Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 3 "C’mon, Sasami, we might as well just go home. I doubt that they remembered." "But, Misao, we have to at least go and see if they’re there. Besides, I don’t think that they would just forget." It’s the end of the next school day. Sasami leads Misao to the ice cream store once again in hopes of the free ice cream the troop of junior high school girls had promised them the day before. "But they’re in junior high, Sasami. Almost high school! They don’t really want to hang out with fourth graders," Misao says, "We can just go to my house and eat some cheesecake or something." Sasami stops in front of the ice cream store. She nervously pushes the door open, causing the bell above it to ring and announce their arrival. Her eyes scan the store for the girls from the day before. "Sasami-chan! Misao-chan! Over here!" They turn to see the one named Usagi calling out to them, waving her hand high above her head. Sasmai and Misao turn to each other and smile. "They did remember!" Sasami says happily. They make their way to the table where the older girls are sitting. "Konnichiwa," they say bowing politely. "Here, have a seat," Minako gestures to the empty places at the booth, "I’ll go up and order for you. What do you girls want?" "Umm... Vanilla is fine for me....," Misao says. "My favorite is rocky-road!" Sasami says. "All right then. I’ll be back in a sec." Usagi’s face suddenly lights up. "Mamo-chan!" she exclaims leaping from her seat, over the table like an Olympic athlete. The girls’ eyes follow her as she attaches herself to a handsome older man, definitely not a junior high school student, just entering the store. "Konnichiwa, Usako," he smiles at her. Sasami and Misao stare in amazement. "He’s so handsome....," they breathe. Usagi’s head suddenly jerks backward. "Usagi! You weren’t even going to acknowledge me, were you?" a young girl with pink hair standing next to the man says, pulling on one of Usagi pigtails. "Why should I?" Usagi snatches her pigtail back. Chibi-Usa is distracted by two new faces in the group. "Hi! My name is Usagi, but everybody calls me Chibi-Usa," she smiles doing a little curtsey. "My name is Sasami and this is my best friend, Misao." "We met them yesterday when Usagi-...," Makoto begins. "Mako-chan, Mako-chan!" Usagi interrupts, signaling to her friend that she’s said enough and a restatement of the previous day’s events is not necessary. "Sasami, Misao, this is my boyfriend, Mamo-chan." "It’s nice to meet you," he says, a sparkle in his smile. Their faces turn bright red and their eyes turn to little hearts as he speaks. "Here you are," Minako says, a dripping ice cream cone in each hand, "Hurry before it all melts." "Thank you," Sasami and Misao say receiving their ice cream. No sooner do they take the ice cream in their hands there is loud, earth-shaking rumble coming from outside. Everyone including Mamoru leave Sasami and Misao to sit alone at the table. "You girls stay right here," Minako says. "Hey, wait! Where are you going?" "Never mind! Just stay put!" Makoto says. With that said, the group disappears through the crowd at the door. Disobeying their orders, Sasami and Misao take their things, including their ice cream, and worm their way through the mass of people and into the street. Outside the shop is chaos. People stare, point, and stop their cars in the middle of the street. Sasami and Misao manage to duck into an alleyway. They peek from around the corner to see a giant monster wreaking havoc on the city (as any decent monster would). The monster is about as tall as the buildings that surround it. It has the figure of a young woman and the look of a giant stick of lipstick come to life. It smears itself over everything in sight. "Misao! It’s a Love-love Monster!" Sasami gasps. "Well... it does look sorta like one... but somehow it’s different," Misao says, "It looks meaner... Most Love-love Monsters were cute... in a evil sort of way..., but that thing’s kinda scary." "....Saaaassssaaaammmmmiiiiii-chaaaannnn....!" She hears her voice suddenly being called from above. "Sasami catch me!!" the voice calls frantically. "Nani?" she looks up only to have something furry smack right into her face. Sasami falls flat on her forming a small crater in the ground, her ice cream flowing into the cracks in the cement. "Ryo-ohki!" Misao peels the dazed cabbit off of the unconscious Sasami’s face. Ryo-ohki shakes himself awake. "Sasami! Sasami-chan?" he paws at her face. She blinks awake after a minute or two. "Ryo-ohki!!" she grabs onto the cabbit and almost squeezes the life out of him, "I’ve missed you so much!!!" "I’m happy... to see you,... too,... but... I... can’t... breathe... Sasami-chan!!!" he says through gasps for air. "....Misao....!" another voice comes from above. "Rumiya!" Misao exclaims happily as the bird floats down to perch on her shoulder. "What are you guys doing here?" "Queen Tsunami sent us here," Ryo-ohki says. "The Earth is in trouble again," Rumiya says. "She didn’t tell us exactly what the trouble was, but I’m guessing it has something to do with that," Ryo-ohki says referring the giant lipstick literally painting the town red. "But how are we supposed to-...." Ryo-ohki pulls out the baton. "No... oh no! I’m through being a mahou shojo!!" she insists. "But Pretty Sammy...." "And don’t call me that! I’m not Pretty Sammy anymore!" "Sasami...," she turns to face Misao, she holds the Pixy Misa baton gently in her hands. "All right... you win....," Sasami sighs in defeat, "How did that go again? Oh, yeah! I remember...." "~ Pretty Mutation! Magical Recall!! ~" The pretty mutation ensues and Sasami is now... "Mahou shoujo, Pretty Sammy!!" she declares doing her infamous pose. "~ Pixy Mutation! Magical Recall!! ~" It’s Misao’s turn. Her alter ego takes over as her dark hair becomes bleach blonde and the mild mannered Misao transforms into... "Mahou shoujo, Pixyyyyyyy Misa!!!!" she announces proudly with a cackle. "Misao....," Rumiya sighs. "What’s the matter Rumiya?" Pixy Misa nudges at the bird boy, "Aren’t you glad to see me again? It’s been way too long!" Having a short attention span, she sees the monster and turns to Pretty Sammy, "It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten to kick some monster butt! Let’s gooooo!!!" The magical girls rush from the alleyway toward the monster. Pretty Sammy opens her mouth to announce their triumphant return, but is cut off by a shout. "In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++