Tenchi Muyo and characters are property of AIC and Pioneer.  Gundam Wing and characters 
are property of Sotsu Agency, Sunshine, and TV Asahi.  
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, 
Command and Conquer: Red Alert, Command and Conquer: Red Alert Counterstrike, 
Command and Conquer: Red Alert Aftermath, Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, 
and Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun Firestorm are property of Westwood Studios.  
Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood War are property of Blizzard Entertainment.

Author's notes:
I like Kiyone
I am a crappy writer

(battle.net name)

Determined Retribution

Chapter One

	It was a normal, sunny summer day in the Misaki household.  
Ryoko and Ayeka were actually getting along for once.  Kiyone and 
Mihoshi were on an "extended" break.  Sasami was in the kitchen, 
whipping up some breakfast, and Washuu actually took some time 
away from her lab.  Washuu was still typing with her holographic 
laptop-display board.  But soon, a strange blue face appeared on 
her screen.  "HUH?!?"  Washuu yelped in surprise.  
	"I am Cabal...hello...erm..." the strange face addressed 
Washuu.  Everyone turned to the scientist, as she shrugged.  She 
held her chin in her hand, deliberating if this was some virus or 
something, but she dismissed it.  "I'm only the world's 
greatest scientific genius!"  She proclaimed in pride, you could 
have sworn you have 
seen it in her green eyes.  
	"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"  Cabal laughed.  Kiyone wondered aloud, 
"is that Kain's even more evil twin?"  The Artificial Intelligence 
agent stopped laughing, and faced everyone, and many holographic 
displays appeared in the main room with Cabal's glowering face 
	Washuu turned angrily on Mihoshi, "DID YOU #%^@ WITH MY 
LABORATORY SYSTEMS AGAIN?"  Cabal resumed laughing, "foolish human, 
do you not realize that I will have you all for cyborg recruitment?  
MUHAHAHAHAHA!"  At that, they heard some decloaking noises outside of 
the house, and to everyone's horror, they saw a gigantic base appear 
out of what seemed to be thin air.  At the doors, were groups of 
six-foot Cyborgs armed with vulcan armcannons.  
	"HELP ME!"  Sasami was screaming from the kitchen.  Everyone 
dashed in, and saw a Cyborg attempting to seize the frightened little 
girl.  "Washuu, what's going on?"  Mihoshi asked.  Kiyone interjected, 
"#%^@ that, Mihoshi!  SHOOT THEM!"  At that, the aquamarine-haired 
detective took out her GP blaster, and fired at the staggering Cyborg.  
	"Resistance is futile, human!"  Cabal scoffed, as another 
Cyborg shot Kiyone in the back of her knee once.  "AAAAAH!"  She hissed 
as she dropped onto the floor.  Ayeka brought out her little logs, 
and they started to zap the newcoming Cyborgs.  Everyone made a dash 
for Washuu's lab, but it was only a broom closet.  "WHA?!?"  Washuu 
	"Fools!  MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I am in control now!"  Cabal gloated.  
Everyone ran outside, only to be surrounded by more Cyborgs.  Ryoko cursed 
under her breath.  
	"Ryo-ohki!"  She screamed.  The cabbit obeyed, and transformed 
into its ship form...only to be stunned by a blast from an EMP cannon.  
"MEOW!"  Ryo-ohki screeched in surprise.  The Cyborgs moved in, first 
roughly seizing Kiyone and Mihoshi, and then Ayeka and Ryoko.  Tenchi 
valiantly fought the Cyborgs to save Sasami, but they confiscated the 
Tenchiken, and quickly subdued him.  Sasami gave into fear, and began 
to cry.  Then the Droppods arrived.  

Chapter Two
	Mihoshi was the first to notice, as her blonde hair was blown 
back by their approach.  "What's that, Kiyone?"  She pointed at the 
Droppods, but her wounded partner was too busy with the pain accompanying 
the shot in the back of her leg.  The craft slammed into the ground, 
as glass canopys opened.  Armored marines hopped out and began to fire at 
the Cyborgs with their pulse rifles, taking cover behind their ships.  
A large VTOL had come into view, coming for a landing next to the rescuers.  
A hatch hissed open, and several soldiers clambered out and some men 
carrying cases with red crosses on them.  
	The two Medics came by Kiyone, and sedated her.  They began to work 
hurriedly, and they began to take her into the waiting Orca Transport.  One 
of the soldiers called out, "c'mon, let's go!"  
On the hull of the craft, a weary Tenchi noticed that there was an insignia 
that had a large hawk.  In stenciled, white letters, he saw the letters, "GDI."  
Everyone, including the rescuers, climbed into the hold of the Orca Transport.  
The ship was very tidy, with a few spots of dust and dirt, but nonetheless, 
	Hours later, Kiyone found herself in some type of infirmary.  
"Where am I..."  she asked to whoever else was in the room.  But there was 
no answer.  With a grunt of effort, she sat up, and looked at her 
surroundings.  Mihoshi was sitting there, with a sad look of guilt in her 
face.  She was so distracted, she didn't even notice that Kiyone had awoken.  
"Mihoshi..." at the sound of her partner's voice, Mihoshi turned into a ball 
of uncontrollable energy.  
blurted in a tidal wave of words as she moved to Kiyone's side.  
	Kiyone put a hand on the blonde's arm, reassuring her that she'd be okay.  
"Don't worry about it, Mihoshi."  
	"I see our patient is awake."  A woman spoke.  Kiyone turned her 
attention, to the door, and saw a slightly older woman than herself 
(Kiyone, duh!).  The blondish woman walked towards Kiyone, "hello, I'm Dr. Boudrea.  
You're in a GDI medical facility."  
	But soon, Kiyone's communicator was beeping.  As she activated it, 
a static image of the Marshal appeared.  "Kiyone, the Galaxy Police headquarters 
is being att-" before he could finish the sentence, two Cyborgs appeared from 
behind, and fired their cannons.  The Marshal was turned into a bloody corpse.
	"NO!"  Kiyone gasped.  Boudrea looked at the tiny display piece with a 
look of curiousity.  "What is that?"  She asked the detective.  But Kiyone 
was staring dumbfounded at the little device.  But that expression soon 
turned into a joyful one.  "YES!  THE GALAXY POLICE IS GONE!  I'M NOT MIHOSHI'S 
PARTNER!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"  Boudrea was a bit shocked, but wasn't 
surprised as Kiyone tried to stand, but fell back on the cot she was on.  
	"I suggest that you try to contain your boundless excitement.  You 
are still under treatment."  The doctor calmly reminded her.  At that, Tenchi 
walked in.  "Oh, I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to interrupt anything!"  He apologized.  
Boudrea shook her head, "no, you weren't interrupting.  You can talk to her if 
you want to."  She left the room.  Tenchi walked up to Kiyone, asking, "Are you 
okay, Ms. Kiyone?"  Kiyone blinked.  She never thought that Tenchi cared a 
whole lot about her.  "Yes."  She looked at him, dumbfounded.  Then she noticed 
that he was wearing one of the marine uniforms.  "Tenchi...are you with GDI?"  
	Tenchi looked down at himself.  "Yeah, I decided this would be better 
than being fought over by Ayeka and Ryoko.  I'm in one of the Light Infantry 
garrisons."  Kiyone sat up, not noticing that she hadn't any clothing on.  
	Tenchi's initial reaction went into the extreme, as his nose began 
bleeding.  Kiyone looked down and went back under the covers.  "Sorry, Tenchi."  
She apologized.  Just then, a Light Infantry soldier walked in, without his 
helmet,  and tapped Tenchi on the shoulder of his body armor.  "Hey, man.  
Let's go.  Don't forget that we had patrol duty today."  The man gently 
reminded him.  
	"Well, I hafta go, Kiyone.  Bye."  Tenchi turned about, and walked out 
the door with the marine.  Kiyone sighed to herself, and looked over at 
Mihoshi who was in a daze.  Kiyone shook her head, "it's gonna be a long 

Chapter Three

	Tenchi donned his helmet, as did the other marine.  Tenchi looked at 
the man, "so what was your name, again?"  
	"Name's Jim."  The man loaded his pulse rifle, as Tenchi grabbed 
his.  The younger man continued, "I'm not exactly a veteran, but I'm a 
seasoned recruit."  Tenchi grabbed the Tenchiken, but Jim shook his head.  
"A sword without a blade isn't gonna do much, Tenchi."  But Tenchi told him, 
"you'll see."  
	The two walked outside of the Barracks, and walked off in the 
direction of the first waypoint.  "So what are we looking for?"  Tenchi 
asked Jim.  Then the older man turned his head, "we're looking for Noddies, 
and for hostile Tiberium-based life forms.  THERE'S ONE!"  Jim aimed his 
pulse rifle, and fired his entire magazine at some jellyfish-like thing 
that floated around.  "SCREE!"  The thing was REALLY pissed off.  
	"RUN!"  A terrified Jim yelled.  But it was too late, the thing had 
nearly enveloped the man, as electrical discharges flew in the air.  Jim
was stunned, but Tenchi ran at the creature.  "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"  
He yelled as he slashed the thing with the Tenchiken, and it went limp.  
Jim blasted his way out from under the Tiberium Floater with his pulse rifle.  
	"Damn, that thing looks like hell under there."  Jim gestured 
his rifle at the dead thing.  Tenchi only nodded his head.  Jim snapped 
to at something unheard by Tenchi.  "What is it, Jim?"  Tenchi 
swept his rifle around, looking for anything that might be a "Noddy."  
	"Sssshhhh..." Jim looked around the icy, barren area, and pointed at 
something.  "There, ya see that?"  Jim aimed his pulse rifle at it, 
setting it into its secondary firing mode; a charge-laser.  
	"Wha?  Huh?"  Tenchi looked.  He noticed that a patch somewhere 
kinda looked like light was being distorted or something.  Jim 
wasted no time, and fired at the human-sized patch of wavy/distorted 
light.  Tenchi looked on, and heard a scream and a gurgle.  He 
heard something decloak, and a soldier fell to the snow where 
Jim had fired.  "A Noddy."  Jim growled, as the two moved towards the 
apparently dead soldier.  "Must've been a Chameleon Spy..."  At that, 
they heard assault/pulse rifles cock.  As they turned around, they 
saw a sizable force of NOD soldiers.  Terrifying NOD Light Infantry, 
comparatively even scarier-looking NOD Rocket Infantry, and several 
Attack Bikes and Attack Buggies.  Amongst them were an Engineer, two 
Tick Tanks, and what seemed to be hijacked GDI Wolverines.  The 
powered assault armors stepped forward, their vulcan cannons aiming 
at the two GDI marines.  
	One NOD Light Infantryman moved forward, followed by two 
others, apparently a sergeant.  "Stand, and identify yourselves in 
the name of Kane!"  The other soldiers had their weapons aimed at 
Tenchi and Jim.  Some of the Rocket Soldiers aimed their rocket 
launchers at them.  Jim shook his head, and dropped his weapon.  
	"Jim, what's...who are these people?"  Tenchi asked.  
Before Jim could answer, two pairs of hands pulled them off their 
feet before the NOD soldiers could shoot Tenchi.  Tenchi got knocked 
out when he fell, as did Jim.  
Chapter Four

"Where...where am I?"  Tenchi groaned, as he sat up rubbing 
his head.  He looked around, and a dozen faces were looking at 
him from all around him.  "Tratos, one of the blunts are awake."  
A woman said.  Two more figures entered the subterranean room.  
	As the two stepped forward from the shadows and into the 
dim light, he could see their facial features at best.  They had 
green crystals growing on their faces, and they seemed like they 
were incredibly strong.  "Greetings...welcome to our den."  The 
man said.  He looked very old, but also a man in a high position 
in this society.  Jim came to, and muttered, "Shiners..."  
	"Huh?"  Tenchi looked at the Mutants looking at them with 
cautious and alert eyes.  "Long story, Tenchi."  Jim answered.  
The old man introduced himself, "I am Tratos, the guardian of 
the Forgotten."  He gestured at the accompanying woman next to 
him, "this is Umaagon."  The woman glared at Tenchi, as he 
nervously waved, a bullet of sweat formed on his head.  He 
looked at Tratos and inquired, "what happened to us?"  The grey-
haired man answered, "those NOD soldiers were going to shoot you.  
We intervened, by making you fall, but we didn't intend to 
knock you unconscious.  We then killed them, and stole their 
weapons, supplies, and their vehicles."  
	In the civilian shelter areas, Ayeka, Ryoko, Sasami, and 
Washuu were sticking in a group.  There were only several armed 
guard patrols, wandering in the icy, cold streets.  They finally came 
across the room/apartment/bunker they were assigned to.  
	Ayeka commented, "my, it sure is dirty in here."  It was 
no lie either.  It looked like the Orca Transport they flew in on.  
Except, there was nothing except seven cots, two couches, a 
TV, and a door leading to a bathroom.  Washuu sat on a 
couch, and fell over like a stiff piece of wood.  
	"Washuu?"  Sasami went over to the scientist.  "My lab..." 
Washuu muttered in despair, "my lab is gone...taken by some AI 
agent that has a lower IQ than I do..."  Ayeka put her hand on 
Sasami's shoulder, "Sasami, I think we should leave her alone for 
awhile," she spoke to her little, blue-haired sister.  Sasami 
nodded, and started looking around.  She found a stove, an oven, 
and other things you'd usually find in the kitchen.  She also 
found some pots and pans, etc.  Sasami began cooking, trying to 
take her mind off of the new scary life they had to go with.  
	"I wonder where Tenchi is..." Ryoko stared off into space.  
	A convoy of mix-matched vehicles moved towards the civilian 
colony.  They stopped at the edge of the sensor range, as Jim 
and Tenchi hopped out of the Amphibious APC that the Forgotten had 
put them in.  "Hmmmm..." Jim was holding his chin, holding his helmet 
under his free arm.  Then, an explosion rocked the rumbling 
vehicle.  "WHOA!"  Tenchi yelped as he was tossed across the interior 
of the Amphibious APC.  [THUD] He hit his head, and passed out.  
	Off in the distance, a few NOD soldiers and several deployed 
Artillery units watched over the Mutant convoy.  A sergeant 
looked through his binoculars, and muttered into his comlink, 
"fire at will until they are destroyed."  At that command, the 
Artillery units aimed their cannons, and fired their 155mm rounds with 
thunderous gunfire and suppressed, but still bright, flashes.  
	At that fortunate time, an Orca Fighter patrol was in the air, 
and they noticed the Artillery units firing on the hapless Forgotten.  
One of the wingmen shouted, "lieutenant, shiners!"  Another pointed out, 
"and they're being shot at by NOD Artillery platforms."  The officer 
deliberated a few minutes, and ordered, "let's get 'em, boys!"  
	The nimble and maneuverable VTOLs darted in and unleashed a 
salvo of missiles.  The third wingman, who was flying an Orca Bomber, 
came in for two passes on the artillery.  The explosive bombs impacted 
and cratered the area where the artillery was.  Now everything was 
smoldering, burning hulks of metal.  
	"Hey, Tenchi!  Tenchi!"  A voice roused the young man up.  
Tenchi sat up, and looked around.  "Huh?  Where am I?  Actually, 
for that matter, WHO am I?"  The stranger had a look of horror on 
his face, and the man gestured towards the door in back of him, 
"c'mon, we gotta get outta here."  They both bolted out of the 
overturned Amphibious APC, and dashed for the civilian colony.  

Chapter Five

	"Tenchi!"  Kiyone gasped as he was seen into Kiyone's room.  
He was battered, and bruised, and even bleeding.  Tenchi looked 
puzzled, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"  Kiyone's eyes went wide.  
"Tenchi, it's me!  Don't you recognize me?"  She asked him in despair.  
He considered it, and shook his head.  Jim cursed under his breath, 
"thought so...he's got amnesia."  Kiyone began to sob, as Tenchi 
looked on, geniunely confused.  Jim, as the stranger introduced 
himself to Tenchi, waved him over.  "What is it, Jim?"  Tenchi 
asked.  The younger man looked at Tenchi, and told him, 
"looky here...your name is Tenchi Masaki, and you and me are 
partners.  You have amnesia...that girl," he gestured to the 
sobbing, aquamarine-haired woman, "is Kiyone.  You knew her before 
you got conked on the head."  Jim tugged at him, and led Tenchi 
to be checked into the infirmary.  He just sat there, trying 
to remember what in the world was going on.  He still went out 
on patrols with Jim, but he was just confused.  Now, he was 
on guard duty within the civilian colony, walking out on the 
cold, icy streets.  "I'm on Antarctica..." he remembered Jim 
telling him where Tenchi was.  
	"TENCHI!!"  A cyan-haired woman ran up to him, and 
hugged him.  Tenchi blushed, while Jim just slapped his helmet visor.  
Tenchi asked the woman, "excuse me, but do you know me?"  The 
woman looked shocked, and looked into his eyes with her own 
yellow, almost feline, eyes.  "Tenchi?!?  Don't you know 
who I am?"  She said in a mushy voice.  Tenchi indicated that he 
did not.  At that, the woman dematerialized.  Tenchi looked 
surprised, as much as Jim did.  "Who was that?"  Tenchi asked.  
Jim just shrugged, as they continued to patrol until they were 
recalled for the day.  
	Ayeka walked into the apartment, to see Ryoko lying face-
down, sobbing into her pillow on her cot.  Ayeka walked up to 
her semi-rival and asked, "what's wrong, Ryoko?"  Ryoko 
answered, "Tenchi...doesn't...remember...me...he...has...
amnesia," she said in-between sobs.  Ayeka looked surprised, 
"WHAT?!?  HE HAS AMNESIA?"  She shrieked.  Ryoko sat up and nodded, tears 
streaming down her face.  As the day progressed, that woman, Kiyone 
was out of the infirmary, and could somehow manage to walk with 
crutches.  Her friend Mihoshi had to help her though.  
	Five days had come to an end since Cabal had taken over 
Washuu's lab.  Tenchi lay in his cot, looking at a picture that 
he had of his dead mother Achika, and a picture with him, Kiyone, 
Mihoshi, and some other girls he couldn't identify.  "I really 
wish I could remember who they all were.  They seem pretty nice."  
He sighed to himself.  He closed his eyes and slept.  

Chapter Six

	Tenchi awoke, with a throbbing headache.  "Aw...my 
head."  He muttered.  He looked, and saw Kiyone sitting in the 
corner of room, looking at him with her bright, beautiful, aquamarine 
eyes.  "You're awake...Tenchi..." She gazed at him.  Tenchi 
looked around, and saw Jim standing with his arms folded, in his 
armor.  "Do you remember anything, now?"  the brown-haired man asked.  
He pointed at one of his pictures in curiousity, "who's that?"  
	Tenchi looked, and answered casually, "that's Ayeka."  
Kiyone's eyes shone, and she hobbled over and hugged him.  
She spoke happily, "Tenchi, you got your memory back."  
Mihoshi ran over, and started hugging Tenchi with the strength 
of a boa constrictor, "TENCHI!  I GLAD YOU GOT YOUR MEMORY BACK!"  
	Jim cleared his throat, and Mihoshi noticed how 
uncomfortable Tenchi was.  "Sorry."  She apologized.  Tenchi 
was gasping for air, and coughed, "that's okay, Ms. Mihoshi."  
Jim walked out the door, looking over his shoulder, "I'll 
leave you three alone.  I'll tell them you recovered, Tenchi."  
The tall man walked out and into the corridor.  
	"Lord Tenchi..."  Tenchi saw Ayeka, Sasami, and Ryoko 
standing by the door.  "Hi...Ms. Ayeka...Sasami...Ryoko..."  
He greeted them nervously.  Ryoko began hugging Tenchi, 
"Tenchi!  Do you remember me now?  C'mon, Tenchi!  You can't 
forget me!"  Ayeka's left eyebrow began to twitch.  
	Klaxons began blaring, as explosions rocked the 
colony.  [crash] Glass windows on a building shatter as an 
artillery shell smashed into a living quarters building.  
At the GDI base, soldiers and machines alike began to 
pour out of the automated gates, as they moved to protect the 
civilian colony.  Jim ran back to the room, and yelled, 
Another explosion rocked the infirmary building as Tenchi 
ran out the door.  
	GDI Light Infantry and Disc Throwers were already 
attacking some of the deployed Artillery units, followed by 
Medics.  Several GDI Wolverines joined the fray as well.  
Tenchi and Jim joined in, to destroy the NOD units.  
	But the units belonged to a different side.  Instead of red, their 
color is blue, but they have NOD technologies.  One word flashed in Tenchi's 
mind: Cabal.  Tenchi, under the cover of several marines, ran at the 
artillery units, still concentrating on firing on the civilian colony.  
He took out the Tenchiken and ignited it, the blue energy blade glowing 
brightly in even the morning light.  As he did so, Cyborgs had their 
weapons trained on him.  

Chapter Seven

	They fired their vulcan armcannons, almost hitting 
Tenchi.  He sliced two Cyborgs into halves, as he deflected 
an incoming shot.  All of the GDI marines there were amazed at 
the boy's ferocious technique.  Some even briefly applauded.  
Tenchi ran at one of the Artillery units, and slashed at the barrel.  
It tipped over, and fell, crushing the adjacent artillery unit.  
	Soon, Titans, Juggernauts, Wolverines, and Amphibious APCs 
filled with twenty men per APC, arrived on the battlefield.  The 
soldiers poured out of the open mouth of the APC, as Juggernauts 
began to deploy themselves and firing salvo after salvo of 
artillery shells.  Tenchi never saw the one that landed next to him.  
	Tenchi was flung quite high in the air, and dropped onto a field 
of crystalline forms.  His eyes shot open, "TIBERIUM?"  He was in a field 
of one of the most deadliest and dangerous types of Tiberium: blue Tiberium.  
It was VERY volatile, and a simple disc grenade would cause a large 
chain reaction.  Jim ran in, and rushed Tenchi out of the field.  
Jim looked very tired and weak, and he had a bullet hole on the 
shoulder of his body armor.  As a group of Medics and Light Infantry 
approached them, Jim fell over, and died on the spot.  
	"Jim?"  Tenchi kneeled over and shook his partner's shoulder 
gently.  "JIM!?!"  Tenchi shook him desperately.  The Medics pushed 
Tenchi aside, as the Light Infantry looked around for any potential threats.  
	Later that afternoon, Tenchi was to be transferred to Yugoslavia.  
The girls didn't take it too well.  "WHAT?!?"  Ayeka and Sasami cried.  
"You're leaving all of us?"  Mihoshi asked with sadness in her eyes.  
"To go to the frontlines in Yugoslavia?"  Kiyone looked the most worried of 
them all.  "Yes..."  Tenchi nodded.  He held his sack of personal belongings 
over his armor-padded shoulder.  He held his M16 MKII like a suitcase.  
"TENCHI-I-I!  NO!  DON'T GO!  STAY WITH US!"  Ryoko cried.  
	Tenchi only shook his head, and left them all standing and crying.  
Sasami asked her older sister, "Ayeka, why is he leaving?"  Ayeka was 
speechless.  Mihoshi began sobbing, streams of tears flooding out of 
her blue eyes.  Kiyone pondered to herself, "why?"  Washuu was still 
moping about the lab and how miserable she was without it.  
	Tenchi reported to the airfield at the GDI base, and checked in.  
As he waited, he looked at the dropship that towered at about fifty feet 
tall.  He also noticed the Orca Fighters, neatly parked and waiting for 
pilots to take them into the air.  As he boarded, he saw one of Jim's 
friends that he was introduced to.  "James?"  The blonde man 
turned to Tenchi.  "Heyy!  Tenchi!  Howya doin'?"  The older man greeted 
Tenchi.  "You're going to Yugoslavia too, James?"  Tenchi asked eagerly.  
	The tallish man nodded.  "Yeah.  I heard about Jim..."  His 
friendly expression turned briefly grim.  He waved over another younger 
man, "Tenchi, I want you to meet a friend of mine."  A tallish marine 
with longish black hair moved forward and extended his hand, "this is 
Falcon."  The newcomer put on a grin, as Tenchi shook his hand.  "Nice 
to meet you, Falcon."  Tenchi politely greeted the man.  James 
looked at his chronometer, and said, "we'd better get moving.  The 
transport is gonna take off in ten minutes."
	The group moved off towards the waiting dropship, joking and 
conversing about where they came from and what not.  The trip to 
Yugoslavia wasn't very interesting, but it was long.  It took about 
twelve hours for them to arrive.  All the passengers tramped out of 
the Dropship in columns, holding their belongings and rifles.  
	Tenchi checked into his barracks building, but was soon 
assigned to support another garrison under heavy fire.  Tenchi and 
another garrison set out to find their pinned comrades.  A soldier 
whispered into his comlink, "sir, I think I've found them."  A 
Light Infantryman waved people over to look down from a ridge.  
	"FIRE!  FIRE!"  One of the trapped soldiers screamed.  The 
remaining soldiers to be recovered were fighting a swarm of Cyborgs.  
Numerous pulse rifle shots sounded in the chasm.  Then Tenchi and 
the rest intervened.  "Fire, boys!"  The officer commanded.  
	The entire garrison lined the top of the chasm, and fired 
their rifles at the occupied Cyborgs.  Only to find in horror that 
Cyborg Reapers were behind them.  Tenchi looked back, and 
screamed, "WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS?!?"  Another soldier 
looked back and yelled, "REAPERS, SARGE!"  Several soldiers opened 
up on the arachnid/humanoid figures as a strange fluid came down on 
	"ACK!  WHAT IS THIS?"  Tenchi struggled uselessly at the 
gooey substance.  Everyone else just fired at the things until they 
started leaking Tiberium crystals and toppled over and exploding.  
Some of the other soldiers walked over to Tenchi, examining the 
substance that was keeping him immobilized.  "Hey, what is that 
crap, sarge?"  They turned their attention, and ran off into the 
fray, shooting more of the Cyborgs.  Tenchi continued to struggle 
for his life, many thought running through his head.  "The causes of 
death out here...Tiberium poisoning...shot by Cyborgs..."

(Jeez, they keep getting longer and longer!) -Falcon01
Chapter Eight

	All of the girls, except Sasami, brought up their registration 
forms to the GDI recruiting station.  The officer at the desk looked 
at the determined girls with a what-the-heck-are-they-up-to look.  They 
wanted to rejoin Tenchi, so they were trying to join the GDI Marine Corps 
and be transferred to the front.  
	"I hope we see Tenchi, Kiyone!"  Mihoshi blurted out to her 
partner.  Kiyone had recovered, but there were only a few problems with 
her leg.  Ryoko beamed, "I'll finally get to see Tenchi after all these 
weeks," her yellow eyes shining.  Ayeka had an identical expression on her 
face.  Kiyone just walk-hobbled silently with the group as they made their 
way to the waiting Dropship.
	Tenchi finally broke free of his web prison, and collapsed 
spread-eagled out on the mud, panting for breath.  "Finally..." He 
gasped.  As he looked around, the backup medics were on the scene, 
helping with the soldiers.  Soon, two Dropships landed along with many 
Orca Fighters.  The hatches of the Dropships opened, and an all-too 
familiar group of voices yelled out, "TENCHI!"  Ryoko was the first 
to get to Tenchi, and hugged him.  "Tenchi, it's good to see you!"  
Ayeka grabbed his arm.  Ryoko had his other arm.  It almost turned into a 
tug-of-war game with Tenchi, only Tenchi moaned, "stop...it...[ungh]"  He 
passed out on the spot, while Ayeka and Ryoko tugged on his unconscious form, 
Kiyone and Mihoshi sneaked in, and dragged him out.  
	Tenchi was in a barracks building, but something didn't feel right...
"WHAT?"  He bolted up, and looked around.  He saw all of the girls, in 
undershirts and pants, sitting on their bunks and gazing at him with affection.  
"Ayeka?  Ryoko?  Kiyone?  Mihoshi?"  He blinked and rubbed his eyes.  
"What are you guys doing here?"  
	"We enlisted, Tenchi."  Mihoshi sang out.  Kiyone shrugged and 
slumped into her bunk.  Then, as speaker crackled, "attention, in twenty-four 
hours, we will be carrying out an assault on Cabal's Core.  Get lots of sleep 
everyone."  Tenchi looked around, and said, "well, we'd better get some sleep like 
the guy said!"  A bullet of sweat formed on his head as he laughed nervously.  
	"Okay..." Mihoshi trailed off, then fell sidewards on her bunk.  Kiyone 
lay under her covers, sleeping quietly.  Ayeka was also asleep, while Ryoko 
was snoring quite loudly.  "Ha!"  Tenchi muttered to himself, as he crawled under 
his covers, and slept.
	The next day, everyone was shipped up into the Philadelphia, and they 
were briefed by General James Solomon.  "Alright, men.  You'll all be waiting 
aboard the Philadelphia here.  You will be loaded into Droppods."  He regarded 
the some few one-hundred and fifty brave men and women, including Tenchi, 
Kiyone, Mihoshi, Ayeka, and Ryoko.  "You will be sent down in waves of ten," 
the aged man said in his deep voice.  "Now we will destroy Cabal, and later, we 
will defeat the Brotherhood of NOD."  He gave them a stern look, and 
told them, "good luck to all of you..."  The assembly moved out and got their 
gear ready.  As everyone waited in a large room where they could just wait for 
their turn to leave the space station.  
	Tenchi, Falcon, Ryoko, Mihoshi, Kiyone, Ayeka, Ryoko, James, and 
two other soldiers were the tenth wave.  Mihoshi was off confusing the 
other two marines, "...and-this-is-Kiyone-my-best-friend-in-the-whole..." The 
two soldiers tried to keep up with her and just kept nodding.  Tenchi, Falcon, 
and James were joking about how they'd treat Cabal when they saw him.  
	"I'll charge-laser the bastard to death!"  James guffawed.  Then they 
heard, "wave ten!  Wave ten!  Report to the Droppod bay immediately!"  A 
female tech was informing them.  They ten soldiers ran to the bay, as they 
hopped into the things, and strapped in.  "Good luck, Tenchi, old boy!"  
James gave Tenchi a thumbs-up sign.  The protective shield came down, as they 
felt themselves boosted into space and towards the Earth's surface.  
	They hit the ground with a jolting [crash] and the canopies opened.  
The two soldiers hopped out, and fired their charge-lasers at two oncoming 
Cyborgs.  Tenchi yelled, "HERE WE GO!"  He hopped out of the Droppod and 
used his charge-laser to blast apart a Cyborg.  They all saw their objective.  
	"Wow, Kiyone...what is that?"  Mihoshi looked on in wonder.  Kiyone 
just gaped, as did Ayeka.  But Ryoko had other ideas.  "HEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAH!"  She 
yelled, as she fired a large bolt of orange energy, but only to find it was 
blocked.  One of the soldiers looked at her, and said, "the bastard Cabal is 
protected by a Firestorm Generator."  He pointed to a large building that 
looked more like a power plant.  Ryoko angrily tried to phase through, but 
Ryoko cried out in agony, and lay on the ground unconscious.  
	"RYOKO!"  Tenchi cried out as he blasted another Cyborg.  James 
	"Long story..." Tenchi reloaded his rifle.  But a Cyborg Reaper 
appeared, its hideous, glowing eyes looking at Ayeka.  "Ms. Ayeka!"  He 
tried to warn her, but the stuff had already imprisoned the princess.  
Mihoshi was just going trigger-happy with her rifle, blasting apart 
Cyborgs and Cyborg Reapers.  "WAA-HAA-HAA-HAA!"  She cried in fear.  
Kiyone was doing okay, just falling over now and then, avoiding fire.  
One of the soldiers yelled, "I heard the Firestorm is off!"  
	"Let's rush on three..." the other soldier told everyone else.  
After two counts..."THREE!"  Everyone ran forward to attack Cabal's Core.  
The Obelisk of Light buzzed to life, and vaporized the first soldier.  
utter terror and pain.  All that was left was a charred makr on the ground.  
The capacitators began to rapidly recharge, as the second soldier just 
strapped his C4 onto the Obelisk, but he was zapped as he was trying to leave.  
	"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"  He cried out.  Tenchi, Mihoshi, and Kiyone 
made it to the Core as the Obelisk was blown to scrap with a thunderous, 
ground-shaking explosion.  "EEEEEEEEE!"  Tenchi screamed as he was hurled 
ten feet forward.  Mihoshi ran up to the Core, trying to remember what to do.  
	"Let's see...I got here, now what do I do?  What do you think, Kiyone?"  
She looked at her partner, to find her crawling on the ground towards Mihoshi.  
Kiyone was severely wounded and bleeding without her helmet.  "Mihoshi [pant] 
help me [pant pant]!"  Kiyone desperately gasped for air, as she was being 
pursued by a Cyborg Commando who was firing plasma charges through the air.  
Mihoshi aimed her weapon, and fired her charge laser at the giant hulking humanoid.  
It stopped, but started advancing towards the hapless Mihoshi.  
"WAAAAAAAAAAA!  I don't wanna die!"  She began running away.  
The Cyborg Commando laughed devilishly in his mechanical voice, 
"you cannot escape me!"  He fired several rounds from his plasma armcannon at 
the fleeing detective.  Kiyone had finally crawled to the Core, 
panting for breath.  A dazed Tenchi hobbled over to her, and helped her 
stand, "Ms. Kiyone, are you all right?"  She smiled, and took out her C4 
explosive pack.  "Now...to...[cough] [cough]"  Kiyone coughed up some blood, as 
Tenchi looked at her with terrified and concerned eyes.  "Ms. Kiyone...hold on!  
The Medics will be coming soon!  I'll try call for..." Kiyone shushed him 
weakly, and gasped/cried desperately, "I LOVE YOU, TENCHI!!"  She went limp 
in his grasp, and she crumpled to the ground, blood dripping from the sides of 
her mouth.  Tenchi, with tears in his eyes, took up her limp form, and began to 
radio for medical assistance.  
	He took Kiyone, he dirt-caked aquamarine hair blowing with the slight 
breeze.  He gently laid her body next to a now freed Ayeka, who tried tending 
to Kiyone.  He picked up Ryoko, and deposited her next to Kiyone in the same, 
careful manner.  "I will avenge everyone..." He choked out.  His tears were 
visible even from outside the helmet.  He dashed towards Cabal's Core, strapped 
his, Ayeka's, and Kiyone's C4 explosives packs onto the thing, and ran for 
his life.  He dove next to Ayeka and held her down, shielding her from the 
explosion that destroyed the Core.  


	Tenchi was back at the Misaki household.  Washuu was her usual self, 
conducting experiments to keep out alien computer programs like Cabal.  "It'll 
be foolproof!"  Tenchi just sat in total silence, and looked over at a 
sleeping Ayeka, and a Kiyone that was trying her best to smile, but she fell 
asleep.  "I guess everything is back to how it used to be."  Tenchi smiled at 
a very nervous and shaky Mihoshi.  Sasami was in the kitchen cooking dinner, as 
Ryoko was put under treatment in Washuu's lab.  Tenchi sat next to Kiyone, and 
softly kissed her forehead...
	And Tenchi woke up, with bullets of perspiration on his face.  "It was 
only a dream..." He walked to where Kiyone and Mihoshi were sleeping in the 
Masaki house, and sat next to the beautiful, aquamarine-tressed nymph, sleeping 
peacefully in the morning light...

Well, hey!  I like Kiyone, damnit!  She's the bomb!  Anyway, got any questions or 
comments or suggestions, just e-mail me at: yoneshiggoo1@hawaii.rr.com 
