Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 4 "U-Usagi...? Chibiusa...? Rei...? Minako...? Makoto...? Ami...?" The whole bunch of them is out there, dressed in multicolored sailor uniforms, except for Mamo-chan who dons a tux and mask. "Agents of love and justice, the Sailor Team!" they announce in unison, "For destroying our fair city, we will punish you!" "I don't get it. Is it Halloween or something?" Pixy Misa asks, "What do they think they're doing parading around in costumes like that?" "Probably the same thing we were trying to do a couple of seconds ago...," Pretty Sammy rolls her eyes. "Who is that masked man?" Pixy Misa wonders aloud. "That's Usagi's Mamo-chan!" Sasami says, "He looks so handsome in a tuxedo!" "Yeah, but what's with that stupid top hat?" Pixy Misa's face twists in disgust, "I mean, who wears those things anymore? I'm going to have to give him some serious fashion tips...." "Never mind that!" Ryo-ohki says, "Pretty Sammy, use your Pretty Coquettish Bomber!" "Why....?" Sasami whines. "What do you mean `why'?!" "Well, they seem to be doing just fine on their own...," she says, "Can't we just sit back and watch for once....?" Ryo-ohki takes a minute to think it over, "Fine... Whatever...," he says. "~ Sparkling Wide Pressure ~" Jupiter is the first to attack. Her thunderbolts don't seem to have any effect. "~ Venus Love Me Chain! ~" Venus goes next. The monster dodges the chain of golden hearts. "~ Shine Aqua Illusion! ~" Ami shoots blasts of water out against the monster. The attack seem to clean most of the lipstick graffiti off of the buildings, however, it doesn't really affect the monster. "Wait! I know what to do!" Ami declares, "Sailor Mars, attack the monster with fire. This monster is lipstick. The heat will cause it to melt." Rei nods in agreement and takes action. "~ Burning Mandala! ~" Still nothing... "I could try my-...," Chibi Moon begins, "Ah... forget it... that never works...." "They have such cool attacks!" Pretty Sammy remarks, "I wonder why none of them are working...." "Eep! Nothing's working! What are we going to do?!" Sailor Moon panics. "Sailor Moon," Tuxedo Mask says, "Attack the monster with all you've got!" "Right!" she says, seemingly inspired by his words. "~ Moon Spiral Heart Attack! ~" she cries after what seems like an eternity of spinning, posing, and waving her scepter about. "She makes such a big production out of it. Don't you hate people like that? You know, they always have to be the center of attention...," Pixy Misa says into her microphone. Pretty Sammy just gives her an exasperated look. Some people turn to look at her, but most are too busy watching the battle to pay any attention. After Sailor Moon has done her poses, the attack is made on the monster, to very little affect. The crowd looks on as the lipstick monster, still in a shiny, black plastic tube, merely shrinks to a more human size. "I-it didn't work either...," Sailor Moon looks down at her scepter fretfully. "Sailor Moon, use the Sacred Cup!" "Oh yeah...!" "Pretty Sammy, this is your chance!" Ryo-ohki says, not hearing the call for the use of the Sacred Cup. "But..." "They need your help, Pretty Sammy!" he says, "Go out there and show them what a real magical girl can do!" "All right! I'll do it," Sasami says, suddenly full of energy and inspiration from Ryo-ohki's words. "~ Crisis make-.... ~" "Hold it right there!" Pretty Sammy interrupts as she pushes her way through the blockade the Sailor Senshi have made around the creature. "Agent of love and justice, mahou shoujo Pretty Sammy!" she poses, "No matter what the situation, Pretty Sammy will always be there when your need her!" All is quiet. A single tumbleweed rolls across the street. The crowd begins to mumble amongst themselves as to who this newcomer is. "I know it's been a little while since I last appeared, but they couldn't have forgotten me...," Sasami thinks, a dejected look on her face, "This is the thank I get for saving the Earth AND Mars?!" "I thought we were the only agents of love and justice...," Sailor Venus says. "Sasami-chan!" Ryo-ohki calls out. "Huh?" she says returning to reality, "Oh, yeah." "~ Converge magical powers of justice! ~" Her baton sprouts wings as the pink backdrop of Pretty Space appears. The senshi huddle together back-to-back, alert and ready to attack at any moment. "What in the world is this?" Sailor Mars mumbles. Sailor Mercury presses the button to release the visor over her eyes as she begins to examine this new phenomenon. "A totally different dimension...," she mumbles. "Somebody help! Get me off of this!" Sailor Moon cries flailing her arms as she passes by on a heart floating in the Pretty Space. Chibi Moon begins to cry as she clings to one of them for dear life. "What is this feeling...?" Sailor Jupiter asks no one in particular. "I... I think I feel it, too...," Mars says, "It's hard to describe..." "A new magical force... pulsing inside of my body...," Venus says. "What is this... pink...?" Tuxedo Mask says. Ignoring this as much as possible, Pretty Sammy continues with her attack. "~ Pretty Coquettish Bomber! ~" The pink, heart-shaped blast shoots from her baton, dissolving the monster almost on contact. Ami blinks as the Pretty Space disappears along with all the data that she had just recorded on her visor. "It's gone..." Sailor Moon and Chibimoon come crashing to the ground as the hearts disappear from beneath them. "Just who are you?" Sailor Mars approaches the lone mahou shoujo, glaring at her. "Don't you guys recognize me?" Pretty Sammy asks. "Should we....?" Sailor Jupiter asks. "Well, I know we just met yesterday, but you guys couldn't have forgotten already! We were just together five minutes ago!" The only response she gets are confused stares. "C'mon... Usagi? Rei? Makoto? Chibiusa? Anybody....?" Their confusion turns to shock as she lists their names. "Could she be from the Dark Kingdom?" "Or maybe the Dark Moon?" "Are there any of the Witches 5 that young?" "I'm Sasami... Sasami Kawai...," she says flat out, but the Scouts are too busy muttering amongst themselves to pay attention. A sudden wicked laughter from nowhere interrupts the confrontation between Pretty Sammy and the Sailor Senshi. "That laugh sounds so familiar!" Sailor Mercury says clutching her hands to her ears at the painfully annoying sound. The rest of them do the same, including Pretty Sammy and Pixy Misa. "It's horrible!" Pixy Misa complains. The laughter finally stops as the voice to whom the laughter belongs begins to speak. "Did you miss me?" "It can't be!!" Jupiter says looking up. "Emerald....?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++