It's been a while since I last posted this so I hope there are still people out there who still remember it. ^^; Anyway, this is based after the S season of Sailor Moon. Haruka and Michiru do appear in this ep. and they do have an excuse for having been absent so far in the series. Well, I am currently working on ep. 7 and I'll try to get it finished soon. Bye! Sakuya-sama ^_^ no Jurai Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 6 "I’m home!" Sasami announces as she closes the front door behind. "What an embarrassing day....," she sighs, kicking her shoes off. "I told you that you shouldn’t try the Pretty Teleport!" Ryo-ohki scolds, perched on Sasami’s shoulder. "Hi, sweetheart!" her mom calls from the kitchen, "Dinner’s almost ready. "Hi, papa!" she says throwing her arms around her dad who is sitting on the couch reading the paper. "Hello, Sasami-chan," Ginji turns to face his daughter. "Ryo-ohki?!" he exclaims, his eyes light up at the sight of the cabbit sitting on his daughter’s shoulder. "Honoka! Come quick!" "What is it?" Mrs. Kawai asks running from the kitchen. "Ryo-ohki is back!" she smiles. "How have you been?" Ginji asks. "Miyaaa....," Ryo-ohki replies. "What’s the matter, Ryo-ohki?" Honoka asks with a worried look on her face, "Can’t you talk? Do you have laryngitis? Have you lost your voice?" "Uh... Well...," the cabbit laughs nervously, "I-I didn’t realize you knew I could...." "Is that all? Oh, thank goodness!" Honoka says with relief, "You scared me for a minute." "Wait!" Mr. Kawai says, "If Ryo-ohki is back, that must mean...." Sasami’s parents stare at their daughter intently. "Yes, Pretty Sammy is back, too...," Sasami sighs. Her parents begin to cheer and dance. "Just in time, too!" Honoka says. "The store is saved!" Ginji says. "What do you mean ‘the store is saved’?" Sasami asks. "Well, Sasami-chan,... sales at the store haven’t been very great lately and we were hoping that Pretty Sammy could.... well... Here. Look at this...," she hands Sasami what appears to be a flier. "A concert?!" Sasami exclaims after running her eyes over it, "You already have fliers.....?" "The last concert did so well. We’re in the red again. Pretty Sammy, we need your help." Sasami’s dad stares at her with puppy dog eyes. "How long have you guys been planning this?" "If not, we’ll be forced out on the streets...," her mother continues with the melodrama, her eyes glistening with tears, "... penniless... no place to live...." "So sad!" they hold each other and sob together. "I can’t possibly say no to them when they’re this pathetic....," she thinks. "All right...," she sighs, "I’ll do it..." "Really?" their faces light up. Sasami nods unenthusiastically. "Thank you Pretty Sammy!" "We knew we could depend on you!" Sasami manages a smile as her parents kiss her on the cheek. "What have I gotten myself into....?" Sasami thinks. *** "Ouch!" Usagi yelps as a book is smacked down upon her head. "What do you think you’re doing, daydreaming?" Rei says, "We’re supposed to be studying!" Mamoru has taken Chibiusa home, leaving the girls at Rei’s place for their normal study group. "It’s hard for me to concentrate after what happened this afternoon!" Usagi says in her defense, rubbing the back of her head. "What’s your excuse for every other day?" Makoto asks. "It was a rather strange experience and most certainly worth looking into...," Ami says. The girls’ stares gather on Ami. "After we finish studying, of course," she adds. The girls face fault. "Do you think this ‘Pretty Sammy’ or whatever is on our side?" Minako asks. "More than likely, but it’s always good to be cautious," Ami says. "I don’t know...," Makoto says, "That girl with her didn’t look too friendly..." There is a knock on the door of Rei’s room that leads to the outside. Rei rises and slides the screen door open. "Haruka-san, Michiru-san!" "Sorry to interrupt you like this," Haruka apologizes. "Your grandfather told us you were here," Michiru says. "It’s no problem. Won’t you please come in?" Rei invites them, "Pardon the mess, but we were in the middle of a study session." "Ow!" There’s a sound as Rei closes the door. She reopens it to find Luna and Artemis, who is rubbing his sore nose. "Such a klutz...," Luna shakes her head. "Didn’t you see us standing there next to them?!" Artemis snaps. "Sorry...." Rei says closing the door behind them. "We apologize for not being there to help you this afternoon, but Michiru and I were out of town. Michiru had a violin recital," Haruka explains. "Luna and Artemis gave us all the details of our mission," Michiru says, "I know it’s a bit early, but have you had any luck yet?" "Not a thing...," Makoto says. "I just received this today," Luna says. A henshin wand appears in the air and floats gently to the floor. The girls take hold of the wand and pass it around the room. "It’s so beautiful....," Minako says, passing it to Rei. Rei pulls hers out and compares the two. The colors of the Juraihelm henshin wand are iridescent. The handle looks like it was shaped from a giant pearl. On the top there is a pale pink heart surround by what looks like pastel green leaves. There is a light yellow star in the middle with the symbol for the planet in the center, an upside-down triangle with a line down the middle. "It took a while to find. It hasn’t been used in a long time, but it still has just as much energy as it used to. This should lead us to the princess of Juraihelm." "How’s that?" "It should react to her magical force...," Artemis says, "Her ‘ki’, if you will..." "How will it react?" "We don’t know, but if we come in contact with her we should know," Luna says. *** "Aah! That was great!" His stomach full, Ryo-ohki flops onto Sasami’s bed. "I’m stuffed! I think I’ll turn in now...," he yawns, curling up on one of Sasami’s carrot pillows and closing his eyes. "Oyasumi..." "Oh no you don’t!" Sasami says closing the bedroom door behind her. "Eh? Nani?" he lifts an ear and peers at her through one eye. "Don’t think I’m going to let you off that easy!" "Wh-what do you mean?" "I have some things I’d like to discuss with you...," Sasami glares down at the cabbit, her battle aura almost visible. Ryo-ohki gulps. "I’ve written to you, I’ve called you on the special phone that Queen Tsunami gave me, I left messages, I even e-mailed you....!" she lists on her fingers, "Why is it that I never heard anything from you? Not one thing since you left!" "I-I got busy...?" Ryo-ohki says with no confidence that Sasami will buy his excuse. "PA-THE-TIC!!!" she scolds, "You could’ve at least come up with something better like... like... I don’t know!!" "I’m really sorry..." "Hmph! Typical male...," Sasami huffs, crossing her arms and flipping her nose in the air, "Never return my calls, lie to me... and we _pinky swore_, too!!" "I know... I’m sorry..." Sasami gives no reply. Ryo-ohki makes the most pitiful eyes he can. Sasami glances at him. The stare has broken down all her defenses, but she does not want to show it. "It’s okay... I guess..., " she says. "Just don’t do it ever again! Do you know what torture it is for a girl to wait like that?!" she says through clinched teeth. "I promise! I’ll never do that again! I’ll return your phone calls and everything.... Pinky swear....?" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++