Yeah! ^_^ I re-watched some of PS and found out the name to her school! ^_^ Yippee! Now, *finally*, w/out further ado, the 1st ep. and the slightly revised prologue of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm. Sakuya-sama ^_^ no Jurai Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm A Pretty Sammy (TV)/ Sailor Moon X-over written by Heather McNully AKA Sakuya Misaki AKA Ran-chan --PROLOGUE Juraihelm and Earth were once twin planets. They circled the same sun along with all of the other planets: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Some of the people from Juraihelm moved to the Earth’s moon and created their own civilization to start new lives for themselves. The people, in time, created a new government and such on the moon. Their ways were much like those of Juraihelm. They had even chosen a young woman with very strong magical force, named Serenity, as their queen. She married a young man of Juraihelm and together they led the moon in a time of peace. The colonies on the moon developed and grew over time. The queen and king of the moon had even given birth to a princess. The development of the moon seemed to grow along with the young princess. As the years went by, the Earth, Juraihelm, and the moon lived together in an alliance, almost a Utopia. In fact, the princess of the moon and the prince from the Earth had fallen in love and had planned on getting married. Many people saw the marriage as a tighter bond between the planets and were very happy about the union, but there were those who were not so pleased with this. They were the outcasts. Numerous criminals who had been banished for the misuse of magic. In this era, everyone had some magical abilities in them, but these few chose to use theirs for evil. These criminals also began to create their own civilization. They had even chosen their own queen to lead them into battle. They spent years building up their forces in secret until the day finally came when they were strong enough to attack the Earth. They utilized its power to attempt to overthrow both the moon and Juraihelm. The people of Earth fought against them, but it was useless. The princesses of each planet in the solar system, including Juraihelm, used their vast amounts of magical powers and came to the Earth’s aid. In the end, Queen Serenity of the moon had lost her daughter as had the queens and kings of the other planets. Using the rest of the power remaining in her dying body, Queen Serenity was able to send each of their daughters to the Earth to be reborn there and protect the Earth when the time came that the evil ones would rise again. As another result of this war, however, the force that held the twin planets Earth and Juraihelm together was destroyed, causing Juraihelm to wander into another part of the universe, far from the Earth and moon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Juraihelm Episode 1 "Come on, Misao! I’ll race you!" "No fair, Sasami, you got a head start!" School has just let out for the day as Sasami and Misao race to the ice cream store down the street. "Ryo-ohki, you slowpo-....," Sasami says instinctually. She stops herself, suddenly realizing what she’s saying. "You miss him, don’t you, Sasami-chan?" Misao says. Catching up to Sasami and placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder. "It’s just a force of habit I guess...," she says with a sad sort of twinge in her voice, "I guess I’m still not used to him being gone...." A lot has happened to Sasami and Misao in the past year. The life of a mahou shoujo is never an uneventful one. Sasami and Misao... er... Pretty Sammy and Pixy Misa joined forces and saved the Earth from colliding with the sun by destroying the evil Romio’s NT system. As a result, balance was returned to Gemini only to be undone once again by Romio. This time, they had to travel to Mars where Romio had taken over. With Romio finally gone, the balance was restored and Tsunami was able to take the throne as queen of Juraihelm. Ryo-ohki returned to his home on Juraihelm. Sasami hasn’t heard word from him since. Their lives have been able to return to normal. (Well... as normal as their lives can be.) Sasami suddenly begins to run again. She stops and turns to Misao with a smile. "Well, aren’t you coming?" Misao smiles back and takes off after her. "Last one there has to pay!" Sasami turns and calls behind her. "Sasami, watch out!!" Misao gasps. Sasami faces forward, but it’s too late. She finds her face smashed against somebody’s stomach. The wind knocked out of both of them, they fall to the ground with a ‘thud’ and several ‘splats’. Crossing her eyes, Sasami can see a stream of strawberry ice cream trickling down her nose. She reaches her hand to her head only to squish it in the sticky mess on top. She puts her hand to the ground to balance her as she stands only to squish another scoop of ice cream. An ear-splitting scream causes her to clasp her sticky hands over her ears. Once the initial shock of the sound is gone, she turns to see the person she ran into. Judging by her uniform, the girl is from the nearby junior high school. She, too, sits in a puddle of ice cream, two smashed cones lay by each of her hands. The ice cream is all over her uniform and face. It flows down her blonde pigtails as she wails. "Are... are you okay...?" Sasami says offering to help her up. "Usagi!" a group of about four other junior high school girls rush from the ice cream parlor to see the scene of destruction. "What happened?" one of them asks. "I’m so sorry!" Sasami says fretfully, "It was all my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going...." "Don’t worry. It was an accident," a second says. "I-is she all right? Did I break something?" "No, she’s fine," says a third. "Don’t let her upset you. She’s just a big cry baby," says the fourth. "I am not, Rei-chan!" the girl suddenly stops her bawling and snaps. She starts to sniffle and gradually works up to crying again. "She ruined the ice cream I was going to take to Mamo-chan!" The girls all let out a unanimous groan. "Don’t lie, Usagi! You were going to eat that all yourself!" "Sasami, are you all right?" Misao asks. "Yeah... I’m okay..." "Here, let’s get you cleaned up a little before that ice cream sets in and stains your uniform," one of them says to Sasami. "Okay..." The older girls help their friend and Sasami into a nearby public bathroom, Misao following close behind. Helping Sasami up onto one of the counters next to the sink, two of the girls take a couple of wet rags and begin to clean as much of the ice cream off of her as possible. "Oh! We haven’t introduced ourselves yet, have we?" the blonde one with the red bow in her hair says. "My name is Minako Aino and this is Makoto Kino." Sasami nods to them both. "I’m Rei Hino," the girl with long, black hair continues where the other left off, "this is Ami Mizuno, and the squalling brat here is Usagi Tsukino." "Shut up, Rei!" Usagi yells, "Don’t call me names!" "Oh, yeah," Rei challenges, "What are you gonna do about it?" "Lemme at her, lemme at her!!" Usagi struggles as Ami and Makoto try keep her from pouncing on Rei. "Hey, you guys! Act your age, not your IQ!" Minako snaps. "Uhh.... um...," Sasami stammers, not sure that it is safe to talk yet, "my name is Sasami Kawai and this is my best friend, Misao Amano." "It’s nice to meet you all," Misao says, "You’re from Juuban Junior High School, aren’t you? I recognized your uniforms." "That’s right, all except for Rei over there," Makoto says. "Hey! That’s the Umi no Hoshi Elementary uniform! It’s right around the corner from our school. I used to go there," Usagi chimes in, "What grade are you in?" "We’re in fourth," Sasami answers. "Well, it looks like that’s about all I can do," Minako says, "You should get home quickly and have your mom wash this before it has time to set." "Okay," Sasami hops down off the counter. "Thank you all so much," she bows. "You’re welcome," Makoto smiles. "Uh... Sasami-chan...," Usagi says, "I want to apologize to you, too... I wasn’t watching where I was going either. Please forgive me!" "How about as an apology for our friends clumsy nature we treat you both to some ice cream tomorrow after school?" Rei offers. "Really?!" Misao and Sasami say in unison. "Sure." "Thank you!" Sasami says, "We’ve gotta be going now. Bye!" "Bye!" The two girls dash out the bathroom door. "Those girls seem so nice!" Usagi says, "Why isn’t Chibiusa ever that nice?" "Because she takes after you," Rei says. "Why you...," Usagi is cut off by a beeping from Ami’s pocket. "It must be Luna," Ami says pulling her communicator out of her pocket and turning it on. They all crowd around it. "Hi, Luna. What’s up?" "I thought you were going to be back by now. Where have you been?" the cat says. "We... had a little accident...," Ami says. "What happened?" "We stopped for ice cream and Usagi ran into someone and her ice cream went everywhere," Makoto says, "It was a big mess!" "Well, please hurry. Artemis and I have several things we need to discuss!" she says. "What’s so urgent, Luna?" "We’ll tell you when you’re all gathered. Meet us over at Mamoru’s apartment." "Yeah!! I get to see Mamo-chan!" Usagi cheers. "But I can’t go over there looking like this! I’ve got ice cream all over me...." "Why don’t we all go home and change out of our school clothes?" Ami says, "Let’s meet over there in about one hour." "All right then," Luna says. "And when we say one hour, Usagi, we mean ONE HOUR!!" Rei commands. *** "Bye, Misao. I’ll see you tomorrow," Sasami says opening the front gate of her house. Misao waves and continues down the sidewalk. "I’m home!" Sasami calls out as she enters her home, removing her shoes at the door. "Hi, Sasami! So how was your day at school tod-...," Honoka almost drops the pot in her hand, suddenly seeing her daughter’s ice cream splotched uniform. "What happened, Sasami? Are you all right?" "Misao and I were going to the ice cream store and I accidentally bumped into someone who was coming out of the store," Sasami says, "Sorry, mom." "Don’t worry about it, Sasami," she smiles, "Just go upstairs and get into the bath." "Okay." "Hi, Papa!" Sasami says passing him in the hallway. Ginji runs his finger against the back of Sasami’s ear and tastes it, "Chocolate!" he deducts, "You’ve got ice cream coming out your ears!" "Papa...," Sasami giggles. She continues on her way to her the bath. Once inside, she slips out of her uniform, laying it in the basket just inside the door. She starts the bath water running and sits down to wash her long, blue hair. Before entering the tub, she ties her hair into two tidy buns on the side of her head. "What a day....," she sighs to herself as she settles into the warm bubble bath. "I wonder how Ryo-ohki is doing....," she thinks, absentmindedly poking at bubbles with her finger, "I haven’t heard anything from him in a while... he promised to keep in touch, but I guess since we live on different planets it’s a bit harder.... I keep expecting him to just appear out of nowhere or come running down the sidewalk or something..." After she is fully soaked and her fingers and toes are pruny, Sasami leaves the tub, dries herself with a towel, and changes into her carrot pajamas. She makes her way to her room and flops onto her bed. " o/` La la la la la lalalalalala... o/` ," she hears singing to guitar music from outside her window. "Konbanwa, Washu-sensei," she says pulling back the curtains and opening her window to see the young genius scientist sitting on her balcony, guitar in hand. "Hello, Pretty Sammy," Washu says putting her pinkie to her cheek. "Don’t call me that! I’m not a magical girl anymore. I haven’t been for a while now..." "Whatever you say, Pretty Sammy," Washu replies, still strumming the guitar. "Whether or not you’re a magical girl, there are still magical forces present. My research shows that there are more magical girls. Within a radius of about a kilometer or two from here, in fact." "Really?" Sasami says, "Have you found them yet?" "Nope. Not yet, but I know I’m very close," she says. "Say, Pretty Sammy, would you like to come over tomorrow for some tea?" Even from across the way, Sasami can see the evil glint in Washu’s eyes. "Uhh... Acutually, I’ve got plans tomorrow after school, but thanks anyway," Sasami laughs nervously. "Umm... I think my mom’s calling me.... heh heh.... Bye!" Sasami quickly closes the window and curtains. " o/` Mahou shoujo! I know you’re out there somewhere! o/` " Washu continues to sing, "o/` I will find yoooooouuuu!! O/`" *** "She’s late.... as usual..." "Of course! You don’t think she would want to break her perfect record and be here on time, do you?" The Sailor Scouts sit in Mamoru’s apartment, waiting for the final member of their team who is, as always, late. The sun has set and the blue night sky is draped over the city. *ding-dong* Mamoru goes to answer the door. "Konbanwa, Mamo-chan!!" Usagi happily throws her arms around his neck. "Mamo-chan!" Chibiusa imitates, hugging his waist. Usagi’s happy-go-lucky expression turns to fear as she sees the angry group of girls standing behind him. "Where have you been, Usagi?" "I thought we agreed on an hour!" "I know, I know... I’m sorry..." "Well, Rei-chan, I don’t think any of us got here within an hour...," Ami points out, "In fact, before Usagi, you were the last one to arrive..." "Ami!" Rei snaps. "...I did bring you all some of my mom’s homemade cookies...," Usagi offers in hopes to be forgiven. "No way, Usagi!" Rei scolds, "Don’t think you can just weasel your way out of this with-...." She suddenly realizes she has no one backing her up. The rest of the girls are happily rummaging through the bag of cookies. "These are great, Usagi!" "Your mom makes some of the best cookies!" "Isn’t anybody listening to me?!" Rei huffs. "My mother is so embarrassing....," Chibiusa mumbles. "Never mind all of this...," Luna says with a frustrated sigh, "We’ve got more important matters at hand." "Come, all of you, please sit down," Artemis says. The few who remain standing quickly seat themselves on the plush purple chairs in Mamoru’s one-room apartment. Luna and Artemis leap onto the coffee table in the center. "What is all this about? You two seems so serious about all this," Minako asks. "This is a serious matter," Artemis says. "How should we begin this....," Luna says thoughtfully, "Here, come with me to the window." Rising from their seats, they follow the cats to the sliding glass door and step out onto the balcony. "It’s so pretty out tonight," Minako says. "You can see all the stars in the sky...," Rei says. "To say you could see all the stars in the sky would be inaccurate," Ami corrects, "It is impossible to see all the stars because there are billions and billions of them in the universe." They all heave a sigh. "Wow! The moon looks so big and beautiful out tonight!" Usagi says, "Isn’t it so romantic?" she moves in closer to her Mamo-chan. "That isn’t the moon, Usagi...," Artemis says. "Eh?" "So that’s one of the planets?" Rei asks. "I suppose you could say that...," Luna says. "Really? I didn’t think you could see any of them like that without a telescope," Mamoru says. "So which one is it?" Chibiusa asks. "That’s just what we need to talk to you all about...," Luna says. "That planet... is the tenth planet of our solar system...," Artemis says, "That is the planet Juraihelm...." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++