Disclaimer: I don't own any of this so please don't sue me! I'm just a normal high school girl with an over-active imagination and way too much free time! Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 7 "Your parents want you to do another concert?" Misao asks. "Yeah... They already have fliers and everything," Sasami moans. The bell has sounded to signal the time for science class. Sasami and the rest of class 4-3 march through the halls and file into the science lab. "Hey! Maybe Pixy Misa could make an appearance and play keyboard for me!" "I-I don’t know, Sasami...," she says, "I’ve never played in front of a big crowd like that.... all those people-..." "Come on, Misao! You’re a great piano player! Please? You played at the school recital," she coaxes, "It would really help me a lot if I had you up there with me." "All right, then... I’ll do it." "Yeah!" Sasami cheers, "Thank you, Misao!" Each student takes a lab coat and a pair of goggles and sits with their lab partner at their designated stations. They carry on conversations waiting for the teacher to arrive. "I wonder where Washu-sensei is...," Misao says. "I don’t know...." "Hey, Kawai." "Nani?" Sasami turns to see Hiroto, the soccer-playing boy with dirt brown hair, a band aid ever present on his nose. "You live next door to Washu-sensei, right?" Hiroto says, "Do you know where she is?" Sasami shrugs and shakes her head. "Come to think of it... I didn’t see her leave her house this morning..." "She’s usually pretty punctual...," Hiroto’s lab partner, the young boy with slick, black hair and squinted eyes, Kenji, says, "and I don’t think I’ve ever known her to be sick...." "Hiroto!" Hiroto suddenly finds himself being attacked by Konoha, her green pigtails slapping Kenji in the face, knocking him from his chair as she leaps over him. "Why can’t I be your lab partner, Hiroto?" Konoha whines. "Get off of me!" he says trying to pry her from around his neck, "You already have a partner and so do I!!" "Stop right now!! Horse play in the lab is strictly against school rules!" Eimi, the auburn-haired class president, commands, "*Especially* in the science lab!!!" "Would you really want that goody-goody for a partner?" Konoha says. The classroom door begins to slide open. The room falls dead silent as all the children rush to their seats. "Hello, everyone!" Mihoshi sings, poking her head into the door. "Mihoshi-sensei, are you going to be our science teacher today?" Kenji asks excitedly. "Mihoshi-sensei," Eimi says raising her hand, "Hai, Eimi-chan?" "Where is Washu-sensei?" Eimi asks. "She’s not here today," Mihoshi says, "You will have a substitute teacher for science today." "A substitute?" the class mumbles in joined confusion. "Oh, yeah!" Mishoshi exclaims. She proceeds to pull a piece of paper from her pocket and unfold it, "She sent a note..." "‘ Dear class, I am sorry, but I will not be able to make it to class today. I know all of you must be absolutely devastated, but I have sent a substitute of my own invention for you. Her name is Mecca-Washu. Please treat her kindly. I hope you like her. Your beloved science teacher, Washu Fitzgerald Kobayashi ’" "Come on in, Mecca-Washu-sensei," Mihoshi says as soon as she finishes reading the note. The substitute pokes her head into the door, her eyes wide and her face curious. She looks like Washu’s twin, but the kids can tell there is something different about her. Her hair is the same color red, but it has a wavy sort of curl to it. Her eyes are bright and blue and have a sort of innocent look, in contrast to the intelligent and malicious eyes of the twelve year old genius scientist. The robot looks to Mihoshi as though asking for help. "Go right ahead," Mihoshi smiles, "You’ll do fine. I’ll let you take over! Bye!" Mihoshi ducks out of the door. "Umm... Hi, boys and girls...," Mecca-Washu begins, "I’m here to teach... uh... to teach... art? No, no... math...? no... history...? english...?.... um...uh...errr...well... I’m not really sure....," she is gradually becoming panicky, "Ummm... Could someone please tell me what I’m supposed to teach....?" "Hai, sensei!" Eimi announces. "Yes..." "You are supposed to be our substitute for science class, sensei," she reports. "Oh yeah...! Science...," she laughs nervously, "I knew that... at least I think I did...." Meccha-Washu pauses. "Umm... Can somebody tell me.... what is science...?" The room shakes as the students fall simultaneously from their chairs. "Not very smart for a robot, is she?" Hiroto groans. "There has to be something about this in the school rules...," Eimi says, rapidly flipping through her student handbook. *** "Usagi-chan...? Usagi-chan! Wake up, Usagi-chan!" "The teacher will be here any minute, Usagi-chan!" "Mamo-chan...," Usagi gargles through a snore. Meanwhile, at Juuban Junior High School just down the street, the bell has sounded as time for their science class as well. The guys and girls have taken their seats, Usagi promptly falling into a deep sleep as soon as her butt hit the chair. They have been awaiting their teacher who seems to be a bit late. Makoto, Ami, and Naru attempt to wake their friend before more detention befalls her. "It’s no use...," Naru says. "I give up...," Makoto says. "I have an idea," Ami says, "Just leave it to me." She kneels down next to Usagi’s ear and begins to whisper something inaudible to the other girls. The slumbering girl’s eyes suddenly pop open and dart around the room as Ami stands upright again. "Mamo-chan?! Where? Where?" The three girls begin to giggle. Usagi’s face twists into a scowl. "That’s not funny! You’re so cruel to me..." "We’re sorry, Usagi, but it’s time for science," Naru says. "Then why’d you bother waking me up?" she whines. The classroom door opens suddenly. Haruna-sensei appears at the door. "Hello, class," she says leaving the door open, "You’re regular teacher is not here so we have a special treat for you. Today, you’re going to have a special guest lecturer today...." "Oh great... some other boring, old, bald, geeky, science guy...," Usagi thinks, but does not dare say in front of Haruna-sensei. "...She’s a genius scientist who graduated from MIT in America at the age of eight years old...." There is a simultaneous awe among the students. "She’s even smarter than Ami-chan...," Usagi mumbles. "... She currently teaches fourth grade science at Umi no Hoshi Elemntary. Please welcome Washu Fitzgerald Kobayashi." Haruna-sensei stands for a minute, waiting for the guest speaker to make an entrance. "Kobayashi-san?" she pokes her head out the door, "That’s funny.... I could swear she was just here with me a moment ago...." The students begin to gather around the window. "Look!" "What is that?" "Oh my...." "It’s a rocket!" "Nani? Nani?!" Usagi says pushing her way to the front of the mob, "I wanna see...!" "Students!! Back to your seats!" Haruna-sensei demands. However, none of the students heed her. A giant rocket ship touches down on the school lawn, smoke and exhaust billowing up into the atmosphere. The people outside run for their very lives as it makes contact with the earth. The smoke slowly begins to clear as a hatch opens and a figure comes into view. "Hello, students of Juuban Junior High!!!" Washu stands on top of her special rocket, complete with the crab insignia. She wears a pair of small circle-shaped glasses. Her outfit consists of red, white, and blue pants and shirt, the strangest part being the American flag draped over her back as a cape. "K-Kobayashi-san....?" Haruna-sensei stammers. "You mean *that* is our teacher?!" Makoto says. "She seems kinda odd....," Usagi says. "Is it just that she’s far away or is she really that short?" Naru squints. Washu suddenly grabs the red, white, and blue cape and flings it in the air, disappearing along with it. The students lean further out the window to look for her. "Washu-sensei! Washu-sensei!" Haruna calls out. "I bet you were this short, too, when you were twelve!!" a voice comes from behind. The entire class turns to face Washu, now sporting a white lab coat in place of her stars-and-stripes cape. "Looking for me?" she grins broadly. Haruna faints with a sigh. "Here, Haruna-sensei," Washu says helping the dazed teacher up, "Why don’t you go visit the school nurse? Let me take care of things from now on." "Wait, Haruna-sensei! Don’t leave us here with her!" Usagi pleads. "Bye bye!" Washu waves as she pushes the teacher out the door, "Poor over-worked thing...," Washu shakes her head. The room in dead silent. "What’s your problem?" Washu says, "Did the bell not ring? Sit!! Go on now..." With much confusion, the students make their way to their designated seats. Washu takes a piece of chalk and begins to scribble something on the board. "Ma...ho...u...," Usagi sounds out, "Magic...?" With a big motion, Washu underlines the word. "I am here today to teach about the science of magic." Ami is particularly perplexed by this concept. "Science of magic....?" "Does anyone here know anything about magic? Can anyone here use magic?" she asks, "Ah, Tsukino-san, I believe your hand was raised..." "Me?! No... I... what...?" Usagi stammers, "How do you know my name...?" Washu leaps onto Usagi’s desk and stares at her face to face. "Perhaps you prefer that I call you Sailor Moon, then?" Caught completely off-guard, Usagi’s eyes bug out, practically falling out of their sockets. Her brain is going into over load. The entire class stares at her, muttering and chattering in confusion and bewilderment. Makoto and Ami watch in fear and anticipation to see how their friend will handle the situation. "S-s-sailor M-moon...? Heh heh heh...," she laughs nervously, sweating profusely, "S-surely you’re m-mistaken.... I’m o-obviously n-not her... She’s m-much m-more beautiful and sophisticated th-than me..... I-I don’t look a-anything like her.... I-I’m just a clutzy junior h-high school st-student.... heh heh... heh...." She tugs at the color of her uniform. "Hmmmm....," Washu’s eyes narrow, "Are you sure you’re not her?" Usagi nods her head rapidly. "And Mizuno-san and Kino-san aren’t Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter?" The girls fall off the edge of their seats while Usagi’s head shakes back and forth so hard it seems like it could go flying at any moment. "Another waste of my time....," Washu heaves a sigh, "Ah well... Let’s get on with an experiment, shall we? I need someone to assist me of course. Oh, Tsukino-san, so nice of you to volunteer!" Usagi looks back at her friends as though pleading for help. All they can do is look back with scared and nervous eyes. Usagi swallows the lump in her throat and goes to meet Washu at the front of the class. "That sure is pretty, Tsukino-san," Washu says eyeing Usagi’s broach. "Th-thank you, Washu-sensei..." "You don’t mind if I borrow it, do you?" She snatches it, not waiting for an answer. "Thank you so much!" Usagi stands frozen. "Most mahou shoujo use some form of jewelry to activate their magical powers," Washu begins her lecture, "Such as this lovely broach of Tsukino-san’s. You would take it and say something like... oh, I don’t know.... Moon Cosmic Power Make-Up.... and it would start to light up or something. But this is just a piece of junk jewelry, isn’t it, Tsukino-san?" She tosses it back to Usagi, who just barely manages to catch it. Usagi does the rapid head nod thing again. "Another handy little device... it would be wise of you to take notes.... to have if you’re a mahou shoujo... or shounen, whatever the case may be... is a communicator of some sort with which to get in contact with your fellow magical friends, much like one of these," Washu pulls out three hand-held devices that appear to be electronic personal planners. "Things such as that can be very useful and vital tools for a mahou shoujo or shounen." She returns them to Usagi, Makoto, and Ami. "Now, let’s get on with the experiment." Washu opens a window as she pulls what appears to be a remote control from her lab-coat pocket. She points the antenna of it out the window and presses certain buttons in a sequence. This triggers something in her craft outside and a long arm extends from it through the window into the room. The hand at the end releases it’s hold on some of Washu’s equipment at the front of the classroom and retracts back into the craft. Washu takes the plug and inserts it into the socket and of course, the thing lights up. "Okay, Tsukino-san, if you’ll be so kind as to-...." Just as she goes to remove the tarp covering the monstrous device, the bell rings. "Wait!" Washu takes a box and stands by the door. "Be sure to take one of these on your way out! Study it and be able to give a report on it next time!" "A textbook?" Ami says reaching into the box. She flips it over to look at the cover, " But... but this is...." "...shoujo manga?!" Makoto finishes. "Now this is my kind of textbook!" Usagi grins. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author's Note: I've been waiting to use Meccha Washu in _something_! I haven't ever seen her in any kind of FF or anything before. I just like the idea of a combination of Washu and Mihoshi. I figured this would be a good cameo for her. ^_^ It's been a while since I added anything to this story. I guess I kinda set it on the back-burner for a while to work on school work and "A Legend Reborn". I got a little stuck at one part, but I finally figured out how to get unstuck. ^_^ I've already started on episode 8 and I'm very pleased with the way it's coming along. Look for that soon! ^_^ At this rate, I might have it done by next week! Please C&C this! I need advice on making this better. Sakuya-sama ^_^ no Jurai