Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 5 Hovering in the air above them, Emerald begins to cackle again, fluttering her fan in front of her face. "Have you missed me, Sailor Senshi? Long time no see, Rabbit..." "I thought we finished that witch off in the R season!" Sailor Mars says. Sailor Moon begins to snicker slightly. She falls to the ground in a laughing fit and rolls on the ground clutching her stomach. "Sailor Moon, are you all right?" Tuxedo Mask asks. She can't answer through her laughing. Sailor Venus turns to look at Emerald and falls into the same condition as Sailor Moon. "She's put a spell on them!" Jupiter deducts, "They're going to die laughing!" "What? I don't have an attack like that!" Emerald insists, "Might not be a bad idea, though...." Sailor Mercury brings her visor back down over her eyes and looks at Emerald. She can't help, but giggle herself. She begins to double-over, trying desperately to stifle the laughter and be serious. Getting a glance at her themselves, the others, including Tuxedo Mask, can not help but to begin to laugh themselves, but manage to control it a little better. "I really don't understand what is so funny...," Emerald says, tapping her fan against her thigh in annoyance. Pretty Sammy begins to examine the woman for herself and also understands the whole joke. Emerald is dressed in an extremely ridiculous outfit best described as a Vegas showgirl turned Japanese idol signer. It has a dark green, sequined bodice and skirt that is very short and poofs out around her. It has a big, long bow in the back. Her boots go up to her knees and there are several long, green feather sticking in her light green hair. Her pink-feathered fan stands out against the green. "What in the world...?" Pretty Sammy says to herself through chuckles. "You're really testing my nerves!" Emerald fumes. Pixy Misa has joined the Sailor Senshi in their uncontrollable laughter as have Rumiya and Ryo-ohki. "That's the most ridiculous outfit I've ever seen!" Pixy Misa exclaims. "One of you get out here and help me!!" Emerald cries out. Old enemies begin to appear from every angle. "Prince Diamond!" Emerald pouts clutching onto the white haired man who has appeared next to her, "They're laughing at me!! Make them stop!" "How can this be...?" the senshi share baffled expressions. "Prince Diamond?!" His costume is considerably like his old one... except for the fact that it's now more of an Elvis-like jumpsuit. His white, sequined cape has a red silk lining. "Sapphire?!" His is a vibrant, blue, pinstripe zoot suit and white tie, complete with a matching hat and a white mask over his eyes. He twirls the long chain coming from his pocket. "Zoicite and Kunzite?!" The two are dressed in matching pink, pastel garb, the style of which would put Sigfried and Roy to shame. "Queen Beryl?!" Her outfit is like something out of the Wizard of Oz. The dress brings Wanda the Good Witch's evil twin sister to mind. It is a dark purple and the skirt is short and poofy, as are the sleeves. "Oh no, no, no," Beryl says, "You must no longer refer to me as queen! We all serve a new queen! She has brought us back to help her. I am now one of her faithful servants and I gladly resign as queen for one so powerful as she. She is the rightful queen of the world! No, this entire solar system! The universe!" she breaks off into evil laughter. "Tell us her name!" Sailor Moon demands. "Her name is not to be revealed just yet," Zoicite says. "She will appear to you when the time is right," Sapphire continues. "We will meet again, Sailor Senshi," Prince Diamond says. The evil ones disappear in a brilliant flash of light and cherry blossom petals. "Pretty Sammy!" Ryo-ohki leaps onto her shoulder, "It's time to make an exit!" he whispers in her ear. "Good idea," she says, "Let's make it a dramatic one!" "No! You're not gonna try...." "Come on, Pixy Misa!" "....Pretty Teleport...?" Ryo-ohki gulps. "It's the best way!" "Everybody hold on tight," she says as soon as Pixy Misa and Rumiya have joined them. They each place a hand on her baton. "~ Pretty Teleport! ~" The Senshi look on as a pink heart envelopes them and they disappear, only to reappear about five seconds later and about ten centimeters from where they were just standing. "So much for a dramatic exit...," Ryo-ohki mutters. "There's always the next best thing...," Pixy Misa says. "What's that?" "Run!" *** "This is amazing! The magical energy is so thick you could almost scoop it with a spoon!" Washu sits on a nearby rooftop, typing rapidly on her computer. Many high-tech gadgets surround her, all for the use of measuring magic. "I just hope all this magical power doesn't overload my computer. It's absolutely off the charts... like nothing I've ever seen before...! Even from Pixy Misa and Pretty Sammy combined... There! It's saved! I've got data on the good guys, the bad guys, all of them...! I am SUCH a genius! The most interesting factor is the power increase of these self proclaimed `Sailor Senshi' with the appearance of Pretty Sammy's Pretty Space. She seems to add to their magical force and potential.... Very interesting indeed.... Definitely something worthy of the attention of a genius scientist such as myself..."