Disclaimer: I do Not own the pokemon and Tenchi characters (Thankyou very much) "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kapow! Elizith and the others landed in a gigantic cave, it was covered in a disgusting red substance that looked like chunky blood. "Where....are we?" Sasami asked into the darkness of the cave. "I would answer that, but I landed on my shoulder and I think I can't get up at the moment....argh I...got...go....Tsunami." Elizith struggled on the last few words. Tsunami popped out of her pokeball, the tip of her tail was so bright that it illuminated the darker parts of the cave. "It.....looks like your......friend is....missing" Elizith said. "Wha? But then were did she go...Yugi..if you can her this give a shout!" No answer. "Amp har ampy ros amp har!" Tsunami was shouting nonsense at Elizith. "What is she trying to say?" "I don't know, I think she knows were Yugi is.....can you be so kind to get the yellow pokeball with the flame on it?" "Uh..sure." Sasami took the yellow pokeball. "I choose you who ever you are!" Tokimi popped out of its pokeball, it instantly came over to Elizith, and started to issue a a small flame that landed on Elizith's shoulder. Within moments, Elizith got up and looked as good as new. "What happened?" "Tokimi used sacred fire, when used on a comrade, that person or thing is instantly healed now to find Yu-" But before Elizith could finish, a gigantic cry issued from all around the cave. "Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuugigigiyayayayaya!!!" "Was that a pokemon?" Asked a frightened Sasami. "No it was Lugia, but," Elizith looked at the ground, "WHAT IS THIS STUFF?!?!?" Elizith and both her pokemon were stuck in the gooey "muk" that made up the cave floor. "It's my sinew if you care you humans...." A giant creature came out of the ground, it bore resemblance to the "mummy demon" from Tenchi Muyo except it had no flesh. "I can help if I want to, but I can also kill you." Said the creature. To be continued This time Sasami has go against her best friend, who is being controlled by Lugia. And they find an even rarer pokemon thanks to Nabuki....who is Nabuki? You'll find out.