house the new guess where making themselves known. “Son-in-law, Shampoo, where are you?” An ancient voiced asked. “Whither Akane Tendo and the Pigtailed Girl.” Demanded Kuno. “Ranma darling, where have you gone to?” Kodachi asked. Tsunami can’t be serious Kassumi thought, these were not the people she would have picked out to help in a battle for the universe. Then a welcome voice came from the hall. “Hello, is anyone home?” Kassumi ran to the hall. She realized that she must be acting like Akane did when she was not going out of her way to prove that she didn’t like Ranma, but Kassumi didn’t care. Standing in the door was the one. Her mother had told her that when she met that one special person, she would know. And from the way he reacted, he knew it too. Kassumi composed herself and walked the last few feet to the entrance of her home. She smiled at him, that one smile that only he got. “Dr. Tofu, good morning to you.” She said, trying not to blush. Dr. Tofu turned a bit to see who had greeted him, his glasses fogged up as he was presented with what he considered a Goddess. All his thoughts left as he beheld her. “K Kassumi? What an amazing coincidence that we should meet here of all places.” He said with a silly grin. Inwardly Kassumi’s smile got bigger, now she indeed felt that everything was going to be all right. Genom towers was on a full alert, someone has manage to get into the chairman’s office, and now that someone was somewhere inside the vast complex that was the headquarters of Genom. Ryoga Hibiki was, as usual, lost. Somehow he had wound up in the office of some guy called Quincy, and they next thing he knew he was being attacked by these robots. The Lost Boy had ripped them apart with little problem. He was now trying to find his way out of this huge place. But if my luck holds, I’ll get out in a week or two. He thought. Ryoga turned a corner to come to a dead end. Ryoga had discovered something the last time he had gotten lost, the breaking point worked just as well on metal as it did on rock. Without a second thought Ryoga drove his finger at the wall. “Bakusai-ten-ketsu!” And the wall shattered. Ryoga started walking again. Oh sweet Akane, will you ever forgive me for what I have done? He thought. He remembered what had happened back in Washu’s lab, and that Akane had accepted Ranma’s love. His thoughts grew more and more dark. He made another random turn and this time came face to face with 12 of those robots, boomers he had heard them called. Ryoga did not stop. “Shishi hoko-dan!” and the way was cleared. These small battles did nothing to take his mind off his troubles. I wonder if she will ever forgive me. He thought as he wandered out of the tower and into the city of Mega Tokyo. At the AD Police HQ, Leon was trying to straiten out a few things with Dailey, and trying to keep the rest of the ADP from arresting Sylia, Kiyone, and Ayeka. “Look Dailey, we need to help these people, there is something major going down, and these people are a part of the good guys.” “But Leon chan, didn’t they kidnap you?” Dailey asked? “No, that was the bad guy, in any case, I’m telling you not to arrest them, we need the Knight Sabers help more than ever.” He was about to go on when an alarm rang and one of the operators came on the PA system. “All ADP units alert, all ADP units alert, mass boomer rampage in Tinsel City, gear up, Repeat mass boomer rampage in Tinsel City all units gear up.” The ADP officers stopped wondering what was going on here, and started to run to the areas to which they were assigned. Leon and Dailey also took off with Sylia, Kiyone, and Ayeka in tow. Leon was speaking to Kiyone and Ayeka. “I want the two of you to stay clear when we get there, I know how well the Knight Sabers fight, but I don’t know about you two. I don’t need to worry about two more people this time around.” “Are these boomers really that dangerous?” Kiyone asked? Leon nodded, “Every time the ADP goes out, fewer of us come back.” His comm watch beeped. He looked at it and started to swear. “Leon chan, what’s wrong?” Dailey asked. “Genom has an APB out for someone they claim to have broken into their offices, he is described as being a teenager, wearing a yellow shirt, black pants, a yellow tigered stripped bandanna, and caring an umbrella.” Leon started to swear again. Ayeka said, “You don’t think they mean that boy Ryoga do you?” Leon nodded still swearing. Priss was a warrior and a loner at heart, even though she fought with the Knight Sabers, she kept herself apart from them. She had already lost someone close to her, and she did not want to feel the pain of loosing someone she cared for yet again. Or at least that is what she told herself. But she sensed somehow that the person descending upon them was alone in a sense that she could never understand, and that she had endured lost beyond her comprehension. Here was a true warrior. It was with that sense that she and the others rolled out of the way. Priss started to strike back, but stopped. Something told her that this opponent could kill her with out batting an eyelash. She had faced Largo alone without a pause, but there was something about this girl that said she was the Angel of Death And perhaps there was no one who could face her. Then Ranma moved, accepting the challenge. Who and what were these people Gully thought. They should have not been able to avoid me like that. Her senses told her that they were not cyborgs of any kind. Even the one in the armor should not have been able to roll out of the way. But it was no matter, soon the fight would began, and Gully would be able to give her all for the battle. It seemed sometime that was when she was truly alive was during a battle. A pig tailed boy in a red shirt stood up and moved towards her. Gully grinned, so this was the first opponent..... Ryoko stood in awe, she was not a bad fighter herself, and she had seen some of the best of the universe. Yosho was not someone to be taken lightly, nor were the others that she had fought. But these two, there were blows being stuck that Ryoko was sure that she was not seeing. Ranma was just a boy, yet here he was doing things that Ryoko had never thought of. His opponent was as good as he was. For every blow he struck, she returned one of her own, it was an even match. She heard a small sound behind her, now what? She thought. Ranma and Gully stood apart from one another. Both were breathing heavily. He’s good Gully thought, I have never faced some one who is my equal. She heard a small noise, and tuned just a bit to see what is was. A small shaped bounded out of the heaps surrounding them. “Ah! Pretty lady!” It cried and gloped onto Gully’s chest. She stiffened, no one, no one! had ever dared do this to her. “Huh?” The thing said. “They’re not real.” Gully slammed the thing into the grown, but it just bounced up and went after another girl. Ryoko met the pervert at sword point, but somehow he avoided it and latched on to her chest. Ryoko growled and hit the thing at Priss. Priss thought that she was safe in her hardsuit, but the old man removed the front of her suit and was feeling her up. Ranma reached over and peeled him from her. “What do you think you’re doing?” He demanded. “Ranma my boy, do you want to help?” “Are you nuts?” Ranma asked, “Why should I want to help you?” “Well if you don’t want to help me with the others, I could always just add you to my list.” He grinned evilly as he pulled out a bottle of water. One splash was all it took and Ranma chan screamed as Happosai gloped onto her chest.” “Get off me you old leech!” She screamed and kicked him towards A-ko who had been watching the whole thing and laughing. She stopped laughing as Happosai attached himself to her. A-ko started to become as red as her hair. She removed one of the wrist guards and with the other hand ripped Happosai off of her. “PERVERT!” She yelled as she hit him. Happosai had been hit many times before, some of them had sent him great distances, but nothing compared to this! He found out why it was not a wise idea to annoy a girl who’s father was a Superman, and who’s mom is a Wonder Woman. He had time to reflect upon this as A-ko’s punch sent him quite literally into orbit. Gully stared at the boy that was now a girl, then suddenly she began to laugh. Ranma at first looked at her with annoyance, but then to smiled, then chuckled, and finally was laughing as hard as Gully. “What’s so funny?” A-ko, Priss, and Ryoko asked. Ranma and Gully just laughed harder. In the Tendo Dojo a war conference was taking place. Kassumi had explained what had happened to them to Kuno, Kodachi, Dr. Tofu, and Cologne. Dr. Tofu and Cologne were the only ones who believed it, or even grasped what was happening in the first place. Cologne nodded to herself, “I had heard about some of the powers of Jusenkyo, but every time I tried to talk to one of the guides about anything more than the curses, they would clam up on me.” She looked at Lin Chi. “I am sorry revered elder, but Kami-sama himself told us to keep it a secret from all.” Lin Chi replied. Cologne grunted, “I suppose I shouldn’t be too upset at having rank of that nature pulled on me. So now what do we do? And why does this Tsunami think that we four should join in this?” Kassumi said, “I do not know, I think I know for Dr. Tofu and yourself it could be for your healing and wisdom, but...” She looked at Kuno and Kodachi. “Well obviously I am needed for my formidable skills as a warrior, for indeed no one tops the Blue Thunder!” Kuno stated arrogantly. B-ko all this time had been sliding over to where Kuno sat. “So tell me” she purred, “Are you perchance taken?” Kuno looked at her, “Why no my lady, have you given your heart to someone?” B-ko was about to respond in some way or another when Kodachi’s ribbon rapped around his head. “That’s enough of that brother dear, we must rescue my darling Ranma first.” “Akane and the Pig Tailed girl need it far more than that knave.” Kuno stated hotly. Kassumi sighed, her we go again she thought. Sasami tugged at her sleeve. “Yes Sasami, what is it?” Kassumi asked. “Tsunami is here.” She replied. The group got up and moved towards the garden. Along they way Kassumi asked Sasami. “How is Tsunami going to transport us? Does she have some magic, or a plane?” Sasami giggled, “No, Tsunami is going to move us in herself.” Dr. Tofu frowned, “I don’t understand, I thought Tsunami was a lady.” Sasami giggled again, “No Tsunami is that.” She pointed upward. They looked up, and stopped as the most powerful ship of the Jurai royal family appeared over the Dojo. “Oh my!” Kassumi said. As it always seems to happen when something more weirder than normal occurs in Tomobiki town, most of the town had gathered into the Moroboshi house hold. Not that it was a bad idea, most of the things that occurred here were, at the heart of the matter, the fault of Ataru Moroboshi, and his “wife” Lum. This time however, they had nothing to do with what was going on. Five people had appeared out of nowhere, and while that wasn’t that unusual, the fact that they claimed to be from other universes was. Now the people of Tomobiki town could have dealt with that, but at the same time, a rash of thefts involving UFO’s had been taking place. First it was Benten’s bike, a fact that still made her get hot and reach for a gun or two. Then Lum’s ship had also disappeared. Lum was also a bit upset, but as this meant that she had to stay with her Darling, it wasn’t quite that bad. Ataru however considered it a major crime and had been searching for it all over the place. Then in quick succession, Ran’s, Rei’s, and Oyuki’s ships had disappeared. Kurama had taken her ship out so that she to would not be stranded on Earth, and have to go through the mateing ritual with Ataru. Finally Ataru’s mother had turned to Sakura and Cherry to see if they could find out who had been taking the UFO’s. It was with that purpose that they had gathered once more in the Moroboshi’s house has Cherry and Sakura worked their magic. “One two buckle my shoe.” Cherry intoned. “Three four shut the door.” Sakura answered. Ukyo asked Ataru, “Are they always like this?” Ataru nodded, “Sometimes they’re worse.” Suddenly Sakura stiffened, “I see red hair, who ever took the UFO’s had red hair.” Everyone looked at Ran. “Hey! Mine was stolen too you know!” Mendou announced, “We must search for this red haird thief! Soldiers of the Mendou clan, you have your orders! Leave no stone unturned in your hunt Miss Lum’s ship.” Tenchi, however, already had an idea who took the ships. As she had in the Masaki house, Washu had claimed a closet, and had opened a few dementions for a lab. Tenchi went to the door and knocked. Washu’s face appeared, “Yes?” She asked. “Washu chan, may I come in?” Tenchi asked. “Oh, Lord Tenchi, you are always welcome.” Tenchi opened the door and went in, he stopped in few feet in. Washu was standing in front of a pile of parts, she was grinning her mad scientist grin. “What do you think Tenchi? This is better than anything I have ever come up with.” Tenchi looked more closely, he could see that the parts were connected together, and he could also see a door in one of them. “Washu chan, where does that door lead?” He asked. By this time, the rest of the people had moved into the lab as well. Lum looked at the pile of parts and said, “That’s my UFO!” Washu looked at her, “If you know who’s it is, and what it is, it is no longer an UFO. Besides it’s sitting here, not flying.” She turned back to Tenchi, “You wanted to know where that door leads to? That is a very good question.” She gestured, and everyone found themselves seated at desks in front of a black board. Washu, in a cap and gown, walked up to the board. “Now, as I am sure most of you know now, we come from another universe, or to make it a bit more precise, universes. Now I can open other dementions, but I have not been able to crack the walls between the universes, although I had never tired. But now I know that I need to get to a place called Jusenkyo, where you can breach the walls. Now here is the problem, if Jusenkyo is here, and we are there, how to we get there. Everybody got that?” Everyone nodded except Ataru who was studying Shampoo. Lum noticed him. “Darrrrling!” And Ataru got 50,000 more volts sent into him. Washu went on. “Now I had to find a way to get beck to my lab, as I do have something that might be able to take us all there, sense I am convinced that you all need to be at this fight as well. Now can anyone tell me what I needed to use to get to my lab? Rei?” Rei held up a beef bowl. “Boo! Wrong!” Washu said, and a large statue dropped onto Rei. Lum raised her hand. “Yes Miss Lum?” Washu asked. “You needed to use our UFO’s to get to your lab.” “Hooray! You got it right!” Washu gave an A to Lum. “Now, senice I have the equipment needed, the only thing else I need is a power source. In fact, there is only one source that has all the power I need.” She looked At Tenchi. “Lord Tenchi, I need you to use your sword and open the door to my lab, then I can bring out Ryu-Oh.” Tenchi nodded, and pulled out his sword, the master key. Washu pulled some interments into place and nodded to Tenchi. Tenchi concentrated, and the sword came to life, a beam of energy formed and Washu taped that energy. Channeling it into the thing that she built. The door opened, and on the other side, Tenchi could see Washu’s lab in sub space. Washu taped something into her computer, and the machines on the other side moved about, finally. the shell that was the habitat to Ayeka’s ship, Ryu-Oh, floated through the door. Filling the space. The door shut, and the machine shut down. “Very good Tenchi.” Washu said, now if everyone could get on board, we can leave this place for Jusenkyo. Along the way to the battle, Sylia had made a call to her brother, Mackie, who was at Ravens Garage in the Fault that still cut across Mega Tokyo. Sylia had told Mackie all that had happened, and that for him to keep and eye out for Ryoga, as well as ready the motoslaves. Sylia thought that the Knight Sabers were going to need some heavier equipment before this was over. The boomers had been heading for the Fault anyway, and Leon thought that they might be tracking Ryoga, although why Ryoga would be heading towards Timex City made no sense. The ADP, with Sylia, Kiyone, and Ayeka came up on the coastal highway to see 5 BU-12b’s tearing up the highway. Leon imertatly called for the K-12s to be brought out. He looked at Sylia. “This is not going to be an easy job.” Sylia nodded, “If the rest of my team mates were here, it would not matter so much.” In the mean time, Kiyone and Ayeka were looking at the boomers. “This is what you were worried about?” Kiyone asked? Leon wasn’t really paying attention, he was thinking on how to use the ADP to stop these things from tearing up any more of the city. “Yes, these are BU-12B’s, battle boomers.” Ayeka shrugged a bit. Around the boomers, small blocks of wood appeared in circles. They started to move, and the boomers froze. Leon turned to Ayeka with a shocked look on his face, “What are those?” He demanded. “Jurai locks.” Ayeka replied. Kiyone at this time had gotten her Galaxy Police pistol out of it’s holster, she took careful aim at the boomers, and picked them off with one shot a piece. Even Sylia was impressed. “If you two want, I would be more than happy to take you on as Knight Sabers.” She said. Leon, who had been staring at the pile of scrap metal that moments before was 5 of Genoms toughest boomers said, “Oh no, the ADP has dibs on them.” Dailey seconded that one. Ayeka said a bit stiffly, “I am the first princess of Jurai, not a police officer.” While Kiyone said, “I’m sorry, but my oath as a Galaxy Police officer comes first.” Leon sighed, “Oh well, well maybe I could get a gun from one of you then.” He said a bit hopefully. Sylia then received a communication. “I have been told that Ryoga is safe with friends, perhaps we should go see him, and pick up some bigger weapons?” She suggested. In the Scrapyard, Gully too had heard the tale, and she was excited about the idea of a battle this big. But more than that, she would be caring out a promise she had made to her father, Dr. Ido, to help people, and if anyone needed her skills, it was this group. Ranma finished with the story and said, “We need to see what is around here. Ryoko, could you fly up and tell us what’s around?” Ryoko said, “I can do better than that.” She picked up the sleeping cabbit and shook her awake. “Hey, Ryo-Ohki, wake up!” Ryo-Ohki meowed that she didn’t want to. “If you get up, I’ll give you a carrot.” Ryoko promised. “Meoooow!” Ryo-Ohki shot up from Ryoko’s arms. She twisted and grew in size until Ryoko’s battleship was completely formed. Ranma looked up, “That cat turned into that?!” Ryoko grinned, “I save a lot of money on dock space this way, even if I have to feed her carrots.” At the mention of her favorite food, the ship meowed. Ryoko quickly got them aboard, and set off up through the atmosphere to space. Far below him, Happosai saw a speck of light hurtling at him. It grew in size, until he smashed into it like a bug on a windshield. Tsunami had quickly taken them all to Jusenkyo. The Guide, Plum and a cat were waiting for them. “Lin Chi, you back just in time.” The Guide said. “Hello Father,” she replied, “Who is this cat?” “This poor girl that fall into spring of drown cat.” He said. Lin Chi went into the cottage and came out with a kettle of hot water. Along the way she tripped, spilling the water on the cat and herself. Linna, was not happy in the least, first she got turned into a cat, now she was back as a human, but without her clothes! She looked down when something small and furry brushed against her leg. It was a small cat. The Guide picked up the cat and said, “This too confessing, we have girl who fall into spring of drown cat, and we have cat that fall into spring of drown girl.” Everyone else just sort of looked at him. The Guide took the can and poured cold water on it. Lin Chi was back. “I hate hot water!” She said. Cologne spoke up, “Are we now able to get the rest back?” The Guide nodded. Lt. Britain was trying to get the newest Tank Police to d something for him. But Anna and Umba Puma were just not interested in getting him a cup of coffee. Giving up on that approach, he tried (and failed) to come up with something to do with Leona’s prisoners who were wrecking havoc among the Tank Police. Finally he shouted, “Shut Up! If you don’t show me proof of this stupid story you want me to believe, I am going to shoot the lot of you!” He, and everything in that bay found themselves facing the Guide of Jusenkyo. “Is this proof enough?” Nabiki asked. Sylia and the rest had gathered into Raven’s Garage to discuss what to do next. Mackie had gotten the Knight Sabers equipment ready and had also put a tracer on Ryoga in case he wandered away again. Dr. Raven had just left to get a tool, when he returned, all of them were gone. The Jusenkyo Guide, Lin Chi, and Plum had been opening holes into other places, and bring forth the people that were needed for this fight. They had just pulled out of space Ryo-Ohki and all that were aboard her. Ayeka, Ryoko, and Sasami had one question, “Where is Tenchi?” The Guide shrugged, “I no find him anywhere.” A hole opened up in the sky above Jusenkyo, out of it slid Ryu-Oh. Ryoko chuckled, “Trust Washu to find a way to get here herself.” Ranma came up to Lin Chi, “Now what do we do?” He asked. “We make plans tonight, and we attack tomorrow.” “And then?” “And then Ranma we finshish this once and for all. Well that’s all for part 2 of the Magic of Jusenkyo. Part three should be out sometime soon as I am now on summer break and have more time to write. Again thanks to those people who have helped a lot on this one, I’m sure who know who you are. If you like it, the glory goes to them, if you hate it, blame me. Once more, everyone except Lin Chi are creations of those fine people who created them, and without whose insanity the world would be poorer. Any comments, suggestions, and death threats of any kind should be send to