Note 1: Anything that involves Tenchi belongs to Pioneer. Anything that involves the Darkstalkers belongs to Capcom. Note 2: I’m only giving descriptions of the Darkstalkers. You should already know everyone from the Tenchiverse if you’re reading this. Tenchi Muyo: Dark Invaders Episode 2: Demon Warrior Sasami was in the Masaki srine. She stood there as Tenchi and his grandfather battled. "Don't those two ever stop sparring?" she asked herself. "They will in a minute." She didn't know who said that, but the very next moment, a samurai-style sword flew right through Tenchi. "Tenchi! No!" Sasami yelled. She looked to where the sword had come from, and saw him. An ancient samurai. His armor was all red, his skin a dark, yet pale blue. The chest plate had a huge demonic face on it. "Why did you kill him?!" asked Sasami. "We crave blood, both my demon blade and myself." "Who are you?!" "I am Bishamon, and your blood will be the next we taste!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" ***** Sasami awoke to find Aeka in the bed next to her. She walked out of her room and knocked on Tenchi's door. "Tenchi, are you in there?" "Sure Sasami," said a half-asleep Tenchi. "What's wrong" Sasami was gald to hear his voice. "Nothing, I just had a bad dream, that's all. Good night." ***** The dark entity stared down at the earth, watching the actions of the little girl. "Prophetic dreams," he said. "Those could be a problem. We must make sure she doesn't let the boy know about that dream." He was talking to the dark samurai from the dream, Bishamon. Bishamon was the ghost of a cursed set of armor and the demon blade that went with it, Hannya, the armor and helmet of hatred, and Kien, the blood-sucking sword. He had taken the name Bishamon from a samurai who had once possessed the armor, but escaped its evil curse. "Yes master, you want me to destroy the girl?" "No, no," said the dark entity, "I merely want you to keep away from her. If she sees you, she may warn the boy." "When do you want me to attack?" "Go down to earth as soon as possible, but don't attack just yet. Wait until he and his grandfather are sparring." "Yes, master." Bishamon started to leave. "Oh, and one more thing, Bishamon." "Yes, master?" "Do not fail me. If you do and are not destroyed by the boy, you will be by me." ***** Meanwhile, an ancient warrior took a physical form. "There is a familiar evil headed this way. I must stop him before he kills any more," said Oboro Bishamon. ***** Tenchi started practicing with his grandfather. Ryoko decided it would be fun to take bets on the matches. "I got 5,000 yen that says Tenchi loses!" said Ryoko. "I'll take that bet!" said Aeka. She had great confidence in Tenchi, even though he got his ass beat several times before. So far Tenchi had managed to either deflect or avoid all of Yosho's blows, and vice versa. A sword came out of nowhere and cut Yosho's arm. "Ahhh!" "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. What kind of warrior are you? Your moves are pathetic. I'm surprised that boy hasn't beaten you already!" Everyone looked to see who it was, and both Yosho and Sasami recognized who it was. "Bishamon!" ***** Meanwhile, Oboro had found the Masaki shrine, and the evil armor as well. ***** The battle was not good for Tenchi's side. Azaka and Kamidake had been sliced in half, as had Kiyone and Mihoshi's GP pistols. Even Ryoko was powerless against this evil. "Monster! I demand that you end this killing at once!" "Fool! What do you want?!" said Bishamon, recognizing the voice of his previous master. "I have come to put an end to your evil! Release those lost souls at once!" As Bishamon got ready to fight Oboro, Tenchi started glowing. "What th...AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHGAAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGHAGH!!!" Tenchi had used the Light Hawk Wings to destroy the evil armor. "Thank you, my friends," said Oboro as he dissappeared. "Now I can finally rest in peace." ***** "Damn, another one bites the dust. Well, back to the old drawing board." ***** "Tenchi," said Sasami, "I had a dream where you were killed by Bishamon." "Interesting," said Washu. "What is it, Washu?" asked Tenchi. "Well, first there's that Lord Rapter character in town, and now an ancient samurai. Somehow I don't think it's a coincidence." "But it can't be Yugi, because she's asleep in the cave," said Sasami. "I know. That means that there's someone else out there, just as powerful as Yugi, if not more, and he's after us." "But why?" "Only time will tell." Next time on Tenchi Muyo! Dark Invaders: While on vacation in Tokyo, the gang's attacked by a controlled Felicia and Sasquatch, and it will take more than John Talbain to save them. Plus Yugi awakens to help, and the dark lord's identity is revealed. All on the next episode, "Awakening Howl." Authors Notes: Hey, sorry this one is so much shorter than the previous one, but when it comes to a pair of samurai, you sort of get e-writer's block(funny how many things are beginning with that nowadays). I promise the next ones will be longer. Thank you.