To the reader: This is a rewrite of my story. My First attempt was really my first. Well I have decided to do some major reworking and with some help and input from my good friend Literary Eagle. (Who's numerous work's which can be found on GenSao's Web Page.) She has, along with others have given me somethings better to work with. To ALL Lawyer (or such) please don't sue because all I have is my tool box and some clothes (Trust me it isn't worth it). I do not own any rights or copy rights to Tenchi or the Star Trek Universe. Well that was long wasn't Lita. Well on to the fun part the story telling. FOR THE LOVE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH: A JOURNEY BEYOND Chapter One: Where do the lost ones go? In another realm of reality there were a race entities known as the Q. The Q were entities that were made of the fabric of space/time. These entities being as such were linked in a way that are beyond understanding. They had the ability to travel anywhere within the bounds of reality. Yet there was only one place that they couldn't go, that was beyond the darkness of reality. The darkness of reality is not necessarily a place, but yet it is real. The darkness is that which where true nothingness exists. A void of the beyond that which a very few had come back from. The Q being as close as omnipotent as possible took this as a challenge and traveled into the darkness, completely ignorant as to what would happen. If they had only known the consequences of what the darkness had done. Because of darkness the Q turned upon itself and began to kill one another, causing all out war. The war of darkness had lasted over millions of years until it ended suddenly. The war had leaving only three survivors, all of them children, whom miraculously had been untouched by the darkness. Their names were Tsunami, Tokimi, and Washu. Yet before the last of the old Q died they left a warning to these children to never to travel beyond the darkness of reality. For it would destroy them. After that the old ones separated the children to far corners of the universe, hoping they would discover someone or thing to keep them happy. As the centuries past they grew lonely and traveled. Each of them having thought that they were the last of their kind. Never knowing of the others existence. Tsunami the youngest discovered a race of humanoids, who traveled among the stars, called the Jurai. Since she had longed for something to fill the emptiness around her, she had become enamoured to them. After reviling herself to them; the Jurai had welcomed her with opened arms and made her the goddess of the trees because of her love for all thing green and living. In return she had granted the Jurai with the gift of the Light hawk wings, which gave them the ability to travel faster than the speed of light and the power of protection from their enemies. Tokimi the eldest had also traveled though out her part of the universe and discovered a planet with the beginning of intelligent humanoid life. These beginning people having developed language and with it they called their planet Terra meaning mother. Tokimi had always been curious about others beings and how they lived. So she decided to watch over these humanoids and to somewhat become their mother remembering what it was like to have a mother. She then decided to revile herself to the largest group of these humanoids, which lived on an island in the north hemisphere. After a somewhat interesting encounter with them, they began to call her Gaia. And so she was happy for the first time, being loved and needed. Washu having been the daughter of the one whom traveled beyond the darkness of reality and returned, had becoming mad and starting the killing and infecting the other starting the war, which destroyed her race. Washu never understood why it happen or why going beyond the darkness had changed her mother so. Washu had loved her mother deeply and wanted to find the cause of her changing and destroy it. So she traveled to the edge and studied it. During her study she had discover an unusual planet, which was inhabited by living machines. These machines had been left by a race, which had traveled beyond the darkness and never returned. Before then this race had collected centuries of data on the edge, after discovering this she greeted the living machines. The machines having had no contact with another entity in over a million years were, ecstatic and answer any and all questions she asked. Washu felt for the machines on this planet, because they were so much like her, alone and needing. So she became their queen and gave them a name to symbolize their uniqueness, The Borg collective. So Washu gave them a purpose to learn what the darkness really was and so they began to collect data for her their queen. 'Their mother.' Thousands of years had past and each of the goddesses were happy in there own way. And it might have stayed that way, but fate as we know would never let it be so. So then a day came when Tsunami's race the Juria had discovered the Borg from their explorations to find new worlds to colonize. The Juria encountered the Borg while they were collecting, literally. At first they simply ignored one another, but after time Washu had learned of the existence of Tsunami who was another of her race. That is when a war broke out between them. For it was Tsunami father who killed Washu mother and father. (What Washu didn't know was that Tsunami father did it to protect Tsunami and that he died doing this.) At first the Juria had over power the Borg, then Washu realize why because of the Light Hawk Wings, they were a Q ability. So Washu decided to even things up and gave the Borg Collective gems of power, which had the same qualities of the Light Hawk Wings, but slightly different. While war broke out between the Juria and the Borg Collective, Tokimi was happy watching over her children. Her children, which she had come to call Terrans, and gone though there ups and down and had finally started to work together and travel the stars. As Tokimi's children grew she started becoming more passive with her help and advice, until she became little more than a figure in legend. Tokimi was happy with this; she wanted her children to learn to stand on their own. In time the people of Terra had discovered other races living in the galaxy around them. After a while they joined together in a league called the United Federation of Planets. Together this league of planets created a task force called StarFleet that would explore the galaxy, and protect the league. As the war grew between the Juria and Borg Collective it started to engulf other races in the universe that had been force to choose between the two. In time Starfleet had encountered these two warring factions. And at the time it was the Juria who were losing because of shear numbers. So Starfleet had been force with a decision; because, if they didn't join one side or another they would be caught in the middle. After the first encounter with StarFleet Tsunami had learned of Tokimi, but hid her presence as so not to cause problems like with Washu. Tokimi knew anyway whom it was that were at the heart of the fighting, the problem was she had left the decision to her children and they didn't know about Tsunami and Washu. Starfleet position has always been to help the ones that couldn't help themselves, so they joined forces with the Juria. This tipped the balance of power and it was now the Borg who was now on the losing end. But Washu was not about to lose her adopted children to the likes of Tsunami and her new friends so she gave her children. So she became more aggressive and instructed the Borg to assimilate whoever they encounter to increase their number. The war raged on seeming with no end to come. Then came a boy who stopped the war and bestowed peace, but the cost was the total destruction of all those involved. His name was Jen, son of Ryoko a Borg and Yosho a prince of Juria both which had met in StarFleet under unusual circumstances. After the final battle Jen was alone, and was in terrible pain from loss. So in a final act of irony he traveled beyond the darkness of reality and lived. This is his story the story of Jen Masaki. We begin in the Realm of one Tenchi Masaki. It was the end of the year on his world and everyone in the Masaki house were giving it they all. The New Year to them symbolized a new start, a fresh page to start anew. Tenchi and Nobuyuki had prepared all day for the party for the beginning of the new year. Sasami along with Washu had been cooking up a storm for the special event. The other girls helped with moving the furniture around as so to set up the last meal of the year on the porch out over looking the lake. "Ayeka, did you find out if mother and aunt Funaho were going to arrive here in time for the New Year party?" "Yes Sasami, I did. Mother told me that she couldn't come, but aunt Funaho said that she will be coming, and that she said to have Tenchi meet her at the shine." "But Sis, did mother say why she couldn't come?" "No Sasami, but she did wish us a happy New Year." Sasami didn't like the idea of not being able to spend the time with her mother, because since she had come to live with Tenchi she hasn't talked with her mom and Sasami misses her. Sasami began to wonder why she couldn't come, 'Its' probably something to do with dad and the council, SHOOT.' Lord Katsuhito during this time was up at the shine talking with a unique friend from along time ago on the phone. "Hmm I see, you wish for me to come to the United States to see you. All right I understand I will begin to make arrangements to come as soon as possible." With that he hung up the phone and made his way down to the house to join the other for the party. Out on the porch Tenchi and his father Nobuyuki were reminiscing about the past. "Ah son, it's hard to believe its' been four year since the girls arrived here and decided to live here with us." Nobuyuki was always a bit nostalgic at the end of every year. To him it was another year without his wife Achika. He remembered how they spent their new years together, but Achika was gone now. He didn't feel the pain as bad now as he did back then. Quietly to himself he spoke, "I thank god for the girls coming here, and I may not have you my love, but now I have the family I always wanted." Tenchi had been watching his father face and knew what he'd been thinking. "I know Dad, but there here now, and I think that I wouldn't have it any other way." Tenchi smiled. He too remembered about his mother, but now he had the girls. To him they were like adopted sisters. They were family now and that is all he needed for now. As the clock ticked away the hours, each person lost in thought about the changes they had gone though in the last few years. All of them have changed a great deal, some more than others, but they had all changed. Ryoko was sitting in the living room and remembering the last four years. Thinking to herself, "It's hard to believe its' been so long, to me it seem like it was just a couple of day ago that I was released from that damn cave. Then the accident with 'daddy', and how he murdered Tenchi. Then how we planned on making him pay for his murder. Then I remember how Tenchi like an angel just appeared before I was about to die and how he saved me." As she thought more she began to wonder how she really felt for Tenchi. "It wasn't until Mayuka show up that I really understood how deeply I felt for him. I mean he hit me, NO ONE had ever hit me, except 'daddy'. But I didn't feel the same pain as I did with 'daddy', just the pain of not being wanted. I remember afterward how he came up to the roof and tried to apologize. It was then that I knew he needed me, maybe even wanted me a little. I just hope someday he'll realize just how much he means to me." As Ryoko continued to wander in her thoughts, Ayeka had entered the living room. "Miss Ryoko I wish to have a talk with you." Ryoko who was still lost in thought didn't hear Ayeka talking to her and kept staring off into space. Ayeka noticed that Ryoko hadn't heard a word she said, so she walked up behind her and yelled. "MISS RYOKO!" Ryoko had jumped up and hit the ceiling unconsciously forgetting to phase though it. "OWW, damn princess can't a girl think in peace. What do you want anyway?' Ayeka notice how she had forgotten to phase through the ceiling and laughed quietly to herself "Miss Ryoko I believe the time as come for us to have a talk about the matter of are fighting." Not missing a beat Ryoko responded, "Oh, so you're ready to give up then, great I'll go and tell Tenchi the good news and then we could hmm." As Ryoko began to move toward the glass door between the living room and the porch where Tenchi was standing with his father, Ayeka had put her famous mini logs around her. It stopped her just before she got outside. "Miss Ryoko, I am not saying or even giving the idea of giving up Tenchi, all I want is to have a talk with you." Ryoko was a little taken back by her restraint that Ayeka didn't get angry about her comments. Usually a simple thing like what she had just done would have been enough to start a fight, but it didn't. "Ok, I suppose we could talk, but I'm not giving up on Tenchi either." Ayeka responded, "I know that, that not what I was trying to get at." "Ok princess what is it that you're trying to get at." After Ryoko last spoke Ayeka took a moment to gather her thoughts and spoke again in a softer tone. "Ryoko as you know we now have little Mayuka living here. I have come to realize that if we were to continue fighting as we do someday somehow Mayuka might get hurt or worse. I care for her a great deal and not because it might make Tenchi like me more. And furthermore are fighting really does nothing but get Tenchi angry toward us, and nothing but destroy pieces of are new home. I not saying that we simply give up, but we choose another method for are little disagreements." Ryoko listen has Ayeka spoke and silently agreed that Mayuka could get hurt or worst if they kept up with their normal fighting level. Ryoko also cared for little Mayuka, thou for different reasons known only to her. When Ayeka finished she responded, "Alright Ayeka if you're saying that we should make an agreement not to fight around Mayuka or Tenchi then I'll agree to it." Ayeka was happy that Ryoko had understood what she had been saying. "Good, then from now on we'll not fight over Tenchi using are powers." Ryoko responded, "Agreed." Ayeka then made the mini logs disappear and they both went outside to the porch to join the others for the party. An hour before Midnight everyone had picked up a glass and made a toast. They all said pretty much the same thing, " To family." As everyone began to drink little did any one notice, but Washu and Ryoko both had, had a single tear fall from their eyes. It was at this time where they both had shared a single thought between them, "If they only knew....." At the moment of that thought they had both felt a warmth, that they had almost forgotten and it had struck them both right to the core. Telepathically Ryoko spoke to Washu, "Washu, I think its' time that we had a talk." Washu noted the tone in which she had sent the thought. "Yes, it is about time, but later let's enjoy being with are family for now." "Ok,,mom." Just an hour before the clock turn to midnight Katsuhito had entered the party and joined in the final toast. He add a few words after very one else had spoke, "I must say this is one the happiest moment that this house has seen in a long time, may it last forever." Everyone sounded in agreement to Katsuhito words. When Midnight came everyone started to sing that old tune, 'For old acquaint be forgot and old etc.' (Writer doesn't know all the words. :() Everyone had fun and reveled in the thought of starting anew. After a while Sasami fell asleep along with Tenchi. Ryoko and Ayeka were over by the dock and sitting and drinking together. Washu was talking with Nobuyuki and Katsuhito in the living room. It had been the first time the three really ever talked. Kiyone had gone on up the stairs to the porch to look up at the stars. Mihoshi had fallen asleep from drinking too much. All in all it had been a descent night so far. While Kiyone looked up at the stars her mind began to wander. "Why I'm I still here, what reason do I have to stay. I know that I was sent here to watch over Mihoshi, but that isn't all of it. I mean if all I wanted to do was leave all I need to do is put in a transfer. So Why, why am I still here?" Kiyone pondered this while she watched the night's sky. "Well I never had a family before, maybe that why." After that last thought she decided to go back down stairs and join the others who were still awake. After a couple of day everything went back to its' normal routine, except for something had changed. Ryoko and Ayeka no long came to physical blows after their arguments. Later Tenchi had quietly learned of their agreement from Sasami. "Well Sasami, I must say that they have grown a bit since Mayuka began to live here with us. I must say that I like it this way better." Sasami just smiled and giggle, "Maybe Tenchi, or they might be trying some new approach on getting you." Tenchi just looked at Sasami as the thought it started to sink in. "Oh, god now I am in trouble." Sasami just starting laughing so hard that she doubled over on to the couch. Tenchi watched as she kept laughing from the look on his face. "You're not much help." And after he said that, he decided to lock himself up in his room for awhile so as to figure out what to do about the two girls. Later that day Lord Katsuhito had informed the rest of the family that he was leaving for awhile to visit an old friend in the U.S. Tenchi had always been interested in visiting the U.S. and so he had asked if he could come along. He also hoped to get away from the girls for awhile, to give him some time to figure out what to do with them. "Tenchi I'm afraid I can't take you with me, my friend is a bit unusual and wouldn't like uninvited visitors." Tenchi didn't understand and asked again hoping grandpa would change his mind, but he knew that he wouldn't. "Tenchi you will be starting your third year of college in a few week and you should start studying for the new year so you'll be ahead instead of behind. Beside I will be there for some time possible 2 or more months." Nobuyuki wondered why he would be gone so long, "Father, why will you be gone so long?" Katsuhito turn to face Nobuyuki and responded, "Because he needs my help with something personal." Nobuyuki nodded, "I understand, well have a good trip." The other had also wished Katsuhito a good trip, and each hugged him goodbye. Tenchi bowed and then hugged him as well. Katsuhito then walk off toward the cab that had been waiting for him at the gate. "Azaka, Kamidake take care of them while I'm gone." The two large log like guardians turned and responded to Lord Katsuhito, "Yes sir. We will protect them." Katsuhito nodded in approval and climbed into the cab. The two guardians watch as the cab left their view. The morning after Tenchi was still sleeping, it being the weekend so he was allowed to sleep in for awhile. As he dreamed that he was reliving the time when Ayeka family had come back for them. As the dream went on Tenchi was again fighting with Lord Seiryo to keep Lord Azusa from taking his daughters back to Juria. He stood and watched as Mihoshi again crashed into the lake causing a small tidal wave, which knocked Seiryo off the dock and into the lake. Tenchi laughed inwardly he thought, 'ha if that is a noble of Juria then I just stay here on earth.' As the dream ended he heard an unfamiliar voice whisper into his ear, "One shall travel beyond all that is to save us all." After hearing this Tenchi saw someone on a ship looking at a screen. This person was him and it wasn't him On the screen he saw a battle in space, thousands upon thousands ship were being destroyed or destroying. Death on a scale unimaginable everywhere. Then he or his other self began to focus on something and that's when the pain and terror hit him wave after wave. This bolted him awake screaming. "AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH." Ryoko hearing Tenchi's screaming had move almost faster than light to reach him. As she sped toward his room she thought, "If anyone hurts him.........." The anger and rage she felt as she went though his door disappeared as she entered the room and discovered that he was alone. Tenchi was sitting up right on the bed staring at the wall breathing heavily. A second or two later everyone else entered the room, "TENCHI, what wrong right you alright." Tenchi hadn't noticed everyone else entering the room, the feeling of pure terror from the dream had put him into a bit of shock, but slowly he was coming out of it. As this was happening Washu ran some type of scanning device over him to make sure he was unharmed. "Well mom, is he alright?" Washu looked over him finding and found nothing at first. "Well I didn't find anything wrong, nor some outside stimuli which might cause him pain." She lied. By this time Tenchi had come out of his shock and reaffirmed everyone that he was fine. "It was just a bad dream, I'm sorry to have scared everyone." Ryoko and Ayeka had sat next to Tenchi on both sides and spoke, "Are you sure, we both care a great deal about you Tenchi." Ayeka reaffirmed what Ryoko had just said with a small nod. "Thank you but Its' just some silly nightmare, I think I will be fine. Now if you people could go on down stairs I will join you after I take a shower." Ryoko just smiled and purred, "Oh, can I join you in the shower, please." After that Ayeka just grabbed an ear and pull Ryoko out of the room as she left. "Lord Tenchi we will be a the table when your done." Sasami and Washu just looked at one another,"Well if I didn't see it I wouldn't have believe it." Sasami laughed at Washu statement as they both left the room after Ryoko and Ayeka. Tenchi watched as the girls left, but the feeling he had was still there if just a little quieter, that of pure fear and pain. "To travel beyond all that is....." As everyone left Tenchi's room Washu stopped just outside to the side of his door and heard Tenchi speaking quietly to himself, "To travel beyond all that is......" Washu stood for a moment thinking about what he had just said. Thinking to herself, "To travel beyond all that is.., what does that mean 'all that is'. Thinking to herself, "I know this is more that just a bad dream, I didn't want to alarm the others but I did find something when I scanned him. >From what I can tell it isn't possible for it to happen." Washu still in thought walked back down stair and to her lab. Days pasted without Tenchi having a recurrence of the dream. This day began as a somewhat normal morning in the Masaki household. Tenchi got up and upon seeing Ryoko hovering above him let out a sound of disapproval. After having to convince Ryoko that he would be fine proceed to the bathroom to take a shower. Afterwards in his room dressing for classes at the college Sasami came up and informed him that breakfast was ready. "Ok Sasami I'll be right down." After telling Tenchi that breakfast was ready Sasami went back down to the kitchen to begin setting the table. Down stairs Ayeka was already up and joined in helping Sasami set the table. "Sasami wasn't it nice having Aunt Funaho here for New Years." "Yah Sis, I just wish Auntie could've stayed just a little longer, I miss them." "Well, Sasami maybe if we asked they could find some more time to spend here with us, I know that mother would really like to know Tenchi better." Ayeka had understood how Sasami felt because she was feeling the same. Ayeka was use to being away from Juria for long periods of time, but poor Sasami wasn't and she was beginning to get home sick. When they finished setting the table Ryoko had appeared next to Sasami and patted her on the head. "Good morning Sasami, Hmm breakfast sure smell great." Ryoko said. Ryoko and Sasami had always been somewhat friends, Ryoko considered her like a little sister, some to look out for. Thou it hadn't started like that, (Tenchi who is this older lady). Ryoko had discovered Sasami unusual sense of humor and in time they just kind bonded in both having a weird sense of humor. (Heh). "Thanks Ryoko, it's a new dish an American style breakfast, scrambled eggs and waffles." "American hmm, well whatever it is it smell delicious Sasami." By now Tenchi had come down and joined the others at the table. Kiyone and Mihoshi had just come in a minute before they started. "Good morning Kiyone, Mihoshi come join us." Tenchi knew that if he didn't say something that the both of them would have just stood in the living room until they were done. Tenchi didn't like the idea of it so he gave them a reason to join in. "Uh, thank you Tenchi, Sasami we'd love to." As they began breakfast everyone starting talking about what they should do for the holiday coming up. Ryoko as usual had used this opportunity to try and seduce Tenchi but in Ayeka came to the rescue. "MISS Ryoko can you see that we're eating here, how rude." Tenchi just had a big sweat drop and waited for the fight to begin. It never did, "Princess you are no fun." Kiyone and Mihoshi were both at a loss, for that hadn't learned about the agreement the to had made, so they both watched in awe. "Miss Ryoko you have no manner and have the brain of a centaur." At this Ryoko just stuck out her tongue. "BBBBBBFFFFFTTTTTTT" And so the names calling and noise making continued. After breakfast Tenchi left to catch the bus. Kiyone and Mihoshi also left to do their patrol. Up in space Kiyone and Mihoshi were going about their normal route. "Mihoshi do you ever get bored?" Kiyone was trying to past the time. Patrols were usually long and extremely boring, so to Kiyone even talking with Mihoshi was better. "No Kiyone, uh why are hmm asking me." Mihoshi giggled for no reason. "Uh, never mind. Forget I asked." "Asked what?" At this Kiyone just look up and silently asked him 'Why?' After a couple of normal space traffic problems just outside the solar system they started to head back to earth. It was just recently that some areas outside the solar system had been assigned to them, this was because of the shortage from the Kain accident. Kain having destroy the GP headquarter force them to start rebuilding the force. Needless to say it was taking time to do. As Kiyone and Mihoshi were on their way back to earth the Yagami sensors pick up something on the dark side of earth's moon. The sensors showed that the object was maintaining a stationary obit around the moon, and that it was emitting a regulated signal outside the system. "Computer how come we didn't discover the signal before?" Kiyone questioned the computer. "AH, Kiyone." Mihoshi spoke and pointed to the monitor. The ship was unlike any other they have ever encountered before. As the ship came in to view of the optical sensors Kiyone and Mihoshi both look with awe and confusion. A dark ship orbited the moon emitting no light or known energy emissions. The ship was as big as Souja was but designed completely different. The forward most section of the ship had a saucer shaped hull. Next it was connected with a neck-like structure to another hull which was tubular shaped. From the lower tubular shaped hull toward the back came two wing-like structures, which connected to another set of what they figured to be a set of power nacelles. Which were level with the saucer shaped hull. And that the whole ship was painted black with some silver hi-lights. "Computer scan for any and all lifeforms." Kiyone order while still watching has they came closer to the unidentified ship. Mihoshi who was quiet up until now pointed something out to Kiyone, "Kiyone look over here I think there is something written on the lower hull of the ship." "Show me Mihoshi." Mihoshi played a second with the image on the screen and focused the sensors on the lower hull where the words, "USS TSUNAMI NCC 1707-A UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS" were painted on both sides of the lower hull and the saucer section hull. "Uhm, Kiyone is that a Jurian battleship?" "Mihoshi, you are such an dolt sometimes. NO IT IS NOT A JURIAN BATTLESHIP." "Uhm, then what is it then and why does it have Tsunami's name in English on the side of its hull" "Doh!" Kiyone had to leave the control room before she killed her in frustration. "Well if you didn't know you don't haf to get angry with me you know." Mihoshi spoke as Kiyone left. "Alright then I Mihoshi detective first class will take care of this, because I'm a Galaxy Police officer and it's my job." "Uh computer do you have any ideas?" Kiyone after leaving the control room went down to one of the hanger bay to find a shuttle pod. Kiyone went about setting the controls as she thought, 'Mihoshi will hopefully stay in the control room trying to figure out what to do.' "Computer record message." "Mihoshi I'm going to take a shuttle pod and investigate the unknown ship I will be back in an hour or so. Out." "5 minutes." < Confirmed 5 minute delay of message recorded. > After everything was set she climbed into the shuttle and headed toward the ship activating the shuttle scanners and recording device. As the shuttle closed onto the dark ship Kiyone noticed how as she got closer more and more of the stars seemed to disappear leaving only darkness. As the darkness grew more and more she activated on her external lights looking for a way to get in. After about ten minutes of searching she found something that looked like a set of docking door on the neck like structure. "Computer can we dock using extravehicular amblicals?" < Confirmed > After a moment of great skill and competence she docked the shuttle to the doors. Kiyone went to back of the shuttle and into the extravehicular ambical and studied the doors of the dark ship. To herself, "Well there must be some type of external controls, now where. Ah ha found it." When Kiyone had gotten the doors to open to took a second to check the ship's environment. "Well is seems to be set for human life-forms, let's see what's inside hmm." Inside the ship Kiyone saw that it's style was unlike any other ship she's seen. She then began to investigate the ship. After entering she mentally noted that the interior look somewhat Jurian but different. The corridors were rounded and paneled in wooden color and contoured. As she walked she saw that parts of the ship were damaged, some from panel which seemed to have blown outward and other damage cause by some type of weaponry. As she wandered though corridors she found something like a transport tube at the end of one of the passages. As she walked to the door it opened and a voice spoke. < Level please? > 'It spoke in an earth language, ah American english I believe. But earthling haven't this level of technology and how did they build something so big, from my research they don't have the material to built something of this size, So how in the hell?' The voice spoke again, < Level please? > She thought about what to do, 'This ship must have some type of control center, hmm what did Tenchi call it, oh yah.' "Bridge." After she spoke the doors closed for a minute and then opened again. Kiyone hadn't felt any movement, but when the doors opened again she was on what looked like the control room of the ship. The first thing she saw nearly caused her to back into the transports walls. On the bridge in the center of the room was a man sitting on a chair incased in a glowing blue sphere. A voice spoke, "Report Deunan, how are the warp engines?" Kiyone stood for a moment wondering what a warp engine was. Quickly she realize that the question had been directed at her, 'Whoever that is must have mistaken me for some else.' The voice spoke again, "Deunan talk to me, I can move at the moment because I'm maintain the shield." Kiyone knew that she needed to do something quick or his person might become hostile from have someone unknown approaching him from behind. "I'm not Deunan." The glowing blue sphere disappeared and the man turned to look at the person who just spoke. As he turn Kiyone saw that his person looked exactly like Tenchi, but with light blue hair and silver eyes. "How did a Galaxy Police officer get aboard my ship, isn't the GP assigned to the Sigma quadrant?" Kiyone just stared in total confusion, 'What the hell, Sigma quadrant? How did he know about.... WHAT THE.' "Well never mind, what is your name detective?" 'How did he know that I was a detective, did the universe just flip and I miss it', "I am first class detective Kiyone. What are you doing in the protected area of the solar system?" The man looked at her as if in confusion then spoke, "Detective just what are you talking about protect area, we're in a war with the Borg collective and you sneak aboard my ship walk onto my bridge without an authority and demand that I explain what I'm doing?" Kiyone noted the commanding nature in his voice, 'if Tenchi was anything like this at home. GOD.' Noticing that he was waiting for a reply she thought on what to say. "What is your name?" Kiyone asked. Totally annoyed he replied, "Captain Jen Masaki of the Federation Starship USS Tsunami, now is there anything else I can help you..........." The captain stopped and looked about the room. "Where is everyone, why isn't anyone at their stations? Oh my god......... It happened." The Captain then looked at Kiyone as if in total shock. Talking to himself, "Deunan said this could happen but I didn't believe........, you must leave NOW." With that the Jen jumped over to a control console and tried to active the transporter. While this was happening Kiyone reacted by trying to stop whatever it was he was trying to do. Running they collided into one another at the console and Kiyone aimed her energy pistol at him. "Back way nice and slow." As he got up he backed way from the controls. "Now can we talk?" The captain knew what it was she was holding and what it could do, 'Though it wouldn't do a nything to me per' se she might damage the ship.' "Alright, how did you get aboard my ship." Kiyone looked at him, 'He doesn't know where he is. Hmm should I tell him.' "I came in though one of the ship's docking ports. Your ship was in stationary obit of the earth's moon and didn't reply to are signal. So we investigated. The captain responded in curious tone, "You're saying that my ship is in obit around the earth's moon?" "Yes." "And that you sent a signal to me and had gotten no response." "Correct." The captain turned and slowly walked back to his chair. Kiyone had made no move or said anything to stop him. "Ok, now my turn. What are you doing here and who is The Federation?" "I think this will be a little hard to explain. But.. The Federation is a collection of other space traveling races joined together for a common purpose. Earth is the main body of the Federation. I believe that I am from an alternate dimension because of an experiment using what we call a dimension drive unit." Kiyone just listened has this copy of Tenchi spoke, 'he even sounds just like him but his demeanor is completely different, more in charge. I like it.' "So if what you're saying is true then can you get back?" asked Kiyone. "I don't know." He turned his head around looking about the bridge noting all the damage to the ship. "I don't think anyone else survived the trip and I would need to check on the warp core to see if it is still working." "What is a warp core?" Kiyone was puzzled, 'Is this warp core the same thing as a hyper drive?' she thought to herself. "It is the ship's main drive and powers all the ship's systems for the most part, the ship is equipped with back up generators. I apologize for my actions before I though that we were stuck between dimensions, meaning you might have been here one minute the next standing in space." Kiyone believe him simply because he had no reason to lie about it. "Alright then if you won't try anything shall we go and see about your warp core then." Kiyone smiled. "Ok, my word that I won't do anything." The Captain smiled back. "By the way just call me Jen." "Ok, Jen." After a minute the two both entered the transport tube and went down to the engineering section of the ship. As they traveled in the transport Jen went on explaining about the war and the Borg's conflict with the Jurai. "Jurai?" "What about the Jurai?" "Well in this dimension I am living with a prince of Juror named Tenchi." Jen looked at Kiyone for a minute, it looked as if he was trying to remember something but couldn't. "Do you know someone named Tenchi?" Kiyone asked. "No, but my father once told me that if I had a child to give him that name. Interesting did you know that it means heaven and earth." "Hmm, no I didn't but go on with what you were saying." After a minute they had reached the engineering section. Upon entering they found that no one was to be found and that the area had massive damage. "Computer locate engineers." < None found, all personal have left the ship. > "What do you mean left?" < Unable to comply, insufficient data. > "Computer status of warp core?" < Active and functional > "Computer run level 1 diagnostic on all system." < 10 minutes for level 1 diagnostic > "Well Kiyone it seem like we have 10 minutes to keep talking, tell me about this earth, like what year it is, have they gone though the final war?" Kiyone answered most of his questions as best she could not being a native. "Well, to me the earth is a some what primitive planet but has some of the most beautiful wilderness I've seen. As for the year it is 1996. I as far as I know they haven't gone though any war lately that would be called final." "So it is 1996 hmm, alright." < Diagnostic complete read out on terminal three. > The two stopped and walked over to the terminal and read. "Well, this isn't good but the ship is still in one piece." Jen remarked. "Can I help?" Kiyone knew that if something wasn't done that the ship might become visible to the planet and that would cause problems. "I can do most of the repairs but with out a spacedock I will have make do." Jen then though of something. "You are going to report this to the GP and if there the same as back where I come from they'll have you remove me from the system. Correct." Kiyone acknowledged the question with a simple nod. "As I thought but I can't leave I need, to......" Jen look drained and in pain. Jen sat on one of the control station chairs. Kiyone was about to help him when he fell over on to the deck unconscious. "JEN." Back on earth just as everyone had left, Ryoko had decided that now was as good a time as any time to talk with Washu. So after helping Ayeka and Sasami clear the table she went over to Washu's lab and knocked on the door. "Come in." Washu responded from within the lab. Ryoko entered the lab trying to think of a way on how to start this. "Ah, Ryoko good, there were some thing I need to test on you..." Ryoko put her hand up and shook her head, "No 'mother' today you and I need to talk." Washu nodded in understanding, "Well why don't we talk over a nice bath in the Onsen. Ok." After a minute or so Ryoko agreed and they both went to the Onsen to talk and have a nice hot bath. "Mother, I have been wondering about a question and I need an answer, Why did you make me?" Washu hadn't expected this question, what she had been expecting was questions about on how to get Tenchi. Needless to say for the first time she was at a loss for words. "Why." She stammered out. "Yes, why, I mean you could have simply used any genetic base for making a weapon, why did you use your own. Why make a daughter instead on a son. Why did Kagoto get his damn hands on me, am I a joke, some tool to be used when needed. Like the time with the mass you knew that I would go to save Tenchi, and you knew that the mass would attack me. They could have killed me if not for your excellence in tool making." The last sentence was filled hate and sadness. "Why, why did you make me. TELL ME." Washu was quiet for a time, she had heard everything Ryoko said and it hurt her more deeply that anything as ever. 'Ryoko' Washu had tears coming out of her eyes. She had been only hurt this bad once before when THEY took her husband and son away from her so long ago. "Ryoko I made you because I needed someone in my life, when they took my husband and son away it broke me. So I buried myself in my work. It wasn't enough, when you have a child it changes you. I wanted to have someone need me; someone to care for; I wanted another child. I didn't want another husband it was to painful to lose the first one and I didn't want to have it happen again so I mixed my work with my longing and you were the result. Kagoto was my student at the time and he was in the beginning a kind person but something happen to his family, I don't know what; but it change him. I didn't notice at the time because he had kept it to himself and I was to busy with my work to care. I guess that was my fault. I should have noticed. After my success with my work on the gems and my genetic research we went about make you Ryoko. He was just a good student and somewhat a friend. I never knew what his real reasons were until he trapped me and put me into suspend animation within the crystal. Ryoko I can't apologize for what as happen I can only try and pick up the pieces and try to make them whole again. You were meant to be something special something better than those Regal asshole. I want to make your life have something beyond so you could be happy. But it didn't turn out the way I wanted I never mean for you to be someone's tool NEVER. I'm sorry I wish I could I....." Washu cried for the first time in thousands of years, she cried. Ryoko who quietly listened to everything that Washu said, she believed because somehow, maybe it was the connection, maybe not; but she knew Washu had been telling the truth. "Mom I forgive you, I just needed to know. I'm sorry" Ryoko held Washu and hugged her and cried with her. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know, I just...' A couple of hours pasted before they left the Onsen. On the way to the college Tenchi sat on the bus and thought about that nightmare dream. On the way to the college he began to remember small bit and pieces of it, but none it made sense to him. 'I know that it wasn't me in the dream, but it was some how. I can remember being different from who I am now and how this other me felt. He was angry, yet something sad and longing, like when mother died similar but not exactly the same. And the battle it was something like out of Star Wars or Star Trek but real. I saw the bodies floating in space and ships like melted pieces of metal just spinning in space. I remember my other self was doing something strange with the Light Hawk Wings like if it was mix with something else. A darkness not hate or angry more like a void an emptiness that shaped itself by my others will. Then the pain, oh god the pain like fire and ice to nth degree and more. I wonder what it all means.' When the bus finally stopped at the college Tenchi had come out of his reverie and walk to his first class, which was Philosophy. "Good morning Class, I would like to introduce a student who has come all the way from America to learn about are culture and history. His name is Leo Deforest and I would like for all of you to greet him." "Good morning Leo." The class spoke in union. "Thank you, I hope that I will be as good as your students Mr. Ido." Leo said. "Well I'm sure with a little help you will do fine, why don't you have a seat next to Tenchi Masaki his is one of my best students." Mr. Ido replied. Leo walked over and sat next to Tenchi so the class would begin. "Hi the name is Leo, that if you didn't hear it." Leo laughed a little trying to be humorous. Tenchi smiled and laughed. "Yes I did heard and nice to meet you, my name is Tenchi Masaki, that if you didn't hear it." Leo laughed. After the class took a break to talk over what they had just gone over in class. Leo and Tenchi started talking. "So your from America, what part of it?" "Illinois. And you are you from the city?" "No I live just outside the city just next to the Masaki Shrine." "Are you connected to the Shrine? It being call the Masaki shrine and all." "Yes it's is the family Shrine, so why did you come to Japan, I know the teacher said to study are culture and history; but is that all?" Leo looked at Tenchi, 'hmm he a lot more forward than most Japanese. Finally I won't have to use a crow bar to talk to someone. YES.' "Well, Its' a long story how bout well talk over lunch, oh by the way your english is great, better than most I must say." "Thank's and sure I know just the spot, it will give you a chance to try some of are more cultural foods." Leo saw the grin on Tenchi's face, 'oh boy.' After the class had ended they decide to meet each other by the park in the center of the college for lunch. As the day went on Tenchi began to have flash backs of the dream but only for minute at a time when was getting sleeply in class. The flashes cause him to jerk awake seconds after it happened. 'What happening to me.' By the time lunch came around he had become a nervous wreck. "Hi Tenchi, are you alright?" Leo had noticed how distraught he was. "I'm fine, these class tend to wear one out and I hadn't slept well last night." He lied. "Are you sure?" "Yah, I'm fine, so you ready to try some of the local edibles?" "Sure sounds good to me." So the two went off to one of Tenchi's favorite spots. "So you were going to tell me about why you're here, hmm?" Tenchi knew if he didn't ask Leo wouldn't have remembered and for some reason he was curious. "Well, it kind of hard for some to believe, it has to do with Magick. I have no idea why I'm telling you, I don't usually tell people about what I really study. I'm sure you can understand why." "Magic?" "Yes, but not magic as slight of hand; but the craft, I spell Magick with a k at the end to show the difference." "Alright so what is it that brought you to Japan?" "I know that it hard for some to believe that there is such a thing as true magick; but the reason as to why I have come is to learn eastern methods, like Shinto, Tai-chi, Tao. I have come to learn that these methods or Philosophies have something to them that western culture doesn't." Tenchi thought, 'If you only knew, hmm maybe my Juror power is similar to this, well I can't say that I have ever tried anything else with it other than making a sword. But I know that it can do so much more, like the time with the black hole Dr. Clay tried to kill us with. I had done it without even knowing it. Grandpa has never showed me anything else on how to use it. All we ever do is practice with the swords.' By this time Leo had noted Tenchi gazed look. "Earth to Tenchi, you there?" "Sorry I was thinking about this magick stuff you had talked about, can you tell me more about it." "Sure, how about after school you come over to my apartment and we can talk about it as were doing are 'homework'. Oh joy." Leo didn't seem all too happy about the last part. Heh. "Alright, I just phone home and tell them I'll be a little late." 'Ayeka and Ryoko are going to kill me.' Tenchi winced at how they would take him being somewhere without them. 'I can't tell Leo about them, I don't think it's a good time yet, hopefully they will never meet.' Well fate is one mean person so of course it wouldn't be the way Tenchi wanted. But is anything ever the way he wants. Heh. After the day was though, Tenchi had called the house and told Sasami that he was going to help a friend study for an exam tomorrow, which wasn't really a lie since they both need to study for a test the next day in philosophy. Sasami said that she would have so dinner waiting for him when he got home. Leo's apartment was only a couple of blocks from the college, he noted. "I know it save me time in the morning so I get to sleep in a little later." Leo chuckled. As Leo lead Tenchi up the stairs to the apartment he asked, "So if the Masaki is a family shrine who is the priest of the family." "My grandfather Katsuhito." "I would like to meet him sometime, you think would like to talk about Shintoism." "Well grandfather doesn't get many visitors so I would believe he would like the chance to talk, but don't expect him to give you a strait answer." "Well then it sound like his is someone I really need to meet then." Leo laughed. "Well Grandfather isn't here he went over to America to see a friend." "Well its' not like I will be going anywhere soon." Leo noted. 'Hmm maybe I could get him to meet grandpa without having to see the girls, I hope.' Tenchi mused. As they enter Leo apartment Tenchi noted that the room was cleaned and kept up if for being some what small. He also noted that the room was filled with all types of things, strange but familiar somehow. The room had a small kitchen off to the left of the entrance and a living room that also served as the bedroom. The room had been decorated in a curious mixture of Celtic and Zen to it. Tenchi felt strangely at peace within the surrounding. "I like the way you have decorated the room. It's cool." "Thanks the owner freaked the first time she came in my room to get the first months rent." Leo seemed happy that Tenchi liked it. "You're the first person I've meet in this country who didn't find my room complete off the wall, thanks. Ah, I don't have anything to drink, how about I run over to the store real quick and you can just look about. Alright." "Sure, alright." With that Leo ran to first store that he could remember how to get to without getting lost. After Leo left Tenchi just looked about the room, not touching anything. "Well, he seem like he really needs a friend, I know how it is to be different from the normal type. With no one to talk with. I know I have the girls but they never seem really interest about what I like or who I really am. All they do is fight over who get me. I care for them both but........" Just as Tenchi was finishing that thought he heard the door opening. "Sorry I took so long, the line at the check out must have been a mile long at least." Leo laughed. After a little while Leo showed him some of the things in his room. "I try to own as little as possible so moving around won't be hard. But something I can't help but keep those painting over there." Pointing to the far wall where some beautiful paintings hung. One was of a unicorn in a meadow and the other was a portrait of some red hair lady. 'Looks a little like Washu with that red hair but older. Hmm' Tent noted. "My teacher gave me those paintings." "Who was your teacher?" Tent asked. "A man named Yosho Jenai. He cared for me when I was little. He taught me the way of Magick and what there truly means. Power is nothing without understanding and wisdom." "So what ever happened to him? This Yosho Jenai." Tenchi felt something familiar about this person that Leo had described. "Well, one day he left I was about 17 at the time and I never seen him since. I must believe he died, because he was in his 70s or looked it, he certainly never acted his age. When I last saw him." Leo got out the sodas he bought and handed one to Tenchi. "Here." "Thanks, so you were going to tell me about Magick." "Hmm, where should I start. Tenchi first tell me what you think magick really is and we'll go from there." Tenchi thought about tell him about the Jurai power and how he seem to be able to change the world around him at will. But he knew he probably wouldn't believe him, but then he did believe that magick was real so could this power he has be something like magick. "Well, I guess I have an unusually view point on that, hmm you see it, ah something like,Its' hard to explain." "I see, well how about I give you an example; I will read your aura. You see a person's aura is like a picture of that person, showing all there is about that person. Do you want me to read it." Tenchi wonder, 'Uh, what if he find out maybe I shouldn't, Damn it. I got nothing to lose except maybe my sanity hmm.' "Sure." "Alright just sit down and empty your mind, like when you listen to one of your favorite songs, or like in class when a teacher seem to drone on forever. Ok." "Got it" Leo looked at Tenchi for a moment then closed his eye, seeming searching for something, 'what the, I've never seen a person with an aura like this before it so strong it like he's some type of avatar. ' Leo was completely amazed by what he saw in Tenchi's aura. "Uh, Tenchi your aura is exceptionally strong, but I see something with a crown over trees and two goddess like figures each holding one of your hands. And another two goddess just above the crown and a see a sword with a symbol on it, Uh I believe the symbol means Void or abyss." "Really you see that?" Tent was startled by how much Leo seemed to see about him being connected to trees and crowns. What disturbed him was about the symbol of the void being connected to a sword. "Well I don't really see more like feel the impression in my mind like how a song creates certain images in ones mind or a scent that reminded one of places or people and things." Leo continued, "Tenchi what I saw, no more like felt was that you have some destiny before you that will make choose between something and that this choice will be of great importance. About the other things I saw they were very faint and seem to fighting me from seeing them at all." Tenchi sat quietly for a moment and thought about what Leo had said. While Tenchi was doing this Leo got up and walked over to another part of the room. He seemed to be looking for something. "Ah, here it is." Tenchi noticed Leo searching and questioned, "Found what?" "Oh, sorry I found an old book of mine, here take a look." Leo handed Tenchi the book and on it were the words, 'Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Formation by W. Wynn Westcott.' Leo spoke, "It is a book about a western system of magick called The Qabalal. The reason I got it out was to show you something, here look." In the book Leo dug up a page that showed a picture of a man sitting indian style with ten sphere over his body and that the sphere were connected with lines each having a symbol next to each one. "Magick isn't about spells or power it really is about perfecting one own spirit and mind. The stuff one sees in the movies or reads about in fantasy novels is just that fantasy. Magick is really nothing more that discovering the true about your world and yourself. Cool uh." "Leo I must say this is really out there, but I like the idea of learning the truth about myself. This is very much like Buddhism and their Chakra system." Leo was impressed with Tenchi, "Right it is, I didn't say we were the only ones with the idea, and like I said I came here to learn about your culture and it philosophies. Hmm" "Ok you win, lets do some studying, it getting late." Leo noted the time 8:30pm, "Right, would you like to talk later about it, say tomorrow at lunch?" "Ok." Back aboard the Yagami Mihoshi was still asking the computer on what to do when the computer responded. "Mihoshi I'm going to take a shuttle pod and investigate the unknown ship I will be back in an hour or so. Out." Kiyone recorded. After the message had finished Mihoshi looked around for a moment and spoke, "Kiyone? Where are you Kiyone?" Mihoshi started to sniffle. Just as Mihoshi was about to start looking for her partner, greenish phased lighting surrounded the control room and Mihoshi was struck by it. "Sarah wake up, don't you die on me god damn it. PLEASE DON'T DIE." Mihoshi felt like she was lying on the floor when she heard this,' what, how come I can't move.' Slowly opening her eye she saw a man with light blue hair and silver eyes. 'TENCHI but you look so strange and what's going on.' All around her, she could see people dying and bolt of energy arching everywhere. She could hear the sound of people battling for their lives. Then she felt a presence in her mind and it was speaking for her, "Jen I'm scared I don't want to die, please Jen help me." Mihoshi could feel this presence getting weaker as the moments past. Mihoshi being a very caring person tried to reach out and hold her. For a moment their minds touched, "Who are you?" The Sarah spoke. "I'm Mihoshi." She said cheerfully "What are you doing in my head?" the Sarah asked. "I don't know, but I'm here so don't be afraid. OK." Sarah gave Mihoshi a mental hug and when that happen their minds merged into one. "WWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Mihoshi screamed as she stood up on the control room of the Yagami. "What the Fu*K just happened." Just then the screen turned on with the image of Kiyone on it. "Mihoshi I need help I've found someone aboard this ship and he needs medical attention now." Kiyone yelled without stopping; then she saw that something happened to Mihoshi, her hair was dark brown with a small streak of silver in it. 'What the......' "Yah, just a moment alright, I'll go and get Washu, give me your condition." Mihoshi replied. Kiyone just stared in total disbelief, 'Did my partner just speak without sounding like an idiot. My god the universe just flipped.' "Well are you going to stand there with your mouth open all day or are you going to use it." Mihoshi sounded in irritation Kiyone stood in shock for never in her life as Mihoshi ever spoke mean to anyone. "Condition is fine, don't tell the others just get Washu up here alone." "Why?" asked Mihoshi "Just DO IT." "FINE, I be back in 20 minute. Out." With that Mihoshi turned the screen off and headed to the house to get Washu. "Jen hold on I got someone going for help." Kiyone told Jen. Jen was still unconscious, and had his head on Kiyone lap. The ship seemed to fixing itself while they sat there. Kiyone had noted this, 'god please don't let him die, I don't want to fill out all the paper work on this.' She began to wonder what happened to Mihoshi, 'What the hell happened to her. I've known her since childhood and her hair what the hell is going on around here.' On earth Washu and Ryoko had finished with their little talk and Ryoko had gone off to watch TV with Sasami. Ayeka had seen them leave the Onsen but knew better than to say anything, so she went out to the shrine to do a little cleaning while Katsuhito was over in the U.S. While she was walk up to the shrine Ayeka saw Yagami coming down though the clouds and lining up for a landing. "Well I must say Kiyone definitely knows how to fly better than Mihoshi." Ayeka went over to greet them and ask how their patrol was. When she got there she saw Mihoshi walking down from the landing strut by herself. "Hello Mihoshi, where is Kiyone?" Ayeka had then noticed Mihoshi's changed looks. "Mihoshi are you alright, what happened to you?" Mihoshi didn't answer; she just walked off towards the house. Ayeka started after Mihoshi determined to find out what had happened to her. "Mihoshi what's wrong, what happened to you, where is Kiyone?" Mihoshi stopped and turned around, "Lady Ayeka nothing is wrong, Kiyone is checking out something, I'm just going to talk with Washu about something. Does that answer your questions." Ayeka stood in shock for a moment,' Mihoshi being serious, what is going on?' "Mihoshi, I was just concerned, ah your hair is nice why did you change it?" "I just wanted a change is all. Was there anything else Lady Ayeka?" "Ah, no not really." Mihoshi turned and continued toward the house. Ayeka stood for a moment and decide to go and talk with Sasami about this, 'Maybe she knows why Mihoshi is acting strange, Sasami really knows her better anyway.' Down in Washu's Lab Washu was busy with one of her many experiments when Mihoshi came in. Mihoshi entered the lab and found Washu sitting in front of her computer. "Go away, I'm busy!" "Dr. Washu, I acquire your assistants, Kiyone has discover a ship of unusual design and one of its' crew is in need of medical help." "Mihoshi?"Washu spoke in quiet tones not believing her eyes. "Yes, Dr.Washu I need you help quickly if the crewmen is to live." "Mihoshi?" Washu was still in shock so Mihoshi walked over and took her arm and pulled her out of the lab. In the living room Ryoko was watching the TV with Sasami when Ayeka came in though the glass door over looking the pond. "Sasami have you seen Mihoshi?" "No sis, has she and Kiyone come back from their Patrol?" "Uh, Yes and no, something strange has happen to Mihoshi, and Kiyone is still in space, I think." Ryoko spoke up, "Ok princess I think you have been in the sun too long, I mean Mihoshi and strange, come on." She laughed. "Yes I know Ryoko, but something has happened to Mihoshi, she not acting like herself, she acting normal really normal." Ryoko just looked at Ayeka , "Uh, you mean normal as in not an air head." "Yes, well not to be mean or anything, but she changed somehow." Ryoko wondered a moment about what Ayeka just said try to see if was some kind of trick, 'but this is not some she'd joke with.' "Alright say she is acting weird, what do you what us to do. Hmm." Sasami listen as Ryoko and Ayeka spoke and turned to see Mihoshi pulling Washu out of the lab by her arm. "Hi Mihoshi, uh what's up with Little Washu?" Just then Ryoko and Ayeka turn when they hear Sasami speak Mihoshi name and saw Mihoshi holding Washu by the arm. Ryoko growled, "Mihoshi what the hell are you doing with Washu?" Mihoshi turn and looked at the others with a blank look on her face. "None of your business Ryoko, alright." Ryoko was surprise by Mihoshi's words, 'what the hell?' "Mihoshi I don't mean to intrude but what is going on?" Asked Ayeka. "Princess I have asked for Washu help with a police matter and she greed." Mihoshi then turn and walk toward the door with Washu seemingly lost. "The hell you are come back here!" Ryoko charged up behind Mihoshi and Washu, when Mihoshi turn and pointed at Ryoko and froze her in a block of ice. "Chill out Miss Ryoko. I won't hurt anybody but don't get in my way." Sasami and Ayeka were stunned by Mihoshi action and didn't say and move. "Ryoko will be fine in a minute or two tell her I be back with Washu here in an hour or so, ok." With that Mihoshi smiled and left. While this was all happening Washu was still in stock and even more so by what Mihoshi had just done to Ryoko. After a couple of moment of walk to the Yagami Washu spoke. "Ok, Mihoshi would you mind tell me what going on." "Alright Little Washu, here is what I know so far." Mihoshi went on to tell Washu about the ship and what Kiyone found aboard it. "I see so you need my help uh?" "If you would Little Washu, I would have asked you again but you seemed a little out of it and I was running out of time, I'm sorry about Ryoko. But whoever he is he dying and I couldn't wait and fight with Ryoko over this." "I understand." After a moment or two Mihoshi and Washu were up in space and closing on the moon. Back on earth later Tenchi had finally come home after talking with Leo about classes and stuff. "Hello" Everybody ran over to Tenchi and all started to talk at once. "Ok, Ok one at a time I can't understand if you all talk at once, alright." After that everybody shut up and Sasami spoke up and told Tenchi about what had happen with Mihoshi and Washu. "Hmm, I know that Mihoshi acts little strange sometime, but I think we better go and check on them, Ryoko are you up to flying us?" "Always, Tenchi." Ryoko smiled showing her teeth. "Somebody leave a note for dad so he know what going on." "I'll take care of that Tenchi." Ayeka said as she walked over to the table and scribbled a note for father. As the others began to leave no one noticed Funho was sending a signal up into space at the same time receiving one. 'Yes I understand mother.' A figure appeared before Funho. "Yes, my child you must not interfere. This time it is up to them to solve this problem." The figure was Tokimi. Back in his room Leo watched the two converse from the astral plane. "Hmm, whoever this Tenchi is he is definitely not a normal college student, I wonder." Leo turns to see Tenchi and the girls boarding Ryo-ohki in spaceship mode. Leo decides to follow and floats up and into Ryo-ohki. Ryo-ohki being a dimensional being herself notices Leo and one of her crystal turns to face him. "Meow, Who are you, you seem friendly type." "What the?" Leo looks at the crystal and sees the cabbit. "Oh, so you're a familier hmm, well I should introduce myself, the name is Leo Deforest, I am a friend of Tenchi's and who would you be." "I'm Ryo-ohki nice to meet you meow." "Same here. So where is everybody going Ryo-ohki?" "We're follow Mihoshi and Washu." "Oh, do you mind if I sit and just watch." "No, you seem nice." "Thank you Ryo-ohki." Leo smiled. The others hadn't heard Leo and Ryo-ohki talking because they had been talking on another level or dimension you might say. The Four sat in chair made by Ryo-ohki for them to sit in, and they watch the screen as the Yagami speeded towards the moons far side. "I wonder what the hell they're going there for." Ryoko was still a little mad about being frozen in the block of ice by Mihoshi. "Well that what we're going to find out Ryoko." Tenchi try to make Ryoko feel a little better by holding her shoulder. Sasami and Ayeka moved to either side of Tenchi and Ryoko as they moved closer to the moon and the Yagami. On the other end was Leo listen and reaching out with his senses, seeing beyond. 'Mother is he the one?' < Yes, he is my son guide him, Yosho does not see the danger coming, it is beyond his ability to see.> 'I understand mother yet is he really my........' Leo reached out to the dark ship around the moon and felt Jen presence. Leo spoke to Jen's mind. Leo noted that Jen couldn't hear his thought he was in too deep a sleep to hear them. Ryo-ohki had just follow Yagami around the dark side of the moon were Tenchi and the others saw the dark ship orbiting and were taken by surprise on how large the ship was and the fact that it had English writing on the side of it. "Tenchi what the hell is going on, earth people couldn't have built that ship, not at this level." Ryoko was to say just a little confused. "My Lord Tenchi, I think we should find out what going on with Mihoshi and Kiyone first then see about this ship." " I agree, Ayeka." The sight of the dark ship seemed to scare Tenchi and he didn't understand why. 'Something seriously wrong here. I hope Washu , Mihoshi, and Kiyone are alright.' On board the Yagami Washu and Mihoshi had gotten into a shuttle pod and transported themselves over to the USS Tsunami. As they boarded the ship Washu began to feel strange, like someone walk over her grave. As Mihoshi lead Washu following Kiyone directions to the engineering section they found her and a strangely familiar looking fellow on the floor in Kiyone's lap. "My god, he look just like Tenchi." Washu spoke as she scanned him for living energy. She noted that the only seeming difference was that this person had light blue hair. "Washu can you help him." Kiyone asked it a single tone. "Maybe, tell me what happened?" Kiyone told Washu everything that happened up to Jen falling to the floor unconscious. "I see, and what did your scans have to say about this ship?" "The scan show the ship to be phasing, I can't say how I've never seen reading like this before." Kiyone handed Washu her scanner. "Mihoshi what happen to you, your hair it different?" Mihoshi had said nothing on the trip up here, accept for telling Washu what was happen and why they needed her help. "Nothing Partner just decided to change it while you were gone." Kiyone wondered,' I've know her since we were 10 years old and she's never changed her hair, what the hells going on here.' Washu occupied with study the reading off her holo-board when Jen woke up and sat up. "Ow, my head. Kiyone what happened? Uh, who are you people?" Mihoshi extended her hand and smiled, "I'm Mihoshi and this is Little Washu. Nice to meet you." "Uh, Kiyone your friends I hope?" Jen looked about engineering to see a screen and read that the repairs had been completed. "Yes Jen, these are my friends, I sent for them when you fell unconscious on the floor." "Sorry to have trouble you, But you people must get off my ship, NOW." Kiyone looked at Jen, "Captain, you are in a protected area, you are not in the Federation anymore, so I would suggest that you do not follow this course of action." Jen then heared a voice in his mind, 'Who are you?' Leo then saw a vision of the Borg queen, Ayeka a coming board one of her ship towards his ship. "NOOO" "Transporter one to bridge now." Kiyone and the others watch as Jen disappeared in a column of light. "What the, Kiyone who is he?" Washu by now had confirmed something about this man, he was the son of Yosho and her Ryoko. This surprised her and scared her to no end. "I don't know, come with me I know where the bridge is." They began running after her. By this time Ryo-ohki had closed in on the dark ship and was about to dock when a shield came up and stopped her. The Yagami had been set on auto-pilot to obit the moon until called for. As Kiyone, Mihoshi and Washu were about to step onto the bridge Jen spoke, "Computer Transport three a board ship orbiting the moon." And the three women dematerialized and were transported a board the Yagami. As they were fading Kiyone yelled, "Jen DON"T......" After that the USS Tsunami moved out of obit of the moon and sped off towards space, with no seeming destination then warped away. On the Yagami Kiyone was desperately trying to follow the USS Tsunami but stop after it entered Warp. "Kiyone can you track it?" Washu was sitting beside her at the other control station. "No I can't. The ship uses an unknown propulsion system; I can't track its energy signature." On Ryo-ohki they watched as the ship was about to leave and saw the Yagami give chase and followed; trying to hail them. But just before the ship was about to enter warp something happen to Tenchi and he disappeared in a column of light and then the ship entered Warp. Leo watched has Tenchi disappeared in the column of light and nodded. "So what are you up to Lady Tokimi? Hmm." Leo is not just a simple earthman he too is connected to the Royal Family of Jurai; but his ties are far older than anyone would believe. Leo watch the others as they thought about what had just happened. "TENCHI!!!!!!!" Ryoko screamed as he disappearing and ran to grab him before he was gone, but simply pass right though him. Ayeka look on with horror on her face and tried to incase him in a shield but failed. Sasami/Tsunami also watch in horror, because they both had no idea what was happening to Tenchi. Tsunami seemed to be blocked off from doing anything to help Tenchi. That when the fear hit her, "TOKIMI NO......." Aboard the Yagami the others were wondering on what to do. Washu wasn't going to give up so easy, She was after all the number one genius Scientist in the universe. But for some reason it looked to her as if something or someone was fighting her every action on trying to find the ship. 'Tokimi?' The name had just seemingly popped into her mind with a feeling of foreboding. The hours pasted and Ryo-ohki boarded the Yagami so everyone would be together. Ryoko for the first in long time was scared. Ayeka was still trying to figure out what happened. Sasami was with Washu in the Yagami's Science lab. Sasami watched as Washu was analyzing the energy signature and trying to break it down. Kiyone was sitting in the pilot seat wondering, more like stunned. In less than 24 hours everything had changed. Mihoshi had somehow changed, in more than just her hair, but personality. It was too much all at once. Mihoshi sat in her room studying the contents as if she'd had never seen them before. Her mind was filled with images of another place, another time. She felt lost within her self, not know which self was the real self. Then a person appeared behind her and spoke. "Mother is it you?" Mihoshi turn to see a young man about 5'11" medium build with Hazel hair and green eyes. The man was wearing jeans and a black poet shirt with a five-pointed star pin over his heart. "Mother are you alright, it's me your son Leonard." Mihoshi recognized the man, but she didn't know where or even more important why. "Leo, how, where?" Leo walked over and gently laid a hand upon Mihoshi shoulder and a flood of warmth and understanding came over her. "My god. Leo what happened did we win?" "No mother, no one won. We all lost. And father was the only one to survive." Mihoshi stood and held him. "My god." Tears began to well up from her. "Leo tell me what happen. How did why get here?" "Mother. Father traveled beyond the void." Mihoshi turned white and almost fell to her knees, and would have had not Leo caught her. "Tell me everything. Everything." Leo sighed and sat her down and began to tell of everything he knew of from the beginning. They were still talking 10 hours later.Hours later aboard the Yagami Washu was still working and so they had no other ideas on what to do; so they returned to earth hoping that Washu have better luck in her lab. Somewhere in space warping in between star system was the USS Tsunami. Tenchi having disappeared and then had reappeared in a room like something like out of his visions on the ride to school. Somehow he knew intuitively that he was aboard the ship he had been watching board Ryo-ohki. He also knew that he was in something called a transporter room. Having been a little surprised by this unknown knowledge he felt confidence. So he walked towards what looked to be a set of doors and just before he was about to hit the door slid apart into the wall. Walking out in to the hallway he saw the damaged and burned marks all over the length of the hall. Everywhere he looked there was damage and scorched areas. Yet no there were no bodies, like in his dreams. People lay dying everywhere upon the ground. In his dream they were everywhere. Now there was nothing but emptiness. Seemingly lost in his thoughts he began to walk somewhere, but not really knowing where. Tenchi was still in his battle attire and had not taken it off. While Tenchi walked lost in thought began to daydream. (Or was he?) He was seeing people, talking with them. He knew all of them by heart and yet he had never met them. In his mind he was the captain of his ship and they were off to fight the BORG. (Who the hell were the BORG.) Tenchi suddenly awoke from his daydream when he ran into himself. "WHAT THE HELL?" Both Tenchi and Jen intoned. The two stared at one another for a moment; both completely shocked by the other. They were identical but for the hair and the look in their eyes. Tenchi's eyes showed youth and curiosity, while Jen's eyes show the weariness of hard decisions and the truth of war. While they studied each other, the ship had come to it destination. The USS Tsunami was in obit of a distance planet from earth called Faeren Prime. Faeren had been Jen's home planet. The ship's main computer had been set to this planet if something were to happen to the crew. So the computer not having been given any order for over 24hours set course to Faeren Prime, Home port. The planet of Faeren Prime has been a dead world for thousands of years in this Realm. In Jen's realm it had been a colony world of Jurai's. It was his home for 20years before he joined StarFleet. It was also were the Jurai and the Federation had first met and jointly live on. But now it is a dead world, no life anywhere or in any form. Yet on this dead planet far from earth are ruins made by a Terran culture, cities, roads, all empty falling to dust. And no one will ever know the truth behind it, how or why. Except for one man. Tenchi was the first to over come his shock and spoke to his other. "Who are you? How did I get here and where is here?" "I am Jen Masaki, captain of this ship the USS Tsunami of the United Federation of Planets. How you got here? Well I have an Idea on that. By the way what is your name?" Tenchi knocked himself for not stating his name. "Tenchi Masaki of earth." Jen suddenly remembered what Kiyone had spoken before had come back to him. 'I know someone named Tenchi.' It explains why all those people gave me such strange looks. He looks just like me.' "Tenchi is it. Well Tenchi I think we need to talk, come with me if you please." Tenchi didn't have argument to this so he followed. Jen led Tenchi to the bridge. When they got there Jen just gestured to a seat, and walked over to a control station and checked on the ship's location. 'Ah just as I remembered, Faeren Prime what Irony. I've come home.' Jen began to explain who he was and an idea of how he got here. Tenchi quietly listened to Jen' story. Tenchi was a bit shaken by the fact that some of what Jen had told him was exactly like his visions and the dream. Tenchi nodded with understanding and stood. "Jen is there anything I can do to help?" Jen understood what Tenchi meant and thanked him. 'What can he do, I don't even know what I should do if anything. My realm is gone, destroyed. I have no purpose in life, no direction. Maybe I could finally ........' "Tenchi from what I have come to learn is that earth hasn't yet been into space right and that you are the only one who know of what's out here. Correct?" "Ah, yes I believe so." Jen thought about what this meant. He was alone in the stars. If he went back to earth it would create chaos. He thought about going to Jurai but it would be the same. He knew how the Jurai nobles would see him, outsider, and a threat and again cause chaos. He didn't want to be alone, but it seemed like there were no options. Either way he would cause pain and chaos. Then a voice spoke to him. ("To travel beyond all that is to save us all.") Jen still had no real idea on what it meant. Tenchi look upon Jen with worry seeing Jen's lost look on his face. "Jen you can come and stay with us on earth if you like. I for one would like to learn more about this place that you came from." Tenchi himself didn't quite believe what he had just said. Tenchi had always believed he wanted a simple life, a home a family, nothing real grandiose. Yet something stirred in him, something deep, it call to him. Like the time he got the keys to the cave from Grandpa. Tenchi somewhere deep in his heart was adventurer. Tenchi knew before his mother died this passion for exploration, because when they visited the shrine he would explore the countryside all day, finding, learning. "Thank you Tenchi I believe I will accept your offer. But before we go back I would like to see something on the planet below. Would you like to join me?" "Sure." So Tenchi and Jen walked from the bridge into the transport tube and from there to the shuttle bay. When they got down to the planet all round them were the ruins of what might have been a colony. Jen lead Tenchi to a building at what was the center of this once been city. On the building was a marking exactly the same as the one on Jen's chest. It was the insignia of StarFleet.