Gundams Travel To The Land of Stars Written by Metal Sonic v2. Part Two The ground slowly began to tremble, much like a small earthquake. As the seconds passed, the gentle trembling of the earth grew louder and more intense, eventually coalescing into a steady, measured rhythm. Slowly the cause of this disturbance became clear. Deep in the bowels of the local forest, just over the horizon, a mechanical creature of gigantic proportions slowly walked toward the Masakis' home. Two glowing green eyes glared out from their perch on a gargantuan face, almost as if looking for any creature that dared to make a noise. If such a creature were to be found, the eerie eyes gave an impression that a swift death would soon follow. Mist that the morning sun had not yet burned away swirled around what appeared to be the creature's elaborate suit of black armor. An imposing helmet featured a large jagged "v" welded dead center of the forehead while over its arms, large shoulder pads split horizontally and hung over the thing's shoulders. However, in contrast with the nighttime torso of the creature, its leg armor was the color of a winter snowstorm. The humanoid carried a strange metal cylinder somewhat taller than the whole of its body. It looked as if the strange object were a variety of staff or perhaps a cutting weapon missing its blade, but the tool supported by the other arm gave itself more readily to speculation. What looked to be a small shield, capable of not only defending but also dealing blows, was attached to the giant's left forearm. A giant blade jutted off this shield toward the ground and looked very deadly, but upon closer inspection this long metallic point gave the impression of two sword blades bound together in order to form an even more massive weapon. It was obvious that whoever or whatever this stranger was came prepared for a fight. A black trim colored the edges and corners of the shield, effectively showcasing the elaborate design in the middle: four red squares and a yellow cross, emblazoned in bold colors. This design might have had some meaning to a more astute observer, yet even without the aid of such a person, it added an imposing appearance to the even more imposing giant. The enigmatic metal being continued its relentless march toward the sole house for kilometers around. Only it knew what it would do once it reached the destination. Each of the giant's footfalls softly shook the foundation of the house. With each step the vibrations increased until even the water of the lake sloshed up against the dock support sending out ripples that disturbed the previously placid surface. Ayeka, who had not yet fully woken from her nap, turned over and muttered, "...another earthquake..." Before long she returned to her blissful dream of Tenchi. This tremor was far from usual, but given her groggy state, she could not distinguish this from the normal seismic activity that happened so often. Inside the house was a completely different situation: Mihoshi awoke with a start and managed to fall off the couch with a loud "thud". "Ouch! That really hurt!" The blonde haired women slowly rubbed her head, trying to ease the pain. Then she noticed the tremors. Her hand slowly dropped back to her side as she stood and wondered what was going on. Worry had completely replaced her pained expression when she asked, "Why is the earth vibrating like this, Sasami? Is it some sort of animal stampede? Do we need to find shelter?" Sasami looked up as she turned a page in her manga. "Nothing like that, Mihoshi. Don't worry! It's only an earthquake. This sort of thing is pretty common in the part of Earth where Tenchi lives." The young princess went back to her reading. She giggled at a particularly funny segment in her story, and then, suddenly remembering something, jerked her head up and resumed conversation with Mihoshi. "Oh! I heard your watch going off not too long ago, but I didn't want to wake you." Sasami went back to her story having done her duty. "I wonder what that could mean?" Mihoshi got up off the floor and stretched the stiffness out of her joints. "Hey, what are you reading, Sasami?" Mihoshi strolled over to the reading table where Sasami sat. There was a mischievous glint in Ryoko's eyes that a grin soon matched. The demoness turned over on her rafter to face Ryo-Ohki. "Hey! Wake up!" She shook the small cabbit. The sudden motion caused the creature to groggily open her eyes. "This should be fun! It's the perfect opportunity for me to go be alone with Tenchi now that everyone's distracted!" she whispered to her companion. A small laugh burst from Ryoko when she began to consider her options. "Shhh!" she warned the cabbit as if the laugh were Ryo-Ohki's fault. The small creature looked at her doubtfully. "Mea? Mea..." She was not too keen on prematurely ending her nap much less causing trouble for one of her carrot sources. "What?! don't want to go? But I need you to make sure he doesn't get away! I know!" Ryoko suddenly exclaimed. "What if I give you some carrots when we get back? Will that work?" She certainly hoped it would. The plan she had in mind hinged on the cabbit's cooperation. "Mea...?" Ryo-Ohki paused to consider whether this new carrot source could provide more than Tenchi. Things looked doubtful. "What do you mean that's not enough for you to come along?!" She covered her mouth having momentarily forgotten the need for secrecy in her burst of anger. Ryoko regained her calm and returned to the negotiation in progress. "Ok, ok. How about I give you... all the carrots in the storeroom when we get back? That's my last offer..." "Mea! Mea mea mea!" The matter was settled. "Great! Heh heh heh. Let's go Ryo-Ohki!" Ryoko jumped off the beam and floated to the ground. However, this sudden movement caused Sasami to take notice. "Where are you going, Ryoko?" "Oh, nowhere in particular, Sasami. I'll be back for lunch." Ryoko could barely contain her anticipation at such a golden opportunity to be with Tenchi. "Okay, Ryoko. I'll be sure to set a place for you. Have fun!" Sasami waved goodbye. I probably shouldn't have said that... Sasami thought to herself. Ryoko and her cabbit disappeared and began seek out Tenchi. Tenchi had just finished his chores when the tremors hit. I'd better get on the ground and wait this one out, he thought to himself as he got on his hands and knees. I sure hope this doesn't last too long. The young man braced himself on the ground. Ryoko materialized underneath him. "Teennnchiiii," the demoness softly whispered in one of her most seductive tones. "Ah! WHA-?!" Tenchi fell backward and hit the concrete, hard. "Tenchi, flirt with me!" Ryoko positioned herself next to him as the cabbit sat down on his head to prevent escape. "I don't have time for this, Ryoko," Tenchi said, annoyed at the intrusion of his personal space. He began to reach up and grab Ryo-Ohki. "Careful, Tenchi... darling. You wouldn't want Ryo-Ohki to transform into a spaceship on top of your head now, would you?" Ryoko smiled very pleasantly, which very effectively caused Tenchi to become even more tense. "Are you in on this too Ryo-Ohki?" he said with a nervous laugh. "Mea." "If you let me up, I'll give you some carrots when we get back!" "Mea." The cabbit would not look Tenchi in the eye. "I've got a whole field of carrots all for you! Just let me up and we'll go gather some!" Tenchi was close to panicking. "Mea." Ryo-Ohki looked in another direction and crossed her arms. The carrot fields had been harvested last week. "Teeennncchhiiii..." Ryoko whispered in the young man's ear. "Flirt with me..." the demoness repeated. "I, uh, heh... it's not easy with a cabbit sitting on my head," Tenchi told Ryoko in an attempt to stall her for time. Gears turned in the young man's head as he struggled to figure a way out of his predicament. The cyan haired woman next to him wrapped her arm around Tenchi's neck and wiggled closer. Then, the young man's problem was solved. ", Ryoko?" he cautiously asked. "What is it, darling?" Ryoko replied with a smile, hoping Tenchi finally decided to give in. "What's that?" "What's what, Tenchi?" "That!" Looming directly over them was the black and white metal giant. Its green eyes flashed a neon shade as the being briskly lifted its weapon high into the sky. An immense thumb toggled a switch on its metallic staff; glowing green energy slowly extended into the shape of a scythe blade. "RUN RYOKO!" the young man screamed as he attempted to scramble into a standing position. Ryoko looked up to assess the situation. It did not look good. "Ryo-Ohki! Transform now!" Ryo-Ohki leapt off Tenchi's head and began to transform into her spaceship form. In a heartbeat the pair on the ground appeared inside. A huge energy scythe slashed upward at the hovering Ryo-Ohki, almost too quick to avoid. Centimeters before impact the cabbit blasted away at full throttle. The blade, having missed its intended target, continued its sweep and gouged a long line in the shrine's newly swept concrete courtyard. A strange voice, oddly human sounding, issued from the head of the machine. "That's right! Run you OZ cowards!" After a pause it continued. "The God of Hell is on your tail! Oh man, that was bad. I really need to work on my one-liners..." Back at the gate, the guardians of Jurai passed the time with chitchat. "I thought you said somebody else was coming down the path?" "I think I see someone now! Honest!" "Right..." "Hey, Azaka? What's that?" "It looks like a metal giant with an energy weapon is chasing Ryo-Ohki." "Okay. That's what I thought I saw too. We really need to get Washu to adjust our optical sensors." "Yes, we certainly do. Let's ask her after we surprise that person I thought I saw." "THOUGHT you saw. Didn't we just agree we needed our sensors recalibrated, Azaka?" "..." Ryo-Ohki skimmed the top of the Masakis' house, giant in pursuit, just as Ayeka woke up from her nap. The elder princess's skin was completely sunburned. "That was certainly a pleasant nap. I feel completely refreshed and ready to deal with that monster woman. I...WHA-aaahhh!?" Her jaw dropped in resonse to the fantastic scene overhead. Overhead, the metal giant shot past the dock and sliced the house into two horizontal sections as it flew by. "Ugh... no more sake for me... especially not for breakfast. Boy, my skin is really beginning to itch!" Ayeka looked down at herself to see what the problem was. "Oh, no! My beautiful skin is all sunburned and peeling! What will Tenchi think? I've got to hide it before Ryoko sees!" Tears welled up in Ayeka's eyes. "I knew I shouldn't have worn a bathing suit to go fishing!" she admonished herself. The top of the house slowly slid off and hit the ground, causing dust to fly up into the air. Noboyuki had finally decided on the movie he wanted to watch from his "special collection." With a dopey grin, he took the cassette out of the case and put it in the VCR, making sure to get comfortable on his couch before it started. Then the house split in two. "What was that? Was the house just cut in two?" The architect sat on the couch and scratched his head in confusion. Furniture trembled as the top of the building found a new resting place next to the bottom. "Must be my imagination. Hmm? Oh, yeah! Now, for the perfect end to a long week... heh heh heh!" He moved closer to the TV as he chuckled in anticipation. Above the television Noboyuki's only VCR began to smolder, finally exploding in a shower of parts that shot throughout the room. The shock of a house splitting in two and sliding off had been too much for the old piece of technology to handle. Noboyuki bolted up and gripped his head with both hands. The VCR could be replaced, but the architect was horrified at losing part of his "special" video collection. "Merciful heavens! NOOOOOO..." - he shook his fists at the sky - "...OOOO! How could such a tragedy happen in this house?!" "Ryoko! Did you do something to make this THING mad?" Tenchi paced back and forth inside Ryo-Ohki's control room. "No! Why do you blame me, Tenchi? I never do anything wrong..." Ryoko responded with the most innocent look she could muster. "Yeah..." Tenchi said with a sour expression and a sidelong glance. "Maybe if we try to talk to it we can find out what it wants." "Oh, sure... if we don't get sliced in half by that energy scythe first. What's your hang-up on always wanting to talk things out, huh?" Tenchi ignored the jab at his preference for words rather than fists. "And did you hear that thing mention something called "OZ"? I wonder what "OZ" is?" The woman tried to recall if she had ever heard of something by that name. She had not. "How should I know? But it must be something bad if that giant is trying to kill us over it." Tenchi watched the screen as Ryoko did her best to guide Ryo-Ohki on the quickest path of escape. Back at the house, Mihoshi stood transfixed by the new skylight. "Wow! It's much brighter in here now! Don't you think so, Sasami?" "I suppose, Mihoshi. But it's not normal for an Earth house to be without a roof, is it?" "Hmm... maybe not. I haven't seen enough of Earth to know for sure. Did you see what created that big hole in Tenchi's roof?" The policewoman had a hard time picturing something capable of slicing a house in two with one stroke. Sasami, however, thought she had the answer. "I didn't see anything, but it's probably just Ryoko and Ayeka fighting again." "I guess so. Those two sure get at it! That reminds me... I should go check in with Yukinojo. It's been awhile since I've talked to him." Mihoshi started for the door. "Alright. Will you be back for lunch, Mihoshi?" Sasami asked. "You can count on it! I'll be back before you know it!" Mihoshi excused herself and walked to the edge of the lake. Because her ship still rested at the bottom of it (Washu had not bothered to retrieve it after the LAST time Mihoshi's ship plummeted to the lake bottom) the blonde haired woman dove in. Moments later a very wet officer of the law stood dripping in the ship's control room. Yukinojo unfolded from the ceiling. "Mihoshi! Once again I've tried to contact you for several days, and once again you did not respond. Where have you BEEN, Mihoshi? The Galaxy Police have been trying to contact you for the past two days!" "Well," she tapped her chin with her finger as she thought things through. "Yesterday was pretty busy with that sightseeing trip we took. We saw all sorts of shrines and shops and people. The food we tried was really good too, which reminds me of the really delicious breakfast we ate today! There were all sorts of things to eat! I think Sasami really outdid herself this time! I especially enjoyed the miso soup although I think it was maybe a little too salty, but it's nothing to complain about. Really! Or maybe I liked the rice better? Of course then there was the pickled daikon. I couldn't stop myself from eating that! Oh! I forgot about watching..." "Mihoshi." " favorite morning television show. It looked like it was going to be a really funny episode, but I got kind of tired and fell asleep. In fact, I wound up sleeping most of the morning! Can you believe how one little nap can make all the difference in the world? I feel completely refreshed! If all the criminals in the universe would just take a nap..." "Mihoshi!" "...the universe would be a much better place to live. I mean, don't YOU feel a lot friendlier after a good sleep? Oh, I guess you don't sleep. Well, that's okay. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah! After I..." "MIHOSHI!" She paused mid-ramble to see what the robot wanted. "What is it, Yukinojo?" "Mihoshi, you need to contact the sector chief at headquarters right away! An urgent situation has unfolded in your absence." "Um... okay, Yukinojo." Mihoshi shook a few drops of water from her pants and sat in the pilot's chair. "Yukinojo: open the Super Inter-Space Hotline." "Okay... activating long distance communication array...done. Password please." "Hmm..." She could not quite remember it. "...Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall?" Lines of code traveled across Yukinojo's eyes as he authenticated the password Mihoshi gave him. After a few moments Yukinojo announced, "Password accepted... opening a channel... connected," while he thought, I think she changes the password every time she gives it to me! Thank goodness a voice recognition chip was installed in the system last time we were in for repairs... Yukinojo sighed as best he could without the use of lungs. A screen materialized in front of Mihoshi, and her superior began to talk. "Mihoshi! Once again I've tried to contact you for several days, and once again you did not respond!" "That's funny, chief. Yukinojo said the same thing! What a coincidence!" "Mihoshi, we've detected a subspace anomaly in your patrol sector. We believe it has its origin at... just a second... the forest outside the Masaki living quarters. Your assignment is to..." "Detective Mihoshi is on her way to investigate!" "I haven't given you your assignment yet, Mihoshi!" "You can count on me, chief! Signing off... now..." "WAAITTT! MIHOSHI! LISTEN TO-" The screen holding the sector chief's image blinked off. A long distance away, Mihoshi's superior patted the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. "Maybe it will turn out okay. Oh, who am I kidding? With Mihoshi, NOTHING turns out okay!" The worried man reached for a bottle of sake kept for such conversations with Mihoshi. "Bottoms up..." "Yukinojo: run a scan of that area the chief briefed me about." "Yes, ma'am!" her assistant responded. Yukinojo accessed the powerful sensors of the ship and began to scan the forest up above. He soon found what he was looking for. "Oh, my! It seems the anomaly is actually a tear in the fabric of space-time itself!" "This is serious. I'd better ask Washu about it!" Mihoshi said. She leaned forward and started to stand up. "Hhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiii!" a voice happily greeted the policewoman. "WHA-?!" Mihoshi fell over and hit the ground at Washu's feet. "After detecting the initial humanoid, I took the liberty of tapping into your ship's sensors. You," the scientist remembered with whom she spoke, "and by you I don't mean YOU, Mihoshi, would be surprised at how much more accurate a scan is possible with a closer proximity to a space-time tear such as this. Hope you don't mind I borrowed your sensor array! Aheh heh heh!" Mihoshi stood up and brushed herself off. "You gave me quiet a scare little Washu!" "It looks like we're dealing with enormous mechanical humans... hmm...that can't be right. Their astral patterns don't match with that scenario." Washu began to scan all the beings for a second time while Mihoshi seized the opportunity to ask a question. "So there's more than one of these things?" "You got it! Secondary scans show that each one utilizes a human pilot therefore classifying them as "mobile suits". So far, only five have come through the tear, but the longer that rift stays open, the higher the probability that more will follow." The scientist busily typed away at one of the ship's consoles. "It looks like the rift is in the forest just outside Ryoko's cave." "Do you think it was one of THEM," she gestured at the display screen where five different wireframe models of the beings slowly rotated, "who cut the house in two?" "Yes. And that's not all they can do! It looks as if each one has a unique, equally destructive weapon. We need to somehow force them back through the tear so that I can seal it up again," the scientist told Mihoshi. "Why do we need to send them back so soon, again?" Mihoshi only had a vague idea of what Washu had been telling her. "Because according to research by THE GREATEST SCIENTIFIC GENIOUS EVER, in addition to the increased chance of more dimensional travelers, that anomaly will become an eternal feature of our dimension if it exists for more than twenty-four hours. I don't know about you, but I don't want a permanent gateway between our world and the one these mobile suits are coming from." The red haired scientist suddenly smiled and lifted her hand for emphasis. "But it's no problem at all! I should be able to have the dilemma solved before Sasami has lunch ready!" Mihoshi gave her a blank stare. Washu sighed and slapped her head. "You obviously didn't understand much of that, did you? At least not all things in the universe are as chaotic as the fabric of space-time. On a side note, I believe my little Ryoko and Lord Tenchi have already come into contact with one of the mobile suits." Many meters above Mihoshi and Washu, Ryo-Ohki darted by, skimming the surface of the lake, but the "God of Hell" was right behind them, the thrust from its rockets causing two high walls of water to form behind it. Thick mud quickly replaced the dry shore surrounding the lake. "...and there they go! They must have been caught unaware at Lord Katsuhito's shrine and were chased past the house - where it was cut in two - then over the lake all so that Ryo-Ohki can make it to the relative protection of the deep forest. It is also apparent that the vernier rockets of the mechanical suit provide just enough force to gain on Ryo-Ohki one meter at a time. C'mon, Mihoshi! Ask me how I know!" Washu waited in anticipation. This brilliant display of deductive logic so greatly impressed Mihoshi that it did not take much additional prompting from Washu before Mihoshi took the bait. Though the policewoman did not truly understand what the scientist had just reasoned, such a vast amount of description coupled with such a small amount of time to come up with it was a great feat to her. "How do you know about all this, little Washu?" Mihoshi waited with bated breath for the answer. "Because I'm a GENIOUS! That's all! Aheh heh heh heh!" Washu concluded with her characteristic laugh.