Elizith Comes:Search for the Lugia (Part four) PixyMisa?Elizith gets the girls out of a rock and a bunch of fans. By Katherine "Suicune" Lindroth www.renogatomon@AOL.com Disclaimer:I do not own the Tenchi characters (Pioneer LDC and AIC) Pokemon (NINTENDO) or digimon (BANDAI TOEI) The three girls got out of the park. "Hmm" Hinnasei said, "I can smell Lugia..." "Where?" asked Elizith "*sniff* He's in a tunnel under Japan town" Yugi jumped to her feet "Then lets get Lugia and get out!" "Uhh..........."Sasami and Elizith both looked nervous "Well?" "You can count me in!" "Me too!" *********************************************** "God, there's too many people...."Elizith was sweating, and looked even paler than Yugi. "Why do we need to worry about that?" Sasami asked. Without a word, Elizith pushed both Yugi and Sasami out into the streets "OH MY GOD! IT'S SASAMI YUGI AND THE DIGIMON EMPEROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" about twenty-million people said at once. All of them rushed at Sasami and Yugi. "Help!" "Go Tsunami!" Elizith said, Hinnasei was recalled, and Tsunami (An Ampharos) popped out. "Tsunami! Thunder!" "AMPH!" Tsunami let out currents of electric power that zapped the Tenchi fans. "Well it serves you right!" Yugi said as she ran off with the others. ******************************************************** "Do you now see?" Elizith asked sternly. "Yes..."said the two shocked girls. "We need to get those people away.........and I know how!" "How" "Well," Elizith whispered her plan, just incase there was a fan around, "first we need to buy some costumes...." ************************************************************* Elizith wandered around Japan town "I need to find the place that sells pokemon cards, yes there it is!" Elizith ran into the store and asked the clerk a rather strange question, "Do you by chance have any PrettySammy costumes on you?" ************************************************************* "Do we have to put these things on?" Yugi asked in disgust. "Just take my word for it, You'll thank me later." Elizith said. "Tsunami! Gerrof! Your making it hard for me to put on my costume!" Sasami was struggling with Elizith's Tsunami. "Oh, Tsunami, return, Washu and Tokimi, come out!" Elizith commanded, "you two will be the special effects." "What do pokemon have to do with this?" asked Yugi. "Well when you kids come they'll throw ice and fire into the air to make it look like the real deal."Elizith explained,"Now, the rest of my plan....." **************************************************** Elizith ran towards the Tenchi fans, "My God it's terrible! Run! Run for your dear God lives! They're coming!" "Who's coming?" The fans asked "THEM!" Elizith yelled. "Pretty Mutation! Magical recall!" "Pixy Mutation! Magical recall! KABOOM!!! Fire and ice sprayed over the horrified crowd. A rather short PixyMisa and PrettySammy appeared from were the two elements clashed. "We have joined the darkness once again!" The PrettySammy said. "Prepare to have your souls devoured!" The PixyMisa said. (She also sprayed out some ice crystals from her hand) "RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The crowd screamed as they ran for "Their dear God lives". The five, (If you count the pokemon) saw the open road to Lugia before them. "Thanks alot guys!" Elizith said happily. "I acually like this costume!" Sasami said as she came down drom the wav of fire and ice. "Yeah, I like mine a bit too." Yugi said as the pokemon came out from behind the building. "Lugia is before us!" Elizith said, "We can't quit now!" *rumblerumblerumble* "Oh no..." CRACK! WHUP! SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The three girls and the two pokemon suddenly fell down to the pits of San Franscico To be continued Next time:I ain't going to tell you