Chrono Muyo! Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo! Is owned by Pioneer and AIC. Chrono Trigger is owned by Squaresoft. I am not claiming ownership to any of these characters. Throughout the story you may see me refer to Katsuhito as "Yousho", I do this mainly because it is easier, but "Yousho" is still in the old form of Katsuhito. I know barely anything about Japanese culture and society, so if I severely butcher the culture throughout this story, please forgive me. It was a beautiful, sunny morning in the Masaki household, and the normal morning sounds could be heard. Ryoko and Ayeka fighting, Sasami cooking breakfast, the t.v. on as Mihoshi slept in front of it, yes life in the household was as it should be. The outside was an entirely different story. In front of the royal tree Funaho, an interesting spectacle took place. A small spark of electricity appeared from nowhere, followed by larger and larger sparks, eventually resulting in a steady stream of electricity. This stream gave way to several, which went on to form a circle of electrical streams. Within this energy circle, a blue mass appeared, and from the mass, a cloaked figure appeared. The figure was a man of average height, with long flowing blue hair, which covered his pointed ears. He wore a black cloak, accompanied by dark clothing and carried with him a scythe. He maintained pale skin, the likes of which had obviously not seen the sun for many of years, but his most distinguishing feature was his eyes. His deep, red eyes that seemed to convey the knowledge and wisdom of the universe, yet also maintain compassion. It was at the point, that this being of great intelligence and compassion chose to speak, "God Damn it!" **************************************************************************** ********************* "Tenchi, meet me for training in ten minutes." Yousho's words echoed in Tenchi's mind. "Everyday I train" he thought to himself "Everyday, no matter rain, nor sleet, nor snow, everyday." He continued his train of thought as he walked, barely noticing the stranger now in front of his path. "Boy" the blue haired stranger spoke "Could you tell me my location and the century?" "Location and century?!" exclaimed Tenchi "What kind of question is that?" "One that will be answered if you value your life" the stranger replied with a hint of anger. Tenchi gulped loudly and answered "Y-y-you're in Okayama Japan s-s-sir, a-and this is t-t-the twe-twenty first c-century." "Okayama Japan, twenty first century?" the stranger questioned "Y-yes sir" stuttered the frightened Tenchi "Oh this is great just wonderful" the stranger replied sarcastically "Every time I challenge Lavos I get warped another couple centuries one way or another. At least this time he warped me ahead, I was getting sick of drinking that awful swill those cave dwellers consumed." Tenchi considered this man to be some fanatical drunk that strayed from his bar, thus he did not consider this rant to be in any seriousness. "Oh well, might as well get to know the locals around here until another gate opens" the stranger turned and spoke, "I am Magus, the greatest sorcerer in all existence, what is your name punk?" Magus asked "I'm Tenchi, Tenchi Masaki, and welcome to the Masaki shrine." "To hell with your pleasantries kid." Magus retorted before seeing another stranger approach, "Tenchi, why weren't you at sword practice when I asked, that will be another hour's training for you, and who is this?" Yousho asked. "Um, Grandpa this is Magus, Magus this is Katsuhito Masaki, the priest of the shrine." Tenchi said as Yousho bowed. Magus acknowledged the bow by folding his arms over his chest. "So Magus" Yousho spoke "How did you get here?" "The story is far too complex for a being of your intelligence to comprehend." Magus stated as he stared at Yousho. "So be it" Yousho responded, ignoring the comment by Magus "But while you are here, why not stay at our house? We have not much to offer, but I would be pleased to have you here" Yousho continued, "Tenchi, prepare a futon for our guest. He may stay in your room tonight." "But grandpa.." was all Tenchi could get out before his grandfather turned and walked away. "I guess it would be alright if you stayed at our house a while." Tenchi stated. " A very short while boy, I am expecting some "friends" of mine very soon, and when they arrive I will be able to leave this place." Magus responded **************************************************************************** ********************* As they walked up to the house, Tenchi attempted several times to strike up a conversation with Magus, yet they were all in vain. All questions asked by Tenchi resulted in one-word answers or no answer at all. Tenchi, seeing that a conversation was just not possible, took it upon himself to warn Magus about the dangers that would confront him in the house. "I should let you know now that you will not be alone in this house, aside from me, my father and my grandfather, there are six women living in the house, one is a child princess, named Sasami, with an older sister, named Ayeka. One is a criminal, named Ryoko, while we also have two officers, Mihoshi and Kiyone, and a scientific genius called "little" Washu." Tenchi worded this explanation carefully, so as to not divulge too much information about his current occupants and their backgrounds. "Hmm." was all Magus had to say. "I should really warn you about Ryoko and Ayeka, they get into these monumental fights sometimes." Tenchi continued. "I think I can handle it." Magus replied. "No, I'm serious, after every fight the house needs repair. Walls are gone, the ceilings smashed…." "Listen boy! I've witnessed everything in history, from the dawn of man to the doom of humanity, nothing that occurs in this house could possibly surprise me!" Magus exclaimed and thought just as much, until he crossed the threshold of the house. **************************************************************************** ********************* Upon entering the house, Magus witnessed a body appear from thin air around Tenchi. Tenchi had reacted normally to this, as though an every day event yet realized that the new guest had also observed this event. Tenchi's mind raced to come up with an explanation, yet he drew a complete blank. At this point, Magus chose to say "Fascinating" and continued to observe this event. Ryoko, who was still glomping Tenchi noticed the new visitor and inquired "Hey, who's the vampire?" Tenchi gulped loudly before beginning "Magus, this is Ryoko, Ryoko, this is our new guest Magus." >From here Magus spoke up, "So, you have the ability to teleport? Intriguing. But tell me boy, why does a person with this power live within your house?" "It's a long story Magus, and you just got here. W-Why don't I introduce you to everyone instead?" Tenchi asked, but Magus persisted. "So, Ryoko is the "criminal" that you house, but you also state that royalty and two law officials live here, how is this trinity possible?" "Well, it's kinda funny actually, heh-heh." Tenchi laughed nervously. "Boy, I believe that you had not told me the whole truth about this place, I suggest starting, now!" Magus threatened while preparing a dark bomb. "Hey, leave Tenchi alone!" Ryoko ordered before creating her beam sword, preparing to attack Magus. Both fighters locked eyes for an intense moment before being interrupted. "You two, stop." came a familiar voice. Both Magus and Ryoko looked up to see Yousho at the foot of the door. "Tenchi, I believe our guest is right, tell him about our inhabitants." Yousho commanded. "But grandpa…" Tenchi whined to no avail. "All right, here goes Magus. It all started when….." (Long-winded tale pursues). "And then you showed up, and that's where we are today." Tenchi finished. "That story was pure insanity, but I've encountered worse, so I should at least consider it." Magus said. "Speaking of encountering worse, how did you get here?" Ryoko questioned. "Considering your abilities, you may be able to understand it, but I am yet to tell it to anyone from this time period." Magus replied. "You said it again, that your from a different time, what do you mean?" Tenchi asked. "Forget it boy, you need not know how I got here, or why, just know I am powerful, and that you should expect more people soon." Magus answered "Who? When?" Tenchi pleaded "Soon enough." Magus answered smugly. **************************************************************************** ********************* Nobuyuki returned from work and gave his normal announcement. "I'm home Tenchi." Nobuyuki then notice the longhaired stranger, and commented, "Looks like we have another pretty female guest." "Pretty? Female!" Magus asked in fury "I'll have you know I am the world's most powerful sorcerer, not some "pretty female"!" "Not another girl? Darn, Tenchi was on a real hot streak." Nobuyuki stated as everyone face faulted. "I will not stand for these insults, you shall taste my wrath!" an angry Magus shouted as he hurled dark bombs left and right at Nobuyuki. Nobuyuki seeing the following volley of projectile magic attacks could only think one thing, "Maybe I should spend a little more time at the office." Nobuyuki say nothing but black after that, as dark bombs consumed the area where he stood. "Seems he's as powerful as our other guest." Washu declared from seemingly nowhere. It was at this comment that Magus stopped his assault on the now bruised and bleeding Nobuyuki. "And just who are you?" Asked Magus. "I am Washu, the greatest scientific genius in the universe, but you can call me "little" Washu." From here, the two Washu bots popped up on Washu's shoulders. "You're the best little Washu." Bot A said. "The greatest scientific genius in the universe." Bot B said. "The greatest in the universe?" thought Magus "Wouldn't Lucca be jealous." "Who are you stranger?" little Washu asked "Well Washu" Magus emphasized the fact he did not use "little" "I am a sorcerer, and a very tired one at that, so I hope not to see you in the morning." He stated before vanishing. "Well he was rude. I wonder if he would be my guinea pig?" Washu asked while everyone face faulted. **************************************************************************** ********************* At dinner that night, the conversation revolved around the new houseguest. "He certainly sounds arrogant." Ayeka stated. "Yeah and he's powerful." A now bandaged Nobuyuki added. "He's really not much of a conversationalist is he?" Tenchi said. "It's odd he's not on any of the police records." conveyed Kiyone. "He didn't call me little." Washu complained to no one particular. Mihoshi, totally devoid of the conversation, continued to eat her meal. This conversation continued for a few more minutes, before a spark of electricity appeared above the dinner table. This spark followed the same fashion as the one that occurred at Funaho, starting as one spark, becoming many, soon streams, then a circle, and finally a blue mass. From this mass a spikey headed teenager and a purple haired girl with thick glasses appeared over the table, before landing in the fried rice. Every one at the table was stunned, except for Yousho and Washu, and looked at the couple now on the table. The boy with spikey red hair nervously smiled while the girl gave a barley audible "Hi". **************************************************************************** ********************* "Time travelers from the year 1000, eh?" Washu asked the new guest. "Yes, its rather complicated actually, you see there are gates, and to control these gates we use a gate key, and…" the girl began before being interrupted by Tenchi. "Wait, you're going too fast. First who are you two?" Tenchi questioned "I'm Lucca, and the kid with the punk hairdo is Crono" Lucca stated. "How come he doesn't talk?" Ryoko asked, pointing to Crono. "I'm still trying to determine. He's either really shy, or mute." Lucca explained. "Secondly, do you know anything about this "Magus" person?" Tenchi asked "Magus is here!?" Lucca exclaimed. "Well yeah, he's asleep right now." Tenchi stated "Alright, you hear that Crono? My time tracker worked. Yes!" Lucca shouted joyfully as she high-fived Crono. "Now what exactly are you talking about?" Ayeka demanded. "You see, it's a common occurrence for one of us to be warped to an uncharted time, but Magus is usually the first to do so, being the stubborn one that he is, so I place my "time tracker" on his cloak so I could pinpoint where he is, then I merely used the gate key, set the coordinates and followed him into this time period." Lucca explained. After the whole explanation, Washu seemed to be the only one not tearing their hair out in frustration trying to understand it. Even Lucca's companion Crono looked a little perplexed. "Anyway, now that we're here, we can pick up Magus and bring him back." Lucca stated, and with this comment brought joy to everyone's face. "Really, can you really take Magus away?" Nobuyuki pleaded on bandaged knees. "Sure, it's not too difficult, I'll just use my trusty "gate key" and…" but Lucca stopped as she checked her vest pockets "That's funny, I could have sworn I had it a minute ago… Uh, Crono do you have it?" Lucca asked. Crono replied by shaking his head. "Oh no, I must have lost it somewhere is 1999 A.D, in the fight with Lavos!" Lucca cried as everyone gave puzzled looks. "Huh?" Tenchi asked "Without that gate key, we'll be stuck here forever!" Lucca explained to the crowd. "You mean, Magus will have to stay here even longer?" Nobuyuki asked, dreading the answer. "I'm afraid so." Lucca responded Throughout the entire country side of Japan, one could hear a faint but definite scream of "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" **************************************************************************** ********************* Washu was intrigued by the story of the "time travelers", specifically the concept of the "gate key". "A key that controls "gates" to different times and locations? Astonishing, but how could it be constructed?" wondered Washu as she stood in her lab. "Well, if a person from the 11th century could create it, than it shall not be a problem for the greatest scientific genius in the universe!" Washu cackled as her two Washu bots appeared on her shoulders. "You're the best Washu" bot A said. "The Greatest in the universe" the other added. "Yes, I am the greatest, Ah ha ha." Washu continued to cackle as she began to work in her lab." **************************************************************************** ********************* It was a long and tiring journey for our travelers, and Tenchi decided that they best rest for the night before they continue their quest of going back to their times. Tenchi decided it would be best for Lucca to join the rest of the girls in the woman's bedroom, while Crono could sleep on the couch for that night. Both of the guest complied without a problem, thus Tenchi thought he was in for a good night's sleep. As he went to his bed, he was without any thoughts, until his head hit the pillow, it was then that he had a revelation "Wasn't Magus sleeping in my room?" Tenchi searched all around, yet could not find a trace of the elusive Magus, hence he began to worry. "He said he was going to sleep, and his futon is right here, so where's Magus?" He wondered aloud to himself. Yet he could not find anything, and thought it be best he not worry about it, so he went to his bed with the full intention of sleeping. It was when he looked up at the ceiling from his pillow that he discovered the answer. Magus was indeed sleeping in his room, yet not on any futon. He instead was hanging upside-down from a beam, much like a vampire. Tenchi suppressed the urge to scream, and decided that considering his weird life, this shouldn't shock him that much. He went to sleep without giving it another thought, realizing that thinking more into it would just ruin his sleep for the night. **************************************************************************** ********************* Tenchi awoke to an all too familiar site of Ryoko hovering over his bed. But this morning was different. She was not gazing down at Tenchi as she hovered, but instead dueling with a blue haired sorcerer over his bed. "What were you doing hovering over Tenchi?" asked an angered Ryoko as she threw an energy bolt at Magus. "Trying to get some sleep, and I was hanging, not hovering!" Magus declared as he deftly dodged the energy bolt. The dresser was not as lucky, as it exploded into a million pieces. Magus responded by hurling a dark bomb at Ryoko. "Yeah, sure ya vampire. You were probably waiting for a chance to drain his blood!" Ryoko shouted as she fled from the bomb of shadows, thus causing it to destroy Tenchi window. This duel persisted for several minutes before Tenchi ran from the room in quite a haste. Ryoko decided to end this battle by teleporting out of the room and following after Tenchi. Seeing Ryoko teleport from the room Magus stated loudly to himself "I need to get back to Zeal." **************************************************************************** ********************* "Sasami, you're an excellent cook." Lucca complemented Sasami as Crono nodded his head and gave a thumbs up. "Thanks Lucca" Sasami said while blushing a little. "I'm serious, I've had food at Gaurdia Castle that wasn't as good as this." Lucca continued. "Gaurdia Castle, where is that?" Tenchi asked "More correctly when is that." Lucca corrected as she continued "It's from the year 1000, overlooking a small village named Truce. Truce is where Crono and I are from." "What about Magus?" Sasami question while serving Crono a second helping. "Well, Magus lives in the year 600 in his own castle, but he is actually from an advanced civilization in the year 12,000 B.C. named Zeal." Lucca explained "Zeal, where in that year is that?" Tenchi inquired realizing he never read such a thing in any history book. "Zeal was a sky or cloud colony at that time, thus the people considered themselves more advanced than the land dwellers." Lucca stated "Sounds a lot like Juria." Yousho added before Lucca continued. "Their culture revolves around the study of dreams and magic, but they also worshiped a being named Lavos at that time." "Lavos? Didn't you say something about him when you came here?" Ryoko asked. "Yeah, you see this Lavos that they worshipped entered the Earth sometime around 65,000,000 B.C., and has since been gathering power." Lucca replied "With that much time to gain strength, he surely must be one of the most powerful beings." Nobuyuki threw in his two cents. "Yes, so powerful they say that he destroyed Earth in the year 1999 A.D." Lucca stated. "Wait, the year 1999 A.D. has passed, and the Earth is still in one piece." Tenchi said with a look of puzzlement. "Precisely, Crono and I witnessed this event in the future, thus we set upon the task to change history by destroying Lavos." Lucca added as Crono nodded. "You and him, destroy Lavos?!" Ryoko exclaimed "A girl with glasses big enough to see the other side of the moon, and a mute kid with no personality destroy the most powe…" but Ryoko could not stop laughing enough to continue. "What's so wrong about that." Lucca asked while Crono wore a hurt expression. "Ah ha-ha.. Its just so ha-ha-ha funny. I mean, he doesn't even have a muscle on his body, and you…" Ryoko pointed and continued laughing. "Shall we demonstrate our power Crono?" But Lucca was too late as she saw Crono suspended in mid-air about to perform Luminaire. "Uh, everyone…. Duck!" Lucca shouted as she flew under the table. Everyone followed suit, and from there witnessed a green globe of light encircle the boy, and then release causing a blinding white light. When everyone could see again, they marveled as the entire forest view from the window was cleared. All trees were gone, and their stumps were set alight. The next spectacle they observed was Ryoko with her jaw on the floor as Crono drank from a mug of water. He let out a small belch, then left the room. Nobuyuki was the first to speak "That saves me the trouble of getting firewood." **************************************************************************** ********************* "I did it! I finally completed it!" Washu shouted as she lifted a new object in the air. "What is that "little" Washu?" Tenchi questioned as he stepped into her lab. "Oh Tenchi, you're just in time to see this. I set to work after hearing that new girl talk about the gate key, and created my own. With this key, you can travel through time to specific locations. Now, who to use this on first?" Washu thought aloud to herself before Tenchi interrupted. "Well you know "little" Washu, Lucca, Crono, and Magus would probably like to get back home to their times now." Tenchi stated as he started slowly edging his way out the door. He never liked to be around when Washu finished a new invention. "Good idea Tenchi. Round them all up and send them to my lab. Then once their gone, the whole family can take a vacation to anytime they want." Washu trailed off as Tenchi ran out the door. Tenchi had a good idea of where to find Crono. He had seen his grandfather and Crono walking towards the sword training area, and Tenchi figured that Crono was probably getting some more tips in swordplay. Tenchi found his guess to be accurate as his saw Crono, wooden sword in hand, engaged in a duel with grandfather. "Very good Crono, but remember to always been on guard!" Yousho exclaimed as he lunged at an ill prepared Crono. Crono attempting to reply to this by fending off the attack, then thrusting at Yousho. Yousho's sword however ended up being guiding into Crono's abdomen. Crono doubled over in pain, then sat down before passing out. "It's a shame, really." Yousho stated "I saw some real good potential in him, but someone with that low a pain threshold could not be one of my students, eh Tenchi?" Yousho stated as Tenchi agreed by rubbing a sore spot on his head from a previous practice. "Uh, grandpa? Washu says that she has the gate key created, and can send Crono and his friends back to their time. Be sure to tell him that when he wakes up." Tenchi asked of his grandfather. "Okay Tenchi, I will, and don't forget our practice today." Yousho responded "Don't worry grandpa. I'm gonna to try to find Lucca, Goodbye grandfather." Tenchi yelled as he ran off. "Goodbye Tenchi" **************************************************************************** ********************* Tenchi was having a difficult time finding Lucca. He couldn't think of where she would be, considering she was not already in Washu's lab, and Lucca never said where she was going. Tenchi decided to ask the expert of the whereabouts of the woman in the household … His father. "Dad!" Tenchi yelled as he entered the household. "What is it son?" Nobuyuki replied as he tried to hide a videotape. "Um, you haven't by chance seen Lucca around, have you?" Tenchi asked. "What makes you think I would have?" Nobuyuki questioned, a bit agitated. "Dad, I'm talking to you! The person who follows the women into the onsen, the one who constantly tries to smuggle a camera into the bathroom. I'm just assuming that you would know where any girl in the house would be at any given time." Tenchi stated. "Well, you got me there son." Nobuyuki replied with a look of defeat on his face, "But I still haven't seen Lucca around." "Oh well, when you sneak into the onsen, which is pretty much inevitable, tell Lucca that Washu has created a "gate key" and that their party can return to their times. "Yes Tenchi, now run along and let me finish watching my er, nature documentary." Nobuyuki said with a small smile creeping across his face. Tenchi sighed loudly "Sure Dad, whatever." Tenchi then thought to himself "All I need to do is find Magus, and I'm set." **************************************************************************** ********************* Tenchi had searched his entire house for Magus, but with no results. He searched the forest around his house, and still nothing. He continued making rounds of the area, and was about to give up when he reached the cemetery. It was there that he saw Magus, starring down at Achika grave. Tenchi walked up behind Magus, yet before he could talk Magus said "It appears you have lost your mother." Tenchi responded "Yes, she died when I was very young, she was very sick, and couldn't go on." "I too have suffered the same loss." Magus stated "You lost your mother also? How did she die?" Tenchi asked "At my own hands." Magus delivered the grave response. "Y-you killed your mother? Why?" "She was corrupt with power, and insane. She tried to be immortal, but I had to intervene with that plot." Magus answered. "But killing your mother, isn't that kinda…" Tenchi began before being interrupted. "That's not all… Because of here, my sister is gone. She abused her power to gain immortality, not caring about who she hurt. Now I spend my days searching for her." Magus said as he turned to face Tenchi. "Boy, I'll tell you this. Never let anything you love be lost, defend it with your life, for if your love is shattered so is your life's purpose." Magus stated solemnly. Tenchi thought to himself "So that's why he acts this way." Then Tenchi remembered his initial reason for coming here. "Uh Magus? Washu created a "gate key". You'll be able to return home if you want." "Home, how I wish such a place existed. Oh well, back to the search. I will not rest till I find you Schala." Magus said, more to himself than Tenchi. "Well uh, just meet Washu at her lab. I'm sure the rest of your party will be there by now." Tenchi told Magus. "Very well." Magus replied as he vanished from his spot. "What an amazing story." Tenchi thought to himself. **************************************************************************** ********************* "Well, now that the key is ready I guess we can leave." Lucca said to the group. "Wait, before you go why don't we get a picture?" Tenchi asked "Great!" Washu exclaimed "It will give me a chance to try out my new experimental radiation camera." "Washu, why don't we use a "normal" camera this time?" Tenchi asked. "Oh fine." Washu pouted. "Everyone say cheese!" Sasami shouted "CHESEE!" the group (excluding Magus) said in unison. "Now to return to our respective times." Lucca explained. "Crono and I will go to the year 1000 A.D., and Magus? You wanted to go to 12,000 B.C. right?" Magus responded with a nod. "Okay Washu, set the key and send us back." Lucca said as she look over everyone in the room. "All right Lucca, Goodbye everyone!" Washu yelled as she started activating the key. "Goodbye!" the Masaki family yelled in unison. "Goodbye!" Lucca replied. Crono waved and Magus just starred. In a quick flash of light, the group disappeared, and everyone in the Masaki household exchanged glances. "You think we will ever be the same?" Nobuyuki asked his son. Just then Ryoko and Ayeka broke into a fight over Tenchi. "I think we'll manage Dad." Tenchi answered. Well that was my first fanfic, I hope I did all right. Let me know how you feel about it. Send c and c to