Elizith Comes:Search for the Lugia (Part 3) Yugi finds the wherabouts of Lugia By Katherine "Suicune" Lindroth E-mail:www.renogatomon@AOL.com Disclaimer:I don't own any of the Tenchi and pokemon characters(Except for Elizith) They either belong to poineer, AIC, or Nintendo (Thank you very much) "W-where am I?" Yugi asked puzzled, "And who are you?" she asked after looking in Elizith's direction. "I'm Elizith, you're in the Misaki shrine, we didn't move you or anything." "Yugi," Sasami asked, "do you know who she is?" "No, why would I've asked then?" Elizith's pokeballs started to wiggle, then shake, then Hinnasei popped out of one. "What's going on? And, oh dear..." Hinnasei looked at Yugi, "That's living proof! Oh my God! It's true!" "What's true?" Sasami asked blindly. "That Yugee and Elizith are....." Elizith gave Hinnasei a dark look, but Hinnasei continued. "related!" There was silence Elizith shook her head. "Looks like Hinnasei spilled the beans..." "What do you mean?" asked both a surprised Yugi and Sasami. "When I first was born, my mother, Hinase, took one of my eyelashes and gave it to a scientist, he made a clone of me and named her Yugi," Elizith pointed to Yugi, "just incase if anything bad happened to me. Several years passed by, I was on the bank of a river when I saw a black pokemon, I didn't know what it was back then, but that pokemon is the very one in front of you," Hinnasei bowed her flaming head, "I brought her home and named her after my mother. But two weeks afterward Yugi got out of control and almost destroyed Jurai, shocked by seeing myself pummel Jurai, I thought I saw a silver bird help my Mom seal Yugi away, so I went on a quest of my own, trying to find the bird, catching lots of pokemon to help me on my way....."Elizith fell silent, Yugi was speechless. "So that's why you two look exactly alike!" Sasami said, "And why you want to find Lugia so much!" "Yes." "I...remember..." "Hmm?" Yugi got out of the capsule, she held a silver thread in her hand, "I remember the silver bird, this came into the crypt with me when Hinase captured me!" "Can Washu analyze the thread and see where Lugia is hiding?" Elizith asked. Yugi snorted, "If she found a way to beat me she can easily do that." ******************************************** "I've never seen such a matter in my entire life." Washu proclaimed as she was working on the thread, "Got it!" Sasami, Elizith, and Yugi all jumped when she said this. "You've found where Lugia is hiding?" Elizith asked hopefully. "Yup!" "Where is it Washu?" "I'm not telling!" Elizith facefaulted, Yugi jumped over Elizith's deranged body. "I beg your pardon," Yugi said, "can you tell us little Washu?" "Yes." ******************************************** "Oh that's helpful!" Yugi said dully. "What is?" "Lugia is hiding in San Francsico!" "No prob',we can fly over on Tokimi!" The three girls were outside next to the lake, Elizith threw a pokeball into the air. "I choose you Tokimi!" The giant phenox flew out of the pokeball and landed next to Elizith. "By the way," Sasami said,"What's that pokemon?" "It's a Ho-oh," Elizith explained, "I caught it when I was in China." "Oh cut the chatter,"Yugi said, "sooner we go the less chance I have of getting air sick." ******************************************* "Well here we are!" Elizith said, "Doesn't the air smell great?" "Cuuuugi" Tokimi chirped in agreement. "Where are we? This doesn't look like San Francisco!" Sasami said. "We're in Goldengate park! But where's Yugi?" "She's back there behind the tree, I think that if she doesn't do the flying, she upchucks." "Hoaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Oh I see. Well, Tokimi! Return! Hinnasei! Come!" Hinnasei came out of her pokeball."On to find the Lugia!" Yugi came out from behind the tree "Don't forget about me!" To be continued Next Time:The girls and the poke-crowd run into some fans Fans:OH MY GOD ITS YUGI SASAMI AND THE DIGIMON EMPEROR! Elizith:Tsunami! Thunder! ZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! Yugi:Well it serves you right