Thread (pushed out into camera veiw):  Um, yes, I'm Thread:  the great elven
knight, and this is a 5150 Fanfic Production.  5150 and it's owner(s) have
claim to any of the characters.  Warning, the following is an X-over with no
apearent plot and frequent OOC out bursts, and therefore should not be taken
seriously.  The following was writen (for lack of a better word) by Jaiq:
of crappy author created characters that drive crews bananas, it
was directed by Serra: goddess of the call of nature, and produced by Erica:
goddess of caffinated beverages.  Catering provided by Meleni: goddess of
sugar.  Any or all of these dieties can be reached through the head of James
Zale via e-mail at  And now, our feature presentation...

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It was mid morning.  Tenchi was going down to Washu's lab.  Why was he going
to Washu's lab?  Because she promised that she would invent him a ladder so
he could climb out of plot holes.

Tenchi:  Little Washu!  Is the ladder ready yet?

Washu:  No, I decided to let Mihoshi play with the dimentional tunner

Tenchi:  Why?  We already used the dimensional tunner.

Washu:  Because the writer of this fic isn't very good, so instead of
thinking of a plot that is engaging and emotionaly fulfilling, he's going to
let Mihoshi ruin something and try to make a lot of jokes about it.

Tenchi:  Will that solve the problem with the plot holes?

Mihoshi:  Actualy, it will cause more plot holes, a couple at first, but
after a while the plot holes will become so numerous that tey will eventualy
shred the fragile fabric of our dimension.  Everything will become
confusingly distorted and then we will all die horrible deaths.
Washu and Tenchi:  (Blink, Blink)

Mihoshi:  Ella is a soft kitty!  (She hugs Ella [Ella is a cat/girl])

Ella:  Ack!  How did I get here?!

Mihoshi:  I found you in a plot hole, remember.  (Ella disapears)

Tenchi:  (Opens his mouth to ask a question)...

Washu:  Don't ask, you might get an answer.  Mihoshi, are you done playing
with the dimensional tunner yet?

Mihoshi:  All set!!  (The lab starts to shake, warnings go off on the
dimensional tunner, and everyone rushes into Washu's lab.)

Ayeka (screaming):  Tenchi hold me!

Ryoko (same):  Ayeka hold me!

Sasami (Yup! She's screaming to!):  I didn't get a chance to have a hot and
freaky lemon scene with Super Saiyan (or Saiya-jin, I'm not sure) Gohan!
wait, yes I did!  Nevermind!

Kiyone:  What happened?

Tenchi:  Mihoshi played with the dimensional tunner, then she made some
talk, then she said that the world was gonna end and we're all gonna die!

Kiyone (now she's sceaming!):  But I didn't get a chance to confess my
undieing love for Little Washu!  Little Washu, will you marry me before the
end of the world?

Mihoshi:  Um, Kiyone...

Kiyone (she's still screamin'):  Fine, you can marry me to, Mihoshi!

Mihoshi:  Kiyone, according to the calculations Little Washu will come up
with after I say something cute and out of context, The world won't come to
an end for another seventy years. In that time she will have found a way to
mend the plot holes and save the world.

Everyone: (Blink, Blink)

Mihoshi:  Is Sailor Moon on yet?

Washu (lookng at a computer screen):  OH DEAR GOD NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noboyuki:  What is it, Little Washu?  Is the world ending?

Washu:  NO, worse!

Cammy:  What's worse than that?

Ryoko:  Where did you come from?

Cammy:  I fell out a plot hole.  (falls into a plot hole)

Washu:  Mihoshi was RIGHT!  But Kiyone, I WILL marry you!

Kiyone:  WOO-HOO!  (She does an I.R. Baboon victory dance [no, she isn't
wearing any pants].)

Ayeka:  A blue window opensand a boy falls out.  He is about Washu's height,
wearing a green jacket, and has tiny feet.

Serra (you remember, the director):  NO! NO! NO!  Ayeka, that's the
narrator's line!

     A blue window...

Serra:  NO!  She already read that!  Just wait for the next one!

Ed:  (When he talks, he yells for no reason):  I AM THE BRAINLESS ZOMBIE

Chun-Li:  Who is this guy?

Ryoko:  Did you fall out of a plot hole to?

Ayeka:  She's not Chun-Li, She's Lady Une in disguise!

Chun-Li... I mena Lady Une:  Curses, Foiled again!

     ...Never running from a real fight!... What! Oh, thay beat up Lady Une,
Wrap her in tin-foil (because she said "foiled again") and then thay threw
her out a plot hole.

Yosho (who is young for no reason):  So, young man, like Lady Une said, who
are you?

     She is the one named Sailor Moon!

Serra:  NOone was talking to you!

Ed:  I am Ed!  I live in a foundation!

Ryoko:  How do we understand him?  He's speaking english.

Washu:  Because we're from the dubbed version of the show.  (See, I
everything and nothing at the same time!-- Jiaq)

Ed:  Ryoko is Pretty, like A seventy-three Pacer!

Ryoko:  Tenchi!  How come you never sweet talk me like that!

Ed:  Ayeka's brests are small, so her bras are cheaper!

Ayeka:  That's so sweet, lord Ed!

Ed:  Sasami's eyes are sparkly, like the rayguns in "MUTANTS WITH RAYGUNS"
part four!

Sasami:  Oh wow!  Grandfather, can I marry him?

Yosho:  Why are you asking me?  I'm not your grandfather.  Oh what the hell,
All three of you girls can marry Ed!

Ayeka, Ryoko, and Sasami:  Hoorah!  ED! ED! ED! ED! ED! ED! ED! ED! ED!

Tenchi:  Wait, Ryoko, he called you a car!  Ayeka, he called you flat

Sasami:  Tenchi, don't be a sore LOSER!

Tenchi:  Sasami!  Your only EIGHT-YEARS-OLD!

Sasami:  Yeah! But he's only about twelve so it's o.k.!

Yosho:  Come on, Kiyone, Washu, and Mihoshi, I'll doo your wedding as well!

Tenchi:  Kiyone, can i be in your marrige?

Kiyone:  No because you were so wrapped up in Ayeka, Ryoko, and Sasami, that
you ignored us!

Mihoshi:  Wait, we need a fourth so we can play basketball with Ryoko's

Washu:  We will marry Erica:  the goddess of caffinated beverages, because
she is sexy and can play basketball better than Tenchi!  Erica, will you
marry us?!

Erica:  Yes!  Yes I will marry you!

Noboyuki and Yosho:  HAHA! HAHA! Tenchi's all alo-one!

Tenchi:  You guys are alone to.

Noboyuki:  No we're not!  I jumped through a plot hole and now your mother

Yosho:  I jumped through a plot hole and killed my father and married my

Funaho:  Come here you handsome piece of MAN-CANDY!!

Noboyuki, Achika, Yosho and Funaho:  Tenchi's all alo-one!  Tenchi's all
alo-one!  Tenchi's all alo-one! Tenchi's all alo-one!  Tenchi's all alo-one!

Magical Fanfic elves:  Don't woory, Tenchi, we're still here for you!

Jaiq, the god of crappy author created characters that drive My.
crews bananas:  I KNEW IT!  MAGICAL FANFIC ELVES *DO* EXIST!!  (Chaces away
all the magical fanfic elves.)

Tenchi:  Now I *AM* all alone!  (Just then, Priss from Bubble Gum Crisis,
Tokyo 2040 jumped out of a plot hole.)

Priss:  Tenchi Masaki, we want you to be the only male on our all-girl
vigilanty squad.  Your job will consist of fixing our hardsuits and never
being in any real danger.

Tenchi:  I thought you already had some one for that.

Priss:  Yeah, but we killed him because you are sexier than he was!

Tenchi:  Okay, let's go.  (Tenchi and priss jump though a plot hole and now
Washu's lab is empty.)

Meleni:  I know!  Let's do an epilogue!

Serra:  No, we already did one of those.  Let's do the score to the
basketball game!

[Insert three dieties]:  Yeah! The basketball game!

Jaiq:  OKAY!  Kiyone's team 96, Ed's team 91!


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(Magical fanfic elves!!!)

     And now, A word from the writer...

Jaiq:  I Drink Three Pots Of Coffee A Day!  My Brain Doesn't Work, It Only
Makes A Humming Noise!  Big Ed Is My Hero!  And Any And All Parties
Responsible For This Can Be Contacted At And Look Forward
To Your Flames (so they can see things and not trip over them).  If You
Like To My.S.T. This Then I Give You Permission, And Be Violent.  If You
Would Like To Copy This And Call It Your Own Then You Have Mucho Troubles
Need Your Head Examined!

     "I used to think the human brain was the most fascinating part of the
body.  Then I realized, well, look at what's telling me that."
--Emo Phillips

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(See thier little pointy ears?)

Even more Author's Notes:  When I decided to write this, I decided to praise
the unsung hero's of X-over Fanfics, plot holes.  When most writers find
holes they're all, "Dude, a plot hole, quick fill it up before the next
scene"!  But when I find a plot hole I'm all, "Dude, a plot hole, what's in
here"?  And when I look inside, it's another pot of coffee, exept it's laced
with drugs like in that Foo Fighters video.  And I'm all, "Wow, Street
Fighter", and "Dude, Chun-Li and Lady Une Have the same hair style".  I LOVE
CHICKENS EDDY!  And if there weren't any plot holes Lady Une would still be
waiting for that personality transplant, and would be all, "Yes Mr. Treize's
ghost, I will kill", but now she's all jumping through plot holes and making
jokes.  So thanks to plot holes we have peace, so, yeah!  Plot holes are