Blood Red Moon Eternity Chapter 8: Warrior’s Path Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various Copyrights; Reinhart, Rosa, Cain, and Elayne belong to me. Alucard, Carrie, Sheann'a, Drathar, and Dracula belong to Konami. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Tsunami, Sasami, Yosho, Nobuyuki, Washu, Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, and Nobuyuki all belong to Pioneer/AIC. Beyond my characters, I claim no rights to any of the characters, beyond their use in this story. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at Blood Red Moon: Eternity is set one year after the events in Blood Red Moon: Resurrection. Reinhart and Carrie have been married, and their daughter Elayne has been born. Alucard and his familiars have built a small cabin near the rest of the clan. Blood Red Moon: Eternity is the last in a three series story arc. "Here we belong, fighting to survive in the war with the darkest power!" - Queen, Princes of the Universe ***** Tenchi settled down on the bed in his quarters, fighting to force away the nausea that had his stomach rolling. It was done; the fleet was on its way. That was an understatement - the Shukuen was leading almost ten thousand ships, and Mihoshi had just signaled that she would be meeting him with another two thousand Galaxy Police ships. He shook his head. It was done, indeed. His mind kept flashing back to the Dartack. The surprise in his eyes, as he had felt at the wound. The sudden flickering, and then disappearance of the life, just before he had fallen to the ground. Dead, just because he had refused to accept Tenchi as Emperor. He glanced up as Ryoko teleported into the room, frowning. She walked over to the bed, and sat down beside him. Raising her hand, she gave him Tenchi-ken, which he had left in the council chamber in his hurry to get away, and then caught hold of his wrist lightly as he took it from her. “Let it go, Tenchi. It was you or him; sorry if it sounds selfish, but I’m damn glad it was you.” He looked away. “I killed him just for not liking me. That’s what it amounts to.” She shook her head. “He tried to kill you - twice! I wouldn’t have given him the second chance, but you did. He tried again, and he paid for it. It was self defense.” “He didn’t have to die.” He shook his head. “I know what you’re trying to say, Ryoko. This shouldn’t be any different then Kagato, or Yuzuha, or Dracula... but it is. I keep... seeing his face. It shouldn’t have happened like it did.” There was an uncomfortable silence, and then Ryoko made him turn to look at her. “It shouldn’t have happened, but it did. Now what is left is to go on, and put it behind you. It... won’t ever really go away. But it isn’t something that you can let defeat you. He tried to kill you... His death could have been for a worse reason,” she said quietly. He looked at her, frowning. “How? How could it have been worse? He’s dead, Ryoko. Dead because I killed him. Dead because I didn’t have a choice; but one way or another, he is dead. The blood is on my hands.” Ryoko scowled suddenly, and then reached up and slapped him, hard. His head rang for a moment; he stared at her in shock. “Do you think that you’re the only person to have ever been forced to do something that they didn’t want to do? I’ve got news for you - you aren’t the first, and you aren’t going to be the last.” Her eyes softened, and she lightly touched his cheek where she had slapped him. “Listen, I know what I’m talking about, in this, at least. Maybe you didn’t have a choice, maybe you did. It’s happened, and it can’t be changed. Now you have to move on, and deal with it however you can. Damn it Tenchi, I’ve seen you take worse than this, and walk away smiling... Why are you letting this hurt you so much?” He looked away, frowning. “What... did you do, Ryoko?” he asked finally. “I watched as my body kept destroying; there was nothing that I could do to stop it while under his control. I engraved every face that died at my hands into my mind. Maybe some of them deserved it; I don’t know. I spent seven hundred years apologizing to each and every one of them. Maybe someday I’ll be able to make it up to them; maybe I never can. It’s a thing I have to live with; the point is that I do.” He sighed, and looked at her. “Does it get easier to deal with?” She shook her head sadly. “No. But after awhile, you learn how to put it aside until you have the time to deal with it again.” He stared at her, and finally nodded. “They should just be arriving, if they didn’t run into trouble. That is what’s important now. Even if they slip onto Jurai quietly, they’ll have no such luck getting off. We have to be there.” She nodded, but said nothing. They sat in silence, contemplating what was going to happen. There was no turning back for them now. Ryoko put a hand on his shoulder suddenly. “What do you think she’ll say when she finds out you stole her throne?” she asked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Tenchi blinked. “Knowing Ayeka? We’ll all probably be on the run for the rest of our lives.” She grinned. “You will, at least.” He nodded, and then sighed. “I can still feel it... the coming change. Every minute, it just gets stronger, and stronger. I thought it would stop, once the fleet got moving, but it didn’t. I wish I knew what was coming... because it’s more than just the face off with Tokimi... I’m tired. I want it to hurry up and happen, to get over with, so that I don’t have to worry about it any more.” Ryoko nodded, and pulled him to her, making him lay his head on her bosom. “Then sleep. Let me worry about the fight for a little while, Tenchi. Just go to sleep for a little bit. I’ll carry the burden until you wake.” He struggled for a moment to pull back, to say that he couldn’t, but she held him there tightly. After a moment, he began to hear her heart beating; slowly, steadily, and stopped struggling, as waves of weariness washed over him. His head pillowed against her breasts, he finally just let himself go, and fell to sleep. “You’ve comforted me when I was afraid, or tired, or lonely... Now it’s my turn to comfort you, my Tenchi. My turn to take away some of your pain.” ***** Ayeka kept her face carefully schooled to calmness; certainly, it didn’t mirror the fury that she felt within. The final stage of chi’partain, shai’natoth. After several humiliating hours as her emotions had run wild in her, she was almost glad to be able to control herself, but she knew that this was merely the calm before the storm. Putting that thought to the side, Ayeka studied the man who stood beside the throne - HER throne! - in curiosity. He had the appearance of youth. Black hair, and a thick beard that covered his face. What was visible of his skin held the smoothness of youth. His eyes glowed a dark green. The man had a fair amount of height to him, and wore loose black robes. “Cain why is she not bound in a prison bubble? And what is that you carry? A child? You were told to retrieve only Ayeka.” Even as he said it, a bubble reformed about her, and she mentally cursed. They had reached where Cain wanted them to go; she had intended to try bolting when they were distracted. “My apologies, D3. I had no choice but to bring Elayne. The Empress was holding her when I captured her, and I had not the time to separate them. As for the prison bubble, she gave me her word that she would not try to escape, and she did not.” D3 frowned, but let it pass. “Lady Tokimi will have to decide of the child’s fate. Since Empress Ayeka is cooperating, I do not think she will worry about you allowing her freedom for the bubble, however ill advised it was.” Ayeka frowned, but watched carefully. D3 did not like Cain, she was sure of it. There was something in his manner that spoke of it. Before any more could be said, a sphere of greenish light appeared before the throne. Both Cain and D3 automatically straightened, as the sphere split in half, the two parts moving away from the center. Where they passed, the hazy form of a woman in flowing robes appeared. As they disappeared, she grew distinct, and solid. Ayeka frowned again. Everything about her screamed control, right down to the too perfect lines of the billowing robes. Fully formed, Lady Tokimi sat down on the throne. Ayeka felt her fury quiver, and clamped down her control on it before it could start to escape. “Welcome to Jurai, your highness. I trust the trip was not too uncomfortable?” “I’ll be sure to arrange a similar one for you some time, and you can find out for yourself,” answered Ayeka evenly, giving her an ingrating smile. Rage flashed in Tokimi’s eyes for just a moment, and then disappeared as quickly as it had come. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Cain flinch slightly, and remembered his comment about not angering her. Tokimi smiled. “I would have simply sent an invitation, but I did not think you would come alone, and I see that although I gave explicit orders to bring only you back, a second guest has come along.” Cain stepped forward. “I apologize, my queen. There was no time to separate them.” Tokimi waved her hand dismissively. “It is of no matter. She is of no use. Dispose of her after we are done here.” Ayeka’s eyes widened. “No!” she shouted. Tokimi scowled at her. “I have no use for the child; therefore, she is not needed.” Ayeka looked at Cain; he was frowning, looking at Elayne. Slowly, he turned his gaze to Tokimi. “I... I would ask to be allowed to keep a watch on her, my Queen. She was brought along only by mistake. It does not seem right to kill her for something that she had no control over.” Ayeka blinked in surprise, and looked back at Tokimi. That the goddess was angry, there was no doubt. Fury danced openly on her face; plainly, she did not like her commands being questioned. Ayeka realized suddenly that could be something to use to their advantage. But there was also consideration there. “For what reason would you dare to question my wishes?” she asked softly, dangerously. Cain blinked, but then looked back at Elayne for a moment. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, D3 suddenly cleared his throat. “My queen. The Juraian fleet has just left the battle base, followed by the rest of the Alliance.” She looked at him in surprise. “What? They should not have moved so soon after losing Ayeka, and their alliance could not have survived without her to hold it together.” D3 frowned, and cocked his head to the side, almost birdlike. “Tsunami’s avatar has taken the throne, and they have accepted him as leader. The Dartack assassin has failed.” Tokimi frowned, as Ayeka’s heart leapt. Tenchi! It had to be him - he was the only one with a blood line direct enough to gain the council’s acceptance, now that Yosho had abdicated, and Sasami had become Tsunami. Tokimi shook her head. “Well planned, Sister. I did not expect the boy to move so quickly from his past actions. He certainly showed no interest in the throne prior to this. No matter, my plans will still be useable, they merely need to be stepped up.” D3 frowned. “I believe that we may have another problem. Ryo-Ohki has just entered the atmosphere. The defenses are having no effect. They will be landing in moments.” Tokimi scowled. “I see. Very well... perhaps the child has a use after all. Cain, the sword, please.” Cain blinked, but took it from behind his belt, and extended the pommel towards her. She made a catching motion, and he released it. As Ayeka watched, it floated toward her, and then disappeared in a flash of light. “They will come soon. I leave things to you and D3; see to it that they do not leave here alive. D3, you are to be certain of the Empress’s... safety.” He bowed. “Yes, my queen.” She looked at Cain. “The child is your concern. After you have taken care of them, you may do with her as you please. Empress, Ayeka, my apologies, but I must see to defending against the avatar’s attack. If you are in need of something, ask D3 - he will provide what is within his power. I will return to talk once I have finished with the matter at hand.” Then she disappeared as she had come. “The Empress and I shall be in the royal quarters, Cain. I trust you will suitably prepare?” “Yes, D3.” He turned, and walked out of the throne room. Ayeka looked back at D3, as he came toward her, and frowned. “You were instructed to give me what I wanted?” He nodded curtly. “Tell me who Ryo-Ohki has brought to Jurai.” D3 blinked, but nodded again. “I believe that it is the avatar’s two children, the child’s mother, and the dhampeal.” She nodded absently; she had suspected as much as soon as he had said that Ryo-Ohki was there. Perhaps she could find a way to warn them... The fury inside quivered suddenly, stronger than it had before, and she frowned. She knew that it would not be long now... she hoped that she could hold on until they reached a place where she could safely release the Rage. ***** Alucard dropped into a defensive stance as Ryo-Ohki teleported him to the ground. After six hours of sleep, his magical reserves had been fully restored. Beside him, Carrie seemed similarly refreshed. Reinhart had already gone ahead to check their pathway in. Rosa was the last to appear, before Ryo-Ohki returned to he normal form. Rosa dropped into a crouch, and began to carefully check the cabbit over. The small animal was bleeding badly from a cut in her hip, and was covered in scratches. Rosa explained that it was from when she had been hit by the laser fire. Bandaging the wound, Rosa reached into her pack, and pulled out several carrots, which the small creature immediately began to devour. “You’re feeding her now?” asked Sheann’a. Rosa glanced at her. “She took a beating, and she’ll probably take a worse one on the way out. They’ll be turned completely to energy, and go toward healing her. Besides, she hasn’t eaten in three days, and flown 100 trillion miles! Ryo-Ohki is all but starving right now.” Even as she said it, the scratches began to slowly fade and disappear. “Miya!” Reinhart came back, frowning. “No guards. The place is like a ghost town.” He glanced at Alucard, and grinned. “You’ll feel right at home.” Alucard smirked. “Indeed.” He had once told Ayeka that someday he would come to Jurai - though these weren’t quite the circumstances that he had intended to arrive under. Now as he looked around, he saw that she hadn’t exaggerated when she had described the beauty of her world. Trees and buildings had been woven together; sometimes it was difficult to tell where tree ended and structure began. Sometimes a building actually was a tree, the home or business sculpted out of the living wood itself. The Royal Palace itself was a magnificent, gleaming silver and white spires reaching up toward the sky. The core of the castle looked like the trunk of a tree, stone branches splitting away to lead to other towers and parapets. “I think I shall never again see, a poem so lovely as a tree,” he quoted softly, drawing a surprised glance from his companions. “Nice time to wax poetic, Alucard. I don’t suppose you have any other little gems for us before we head in?” asked Sheann’a. “How about, ‘Hell hath no fury such as a woman scorned,’ which is what Ayeka will be thinking if we don’t get moving,” said Reinhart. Carrie, Rosa, and Sheann’a all chuckled at that; Alucard nodded. “Entirely too true.” They quickly moved into the palace, Reinhart on point, and Alucard brining up the rear, with Sheann’a riding on his shoulder. Drathar scouted ahead, flying back now and again to report. Reinhart’s original estimate had been truer than they had thought; the palace appeared to be totally devoid of life. Not even an fly moved through those halls. “Where do you think they are?” asked Carrie. Rosa looked at her. “Probably in the throne room. It’s the most heavily defended position beside the Holy Chamber, where the Juraian trees are kept. But that was launched to the Juraian secret base when the rest of the planet was evacuated, so the throne room is the most likely place. Reinhart and I have only been here a couple of times.” Carrie nodded. They reached a fork, and paused. Reinhart frowned, scratching his chin. “Was it left or right, Rosa? I know one of these leads to the throne room, and the other to the royal chambers, but I’m not sure which.” Rosa frowned. “Umm... Well, I’m pretty sure that it was left; at the core of the palace. Ayeka told us once, remember? ‘Jurai is like an ancient tree, strong at the outside, but strongest in its core.’” He nodded. “Yeah, that’s right. They began to move again, but suddenly Alucard blinked, and stopped. “What is it, Alucard?” He frowned, and looked down the right hallway. “For a moment... no, it is gone now.” Carrie looked at him. “What?” He looked at them. “For a moment, I thought that I could smell Ayeka’s blood scent from down this hall, but it disappeared even as I recognized it. Likely it was left from when she passed through earlier.” She nodded, and he turned to follow them again. Before he could, a strange, wooden gate crashed down between them. Rosa immediately tried to phase through it, and was thrown back by some sort of power blast. Reinhart moved to her side as she groaned and rubbed the back of her head where she had hit the wall. He felt a tiny bit of magic being used, and looked at Carrie. “It’s suffused by some sort of barrier. I don’t think that we could break through it if we tried.” Alucard nodded. “I will find a way around.” He looked at Drathar, who had been trapped with them on the other side. “Stay with them.” The demon nodded, and Alucard looked down the right fork. The royal chambers, Rosa had said. He looked at Sheann’a. “If this is anything like Castlevania, then they should connect to the throne room, don’t you agree?” She nodded, and he began to walk. His footsteps echoed loudly through the hallway; frowning, he paused, and spoke the activation dweomer for an enchantment on them that would make them silent, even on marble. Continuing on his way, Alucard frowned again. Something in the air teased his mind from just out of reach. The hall was tapering down from cavernous to barely wide enough for two men side by side. “You know, we’re probably walking into a trap, Alucard.” He nodded absently. That made sense; if it lead to the Empress’s quarters, a smaller space would be easier to defend against attack. That thought put the hairs on the back on his neck on end. It was also easier to defend against one than it was against four. The gate coming down between them abruptly made sense; it wasn’t being used as a defense, it was somebody trying to single them out. Alucard froze in place. Trying to single them out. He took in a deep breath, and strained to identify a that something. Finally, he was able to identify two separate scents. One cold, inhuman seeming; it reminded him slightly of how a full vampire smelled. The second was unmistakably Ayeka; the unusual high but togetherness he had first noticed a year ago clear, but there was a strange addition to it. A... fire... It made him think of intense heat; a roaring blaze that raged just beneath the surface of her usual scent. Sheann’a, noticing his sudden tensing, hopped off his shoulder, and began to look around. This was something that they had done before; Alucard reached out with his magical senses and probed for a shimmer that might signify a trap. His precaution paid off, this time; as he brushed over a slight outcropping in the wall, a blast of flame and smoke shook the hall. When it cleared, the hall was blackened for a good five feet from the center of the blast. Lightly, he touched the spot again; nothing happened. He looked at Sheann’a “I think it’s safe to say they came through here,” she said quietly. He nodded. Up ahead, they saw the doorway to the chambers. He looked at her again; drawing his sword, he charged forward, and dropped his armor protected shoulder into place at the last moment. The door shattered under the blow; automatically, he dropped and rolled as a blast of raw power flashed through where his head had just been. Springing up, he threw a fireball of his own toward the source of the blast. Behind him, Sheann’a flew in, and stayed close to the wall. He job was to find Ayeka while he fought; he noted her entrance, and then returned his mind to the battle at hand. Alucard got his first look at his foe; to his disappointment, it wasn’t Cain. The man appeared young; Alucard knew instinctively that he was ancient, older even than his father. Power glowed in his eyes, and a dark aura sucked in the light about him, making him appear to be in a shadow, though the room was well lit from several windows. “Welcome. I assume you are one of those come for Ayeka? I apologize, I am not allowed to let you have her just yet.” “Where is she?” asked Alucard simply. The man chuckled. “Fair enough. She is in her bedchamber, in a rather foul mood, and there she shall remain until Lady Tokimi returns.” Alucard frowned; this man gave away information far too easily... A movement to his left caught his eye, and he suddenly picked up that inhuman scent from there. He dropped to the side, and threw a fireball there before charging in with his sword. The man staggered and disappeared; before Alucard, the true foe scowled and brought up a crackling blue energy staff in just enough time to block his attack. “Who are you?” asked Alucard, pulling back to defend as the man spun and whipped his staff across. He smiled grimly. “I am called D3; I believe you are called Alucard, are you not? When we scanned Cain’s memory, you stood out as an excellent fighter and tactician. Lady Tokimi said that she would have liked to play a game of chess with you some time, had the circumstances been different.” Alucard slashed at him, and he parried the blow; he caught the counterstrike on his shield. “I highly doubt she would have enjoyed the game. Not even Death could defeat me in that.” D3 blinked at that; Alucard kicked out, and drove his foot into the man’s stomach. He exhaled explosively, and doubled over; Alucard spun, and smashed him in the head with a roundhouse kick. He grunted in pain, as his body was flipped into the air and crashed down to the ground. “Check.” D3 looked up, blood streaming down his face from the side of his head, and laughed. “Checkmate.” He raised his hand in a fluid motion, and launched a power blast; it flew by well away from Alucard. He twisted to follow its path. It slammed into a wall; abruptly, Alucard saw his true target just below the impact point. Sheann’a looked up in shock just as the wall collapsed down on her with a crash. D3 laughed again, and Alucard howled, as he felt the long forgotten Vampire’s Rage well up from deep within where he had locked it away. He turned back toward D3, and caught the energy staff in his bare hand as he swung it at Alucard. D3’s eyes widened in shock, and Alucard laughed. He let go of his control, and let the Rage wash over him, for the first time in his life welcoming its burning embrace. ***** Reinhart stopped, and looked around, shivering as an inhuman howl suddenly echoed off the walls. At the same time, Drathar, who was flying just ahead of them suddenly clutched at his head and plummeted to the ground. Carrie instantly moved to the demon’s side and knelt down. The familiar slowly struggled to his knees, staring at something beyond them. “No... Sheann’a...” he whispered hoarsely. Carrie looked up at Reinhart, confusion in her golden eyes. “It’s some sort of trance. I think it has something to do with the bond.” He nodded, and crouched down next to her. “What happened? What was that sound?” The demon struggled to form the words. “Wall... magic blast... fell... Sheann’a... no...” Carrie gasped; Reinhart looked at her, still just as confused as before. “What is he trying to say, Carrie?” She looked at him sadly. “Alucard must have run into trouble... I think that he means a magical blast hit a wall and it... fell... on Sheann’a.” He blinked, suddenly understanding. “Then that... sound... was Alucard,” said Rosa. The all looked at each other, and then back the way they had come.