)(to all readers of my former chapter, sorry for the confusion in that, I was using quotes and they look like this "" on the send, so from now in I will use these for simpler reading ~~~, ok, I own NOTHING of this Anime or Game, so for your entertainment, now playing- Chrono Muyo Saga-Chapter 2-A helping hand by an unknown girl)( Tenchi couldn t believe his ears he was still alive! He didn t have a grave on Cape Howl, he did have a marking there when he met Ayeka there once though. He ran as fast as he could out of the village and to Cape Howl. Panting, he stopped to catch his breath. ~No, I'm alive I don't have a grave~ he said just as his eyes opened wide. He was looking at a single grave there at the cape. He read it to himself R. I. P. Our Beloved Tenchi Who died at the age of 7 What came from the sea Has now returned to it He backed up. ~NO NO! IT ISNT TRUE!~he yelled. Tenchi had no idea of what fate had delivered to him. As he backed up, 3 men walked onto the cape behind him. ~So you are the ghost eh?~ said the leader of the 3. ~This is a ghost? He looks more like a normal boy to me sir.~ Said a short orange haired man beside him. ~I agreedingly agree sir, he is a normal boy~ said the other man, tall and skimpy. ~OH SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YEH! I'm just following 'His' orders and look,here he is~ The three started to step forward when someone s voice rang out. ~HOLD YER HORSES THERE!~ Tenchi looked up astonished. It was the girl in his dream! It was the same, gold eyes, blue hair she was the same! The girl jumped beside Tenchi. ~So yer the ghost? That's unfair, 3 on1. ILL EVEN THESE ODDS!~ she said getting in a fighting stance. The 3 enemies also got in a stance. Tenchi took out his weapon, the same as that in his dream, his Sea Swallow, the blades carved of fish bone. )(Its not a bird for you animal lovers, it s a BIG BLADE)( The fight raged, explosions and fire all about. ~Sir, these aint no normal kids!~yelled the short and tall one together. They turned and fled their necks literally yellow. ~This isn t the last you will see of me ghost, I swear it~ said the leader as he fled. ~We will take yeh on any time!~ said the girl as she sat down. ~By the way what is your name~ Asked Tenchi. ~You can call me Ryoko~ she said with a pleasant smile. ~Now don t be thinkin anythin just because I'm cute an' all~ she said. ~No, I'd rather find this out on my own Ryoko~ He said. She stood up and walked over to him, right face to face. ~You mean your turnin down an offer to have a beautiful lady like myself by yer side?~ she said. ~Yes, I am~ he said ~Well, ill be off then. I will meet you in Tirmina!~she said as she ran off. Tenchi awoke the next morning in his room. A small animal was beside him and for some reason; Ayeka was standing beside his bed. ~Rise and shine!~ she said. The animal woke up as well. ~Oh, and this is Ryo-Ohki.~ she said. Ryo-Ohki stretched and yawned. ~I know your going to Tirmina, so why don t I and Ryo-Ohki come along as well?~ said Ayeka.~I guess that would be ok~ said Tenchi sitting up. ~Ok, lets get going~ she said as she literally dragged him out of the village. )(END of Chapter 2, next chapter, The Way To Viper)(