The Magic of Jusenkyo By the Jusenkyo Guide AKA Jason Smith First of all I need to thank a few people. Malcolm "Ryoga" Wilson, Tanya "Priss" Muller, for help in editing and story ideas. If you like this, all praises should go to them, if you hate it, blame me. The people of the SkAS and Tokyo Tea Room for editing, proof reading, and for reminding me that I am not the only demented one out there. And of course the Members of the Tendo Dojo, the Masaki household, the Knight Sabers, the three Goddesses, and the gals of Gravitron High, without whom this story would have never taken place, so the final blame rest on them. The usual copyright stuff: I did not make any people besides Lin Chi, all other people belong to those who created them, and I hope they never get their hands on me for what I am about to do....... In a mist filled valley in China, a reunion of sorts was taking place. After a long time of study, and a job in the FBI, Lin Chi had come home. Of course the Jusenkyo Guide and his daughter Plum ran out to greet her as she climbed the last pass in to Jusenkyo. “Lin Chi, you came back” the guide said in his broken English. “Aunt Lin, Aunt Lin” was Plum’s only saying, as she was filled with joy to see her beloved aunt once more. Chattering excitedly, she told what had happened last summer with a mean person trying to steal the magic of Jusenkyo, and how she had gone to Tokyo to enlist the aid of Ranma Saotome and his friends to fight. All the while Plum was tugging on Lin Chi to get her to the cottage that was their home. “And then Akane turned out to be not dead, but Ranma.....” Plum trail off as she looked up. They all did. Whirling above them was a massive storm, but was it? Angry red lighting shot across the sky as a vortex reached down towards Jusenkyo. It connected with one of the springs. Instantly the color changed from red to black. A voice came from nowhere, an evil voice, one that had seen the worse that could possibly be, and wanted all to share it. “I have been thwarted before, but now THIS universe is MINE!” It was spring in the Nerima district of Tokyo, and as such it was a typical day. The birds where chirping, Kassumi was hanging laundry, Nibiki was scheming, Soun and Genma were playing a game of Go, and Ranma and Akane where fighting. “Ranma no BAKA!” and that was that, Ranma once more was flying out into the blue yonder. He did seem to log more air time than most pilots, of course he reasoned most pilots didn’t have to deal with uncute tomboys. It seemed that Ucchan’s, Ukyo’s restaurant, was going to be his landing area. Just as well he thought, he was kinda hungry, and wouldn’t want to eat whatever it was that Akane had cooked up. Fate would have it that Ryoga choose that moment to walk in front of Ucchan’s. “Hey Ryoga get outta the way.” Ranma yelled. Ryoga unfortunately was lost in thought about how nice it would be to see Akane, if he could find his way back to the Tendo Dojo. As such he didn’t hear or see Ranma until he crashed into him. The force sent both boys through the door into....... The middle of a street? Ryoga said perhaps the one thing that made sense here and now, “What is this place? Where on Earth am I now?!” Meanwhile at the Masaki Household, it was the same morning happenings. Tenchi had gone off the field with Ryo-Ohki to farm carrots, Washu was in her lab doing whatever her experiment of the week was. Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi were talking in the dinning room. And Ryoko and Ayeka were plotting to get Tenchi for themselves. The only difference this day was that Ayeka and Sasami were expecting their mother, Masaki, and their father, the Emperor of Jurai, to show up that day. They were coming for a visit, and to check that their girls were doing OK with Tenchi. In the carrot patch, Tenchi was hard at work hoeing, and trying to keep Ryo-Ohki from eating all that he had harvested. “Now now Ryo-Ohki, you must save some for the others. They have to eat to you know.” Ryo-Ohki’s response to this was to issue a meow that said that she didn’t care about everyone else. Suddenly she hissed. Turing this way and that. “Ryo-Ohki?” Tenchi said, “What’s wrong?” In a few minutes he got his answer as he, and everyone else in the Masaki household, were dumped on top of 2 boys trying to get up off of a street. One wore red Chinese clothes, and had a pig tail. The other, a yellow shirt and a yellow bandanna with black spots. To say that Ranma was not in a very good mood was a small understatement. He landed with Ryoga in who knows where, and then to make matters worse, a boy, six girls, and a...... Ranma’s mind froze when he came face to face with a cat. Well a cat that looked almost like a rabbit, but when it meowed that was it for Ranma. With a scream he jumped up into the air, only to be hit back down when the rest of the Tendo household came crashing in on this growing pile of people. With them were Shampoo, Mousse, and Ukyo. Akane got to the point first. “Ranma, what did you do now? And who are these people?” In Nekomi, at a temple, Keiichi was just sitting down to breakfast. So was the rest of his strange household. Skuld was busy with a new project. She hardly looked up from the piece of paper before her. When Keiichi looked at it, all he could make out was something about a debugging vacuum. Urd had just come into the room. She had slept late, as usual. Keiichi smiled when the Goddess who was the cause of this came in carrying breakfast. Not that he minded, Keiichi would do anything for Belldandy, including disobeying Kami-sama, the Lord himself. Skuld muttered something as she shifted the hammer on her back. Then she stopped. Something was wrong. Urd to had slowly looked around the room, trying to figure out what was happening. Belldandy had put down the tray and was looking worried. The only time she had looked like this Keiichi thought was when she had been recalled. “Belldandy, what’s wrong?” He asked. Belldandy started to answer when the tally of people in the middle of the street was added to by three Goddesses and Keiichi. In Graviton City, A-ko and C-ko were running late, but what else is new? Bounding over houses in a single bound and running faster that a speeding bullet, A-ko was just hoping that for once B-ko was not there. Alas, it was not to be. B-ko was waiting for their morning fight to begin. A-ko sighed as she slowed down. “B-ko, come on, we’re really late today.” B-ko answered, “Why does that matter to me? Today is the day that I claim C-ko, and get rid of you!” Before A-ko could do anything, fate, which as a very odd sense of humor, landed the three of them in an even bigger argument. In the middle of the street, Akane was yelling at Ranma for being a jerk, Ranma was yelling at Akane for being a tomboy. Shampoo was hitting Mousse, with Ukyo helping. Mr. Tendo was crying, with Kassumi, Nibiki, and Mr. Saotome try to get him to stop. Happosai was being chased by Ryoga, who was going to get lost any second. From the Masaki group. Ryoko and Ayeka were fighting, with Tenchi and Sasami trying to get them to stop. Washu was taking readings. And Kiyone was trying to calm down her partner, with out much success. Skuld was yelling at Urd for doing this, and Urd was yelling at Skuld for doing this. Belldandy and Keiichi just stood by trying to figure out what was going on. The addition of A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko did nothing to help matters. In fact they made them worse. B-ko attacked A-ko, and C-ko started crying. Things would have really gotten out of hand had not a voice stopped them all cold. “This is Detective Leon McNichol of the AD Police, all of you are under arrest.” The group looked around them. Surrounding them was many patrol cars, all with ADPolice written on them. In the back, troop transports could be seen. Men in blue body armor, and heavy weapons were lined up, and taking aim. However, the peace did not last long. If Leon thought that they would go quietly, he was sadly mistaken. After just a brief pause, everybody started to argue with the ADP. Kiyone and Mihoshi were saying that as Galaxy Police detectives, they did not answer to the ADP. Ayeka was more along the lines that the Jurai royal family was above earth law. B-ko was explaining that when her father heard about this he would have Leon’s badge. And Ranma was just arguing. A scream was heard from one of the women officers of the ADP. Leon turned quickly to see her running from a wrinkled old man who kept on shouting. “Pretty Lady!” Leon’s nice and tidy bust was quickly becoming a full scale riot as the group of strange people started to fight amongst themselves once more. He turned to his partner, Dailey, who’s shrug said that he had no idea what to do now. Leon was saved, or perhaps cursed, with a familiar shout. “Knight Sabers, sanjo!” Jumping from the roof tops was the hardsuited figures of the Knight Sabers. Syila quickly reminded her team mates that they were to avoid firing as these were not boomers, but.... well according to Nene’s scans some of them were not quite human, but they were flesh and blood. She got OK’s from Nene and Linna. “Priss...” She said warningly. “OK Syila, no harm.” Said Priss after a bit. The Knight Sabers usually did not do this sort of thing, fighting boomers and against Genom was what the team did most of the time. But when Nene called Syila, telling her of the strange group of people who had just appeared in the middle of Mega Tokyo, Syila knew that this was something that the Knight Sabers should look in on. And when Leon was unable to get this group to quiet down, she called them into action. Now if she could just make sense of the readings that Nene had given her. Most of the people down there came up as non humans, or at least very powerful humans. Three did not register at all. The girl with the hammer, the one with white hair, and the one with the sweet disposition. All had some sort of markings on their faces, and all did not even show up in a life form scan. Syila’s thoughts were interrupted as she landed by a girl with a main of pink hair, and who had eyes like a cat. “I am asking you to please go with the AD Police.” Said Syila. In the past this was all that was needed. The sight of a Knight Saber made most people very cooperative. After all, these gals had trashed boomers. This time however, the girl did not look impressed at all. “If their anything like the Galaxy Police, forget it.” She said. “Oh Ryoko, it looks like no mater where you go, the police are after you.” Said the brown haired girl in a mocking voice. Ryoko growled back, “Still sore that you can’t do anything to me hmmmmm?” The other girl looked daggers at her. “That’s it, I have dealt with you long enough.” At this point, a boy came between them. “Miss Ayeka, please don’t fight.” Ryoko called mockingly, “You should listen to Tenchi Ayeka, you don’t want to get hurt now.” Syila had been ignored long enough. It was time for plan B. Her sword swung out of its place on the arm of her hardsuit. “I am asking you one more time.” She said to Ryoko. Ryoko’s response was quick and to the point. She formed a ball of energy in the palm of her hand. She grasped it, turning it into a sword. “And I said go away!” As she swung and Syila. The other Knight Sabers were not getting to far either. Linna had gone to the pig tailed boy and asked him to go. When he refused, she had kicked at him. To her surprise, he had quickly dodged out of the way. Now she was fighting hard. It was only the fact that she was wearing her hardsuit that prevented Linna from taking serious injury. She realized that she was fighting a martial artist who had much superior talent. She couldn’t even land a punch. Priss had landed by a group of school girls. One the small blond one was balling, while the red-head was trying to comfort her. She walked up to the red-head and taped her on the shoulder. “Hey, you need to go with the ADP.” Priss said, and then thought, I can’t believe I just said that. The red head looked at her. “B-ko, I told you to leave me alone!” Priss didn’t see the punch coming. From her point of view, the red head told her to leave her alone, then she was imprinted into the side of a near by building. Damn, she thought, she must be a boomer, no one can hit that hard. Nene on the other hand was not so much in a fight, but being disassembled. She had landed by the group of three girls that didn’t register on her sensors. “Um, could you go with the AD Police please?” She asked. The little girl with the hammer turned and looked at her. “Wow! How did you build that? What computer system did you use? What did you make it out of?” Those where the only questions that Nene caught before the girl had come up and started to examine her hardsuit. She was poking and prodding, and to Nene’s horror, removing pieces with no problem at all. “Did you know that you can get better speed if you tie this line in with this one?” She said from somewhere behind Nene. Suddenly she felt her helmet being lifted off. “Can I see your HUD?” She asked. Fourtunly, before she got it off, one of the others came over and stopped her. “Skuld, it isn’t right to take off peoples helmets.” She said. Skuld looked down, taking the mild scolding hard. “I am sorry.” She sniffed. “I didn’t mean to be rude Belldandy.” Belldandy smiled at her. “That’s OK, just try to be more polite.” She then turned and walked away. Leaving Nene and Skuld alone. “So”, said Skuld, “Can I please see your helmet?” Nene’s reply was a straggled “Help!” Leon watched in amazement. When the Knight Sabers appeared, he had thought that this should soon come to an end. But the Knight Sabers were being overwhelmed. “Terrific”, he muttered, “What else can go wrong?” Leon had not learned the old saying ‘be careful what you wish for.’ The universe in which the Knight Sabers, Ranma, Tenchi, and Belldandy exist, is one that has many separate parts. All of them are watched over by Kami-sama. The Goddesses could travel from part to part, but Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld, had never done so. Real people, in other words, those who are not gods or goddesses, can never breach the walls that hold them separate. In all the aniverse, there was only one place that had the ability to breach the walls without Kami-sama’s help. It was a place that Ranma, Ryoga, Shampoo, Mousse, and Mr. Saotome knew all to well. The training ground of cursed springs, Jusenkyo. Kami-sama had charged those who would guide and protect the springs from ever letting people know about this. The walls must stay in place, less all become chaos, or more chaotic than normal. But now in Jusenkyo, the Guide looked on fearfully as this being of pure evil had not only breached the walls, but pulled the worlds together. Now he traveled to the world of the Knight Sabers to destroy those that could possibly stop him. The Guide knew that this must not happen, and there was only one way to stop this. He said a quick prayer to which ever God was listing, and asked for Kami-sama’s forgiveness. He pulled on the fabric of the space/time line. He used the magic of Jusenkyo to send that group of people to the one place where they would be safe. Or at least safe until they could strike back and heal the breach. With one last effort he sent Lin Chi to help and explain, and with that he fell exsausted by a spring. One moment Tenchi was trying to stop Ryoko from killing a person in armor, when he saw a black shape he knew all to well suddenly strike the top of a huge tower. Tenchi yelled one word, a name, a name that the rest of Tenchi’s friends recognized, and hoped that they would never hear again. “Kain!” Then the world went black, for all of them. Tenchi awoke slowly. Ryo-Ohki was meowing at him. He looked around him, everybody who was in the fight was there. From Ryoko to that girl in armor, from the boy with a pig tail, to the AD Police detective. He got up and rubbed his head. Looking around he realized that this place was familiar. It was Washu’s lab in sub space. All around him people where getting up, looking around, and asking questions. Where am I? Who are you? The boy with the pig tail stated shouting, “Akane! Akane! Where are you Akane?!” Until she answered, “I am here Ranma, where ever here is.” All of a sudden Tenchi’s memory came back. “Kain!, I saw Kain!” Washu was quick to respond. “I am sorry Lord Tenchi, but I don’t think so, not even he could survive that shot.” “But I saw him Washu, it was Kain, he was on top of that big tower.” Ryoko and Ayeka agreed. One of the girls in the armor, the white one said, “I don’t know who Kain is, but the person on top of Genom was Largo.” “That person on top of the building was the Lord of Terror.” Said one of the girls with the face markings. “That person was Saffron.” Said Ranma. "I thought he was turned into a little kid." “The person whom you all saw on top of Genom tower was all of those, he is the Lord of Chaos, or the King of Hell if you will. He is a being of pure evil, and he has shattered the walls that separate you all from each other.” Washu spun around to face the girl who was speaking. “And who are you?” “I am Lin Chi” she said, “I am the adopted daughter of the Jusenkyo Guide, and I need all your help to restore the Aniverse before the Lord of Chaos claims it for his own.” It was much latter, after they had figured out that they could not leave the lab. Lin Chi explained that this was the only safe place for them, and that in the Masaki house, they could be destroyed. “And it will not be safe for too long. We need to attack and defeat him before he can find this place.” Lin Chi had said. They were now gathered in a space between the tanks that Washu kept God knows what in. “I think that we should introduce ourselves.” Said Belldandy, “We should all know who were are fighting with.” Their were nods from all around, but Syila spoke up, “I am afraid that I and my friends cannot tell who we are, not with Mr. McNichol here, we just cannot compromise our safety.” Leon replied, “I know that one of you is Priss, and I think I can figure out who the rest are. I have kept it secret for this long.” Syila nodded, “Then you have our thanks.” Kassumi smiled, “Now then I am Kassumi Tendo.” “Akane Tendo” “Nibiki Tendo” “Soun Tendo” “I’m Ranma Saotome.” “Genma Saotome” Ryoga opened his mouth, when Ranma said, “He’s P-Chan.” Ryoga picked up Ranma by the front of his shirt, “Who you calling P-Chan?” “Ranma!” Akane said. “OK, OK.” Ranma grumbled. “I am Ryoga Hibiki” “Ukyo Kuonji” “Shampoo” Said Shampoo. “My name is Mousse.” Mousse said to a tank full of Masu. The Masu’s blinked back at him. Ranma turned him around. Tenchi spoke up, “My name is Tenchi Masaki.” “Ayeka, Princess of Jurai.” “Sasami, and this is Ryo-Ohki.” Sasami said. “Meow” Ryo-Ohki added. “Ryoko.” “Washu, but call me Washu Chan.” Said Washu. “Kiyone, Detective first class, Galaxy Police.” She looked at her partner. Mihoshi stared at her blankly. “Say your name!” She yelled. Mihsohi started, “Oh I am sorry Kiyone. I’m Mihoshi.” “I am Belldandy, Goddess First Class.” The others looked at her. “Oh come on, you’re joking right?” Ranma said. “No.” Was Belldandy’s reply. “Urd, Goddess Second Class.” “Skuld, Goddess Second Class.” “Keiichi Morisato.” Then one by one the Knight Sabers raised their visors. “Syila Stingray.” “Priss Asagiri.” “Linna Yamazaki” “Nene Romanova.” The last one caused Leon to lose his cool. “Nene Chan, you’re a Knight Saber?” He asked is disbelief. Nene answered irritably, “Yes, I am a Knight Saber!” Never taking his eyes off of Nene, Leon said, “Leon McNichol, AD Police.” “A-ko” “B-ko” C-ko drew in a big breath, “I’m C-ko!!!! I am so happy to meet you!!!!.” A-ko just covered her face and moaned softly. “Well,” said Washu, “Now that is out of the way, what do we do next?” Syila spoke up, “ What I want to know is what is this Jusenkyo, and what does it do? In all my time, I have never encountered magic.” Lin Chi opened her mouth to explain, but Genma cut her off. “Jusenkyo is the training grounds of cursed springs. It’s located in the Mt. Quanjing region, Bayankala range, Qinghai province, China. It is a valley filled with springs, where something, or someone drowned there many years ago. When you fall into a spring, you take the form of what ever drowned in there.” The rest of them looked at Genma like he was crazy, all of them except those from Nerima where this was normal. Genma shifted his glasses a bit. “Hmmm, it is difficult to explain, I’ll have to show you.” He looked around. “ I am used to doing this at the Tendo dojo where there is a pond. Miss Washu, do happen to have some water handy?” “Chan!” Washu said, pointing at Genma. “Excuse me?” He asked. “Call me Washu Chan!” Genma just shrugged, “Washu Chan then, do you have some water?” Washu nodded and gestured. A torrent of water appeared out of nowhere, drenching Genma. There were a couple of gasps, and everyone moved away from the Nerima group as Genma was replaced by a large panda. His gi top straining and his glasses hanging over one ear. Mr. Panda growled something, then held up a sign. ‘I ment in a bucket!’ Ranma had a small grin on his face. “What’s a matter pop? Did you want me to be your demonstration?” Genma growled something else and took a swipe at Ranma. Ranma quickly dodged and then returned a punch. The two were quickly fighting. Washu look at Ranma, “You too have a curse?” She asked. Ranma, still fighting with his father, said, “Yeah, and it’s all his fault.” Washu smiled. Water once more fell out of nowhere. Where Ranma was, Ranma chan demanded, “What did ya do that for?” Quacking, oinking, and meowing, seconded her remark. Nene asked, “You all went to Jusenkyo?” A chorus of bree’s, meows, quacks, growls, and mutterings answered yes. “So, how do we change you back?” Syila inquired. Ranma chan said, “Cold water causes us to change, hot water turns us back.” Tenchi looked at Washu, who got the hint. Hot water this time turned everybody back to their normal forms. “OK,” said Washu, “We have a panda, a duck, a cat, a girl, and a pig.” “Pig? What pig?” Akane asked. Washu frowned at her, “The black piglet that Ryoga turns into of course.” For the third time that day, everyone put some distance as Akane started to glow a bright blue. Ryoga, who could get lost anywhere, was really wishing he was right now as Akane stomped over to him. She wasn’t just angry, she was furious. “You slept in my bed, you heard me say things that I didn’t want anyone to hear, you, you,....” Ryoga was trying the martial arts technique of flapping your arms and hoping like hell you can learn how to fly to escape. “Akane, I uhh... Ranma help!” Ranma had taken the smart way out, and had gone with the others to the other side of the room. “Not me, no way.” Akane by this point had worked herself to a full blown rage. “You......,” Grabbing a mallet from hammerspace, Akane screamed, “RYOGA NO BAKA!!!!!!!!!!” And knocked Ryoga to the far side of the lab. Then she turned and advanced on Ranma. “You knew!” It was not a question. “What, was it some sort of joke to you? That he slept in my bed all this time? Why didn’t you tell me?!” It was Ranma’s turn to try and learn the secrets of flight as Akane slowly came up to him. He looked around despretly, but everyone had cleared the area, hurried on by those who knew what could happen when Akane was this mad. “Akane, I couldn’t tell you, I gave my word that I wouldn’t.” “Why!” “It was my fault that he fell into the spring in the first place.” “I don’t care! RANMA NO BAKA!!!!!” And Ranma went to join Ryoga on the far side of the lab. Considering that Washu’s lab takes up five planets in sub space, it was a new distance record for Akane. “Is she always like this?” Nene asked in a shaken voice. “Violent tomboy girl like this most of time. Shampoo no understand why Ranma still stay with her when he have me.” Shampoo said. “Huh? What do you mean?” A-ko asked. Nabiki sighed, “That’s the other part of a long story. Ranma and Akane are engaged. And they don’t like it.” “Then why did they get engaged?” Ayeka wanted to know. “Our fathers aranged it for them. Unfortuantly, Ranma seems to have a habit of attracting girls, or boys for that matter, and Shampoo and Ukyo both think that they are Ranma’s future bride. I know it sounds weird.” Tenchi answered, “Not at all, I think I know how he feels.” He looked at the six females that were curently following him around. Ranma and Ryoga had by this time, crawled back to where everybody else was. Ryoga was advoiding Akane as if his life depened on it. And it most likely did. An alarm rang, or to be more precise, meowed, as a cabbit on a spring came out of one of the walls. Washu looked at it and frowned. “It’s really late. We should get some sleep, as we need to start to plan tomorrow.” She looked around. “I suppose we’ll have to sleep here. Boys on one side, girls on the other, and Tenchi and myself can go to my room.” This did not go over to well with the rest of the Masaki females. “Oh no you don’t Washu!” Ryoko said. Tenchi realized that another fight was immenent. “I’ll just go with the other males, Washu chan.” Washu shruged, “It was worth a shot.” Everbody quitely went to their respective sides. The Knight Sabers got out of their hardsuits and asked Washu to help them supply some power to them. Other than a small chase after Happosai who had stolen Priss’s undersuit, the night was pretty quiet. The only sounds being the snoring of a panda, and the soft weeping of Akane. Ranma awoke early the next morning. Normally, Ranma would sleep in as late as he could. Sleep being his third favorite thing next to martial arts and eating. But last night, something had troubled him. It was almost impossible to hear next to his fathers snoring, but he could have sworn he heard Akane weeping. Ranma, being Ranma, would never admit to himself, or others, that he cared deeply for Akane. So it was with the excuse in mind to find some food that drove him out of bed and on to the side that Washu has set aside for the girls. On his way, he passed a small aclove that Washu had said was for cooking. It took him a few seconds after he saw it for it to register in his mind. He backtracked, stopped, and looked at the two girls in the kitchen. Wearing identical aprons, humming the same song, and even using the same movements, Belldandy and Kassumi were cooking breakfast. Ranma blinked at them a few times as the girl and the Goddess went about food preporation in the same exact maner. His just standing there caught the attenchen of the two cooks. Looking up at the same time, they both said, together, “Good morining Ranma, did you sleep well?” “Uh, yeah.” Ranma said, “Umm Kassumi, do you know where Akane is?” Kassumi smiled, she knew why Ranma wanted to see Akane. “I belive she said she was going to look at one of those trees Ayeka talked about.” “Thanks Kassumi.” Ranma turned and came face to face with Ryo-Ohki, who was sitting on Sasami’s head. “Meow!” Greeted Ryo-Ohki. “GHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!” returned Ranma as he ran into Belldandy. Bounching off of her, he flew into a wall. He then sort of wobled out of the kitchen. Sasami giggled at him as she put on her apron and joined Belldandy and Kassumi in fixing breakfast. As the morining went on, more and more people started to wander the area of the lab. Both Keiichi and Tenchi wandered into the kitchen at the same time. And looked at the three girls. All three of them were doing everything the same, and in unison. “Good morining Tenchi and Keiichi.” Belldandy, Kassumi, and Sasami said at the same time. The two boys looked at each other and decided that they really didn’t want to know. Ranma in the mean time, had finally found Akane. She sat by a tank, knees pulled up to her chest, and her head down. Ranma stopped. Given any opponent, Ranma could easly beat them in a battle. He had as a matter of fact. But this was a battle field that Ranma’s skills could not help him with. He had faced opponents who could have killed him, and was never afraid, but now, Ranma knew fear. And for once, he had no idea what to do or say. Akane saved him by saying, “I know you’re there Ranma, I want to be left alone.” Ranma walked over to her and knelt, “Akane, I’m.... I’m sorry.” She raised a tear stained face to him. “Sorry? You and Ryoga make a fool out of me, and you’re sorry? Just go away Ranma, I don’t want to see anyone right now.” Ranma flinched back at the words. “Akane, I gave my word that I wouldn’t tell you about it. It’s my fault that Ryoga turns into a pig. And even though he and I fight all the time, I still feel that I owe him for that.” “Oh, so that gives you the right to let him sleep with me?” Akane was no longer just sad, she was starting to get mad as well. Ranma’s temp to had also started to rise. “Well, not only that, but you seemed happy to have P-Chan, and I did’t want you to be like this when I told you!” He yelled. “Oh yeah?”, Akane yelled back, “And why should you care how I feel?” “Because I love you, you idiot!” Ranma replied, then slapped his hands over his mouth. But it was to late, the damage had all ready been done. Akane’s demenor changed dramatically. She looked at Ranma as if seeing him for the first time. “Ra.. Ranma? Do you mean it?” Her face was saying that she didn’t quite believe it, but she wanted to. Ranma Saotome was never very good at hiding his feelings. While he tried to shake his head no, the blush on his face and his eyes told Akane that he did. Ranma lost the battle to Akane right there. He lowered his eyes and muttered “Yes.” It was now Akane’s turn to blush and to look at the floor in the lab. What may have happened will never be known, as all sorts of cheering came from behind one of the tanks. Ranma and Akane looked up to see EVERYONE grinning back at them. Well almost everyone. Shampoo, Ryoga, and Ukyo all wore expressions that said the next time they caught Ranma alone, they would have a nice long talk with him. But every one else was pleased to say the least. Soun and Genma were both crying their eyes out. Linna, Ryoko, and Ayeka were shouthing requests for advice on how to get and hold a man. Urd was wondering if Akane needed any of her help, and Skuld, Nene, C-ko, and A-ko were all standing together pointing and giggling. Ranma and Akane were still sitting, and their faces were red enough to see in orbit. “How... how.... how did you guys know?” Ranma demanded. Washu pushed her way through the crowd. “I always moniter what is going on im my lab.” She pointed up to where two stuffed Ryo-Ohki’s were floating, recording every word. Just then Kassumi, Belldandy and Sasami came up to say that breakfast was ready. It was after breakfast, with Akane hanging on to Ranma’s hand like if she let go he would slip away. Ranma was trying to look cool, and not be worried at the murder that was in a few eyes. “Kassumi, could I help you make lunch?” Akane asked, “I want to.... help make something for.....” She went red again. “That would be a very good idea Akane.” Belldandy said before Nabiki could stop her. Everyone from Nerima was starting to slowly back away. Only Akane was still hanging on to Ranma. If she got him with her cooking, I wonder if I did the same thing would Tenchi would fall for me? Ryoko thought. Washu spun and looked at her daughter with fright. “Hey, I want to help too.” Ryoko said pinning poor Tenchi to the wall. It was the Masaki households turn to start backing away. “Can I help to?! Can I? Can I?!!!!” C-ko bounced up and down waving her hand in the air. A-ko fainted. Belldandy smiled sweetly at her. “That should be no problem. Now, does anyone else........” She broke off as no one else was there. They had all left takeing the four startled Knight Sabers and the two Goddesses with them.What happened to Leon we may never know, but years of being around Nene when she is on a suger high most likely gave him a sence on when to bug out. Ranma looked around despertly, but there was no escape. From the kitchen area there came sounds of horror. “So I add suger, right Kassumi?” Akane asked. “Yes, that’s right Akane, but you’re useing salt.” Kassumi’s voice came back. “C-ko chan, you’re supposed to use soy, not A-1 sauce.” Belldandy told the little girl. A-ko winced. “Ryoko, that’s supose to be red bell peppers, not red peppers.” Sasami said. Tenchi started to sweat, he had heard from Sasami what happened the last time Ryoko tried to cook. The three unwilling judges looked at each other. The look was one that people just about to be fed to lions whould exchange. Ranma was glued to his chair, Akane was taking no chances on him escaping. And the look she had given him clearly said that he would be mallet food if he tried. Tenchi, having Ryoko for his cook, was tied to his chair. A-ko was the only one loose, but Belldandy made her promise not to leave. A-ko was wondering if her dad would ground her if she did. He once tried C-ko’s cooking after he had heard his daughter complain about it. The Man of Steel did not have a steel stomach when it came to C-ko’s cooking. The three looked at each other when a few explosions were heard. Together they voiced the one thought that was running through their minds. “We’re doomed.” In another part of the lab, Washu’s thought’s were running along the same lines. The 20,000 year old, self-proclaimed-number-one-super-genius-in-the-universe was being hasseled by a 19 year old Knight Saber, and, well years really didn’t count with Goddesses but Skuld LOOKED like she was 12. All she had done was ask Syila, most likely the most stable one in the group, if she wanted to come up with a battle plan. Syila thought that it was a good idea, and as most of the rest of the people had left trying to get away from the disasters taking place in the kitchen, now would be as good a time as any. Wahsu had held out her hands, and her computer interface had formed under them. She had looked up only to see Syila being pushed aside by the youngest Knight Saber, and Skuld. Both of whom were bearing down on Washu like she had all the ice cream and sweets in the universe, and, given Washu’s ability to open sub space, that might not have been far off. They were firing one question after the other, almost with out pausing to take a breath. Nene wanted to know how much power the computer had, and if it could be used to link up with the ones in the hardsuits. Skuld wanted to try and link up with some system that Washu had never heard of before, Yggdrasil or something like that. From what Washu could make out, Skuld was hoping to contack Kami-sama. Which was ridiculous right? You can’t just Email God. But according to the young Goddess, one could. By this time Syila had withdrawn with a smile, she had been around Nene often enough to know that there was no stoping her when she got this way, and it looked like Skuld was the same. Washu, the 20,000 year old mother of Ryoko, creator of Ryo-Ohki, and probably as powerful as the Emporer of Jurai, found herself quite out matched. In other parts, parts that were as far away from the kittchen as possible, the others were just hanging out, and getting to know one another. Priss and B-ko were talking about hardsuits, and more important, hardsuit weapons and their uses. Linna, Ayeka, Shampoo, Ukyo, and Urd were talking about men, or some men in paticular, and how to catch them. Leon and Kiyone were talking about police work, and having partners. Ryoga was listening to them, but that was only beacuse he had gotten lost trying to find an area to train in. Soun and Genma had managed to find a Go board, and were now playing their favorite game with Lin Chi looking on. And Keiichi and Mihoshi were playing with Ryo-ohki. The sceen was broken by a scream from the kitchen. Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to it. The Knight Sabers stopping only to put on their hardsuits. They all burst into the kitchen area to discover three, uhhhhhh, lunches being presented to the poor victims. The scream had come from A-ko when C-ko had shoved it under her nose. “Don’t do that!” Priss yelled. Behind her Lin Chi balanced. “He’s found us.” She wispered. The shields on Washu’s lab flared to life and started to shriek. Alarms rang, and screen after screen came up to show that something powerful was trying to find a way in. A blackness had come, it was not night, nor the failing of the lights, but a heavy blackness that brought to mind that of a grave. It formed in the middle of the room. To some it was Largo, to others, Kain, to Ranma, it looked like the one who had killed that which he most loved, and to Ryoko, he was Kagato. To the three Goddesses, he was the Lord of Terror, but Lin Chi recognized him for what he was, the dark one, the king of hell, the Lord of Chaos. “I have found you at last.” He did not so much as speak, but forced the words into the minds of everyone there. “Kami-sama was foolish to think that I could not find you here.” It turned and looked at the three Goddesses and smiled. “These are the ones who Kami-sama most favors.” He seemed to see something that he had missed. He reached out and caressed Skuld’s face. “You, little one, have promise. You are not so grown up, and I can use a mate.” Skuld jerked back and Belldandy and Urd went in front of her. “Leave her alone!” Urd demanded. The dark formed laughed. “You cannot hurt me.” he declared. Ranma had gone over to Ryoga and started whispering in his ear. “Hey, pig boy, guess what? Akane loves me now, she never loved you. Now that she knows, in fact, she hates you.” Ranma kept wispering. “She never wants to see you, or have anything to do with you again.” Ryoga stiffened, but the words started to reach his brain. He hung his head and tears welled up in his eyes. “The world is a dark and lonely place his wispered.” Then he realized what Ranma was up to. He looked up and smiled a small smile. “Very good Saotome.” he said. Ranma got ready, it was coming. Ryoga started to glow as he focused his depressed feelings into a ki blast. He pointed it at the black form. “Take this! Shishi hoko-dan!” He yelled launching the blast. This was what Ranma was waiting for. “Hiryu shoten-ha!” He shouted sending a wirl wind at the blast. The Lord of Chaos turned to see an energy charged tornado coming at him. It struck full, tossing him back a few feet. “You will all pay for that!” He snarled. With a move of his hand he enclosed Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, and Akane in a field. A burst of power left them knocked out. He then turned to the rest of them. “Now, die!” Part of the blackness rushed towards them, moving like a sea of rats. A sudden bright light burst from Tenchi, the darkness was deflected by the Wings of the Light Hawk that formed out of Tenchi. The dark one snarled. “If I cannot destroy you, then I will seperate you. I will have lordship and dominion in this universe, and Kami-sama will not stop me!” he roared. The power build up was felt by everyone. The walls, the lab, and Aniverse seemed to be dissolving. They could feel themselves being shoved through space and time. The curtain fell, hard. This is what I got so far, please send suggestions, comments, and death threats about my spelling to: Thanks