Konnichiwa! ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed the first episode. I have gotten some nice comments on it and I really appreciate it. BTW, is ther anyone out there besides me that has really seen the PS TV series? I've seen the 2nd and 3rd OAVs and the entire TV series. I was just curious. Ja ne! Sakuya-sama ^_^ no Jurai Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 2 The scene goes from sea level on the beautiful, magical planet Juraihelm on up, past the clouds, up several floors, up still a little further, and finally reaches the tip-top of the extremely tall tower of the castle of Juraihelm. Ryo-ohki nervously walks down the royal hallway of the palace. "I wonder why Tsunami wanted to see me," he thinks, "I hope she’s not mad at me or anything... I guess I shouldn’t feel so weird about it really... I mean, I have known her for a long time... but it’s different now.... She’s the queen..." Ryo-ohki stops, seeing a familiar figure walking ahead of him down the corridor. "Rumiya?" he says. Hearing his name called, the boy turns around, "Ryo-ohki? What are you doing here?" "Tsunami said she wanted to see me," he answers, "What about you?" "She asked me to come, too." "I wonder what this is all about...." "I don’t know, but we’ll soon find out." The boys have come to the throne room doors. Rumiya pushes a button on an intercom. "Who is it?" a voice asks. "I-it’s me, Rumiya... and Ryo-ohki..." "The queen has been expecting you," it answers, "come right in." The door slides open in a Star Trek fashion and the pair proceed through. They continue into the room, down the carpeted walkway lined with hundreds of beautiful, vibrantly-colored species of flowers. "Tsunami certainly has made herself at home here...," Ryo-ohki says, thinking out loud. They drop to one knee and bow as soon as they reach the end where Tsunami is seated on her throne, the crown of Juraihelm resting on her head. "You boys are so polite!!" Tsunami smiles broadly, "Please, stand up." "R-Ramia....?!" Rumiya exclaims, suddenly noticing his older sister standing next to the queen, "What are you doing here?" "Welcome, onii-chan...," she says cooly. "Your sister is my second in command," Tsunami says, still smiling, "Isn’t it wonderful? Since I’m queen, I can work side-by-side with my best friends if I want to! And Ramia is my closest friend of all!" Ramia grimaces, the veins in her head throbbing. "She stuck by me through the whole ordeal with Pixy Misa and then with Romio, too," she continues, "She’s the only one I can really trust." Everyone but Tsunami, who still has a pleasant smile plastered on her face, sweatdrops. "She still doesn’t get it, does she?" Ryo-ohki says under his breath. Rumiya sighs and shakes his head. "Uh, well... May I ask you why you called us here, Queen Tsunami...?" he says straightening up. "Oh yes! I almost forgot!" she turns to Ramia, "Ready, Ramia?" "Let’s do it," Ramia nods. The two snap their fingers simultaneously. There are two small ‘poofs’ of pinkish smoke. "WHA....?!" the boys exclaim, suddenly finding themselves in bird and cabbit form. They tug and pull at the fur and feathers that have replaced their skin. "But Queen Tsunami.... why?!" Ryo-ohki asks. "We’re sending you back to earth," Ramia answers. "Look," Tsunami points up. Rumiya and Ryo-ohki look to see the scale Gemini hanging above the throne, greatly unbalanced in the evil side’s favor. "Aah! The balance has dropped again?!" Ryo-ohki says almost in disbelief, "What’s happened this time?" "Onee-san!" Rumiya scolds. "What do you mean saying ‘onee-san’ in a tone like that?!" she takes hold of her brother strangling his bird neck. She throws him to the ground and twists her foot upon him. She continues by punting him across the room. He smashes into the wall clear at the other side. Somewhat satisfied, Ramia brushes her hands together and returns to her place beside Tsunami. "We need Pretty Sammy and Pixy Misa and they’re going to need your help," Tsunami says, completely ignoring all other goings-on. With that, the magical batons of each girl appear. "We’re really going back...?!" Rumiya asks, peeling himself off the wall. He returns to his three-dimensional state and flies back, an excited sparkle in his bird eyes. He turns to Ryo-ohki. They high-five each other, wing to paw. With another ‘poof’ they find themselves as well as the batons inside bubbles. A magical portal opens showing the Earth. The bubbles are whisked through it and it closes behind them. "Wait a minute...," Ryo-ohki stops laughing and cheering, coming to a realization, "They didn’t tell us what we’re supposed to help them with...." *** Meanwhile, back at the home of Mamoru Chiba, the group circles around Luna and Artemis once again as they begin to explain. Luna takes a deep breath and begins, "A long time ago, there were a total of ten planets in our solar system. The tenth planet was Earth’s twin planet." "Twin planet?!" "It’s name was Juraihelm." "The people of the moon were actually from Juraihelm," Artemis picks up the story, "Some of the people from Juraihelm moved to the Earth’s moon to colonize it and created their own civilization there. They chose Usagi’s mother, Serenity as their queen." "Queen Serenity was the sister of Queen Misaki, the first queen of Juraihelm," Luna says, "Queen Serenity married Yosho of Juraihelm, and he became the king of the moon." "The moon had a king...?" Usagi blinks. "Of course the moon had a king!" Rei says, "What did you think, a stork brought you from heaven or something?" "Juraihelm and Earth helped the people of the moon to build their cities and colonize the moon," Artemis says, "It wasn’t long before the colonization of the moon was complete." "Within this time, the king and queen of the moon gave birth to a princess, as did the other rulers of each planet," Luna says, "The moon princess, Usagi, grew up, fell in love with Mamoru... uh... I mean Prince Edymion of the Earth, and the two were planning to get married..." "*sigh* I love that part!" Usagi says, fluttering her eyelashes at Mamo-chan. "... But that’s when the Negaverse began its attack on the Earth," Artemis says. Usagi gulps. "Although most were very pleased with it, the Negaverse was very much against the marriage of the moon princess and Earth prince," he continues, "The people of Earth fought tirelessly against them, but it was useless." "The other princesses, or Sailor Senshi, of each planet in the solar system, including Juraihelm, came to the Earth’s aid to battle the Negaverse," Luna says, "In the end, the Sailor Senshi won the battle, but in turn, had all died. Using the rest of her remaining power, Queen Serenity was able to send each of the senshi to the Earth to be reborn there and protect the Earth when the time came that the evil ones would rise again." "If this story is true, then why is there no record of this Juraihelm in any astronomy books?" Ami inquires. "This was too long ago for it to be in any astronomy book that could still exist today," Luna explains. "However," Artemis says, "as another result of the battle, the gravitational force that held the twin planets Earth and Juraihelm together was destroyed, causing Juraihelm to wander into another part of the universe, far from the Earth and moon." "Why haven’t you mentioned any of this stuff before?" Rei asks. "We didn’t believe it was important," Luna says, "We haven’t been in contact with Juraihelm since. No one knew what happened to it. It has only recently begun to reenter the Earth’s orbit." "So basically what you’re saying is that the princess of Juraihelm may very well be here on Earth now?" Ami says. "Exactly. And if she is, we should search for her," Luna says, "It is your next mission... to find the princess of the tenth planet.... The bishoujo senshi Sailor Juraihelm...."